Authored by Dr. David Van Bik
All Rights Reserved by Dr. David Van Bik
Used with permission of the David Van Bik family.
Permission granted for printing for class and individual use.
Under no circumstances should this dictionary be printed or photocopied for resale or commercial profit.


a (an) - (art.) pakhat zong an

A-bomb - (n.) atomic bomb

A.D. - (n., abbrev.) Anno Domino; Kan Bawipa kum chungah, Bawi Jesuh chuah hnu

A.M. - (n., abbrev.) chun hlan

a priori - (adj., adv.) al len, ruah len hau ti lo i a ummi ruahnak, thil

abacus - (n.) Tuluk thilfonhnak

abandon - (v.) hlawt , kaltak

abase - (v.) niamter, i tthumh, i hmetter; e.g. He abased himself by drinking = Zudin in amah le amah aa niamter.

abate - (v.) a zor, a ttum; e.g. The storm will abate soon = Thlichia cu a zor (a ttum) zau lai.

abbess - (n.) Nu Khrihfa phungki pawl umnak i an haotu bik a simi.

abbey - (n.) Pathian rianttuantu hna a bu in nu phungki si hna seh, pa phungki si hna seh, an umnak inn

abbot - (n.) Pa phungki pawl an umnak i an haotu bik.

abbreviate - (v.) a tawinak in ttial

abdicate - (v.) kaltak, chuahtak, hlawt; e.g. The king abdicated his throne = Siangpahrang nih a bawi tthutdan a chuahtak.

abdomen - (n.) paw

abduct - (v.) soilem i a ping ah kalpi

abet - (v.) thil ttha lo tuah midang forh

abhor - (v.) huat, lungchung i fih

abide - (v.) 1. i tlaihpeng, zulh, let lo; 2. um

ability - (n.) thil ti khawhnak

abject - (adj.) 1. zohchia tiang i ttih; 2. zoh awk tlak lo tiang i sifah

abjure - (v.) chiatser in hlawt; e.g. The king ordered the Jews to abjure their religion = Siangpahrang nih Judah mi cu chiatser in an biaknak a hlawtter hna.

ablaze - (adj.) a alh pupmi

able - (adj.) kho, khawh; e.g. He is able to come = A ra kho.

ablution - (n.) thianh , phunglei in i thianh

abnegation - (n.) biaknak hlawt, mah duhnak hlawt.

abnormal - (adj.) hawi he aa lo lomi; e.g. He is an abnormal child = Amah cu hawi he aa lo lomi ngakchia a si.

aboard - (adv.) cung kai, cit; e.g. It is time to go aboard = Lawng cung kai caan a si cang.

abode - (n.) umnak hmun

abolish - (v.) hrawh, hloh; e.g. Slavery was abolished = Sal zuat cu hloh a si cang.

abominable - (adj.) fihnung; e.g. His behavior (behaviour) is abominable = A ziaza fih a nung.

abominate - (v.) fih , lungchung in fih

aboriginal - (adj.) ram a rak hlum hmasa bikmi hna

aborigines - (n.) ram a rak hlum hmasa bikmi hna

abort - (v.) 1. nau hrawh;  nau rawh. 2. donghter; e.g. Peace talks have to be aborted = Remnak biaruahnak an hrawh a hau.

abortion - (n.) nau rawk, thla tlin hlan nau chuah.

abortive - (adj.) a tlam a tling kho lomi; e.g. The construction project was abortive = Innsaknak project cu a tlam a tling lo.

abound - (v.) tampi an um; e.g. The river abounds in fish = Tiva ah nga tampi an um.

about - (prep.) 1. hrawng; e.g. I shall come back at about 4 p.m. = Zanlei 4 hrawngah ka ra tthan lai; 2. kong; e.g. I know nothing about him = Amah kong zeihmanh ka hngal lo.

above - (prep.) cunglei; e.g. We flew above the cloud = Khuadawm cungin kan zuang.

abrade - (v.) tat, hnor, cuarkawh

abrasion - (n.) 1. cuar kawhnak hmun; 2. cuar khawhnak

abreast - (adj., adv.) artlang; e.g. The soldiers marched four abreast = Ralkap cu artlang in pali in an kal.

abridge - (v.) tawiter

abridgment - (n.) tawiternak.

abroad - (adv.) mah ramleng kal; e.g. He is going abroad = Ramdang ah a tlawng.

abrogate - (v.) hrawh, let, zorter; e.g. His power was abrogated = A nawl ngeihnak kha a zor, a lo.

abrupt - (adj.) khulrang, duak; e.g. He made an abrupt turn to avoid an accident = Poipang ton sual lo dingah duak tiah aa mer.

abruptly - (adv.) khulrang ngaiin , duak tiin

abscess - (n.) hmahnai

abscond - (v.) zam; e.g. A thief absconded with the money = Mifir cu tangka he a zam.

absence - (n.) um lo; e.g. His absence from school was caused by illness = Sianginn a kai lo cu zawt ruangah a si. absence of mind = mah tuahmi kha zei a si ti hngalh khawh lo.

absent - (v.) um lo; e.g. He is absent from school = Sianginn a kai lo; e.g. I will call the roll to find out who is absent = Min cazin ning in min ka au tuah lai i ahodah a um lo ti kha aa hngal lai.

absent minded - (adj.) milunglo , thil a philh zaumi

absentee - (n.) a um lomi

absolute - (adj.) tling, hirhiar; e.g. You must tell the absolute truth = Biatak tling kha na chim lai.

absolutely - (adv.) tling tein

absolution - (n.) ngaihthiamnak , sual thianhnak

absolve - (v.) luatter, sualnak in luatter, sualnak in thianter

absorb - (v.) dawp; e.g. Cotton can absorb water = Lachawn nih ti a dawp khawh.

absorbable - (adj.) dawp khawhmi thil, hngalh khawhmi thil, cinken khawhmi thil, dolh khawhmi thil

absorbent - (n.) dawp khotu thil

absorbing - (adj.) lung la ngai a simi thil; e.g. This is an absorbing story = Hi tuanbia cu mi lungla ngaimi tuanbia a si.

abstain - (v.) sum; e.g. Abstain from strong drink = Zudin i sum.

abstainer - (n.) aa summi

abstinence - (n.) i sumnak

abstract - (adj.) tongh, hmuh, theih, khawh lomi thil; e.g. Love, hate, anger are abstract qualities = Dawtnak, huatnak, thinhunnak cu tongh, hmuh, theih khawh lomi thil an si.

abstruse - (adj.) hngalh harmi; e.g. This is an abstruse subject = Hihi cu hngalh harmi thil a si.

absurd - (adj.) nihchuak, zoh rem lo; e.g. His behavior (behaviour) is absurd = A ziaza nichuak a si.

absurdity - (n.) nihchuak sinak, zohchia sinak

abundance - (n.) tampi

abundant - (adj.) tling, duhdim; e.g. abundant life = nunnak duhdim

abuse - (v.) 1. volhpamh; 2. ningcang loin hman; e.g. He abused his power = A nawlngeihnak kha ningcang loin a hman.

abusive - (adj.) volhpamh hmangmi; e.g. She uses abusive language = Volhpamh bia a hman lengmang.

abysmal - (adj.) a thuk tuk; e.g. His ignorance is abysmal = A hngalh lonak a thuk tuk.

abyss - (n.) dongh hngal lo khor thukpi

academic - (adj.) cawnnak lei he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. The academic year begins in June = Cawnnak lei kum cu June thla in aa thawk.

academy - (n.) cawnnak sang sianginn

accede - (v.) 1. hnatlakpi; e.g. They acceeded to his proposal = A bia kha an hnatlakpi; 2. kai; e.g. When did he acceed to his position = Zeitik ah dah a umnak hmun ah hin a hung kai?

accelerate - (v.) a khul ranter

accelerator - (n.) khulrantertu, khulrang deuh in kal seh tinak caah mawttawka chung i dahsi tam deuh peknak

accent - (n.) awcawi

accentuate - (v.) fak khun deuh in chim

accept - (v.) cohlan

acceptable - (adj.) cohlan khawhmi

acceptance - (n.) cohlannak

access - (n.) luhnak lam

accessible - (adj.) luh hnawh khawhmi , ton khawhmi

accession - (n.) 1. hmuh khawhmi; 2. bawi tthutnak hmun i hung kainak

accessory - (n.) a bawmtu, thil hmetuai deuh

accident - (n.) eksident, thil poipang ruah lopi i a hung ummi; e.g. I suspect that an accident has delayed him = Eksident nih a tlaiter rua tiah ka ruah.e.g. He witnessed the accident = Eksident kha a hmuh.

accidental - (adj.) ruah lopi ah sualpang a hung ummi

acclaim - (v.) thangtthat , cawimawi

acclimate - (v.) i nek

acclimatize - (v.) = acclimate; i nek.

accommodate - (v.) 1. tlum, riahnak hmun pek; 2. ruahnak fonhtonh; e.g. We must accommodate to each other's ideas = Pakhat le pakhat ruahnak kan i fonhtonh awk a si.

accompaniment - (n.) thil dang he aa zulmi; e.g. They danced to the accompaniment of music = Aw dawh an tummi zulh in an lam.

accompany - (v.) zulh, kal tti, kalpi; e.g. At the insistence of the boy I accompanied him to his home = Ngakchiapa nih a ka nawl ruangah a inn tiang ka hei kalpi.

accomplice - (n.) thil ttha lo tuah bawmtu

accomplish - (v.) tlinter , tuah khawh , lim, tuah khawh

accord - (n.) mahte hnatlaknak in, mah hnatla tein; e.g. He went there of his own accord = Amah hnatla tein a kal.

accordance - (n.) ning zulhnak

accordian - (n.) aw dawh tumnak akhawrdian

according - (adv.) ning zulh in

account - (v.) 1. kong chim; e.g. He was asked to account for his conduct = A ziaza kong kha chim dingah an fial; 2. rel; e.g. In English law, a man is accounted innocent until he is proven guilty = Mirang upadi ah cun mi cu, na sual, ti khawh hlanah cun sual lo ah rel a si.

account - (n.) tangka hmuhnak le hmannak cazin; e.g. His accounts are perfect = A tangka hmannak cazin a hmaan dih.

accountable - (adj.) relpiak khawh; e.g. A madman is not accountable for his actions = A molhmi pa cu a tuahmi kha amah tuahmi ah relpiak khawh a si lo.

accountant - (n.) tangka cazin tlaitu

accredit - (v.) 1. ram aiawhtu ah ramdang i ca he tling tein kalter; 2. zumh; e.g. Can we accredit his words = A bia cu kan zumh ko hnga maw?

accrue - (v.) mah tein rak tthan; e.g. If you keep money in the Savings Bank, interest accrues = Bank ah tangka na chiah ahcun a karh kha a rak tthang.

accumulate - (v.) karh, i chap chin lengmang

accuracy - (n.) hmannak

accurate - (adj.) hman (hmaan); e.g. You speak English accurately = Mirang holh hman tein na chim.

accuse - (v.) sual puh; (N.) e.g. The accused pleaded not guilty = Sual an puhmi pa nih ka sual lo tiah a ti.

accustom - (v.) i nek; e.g. He is accustomed to cold weather = Khuasik aa nek.

ace - (n.) a ttha bik, a thiam bikmi

acerbic - (adj.) bia chiakha

ache - (n.) fak; e.g. I have a toothache = Ka ha a fak.

achieve - (v.) tlinter , lim , hlawhtlin

achievement - (n.) tlinternak, hlawhtlinnak

acid - (n.) a thormi ti , esit

acidity - (n.) thornak; e.g. Lemon has a high degree of acidity = Theithu cu a thor ngaingai.

acknowledge - (v.) 1. thil kuatmi ka hmuh cang tiah hngalhternak; 2. a si tak, tinak; e.g. We should acknowledge our faults = Kan palhnak cu a si tak tiah kan ti awk a si.

acknowledgment - (n.) theihter tthannak, lunglawmhnak theihter tthannak.

acme - (n.) a sannak bik

acorn - (n.) thilthing thei, kuhthing thei, farthing thei

acoustics - (n.) aw hrawlning; e.g. The acoustics of the hall is excellent = Khan chung aw hrawlning cu a ttha ngai.

acquaint - (v.) i theihngalh; e.g. I am not acquainted with him = Amah he kan i theihngal lo.

acquaintance - (n.) theihngalhmi; e.g. He is just an acquaintance = Amah cu ka theihngalh menmen a si.

acquiesce - (v.) alnak um lo i hnatlakpi; e.g. She wants to marry him, but her parents do not acquiese = Amah vat cu a duh ko, sihmanhsehlaw a nu le a pa nih an hnatlakpi lo.

acquire - (v.) ngeih, hawl khawh; e.g. He acquired a lot of money = Tangka tampi a ngei.

acquisition - (n.) ngeihnak, hawl khawhnak

acquit - (v.) a sual lo tiah biaceihnak in thanh

acre - (n.) eka, tungvang palh kaih 4840

acrid - (adj.) 1. rimtler; e.g. The smell of burning feather is acrid = Arhmul kangh rim cu a tler; 2. ingthor, ingchia

acrimonious - (adj.) misual hawl lawng duh

acrobatic - (n.) perzuan thiam

Acropolis - (n., prop.) Hlan lo Grik mi nih an khua an rak kulhmi.

across - (adv.) tan , khattelei in khattelei ah

act - (v.) 1. tuah, ttuan , tuah khawk; 2: mi nawl cawn.

acting - (n.) midang tuah hngami rak tuahpiak

action - (n.) cawlcangh

activate - (v.) cawlcanghter , thawkter

active - (adj.) rianttuan huam , thawhzang , thekvak ttha

activity - (n.) rian; e.g. School activities are carried out by students and teachers = Sianginn rian cu siangngakchia le sayate nih an tuah.

actor - (n.) baisikup tlangval

actress - (n.) baisikup ngaknu

actual - (adj.) a sining taktak, a simi taktak

actuality - (n.) a taktak

actually - (adv.) a ngaingai ti ahcun; e.g. He looks honest, actually he is a rogue = Miding a lo, a ngaingai ti ahcun mi hrokhrol a si.

acumen - (n.) thluak rannak, khulrang in thil hngalh khawh le thiam khawhnak

acupuncture - (n.) thim sawh in damternak, Tuluk thiam hmasami

acute - (adj.) a fak ngaimi

ad hoc - (adj.) herhpang; e.g. ad hoc committee = herhpang komiti

adage - (n.) phungthlukbia

adamant - (adj.) lung hak, lung bantukin a hakmi

adapt - (v.) i cawn , i lak , hawi sining i cawn

adaptable - (adj.) a herhnak bantukin um khawh, i cawn khawh, hman khawh

adaptation - (n.) i cawn khawhnak, i lak khawhnak, i hma khawhnak

add - (v.) fonh

addendum - (n.) hrelh sualmi chap tthanmi

adder - (n.) rul phun khat, a sivai a tthawng ngaimi.

addicted - (adj.) lem cang; e.g. He is addicted to smoking = Kuakzuk nih a lem cang i a thlah kho ti lo.

addition - (n.) fonhnak

additional - (adj.) chapmi

address - (n.) umnak hmun , biachimmi

addressee - (n.) cakuatmi minung khi

adept - (n., adj.) a thiam ngaingaimi; e.g. She is adept at weaving = Thiamtah a thiam ngaingai.

adequacy - (n.) zatnak

adequate - (adj.) aa za

adhere - (v.) i tlaih peng, i beh peng

adherence - (n.) i tlaih pengnak, i beh pengnak

adherent - (n.) tanpitu , zultu

adhesive - (adj.) benh khawhmi

adhesive - (n.) behnak thil bang

adieu - (interj.) dam tein

adjacent - (adj.) a changtu , a hun pehtu

adjective - (n.) thil kong a chimtu biafang; e.g. He is a good man = Amah cu mi 'ttha' a si.  'Ttha' hi adjective cu a si.

adjoin - (v.) peh, an i peh

adjourn - (v.) ngol ta rih

adjudge - (v.) upadi ningin biakhiah

adjunct - (n.) a bawmtu , a chapchuantu

adjust - (v.) mah ca ttha dingin mersam

adjustable - (adj.) mersan khawhmi , remh khawhmi

adjutant - (n.) ralbawi, an cung bawi aiawh in rian a ttuanmi, a tam bki cu captain an si.

administer - (v.) 1. tuah; e.g. The Pastor administers the Lord's Supper = Pastor nih Bawipa Zanriah a tuah; 2. zohkhenh , uk; e.g. The Head Master administers the school = Head Master nih sianginn a zohkhenh (uk); 3. pek; e.g. The nurse administers the medicine = Sayama nih si a pek hna.

administration - (n.) uknak , zohkhenh , rianttuannak

administrator - (n.) zohkhenhtu , uktu , tuahtu

admirable - (adj.) duh awk tlak a simi, nawl cawn awk tlak a simi

admiral - (n.) tilawng ralkap bawi ngan bik

admire - (v.) duh , a ttha ti , aa dawh ti

admissible - (adj.) luhter khawhmi

admission - (n.) luhkhawhnak

admit - (v.) 1. ka sual ko ti; e.g. He admitted his mistake = Ka palh ko a ti; 2. luhter, sianginn i luhter

admittance - (n.) luhternak

admixture - (n.) cawhmi chung i cawh chihmi

admonish - (v.) chimhhrin

admonition - (n.) chimhhrinnak

ado - (n.) hnahnawh lurit, phunzai; e.g. Without further ado he signed the agreement = Phunzai ti loin hnatlaknak kha a min a thut.

adobe - (n.) rawh lo i ni lawngin cartermi tlakrawh

adolescence - (n.) nu le pa kong theih hramthawk caan , tleirol

adolescent - (n.) tlangval , ngaknu

adopt - (v.) 1. fa i canter; 2. i lak; e.g. We adopt the best method = Tuahning ttha bik kha kan i lak.

adoption - (n.) fa canter

adorable - (adj.) fak piin dawt i fak piin upat awk tlak a simi

adore - (v.) fak piin duh i fak piin upat

adorn - (v.) thuamh , ttamh

adornment - (n.) thuamhnak , ttamhnak

adrift - (adj.) thlichia le tilet nih an duhnak paoh i tilawng an fenh khi, hrihhram ngeih lo

adroit - (adj.) thiam, fim; e.g. He is an adroit speaker = Biachim thiam ngaimi a si.

adroitness - (n.) thiamnak, fimnak

adulate - (v.) fak , ka daw seh ti duh i fak

adult - (adj.) upa , patling , nutling

adulterate - (v.) thurhnawmhter , a ttha lomi thil cawh chih.

adulterer - (n.) nu (pa) sin i a sualmipa

adulteress - (n.) pa sin i a sualminu

adultery - (n.) vacung pa duh , nu duh , pa duh

advance - (v.) 1. hmailei kal; e.g. The troops advanced two miles = Ralkap cu hmailei ah khan hnih an kal; 2. cung kai; e.g. He worked so well that he was advanced to the post of a manager = A rianttuan a tthat caah maneizar rian ah a kai; 3. pek chung; e.g. I advanced him two kyats = Tangka phar hnih ka pek chung.

advancement - (n.) hmailei kalnak

advantage - (n.) tthathnemnak; e.g. What is the advantage of having a house = Inn ngeih cu zei tthathnemnak dah a um?

advent - (n.) rat; e.g. Since the advent of jet planes, travel has been speeded up = Jet vanlawng rat (hung chuah) hnu cun, khualtlawn rian a rang deuh; e.g. Bawi Jesuh rat tthannak.

Adventism - (n., prop.) Jesuh a ttum tthan zau lai tiah zumhnak.

Adventists - (n., prop.) Jesuh a ttum tthan zau lai tiah a zummi pawl.

adventure - (n.) kal bal lonak ram le ttih a nungmi hmun i va kal

adventurer - (n.) kal bal lonak ram le ttih a nungmi hmun i a va kal mipa

adventuress - (n.) kal bal lonak ram le ttih a nungmi hmun i a va kal minu

adverb - (n.) riantuantu biafang; e.g. Verb a bawmtu bia; He ran quickly = Khulrang tein a tli. QUICKLY = 'rang tein' ti biafang hi adverb cu a si, zeicahtiah 'tli' ti biafang kha a fianter chin i a bawmh.

adversary - (n.) ral; e.g. He is not my adversary = Amah cu ka ral a si lo.

adverse - (adj.) mah ca ttha lomi , harnak ton; e.g. Adverse circumstances caused him to lose all his money = A ca i a ttha lomi thil umtuning nih a tangka vialte a sunghter.

adversity - (n.) harnak tonmi , mah ca ttha lomi thil tonmi

advertise - (v.) thawngthanh , mi theihter , ca in siseh , hmanthlak in siseh

advertisement - (n.) thawngthanhnak tuahmi

advice - (n.) fim chimhnak , lungthin cheuh

advise - (v.) lungthin cheuh , fim chimh

adviser - (n.) lungthin cheutu , fim chimtu

advisory - (adj.) ruahnak pek; e.g. advisory body = ruahnak petu bu

advocacy - (n.) ttanhnak, chimpiak, dirkamh

advocate - (v.) tanh, chimpiak; e.g. We advocate peace = Daihnak kan tanh.

advocate - (n.) ttanhtu , chimpiaktu , dirkamhtu

aeon - (n.) rel cawk lo kum a raumi caan saupi

aerate - (v.) thli i canter, thli luhter

aerial - (n.) radio hri zammi.

aeroplane - (n.) British.  vanlawng; e.g. The airplane (aeroplane) landed with a bump = Vanlawng kha vawlei a vung phan i dut tiah a cawl; e.g. He gets off the plane = Vanlawng in a ttum; e.g. The plane was grounded by bad weather = Vanlawng cu nikhua chia nih a tthutter ko; e.g. I watched the planes take off and land = Vanlawng an kai le an ttum kha ka zoh hna; e.g. What a pity it is that you missed the plane = Vanlawng na tanh lo cu a poi ngangai ko.

aesthete - (n.) dawhnak lei a duh ngaimi le a hngal ngaimi

affable - (adj.) komh nuammi mittha

affair - (n.) rian, kong

affect - (v.) thlen, umtuning danter; e.g. Weather can affect crops = Nikhua nih rawl kung umtuning a danter khawh.

affection - (n.) hawikom dawtnak

affectionate - (adj.) dawt ngaimi; e.g. Your affectionate friend = Na dawt ngaimi na hawi

affidavit - (n.) Biaceihtu bawi hmaiah chiatser in chimmi bia

affiliate - (v.) a tengnge rak si, i peh; e.g. This college is affiliated to (with) the university = Hi college hi university tengnge a si; Hi college hi university he aa peh.

affiliation - (n.) i pehtlaihnak; a lain deuhmi bu he i pehtlaihnak

affinity - (n.) pehtlaihnak ; i lawhnak, i banghnak

affirm - (v.) a hman a dik hrimhrim ti i chim , ttial

affirmative - (adj.) a si ti in leh , a hman ti in leh

affix - (v.) benh, fonh; e.g. Affix the stamp on the envelope = Ca-ik ah milu benh.

afflict - (v.) nganfah pek, harnak pek; e.g. There are many illnesses which afflict old people = Tar pawl nganfah a petuzawtnak tampi a um.

affliction - (n.) nganfah peknak , harnak peknak

affluence - (n.) rumnak , duhdim te i nunnak

affluent - (adj.) thilri tampi ngeih, mirum si; e.g. He is an affluent person = Amah cu mirum a si.

afford - (v.) cawknak man ngeih khawh; e.g. I can afford to buy a car = Mawttaw cawknak tangka ka ngei kho.

afire - (adj.) a kang hluahmahmi; e.g. Bush afire = A kang hluahmahmi burbuk

afloat - (adj., adv.) ti cungah siseh, thli cungah siseh, a lao, aa vuan; e.g. The boat was afloat on the water = Tilawng cu ti cungah aa lao.

afraid - (adj.) ttih; e.g. I am afraid of tigers = Cakei ka ttih hna; e.g. Do not be afraid of the dark = Zan mui kha ttih hlah;  e.g. It did not uccur to her to be afraid = Ttih awk a hngal lo.

afresh - (adv.) a thar in tuah tthan; e.g. We painted the room afresh = Innkhan kha a thar in si kan thuh tthan.

after - (prep.) hnu ah

afterlife - (n.) thih hnu nunnak, nuncang hmuhnak

aftermath - (n.) thil pakhat nih a dang thil pakhat a chuahtermi

afternoon - (n.) chunhnu

afterward - (n.) hmailei caan ah

again - (adv.) tthan; e.g. I want to read again = Carel ka duh tthan; e.g. War breeds hate, and hate leads to war again = Ral nih huatnak a chuahter i huatnak nih ral a chuahter tthan.

against - (prep.) doh, ralchanh; e.g. He is against me = A ka doh; a ka ralchanh.

agape - (n.) dawtnak, zawnruahnak

agape - (adv.) ngang ko i ka i an i um

age - (n.) kum; e.g. I do not know his age = A kum ka hngal lo; e.g. She hedged when I asked her age = A kum ka hal ah a ka hrial.

aged - (adj.) tar, hlun; e.g. an aged person = mitar; an aged car = mawttawka hlun.

agency - (n.) rian fialmi rianttuantu bu le an rianttuannak; e.g. An employment agency helps people find jobs = Rian kawlpiaktu i ciahmi bu nih rian hmuh an bawmh hna.

agenda - (n.) biaceih awk i chiahmi

agent - (n.) rianttuan fialmi

aggrandize - (v.) nawlngeihnak le rumnak i ngan chinchin, a puanpar i rumra ngei ngai i um

aggravate - (v.) tthat loter deuh , fahter chin

aggregate - (adj.) a dihlak tuak ah; e.g. The aggregate sum of his debts was K.300 = A leiba a dihlak tuak ah K.300 a si.

aggression - (n.) midang cung i zaang-ennak va tuah ; midang va doh le va thah

aggressive - (adj.) 1. midang va doh le thah a duhmi, midang he bia al a duh ngai i amah duhning in mi dang umter a duhmi; 2. rianttuan huammi, mi hruai kho

aggressor - (n.) midang ram a va dohtu

agile - (adj.) khulrang, fel, fawi tein cawlcangh, ruang-ai; e.g. Cats are very agile = Chizawh cu an ruang a ai ngai.

agility - (n.) khulrannak, ruang ainak

agitate - (v.) hninhsaih , thinlung hninhsaih i thinhunter

agitation - (n.) hnahnawhnak, lung hninhsaihnak

agnostic - (n.) Pathian cu a um zongah a poi lo, a um lo zongah a poi lo, tiah a timi pawl

ago - (adv.) kan hnulei caan ah khan; e.g. Two minutes ago = Minit pahnih an khan

agony - (n.) nganfahnak

agree - (v.) ruahnak i khah, hnatlak; e.g. I cannot do other than agree with you = Hnatlakpi loin kan um kho lo.

agreeable - (adj.) 1. a nuam , a ttha; 2. hnatlakpi awk a simi

agreement - (n.) hnatlaknak, ruahnak i khahnak; e.g. Without further ado he signed the agreement = Phunzai ti loin hnatlaknak kha a min a thut.

agriculture - (n.) lothlawh

agronomy - (n.) thingkung, ramkung, cinning cawnpiaknak

ahead - (adv.) hmailei ah; e.g. He went ahead of me = Ka hmai ah a kal.

aid - (v.) bawmh

aid - (n.) bawmhnak; e.g. Visual aids = Hmuhnak bawmtu.

aide-de-camp - (n.) ralbawi general bawmtu.

ail - (v.) harnak pek; e.g. What ails him = Zei nih dah harnak a pek?

ailment - (n.) harnak

aim - (v.) tinh , tinhmi

air - (n.) 1. thli, thlitu; e.g. We need air and water to exist = Nunnak caah thli te ti kan herh hna; 2. Radio in biachim; e.g. He is on the air = Radio in bia a chim.

air condition - (v., n.) mah duhning in lumter , kihter

Air Force - (n., prop.) Vanlawng Ralkap

airborne - (adj.) vanlawng zuan; e.g. The plane was airborne = Vanlawng a zuang.

aircraft - (n.) vanlawng

aircraft carrier - (n.) vanlawng phortu tilawng nganpi.

airfield - (n.) vanlawng dinhnak , vanlawng ttumnak

airgun - (n.) thlitu meithal

airline - (n.) vanlawng in khualtlawnnak tuahtu bu

airplane - (n.) U.S. vanlawng; e.g. The airplane (aeroplane) landed with a bump = Vanlawng kha vawlei a vung phan i dut tiah a cawl; e.g. He gets off the plane = Vanlawng in a ttum; e.g. The plane was grounded by bad weather = Vanlawng cu nikhua chia nih a tthutter ko; e.g. I watched the planes take off and land = Vanlawng an kai le an ttum kha ka zoh hna; e.g. What a pity it is that you missed the plane = Vanlawng na tanh lo cu a poi ngangai ko.

airport - (n.) vanlawng dinhnak hmun; e.g. He was stranded at the airport = Vanlawng dinhnak hmun ali a tang.

aisle - (n.) biakinn a chung tthutnak tlar pakhat le pakhat karlak lam

akin - (adj.) sahlawh rualchan lei in i pehtlaih , i lawh , i bangh

alarm - (v., n.) thil ttihnung nih thinlaunak a chuahtermi; e.g. They were filled with alarm when they saw the fire = Mei an hmuh tikah thinlaunak in an khat.

alarming - (adj.) thinlautertu a simi thil

alas - (interj.) aize!

album - (n.) hmanthlak benhnak cauk

alcohol - (n.) zureu

alcoholic - (n.) zureu nih a tlaih cangmi

alert - (adj.) ralringte le fimte i um, hliphlau

algebra - (n.) el-zi-bra; kanan tuakning phun khat

alias - (n.) min dangdang i bunhmi; e.g. The criminal has several aliases = Misual nih min dangdang i bunhmi a ngei.

alibi - (n.) 1. sonhtarh; e.g. He has no alibi for his failure in the examination = Camipuai a sungh cu sonhtarh ding zeihmanh a ngei lo; 2. thil pakhatkhat a can tikah, cu lioah cun ka dang ah ka um ti piah khawhnak

alien - (n.) ramdangmi , khual

alienate - (v.) ramdangmi le khual bantuk i ruah, rem lo, lung fahter

align - (v.) aa ruang in chiah, aa ruang in umter, aa nge in ser; e.g. They aligned the chairs in a straight line = Artlang in tthutdan kha an chiah hna.

alignment - (n.) aa ruang in tuahnak , aa nge in remhnak

alike - (adj.) aa lo, aa khat, an i lo, an i khat

alimony - (n.) biaceihtu biakhiahnak in , a va nih a makmi a nupi cawmnak tangka a pekmi

alive - (adj.) a nung , a nungin

all - (adj.) a dihlak; over all = khattelei deng in khattelei deng tiang, a dihjlakpi in.

all right - (interj.) a ttha ko.

allay - (v.) a fakmi dinter deuh , ttihnak daihter deuh

allege - (v.) puh , sual puh

allegiance - (n.) zumh awk tlak sinak, lungthin in tanpinak

allegory - (n.) tahchunhnak i hmanmi tuanbia; e.g. The Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory = Khrihfa vancung kainak cu tahchunhnak i chimmi tuanbia a si.

allergic - (adj.) pum nih an huatmi; e.g. He is allergic to penicillin = Penicillin cu a pum nih a huat (A langhning cu thah le bo a si bik).

allergy - (n.) pum nih huatnak

alleviate - (v.) harnak, fahnak innak nemter deuh, fawiter deuh; e.g. This medicine will alleviate your suffering = Hi si nih hin na innak a nemter deuh lai.

alley - (n.) inn hnulei le inn hnulei karlak lam, inn sir le inn ser karlak lam

alliance - (n.) tantinak

alligator - (n.) tisartlam hme deuh phun

allocate - (v.) pek, chiah; e.g. They allocate a sum of money to education = Cathiam fimnak cawnnak caah tangka zeimawzat an chiah.

allot - (v.) pek; e.g. They are alloted a house = Inn pakhat pek an si.

allotment - (n.) pekmi thil

allow - (v.) tuahnak nawl pek; e.g. Allow him to go on a picnic = Hniang hrawmnak ah kalnak nawl pe tuah.

allowance - (n.) thil herhmi ca i tangka pekmi

alloy - (n.) thir dar phun, phun hnih phun thum cawhmi; e.g. An alloy of gold and copper is harder than pure gold = Sui le dar cawhmi cu sui thiang nakin a hak deuh.

allude - (v.) sawhter, chim hnawhchan; e.g. What are you alluding to = Zeidah na chim hnawhchanmi a si?

allure - (v., n.) lem , lem khawhnak , duhternak

allusion - (n.) a sullam rak i hngalh seh ti in a vel deuh in chim hnawh

alluvial - (adj.) tivakam vawlei tthami.

ally - (v., n.) Hawi he asiloah ramdang he ttan tti; e.g. He is a close ally of mine = A ka ttanpi ngaimi ka hawi a si.

alma mater - (n.) mah rak cawnnak college sianginn.

almighty - (adj.) lianngan bik , cungnung bik

almirah - (n.) bizu

almond - (n.) almon thingthei

almost - (adv.) dengmang, luklak; e.g. The man almost died with thirst = Tihal ruangah a thil dengmang.

alms - (n.) tangka siseh , thil siseh , misifak tthenhmi

alone - (adj.) mah lawngin; e.g. He went to school alone = Amah lawngin sianginn ah a kal.

along - (adv.) zulhin; e.g. We went along the river = Tiva zulhin/hrawnin kan kal.

aloof - (adv.) hawi he i komh lo, mah dangte i um

aloud - (adv.) thang piin; e.g. Read the story aloud = Tuan bia cu thangpi in rel.

alpha and omega - (n.) alfa le omega, Grik cafang a thawhnak le a donghnak, cucaah a thawknak le a donghnak.

alphabet - (n.) cafang, A in Z tiang

already - (adv.) cang; e.g. He has already gone home = Inn ah a ttin cang.

also - (adv.) zong , ve

altar - (n.) biakttheng

alter - (v.) thlen

alternate - (v.) karlak thlak i thlen

alternative - (n.) karlak thlak i i thim

although - (conj.) nain; e.g. I shall go although I do not like to = Ka duh lo nain ka kal ko lai.

altimeter - (n.) a san a niam tahnak

altitude - (n.) rili in zei can dah a san tinak

alto - (n.) hlasak i eltthu aw timi khi

altogether - (adv.) a dihlak in , a ningpi in

altruism - (n.) midang zawnruah

aluminum - (n.) dan (daan).

alumnus - (n.) sianginn i a rak cawngmi siangngakchia

always - (adv.) zungzal.

am - (v.) 1. um; e.g. I am in the house = Inn chungah ka um; 2. si; e.g. I am a student = Siangngakchia ka si.

amalgamate - (v.) fonh, cawh

amass - (v.) ngeih luaimai, fonh chap lengmang

amateur - (n.) a thiam a tling deuh rih lomi ; tangka hmuhnak ah si loin i nuamhnak caah lente aa celhmi

amaze - (v.) khuaruahhar; e.g. I was amazed by his skill = A thiamnak nih ka khuaruah a ka harter.

ambassador - (n.) ram pakhat ai awhtu caah cu ram nih ram dang i an thlahmi

ambiguity - (n.) a sullam a fiang lomi , a sullam pahnih i lak khawhmi

ambiguous - (adj.) a sullam a fiang lomi

ambition - (n.) cung kai duhnak lungthin

ambitious - (adj.) cung kai duhnak lungthin a ngeimi

ambivalent - (adj.) Aa ralkahmi, sullam pahnih a ngei khomi bia.

ambulance - (n.) mizaw phorhnak mawttawka

ambush - (n.) lamhruang ah , lam i rak bawh i nam

ameliorate - (v.) tthatter deuh , dinter deuh

amen - (interj.) cu bantukin si ko seh, tinak ca i thlacam donghnak i rak chimmi

amend - (v.) tthatter , remh

amends - (n.) rulhnak ca i pekmi thil, a hlan i rak tuah sualmi hun remh than

amiable - (adj.) lungthin ttha a ngeimi , hawi komh khawhnak lungthin negih

amicable - (adj.) hawi he i rem khawh.

amid - (prep.) chungah , lakah

amiss - (adv.) ningcang loin um, i palh; e.g. From his angry looks, we knew something had gone amiss = A thinhun hmai kan hmuh tikah, zeidik ningcang loin a um ti kha kan hngalh.

ammunition - (n.) ral hriamnam

amnesty - (n.) cozah doh ruangah thong tlami ngaihthiamnak

amoeba - (n.) thisen thlet zawtnak rungrul

among - (prep.) lakah. chungah

amount - (n.) cu zat kha zat timi; e.g. A large amount of money = Tangka tampi; e.g. A small amount of money = Tangka tlawmte.

amphibian - (n.) ti chung zong tlang cung zong i a um khomi saram; e.g. utlak; ti cung zong vawlei cung zong i aa din khomi vanlawng

ample - (adj.) a ngan , a lian , a kau , a za

amplify - (v.) tthanter , karhter , nganter

amputate - (v.) zawtnak asiloah hma ruangah kutke tan

amulet - (n.) khuachia tih , uilong

amuse - (v.) nihter , nuamhter

amusement - (n.) nihchuahternak , nihchuahnak , nuamhnak

an (a) - (art.) pakhat, cafang aw (vowel) he lawng hmanmi; e.g. An airplane = Vanlawng pakhat; zong a.

anachronism - (n.) thil hlun a si cang , caan a phan ti lo , caan he aa tlak ti lo

anesthesia - (n.) U.S. fah theih lonak si.

anaesthesia - British.  fah theih lonak si.

analgesic - (n.) fah damternak si.

analogous - (adj.) aa lo

analogy - (n.) tahchunhnak, an i lawhnak zohtinak

analyse - (v.) British. cheu cikcek hnu in ttha tein zoh kherhlai.

analysis - (n.) ttha tein zoh cikcek

analytic - (adj.) thil umtuning ttha tein a kherhlai khomi

analyze - U.S. cheu cikcek hnu in ttha tein zoh kherhlai.

anarchy - (n.) cozah nih uk khawh loin , i tuaibur in le ningcang loin um

anathema - (n.) chiatseih, duh lo tuk lehpekmi.

anatomy - (n.) pumchung i thi le sa le ruh tehna an umtuning cawnak

ancestor - (n.) hringsortu

anchor - (n.) thir cangai; e.g. The ship weighed anchor and sailed away = Sangphawlawng nih a lawng hrennak thircangai kha a thlir i a kal.

ancient - (adj.) hlan liopi , a hlun ngaimi

and - (conj.) le; e.g. You and I = Nangmah le keimah

anecdote - (n.) ngaihnuammi tuanbia tawite

anemia - (n.) thider zawtnak

angel - (n.) vancungmi; e.g. Angels are supernatural beings = Vancung mi cu vawlei cung thil leng mi an si.

anger - (n.) thinhunnak; e.g. He vented his anger on the dog = A thinhunnak kha uico cungah a chuahhnawh; e.g. Love, hate, anger are abstract qualities = Dawtnak, huatnak, thinhunnak cu tongh, hmuh, theih khawh lomi thil an si; e.g. She had a fit of anger = A thin a hung hang phut kho; e.g. Anger possessed him = Thinhunnak nih a uk.

angle - (n.) 1. kil, innkil, vamkil; 2. hmuhning; e.g. From my angle = Kei ka hmuhning ah.

Anglican - (n., prop.) Church of England Khrihfa.

Anglo - (n., prop.) Mirang le a dang miphun pakhat aa cawhmi, Mirang le miphun dang pakhat hrawm in tuahmi.

angry - (adj.) thinhun; e.g. You have a good cause to be angry = Thinhunnak dingah sullam ttha na ngei; e.g. You have no occasion to be angry = Na thinhun a herh lo, na thin a hun awk a si lo.

anguish - (n.) fakpi lungretheihnak

animal - (n.) saram; e.g. Live animals = A nungmi saram.

animate - (adj.) nunnak a ngeimi; e.g. animated conversation = lungtho ngaiin bia i ruahmi

animate - (v.) nunnak pek , lungtho ngai i chimmi

animism - (n.) rai biaknak, khuachia biaknak

animosity - (n.) i huatnak , i ralnak

ankle - (n.) fengbeo; e.g. He sprained his ankle = A fengbeo aa merh; e.g. He gave his ankle a wrench when he jumped off the car = Mawttawka cungin a zuan ah khan a fengbeo aa merh.

annals - (n.) kum khat hnu kum khat in thil thar an hmuhmi tehna an ttial lengmangnak ca, tuanbia

annex - (v., n.) fonh, thil hme deuh thil ngan deuh i hei fonhmi khi, ram dang pakhat va tei i mah ram i fonh.

annihilate - (v.) hrawh dih cikcek , hloh

anniversary - (n.) camphak ni

annotation - (n.) fianternak , a tling lomi chapnak

announce - (v.) thanh , zapi theihter

announcement - (n.) thanhnak, zapi theihternak;  e.g. Announcement was posted on the wall = Thawngthanhnak kha vampang cungah an tar.

announcer - (n.) thanhtu, zapi theihtertu, radio in thawng thanhtu.

annoy - (v.) ing puanter , thinhunter

annual - (adj.) kumfate in a ummi

annul - (v.) hrawh , dongther

anoint - (v.) chiti thuh

anonymous - (adj.) min hngalh lomi

another - (adj.) a dang pakhat

answer - (n.) lehnak; e.g. John gave a wrong answer = John nih a hmaan lomi lehnak a pek; e.g. Please give me a direct answer = Lehnak a piangmi te ka pe; e.g. She phrased her answer carefully = A lehnak bia cu dawh tein a chim; e.g. His answer was a point-blank no = A lehnak cu a fiangrao in ka duh lo ti a si ko.

answer - (v.) leh, biachan; e.g. She failed to answer the letter = Cakuat leh a tlolh; e.g. He can answer any question = Biahalnak zeipaoh a leh khawh.

ant - (n.) hngerhte; e.g. The proverb tells us to emulate the ants = Phungthluk bia nih hngerhte tluk si i zuam kha a kan chimh.

antagonism - (n.) i ralnak , i dohnak , i huatnak

antagonist - (n.) ral , pakhat le pakhat aa ralmi

Antarctic - (n., prop.) Thlanglei Pole hrawng ram, Antaktik.

ante - (pref.) hlanah; e.g. Antedeluvian = Buanchukcho hlan

anthem - (n.) hlaremh ttha.

anthill - (n.) chuntlung

anthropoid - (n.) minung he aa lomi saram; e.g. zawng, ngau

anthropology - (n.) minung chuahkehnak kong cawnnak

anti - (pref.) doh

antiaircraft - (n.) vanlawng kahnak meithal

antibiotic - (n.) zawtnak rungrul thahnak si

Antichrist - (n., prop.) Khrih dotu.

anticipate - (v.) rak i ruah chung; e.g. We anticipate good crops this year = Tukum cu rawl kan ngei lai tiah kan rak i ruah chung.

anticlimax - (n.) ttum , ruah hleng

antidote - (n.) sivai thahnak si , sidin sual le si kah sual tik i hman zokzokmi

antipathy - (n.) pakhat le pakhat i huatnak , ruahnak i khah lonak

antique - (n.) hlanlio thil, thil hlun; e.g. He is a collector of antiques = Thil hlun khawmtu a si.

antiquity - (n.) hlanliopi caan

antiseptic - (n., adj.) hma por lonak si.

antitank - (n.) Thengh kahnak meithal

antithesis - (n.) biachimmi hun alnak bia

antitoxin - (n.) sivai a that khotu si, rittertu sivai thattu si

antler - (n.) nengpi, a ki a hreu churmi

antonym - (n.) sullam, aa ralchanhmi bia; e.g. a nak le a rang, a niam le a sang.  Zoh opposite.

anus - (n.) tol , tawka

anvil - (n.) so dennak lung

anxiety - (n.) lungretheihnak, hmailei thil kong lungretheihnak; e.g. The boy’s behaviour (U.S. behavior) occasioned his parents much anxiety = Ngakchiapa a umtuzia nih khan a nu le a pa cu lungretheihnak a pek hna.

anxious - (adj.) 1. lungreithei in um; e.g. He is anxious about his health = A ngandamnak kong ah lung rethei in a um; 2. fak piin duh; e.g. He is anxious to meet you = Ton an duh ngaingai.

anxiously - (adv.) lungrethei ngaiin

any - (adj.) 1. zeizat ti set a um lomi; e.g. Do you have any money = Tangka zeital na ngei maw? 2. kha set ti theng um lomi; e.g. Take any book you like = Na duhmi cauk paoh kha i lak; 3. tlawmpal in; e.g. Do you want any cream in your coffee = Na kawfi chungah cawhnuk kham tlawmpal in na duh maw? 4. zeipaoh; e.g. He can answer any question = Biahalnak zeipaoh a leh khawh.

any - (adv.) hlei maw; e.g. Is the patient any better = Mizaw cu a ttha deuh hlei maw?

anybody - (n., pron.) ahopaoh.

anyhow - (adv.) a zeitipaoh a si ah, zeitipaoh in

anyone - (pron.) ahopaoh, mi zeipaoh

anyway - (adv.) tthiamtthiam ko, zei ti paoh in

anywhere - (adv.) khuazeihmanh ah, khoika paoh ah

apart - (adv.) hmun dangdang i um, karlak hlat; e.g. The two houses are one mile apart = Inn pahnih hna kha khan khat in an i hlat.

apartheid - (n.) miphun thleidan in rianttuan, phunkhat khat tang chiah

apartment - (n.) inn pakhat chung i a ummi dal , umnak i rak hman ciami

ape - (n.) zawng ngan phun

ape - (v.) umtu khuasakning nawlcawn

apocalypse - (n.) caan donghnak i thil um ding phuanmi

Apollo - (n., prop.) Grikmi Pathian, vancung uktu a si tiah an zumhmi arfi pakhat min.

apologetics - (n.) thil pakhatkhat a herhnak kong i chimchung; thil pakhatkhat fianternak

apologize - (v.) ngaihthiam hal , ka palh ti i chim

apology - (n.) ngaihthiam halnak

appall - (v., adj.) a chia lei in khuaruahhar in um, khuaruahharter, lungdonghter; e.g. Her conduct appalled me = A umtu nih ka khuaruah a ka harter, ka lung a ka donghter.

apparatus - (n.) thilri; e.g. We have no heating apparatus = Tisa lumnak thilri kan ngei lo.

apparel - (n.) thilthuam

apparent - (adj.) a fiang, fiangin a lang

apparently - (adv.) a leng zohnak i a hman ko a lomi; e.g. Apparently they are good friends = A leng zohnak ahcun hawi ttha an si ko.

appeal - (v.) 1. nawl; e.g. People appealed to us to help the poor = Misifak bawmh kha an kan nawl; e.g. He made an impassioned appeal = Lungtho ngaingai in a nawl hna; 2. mi lungthin lak khawh; e.g. His ideas do not appeal to young people = A ruahnak nih mino cu an lungthin a la kho hna lo; 3.azukhan; e.g. He appealed to a higher court = Biaceihnak zung sang deuh ah azu a khan.

appear - (v.) 1. mithmai i hung langh; e.g. He appears to be happy = Lunglawm in a mithmai a lang; 2. a hung chuak; e.g. He appeared from the jungle = Ramlak in a hung chuak; 3. zapi hmai a hung chuah

appearance - (n.) langhning, muisam umtuning

appease - (v.) daihter , remter , a thin a hungmi va hlemh , va nawl

append - (v.) chapchih , thlaih

appendicitis - (n.) ril fonnghlei hmaat zawtnak

appendix - (n.) 1. ril fonghlei; 2. thlaihhleimi

appetite - (n.) rawl duhnak , ka thawtnak

applaud - (v.) thangtthat , kut benghpiak

applause - (n.) thangtthatnak kut bengpiaknak

apple - (n.) epal thei; e.g. He pared an apple = Epal a met; e.g. He pinched the apple = Epal kha a hmeh; e.g. The apple is rotten to the core = Epal cu a chung muru tiangin a thu; e.g. A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the apples = Ngakchia nih epal cu mitthi ngaiin a zoh.

appliances - (n.) hmanmi thilri; e.g. elektik thilri tehna

application - (n.) 1. sohluah; 2. hmannak, thilri hmannak

apply - (v.) 1. hman; e.g. You must apply your skill in your work = Na thiamnak kha na rian ah na hman lai; 2. thuh, boih, si thuh; 3. rian sok; e.g. To apply for the post of a clerk, the required qualification is tenth standard pass = Cazi rian soknak caah tlaktertu a herhmi cu tanghra awn a si.

appoint - (v.) rian pek

appointee - (n.) rian pekmi

appointment - (n.) rian peknak

appraisal - (n.) a man tuaknak , mi khingthlainak

appraise - (v.) a man tuak

appreciate - (v.) 1. a ttha rak ti, a tthatnak rak hngalh; 2. rak lawmh; 3. rak hngalhpiak

apprehend - (v.) 1. tlaih; e.g. The police apprehended the criminal = Palik nih misualpa kha an tlaih; 2. hngalh; e.g. He apprehends (comprehends) what he reads = A relmi kha a hngalh.

apprehension - (n.) 1. ttihnak; 2. hngalhnak

apprehensive - (adj.) ttih ngai, thinphang ngai i um

apprentice - (n.) rian thawknak i a cawngpahmi

approach - (v.) 1. fuh; e.g. The car approached the town = Mawttawka nih khuapi kha a fuh; 2. fuhpanh, nawlpat

approachable - (adj.) ton fawimi, hawikom ttha

appropriate - (adj.) aa tlakmi, aa rupmi; e.g. He made a speech appropriate to the occasion = A caan le a hmun he aa tlakin bia a chim.

appropriate - (v.) hman awk ding i tangka chiah; e.g. The government appropriated money for the new school = Acozah nih sianginn thar ca hman awkah tangka an chiah.

appropriation - (n.) 1. tangka hman awk i chiahmi; 2. mi thil ngeih ciami nawl ngeitupa nih va chuh

approval - (n.) hnatlakpinak; e.g. They voiced their approval = An hnatlaknak kha an chim.

approve - (v.) hnatlakpi

approximate - (adj.) hrawng; e.g. What is the approximate amount of money you need = Tagka zeizat hrawng dah na herh?

April - (n., prop.) Thla linak thla, April thla.

April Fool - (n., prop.) April nikhat ni ah pakhat le pakhat lentecelhnak ca i i deh.

apron - (n.) hni le tawhrolh hnawn lo dingin a lengin i fenh thuatmi

apt - (adj.) 1. sual lai caah; e.g. Please remind me for I am apt to forget = Ka philh sual lai caah ka chim tthan te; 2. khulrang tein a hngal khomi; e.g. The girl is an apt pupil = Hi ngakchianu hi khulrang tein a hngal khomi a si; 3. aa tlak; e.g. He made apt remarks = Aa tlakmi biatete a chim.

aptitude - (n.) thiam ngai khawhnak le hngalh khawhnak

aquarium - (n.) nga zuatnak tili , tidil , kuang

aqueduct - (n.) tiluannak kahcham

Arabic numerals - (n., prop.) Arab namber (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).

arable - (adj.) thuan khawhmi, lo i ser khawhmi vawlei.

arbiter - (n.) biakhiaktu

arbitrament - (n.) biakhiaktu nih a khiahmi bia

arbitrary - (adj.) 1. ruah setsai lo in mah duh paoh i tuah; 2. aa pehtlaih set lo zongah mah duh paoh i tuah

arbitrate - (v.) pahnih karlak i biakhiah

arbor - (n.) naidem

arc - (n.) aa kuaimi innka.

arcade - (n.) cungkhuh a ngeimi lam

arch bishop - (n.) bishop ngan bik.

archaic - (adj.) hlan lio thil , a hlun cangmi thil a simi; e.g. Archaic words = A hlun cangmi bia, hman set ti lomi bia

archeology - (n.) hlan lio thil hlun le khuasakning le vawlei chung i a ummi hna kong cawnnak

archer - (n.) thal kah thiam

archery - (n.) thal kah thiamnak

archipelago - (n.) tikulh aa peh zuahmah in a ummi hna

architect - (n.) inn sakning a suai i a tuaktantu

architecture - (n.) inn sakning thiamnak

archives - (n.) thil kong ttialmi chiahnak hmun; e.g. University archives = University i ttialmi thil vialte chiahnak hmun.

Arctic - (n., prop.) Chaklei Pole hrawng ram, Arctic ram.

ardent - (adv.) lungthawh , huamnak , zuamnak a ngeimi

ardor - (n.) U.S.  zuamnak, lungthawhnak, duhnak.

ardour - (n.) British.  zuamnak, lungthawhnak, duhnak.  

are - (v.) an si, kan si, an um, kan um

area - (n.) hmun a bitkauh , a eria

arena - (n.) lentecelhnak hmun nganpi

argue - (v.) 1. bia i al; 2. thil pakhatkhat kong ruahnak thuk ngaiin chim le ruah

argument - (n.) e.g. His argument showed logic = A biachimmi cu sul le lam zulhmi a ngei.

argumentative - (adj.) bia al a huam, a duhmi

arid - (adj.) a rocarmi hmun

arise - (v.) thawh; e.g. Let us arise and sing = Tho u sih law hla sa u sih.

aristocracy - (n.) bawi phun nih tlaihmi uknak

aristocrat - (n.) bawi phun a simi mi hrinfa

arithmetic - (n.) kanaan; e.g. The school lays stress on arithmetic = Kan sianginn nih kanaan kha biapi in a lak/a ruah.

ark - (n.) 1. tilawng; e.g. Noah's Ark = Noah lawng; 2. Judah mi hna nih Pathian he bia an i kamnak an chiahnak kuang.

arm - (v.) hriamnam pek; e.g. Soldiers are armed with guns = Ralkap cu meithal kha hriamnam ah pek an si

arm - (n.) ban; e.g. The muscle of his arm = A ban tha; e.g. The flesh of his arm = A ban tit; e.g. Since his injury, he has no feeling in his arm = An hliamkhuai hnu in a ban nih zeihmanh a hngal kho lo.

armament - (n.) raltuknak hriamnam

armistice - (n.) raltuknak ngol ta chung

armor - U.S.  1. pum vennak ca i thir in tuahmi pum khuhnak, thir angki; 2. raltuknak meithal ngan pipi le tthengh (tank).

armour - (n.) British.  1. pum vennak ca i thir in tuahmi pum khuhnak, thir angki; 2. raltuknak meithal ngan pipi le tthengh (tank)

armpit - (n.) zaktang

arms - (n.) hriamnam

army - (n.) ralkapbu;  e.g. He joined the army = Ralkap chungah a lut;  e.g. The army lost heavily yesterday = Nizan ah ralkap pawl tthalo tein an sung; e.g. A wall surrounds the army post = Ralkap pawl umnak hmun cu ralhau nih a kulh; e.g. The army sacked the village = Ralkap nih khua cu an hrawh dih.

aroma - (n.) rimhmui

aromatic - (adj.) a rim a hmuimi

around - (adv.) a velchum in

arouse - (v.) lung thawter, thinhunter; e.g. His words aroused my anger = A bia nih ka thin an ka hunter.

arrange - (v.) siamrem , ningcang in chiah

arrangement - (n.) ningcang in chiahnak , timhtuahnak

array - (v.) ral tuk tikah ralkap pawl kha hmailei hoih in artlang in chiah; e.g. The soldiers were arrayed against the enemy = Ralkap pawl kha ral lei hoih in an tlanter hna.

arrears - (n.) hnulei a luan cangmi ca i hmuh hnga dingmi tangka

arrest - (v.) 1. tlaih; palik nih an tlaih; e.g. He was arrested for the offense of stealing = Fir sualnak ruangah an tlaih; 2. makter, ngolter; e.g. Her words were arrested in mid-sentence = A biachim salingpi ah an ngolter.

arrival - (n.) phak; e.g. On his arrival, he was greeted by his children = Inn a phak ah a fale nih an rak don.

arrive - (v.) phak; e.g. We arrived at the airport at 6 a.m. = Zinglei suimilam 6 ah vanlawng dinhnak hmun kan phan.

arrogant - (adj.) porhlawmi , a ruam a kaimi

arrow - (n.) thal, cantiang; e.g. The wind deflects the arrow’s flight = Thli nih thal cu a phai.

arrowhead - (n.) thal hmur , cantiang hmur

arsenal - (n.) hriamnam an sernak le an khonnak inn

arson - (n.) mai in thil siseh , inn siseh duah

art - (n.) thil dawh ser thiamnak , hmanthlak suai thiamnak

artery - (n.) arteri thihri

artesian well - (n.) vawlei chung i cawhmi tikhor

arthritis - (n.) hliahhlok fah zawtnak

article - (n.) 1. thil kong pakhatkhat ttialmi ca; 2. thil pakhat

artificial - (adj.) 1. serchommi; 2. a taktak a si lomi , a hle a simi

artificial insemination - (n.) nu le pa cannak tuah lo i pa ci nu chung i chiah i fapawiter

artillery - (n.) meithal ngan pipi , a rit pipi , rangleng in hnuhmi pawl

artistic - (adj.) hla lei, lam lei le thil dawh serthiamnak lei i thiamnak ngeih, theih khawhnak ngeih

as - (adv.) 1. tluk; e.g. She is as pretty as her mother = A nu tluk in aa dawh. 2. tahchunhnak ah, bantuk; e.g. Some work as carpentry is very tiresome = Lehtama rian bantuk hna hi rian har a si; as far as, so far as = tiangah; e.g. As far as I know = Ka hngalh tiangah; just as well = e.g. Since our friends didn't turn up, we may just as well go home = Kan hawile an rat lo caah inn i kan kir zongah a ttha ko lai; e.g. Our fishing expedition was ruined by bad weather. We might just as well have stayed at home = Kan tiva kal cu ruahpi nih a kan rawk, inn ah khan rak um deuh awk men kan rak si. as well as = e.g. He gave me rice as well as salt = Facang a ka pek i cite zong a ka pek chih.

as - (conj.) 1. caah; e.g. As you do not like chilies, I am not going to give you any = Makphek na duh lo caah kan pe lai lo; e.g. As you are busy now, I shall come later = Atu cu naa manh lo caah hnu deuh ah ka ra te lai. 2. tahchunh-nak; e.g. Asian countries, such as Myanmar, India = Asia ram pawl, tahchunhnak ah Kawlram, India hei ti bantuk; 3. bantukin; e.g. Why is he dressed as a woman = Zeicahdah nu bantukin aa thuamh?; 4. lioah; e.g. As a boy, he lived in Yangon = A ngakchiat lioah Yangon ah a rak um. as good as = A dih tluk a si ko, aa lim dengmang;

as - (pron.) ttuanmi; e.g. He is working as a clerk = Cazi rian a ttuan.

asbestos - (n.) 1. inncung cihnak ca hmanmi thil phun khat; 2. mei khang khawh lomi puan phun khat

ascend - (v.) kai , cunglei i kai

ascertain - (v.) a si taktak maw si taktak lo ti kha fiang tein zoh; e.g. Ascertain that the door is locked = Innka aa hrenh taktak le taktak lo va zoh tuah.

ascetic - (n.) biaknak ruang i duhnak i sum ngai i a nungmi

ascetic - (adj.) duhnak i sum ngai i nun

ascribe - (v.) chuahter ti i ruah, puh; e.g. He ascribed his failure to bad luck = A sunghnak kah vanchiat ruangah a si tiah a ruah, vanchiat a puh.

ash - (n.) vutcam

ashamed - (adj.) zahpi , ningzak

ashore - (adv.) tiva kam, rili kam

ashtray - (n.) kuakdap chiahnak kheng

Asia - (n., prop.) Asia ram.

Asian - (n., prop.) Asia mi, Asia thil.

Asiatic - (n., adj., prop.) Asiami umtuning in a ummi

aside - (adv.) khattelei kam i chiah; e.g. He put the book aside = Cuak kha khatlei kam ah a chiah (a rel ti lo); e.g. He turned aside = Khatlei ah aa mer.

asinine - (adj.) khacer bantuk, mihrut

ask - (v.) 1. biahal; 2. man hauh; e.g. You ask too much for it = a man fak tuk na hauh; 3. sawm.

askance - (adv.) zumh lo nawn i zoh , ngiat

aslant - (adv.) a sir in

asleep - (adj.) hngilh, aa hngilh; e.g. They fell asleep = An i hngilh; e.g. I must have fallen asleep while you were out = Leng i na chuah karah khan ka rak i hngilh i a si theu lei.

asp - (n.) sivai a ngeimi rul phun khat

aspect - (n.) 1. muisam; e.g. He is a man of fierce aspect = Amah cu mi muisam ttihnung, hringhro chia a si; 2. kap; e.g. All aspects of the question must be considered = Thil cu a kam kip in kan ruah awk a si.

asperity - (n.) thintawi , thinchiat

asphalt - (n.) lam phah awk si nak a bangmi

aspire - (v.) tum sang; e.g. He aspires to fame = Mi minthang si kha a tum.

ass - (n.) laa

assail - (v.) 1. tuk; e.g. He assails him with a club = Thingtan in a tuk; 2. bia ttha loin ti; e.g. He assails him with bad language = Bia ttha loin a ti.

assailant - (n.) mi tutu , mi namtu , mi dotu

assassin - (n.) ram uknak kong ah mi a thattu (fial chommi an si deuh tawn)

assassinate - (v.) ram uknak kong i ram uktu thah

assassination - (n.) ram uknak kong i thahnak

assault - (n.) hriamnam in siseh , bia in siseh mi thuat

assemble - (v.) pumhkhawmh

assent - (v.) hnatlak

assert - (v.) 1. a hman a dik hrimhrim tiah chim, thanh; 2. ka co ka hmuh awk a si ti peng

assess - (v.) a man khiah , a khing thlai

assessment - (n.) a man khiahnak, a khing thlainak

assessor - (n.) man khiaktu , khing thlaitu

asset - (n.) ngeihmi thil a tthahnemmi

assign - (v.) 1. rianttuan awk pek; 2. rian thiah

assimilate - (v.) 1. dawp , rawl dawp; 2. miphun dang umtuning le nunning i lak

assimilation - (n.) 1. thi chung i rawl hang a luh; 2. miphun dang nunning i laknak

assist - (v.) bawmh

assistant - (n.) bawmtu

associate - (n.) ttuanhawi

associate - (v.) 1. ruahfonh; 2. komh , hawikomh

association - (n.) aa kommi bu

assorted - (adj.) phun dangdang hmunkhat i chiah timi, fonhmi

assortment - (n.) phun dangdang chiah tinak, thil phun dangdang chiah timi hna

assume - (v.) 1. ruah, zumh; e.g. I assume you can do the work = Rian cu na ttuan khawh lai tiah ka zumh, ruah; 2. ttuanvo lak; e.g. She assumes responsibility for the child = Ngakchia zohkhenh ttuanvo kha amah nih a lak; 3. i lawhter; e.g. He assumed the appearance of a calm man = A thin a phang nain a phang lo aa lawhter.

assumption - (n.) ruahnak , vancung kainak

assurance - (n.) 1. a si hrimhrim tiah zumhnak; 2. mah le mah fek tein i bochan; e.g. He spoke with assurance = Hnangam ngaiin bia a chim.

assure - (v.) biakam tluk fek in bia chim

asthma - (n.) khuhhrin zawtnak; e.g. Asthma plagued her all winter = Khuhhrin nih khuasik chung vialte harnak a pek.

astonish - (v.) khuaruahhar

astonishment - (n.) khuaruahharnak

astrology - (n.) arfi zoh chih in kutttial zoh.

astronomy - (n.) arfi kong cawnnak

astute - (adj.) fim , thluak tthat

asunder - (adv.) tthen , hmundang dang i chiah

asylum - (n.) i dornak hmun , himnak hmun , mihrutmi chaihnak hmun

at - (prep.) ah; e.g. at the station = tlanglawng dinhnak hmun ah; e.g. at noon = chun ah; e.g. at home = inn ah. at any rate: a zei a si hmanh ah at that rate: cuning ahcun, chukhan ahcun, cuti a si ahcun at hand = pawngte i um peng; at heart = lungchung ah; at intervals = atu le atu, hika, khika ah. at most, at the most: a tam bik ah; e.g. At most five of us will go = A tam bik ah panga kan kal lai. at the insistence of = nawl ruangah; e.g. At the insistence of the boy I accompanied him to his home = Ngakchiapa nih a ka nawl ruangah a inn tiang ka hei kalpi.

ate - (v.) past tense of eat, ei, rawl ei;  e.g. He ate a part of the bread = Changreu a cheu kha a ei; e.g. He ate with gusto = Thaw ngaiin a ei.

atheism - (n.) Pathian a um lo ti zumhnak

atheist - (n.) Pathian a um lo tiah a zummi

athlete - (n.) lentecelh thiammi , hirha zangmi

athletic - (n.) tlik, per, cheh zuamnak phunphun

athletic - (adj.) lentecelhnak he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. athletic field = lentecelhnak hmunrawn

atlas - (n.) vawlei hmanthlak , ram hmanthlak

atmosphere - (n.) vawlei tuamtu thli; e.g. The Earth is surrounded by the atmosphere = Vawlei cu a tuamtu thli nih a zelh.

atom - (n.) etom

atone - (v.) remnak ser , remter , daihnak ser

atonement - (n.) remnak , ngaihthiamnak

atrocious - (adj.) a ttha lo ngaimi , a puarhrang hringhranmi

atrocity - (n.) tthat lo ngaingainak puarhrannak

attach - (v.) i tem chih, pakhat le pakhat lungthin in i naih, i dawt.

attache - (n.) cozah pakhat nih cozah dang sin i aiawhtu bawi an chiahmi sin i ralbawi an chiah chihmi

attack - (v.) tuk, raltuk; e.g. The enemies attacked both our flanks = Ral nih kan orhlei kam he kan kehlei kam he an kan tuk; e.g. The soldiers held their own against the attacks = An ral nih an tuk len hna nain ralkap nih kha na umnak kha an hum peng khawh ko.

attain - (v.) phak, phanh, hmuh; e.g. He attained the age of seventy = Kum sawm sarih a phan; e.g. He attained fame = Minthannak a hmu.

attempt - (v., n.) zuam; e.g. The doctor attempted to save his life = A nunnak khamh kha sibawipa nih aa zuam.

attend - (v.) 1. kai; e.g. They attend school = Sianginn an kai; 2. zohkhenh; e.g. She is attended by a nurse = Si sayama nih a zohkhenh; 3. ngaih; e.g. Attend to what your mother says = Na nu bia kha va ngai.

attendance - (n.) kainak, va umnak; e.g. There is a large attendance at the church = Biakinn kaimi an tam ngai; e.g. He is strict about class attendance = Sianginn kai kong ah a fel ngai.

attendant - (n.) zohkhenhtu, cawng hramtu

attention - (n.) i hliphlau ngai , lungthin pek ngai in zoh

attentive - (adj.) lungthin a rak pe ngaiin , ttha tein a rak ngaimi

attest - (v.) 1. a si ti langhter; 2. a hman hrimhrim ti i chim; e.g. I can attest to his honesty = Miding a si hrimhrim tiah ka ti khawh.

attic - (n.) kandap (kaandap).

attire - (n.) thuamhnak thilthuam

attitude - (n.) lungputning

attorney - (n.) Upadi ningin midang ca i rianttuan khawhnak a ngeimi

attract - (n.) hnuh, lungthin lak; e.g. Her beauty attracts him = Aa dawhnak nih a lungthin a hnuh, a lak.

attraction - (n.) hnuhnak , lungthin laknak , dawhnak

attractive - (adj.) mi lungthin a la khomi , aa dawhmi

attribute - (v.) thil pakhatkhat mi pakhatkhat sinin lakmi a si tiah ruahmi , a si tiah zumhmi; e.g. This poem is attributed to Shakespeare = Hi hla hi Shakespeare ttialmi a si tiah an ruah.

attribute - (n.) sining; e.g. Love is God's attribute = Dawtnak hi Pathian sining pakhat a si.

auction - (n.) lilam suai , a man a sang bik a pe khotu sin paoh i zapi lak i zuar

auctioneer - (n.) lilam suaitu

audacious - (adj.) ngamh , raltthat , hruh ngamh deuh , ninghngal

audible - (adj.) hna in theih khawhmi

audience - (n.) biachimmi a rak ngaitu mibu

auditor - (n.) a chek tu

auditorium - (n.) biachimnak khan

August - (n., prop.) August thla.

aunt - (n.) ni , pa far

auspicious - (adj.) caan ttha a simi

austere - (adj.) i sum ngaiin a nungmi, i rep ngaiin a nungmi, mah pum i hrem ngaiin a nungmi; hmaipanh lo ngaiin a ummi

authentic - (adj.) zumh awk tlak a hmaanmi

author - (n.) cauk ttialtu

authoritarian - (adj.) 1. nawlngeih lawng biapi i a ruat i pumpak luatnak zei i a rel lomi; 2. mi pakhat nih asiloah mi bu khat nih nawl vialte ngeih dihnak

authoritative - (adj.) 1. nawl a ngei ngaimi; 2. a thiamhngal ngaimi

authority - (n.) 1. nawlngeihnak; e.g. parental authority = nu le pa nawlngeihnak; 2. thil pakhatkhat kong tling ngaiin a hngalmi hngalhnak.

authorize - (v.) nawl pek

auto - (n.) mahte in aa mermi thil

autobiography - (n.) mathe in i ttialmi mah kong

autograph - (n.) mahte in ttialmi min

autograph - (v.) mahte in min i ttial

automatic - (adj.) lung in ruah manh loin amah tein a chuak thluahmahmi thil

automatic - (n.) mahte in a puak thluahmahmi meithal.

autonomous - (adj.) mahte in aa ukmi

autonomy - (n.) mahte in i uknak

autopsy - (n.) zei nih dah a thihnak a chuahter ti hngalhnak ca i a thimi pum an hlai khi

autumn - (n.) sikpar (September, October, November)

auxiliary - (adj.) bawmtu; e.g. auxiliary troops = bawmtu ralkap hna

avail - (n.) tthathnem , tthathnemnak pek; e.g. She cried, but her tears are to no avail = A ttap, asinain a mitthli cu san a tlai lo.

avail - (v.) santlai, tthahnem; tthahnem santlai ding i rak i hman

available - (adj.) cawk khawh a simi , hmuh khawh awk a simi , hman khawh awk a simi , hman khawh awkin a ummi

avalanche - (n.) hawhra tlang cimh

avarice - (n.) hnem , tangka ngeih duh tuknak , hakkauhnak

avenge - (v.) teirul cham , phuhlam

avenue - (n.) lam

average - (n.) buaktlak in

aviation - (n.) vanlawng zuannak

avocado - (n.) thawhpat theikung

avoid - (v.) hrial

avouch - (v.) a hman a dik ko, ti i chim, aamahkhan

await - (v.) hngah

awake - (adj.) i hlauh , i tthangh

awaken - (v.) hlauh , tthangh

award - (n.) pakhatkhat tuahmi ruang i hmuhmi laksawng , mintthatnak

aware - (adj.) hngalh , theihnak ngeih

away - (adv.) a hla, a hlatnak i kal; e.g. The bird flew away = Vate cu a zuang diam.

awe - (n.) ttihnak , upatnak le khuaruah harnak aa cawhmi

awful - (adj.) ttihnung , a chia tukmi

awhile - (adv.) caan tawite.

awkward - (adj.) zoh a rem lomi thil , sia rem lo ngai a simi thil

axe - (n.) hreitlung

axiom - (n.) a hman ti i ruah ciomi phungthlukbia

axis - (n.) tung ding , a dingmi tung

axle - (n.) ekzel , lengke aa mernak thirfung

aye - (interj.) 1. a si; 2. zungzal ca in

azure - (adj.) dum; e.g. An azure sky = van dum


B. C. - (n., abbrev.) khrih chuah hlan chan.

babble - (v.) sullam hngalh khawh set lo i holh , tiva a luangmi thawng

babe - (n.) bawhte, ngakchia bantukin hlen a fawimi

Babel - (n., prop.) Babel Innsang (Gen. 11:19) I cawn nuk i holh

baboon - (n.) minung a lo bikmi zawng phun khat

baby - (n.) ngakchia; e.g. The baby bounced up and down on the bed = Ngakchia cu ihkhun cungah aa hlok; e.g. He held the baby = Ngakchia kha a pom.

bachelor - (n.) 1. nupi ngei lo tlangval; 2. College i hmuh hmasat bikmi degree; e.g. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

bacillus - (n.) unghreu bantuk a simi zawtnak rungrul , mit in hmuh khawh lomi

back - (n.) keng; e.g. The lion gave a sudden bound on to the back of the deer = Chiandeih nih sakhi cu a keng ah a hei zuan hnawh; e.g. Jim had to resign himself to a week in bed when he hurt his back = Jim cu a keng aa hrawh ah khan, zarh khat chung ihkhun i ih i phunzai lo te i um ding khan a lungthin a tuah.

back - (adj.) 1. hnulei; e.g. Walk back two steps = Hnulei ah kar hnih i thawn; 2. tthan; e.g. Pay back your debts = Na leiba pe tthan hna; give back = kherh tthan.

back - (v.) 1. tanpi; 2. mawttawka hnulei i thawnter

backbite - (v.) congoih , thangchiat

backbone - (n.) kengruh , kengruh biapi a simi

background - (n.) hnulei i thil a rak ummi

backward - (adv.) hnulei; e.g. He looks backward = Hnulei a zoh.

backward - (adj.) a hungcho lomi

bacon - (n.) voksa , a tainem zawn sa lak i cite in ciah i mei i emmi

bacteria - (n.) nunnak a ngeimi thilnung , mit in hmuh khawh lomi

bad - (adj.) a ttha lo, a thu a tlolmi; e.g. Reject all the bad apples = A ttha lomi epal kha hlonh dih hna.

badge - (n.) an sining langhtertu mi nih an i thlaihmi tazeih

badminton - (n.) arhmul tuk lentecelh

baffle - (v.) lung tuaiter , lungsuk

bag - (n.) zal, thil phorhnak zal; e.g. Charles identified the bag as his by telling what it contained = Charles nih zal kha keimah ta a si ti kha a chung i a ummi thil a chim khawh caah a hngalh ti kha a lang.

baggage - (n.) khualtlawn i zuar awk a si lomi thil i phorhmi

bail - (n.) aamahkhannak tangka

bail - (v.) aamahkhan in chuahter

bailey bridge - (n.) run tiva i an donhmi thir hlei phun khi

bailiff - (n.) uktu bawi, bawmtu bawi

bait - (n.) coktarh , sio harh

bait - (v.) bia in siseh, tuahnak in siseh tarh hramhrammi

bake - (v.) changreu rawh

baker - (n.) changreu rawtu

bakery - (n.) changreu rawhnak hmun zuarnak hmun

balance - (n.) 1. cuaithlainak; 2. a tangmi

balance - (v.) 1. cuaithlai; 2. khat le khat rualter

balcony - (n.) innleng donhhlei

bald - (adj.) lukolh , fiangfai ngaiin chimmi bia

bale - (n.) thil tom; e.g. lapar tom

bale - (v.) 1. vanlawng chungin paracut in zuan; 2. lawngchung i a ummi ti kha a ran khawh chungin lak

balk - (v.) 1.hmailei i kal kho ti loin a tang; 2. nawlngaih zokzok duh lo

ball - (n.) 1. a pummi thil, pumpululh; e.g. He passed the ball to me = Pumpululh kha a ka chanh (hlonh hnawh); e.g. He can pitch the ball very well = Ttha ngaiin pumpululh kha a cheh ko; 2. lamnak puaipi.

ballad - (n.) hla phun khat, hlan lio thil kong le tuanbia chimnak i hmanni

ballet - (n.) lam phun khat a si i biachim loin tuanbia pakhatkhat an langhter

ballistic - (adj.) thal bantukin kah khawhmi thil, rawket

balloon - (n.) khairiat sawngkhoi thli in khahter tik i van i a zuang khomi balun

ballot - (n.) rian ca i mithimnak caah hmanmi thil , me

balm - (n.) hma damternak ca i hmanmi si

balmy - (adj.) a nemmi , a nuammi

balsam - (n.) balm si an laknak thingkung

bamboo - (n.) rua, mau; e.g. bamboo pipes = rua cong.

ban - (v.) thlauh , kham , onh lo

banana - (n.) banhla; e.g. A bunch of bananas = Banhla thlar; a bu in chiahmi thil; e.g. An apple is different in shape from a banana = Epal cu a pungsan banhla he aa dang; e.g. Banana is a tropical fruit = Banhla cu ram lum thei a si.

band - (n.) 1. thirhri tlap; e.g. The box was strengthened with bands of iron = Thingkuang cu fek seh tiah thirtlap in an ttem; 2. bu, awdawh a tumtu bu.

bandage - (n.) a var deuh in tahmi hma tuamnak puanchia

bandanna - (n.) hngawngngerh dawh ngai; khuabawi pawl hman bikmi

bandit - (n.) mifir , khualtlawngmi a bu in bawh i lampi i an thil a rak chutmi

bane - (n.) tthat lonak chuahtertu; e.g. Drink was the bane of his life = Zudin kha a nunnak a hrawktu a si.

bang - (n.) 1. awthang; e.g. He gave the drum a bang = Khuang kha fak piin a tum; 2. cal sam a phei in tan; e.g. She wears her hair banged = a cal sam a phei in aa tan.

bang - (v.) aw thanter; e.g. He banged the door as he went out = Innkhar kha a chuah pah ah thangpi in a khar.

bangle - (n.) kutkhih, rektekhih, thuamhnak

banian tree - (n.) ri kung, tuaihmawng kung

banish - (v.) tthawl, dawi.

banisters - (n.) hlei tlaihtleng dohtu thing tete

banjo - (n.) tingtang phun khat

bank - (n.) 1. tangka chiahnak inn, bengh; e.g. If you keep money in the Savings Bank, interest accrues = Bank ah tangka na chiah ahcun a karh kha a rak tthang. 2. tiva kam; e.g. Lush grass grows along the river banks = Tiva kamah ram hring detdut in an um; 3. thil tampi aa pongmi; e.g. There was a snow bank ten feet deep = Hawhra pe hra aa pongmi a um; 4. piano chung i a tumnak hmehmi tete artlang in chiahmi hna.

bank - (v.) 1. mei vutcam in uap, phulh; e.g. Bank the fire with ashes that it will burn slowly = Mei kha vutcam phulh law duhsah tein alh seh; 2. bochan; e.g. You cannot bank on his help = A ka bawmh lai tiah i bochan hlah.

banker - (n.) tangka inn ngeitu, zohkhenhtu

bankrupt - (n.) leiba a cham kho lomi

bankrupt - (adj.) tangka zeihmanh a ngei lomi

banner - (n.) alaan , hmelchunhnak thantar , teinak puanlaang

banns - (n.) anih le anih an i thi lai, tiah biakinn i an tarmi ca

banquet - (n.) puai tuahnak zanriah ngan

bantam - (n.) cuk a tthawngmi ar

baptism - (n.) tipil innak

Baptist - (n., pron.) khrihfa phung luh tikah ti chungah i hnim awk a si ti in a zummi pawl.

baptistry - (n.) tipil peknak hmun

baptize - (v.) tipil pek

bar - (n.) 1. tan , thluan; e.g. A bar of soap = Chatpiat tan (thluan) khat; 2. dawntu; e.g. Bad temper is a bar to making friends = Thinchiat hi hawikom ser dawntu a si; 3. solfa tan khat, bar khat timikhi; 4. biaceihnak hmun ah taza cuaimi pa a dirnak hmun khi; 5. sihni pawl; e.g. After passing his law examination, he was called to the bar = Upadi camipuai a awn dih in, sihni pawl bu chungah khan a lut ve; 6. zudinnak hmun, zudinnak cabuai.

bar - (v.) hrenhkanh , kham; e.g. Bar the door = Innka kha hrenh.

barb - (n.) 1. siao hna, thal hna, a zummi; e.g. barbed wire = thirhri hling; 2. mi lung henh seh ti in chim hrammi bia

barbarian - (n.) hrutmi miphun

barbaric - (adj.) hruthrut nganga i khua a sami

barbecue - (n.) sa emnak har

barbecue - (v.) sa em

barber - (n.) sam le hmurhmul mettu

barber shop - (n.) sam mehnak hmun

bare - (adj.) taklawng, fangkarao; e.g. bare hands = Kut lawng.

bare foot - (adj.) kedan loin, ke lawngin

bare headed - (adj.) luchin loin, lu lawngin

barely - (adv.) ceoceo; e.g. He has barely enough money to live on = A tangka ngeihmi cu nun khawhnak ceoceo a si.

bargain - (n.) chawdet

barge - (n.) ti cung i thil hnuhnak tilawng , khuh a ngei lomi ; mah seh a ngei lomi lawng dang i hnuhmi

baritone - (n.) pa aw , tenor le bass karlak

barium - (n.) paw le ril X-ray (eksre) in hman an thlak lai i an eitermi hna rawl, a rang i a timi.

bark - (v.) uico bao

bark - (n.) thing hawng

bark (barque) - (n.) puanzar in a kalmi tilawng phun khat

barley - (n.) barli , facang bantuk a simi rawl phun khat

barn - (n.) rawlkhonnak inn, rawlruk; e.g. The barns were bursting with grains = Rawl inn cu rawl an khat cikcek.

barometer - (n.) thli a rih le rih lo tah i vawlei a niam san hngalh khawhnak seh

baron - (n.) mihrin fa aa timi hna lak i a niam cem pawl

baroque - (adj.) tamhmi inn; inn tamhning phun khat

barque - (n.) puanzar in a kalmi tilawng phun khat

barrack - (n.) ralkap umnak ca i inn saupi artlang in sakmi hna

barrage - (n.) 1. ralkap nih an ral kha hmaiah fong kho hna hla seh tiah a dongh dong loin an rak kah hna khi, asiloah hnulei i an kir lio i kan phan hna hlah seh tiin heh tiah an kah hna khi; e.g. The soldiers delivered a barrage of artillery fire on their enemies = Ralkap pawl nih an ral hna kha a dongh dong loin heh tiah an kah hna; 2. a dongh dong loin chimmi bia; e.g. A barrage of words = a dongh dong loin chimmi bia.

barrel - (n.) 1. thing in siseh, thir in siseh, an sermi ti chiahnak pung; e.g. A barrell swells in the middle = Tipung cu a lai a puar. 2. meithal thirpi, gun barrel.

barren - (adj.) 1. rocar; 2. fa ngei kho lomi

barricade - (n.) kal khawh lonak ding ca i lam i dawntu sermi , lam i thingtum rilhmi

barrier - (n.) dawntu

barrister - (n.) sihni

barrow - (n.) kekual pahnih a ngeimi leng , thil hlonhnak i hmanmi

barter - (v.) thil i cawk tikah tagka hman loin a thil in i thlen

basal - (adj.) a hrampi a simi

base - (n.) 1. hram , hrampi; 2. a biapi bik a simi thil, hmun

base - (v.) hram bunh

base - (adj.) a niammi, nautat awk a simi, a ttha lomi thil

baseball - (n.) lentecelhnak phun khat

basement - (n.) inntang a niamnak hmun , vawlei tangah a si tawn

bashful - (adj.) ningzah a thiam ngaimi

basic - (adj.) a hrampi a simi thil

basillica - (n.) innkhan saupi, hlan lio Rome mi nih biaceihnak zung i an rak hmanmi: siangpahrang inn, cu bantukin Khrihfa mi nih biakinn i an hmanmi.

basin - (n.) 1. kut ttawlnak khengpi , hmai phiahnak i donhmi khengpi; 2. tiva luannak nelrawn

basis - (n.) hrampi

bask - (v.) nitlang toh mei toh

basket - (n.) tlah in tahmi bawm; e.g. People weave thread into cloth and reed into baskets = Mi nih la cu puan ah an tah hna i ramkung cu bawm ah an tah hna; e.g. The girl poised the basket on her head = Bawm kha ngaknu nih a lu ah tla lo tein aa kinh.

bass - (n.) 1. pa aw, a thummi; 2. nga phun khat

bastard - (n.) lakfa

baste - (v.) 1. kang hlah seh tiah kiaumi sa kha ti toih lengmang; e.g. Meat is basted to keep it from drying = Ro hlah seh tiah sa cu chiti an thlerh lengmang. 2. thiltthit tik i var pipi in kut in rak tthit chungmi khi.

bastion - (n.) 1. ralhau a va fonghleimi; 2. ralhau bangin i bochanmi

bat - (n.) 1. papalak; 2. pumpululh tuknak fung

batch - (n.) 1. voi khat rawh ah an rawhmi changreu hlum hna; 2. bu, mibu

bath - (n.) kholhnak; e.g. Your bath is ready = Na kholhnak ti a za cang; 2. kholh; e.g. I shall have a bath = Kaa kholh lai.

bathe - (v.) 1. ti in ttawl, ti chung i ttawl; 2. cinh, cinter; e.g. His face was bathed in tears = A hmai cu a mitthli nih a cinh dih. 3, kholh, khawlh; e.g. It’s nice to bathe with cold water in hot weather = Khualum caan ah tikik khawlh a nuam.

bathroom - (n.) kholhnak khan

bathtub - (n.) kholhnak kheng nganpi

Batman - (n., prop.) ralbawi nih sinum aa chiahmi.

baton - (n.) palik nih si hna seh, hla hruaitu nih si hna seh, an hmanmi fung

battalion - (n.) ralkap thong khat bu

batten - (n.) bawhthuah

batter - (v.) den, hrawn; e.g. He battered the door = Innka kha a den.

battering ram - (n.) ralhau chimhnak i an hmanmi thil

battery - (n.) 1. meithal ngan a hmangmi ralkap pawl le an hriamnam; 2. betteri

battle - (n.) ralkapbu le ralkapbu i tuk, i doh, i tuk.

bauxite - (n.) vawlei bantuk a simi thil, dan (daan) a chuahnak.

bawl - (v.) fak piin au; e.g. He bawled at me = Fakpi in a ka auh chih.

bay - (n.) 1. rili fonghlei; 2. baskabu an i thawhnak hmun; 3. a reng i beh; e.g. The deer stood at bay at the edge of the cliff = Lungpang hram ah sakhi cu a reng ah an ben i zeiti awk hngal loin a um.

bayonet - (n.) benet , meithal hmur i bunhmi nam

bazaar - (n.) chawdawrnak hmun , chawdawr

bazooka - (n.) meithal, tank (ttheng) kahnak i hmanmi

be - (v.) si, um; e.g. He will be here this year = Tukum cu hika ah a um lai; e.g. She tries to be good = Tthat aa zuam mittha si aa zuam.

beach - (n.) rili kam, tiva kam;  e.g. They lounged on the beach = Rili kam ah an i nuam; e.g. The children dashed pell-mell down the beach and into the waves = Ngakchia pawl cu rili kam ah khan an vung choi cutmat i tilet chungah khan an i lioh colh.

beacon - (n.) lam hmuhsaktu ca chiahmi mei ceu

bead - (n.) tthipum, tthi; e.g. A string of beads = Thi rual khat.

beak - (n.) vate hmur

beam - (n.) 1. kan (kaan), inn saknak kan; 2. ceunak inn chung i a run i kapmi.

beam - (v.) tha hoihter

bean - (n.) bete , bailep

beanstalk - (n.) bete, bailep ruang

bear - (n.) vom; e.g. He has a tame bear = Ngam lakin zuatmi vom pakhat a ngei; e.g. I saw an imprint of a bear’s foot in the mud = Nawncek ah vom keneh ka hmuh; e.g. He was mauled by the bear = Vom nih a seh.

bear - (v.) 1. put; e.g. It takes two men to bear that stone = Khi lung put khawhnak ah khin mi pahnih a herh; 2. in, nganfah in; e.g. He cannot bear the pain anymore = A ing kho ti lo; 3. pehtlaih; e.g. This story does not bear on the question = Hi tuanbia le biahalnak an i pehtlai; e.g. This tree bears much fruits = Hi kung cu thei tampi a tlai.

beard - (n.) khahmul

bearer - (n.) 1. phortu; 2. mirum inn i rawl petu a ngan bik

bearing - (n.) 1. seh mernak ca i hmanmi thil, biaring; 2. umtu hoiher le lungputning; e.g. He has a good bearing = A umtu a hoiher ning a ttha.

bearish - (adj.) vom bantuk

beast - (n.) ramsa

beastly - (adj., adv.) ramsa bantuk; e.g. beastly conduct = ramsa bantuk ziaza.

beat - (v.) 1. tuk velh; 2. tei;; e.g. He could not win (beat) his opponent = Amah a dohtu (a paitu) kha a tei kho lo. Beat about the bush = Phihlik kheng tlang vel in.

beaten - (adj.) pal lengmangmi, lamh lengmangmi; e.g. The beaten path = Pal lengmangmi lam.

beaten - (v.) past participle of beat is beaten; zoh beat.

beater - (n.) khan hawttu

beatific - (adj.) lunglawmhnak a langhtermi; e.g. The saint had a beatific smile = Mittha cu lunglawmhnak an mithmai ah a lang.

beatitude - (n.) lunglawmhnak , Khrih tlangcung cawnpiaknak

beautiful - (adj.) aa dawhmi; e.g. The view from our house is beautiful = Kan inn in kan hmuh khawhmi thil hna cu an i dawh ngaingai.

beautify - (v.) dawhter , tamh

beauty - (n.) dawhnak; e.g. Her beauty attracts him = Aa dawhnak nih a lungthin a hnuh, a lak.

beaver - (n.) zu phun khat a fim ngaimi

becalm - (v.) daihter , dai tein umter

became - (v.) can, si; e.g. He became a great man = Mi ngan ah a cang; past tense of become, can, si.

because - (conj.) caah , ruangah

beckon - (v.) kutzaoh in kawh

become - (v.) can, si; e.g. He becomes an army officer = Ralbawi ah a cang; Past participle of become is become.

becoming - (adj.) aa tlakni

bed - (n.) ihkhun; e.g. The child tumbled from the bed = Ihkun in ngakchia a tla;  e.g. It is time to go to bed = Ih caan a cu (si) cang; e.g. You may pack up your bed-roll = Na ihphah i zual tuah; e.g. He reclined on the bed = lhkhun cungah zau.

bedouin - (n.) Arab mi, hmun khat in hmun dang ah aa tthial lengmangmi.

bedraggle - (v.) cinter, hnawmhter; e.g. The man's longyi was bedraggled from the wet streets = Lam cet nih mipa a lungzi a cin a hnawmhter.

bedridden - (adj.) ihkhun cung lawngah tho kho loin a ummi , a ngormi

bedroom - (n.) ihnak khan

bedside - (n.) ihkhun kam, ihkhun pawng

bedspread - (n.) ihphah khuh

bedstead - (n.) ihkhun tungtlang

bedtime - (n.) ihcaan; e.g. He is wont to read books at bedtime = Ih caan ah carel kha a zia a si.

bee - (n.) khuai; e.g. A bee makes a direct flight to the hive = Khuai cu ding teomao tein a bu ah a zuang; e.g. Flowers are pollinated by bees = Pangpar cu khuai nih an ci an cawh hna; e.g. Bees sting him = Khuai nih an henh.

beef - (n.) cawsa

beefsteak - (n.) cawsa tit

beefy - (adj.) a sa a ttha , a khal, a titsa a chah

beehive - (n.) khuaibu, khuaikua

Beelzebub - (n., prop.) Khuachia bawipa.

been - (v.) Past participle of be, a si, a um;  be, kha, zoh.

beer - (n.) zu nem phun

beeswax - (n.) khuaiseng

beet - (n.) antam phun khat , a tawba a sen i a thlummi

beetle - (n.) cep (ceep)

befall - (v.) tlunhnawh, tlakhnawh

befell - (v.) befall zoh; past tense of befall.

before - (adv.) 1.hmai ah; e.g. He went before me = Ka hmai ah a kal; 2. hlan ah; e.g. Look before you leap = Na zuan hlan ah zoh hmasa; e.g. You must give a month’s notice before you leave = Na kal hlanah thla khat ralrinnak na kan pek lai. before long = a rauh hlanah; e.g. Summer will come before long = A rauh hlanah thal a chuak lai.

beforehand - (adv.) a hlankan in; e.g. I knew what he would need, so I made preparations beforehand = Zeidah a herh lai ti kha ka hngalh, cucaah timhtuahnak a hlankan in ka rak ser chung.

befoul - (v.) thurhnawmhter

befriend - (v.) hawikom i ser, komh

beg - (v.) nawl , hal , rawlhal

began - (v.) past tense of begin, hramthawk.

beget - (v.) hrin

beggar - (n.) rawl hal i a vakmi; e.g. The stratagem of having a soldier enter the enemy line in the clothes of a beggar was successful = Ral an umnak chung i ralkap pakhat, rawlhal thuam in luhternak khuakhannak kha a hlawhtling ngai; e.g. The beggar made his way from house to house = Rawl halpa cu inn khat hnu inn khat in a kal.

begin - (v.) hramthawk

beginner - (n.) cawnnak aa thawkka a simi, aa thawkka a simi

beginning - (n.) hramthawknak caan

begone - (v.) kal fial, kal cang ti i fial

begot - (v.) past tense of beget, hrin.

begrime - (v.) thurter , hnawmhter

begrudge - (v.) nahchuah; e.g. We don't begrudge your success = Na hlawhtlinnak kan in nahchuah lo.

beguile - (v.) 1. hlen, deh; 2. a si ngaingai lomi thil maw tuanbia in mi lawmhnak tuah

begun - (v.) past participle of begin, kha zoh.

behalf - (n.) can ah, aiawhtu ah; e.g. on my behalf = keimah can ah.

behave - (v.) um, ziaza lei; e.g. Don't behave like a fool = Mihrut bantukin um hlah.

behavior - (n.) U.S.  ziaza, umtu; e.g. His behavior (behaviour) is abominable = A ziaza fih a nung; e.g. He made a radical change in his behaviour (behavior) = A ziaza a hrampi in a thlen.

behaviour - (n.) British.  ziaza, umtu; e.g. His behavior (behaviour) is abominable = A ziaza fih a nung; e.g. He made a radical change in his behaviour (behavior) = A ziaza a hrampi in a thlen.

behead - (v.) lutan

beheld - (v.) past tense and past participle of behold, zoh.

behind - (adv.) hnulei; e.g. Stand behind me = Ka hnulei ah dir.

behold - (v.) zohhmanh

beholder - (n.) zohtu, hmutu

behoove - a herh; e.g. It behooves you to work hard if you want to be successful = Hlawhtlin na duh ahcun rian fak piin na ttuan a herh. British behove

behove - (v.) a herh; e.g. It behoves you to work hard if you want to be successful = Hlawhtlin na duh ahcun rian fak piin na ttuan a herh. U.S. behoove

being - (v.) si, um; e.g. We do not know when this world came into being = Hi vawlei hi zeitik ah dah a hung um ti kha kan hngal lo.

belated - (adj.) a tlai ngaingai cangmi; e.g. belated answer = a tlai cangmi lehnak, hnupi ah lehmi

belch - (v.) erh (voih), irh

beleaguer - (v.) kulh; e.g. He was beleaguered by his enemies = A ral nih an kulh.

belfry - (n.) darkhing thlainak inn

belie - (v.) langhter, phuan, thuh i zuam na i a lang tthiammi; e.g. His smile belied his hurt feelings = A ni ko nain a thinhun kha a lang tthiam.

belief - (n.) zumhnak; e.g. His action is consonant with his belief = A tuahnak le a zumhnak an i zul.

believe - (v.) zumh , bochan , a hman ti i ruah

believer - (n.) zumtu

belike - (adv.) a si kho men.

belittle - (v.) hmetter , nautat , biapi lo ngai i chiahpiak

bell - (n.) darkhing; e.g. The bells pealed forth Christmas joy = Khrismas lunglawmhnak kha darkhing nih an thanter; e.g. Press the button to ring the bell = Darkhing awnhternak ding ah a kep kha hmet.

belle - (n.) khua khat chung ngaknu dawh bik

bellicose - (adj.) sik a duh ngaimi , velh a duh ngaimi , a puarthau ngaimi

belligerence - (n.) i tuk le i thah duhnak, puarthaunak

belligerent - (adj.) a puarthau ngaimi, tuk le thah a duhmi, raltuk a duhmi.

bellow - (v.) hrum , ai , fak piin au hnawh

bellows - (n.) sozahnak puan in sermi

bellwether - (n.) khing aa oih i a hawile a hruaitu hna tuu

belly - (n.) paw

belong - (v.) ta si; e.g. This pen belongs to me = Hi cafung cu ka ta a si; e.g. That particular chair belonged to my father = Khi tthutdan thengte khi ka pa ta a si.

belongings - (n.) ngeihmi thilri, tthial khawh a simi

beloved - (adj.) dawtmi

below - (prep.) thlang ah

belt - (n.) taisawm; e.g. Buckle your belt = Na taisawm i hrenh.

bemoan - (v.) zun ngaih , tah

bench - (n.) 1. tthutdan sau; 2. biaceihnak zung i biaceihtu pawl tthutnak

bend - (v.) 1. kuaih, kawiter; e.g. He bends the iron rod = Thir thluan kha a koih, a kawiter; 2. kun; e.g. She bent to the ground = Vawlei ah a kun.

bend - (n.) kawi, lam kawi;

beneath - (prep.) tangah; e.g. beneath the cross = vailam tangah.

benediction - (n.) thluachuah pek

benefaction - (n.) thilttha tuah , zaangfahnak tuah

benefactor - (n.) thilttha tuahtu

benefactress - (n.) thilttha tuahtu nu.

beneficence - (n.) thilttha tualmi, laksawng, thilttha

beneficent - (adj.) zaangfahnak a ngeimi, thilttha a tuahmi

beneficial - (adj.) tthathnem , a ttha , thil ttha a chuahtermi

beneficiary - (adj.) tthathnemnak a cotu, a hmutu.

benefit - (v.) tthathnem , tthathnemnak hmuh

benefit - (n.) tthathnemnak

benevolence - (n.) mi ca i a tthami thil tuahmi

benevolent - (adj.) mi ca i a tthami thil

benign - (adj.) mi lungnemmi, mi cung i zaanfahnak a ngeimi

benignity - (n.) zaangfahnak

bent - (v.) past tense and past participle of bend, kuaih;  bend, kha zoh.

benumb - (v.) hihter

bequeath - (v.) roh, rocoh, ro pek; e.g. He bequeathed his properties to his son = A thilri kha a fapa a roh, ro ah a pek.

bequest - (n.) rohmi, thil; e.g. He left a bequest of ten kyats = Tangka fang hra a roh.

bereave - (v.) thih tak i ngaihchiat , lunglen

bereavement - (n.) ngaihchiatnak, lunglennak

bereft - (v.) past tense and past participle of bereave, kha zoh.

beret - (n.) luchin, sahmul luchin pum

berry - (n.) khuahmung , theihmung

berth - (n.) tilawng tlanglawng le vanlawng chung i ihnak

beseech - (v.) nawlpat , hal

besieger - (n.) kulhtu.

beside - (prep.) kiangah; e.g. Sit beside me = Ka kiangah thu tuah; e.g. beside oneself = ngaihchiat thinhun tuk i ningcang lo i um.

besides - (prep.) hleiah; e.g. I have three hats besides this = Hi luchin hleiah hin a dang pathum ka ngei rih.

besiege - (v.) kulh, ralkap nih kulh.

besmear - (v.) naih , thah , hnawmhter , melmang thuh ti bantuk

bespeak - (v.) chim, langhter

best - (adj.) ttha bik; e.g. He sorted out the best apples = Epal ttha bikbik kha a thim hna; e.g. He got the pick of the best clothes =Thilpuan ttha bik hna lak i a ttha khummi kha a co hna.

bestial - (adj.) saram bantuk; e.g. bestial behaviour (behavior) = saram bantuk ziaza.

bestir - (v.) thawh, tthangh

bestow - (v.) pek

bestowal - (n.) peknak

bestrew - (v.) hnawmhter phut

bestride - (v.) karkalak thlak i tthut; e.g. You can bestride a horse = Rang cu karkalak thlak in naa cit khawh.

bet - (v.) kam, kamh; e.g. I bet you ten kyats that I will pass the exam = Camipuai ka awng lai tiah tangka fang hra kan kamh.

betray - (v.) rawi

betroth - (v.) kan i thi lai tiah bia i kam , i ham

better - (adj.) 1. a ttha deuh; e.g. He feels a lot better = A ttha deuh ngangai. 2. a dam deuh; 3. tthatter deuh; e.g. You should try to better the situation = Thil umtuning kha tthatter deuh naa zuam awk a si; e.g. Is the patient any better = Mizaw cu a ttha deuh hlei maw? better off = umtu khusak lei i i nincan deuh.

betterment - (n.) tthatter deuhnak

between - (prep.) karlak; e.g. There is a daily train service between Yangoon and Mandalay = Yangon le Mandalay karlakah nifate in a kalmi tlanglawng a um; e.g. The distance between Hakha and Falam is 40 miles = Hakha le Falam karlak aa hlat cu khan 40 a si; e.g. The passage between two houses was blocked = Inn pahnih karlak lam kha a pit.

betwixt - (prep.) karlak

bevel - (n.) tlangthemh; e.g. There is a bevel on the frame for a picture = Hmanthlak tarnak tungtlang kha a chunglei tlang an themh hna.

bevel - (adj.) tlang themhmi; e.g. Some mirrors have bevelled edges = Bihnak thlalang cheu cu a tlang themhmi an si.

beverage - (n.) dinmi thil paohpaoh , kawfi tehna , lakphak tehna , zu tehna

bewail - (v.) tah , zun ngaih

beware - (v.) i ralring, hrial; e.g. Beware of the dog = Uico kha hrial.

bewilder - (v.) lung-ar , khuaruahhar in um

bewilderment - (n.) lung-arnak , khuaruahhar in umnak

bewitch - (v.) hamh

beyond - (adv.) pin; khattelei ral, ralchan

bi - (pref.) pahnih; e.g. bicycle = kekual pahnih; saikal

bi-product - (n.) chuahter duhmi chungin a chuak chinmi; e.g. chaff = favai.

biannual - (adj.) kum khat chungah voi hnih

bias - (n.) 1. paisah; e.g. This cloth is cut on the bias = Hi puan hi paisah in an tan; 2. lungthin hoihlek rak ngei chung cangmi; e.g. He has a bias against the plan = Khuakhan mi duh lo lei khan lungthin hoihning a rak ngei chung cang.

bib - (n.) ngakchia cilthli dawn

Bible - (n., prop.) Khrihfa biaknak phung cauk; e.g. He read a passage from the Bible = Baibal cauk chungin hmun knat a rel.

bibliography - (n.) cauk relmi le hmanmi hna an min ttialmi.

bicarbonate - (n.) biakarboneih; si phun khat

biceps - (n.) banthol

bicycle - (n.) baisikal; e.g. He pedaled his bicycle = A saikal a ke in a mawngh.

bicyclist - (n.) baisikal aa citmi

bid - (v.) 1. nawlpek; e.g. The captain bids his men to go forward = An haotu nih a mi hna kha hmai ah kal u tiah nawl a pek hna; 2. sawm; 3. ti; e.g. His friends came to bid him farewell = A hawile nih dam tein vaa kal ko ti awkah an ra.

bide - (v.) caan rem hngah.

biennial - (adj.) kum hnih chung voi khat

bier - (n.) ruakkuang chuannak , ruak kuang thlan i kalpinak leng

bifocal - (adj.) mithman, a nai zohnak le a hla zohnak thlalang pahnih fonhmi

big - (adj.) lian, ngan;  e.g. My shirt is too big for you = Ka angki cu na caah a ngan tuk.

bigamy - (n.) nupi pahnih ngeih , va pahnih ngeih

bigot - (n.) mah zumhnak le ruahnak tah i thih ngamh in a cawlmi, a ttha lo lei a si; mah lung lawng aa rinhmi

bigotry - (n.) mah lung lawng rinh lungthin ngeihnak

bilateral - (adj.) kap hnih rianttuannak; e.g. The bilateral agreement between two countries = Ram pahnih an pahnih hnatlaknak.

bile - (n.) hnit

bill - (n.) 1. vatto hmur; 2. rianttuan man, thil man, ttialnak ca; 3. rianttuan man, thil man; e.g. electric bills = elektik man; e.g. The bill for electricity is payable today = Elektrik man pek awk a simi cu nihin ah pek awk a si; 4. zapi thawngthanhnak catlap; e.g. Stick no bills on church walls = Biakinn vampang ah thawngthanhnak ca benh hlah; 5. upadi ah ser siseh ti duhmi bia, upadi sertubu sin i chuahpimi; e.g. Parliament passed an education bill = Parliament nih cawnnak upadi an ser.

billiards - (n.) biliat lentecelhnak

billion - (n.) U.S.A., Great Britain, le Australia ah 1,000,000,000 = billion.  Europe ah 1,000,000,000,000.  Canada ah aa ruang tein, aa rual tein.

billow - (n.) tilet

bimonthly - (adj.) thla hnih voi khat

bin - (n.) rawl chiahnak kuang , hnawm khonnak kuang

bind - (v.) 1. tem; 2. cauk ser tik i catlap hna kha hmun khat i tlem i tthit; 3. ngerh , tuam

binder - (n.) temtu

binding - (n.) cauk phaw

binnacle - (n.) tilawng chung i an hmanmi khompas (compass) an chiahnak kuang.

binoculars - (n.) mit hnih in zoh khawhmi hmanbilu , durbing

biographer - (n.) mi dang nunnak tuanbia a ttialtu

biography - (n.) mi dang nunnak kong ttialmi tuanbia

biological - (adj.) nunnak kong cawnak , saram nunnak kong a si bik

biologist - (n.) nunnak kong a cawngmi

biology - (n.) nunnak kong cawnnak

biped - (n.) ke hnih ngeimi saram, a tam bik cu vate an si

biplane - (n.) vanlawng thla thap hnih a ngeimi

bird - (n.) vate; e.g. The bird bobbed its head up and down = Vate nih a lu a suk lengmang; e.g. Birds and snakes moult = Vate nih an hmul an thlongh i rul nih an i zirh; e.g. The bird flew off = Vate kha a zuang diam. bird's eye view = cunglei in vun cuanh.

bird lime - (n.) dai, tunhmi dai

birth - (n.) chuah, hrinnak; (Adj.) e.g. Birth, marriage and death certificates are documents = Chuah, nupi tthit le thihnak lehmah cu documents an si.

birthday - (n.) chuahni, hrinni;  e.g. The dinner was in honor of Mary’s birthday = Zanriah cu Mary chuah lawmhnak caah a si; e.g. Mother has a surprise for me on my birthday = Ka chuah ni caah ka nu nih kaa ruah lomi thilte a ka pek.

birthright - (n.) i chuahpimi tinvo

biscuit - (n.) biskit changreu

bisect - (v.) cheu hnih ah cheu

bishop - (n.) bisawp, Roman Katholik le Anglican nih an ngeihmi pastor.

bishopric - (n.) bisawp pakhat nih ukmi

bison - (n.) Amerikan fung

bit - (n.) tlawmte; e.g. I am a little bit tired = Ka tha thlawmte a di deuh rih.

bit - (v.) bite zoh; past tense and past participle of bite, seh.

bit - (n.) 1. rangchak kahlomh; 2. hringherh hmur; 3. thingpel tete

bitch - (n.) uipi , uinu

bite - (v.) seh

bitter - (adj.) khami; e.g. Quinine is bitter = Kuinin cu a kha; e.g. Bitter words = Bia kha, bia fak; e.g. Sweet, sour, salt and bitter are the four most important tastes = A thlum, a thor, a-al le a khaa hna hi thawtnak lakah biapi bik a simi pali an si.

bitumen - (n.) lam i toihmi kattazasi

bivouac - (n.) buk sak lo i ramlak i riahnak hmun; ralkap ca i pumh i tonnak hmun

bizarre - (adj.) chiatlei in theih a tlei ngaimi thil

blab - (v.) dongh hngal lo i holh lengmang

black - (adj.) nak, a nak; (N.) e.g. Black and white are opposites = Nak le rang cu aa ralchanhmi bia an si; (N.) e.g. There is a sharp contrast between black and white = A nak le a rang cu fiang tein an i dang ko.

black ball - (n.) me nak, duh lo langhternak ca sanhmi me nak

blackberry - (n.) khuahmungpa , theihmungpa

blackbird - (n.) va phun khat

blackboard - (n.) phalung, calungpi; e.g. The blackboard stands on its stand = Phalung cu aa hngatchan hnguah khan a dir.

blacken - (v.) nahter, minchiatter

blacklist - (n.) zumh lomi min khumhnak cazin

blackmail - (n.) hrocernak

blackout - (n.) zan i thlalangawng puanzar zar i mei ceu hmih, khua pumpuluk mei hmih, mei rawk

blacksmith - (n.) soser

bladder - (n.) zunthil , pupuhlut , tutuhlut

blade - (n.) 1. thil a vun attu namte hmur a harte khi; 2. hmurhmul mehnak belet; 3. ram hnah tlap

blamable - (adj.) mawchiat awk tlak

blame - (n.) mawhchiatnak.

blame - (v.) mawhchiat;  e.g. John blamed Tom and vice versa = John nih Tom kha a mawchiat i Tom zong nih John cu a mawchiat ve; e.g. Each blames the other = Pakhat le pakhat an i mawhchiat.

blameless - (adj.) mawchiat awk um lo

blanch - (v.) a dang (daang); e.g. The boy blanched with fear when he saw the bear = Vom a hmuh tikah ngakchiapa cu a dang dih.

bland - (adj.) vaibar lo bantuk mithmai put

blank - (adj.) a lawngmi, zeihmanh a chungah a um lomi; (N.) e.g. Fill in all the blanks = A lawnnak paoh kha phit dih.

blanket - (n.) puan, vorhmi puan; e.g. The fringe of the blanket = Puan a tlang; e.g. Thermal blanket = Puan lum.

blare - (v.) a aw a thang vuaimai; e.g. The trumpets blare = Muko aw a thang vuaimai

blaspheme - (v.) volhpamh , thangchiat

blasphemy - (n.) volhpamh , thangchiatnak

blast - (v.) khuai

blast - (n.) khuainak

blaze - (v.) ceu hluahmah in alh

blaze - (n.) meizik

blazon - (n.) a hlan bawi phun pawl i an rak hmanmi tazeih

bibliography - (n.) cauk relmi le hmanmi hna an min tialmi.

bleach - (v.) ranter (raanter); e.g. He bleached his shirt = A angki a ranter.

bleak - (adj.) 1. a kawng, a kik, thli nih a chem; e.g. The mountain peaks are bleak = Tlangpar cu a kawng, an kik i thli nih a chem hna. 2. ruahchan awk a um lomi.

blear - (v.) fianloter; e.g. A bad cold made his nose run and bleared his eyes = Cumpi nih a hnapthli a chuahter i a mitthli a haiter.

bleary - (adj.) zudin ruang asiloah ttah ruang i mit sen.

bleat - (v.) tuu onh

bled - (v.) past tense and past participle of bleed, thi chuah.

bleed - (v.) thi chuah

blemish - (n.) dotlak lonak , dotlak loter

blend - (v.) cawh , fonh , ai remmi siter

bless - (v.) thluachuah pek

blessedness - (n.) lunglawmhnak, thluachuakmi sinak.

blessing - (n.) thluachuah

blew - (v.) past tense of blow, thongh; blow zoh.

blight - (n.) thingkung a roter i a thuttertu zawtnak.

blind - (adj.) hmuh khawh lo , mitcawt

blindfold - (v.) mithuh

blindness - (n.) mitchawtnak

blink - (v.) mitthep depmap

blinker - (n.) rang nih a kam lei hmu kho hlah seh tiah a mit an chonkanhnak

bliss - (n.) nuamhnak, min philh in a nuammi.

blister - (n.) ke dorh , kut dorh

blithe - (adj.) lunglawm , thanuam

blizzard - (n.) hawhra tampi tlak i thlichia he a si i a kik ngaingaimi khi

bloat - (v.) puarpup.

block - (v.) lam phih, donh; e.g. The road was blocked by a landslide = Mincim nih lam kha a phih.

block - (n.) 1. thingtum, lgtum, a tum a simi paoh. 2. dawntu. 3. innbu bu khat. 4. canamnak seh in nam awkah sermi hmanthlak; e.g. Make a block of the church = Biakinn blok kha va ser tuah.

block - (adj.) cafang ngan; e.g. Print your name in block letters = Na min cu cafang ngan in ttial tuah.

blockade - (n.) lam hrawnhnak , lam phihnak

blond - (adj.) sam sen nawnte i a ummi.

blond - (n.) cu bantuk sam a ngeimi, pa a si ah blond ti in ttial a si, nu a si ah blonde ti in ttial a si.

blood - (n.) thisen; e.g. A drop of blood = Thi dor khat; e.g. The heart is the organ that pumps blood = Kan lung hi thi kaltertu a si; e.g. Christ shed his blood for sinners = Khrih nih misual hna caah a thi a thlet, (chuahter).

blood vessel - (n.) pumchung thihri

bloodshed - (n.) thisen chuah , thah

bloodshot - (adj.) mitsen; e.g. His eyes are bloodshot = A mit an sen dih.

bloodsucker - (n.) mi thisen dawp duhtu

bloody - (adj.) thichuak; e.g. He came home with a bloody nose = Hnar thi chuak in inn ah a rak tin.

bloom - (v.) pangpar par; e.g. Cherry trees bloom in November = Phaizawng cu November ah an par.

bloom - (n.) chan lailing; e.g. She died in the bloom of her youth = A chan lailingte ah a thi; e.g. The apple trees are in bloom in February = Epal cu February ah an par saling a si.

blossom - (v.) par; e.g. The rhododendrons will blossom next month =  Chokhlei hmai thla ah an par lai.

blossom - (n.) pangpar.

blot - (n.) nehnak, cahang nehnak; e.g. There is a blot of ink on his shirt = A angki ah cahang nehnak pakhat a um.

blot - (v.) hloh hrawh; e.g. The mist blotted out the view = Minmei nih a phenh i khualanghnak a hloh dih.

blotch - (n.) takbo, khuaihli bantuk.

blotting paper - (n.) cahang roternak i hmanmi ca

blouse - (n.) nu angki

blow - (n.) 1. thongh; e.g. A single blow floored him = Voi kha thongh ah a ril; e.g. He warded off the blow with his arm = A kut in a thonghnak kha a rak i phen; 2. a fak ngaimi thil; e.g. His mother's death was a great blow to him = A nu thih cu a caah a fak ngaingaimi thil a si.

blow - (v.) 1. thli hran; e.g. The wind blows = Thlitu a hrang; 2. mei hmih; e.g. Blow out the candles = Phazawngdan kha chemhmit; 3. hnit; e.g. Blow your nose = Na hnap i hnit; 4. tum; e.g. Blow the whistle = Firik kha tum tuah;

blow up - (v.) 1. thli in tum; e.g. Blow up your bicycle tyre (tire) = Na saikal ke kha tum tuah. 2. bom in puah; e.g. He blows up the rocks = Lung kha a puah hna.

blown - (v.) past participle of blow; blow zoh.

bludgeon - (n.) tanbo

bludgeon - (v.) tanbo in tuk.

blue - (adj.) vandum mui

blue print - (n.) innsak deng tik i sak ding ning ttha tein suaimi le tuakmi khi.

bluff - (v.) hlen; e.g. He bluffed the thieves = Mifir kha a hlen hna.

bluff - (adj.) mihmaipanh, milungtho.

bluff - (n.) lungpang.

blunder - (n.) palh sualmi thil , biachim i chuahsual

blunt - (adj.) 1. a hnawl, a har lo; e.g. blunt knife = nam hnawl; 2. mi duh le duh lo ruat lem lo a sining bak i chim.

blur - (v.) fianloter; e.g. The picture is blurred = Hmanthlak a fianglo.

blurt - (v.) ruat cungcang lo i chimput.

blush - (v.) ningzah hmaisen; e.g. She blushes = A ning a zak i a hmai a sen.

bluster - (v.) 1. thlitu a hran i a thawng a ngeih khi; e.g. The wind blustered around the house = Inn pawng ah thlitu a hrang. 2. i porhlaw ngai i holh cutmat.

boar - (n.) ngal, tildit lomi vok.

board - (n.) 1. thingpheng; e.g. The board broke in two = Thingphel (thingpheng) kha tan hnih ah aa tan;  e.g. This board has many knots = Hi thingphel (thingpheng) nih mit tampi a ngei. 2.rianttuantu bu, zohkhentu bu; e.g. School board = Sianginn zohkhentu bu.

board - (v.) lawng cung i kai i i cit; e.g. We must board the train now = Atu ah tlanglawng cungah kan kai awk a si cang. e.g. I shall board at the school this year = Tukum cu sianginn ah man pek in rawl ka ei lai.

boarder - (n.) bawda i a ummi.

boarding house - (n.) bawda inn, an pek i umnak inn.

boast - (v.) uanthlar

boastful - (adj.) uangthlarmi

boat - (n.) tilawng hme deuhmi phun; e.g. The boat was afloat on the water = Tilawng cu ti cungah aa lao; e.g. The boat was grounded on the sand = Thetse cungah tilawng cu a tang; e.g. They hauled the boat to the shore = Tikam ah lawng cu an hnuh; e.g. The boat overturned = Tilawng aa let; e.g. They plugged the leak in the boat = Tilawng a zuhnak kha an phih.

boat house - (n.) tilawng hrennak inn.

boat man - (n.) tilawng zaptu.

bob - (v.) 1. lusuk; e.g. The bird bobbed its head up and down = Vate nih a lu a suk lengmang. 2. tichung i pil pah langh pah lengmang.

bobbin - (n.) thil tthitnak seh laril zelhnak.

bodice - (n.) nu angki chungnawh.

bodiless - (adj.) pum loin, pum ngei lomi.

body - (n.) 1. pum, takpum. 2. bu; e.g. A large body of children sang at the church = Ngakchiabu nganpi biakinn ah hla an sa.

bog - (n.) nawncek, cerh nganpi.

bog - (v.) nawncek chung i tap.

bogus - (adj.) deu, a ngaingai a si lomi.

boil - (n.) khuaihli hma

boil - (v.) so, ti so; e.g. Water boils = Ti a so.

boiler - (n.) ti sonak um nganpi.

boisterous - (adj.) a thawng, a fak, aw thang ngai i auh lulh; e.g. A biosterous mob = Aw thang ngaiin a au lulhmi mibu; e.g. A boisterous wind = Thli fak ngai.

bold - (adj.) ralttha

boldness - (n.) raltthatnak.

boll - (n.) lapar thei

bolster - (n.) chantling saupi

bolster - (v.) thoh , dirh bawmh

bolt - (n.) 1. inntung pehnak thir bawl; e.g. bolt and nut = Thirkhenh ngannawnmi bawl le a lu; 2. nimtlau te; e.g. A bolt of lightning struck the tree = Tek nih thingkung a tlak.

bomb - (n.) bom

bombard - (v.) meithal nganpi i bom in kah , bom thlak

bombast - (n.) a si set ttung lomi holh sangsang le holh tthattha hman le chim.

bomber - (n.) bom thlatu vanlawng.

bona fide - (adj.) lih um lo tein a hmanmi taktak.

bond - (n.) 1. temtu, hmunkhat i fonhtu; e.g. I cut the bond around his ankles that he could run = A fengbeo temnak ka tanpiak i a le kho. 2. pakhat le pakhat bia i kamnak i ttialmi ca.

bond - (adj.) a luat lomi, sal a simi.

bondage - (n.) luat lo i mi kut tang i temtawn bu i um

bondman - (n.) sal.

bone - (n.) ruh

bonfire - (n.) khualeng i ttihmi meiphu

bonnet - (n.) nu chinhmi luchin

bonny - (adj.) 1. ngakchia a dam ngaimi. 2. ngakchia duh a nung ngaimi.

booby - (adj.) hrut; e.g. Don't be foolish (Don't be a booby) = Hrut hlah.

booby - (n.) mihrut

book - (n.) cauk; e.g. Open your book = Na cauk kau tuah; e.g. He derives pleasure from books = Cauk chungin nuamhnak aa lak; e.g. Handle the books carefully = Cauk kha ralring tein tawng hna; e.g. The book lies on the table = Cauk cu cabuai cungan a um;  e.g. This book is one of the books which he wrote = Hi cauk hi a ttialmi cauk hna chung i pakhat a si; e.g. This book bores me = Hi cauk nih a ka nor.

book - (v.) cauk chung min khumh

bookcase - (n.) cauk chiahnak hrawl.

bookish - (adj.) cauk chimmi lawng a hngal ngaimi.

bookkeeper - (n.) tangka cazin tlaitu.

booklet - (n.) cauk hmete

bookmark - (n.) cauk chung dannak puanchia.

bookseller - cauk zuartu.

bookworm - (n.) cauk a eitu rungrul , cucaah ca a rel tukmi khi bookworm an ti.

boom - (n.) a thawng a thang ngaingaimi thawng; e.g. The boom of a cannon = Miakpi thawng.

boom - (v.) khulrang tein tuah thluahmah

boomerang - (n.) Australia ram mi nih an hmanmi chechnak thil phun khat, a cheptu sin i a kir than khomi.

boon - (n.) thluachuah, a tthahnemmi thil.

boor - (n.) fimnak thiamnak zeihmanh a ngei lomi

boorish - (adj.) ziaza dawh set lomi, mihrut zei thei lomi.

boost - (n.) hmailei i namtu, cunglei i cawitu.

boot - (n.) but kedan

booth - (n.) thlamte , me peknak i sermi khan hmete

bootlegger - (n.) upadi he i ralchanh in zureu a zuarmi.

booty - (n.) hranchaw

border - (n.) 1. tlang , puantlang , tawnrolh tlang; 2. ramri

borderland - (n.) ramri he aa naihmi hmun.

bore - (v.) 1.vih. 2.nor; e.g. This book bores me = Hi cauk nih a ka nor.

bore - (n.) kua, meithal kua.

boric acid - (n.) esid phun khat.

born - (v.) hrin, chuah; e.g. Where were you born = Khuazei ah dah na chuah?

born - (adj.) chuahpimp; e.g. Eliot was a born poet = Eliot cu hlathiam aa chuahpimi a si.

borne - (v.) past participle of bear, put, in;  bear, kha zoh.

borough - (n.) khua.

borrow - (v.) tangka cawi, thil cawi; e.g. Mr. Brown’s ostensible purpose was borrowing some sugar, but he really wanted to see the furniture = Mr. Brown nih a leng i a langhtermi cu thanthling cawi a si, asinain a duh taktakmi cu tthutdan cabuai ngai kha a si; e.g. He has no qualms about borrowing money = Mi tangka cawi a zeihmanh a poi lo.

bosom - (n.) tang

boss - (n.) bawi , uktu , zohkhenhtu bawi

botanist - (n.) thingkung ramkung umtuning a cawng i a thiammi

botany - (n.) thingkung ramkung umtuning kong cawnnak

both - (adj.) an pahnih in

bother - (v.) hnahnawhnak pek

bothersome - (adj.) hnahnawh petu a simi , mi hnahnok a simi

bottle - (n.) thawl, thihna thawl; e.g. Water gurgles when it is poured out of a bottle = Thawl chungin ti cu thlet a si tikah, a awn hliahmah.

bottom - (n.) tawne

bottomless - (adj.) tawne negi lo , a thuk tukmi dongh hngal lo

bough - (n.) thingnge

bought - (v.) past tense and past participle of buy, cawk; zoh buy;  e.g. I bought this pony last year = Nikum ah hi rang hi ka rak cawk; e.g. James bought five kyats worth of meat = James nih sa fang nga man a cawk; e.g. We bought ourselves a new car = Kanmah caah mawttawka thar kan i cawk.

boulder - (n.) lungpi

boulevard - (n.) lam nganpi

bounce - (v.) hlok; e.g. The baby bounced up and down on the bed = Ngakchia cu ihkhun cungah aa hlok lengmang.  The ball bounces very high = Pumpululh cu snagpi aa hlok.

bound - (v.) 1. tuam, ttem; e.g. His feet are bound with rope = A ke kha hri in an tem. 2. hnek, tuah hrimhrim awk a si; e.g. He is bound to attend school = Sianginn a kai hrimhrim awk a si. 3. a si hrimhrim lai ti hngalh; e.g. He is bound to win = A tei hrimhrim lai ti kha hngalh a si ko. 4. kal; e.g. Where are you bound? I am bound for home = Khuazei ah dah na kal lai?  Inn ah ka kal lai. 5. past tense and past participle of bind, tem.  zoh bind.

bound - (n.) zuan hnawh, peh, nam; e.g. The lion gave a sudden bound on to the back of the deer = Chiandeih nih sakhi cu a keng ah a hei zuan hnawh.

boundary - (n.) ramri; e.g. We must determine the boundaries of our land = Kan ramri kha hmaan tein kan ser hna lai; e.g. Do not impinge on my boundary = Ka ramri ka eng hlah.

boundless - (adj.) donghnak ngei lo , a thuh , a san , a kauh tah khawh lomi

bounteous - (adj.) tampi pek, nunsiangmi.

bountiful - (adj.) tampi

bounty - (n.) 1. laksawng i pekmi. 2. mittha lo siseh sahrang siseh tlaih awkah pekmi tangka.

bouquet - (n.) bukhe , pangpar tom

bourgeois - (n.) burzua, chawdawr chaw tuah pawl a si deuhmi.

bout - (n.) i zuamnak, i zuam chung; e.g. A wrestling bout = Paih i zuamnak.

bow - (n.) 1. likuk. 2. tingtang tumnak likuk. 3. tilawng siseh vanlawng siseh a hmailei.

bow - (v.) kun, lukhunpiak.

bowels - (n.) ril , paw

bowl - (n.) khengkuar

bowlegged - (adj.) ngalkual

bowman - (n.) thal kah thiam.

bowstring - (n.) chaiza , liza

box - (n.) thingkuang, kuang; e.g. I put the bulk of my books in the box = Ka cauk a tam deuh cu kuang chungah ka chiah hna; e.g. He heaved the heavy box into the car = Thingkuang ritpi cu a cawi i mawttawka chungah a sanh; e.g. Bring the box that has the lid = Chin a ngeimi thingkuang kha rak pu;  e.g. There is nothing in an empty box = A lawngmi kuang chungah zeihmanh a um lo.

boxer - (n.) boksing thonghthiam

boxing - (n.) kut in i thonghnak lentecelhnak; e.g. It was a fair fight = Boksing an i thongh cu a phungning le a dinning in an i thawng ko.

boy - (n.) pa ngakchia; e.g. The boy is hanging out of the window = Ngakchiapa cu thlalangawng in a fong; e.g. Neither of the boys would go = Ngakchia pahnih hna lakah khan, ahohmanh nih kal a duh veve lo.

boycott - (v.) a bu in duh lonak langhter i i tel duh ti lo

boyhood - (n.) ngakchiat lio caan

brace - (n.) thing vihnak.

brace - (v.) beh chih, tem chih.

bracelet - (n.) kutkhih

bracket - (n.) 1. hrawl dohnak ca i vampang i khenhmi thing asiloah thir fong. 2. breket; e.g.  (  )   [ ]    { }

brag - (v.) mahfak i biachim , uanthlar

braggart - (n.) mah fak rumro i bia a chimmi

brahman - (n.) India ram miphun thiang; Pung-na.

braid - (v.) samphiar , sam i phiar

braid - (n.) samphiar.

braille - (n.) mitcaw carel

brain - (n.) thluak; e.g. Mr. Jones is a man with brains = Mr. Jones cu thluak ngeimi a si;  e.g. She has a good head (brain) for science = Science cawnnak caah a thluak a tha.

brainless - (adj.) thluak ngei lo, mihrut.

brake - (v.) khamtu , breik

branch - (n.) thingnge, ttengnge ;e.g. The birds sit on the branch = Vate thingnge ah an i fu.

brand - (n.) phun, hmelchunhnak; e.g. Do you like this brand of coffee = Hi kawfi phun hi na duh maw?

brand - (v.) hmelchunhnak ser; e.g. Farmers brand their sheep = Lothlo pawl nih an tuu cungah hmelchunhnak an ser hna.

brandish - (v.) nam lek; e.g. He brandishes his sword = A vainam a lek.

brandy - (n.) zureu a thawngmi phun

brass - (n.) dar eng phun

brassiere - (n.) nu angki chungnawh;  bra zong.

brave - (adj.) ralttha.

bravery - (n.) raltthatnak;  e.g. The soldier was cited for bravery = Ral kap cu raltthat ruangah mintthatnak an pek.

brawl - (n.) aukhuan len i sik len, i velh i vuak len.

brawny - (adj.) thazang tthawng

bray - (v.) laa onh, khacer onh, sullam ngei lo i au thlorh i au.

brazen - (adj.) dar in sermi thil, dar bantuk a simi, ningzah hngal lo, aa hrahhrammi.

brazier - (n.) meipung a hme pawl.

breach - (n.) 1. awng, a pemnak awng; 2. i tthennak; e.g. Disagreement produced a breach between two partners = Lungrual lonak nih rianttuanti hawi pahnih kha a tthen hna; 3. tlamtlinhlo; e.g. For me to go away today would be a breach of duty = Nihin i kal cu kei ka caah cun rian tlamtlinh lo a si.

bread - (n.) changreu, rawl; e.g. Slice the bread = Changreu kha par; e.g. Get some bread at the store = Chawdawr ah changreu va caw tuah; e.g. He ate a part of the bread = Changreu a cheu kha a ei.

breadth - (n.) a kauh lei

break - (v.) 1. kuai; 2. let; e.g. He never breaks his promise = A biakam a let bal lo; 3. buar; e.g. Those who broke the law are punished = Nawl a buarmi cu dan an tat hna; 4. hranhram in luh, chuah; e.g. A thief broke into the house = Mifir inn chungah a lut; e.g. He broke loose from prison = Thong chung in a zam (chuak). break down = rawk break loose = zam, luat; e.g. He broke loose from prison = Thonginn in a zam. break off = ngol. break up = ngolternak, donghternak.  

break - (n.) 1. awng; e.g. The dog escaped through a break in the fence = Hauhruang awng khan uico kha a chuak; 2. tlawmte i dinhtanak.

breakfast - (n.) thaithawh

breakwater - (n.) ti khamnak vampang

breast - (n.) hnuk, tang; e.g. She strained her child to her breast = A fate kha a tang ah a rehchih.

breastbone - (n.) tang ruh

breastplate - (n.) tangphaw

breath - (n.) thaw

breathe - (v.) thaw dawp , thaw chuah

bred - (v.) past tense and past participle of breed, zoh.

breech - (n.) meithal a thirpi zenthawng hrolhnak

breeches - (n.) rang citnak tawhrolh

breed - (v.) fahrin

breeze - (n.) thlizil

breezy - (adj.) thlizil a hrangmi

brethren - (n.) unau rual

brevity - (n.) tawinak

brew - (v.) zu sak, chuahter; e.g. Those boys brew mischief = Khi ngakchia hna nih khin hna-hnawhnak chuaahter i tim in an um.

brewery - (n.) zu an saknak inn hmun

briar - (n.) hlingbur

bribe - (n.) ziknawh; e.g. The judge spurned the bribe = Ziknawh kha biaceihtu bawi nih a duh lo, zeihmanh ah a rel lo.

bribe - (v.) ziknawh pek

bribery - (n.) ziknawhnak tangka, thil

brick - (n.) tlakrawh; e.g. Bricks and mortar cohere = Tlakrawh le thung cu an i seng; e.g. The wall was relaid with new bricks = Vampang cu tlakrawh thar in an remh tthan.

bride - (n.) va ngei liomi ngaknu ; mo

bridegroom - (n.) nupi thi tlangval

bridesmaid - (n.) maw, mo hawi.

bridge - (n.) hlei; e.g. The bridge spanned over the railway lines = Hlei cu tlanglawng lam cungah aa thlai; e.g. The bridge crossed the river in a single span = Hlei cu tiva cungah tung le tung karah aa thlai; e.g. A flood swept away the bridge = Tilian nih hlei kha a kalpi.

bridle - (n.) rangchak

bridle - (v.) chakhlomh

brief - (adj.) tawi tein chimmi bia

brigade - (n.) 1. ralkapbu; mi 4,000 tluk; 2. hmunkhat i rian a ttuanmi bu

brigadier - (n.) ralkap thong li hrawng a uktu.

brigand - (n.) khuapi chungah si lo in ramlak i a ummi mifir

bright - (adj.) 1. ceu; e.g. Sunshine is bright = Ni tlang a ceu; 2. lungvar, fim; e.g. A bright girl learns quickly = Lungvarmi ngakchianu nih cun khulrang in a thiam khawh; e.g. The students are mostly bright = Siangngakchia a tam bik cu an lung a var; 3. lunglawm, thanuam; e.g. Everybody was bright gay (bright and happy) at the party = Ahopaoh puai ah cun lunglawm thanuam in an um.

brighten - (v.) ceuter

brightness - (n.) ceunak

brilliance - (n.) ceunak, a cer in a cermi sinak.

brilliant - (adj.) 1. a cermi thil; 2. fim ngaingai, thiam ngaingai a simi.

brim - (n.) hrai tlang , kheng tlang , lukhuh tlang

brimful - (adj.) a khat dilhdelh, a liam in a liam

brimstone - (n.) kat (kaat).

brine - (n.) cite ti , a al ngaimi

bring - (v.) put; e.g. Bring here a pen = Cafung pakhat in rak pu; e.g. Bring your umbrella in case it rains = Ruah a sur sual lai, na nithawng i put; bring about = umter, siter. bring forth = hrin. bring forward = phuan, langhter.

brink - (n.) a tlang parte

brisk - (adj.) khulrang in , tlavakmak in

bristle - (n.) 1. vokhmul, vokhmul bantukin tthawng tertor in ummi hmul; 2. tampi um; e.g. Our path bristled with problems = Kam lam cu harnak in a khah in a khat.

Britain - (n., prop.) England ram.

brittle - (adj.) a hngomi , a kuai a fawimi

broach - (n.) awng vihnak thilri

broach - (v.) thil pakhat kong chim i thawk

broad - (adj.) kau , lam kau

broad-minded - (adj.) lungkau a ngeimi

broadcast - (v.) 1. radio in biachim, thanh; 2. hmun kaupi i kaupi in theh, hlonh.

broaden - (v.) kauhter

broccoli - (n.) antam par

broil - (v.) 1. ciar, chuan; 2. khuasa ngaiin um; e.g. We broil in the hot sun = Ni lin nih a chumh in a kan chumh.

broke - (v.) past tense of break, khuai; break zoh.

broken - (adj.) 1. a kuaimi thil; 2. biakam zulh lomi, letmi; 3. thiam setsai lo in holhmi; e.g. Broken English = Thiam setsai loin holhmi Mirang holh; 4. tthumh, thazang ttum; e.g. His courage was broken by his failure = Sunghnak nih a thazang a tthumh. past participle of break, kuai.

broken-hearted - (adj.) lungkuaimi , ngaihchiami

broker - (n.) pakhat le pakhat kar i thil a caw a zuartu.

bronchi - (n.) kan pumchung thli peng chung i a te tete pahnih

bronchitis - (n.) pumchung thlipeng tete zawtnak

bronze - (n.) dar sen; e.g. The statue of Aung San was cast in bronze = Aung San hmanthlak cu darsen in an thlet; e.g. Bronze is made by the fusion of copper and tin = Dar sen cu dar rang le canphio cawh in sermi a si.

brooch - (n.) tangbenh, sawhchihnak fungte a ngeimi; zong broach.

brood - (n.) arfa tete voi khat i hrinmi bu.

brood - (v.) 1. tlumh, arti tlumh; 2. saupi ruah ciahmah

brook - (n.) tivate; e.g. A brook divides the field = Tivate nih lo kha a tthen.

broom - (n.) hmunphiah

broomstick - (n.) hmunphiah ko

broth - (n.) sabuti

brother - (n.) unau, tta; e.g. He and his brother share one room = Amah le a nau cu khan khat an i hrawm.

brother-in-law - (n.) nupi tta , va naupa , va u-pa

brotherhood - (n.) unau sinak, unau bantukin i dawtnak

brought - (v.) past tense and past participle of bring, put; bring zoh;   e.g. He brought only two books = Cauk pahnih lawnglawng a rak put.

brow - (n.) cal; e.g. He has wrinkles on his brow = A cal a sawng cang.

brown - (adj.) kawfi zawng

brownish - (adj.) kawfi zawng a si nawnmi

browse - (v.) a kenkiplo rel duahmah

bruise - (v.) hliamkhuai , fahter

bruise - (n.) hma , i khawndenmi hma

brunette - (n.) sam a dummi nu

brunt - (n.) a fahnak bik hmual

brush - (n.) vok hmul tom thil hnawhnak i hmanmi , baras

brush - (v.) baras in thil hnor , kedan tehna , angikleng tehna

brusque - (adj.) mithmai panh lo ngaiin tawite tawite in biachimmi , bialeh

brutal - (adj.) puar , hran , sahrang bantuk i um , zaangfahnak ngei lo tuk , thah , biachim

brute - (n.) saram, ruahnak a ngei lomi; cu bantukin a ummi minung

brutish - (adj.) saram tlukceo a simi.

bubble - (n.) ti buanbara

bubble - (v.) ti a luan i a awnh hliahmah khi

buck - (n.) sakhi cal (pa)

buck - (v.) lakhruak per

bucket - (n.) baltin; e.g. A man carried two buckets on a yoke, one at each end = Mipa nih laang ka pakhat in baltin pahnih a put hna, khattelei pakhat veve in.

buckle - (v.) taisawm i hrenh; e.g. Buckle your belt = Na taisawm i hrenh.

buckle - (n.) taisawm hrenh

buckler - (n.) ttangphaw a hme phun

buckshot - (n.) sa kahnak ca i an sermi kuan

bud - (n.) thinghnah a corhkate a simi

Buddha - (n., prop.) Budis biaknak a thawktu

Buddhist - (n., prop.) Budis biaknak a zulmi

budge - (v.) tthial, thawn, hngir; e.g. He cannot budge the rock = Lungpi cu a hngir in a hngir kho lo.

budget - (n.) tangka hmuhnak le hmannak ding tuak chungnak

buffalo - (n.) naa; e.g. He plows the field with water buffaloes = Naa in lei a thuan hna; zoh bison.

buffer - (n.) a hmual a dinter deuhtu , a nemter deuhtu

buffer state - (n.) ram pahnh karlak i ram hme deuh aa tenhmi.

buffet - (v.) 1. thongh; 2. fak piin thin

buffet - (n.) mah tein i suah ciomi rawldangh

bug - (n.) hmaifa; e.g. Mosquitoes, flies, gnats and bugs are insects = Fikfa, tho, ngalsang le hmaifa, rungrul, thohmuai, cngcel cu thakza an si.

bugle - (n.) muko

bugler - (n.) muko tumtu

build - (v.) sak, inn sak

builder - (n.) satu, inn satu

building - (n.) inn; e.g. The estimate for this building is one thousand kyats = Hi inn ca dih ding tuakmi cu tangka thong khat a si; e.g. The building occupies a large area = Inn nih hmun kaupi a khat (a huh).

built - (v.) build zoh; past tense of build.

bulb - (n.) 1. tawba, anttam tawba; 2. anttam tawba bantuk a simi elektrik mei vannak bo

bulge - (v.) a puar; e.g. His pocket bulges with apples = A angki zal kha epal a khat i a puar.

bulk - (n.) a tam deuh, a ngan deuh; e.g. I put the bulk of my books in the box = Ka cauk a tam deuh cu kuang chungah ka chiah hna.

bulky - (adj.) thilrit, thlircawi a harmi, a nganmi

bull - (n.) 1. cawtum; 2. Pope nih nawlbia a chuahmi.

bullet - (n.) kuanfang, meithal kuan; e.g. A bullet goes with a velocity of 3,000 feet a second = Kuan fang cu sehkan pakhat ah pe 3000 rannk/hmual in a kal; e.g. The bullet grazed his shoulder = Kuan nih a liang a hnor vak.

bulletin - (n.) thawngpang tawi tein ttialmi

bullion - (n.) suithluan

bullock - (n.) cawtum; (Adj.) e.g. Bullock carts must make way for Jeeps = Cawleng nih Jeep cu an kenh hna awk a si.

bull's eye - (n.) hmuiselnak i chonmi a laifangte

bully - (n.) thazang a tthawng i mi nehsawh le nekngeih a hmangmi

bully - (v.) cu bantukin mah nak der deuhmi va hrocer, duh lomi va tuahter

bulwark - (n.) ralhau

bump - (v.) i suk , i khawn , i den

bump - (n.) 1. dut; e.g. The airplane landed with a bump = Vanlawng kha vawlei a vung phan i dut tiah a cawl; 2. khawndennak in a phingmi; 3. a bo

bumper - (n.) mawttawka hmailei i khammi thirthluan

bumper - (adj.) kum dang nakin rawl tam deuh ngeih.

bunch - (n.) bor; e.g. a bunch of keys = tawh bor; e.g. a bunch of bananas = banhla thlar; a bu in chiahmi thil.

bundle - (n.) tom; e.g. a bundle of clothes = hnipuan tom khat

bundle - (v.) tom; e.g. Please bundle the papers = Caku kha tom hna.

bungalow - (n.) bangla , riahnak inn

bunk - (n.) vampang i benhmi ihkhun

bunker - (n.) 1. tilawng chung i lung meihol chiahnak; 2. ralkap nih an rak i cawh chungmi khor.

bunny - (n.) saveh kawhnak min; e.g. Easter bunny = Bawipa thawhtthan saveh

buoy - (n.) ti cung i a vuan dingin chiahmi thil , ralrinnak peknak

buoyancy - (n.) ticung i vuanh khawhnak

buoyant - (adj.) 1. ticung i a vuan khomi thil; 2. lunglawm hmaipanh i a ummi

burden - (n.) thilrit

burdensome - (adj.) a ritmi thil , a horh a harmi thil

bureau - (n.) 1. cabuai, a chung i khan hme tete a ngeimi; 2. zung; e.g. We asked the train fare at the Travel Bureau = Tlanglawng kal man kha Khualtlawnak Zung ah kan va hal.

bureaucracy - (n.) bawi ngaiin aa umtermi uktu pawl ukning le rianttuanning

bureaucrat - (n.) bawi ngaiin aa umtermi rianttuantu

burglar - (n.) inn ramhtu , in bauhtu mifir

burial - (n.) mithi vui

burial - (adj.) mithi vuinak; e.g. Burial service = Mithi vuinak pumh

buried - (v.) bury zoh.  Past tense and past participle of bury, vui, phum.

burlap - (n.) buri ttha phun

burly - (adj.) a tthawng, a pum a ngan i a titsa a tthommi

burn - (v.) 1. me in khang; 2. a kang; e.g. The house is burning = Inn a kang; 3. duah, mei duah; e.g. The hot iron seared (burned) his skin = Thir lin nih a cuar a duah/kangh.

burnt - (v.) a kangmi.  Zong burn; past tense and past participle of burn;   e.g. My fire insurance policy states that I shall receive two thousand kyats if my house is burnt down (burned down asiloah burns down)  = Ka mei aamah-khan biakamnak ca chungah, ka inn a kangh ahcun, tangka thong hnih ka hmuh lai, tiah aa ttial.

burrow - (n.) khor , zu khor

burst - (v.) 1. a kek, a kuai; e.g. The bombs burst = Bomb kha an puak, an kek; 2. a khat cikcek; e.g. The barns were bursting with grains = Rawl inn cu rawl an khat cikcek.

bury - (v.) vui , phum

bus - (n.) zapi citnak mawttawka; e.g. A long file of people waited for the bus = I tlang in a dirmi hna mawttawka an hngak.

bush - (n.) burbuk

bushel - (n.) rawl tahnak, phio hnih, tang khat tluk

business - (n.) 1. rian; e.g. His business is building = A rian cu innsak a si; 2. chaw lehthal; e.g. Business was good last year = Nikum cu chaw lehthal a ttha; e.g. He made good in business = A chawdawr a hlawh tling; e.g. He has a business know-how = Chawleh ning a thiam, a hngalh; 3. mah pumpak rian, thil; e.g. My affairs are none of your business = Ka umtuning cu nangmah rian zeihmanh a si lo.

bust - (v.) hmanthlak ; lu , liang le tang lawng a langmi

bustle - (v.) i sulkhawt lulhmalh in um

busy - (adj.) rian tam , manh lo

busybody - (n.) mi rian i a va sawh lengmangmi khi, mi biaduh

but - (conj.) 1. sihmanhselaw; e.g. Their house is big, but ours is small = Annih inn cu a ngan, sihmanhsehlaw kannih inn cu a hme. 2. dah ti lo ahcun; e.g. I shall go anywhere but to the river = Tiva dah ti lo ahcun khuazeihmanh ah ka kal ko lai; 3. dah lo nih cun; e.g. No one knows this but me = Keimah dah ti lo nih cun hihi ahohmanh nih an hngal lo; 4. lawnglawng; e.g. There is but one answer to your question = Na biahalnak lehnak ah cun pakhat lawnglawng a um.

butcher - (n.) caw thattu , saram thattu

butcher - (v.) saram thah bantukin mi thah

butler - (n.) sinum upa bik

butt - (v.) suk; e.g. The goat butted a boy = Meheh nih ngakchia a suk.

butt - (n.) meithal tanglam

butter - (n.) cawhnuk thawhpat

butterfly - (n.) pelep; e.g. The butterflies are impaled on small pins = Pelep cu thim hme tete in an thil hna i an tar hna.

buttermilk - (n.) muaihang

buttocks - (n.) tawtit, tawcor.  butt a tawinak in ttial.

button - (n.) kep; e.g. Locks and buttons are fastenings = Tawh le kep cu hrenhnak i hmanmi thil an si; e.g. Press the button to ring the bell = Darkhing awnhternak ding ah a kep kha hmet.

button - (v.) kep hrenh.

buttonhole - (n.) kep awng; e.g. He sticks a flower in his buttonhole = A angki kep awng ah pangpar a thiah.

buttress - (n.) vampang a fehtertu ding i rualchapmi

buxom - (adj.) thau milmial tein a um i a ngan a dam i lunglawm in a ummi

buy - (v.) cawk; e.g. Father vetoed our plan to buy a cow = Caw cawk kan i timhnak kha ka pa nih a kham; e.g. Name what you want to buy = Cawk na duhmi kha an minchim tuah; e.g. You must reckon the cost before you decide to buy = Ka cawk lai tiah na ti hlanah a man na tuak hmasa lai.

buyer - (n.) cawtu; e.g. When a house is sold the seller gives the title deeds to the buyer = Inn cu a zuar tikah a zuartu nih a cawtu kha ngeitu sinak lehhmah kha a pek.

buzz - (n.) khuai nih a kan helh i a thawng a awn viaimaimi khi, hna zaizil khuang

by - (prep.) 1. pawng; e.g. Stand by me = Ka pawngah dir; 2. in; e.g. They came by car = Mawttawka in an ra; 3. a luan cangmi; e.g. Days gone by = Hnulei a luan cangmi caan. by all means = zeitilei paoh hmanh in tuah ko. by and by = hmailei ah. by far = tampi thlau, suaumau; e.g. He is by far the better writer = Amah cu cattial a thiam deuh suaumau. by hand = kut in ser, put tuah. by heart = lungchung in, zoh loin. by no means = zeitilei paoh hmanh in tuah hlah. by the way = vei mu. by turns = pakhat hnu pakhat aa chang lengmang in. by virtue of = cucaah, cu thawngin.

bylaw - (n.) upadi hme deuh ; mah rianttuannak ding ca i sermi

bypass - (n.) hrialnak lam

bypass - (v.) hrial

bystander - (n.) pawng i a rak dirmi , a rak zohtu

byword - (n.) mi kip nih hmanmi le theihmi bia ; a min chim lengmangmi nu/pa , chiatnak lei deuh in ceihmi hna


cab - (n.) 1. cit awkah hlanmi leng, tang pakhat nih a hnuh khawhmi; 2. mawttawka hme deuh pawl khuapi chung cit awk i hlanmi; e.g. Taxi cab; 3. tlanglawng siseh, mawttawka siseh, a mawngtu an tthutnak hla

cabaret - (n.) 1. rawl emak inn i lamnak zong a um chihmi; 2. cu bantuk nuamhnak tuahnak hmun

cabbage - (n.) kawpi hlum

cabin - (n.) 1. thlam tia hrawng a si i khan khat lawng a ngeimi inn; 2. thingpum in sakmi inn; 3. tilawng chungah siseh, vanlawng chungah siseh, thnak khan

cabinet - (n.) 1. hrawl a ngeimi bizu; 2. ram uktu bawi ngan bik nih amah bawmtu ah aa thimmi vuanzibu

cable - (n.) 1. thirhri hrual; 2. bia i thanhnak thirhri; 3. thirhri in bia i thanhmi

cablegram - (n.) thirhri in bia i thanhmi

cacao - (n.) kuku thei kung

cache - (n.) 1. rawl , tangka , hriamnam le thil dangdang thuhnak hmun; 2. thuhmi thilri , hriamnam

cackle - (n.) 1. ar nih a ti a tit i a tawktadak khi; 2. ar tawktadak bantuk i nih

cactus - (n.) hreng

caddie - (n.) golf a tumi an tuknak fung a put piaktu, golf bawlung chartu.

cadence - (n.) aw ttum le aw kai , holh tik i aw ttum le aw kai

cadet - (n.) ralkap chung bawi si ding a cawng liomi

Caesar - (n., prop.) Rom siangpahrang

cafe - (n.) rawl einak inn , lakphak dinnak inn

cafeteria - (n.) mah nih i lak cio in rawl einak le lakphak dinnak inn

caffeine - (n.) kawfi chungah siseh lakphak chungah siseh aa tel ciami si phun khat

cage - (n.) saram le vate zuatnak bawm

cairn - (n.) lungdonh , zawllung

cajole - (v.) lem

cake - (n.) changreu thlum, kekhmuk; e.g. The ingredients of a cake are flour, sugar and egg = Kekmuk tuahnak i aa telmi cu changvut, cini le arti an si; e.g. The cake has three layers = Kekhmuk cu thap thum a ngei.

calamitous - (adj.) vanchiat a tongmi

calamity - (n.) vanchiat

calcify - (v.) thung hak ah i can

calcium - (n.) kalsiam, ruh thawntertu

calculate - (v.) tuak

calculation - (n.) tuaknak

calculator - (n.) tuaktu (minung a si zongah , seh a si zongah)

calculus - (n.) kanan phun khat, algebra thiam nu i cawnmi.

caldron, couldron - (n.) thil chumhnak um nganpi.

calendar - (n.) nithla relnak

calf - (n.) 1. cawfa, vuifa, whale nga fa, sazuk sakhi fa; 2. thaphet.

caliber - (n.) U.S.: 1. meithal kua; 2. thil ti khawhnak ngeihmi; e.g. He is a man of great caliber = Amah cu thil ti khawhnak nganpi a ngeimi a si.

calibre - (n.) British:1. meithal kua; 2. thil ti khawhnak ngeihmi; e.g. He is a man of great calibre = Amah cu thil ti khawhnak nganpi a ngeimi a si.

calico - (n.) puanthan rang.

caliph - (n.) Muslim bawi.

call - (v.) 1. au, kawh, auh; e.g. Call me at seven o'clock = Suimilam pasarih ah ka au te; e.g. It was an outrage for him to ignore their call for help = Kan bawm tuah ti i an auh i zei i a rak relpiak hna lo cu thinhung ngaingai a si. 2. min sak; e.g. They called him John = John tiah min an sak; 3. len; e.g. Our pastor will call on us tomorrow = Thaizing ah kan pastor a kan leng lai.

caller - (n.) 1. kotu; 2. lengtu

calling - (n.) 1. rian; 2. sawmnak

callous - (adj.) a hak i fah a thei ti lomi

callous - (n.) cuar a dakmi , a hakmi

calm - (n.) dai zirziar in um caan; e.g. A great calm followed the storm = Thlichia kha dai zirziar in a ummi caan nih a hun zulh.

calm - (adj.) a dai; e.g. a calm night = a daimi zan.

calmness - (n.) daihnak

calorie - (n.) rawl nih a chuahtermi linhnak

calumniate - (v.) ni thangchiat , mi congoih

calumny - (n.) thangchiatnak , congoihnak , mi rawi

Calvary - (n., prop.) Bawi Jesuh thihnak tlang

camaraderie - (n.) hawikom pakhat le pakhat i bochan i zumhnak

cambium - (n.) thing a hawng le a sa karlak i a ummi a nal niknekte khi

came - (v.) past tense of come, ra, hika ah hin ra; come zoh.

camel - (n.) kalauk

camelia - (n.) pangpar phun khat a par a rang i a kung thingkung a simi

camera - (n.) hmanthlaknak seh

camouflage - (n.) thuptu, langhter lotu, phengtu; e.g. Green leaves are used for camouflage in jungle warfare = Ramlak raltuknak ah thinghnah hring kha phengtu ah an hman hna.

camp - (n.) riahnak hmun

camp - (v.) riah

campaign - (n.) a bu in tinhmi ngei in ttuanmi

campaign - (v.) ralkap nih tinhmi pakhat ngei in ral an tuk khi

campaigner - (n.) hi bantuk rianttuannak i an haotu

campanile - (n.) darkhing thlainak innsang

camphor - (n.) thil buar si

campus - (n.) college sianginn umnak vawlei.

can - (n.) thawl; e.g. Chiti thawl

can - (v.) 1. tuah khawh, khawh; e.g. He can go to church = Biakinn ah a kal kho; 2. thawl chung i erh; e.g. My mother cans apples = Ka nu nih epalkha thawl chungah a erh hna.

Canadian - (n., prop.) Canada rammi.

canal - (n.) ti laknak kahcham

cancel - (v.) hrawh tthan

cancellation - (n.) hrawh tthannak

cancer - (n.) 1. khensar zawtnak; e.g. malignant cancer = thihnak tiang a chuahtertu khensar; 2. vawlei pumpi vel in ummi lam, ekuaitar in chaklei ah degree 23.45.  Tropic of Cancer.

candid - (adj.) lungthiang, phehthuh lo tein; e.g. I will be quite candid with you. I think you acted foolishly = Lung thiang tein kan ti ko lai: hrut ngaiin na rak tuah ko khah.

candidate - (n.) rian pakhatkhat ca i a min aa pemi

candle - (n.) phazawngdaing; e.g. Blow out the candles = Phazawngdan kha chemhmit; e.g. They saw the flicker of candles = Phazawngdan an ceu depmap kha an hmuh.

candlestick - (n.) phazawngdaing vannak tung

candor - (n.) U.S.  duhdanhnak ngei lomi lungthin, ruahnak taktak chimmi.

candour - (n.) British.  duhdanhnak ngei lomi lungthin, ruahnak taktak chimmi.

candy - (n.) mutthai; e.g. The children clamored for candy = Ngakchia cu aukhuang lulhmalh in mutthai an i cuh.

cane - (n.) hripi, hrite; e.g. sugar cane = fu.

canine - (adj.) uico bantuk a simi thil; e.g. canine teeth = uihao minung ha.

canister - (n.) 1. kuang hmete, canphio bawmte. 2. miakpi kuan funnak canphio bawmte.

canker - (n.) thingkung a sa a hrawktu zawtnak, minung kaa chung i hma a umtertu zawtnak; cu bantukin rawhnak a chuahtertu.

cankerworm - (n.) thinghanh citu rungrul.

cannibal - (n.) minung sa a eimi

cannibalism - (n.) minung sa ei hmangmi sinak

cannon - (n.) miakpi; e.g. the boom of a cannon = miakpi thawng.

canny - (adj.) ralring tein phaisa a hmangmi, fim ngaiin a ummi

canoe - (n.) vokkuanglawng phun khat

canon - (n.) Khrihfabu nih an sermi phung.

canopy - (n.) cung zarh; e.g. ihkhun cung zarh, siangpahrang tthutdan cungzarh

can't - (v., contraction) cannot, tuah khawh lo, khawh lo.  Zong can not.

cantaloupe - (n.) Zoh musk melon.

cantata - (n.) tuanbia pakhatkhat hlasabu nih hla in a sullam an sakmi

canteen - (n.) 1. tithawl; 2. eidin zuarnak ralkap dawr

canticle - (n.) hla

canton - (n.) ram pakhat chung i uknak caah tthen hme tete i an tthenmi; e.g. Switzerland is made up of 22 cantons = Switzerland ram cu tthen 22 ah aa tthen.

cantonment - (n.) ralkap umnak hmun

canvas - (n.) khairiat puan

canvass - (v.) hawi va sawm

canyon - (n.) horkuang

cap - (n.) sahmul luchin

capability - (n.) thil ti khawhnak

capable - (adj.) thil a ti khomi; e.g. He is a capable man = Mi thil ti kho a si.

capacious - (adj.) thil tampi a tlum khomi , a kaumi

capacity - (n.) 1. tlum khawhnak; e.g. The capacity of this bottle is one gallon = Hi thawl nih gallon pakhat a tlum khawh; 2. si khawhnak; e.g. He has the capacity to become a doctor = Sibawi si khawhnak a ngei; 3. sining; e.g. She worked in the capacity of a nurse = Si sayamah sining ngei in a ttuan.

cape - (n.) Vawlei fonghlei

capillary - (n.) sam bantuk a si i a chung a awngmi thihri.

capital - (adj.) 1. ngan; e.g. Capital letter = Cafang ngan; 2. thih dan pek khawh a simi sualnak; e.g. Murder is a capital offense = Lainawn cu thih dan pek khawhmi sualnak a si.

capital - (n.) 1. ram khat chung uknak khuapi bik; 2. tangka hram; 3. cafang ngan

capitalism - (n.) tangka hram in rianttuannak

capitalize - (v.) cafang ngan in ttial

capitol - (n.) USA ram Washington khua i Congress an i pumhnak inn.

capitulate - (v.) celh ti lo i i pek; e.g. The men in the fort capitulated = Ralhau chung mi hna nih an celh ti lo i an i pe.

capitulation - (n.) celh lo i i peknak

capon - (n.) arhli a til chuahmi

capon - (v.) ar til chuah

caprice - (n.) lungrep bunh lonak

capricious - (adj.) lungrep a bunh lomi

Capricorn - (n., prop.) vawlei pum vel in rinmi lam; equator in thlanglei ah degree 23.45.  Tropic of Capricorn.

capsize - (v.) let, aa let; e.g. The boat capsized = Tilawng aa let.

capstan - (n.) hri hrennak tung

capsule - (n.) hlum zawl; e.g. Tetracycline si te hna a zawl tete i an tuammi hna khi.

captain - (n.) haotu , ralbawi bo thum benh

caption - (n.) sullam langhtertu bia tlangpi

captivate - (v.) hren, sal bantukin hren; e.g. Her charm captivated him = A iang nih hri hren in a hren.

captive - (n.) sal tang

captivity - (n.) saltannak

captor - (n.) sal tlaitu

capture - (v.) tlaih; e.g. We capture fish with nets = Sur in nga kan tlaih hna.

car - (n.) mawttawka; e.g. Something is wrong with the car = Mawttawka a zeidik a rawk; e.g. His car is very handy = A mawttawka cu an hmanlek ngai a si; e.g. The cars hit each other head on = Mawttawka cu an i khawng;  e.g. The car is in mint condition = Mawttaka cu a thar tluk a si ko; e.g. We passed his car on the way = Lam ah a mawttaka kan lonh;  e.g. The car picked up speed = Mawttawka cu a rannak a hung karh.

car load - (n.) mawttaw phorh khawhmi thil

carat - (n.) 1. cheu 24 i cheu khat; 2. lungvar rihzan thlainak, grain pathum; 3. karat zoh.

caravan - (n.) a bupi in khual a tlawngmi hna

carbine - (n.) raifel meithal tawi

carbohydrate - (n.) carbon, hydrogen le oxygen aa cawhmi, thanthling le rawl hang bantuk.

carbolic acid - (n.) zawtnak rungrul thahnak ah hmanmi si, karbolik chatpiak bantuk

carbon - (n.) meihol, lungmeihol le thil nahternak chung i a ummi

carbon dioxide - (n.) a mui hmuh khawh a si lo i rim zong a ngei lomi thaw, minung nih kan chuahmi thaw hi

carbuncle - (n.) 1. hmachia; 2. sendung lungvar

carburator - (n.) mawttawka chung i a ummi, petrol le thli a cawhtu bawmte.

carcass - (n.) saruak

card - (n.) 1. catlap tthawngmi; e.g. Wedding card = Nupi tthitnak sawmnak ca; 2. phe kahnak catlap; e.g. He shuffled the cards = Phe kha a cawh dih hna.

cardboard - (n.) catlap a tthawng i a chah zong a chahmi

cardigan - (n.) kut i phiarmi sahmul angki, suaita

cardinal - (n.) Pope a hun changtu Roman Catholik biaknak bawi.

cardinal - (adj.) a biapi bik, a ngan bik a simi

care - (n.) 1. zawnruahnak; e.g. A mother has care for her baby's health = Nu nih a fa ngandamnak ding zawnruahnak a ngei; 2. lung retheihnak; e.g. I wish I could be free from care = Lung retheihnak in luat kho ning ti ka duh; 3. ttha tein zohkhenh; e.g. Please take care of him = Amah cu ttha tein zohkhenh tuah.

care - (v.) duhnak ngeih; e.g. He does not care about music = Hla lei duhnak a ngei lo; e.g. A cat does not care to be washed = Chizawh nih kholh a duh lo.

career - (n.) mah rian; e.g. He died at the height of his career = A rian ttuanmi ah a sannak bik i a um lioah a thi.

careful - (adj.) aa ralringmi; e.g. Handle the books carefully = Cauk kha ralring tein tawng hna; e.g. Be careful lest you fall from the tree = I ralring, cu lo ahcun, thingkung cung khan na tla sual lai.

carefulness - (n.) i ralrinnak

careless - (adj.) i ralrin lo; e.g. He forfeited his life by careless driving = Ralring in a mongh lo ruangah a nunnak a sung.

carelessness - (n.) i ralrin lonak; e.g. He inclines to carelessness = Ralrin lo lei ah a sor a tlu deuh.

caress - (v.) muai; e.g. He caresses the cat = Chizawh kha a muai.

caretaker - (n.) inn zohkhenhtu

careworn - (adj.) lungrethei le thaba nagiin a ummi

cargo - (n.) tilawng , vanlawng , tlanglawng , mawttaw nih phorhmi thil

caricature - (v.) mi an sining , a si lo deuh vakning tiang i nihchuak saihnak ca i chim le cawn

carnage - (n.) mi tampi thah

carnal - (adj.) vawlei cung thil siseh , pumsa lei thil siseh a ruat tukmi

carnation - (n.) pangpar phun khat

carnival - (n.) a nuam ngaimi puai

carnivorous - (adj.) sasi phun saram; e.g. Cakei, chizawh, chiandeih, ...

carol - (n.) lawmhnak hla

carousal - (n.) zu din puai

carpenter - (n.) lehtama; e.g. He is a clever carpenter = Amah cu lehtama thiam ngaimi a si; e.g. Carpenter’s trade = Lehtama rian.

carpentry - (n.) lehtama rian

carpet - (n.) tuangphah

carriage - (n.) thil phorhnak leng , mi nih siseh , saram nih siseh , hnuhmi

carrier - (n.) phortu

carrot - (n.) kazer

carry - (v.) phorh (phorh);  e.g. I shall carry your load for you = Na thil kan phorhpiak lai.

carry on - (v.) tuan peng

carry out - (v.) lim, tling lakin ttuan

cart - (n.) cawleng, leng; e.g. Bullock carts must make way for Jeeps = Cawleng nih Jeep cu an kenh hna awk a si.

carton - (n.) caku thingkuang, bawm hmanthlak, sullam a ngei ngai ttungmi

cartoon - (n.) nihchuak in suaimi hmanthlak, sullam ngei ngai ttungmi

cartridge - (n.) zenthong

carve - (v.) 1. a themh in themh i mui suai; e.g. He carved the picture of a bear on the stone = Lung cungah vom mui a themh i suai; 2. sa can; e.g. Father carves the meat at the table = Ka pa nih rawl ei tikah sa cu namte in a can.

carver - (n.) cantu , themhtu

carving - (n.) lung cungah siseh, thing cungah siseh, a themh in an suaimi hmanthlak

cascade - (n.) tisor

cascade - (v.) tisor tlak in tlak

case - (n.) 1. thil a hung ummi; e.g. Only one case of robbery was reported to the police = Fir a hung ummi pakhat lawng palik sihan an thanh; 2. bia; e.g. The judge decided the case = Biaceihtu nih bia a khiah; e.g. What disposition of John’s case did you make = John bia kha zeitindah nan chah? 3. Harnak zawtnak a ingmi; e.g. The doctor treated cases of dysentery = Sibawipa nih thisen thletmi a zohkhenh hna; 4. kuang; e.g. book case = cauk kuang; e.g. tea case = lakphak kuang. in case = a si sual ahcun; e.g. Bring your umbrella in case it rains = Ruah a sur sual ai, na nithawng i put. in any case = a zeiti lei hmanh in; e.g. In any case, you will have to go = A zeiti lei hmanh in na kai a herh ko lai.

cash - (v.) tangka i canter; e.g. Please cash this check = Hi check cu tangka ah va canter;  e.g. He has to endorse the check before the bank could cash it = Bank nih check kha tangka i an serpiak khawh hlanah a check ahcun a min a thut a hau.

cash - (n.) tangka

cashier - (n.) tangka kengtu

cashmere - (n.) tuuhmul nem in tahmi puan.

casing - (n.) tuamnak

casket - (n.) 1. thil man sung chiahnak bawmte; 2. miruak kuang

cast - (v.) 1. hlonh, cheh; e.g. He casts stones into the water = Ti chungah lung a hlonh hna; e.g. I will in nowise cast them away = Azeitihmanh in ka hlonh hna lai lo; 2. hei umter; e.g. The tree casts its shadow on the rock = Thingkung nih lung cungah a thla a hei umter; 3. thlet; e.g. The statue of Aung San was cast in bronze = Aung San hmanthlak cu darsen in an thlet; 4. baisakup tuahnak i a kong an cantermi khi; e.g. He was cast for the part of Hamlet = Hamlet ah an canter.

cast iron - (n.) uhkang

cast vote - (v.) kutthlir, me sanh

caste - (n.) phun; e.g. Low caste = Mi nauta phun

castigate - (v.) fak piin soi , sik , dantat

castigation - (n.) fak piin soinak , siknak , dantatnak

castle - (n.) ralhruang a ngeimi inn nganpi

castor oil - (n.) chungthlet si bang

castrate - (v.) tildit

casual - (adj.) 1. ruah lopi in thil a hung ummi; e.g. A casual meeting = ruah lo piin i tonnak; e.g. casual leave = lakhruak khonh; 2. tinhmi set zeihmanh ngeih lo; e.g. He gave the book a casual glance, but did not study it = Cauk cu a vun zoh vukvak, sihmanhsehlaw ttha tein a rel lo.

casualty - (n.) hriamhma ton , hriam hma a tongmi

cat - (n.) chizawh; e.g. Cats are very agile = Chizawh cu an ruang a ai ngai; e.g. He caresses the cat = Chizawh kha a muai; e.g. The cat plays with its kittens = Chizawh cu a fale he lente an i celh; e.g. The cat pounced upon the rat = Chizawh nih zu a zuan hnawh i a tlaih; e.g. Cats prey on rats = Chizawh nih zu an seh hna.

cataclysm - (n.) fak piin tthat lonak lei i aa thlengmi thil , rawhnak

catacomb - (n.) vawlei tang thlan a tlarpi in a ummi hna

catalog, catalogue - (n.) thil min le an man ttialnak cauk.

catapult - (n.) khairiat chai

catastrophe - (n.) harnak le rawhralnak nganpi khulrang in a chuakmi

catch - (v.) 1. tlaih, seh; e.g. The cat will catch the mouse = Chizawh nih zu kha a seh lai; 2. Catch the ball = Pumpululh kha tlai. 3. sio; e.g. How many fish did you catch = Nga zeizatdah na sio? 4. zawt; e.g. I catch cold easily = Cumpi in fawi tein ka zaw. catch up with = e.g. Walk slowly and I will catch up with you = Duhsah tein rak kal law ka hun in phak ko lai. catch fire = kangh aa thawk.

catch - (n.) tlaihmi; e.g. Their catch was large today = Nihin cu tampi an tlaih.

catechism - (n.) Biahalnak le bialehnak in cawnpiaknak.

categorical - (adj.) hnuaphnap loin , fiangrao in

category - (n.) cheumi , tthenmi

cater - (v.) rawl pek , herhmi pek

caterpillar - (n.) lunghmui

cathedral - (n.) biakinn nganpi

catholic - (adj.) kaupi, zeizong vialte a huap kho dihmi

Catholic - (n., prop.) Roman Catholic Khrihfabu chung ummi

catkin - (n.) inhliam thingkung a par, hru par zong

cattle - (n.) inn zuat sattil, caw phun paohpaoh; e.g. Cattle are grazing in the field = Caw cu lo lakah an tlong; e.g. They rounded up the cattle = Caw kha an pumh hna.

Caucasian - (n., prop.) Mirang le India miphun paohpaoh.

caught - (v.) past tense and past participle of catch, tlaih, seh; catch zoh; e.g. I just caught the train = Tlanglawng ka tanh manh ceote a si.

cauldron - (n.) thil chuannak um nganpi

cauliflower - (n.) antampar

cause - (n.) 1. thil a chuahtertu; e.g. What was the cause of his sickness = A zawtnak a chuahtertu zeidah a si? 2. sullam; e.g. You have a good cause to be angry = Thinhunnak dingah sullam ttha na ngei. 3. tinhmi; tuahmi; e.g. They fought for the cause of freedom = Luatnak an i tinhmi ruangah an doh.

cause - (v.) umter; e.g. He did not want to cause trouble = Harnak umter, chuahter a duh lo.

caution - (n.) 1. ralrinnak peknak; e.g. Cross the road with caution = Lam kha ralring tein na tan lai; 2. ralrinpeknak; e.g. Let his experience serve as a caution to you = Thil a rak tonmi kha na caah ralrin petu si seh.

cautious - (adj.) aa ralring ngaimi

cavalry - (n.) rangcung ralkap

cave - (n.) lungkua; e.g. He was down in the cave = Lungkua chungah a vung lut.

cavern - (n.) lungkua nganpi

cavity - (n.) awng, kua, ha chung kua

cease - (v.) donghter , ngol

ceaseless - (adj.) a dong lomi

cedar - (n.) sidar thing

cede - (v.) pek; e.g. Spain ceded the Philippine Islands to the U.S.A. = Spain nih Philippine tikulh hna cu U.S.A. a pek hna.

ceiling - (n.) siling , kandap

celebrate - (v.) conglawmh , puai tuah

celebrated - (adj.) minthang a simi, thangtthatmi

celebration - (n.) conglawmhnak

celebrity - (n.) minthangmi , thangtthatmi

celery - (n.) caleri

celestial - (adj.) vanlei thil; e.g. Sun and moon are celestial bodies = Ni le thlapa khi vanlei thil an si.

celibacy - (n.) nupi ngei lo , va ngei loin , biaknak lei i zuamnak caah um

celibate - (adj.) nupi ngei lo , va ngei loin a ummi

cell - (n.) thonginn chungah siseh, phungki pawl umnak inn ah siseh, a dangte i khan hmete an chiahmi, cu bantuk khan hmete paoh

cellar - (n.) inntang i an sermi khan

cellophane - (n.) a thlam a lang khomi plastik phun a simi thil funnak ca hmanmi

Celt - (n., prop.) England ram i a rak ummi miphun, Irish, Scottish le Briton a rak hringsortu hna.

cement - (n.) siment , mirang vawlei

cement - (v.) sengh

cemetery - (n.) thlan (thlaan).

censer - (n.) zihmui khanghnak khengte

censor - (n.) cozah duh lomi thil a um sual maw tiah thil a cektu

censor - (v.) thil cek

censor - (adj.) thil cektu a simi

censorious - (adj.) mi dang sual kawl a duh ngaimi pa

censure - (v.) sualphawt , mawhchiat

census - (n.) milu rel

cent - (n.) U.S.A. tangka dollar phar cheu za khat i cheu khat.

centenary - (adj.) kum za khat he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. The centenary celebrations of the coming of Christian missionaries to the Chin Hills will be in 1999 = Laitlang siangbawi an kai kum za khatnak puai cu 1999 ah a si lai.

centennial - (n.) kum za khatnak , kum za khat tlinnak cam

center - (n.) 1. a laifang; e.g. Center of the town = Khua laifang; 2. hmunpi, hmunlai

centigrade - (n.) kihlum tahnak, cheu za khat i an cheumi phun, degree 100 ah ti a tlok.

centigram - (n.) U.S.  gram pakhat cheu za khat i cheu khat.

centigramme - (n.) British.  gram pakhat cheu za khat i cheu khat.

centime - (n.) a aw chuah cu 'sawnthiim' ti a si. France tangka franc pakhat cheu za khat i cheu khat.

centimeter - (n.) meter pakhat cheu za khat i cheu khat.

centipede - (n.) sakhithat , rawci , tthiamtthiam

central - (adj.) a laifang a simi , hmunpi simi

centralization - (n.) a lai i burnak

centralize - (v.) a lai i bur

centrifugal - (adj.) a laifang in lenglei ah a chuakmi

centripetal - (adj.) a lenglei in a laifanglei ah a lutmi

century - (n.) kum zabu, kum zabu pakhatnak cu kum 1 in 100 tiang hi a si; e.g. At the turn of the century = Kum zabu pakhat aa mer lio caan ah.

cereal - (n.) rawl, buh phun paoh; e.g. Facang, fangvoi, changvut, etc.

cerebellum - (n.) lubik lei i a ummi luthluak

cerebral - (adj.) thluak lei he aa pehtlaimi thil

cerebrum - (n.) cal lei thluak

ceremonial - (adj.) phungphai ngei in tuahmi thil

ceremonious - (adj.) phungphai a ngei ngaimi thil

ceremony - (n.) phungphai, phunglam; e.g. The marriage ceremony was performed in the church = Tthitumhnak phungphai cu biakinn chungah an tuah.

certain - (adj.) 1. a si hrimhrim ti zumh; e.g. I am certain that he has gone home = Inn ah a tlung cang tiah ka zumh hrimhrim; 2. a si hrimhrim lai; e.g. Spring is certain to follow winter = Thal caan nih khuasik caan cu a hun zulh hrimhrim lai; 3. cu zat ti cu a fiang, sihmanhselaw min chim a um lo, mi cheukhat

certainly - (adv.) pel lo tein

certificate - (n.) a si hrimhrim tinak lehhmah; e.g. Birth, marriage, and death certificates are documents = Chuah, nupi tthit le thihnak lehmah cu documents an si.

certify - (v.) a si hrimhrim tiah ti , ka chim zongin , cattial zongin

cesspool - (n.) hnawm luannak khor

chafe - (v.) 1. hnor, muai; 2. lah; e.g. The stiff collar chafes my neck = Angki hngawng tthawng nih ka hngawnga ka lah.

chaff - (n.) favai , fahi

chagrin - (n.) lungrawhnak; e.g. John felt chagrin because he did not get a prize = John cu laksawng a hmuh lo caah a lung a rawk.

chain - (n.) cikcin, aa pehmi thir cikcin kual tete; e.g. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link = Cikcin cu aa pehnak kual a fek lo bik tluk lawngin a thawng.

chair - (n.) hngauh ngeimi tthutdan; e.g. He flopped down into the chair = Tthutdan ah a vung tla, tlu; The chair is made of wood = Thutdan cu thing in an ser; e.g. There is a pad on the seat of the chair = Thutdan a tthutnak ah a nemmite an chiah; e.g. Rickety chair = A fek lomi tthutdan.

chairman - (n.) lutlai

chalice - (n.) Bawipa Zanriah i hmanmi hrai

chalk - (n.) thungrang

chalk - (v.) thungrang in ttial

challenge - (v.) zuam

challenge - (n.) zuamnak , ahodah a tthawng deuh ti i zuamnak bantuk khi

challenger - (n.) zuamtu

chamber - (n.) 1. innchung khan, ihnak khan; 2. phunglam sertubu an i phumhnak khan; 3. phunglam sertu bu; e.g. the United States has two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives = United States nih phunglam sertu bu pahnih a ngeih hna, Senate le House of Representatives an si. 4. chaw lehthalnak ca i a bu in rian a ttuanmi hna; e.g. Chamber of Commerce; 5. meithal thirpi zentong rawnnak zawn.

chameleon - (n.) conghrang (kinglang)

champagne - (n.) zu thaw ngai phun

champion - (n.) 1. hawi nakin a tthawng cemmi; e.g. He is the swimming champion of the world = Amah cu vawleicung tileuh tthawng bik a si; 2. mi dang ca, a si lo le, thil pakhatkhat ca i a chim a reltu; e.g. He is the champion of peace = Amah cu daihnak kong chim reltu bik a si.

championship - (n.) a si biktu sinak

chance - (n.) caan ttha , vantthat caan

chancel - (n.) biakinn chung biakttheng pawng hrawng , tlangbawi nih an hmanmi hmun khi

chancellor - (n.) bawi ngan; e.g. University saya ngan bik, ram khat chung i nawl a ngeitu bik, tangka bawi ngan bik.

chandelier - (n.) thing nge bantuk in tettermi ceunak , elektrik bawl in ceutermi

change - (v.) thlen; e.g. We cannot change the past = A dih cangmi can cu kan thleng kho lo.

change - (n.) 1. tangka nek; 2. thlennak. change hands = ngeitu i thlen; change of heart = lungthlen.

changeable - (adj.) aa thleng khomi

changeful - (adj.) aa thleng lengmangmi.

changeless - (adj.) aa thleng bal lomi

channel - (n.) 1. rili le rili aa pehnak; e.g. English Channel; 2. tiluannak

chant - (v.) biachim tik i hlasak in sak

chaos - (n.) ning le cang zeihmanh ngei lo i i cawh nelnul i um

chaotic - (adj.) ningcang zeihmanh a ngei lomi

chapel - (n.) biakinn hmete

chaperon - (n.) nupi ngei ciami, asiloah vangei ciami, ngaknu tlangval a bu in an umnak i a zohkhenhtu hna

chaplain - (n.) ralkap sin rianttuantu pastor

chapter - (n.) 1. cauk chung i tthennak; 2. biaknak bu chung i hruaitu pawl a bu bu in aa tthenmi hna

character - (n.) 1. ziaza, sining; e.g. His character is good = A ziaza a ttha; e.g. His statesmanlike character was known to his friends = A ziaza mifim le upat awk tlakmi ziaza a simi kha hawikom nih an hngalh dih; 2. Drama chung maw asiloah tuanbia chung i minung; e.g. The most important character in the story is a young doctor = Tuanbia chung i a biapi bikmi a simi cu sibawi note kha a si. 3. hawi lo deuh lo, nihchuak deuh a simi; e.g. The old man was a character in the village = Tarpa cu an khua chungah khan hawi lo lo deuh a si.

characteristic - (n.) hawi dang he i lawh lonak mah siningte a langhtertu; e.g. A particular characteristic of a skunk is its smell = Sachia a sining thengte a langhtertu cu a rim a si.

characteristically - (adv.) amah sining a langhning tein

characterization - (n.) a zia ningte kha langhternak

characterize - (v.) ziaza ningte langhter

charcoal - (n.) meihol; e.g. Charcoal can filter water = Meihol nih ti a thianh, a zet khawh.

charge - (v.) 1. man chiah; e.g. How much do you charge for this bread = Hi changreu hi a man zeizatdah na hauh? 2. rawn, meithal chung zen rawn; 3. hmailei i choi cutmat; e.g. He charged toward the door to escape = Zam awkah innka lei ah a choi cutmat; 4. sual puh; e.g. They charged him with murder = Lainawn an puh; 5. Charge it to my account = Keimah cham awkah rak chia.

charge - (n.) 1. sual puhnak; e.g. A criminal charge has been made against him = Ziaza tthatlo sualnak kha an puh; 2. zohkhenh-nak, tavuan; e.g. The books in the library are under his charge = Libray i cauk hna cu amah zohkhenhmi an si; 3. man; e.g. Their charge for the food was high = An rawl man huahmi a sang; 4. elektric tha; e.g. Electric charge is conducted by wire = Elektrik tha cu thirhri in kalpi a si. in charge of = zoh khenhtu.

chargeable - (adj.) Sual puh khawh; e.g If you take somebody's money, you are chargeable with theft = Mi dang tangka na lak aheun fir puh khawh na si.

chariot - (n.) rangleng

charioteer - (n.) rangleng mawngtu

charitable - (adj.) mi nunsiang

charity - (n.) sifak rethei bawmhnak

charlatan - (n.) hngalhnak ngei set tung lo i a hngal ngai bantukin a ummi

charm - (n.) iang

charming - (adj.) iang a ngeimi , aa dawhmi

chart - (n.) 1. tilawng cong pawl nih an hmanmi hmanthlak, rili le a kam le lung umnak le ti puanhnak a langhter dihtu; 2. cazin; e.g. thil man tarnak cazin.

charter - (n.) 1. uktu bawi nih asiloah utubu nih thil tuah khawhnak caah nawl an peknak ca; e.g. The charter permits the bank to open an office in London = Nawl peknak ca nih hi bengh (bank) cu London khua ah zung phonhnak nawl a pek; 2. rianttuantubu pakhatkhat duhnak le tinhmi aa ttialnak ca; e.g. United Nations Charter.

charter - (v.) 1. nawlngeihnak he fehter; e.g. The Serampore College was chartered in the 19th century = Serampore College cu kum zabu hleikua chungah khan fehter a si. 2. hlan; e.g. They chartered a plane = Vanlawng pakhat a ningpi in an hlan.

Charybdis - (n., prop.) Scylla lungpi i a ummi tikherh, cu tikherh ah cun tilawng tampi an pil tawn; cucaah phungthluk bia a um i, between Scylla and Charybdis ti a si i a sullam cu ttihnung pahnih karlak i um, ti a si; kan Lai phungthluk i fei le nam karah ti bantuk khi a si.

chase - (v.) dawi , tthawl

chasm - (n.) 1. leikak kaupi; 2. bu hnih karlak i ruahnak aa tthenmi

chaste - (adj.) thianghlim.

chasten - (v.) chimhrin

chastisement - (n.) chimhrinak

chastity - (n.) thiannak, nu le pa kong i thiannak

chat - (v.) bia i ruah

chauffeur - (n.) mawttawmawng

cheap - (adj.) man fawi , man tlawm , a chia deuh

cheat - (v., n.) hlen, lihchim.

check - (v.) 1. chek; e.g. Check your things = Na thil kha chek hna 2. donh; e.g. The dam checked the flow of water = Tikhamnak nih ti luan kha a donh; 3. zoh piak dingin chiah ta; e.g. Check your hat at the door = Na luchin kha innka ah chiata ko. check in = hotel ah tlun i cazin chungah min khumh; check outhotel um man pek i chuah.

check - (n.) 1. chek, tangka cu zat in rak pe hna, ti ttialnak ca. 2. rawl cinak hmun i cimi man zeizat dah a si ti ttialnak ca. 3. (  ) hmelchunhnak. 4. U.S.  Bank i tangka chiahnak le laknak lehhmah. (British. cheque)

cheque - (n.) British.  Bank i tangka chiahnak le laknak lehhmah.  U.S. check, zoh.

check up - (n.) sibawi i zohter.

checkbook - (n.) chek ttialnak cauk

checkroom - (n.) zapi umnak inn i angkite hna luchin te hna chiahnak khan

cheek - (n.) biang, bel; e.g. There is a rosy glow in her cheeks = A biang cu rose pangpar ceu in a ceu; e.g. Tears trickled down her cheeks = A biang ah mitthli kha a dor tete in a tla.

cheer - (v.) lunglawmh in rak aupiak

cheer - (n.) 1. lunglawmhnak aw thawng; 2. lawmhtertu bia

cheer up - (v.) lawmhter

cheerful - (adj.) lunglawmmi; e.g. He has a cheerful disposition = Milunglawm phun a si.

cheerfully - (adv.) lunglawm ngaiin

cheese - (n.) cawhnuk khal

chef - (n.) rawlchuangtu a thiam ngaingaimi

chemical - (n.) chemistry he aa pehtlaimi thil.

chemist - (n.) chemistry a cawng i a thiammi.

chemistry - (n.) vawlei chung thil a konglam dothlatnak fimnak, zei in dah ser an si, zeitindah an umtuning a si, zeitindah pakhat le pkhat an i tthen le an i fonh tikan zei thil dang dah a chuak ti te hna cawnnak.

cherish - (v.) 1. dawtnak le nem tein tuahtao; e.g. A mother cherished her child = A nu nih a fate kha dawtnak le nem tein a tuahtao; 2.lungchung i i chiah peng; e.g. She cherished the memory of her parents = A nu le a pa a lung chung in a hngalh peng hna.

cherry - (n.) phaizawng

cherub - (n.) vancungmi

chess - (n.) ches lentecelhnak

chest - (n.) 1. taang; 2. thingkuang

chew - (v.) khai

chick - (n.) arfate

chicken - (n.) ar paoh; e.g. He keeps chickens = Ar a zua hna; e.g. She plucked a chicken = Ar hmul a bawt; e.g. The farmer raises chickens = Lothlopa nih ar a zuat hna.

chicken pox - (n.) cuar bo zawtnak phun khat

chide - (v.) sik, mawhchiat

chief - (n.) bu khat chung lu , upa bik , nawl ngeitu bik

chiefly - (adv.) a biapi bik ahcun

chieftain - (n.) phun khat chung hruaitu bik

child - (n.) ngakchia; e.g. The child is in the hands of the parents = Ngakchia cu a nu le a pa zohkhenhnak tangah a um; e.g. A child wants its own way all the time = Ngakchia nih cun amah duhnak lawngin um zungzal a duh.

childish - (adj.) ngakchia hrut bantuk

childless - (adj.) fa ngei lo

childlike - (adj.) ngakchia bantukin duh a nungmi

children - (n.) ngakchia pakhat nak tam; e.g. She glared at the noisy children = Hna a chetmi ngakchia kha a mit sensen in a zoh hna; e.g. She knows how to handle the children = Ngakchia tonghthamning kha a thiam hna; e.g. Children must have time for play = Ngakchia nih lentecelhnak caah caan an ngeih a herh; e.g. Some children like school whereas others don't = Ngakchia a cheu cu sianginn kai an duh nain a cheu cu an uh lo.

chili - (n.) makphek

chill - (n.) kihnak

chilly - (adj.) a kikmi, thli kik.

chill - (v.) kihter

chime - (n.) darkhing rual aw

chimney - (n.) 1. meikhu chuahnak; 2. mei inn thlalang

chimpanzee - (n.) zawng phun khat , minung naih bikmi

chin - (n.) khabe

China - (n., prop.) 1. Tuluk ram; 2. a kuai khomi hol pakan, hrai, ...

Chinese - (n., prop.) Tuluk mi

Chinese - (adj., prop.) Tuluk thil, Tuluk holh.

chink - (n.) a awnnak , a pemnak

chip - (n.) 1. thingpel, lungpel; 2. a pelte a beohnak hmun; e.g. There is a chip on his front teeth = A hmailei ha ah a beohnak te a um.

chip - (v.) 1. beuh; e.g. Do not chip the dish when you wash it = Kheng kha na ttawl tikah beuhter hlah. 2. themh, thing, themh, lung themh

chipmunk - (n.) leittial

chirp - (v.) vate awnh

chit - (n.) British.  catlap hmete ttialpiakmi.

chivalry - (n.) patling zaiza; e.g. Raltthat tehna, hawi zawnruah tehna

chloroform - (n.) fah theih lonak si

chlorophyll - (n.) thingkung ramkung hrinnak a petu

chocolate - (n.) cacao thingthei an phomh i a dipmi, kuku.

chocolate - (adj.) choklet zawng (mui) a simi

choice - (n.) 1. thimnak; 2. duhmi te i thimmi; e.g. He married the girl of his choice = Amah nih aa thimmi ngaknute kha aa tthit.

choir - (n.) hlaremh bu

choke - (v.) 1. hngawng dih; 2. hak; e.g. He was choking on a piece of meat = Sa a hak. 3. tthan donh; e.g. Weeds choke the growth of the tree = Belh nih thingkung tthan a donh.

cholera - (n.) ngal-cu zawtnak; e.g. an outbreak of cholera = ngaleu zawtnak hung chuahphut; e.g. Smallpox and cholera are pestilences = Raise le ngaleo cu rai an si.

choose - (v.) thim

chop - (v.) hau , tan

chop - (n.) savo chung i a ruh aa telmi; e.g. Lamb chops = tuu savo a chung i a ruh aa telmi.

chopsticks - (n.) Tuluk rawl cinak fung tete

chord - (n.) kitar hri , aw ttumnak hri , rirawt hri

chore - (n.) rian hme tete

chorus - (n.) 1. hmun khat i hla a sami bu; 2. hlacang nolhnak

chose - (v.) past tense of choose, thim.

chosen - (v.) past participle of choose, thim.

Christ - (n., prop.) Khrih.

Christendom - (n., prop.) Khrihfaram.

Christian - (n., prop.) Khrihfa.

Christianity - (n., prop.) Khrihfa phung.

Christmas - (n., prop.) Khrismas; e.g. The church was packed on Christmas day = Khrismas ni ah biakinn cu a khah in an khat; e.g. The bells pealed forth Christmas joy = Khrismas lunglawmhnak kha darkhing nih an thanter.

chronic - (adj.) saupi a ummi zawtnak

chronicle - (n.) chanrelnak tuanbia

chronicler - (n.) chanrelnak ttialtu, tuanbia ttialtu

chronological - (adj.) aa dot thliahmah in ttialmi

chronology - (n.) caan kong tuaktannak cawnnak

chuckle - (n.) nih din

chuckle - (v.) dai tein nih

chunk - (n.) a pel nganpi

church - (n.) 1. biakinn; e.g. There is a large attendance at the church = Biakinn kaimi an tam ngai; e.g. Have you been inside the church = Biakinn chungah na lut cang maw?; e.g. Let us go to church = Biakinn ah kal u shi; e.g. He was present at the church last Sunday = Kan hnulei Zarhpi ni ah khan biakinn ah a um (aa pum). 2. Khrifahbu.

churchyard - (n.) biakinn pawngkam , tual

churl - (n.) mibelbul

churn - (v.) cawh, cawhnuk thawhphat ser i heh ti i cawh, cu bantukin kan pawpi chung i rawl aa cawh khi

cigar - (n.) kuak

cigarette - (n.) sikkaret.

cinders - (n.) meihol

cinema - (n.) baisikup

cinnamon - (n.) nakzik , thakhling

cipher - (n.) 0, mi dangn hngalh lo awk i ttialmi bia

circle - (n.) a pum; ( O )

circle - (v.) kulh , vel

circuit - (n.) 1. vel; e.g. The moon makes a circuit around the earth once a month =Thlapa nih vawlei cu thla khat ah voi khat a vel. 2. Methodist pastor nih vel khat in a tlawnmi khua hna; 3. elektrik tha nih a zulhmi lam.

circuitous - (adj.) a vel in kal

circular - (n.) mi sin phawt ding i ttialmi ca

circular - (adj.) circle bantukin a pummi.

circulate - (v.) 1. i vel lengmang; 2. pakhat sinin pakhat sinah lanh lengmang; e.g. The news circulates rapidly = Thawngpang cu chikkhatte ah a lan lengmang.

circulation - (n.) 1. a vel in kal lengmangnak; 2. tadinca khawpi zat an phawtmi

circumcise - (v.) cuarpartan

circumcision - (n.) cuarpartannak

circumference - (n.) a pummi thil i a kam , a tlang thluahmah

circumlocution - (n.) aa vel ning in biachim

circumstance - (n.) thil umtuning

circumstantial - (adj.) thil umtuning he aa pehtlaimi

circus - (n.) sarkas

cistern - (n.) tikhonnak

citadel - (n.) ralhau , ruhkhulh

citation - (n.) mintthatnak peknak

cite - (v.) 1. mi dang chimmi bia vun lak, vun chim; 2. zung i kawh; e.g. He was cited for drunk driving = Zurit bu mawtaw mongh ruangah zung ah an kawh; 3. mintthatnak lehhmah pek; e.g. The soldier was cited for bravery = Ral kap cu raltthat ruangah mintthatnak an pek.

citizen - (n.) ramchung mi; e.g. The election of council members should concern every citizen = Khawngsil rianttuantu pawl thim cu ramchungmi paohpaoh nih biapi ah rel awk a si.

citizenship - (n.) ramchung mi sinak

city - (n.) khuapi, khuanganpi; e.g. Do you prefer to live in the city or the country = Khuapi um maw na duh deuh khuate um?; e.g. City life is more pleasant than village life = Khuapi nunning cu khuate nunning nakin a nuam deuh; e.g. They lived beyond the city limit = Khuapi ri lengah an um; e.g. He felt strange in the city = Khuapi chungah lileng in a um.

civic - (adj.) khua he aa pehtlaimi kong, ramchung mi sinak he aa pehtlaimi thil hna; e.g. Every person has civic duties, such as obeying the laws and paying taxes = Mi kip nih khua le ram he aa pehtlaimi rian ngeih cio a si: upadi zulh tehna, ngunkhuai pek tehna.

civics - (n.) khua le ram mi sining cawnnak

civil - (adj.) 1. ramchung mi sinak he a pehtlaimi; e.g. Civil rights = Ramchung mi a simi nih an hmuh awk le an tuah awk a simi thil hna; 2. aa dawh ngai i a rem ngaimi; e.g. He made a civil answer to his question = A biahalnak kha dawh ngai le rem ngaiin a leh.

civil service - (n.) cozah rian, ralkap rian a si lomi

civil war - (n.) ram chung i mah le mah aa domi raldohnak

civilian - (n.) ramchung mi , ralkap a si lomi hna

civilization - (n.) fimnak, fimnak nunning le umtuning; e.g. Their civilization reached a high plane = An fimnak cu a sangmi phun a phan; e.g. Civilization does not remain static = Fimthiamnak cu a dirhmun ah thleng loin a dir peng lo.

claim - (v.) 1. ka ta a si ti i chim; 2. cucu ka si ti i mah nih chim

clamor - (n.) fak piin au le khuan

clamor - (v.) aukhuan bu in i cuh; e.g. The children clamored for candy = Ngakchia cu aukhuang lulhmalh in mutthai an i cuh.

clamp - (n.) thing rehnak

clamp - (v.) reh

clan - (n.) chung , phun

clandestine - (adj.) a thli tein tuahmi thil

clang - (n.) darkhing aw

clap - (v.) 1. kut bengh; 2. khulrang tein kut in huh; e.g. She clapped her hand over her mouth = Khulrang tein a ka kha a kut in aa huh.

clap - (n.) thawngthang ngaimi; e.g. A clap of thunder = Khuari thawng a thang ngaimi

clarification - (n.) fianternak

clarify - (v.) fianter

clarity - (n.) fiannak , thiannak

clash - (v.) 1. relchanh; e.g. Their opinions always clash = An ruahning aa ralchanh zungzal; 2. khawn, den; e.g. She clashed the teapot against the table = Lakphak um kha cabuai ah a khawn.

clash - (n.) i ralchanhnak, i khawndennak

clasp - (v.) kut in tlaih

clasp - (n.) kuttlaih

class - (n.) hmun khat, tangkhat i chimhmi siangngakchiabu, cu bantukin rian lei zongah aa bumi

classic - (n., adj.) a ttha ngaingaimi thil i ruahmi

classified - (adj.) bia thlithup i chiahmi

classify - (v.) a bu a bu in tthen

classmate - (n.) class khat a simi.

clatter - (v.) cu bantukin an i khawn khi

clatter - (n.) pakan tehna an i khawn lulhmalh i a thawng khi

clause - (n.) biatlang pakhat chung i tthen khat; e.g. "I knew him when he was a boy." = "Hi biatlang chungah hin": "I knew him" hi CLAUSE pahat a si i, "when he was a boy" hi a dang biatlang pakhat a si.

claw - (n.) tintte , chizawh tin , sobul tte

clay - (n.) vawlei, tlak; e.g. He fashioned a figure out of clay = Tlak in mi mui pakhat a ser.

clean - (v.) thianter , thianh

clean - (adj.) a thiangmi

cleaner - (n.) thiantertu, puansutu

cleanliness - (n.) thiannak

cleanness - (n.) thiannak

cleanse - (v.) thianh

clear - (adj.) 1. a fiang, a piang; 2. dawntu zeihmanh a um lo; e.g. The road is clear = Lam cu a tliang ko; dawntu zeihmanh a um lo.

clear - (v.) 1. tthial; e.g. Clear the table = Cabuai cung i a ummi thil kha tthial hna; 2. a sual lo ti fianter i luatter; e.g. The lawyer cleared the accused = Sihni nih sual puhmi leha a luatter; 3. piang; e.g. The weather will be clear = Nikhua a piang lai.

clearing - (n.) lovahmi

clearness - (n.) fiannak

cleave - (v.) cheu

clemency - (n.) zaangfahnak

clement - (adj.) zaangfahnak a ngeimi

clench - (v.) fek tein rialchih

clergy - (n.) biaknak lei rianttuantu bu

clerical - (adj.) cazi rian a simi

clerk - (n.) cazi; e.g. He is working as a clerk = Cazi rian a ttuan;  e.g. The clerk files the papers = Cazi nih tadinca kha tlem tein a chiah hna.

clever - (adj.) a fimmi, a thiammi; e.g. He is a clever carpenter = Amah cu lehtama thiam ngaimi a si.

cleverness - (n.) fimnak, thiamnak

click - (n.) tak tiah a awnmi khi; e.g. We heard the click as he cocked his pistol = A pistol a ttek a kau i a awnh thawng kha kan theih.

click - (v.) tek ti i awnh dak; e.g. He clicks his tongue against me = A ka dakhnawh.

client - (n.) 1. thil cawtu; 2. midang bawmhnak aa bochanmi; e.g. Sihni a hlangtu

cliff - (n.) lungpang

climate - (n.) khuati

climax - (n.) a sannak bik , a zik

climb - (v.) kai, thingkung kai; e.g. She puffed as she climbed the hill = Tlang i a kai ah khan a thaw a ha.

climber - (n.) i kaitu , thingkung i a kaimi

clinch - (v.) hrenh , khenhchih , thir a fongmi khattelei le khattelei in khenhchih

cling - (v.) benh, bek; e.g. Wet clothes cling to the body = Thil cin cu tak ah an i bek, benh.

clinic - (n.) mizaw zohkhenhnak hmun

clip - (v.) 1. sammeh; 2. ca sawhnak thim

clipper - (n.) 1. lumehnak masin; 2. a khul a rangmi lawng

clipping - (n.) tadinca chungin siseh, ca dangdang chungin siseh, duhnak zawn bia aa ttialnak i riammi

clique - (n.) kortet , mahte lawng i bu hmete i ser

cloak - (n.) angkileng a fualmi

clock - (n.) caan relnak, suimilam; e.g. Synchronize all the clocks in the building = Inn chung i a ummi suimilam vialte kha an caan aa khat dih in ser hna u; e.g. The hands of the clock = Suimilam kut; e.g. The clock has run down = Suimilam cu a kal ti lo; e.g. The clock strikes twelve at noon = Chun ah suimilam cu voi hleihnih aa tum.

clockwise - (adv.) suimilam kut kalning in kal , keh lei in vorh lei ah

clog - (v.) hnawm i phih

cloister - (n.) phungki pawl unmak inn

close - (adj.) a naimi, naih; e.g. The school is close to my house = Sianginn cu kan inn naih ah a um; e.g. I rested in close proximity to the fire = Mei naihnak ah ka it.

close - (adv.) pawngte; e.g. We walk close to the wall = Vampang pawngte in kan kal.

close - (n.) donghnak; e.g. The meeting came to a close = Meeting cu donghnak a phan.

close - (v.) khar; e.g. Close the door = Innka khar.

closet - (n.) hnipuan chiahnak dal hmete

cloth - (n.) puanthan; e.g. People weave thread into cloth and reed into baskets = Mi nih la cu puan ah an tah hna i ramkung cu bawm ah an tah hna; e.g. That is a good quality of cloth = Khikhi puan phun ttha phun a si; e.g. Cloth is porous = Lapuan cu a vang.

clothe - (v.) puan aih , hnipuan pek

clothes - (n.) hnipuan; e.g. A bundle of clothes = Hnipuan tom khat; e.g. He crammed his clothes into a bag = A thilpuan kha zal chungah a behn in a ben hna; e.g. He got the pick of the best clothes =Thilpuan ttha bik hna lak i a ttha khummi kha a co hna; e.g. He wants to show off his fine clothes = A hnipuan ttha kha mi nih ka hmu hna seh ti a duh.

clothing - (n.) hnipuan

cloud - (n.) khuadawm; e.g. The imminence of a storm is shown by thick clouds = Ttotho a nai ti cu khuadawm nak nih an langhter; e.g. The clouds look ominous for our picnic = Khi khuadawm hna khi kan piknik rawktu si dawh an si ko.

cloudy - (adj.) khua a dawm

clown - (n.) nihchuaksaih a thiammipa

club - (v.) thingtan in tuk

club - (n.) 1. thingtan; 2. mi phu khat in a ummi

clue - (n.) hliah , la hliah

clumsy - (adj.) tla nengnungpi in a ummi thil

cluster - (n.) banhla thlar , mitsur bor , cu bantukin i bute in a ummi paoh

cluster - (v.) but hnawh; e.g. The students cluster around their teacher = Siangngakchia nih an saya an but hnawh.

cluster - (n.) banhla thlar , mitsur bor , cu bantukin i bute in a ummi paoh

clutch - (v.) 1. fek tein tlaih; e.g. He clutched the knife = Nam kha fek tein aa tlaih. 2. hei banh i tlaih i zuam

clutches - (n.) 1. kut chung hum; e.g. The lion almost had him in its clutches = Chiandeih nih a hum dengmang. 2. mawttawka chung i thilri pakhat

coach - (n.) 1. rangleng; 2. tlanglawng chung i mi umnak khan

coach - (v.) cawnpiak

coal - (n.) lungmeihol, meitil; e.g. coal mine = lung meihol khor.

coalition - (n.) hmun khat in i fonhnak

coarse - (adj.) 1. a ngan nawn pipi a simi; e.g. The path was covered with coarse sand = Lam cu thetse ngan nawn pipi nih a khuh; 2. a hratmi; 3. a hrangmi; e.g. His conversation was coarse = A bia chim a hrang.

coarsen - (v.) hahter, hratter

coast - (n.) rilikam , tivakam , tikam

coat - (n.) 1. angkileng; e.g. This coat will do for the winter = Hi angki nih hin khuasik cu an zaat ko lai; e.g. Every boy has a coat = Ngakchia paohpaoh nih angkileng pakhat an ngei cio; e.g. It is too cold to go without a coat = Angkileng loin i chawh awkah a kik tuk; e.g. Hang your coat on that hook = Na angkileng cu khi bahnak ah khin hei bat;  e.g. I have on my coat = Ka angkileng kaa hruk. 2. saram hmul; 3. thuhmi si; e.g. The house needs a coat of paint = Inn nih si thuh a herh.

coat - (v.) tuam, khuh; e.g. The table is coated with dust = Cabuai cu leidip nih a tuam.

coat of mail - (n.) thir angki

coax - (v.) lem (leem).

cobbler - (n.) kedan remhtu

cobra - (n.) rawchok , rul

cobweb - (n.) maimomh bu

cock - (v.) 1. meithal ttek kau; 2. khattelei kamah a tlu; e.g. His hat was cocked over one eye = A luchin kha khattelei mit cungah a tlu.

cock - (n.) 1. arhli; 2. meithal tek

cockpit - (n.) vanlawng mawngtu hna an tthutnak khan khi

cockroach - (n.) curcuk , phihlik

cocksure - (adj.) mah le mah i zumh ngai

cocktail - (n.) zu he din chihmi thil hna

cocoa - (n.) kuku , kawifi bantuk

coconut - (n.) ungkung , ungthei

cocoon - (n.) pu rungrul nih an sakmi inn

cod - (n.) nga phun khat

code - (n.) 1. phung , upadi; 2. bia i thanhnak caah hmanmi hmel chunhnak; e.g. Morse code 3. biathli i chimhnak i hmanmi

coerce - (v.) hramhram in hnek

coercion - (n.) hramhram in hneknak

coexist - (v.) hmunkhat i um tti.

coffee - (n.) kawfi; e.g. Do you want any cream in your coffee = Na kawfi chungah cawhnuk kham tlawmpal in na duh maw?; e.g. Has the water percolated through the coffee yet = Ti nih kawfi kha a ciah cang maw?

coffin - (n.) ruakkuang

cog - (n.) lahat ki

cognition - (n.) hngalhnak

cogwheel - (n.) lahat ki a ngeimi a kekual

cohere - (v.) i funh, um ti; e.g. Bricks and mortar cohere = Tlakrawh le thung cu an i seng.

coherence - (n.) i senghnak

coherent - (adj.) aa sengtlaimi , aa pehtlaimi

cohesion - (n.) pehtlaihnak, i senghtlaihnak.

cohesive - (adj.) a pehtlaimi thil, aa sengtlaimi thil

cohesive - (n.) thil benhnak a bangmi

coil - (n.) kual; e.g. A coil of rope = Hri kual kual khat

coil - (v.) aa kual; e.g. A snake coils = Rul aa kual.

coin - (n.) thir tangka, tangka nek; e.g. They minted a new coin = Tangka thar an ser.

coinage - (n.) thir tangka ser

coincide - (v.) 1. aa khat; 2. aa kheng; 3. aa tong

coincidence - (n.) i khennak, i tonnak

coincident - (adj.) aa tong sualmi

cold - (adj.) a kik

cold - (n.) cumpi; e.g. A bad cold made his nose run and bleared his eyes = Cumpi nih a hnapthli a chuahter i a mitthli a haiter; e.g. I catch cold easily = Cumpi in fawi tein ka zaw; e.g. John caught cold on Sunday and has been in bed since = John cu Zarhpi ni in cumpi nih a tlunh i cu ri cun a it peng ko.

cold-blooded - (adj.) 1. zaangfahnak lungthin zeihmanh ngei lo, thinhun sual si lo i zaangfahnak ngei lo i mi thah; 2. timi cold-blooded animals cu nga tehna, kinglang tehna an si.

colic - (n.) pawfah

collaborate - (v.) hmunkhat i tuantti.

collapse - (v.) tlu

collar - (n.) angki hngawng, uico hngawng oih; e.g. The stiff collar chafes my neck = Angki hngawng tthawng nih ka hngawnga ka lah.

collar bone - (n.) uikuang ruh; e.g. dislocated collar bone = uikuang ruh a pongmi.

colleague - (n.) hawi , rianttuantti hawi , khuktthi

collect - (v.) 1. pumh, hmunkhat i thil pumh; 2. thawhter, cawiter; e.g. Income taxes are collected every year = Ngunkhuai cu kum fatin an kholh. 3. minung an i pum; 4. telephone in i chawnh tik i a chawntu nih si loin a chawnhmi nih a man rak liampiak khi.

collection - (n.) thil pumhmi , thawhlawm kholhmi

collective - (adj.) a bu in tuah , a bu in ttuan

collector - (n.) khawltu, ngunkhuai khawltu

college - (n.) khawleih sianginn

collegian - (n.) college a kaimi siangngakchia.

collegiate - (adj.) college he aa pehtlaimi.

collision - (n.) i khawnnak , hmaitonh in i khawnnak

colloquial - (adj.) um sawsawhnak i hmanmi holh

collusion - (n.) thil ttha lo tuahnak dingah a thli tein hnatlaknak ngeih ti.

colon - (n.) cungtang in a ummi deh pahnih, ( : ) hihi calon cu a si.

colonel - (n.) ralbawi , kanal

colony - (n.) ram thar an va tlak i asinain cu ram cu a tlatu hna ram kuttang i a um tthiamtthiami

color (colour) - (n.) U.S.  azawng; e.g. Red, yellow, blue are colors = A sen, a eng le a dum hna cu azawng an si; e.g. These colors go well together = Hi azawng hna hi an i rem ngai; e.g. A rainbow has all the colours (colors) of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet = Chuncha nih khin azawng bu khat chung azawng dihlak a ngeih hna: a sen, theithu, a eng, a hring, a dum, a pawl le a senduk.

coloration - (n.) muisam kenning , a zawng umning

colorblind - (adj.) azawng a thleidang kho lomi

colorization - (n.) muisam kenning, a zawng umning

colossal - (adj.) a nganpi, a kaupi

colour - (n.) British.   azawng; e.g. Red, yellow, blue are colours = A sen, a eng le a dum hna cu azawng an si; e.g. These colours go well together = Hi azawng hna hi an i rem ngai; e.g. A rainbow has all the colours (colors) of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet = Chuncha nih khin azawng bu khat chung azawng dihlak a ngeih hna: a sen, theithu, a eng, a hring, a dum, a pawl le a senduk.

colt - (n.) rang fano

column - (n.) 1. lung in siseh thing in siseh sermi lungpi; 2. ralkap si hna seh, tilawng si hna seh, i zul zutmat in a kalmi hna 3. catlap chung i ca an ttialnak zawn khi; 4. tadinca i an chuah lengmangmi bia.

coma - (n.) thih dengmang i mah le mah i hngal ti lo i um khi

comb - (n.) samthih

comb - (v.) samhriah (samthih in hriah)

combat - (n.) raldohnak

combat - (v.) ral doh in doh

combination - (n.) cawhnak , fonhnak

combine - (v.) cawh , fonh

combustible - (adj.) a kang khomi

combustion - (n.) kanghnak

come - (v.) 1. ra, hika ah hin ra; e.g. He is able to come = A ra kho; e.g. Come if you can = Na rat khawh ahcun ra tuah; e.g. Come with me = Ka sinah ra; 2. phanh; 3. zulh; e.g. Two comes after one = Pahnih nih pakhat kha a zulh; 4. chuahkehnak lei i chuahnak; e.g. Jack comes from a good family = Jack cu phun ttha chungin a chuakmi a si. past participle of come is come. come about = Zeitindah thil a hung umning a si? come over = Zei nih dah an ti?

comedian - (n.) 1. nihchuaksaih thiam; 2. mit ah aa remminihchuaksaih thiam

comedy - (n.) nihchuak saihnak i nawlcawnnak hmanmi

comeliness - (n.) a nuammizoh duh awk sinak, mit ah aa remmi.

comely - (adj.) mit ah aa remmi

comet - (n.) arfi chawntonh

comfort - (v.) hnemh, hnangamter

comfort - (n.) 1. hnangamternak; 2. nunnuam in nun; e.g. She lived in comfort = Nun nuam in a nung.

comfortable - (adj.) a nuammi

comforter - (n.) hnangamtertu

comic - (n.) nihchuak saihnak bia

comma - (n.) khawma;  ( , )

command - (v.) 1. fial, nawlpek; 2. uk; e.g. The officer commands the ship = Lawng bawi nih lawng cu a uk.

command - (n.) nawlbia

commandant - (n.) ralkapbu uktu bawi

commandeer - (v.) pumpak thil kha zapi hman awk i tlaih

commandment - (n.) nawlbia; e.g. Ten commandments = Nawlbia pahra

commemorate - (v.) hngalhpeng , philh lo

commemoration - (n.) hngalh pengnak , philh lonak

commence - (v.) thawk.

commencement - (n.) 1. thawknak; 2. college nih degree an peknak hna puai.

commend - (v.) thangtthat

commendable - (adj.) thangtthat awk tlak a simi

commendation - (n.) thangtthatnak

commensurate - (adj.) aa tlak

comment - (v.) fianter

commentary - (n.) fianternak

commentator - (n.) fiantertu

commerce - (n.) chawleh chawhrawlnak

commission - (n.) 1. zapi ca rian thiahmi bu; 2. riankainak; 3. zuar man hmuhmi

commission - (v.) fial

commissioner - (n.) cozah rianttuannak bu pakhat chung i lu a simi, mangki

commit - (v.) 1. zohkhenh dingah pek; e.g. The boy was committed to his care = Ngakchiapa cu a zohkhenh dingah pek a si; 2. tuah; e.g. He committed robbery = Firnak a tuah.

commitment - (n.) biakamnak

committee - (n.) kawmiti

commodity - (n.) thilri

common - (adj.) 1. hrawmmi thil; e.g. The house is the common property of the three brothers = Inn cu an unau rual pathum an i hrawmmi a si; 2. hmuh ton lengmangmi thil. 3. zaran

common sense - (n.) zapi hngalh tawk a simi thil rak hngalh khawh venak khi

commonwealth - (n.) 1.zapi nih an i thimmi cozah uknak; 2. cozah dangdang anmah duhte i aa fon i a um timi

commotion - (n.) i tuaibur in umnak, hnahnok luri ngaiin umnak

communicable - (adj.) i chawnh khawhmi; e.g. Leprosy is a communicable disease = Thinghmui zawtnak cu i chonh khawhmi a si.

communicate - (v.) bia in i chawnh , i theihter , zawtnak i chawnh

communication - (n.) i biakchawnhnak, bia i ruahnak, pakhat le pakhat bia in i hngalhnak; e.g. Radio is a medium of communication = Radio cu i chawnhnak ca i hmanmi thil a si.

communion - (n.) i hrawmnak, i hawikomhnak, Bawipa Zanriah

communique - (n.) cozah nih tadinca chuahtu pawl sinah/zapi sinah thanhmi bia

Communism - (n., prop.) thilri le thil sernak vialte le uknak kha cozah nih tlaih dih i thil cu mi zapi nih i hrawm ding a si tiah a timi.

Communist - (n., prop.) communist phung in a ummi.

community - (n.) hmun khat i a ummi mibu pakhat

commute - (v.) 1. thlen, dantatnak, a fak deuhmi kha a din deuhmi ah thlen; 2. khuapi chung i riantuannak ah khuapi lengin tlanglawng in kal

commuter - (n.) cu bantukin a kalmi

compact - (adj.) fekte le fel tein tom thipthepmi

companion - (n.) hawikom , kal tti hawi

companionable - (adj.) komh khawhmi

companionship - (n.) i hawikomhnak

company - (n.) 1. bu; 2. chawlet bu; e.g. Keep company timi ku 'kal tti, khual tlawn tti' ti a si.

comparable - (adj.) tahchunh khawhmi

comparative - (adj.) thil dang he ruahchih , zohchih

comparatively - (adv.) thil dang he tahchunh tikah

compare - (v.) tahchunh

comparison - (n.) zohkheknak , thlaichunnak

compartment - (n.) dal, khan

compass - (n.) 1. chaklei a sawh zungzaltu suimilam; 2. a pum suainak fungte

compassion - (n.) zaangfahnak

compassionate - (adj.) zaangfahnak a ngeimi

compatible - (adj.) aa rem khomi

compel - (v.) hnek

compensate - (v.) rulh

compensation - (n.) rulhnak

compete - (v.) 1. cuh; e.g. Three men competed for the prize = Laksawng kha mi pathum an i cuh; 2. zuam, lentecelhnak ah i zuam

competence - (n.) thiamnak , thil ti khawhnak

competent - (adj.) a thiammi , a zami

competition - (n.) i zuamnak

compile - (v.) khawmh, pumh

complacence - (n.) mi dang zawn ruat lem lo i nuam ngai i nun

complacent - (adj.) mi dang zawn ruat lem lo i nuam ngai i a ummi

complain - (v.) phunzai

complainant - (n.) a phunzaimi

complaint - (n.) phunzainak

complete - (adj.) a tling , a dihlak

complex - (adj.) hngalh a harmi

complexion - (n.) muihmai

complicate - (v.) aa cawhnuk caah hngalh a harmi , hngalh harter

compliment - (n.) chimthiamnak , thangtthatnak , lawmhnak

complimentary - (n., adj.) thangtthatnak le lawmhnak langhternak, laksawng in pekmi.

comply - (v.) nawl zulh

component - (n.) a chung thil ummi

compose - (v.) 1. hla phuah; 2. therphang lo tein um; 3. a chung i um; e.g. His family was composed of three persons = A innchung ah minung pathum an um.

composer - (n.) hla phuahtu

composition - (n.) phuahmi , ttialmi

compost - (n.) cawhmi , thinghnah le nok cawhmi , thinghnah non

compound - (n.) 1. inn kulh chung; 2. cawhmi thil

compound - (v.) cawh

comprehend - (v.) hngalh; e.g. He apprehends (comprehends) what he reads = A relmi kha a hngalh.

comprehensible - (adj.) hngalh khawhmi a simi

comprehension - (n.) hngalhnak

comprehensive - (adj.) a kaumi , a tammi , a tlingmi

compress - (v.) nel , hnengh

compression - (n.) hnenghnak

compromise - (v.) mah tining tthumh deuh i hawi tining i hrawm

comptroller - (n.) tangka hmannak lei zohtu i an chiah mipa

compulsion - (n.) hneknak

compulsory - (adj.) tuah lo khawh lomi

compunction - (n.) i ngaihchihnak , i chirnak

computation - (n.) kanan tuaknak

compute - (v.) kanan in tuak

comrade - (n.) hawi , dua

concave - (adj.) a kuarmi , zapei kuar bantuk

conceal - (v.) thuh , thil thuh

concealment - (n.) thuhnak

concede - (v.) 1. a si ti; e.g. Everyone concedes that 2 and 2 make four = Ahopaoh nih 2 le 2 fonh cu pali a si an ti cio; 2. pek; e.g. He conceded to us the right to speak = Chimnak nawl a kan pek.

conceit - (n.) porhlawtnak, mah le mah i zumh.

conceited - (adj.) aa porhlawmi , mah le mah aa zum ngaimi

conceivable - (adj.) ruah khawhmi

conceive - (v.) 1. fapawi; 2. lungchung in ruah

concentrate - (v.) 1. hmun khat i pumh; 2. tthawng deuh in ser; e.g. zu; 3. ttha tein ruah, ruah khun

concentration - (n.) 1. hmunkhat i pumhnak; 2. ruahkhunnak

concept - (n.) ruahnak

conception - (n.) 1. fapawinak; 2. ruahnak

concern - (v.) 1. pehtlaih; e.g. This letter concerns nobody but me = Hi ca hi keimah dah ti lo cu aho he hmanh an i pehtlai lo; 2. zei i rel; e.g. The election of council members should concern every citizen = Khawngsil rianttuantu pawl thim cu ramchungmi paohpaoh nih biapi ah rel awk a si; 3. lungre theih; e.g. The mother is concerned over her child's safety = A nu cu a fa himnak kong a ruah ah a lungre a thei.

concern - (n.) 1. pehtlaihnak; 2. biapi i ruahnak; 3. lungretheihnak; 4. chawlettu ; e.g. A flourishing concern = A tthangchomi chawlehnak, rianttuannak

concerning - (prep.) kongah

concert - (n.) hlasak puai, khawnsat; e.g. Our school concert was reported by the press = Kan sianginn khawnsat kha tadinca ah an chuah.

concerted - (adj.) lungrual tein tuahmi; e.g. Concerted effort = Lungrual tein tuahmi rian

concession - (n.) tthumh deuhnak

conciliate - (v.) remter , rem

conciliation - (n.) remnak

conciliatory - (adj.) rem duhnak

concise - (adj.) bia tlawm tein fiang tein chim thiam

conclave - (n.) pumpak cio in Roman Catholic kardinal pawl, Pope thim awk ca i an i pumhnak hmun cio

conclude - (v.) 1. a dong , a donghnak a phan; 2. ruahnak fun; 3. hnatlaknak ser

conclusion - (n.) donghnak, biatlang kawmnak

conclusive - (adj.) donghnak thil a simi, funtomtu a simi

concoct - (v.) thil a phunphun cawh, ruahnak fonh, tuah tti

concoction - (n.) tuah ttinak

concord - (n.) hnatlak ttinak , lungngetnak

concordance - (n.) cauk chung i aa ttialmi bia kawlnak ca i cafang aa channing in ttialmi cauk

concrete - (adj.) kut in tongh khawh , mit in hmuh khawh tluk in a fiangmi

concrete - (n.) lungdenmi

concubine - (n.) nupi chun

concussion - (n.) hninhnak , tlirhnak , den khawnnak in thluak tlirhnak

condemn - (v.) 1. duh lo, a ttha lo, ti; 2. sualphawt; 3. hman awk tlak a si ti lo ti i hlawt

condemnation - (n.) sualphawtnak , hlawtnak

condensation - (n.) hnenghnak

condense - (v.) 1. hnengh, a tampi kha tlawmte i ser; 2. ti i can; e.g. Steam is condensed into water = Tikhu cu ti ah a cang.

condensed - (adj.) hnenghmi; e.g. Condensed milk = Chawhnuk bu thlum

condescend - (v.) mah le mah i tthumh, i niamter, mi toiah i dor.

condition - (n.) sining, umtuning; e.g. on condition that = a si ahcun.

condole - (v.) ngaihchiatpi , hramh

condolence - (n.) hramhnak

condone - (v.) ngeihthiam , sualnak hmuhpiak duh lo i um

conduct - (n.) a leng i a langmi ziaza

conduct - (v.) 1. nuncan, ziaza; e.g. He conducts himself well = Ttha tein a nung; 2. hruai, lamhruai; 3. hrui, hao; e.g. He conducts the meeting well = Pumhnak kha ttha tein hruihao hna; 4. kalter, luanter; e.g. Pipes conduct heat through the building = Pipes nih lumnak kha inn chungah an luanter.

conductor - (n.) 1. hlahruaitu; 2. tlanglawng cung le baska cung i phaisa khawltu; 3. lumnak le dah kalpitu thil

conduit - (n.) kahcham tiluannak

cone - (n.) thei, far thei; e.g. pine cone.

cone - (adj.) far thei pungsan a simi thil.

confection - (n.) mutthai sernak.

confederacy - (n.) i komhnak.

confederate - (v.) komh

confer - (v.) pakhat le pakhat i pumh i ruahnak i cheuh

conference - (n.) i pumh i ruahnak cheuhnak

confess - (v.) 1. phuan; 2. a si tiah ti

confession - (n.) phuannak

confidant - (n.) zumhmi , biathli chimhmipa

confide - (v.) zumh biathli chimh , zohkhenhter

confidence - (n.) fek tein zumhnak , bochannak

confident - (adj.) fek tein zumh, hnabei i seih ngai

confidential - (adj.) biathli a simi

confine - (n.) ramri chung; e.g. confines of one's country = mah le ram ramri chung

confine - (v.) innchung i i erh

confinement - (n.) leng chuak loin erhnak

confirm - (v.) 1. fehter; 2. a si tiah ti

confirmed - (adj.) a fek cangmi

confiscate - (v.) chuh

confiscation - (n.) chuhnak

conflagration - (n.) mei in khanghnak nganpi

conflict - (n.) i dohnak , raltuknak

conflict - (v.) ralchanh, i al

conform - (v.) thil a sining bantuk i zulh i um ve

confront - (v.) hmaitonh in i ton , bia i chalh

confuse - (v.) lungtuaiter, mi dang i rel; e.g. He confused me with my brother = Ka nau ah a ka rel.

confusion - (n.) lungtuainak, i tuai ur i umnak

congenial - (adj.) i remte i um tti, hawikom he aa rem khomi

congest - (v.) a khat tuk; e.g. The streets are congested = Khuapi chung lam cu mi an khat tuk.

congestion - (n.) khah tuknak, tam tuknak

conglomerate - (v.) a bupi in i kulh, hmunkhatpi i i pumh.

congratulate - (v.) lawmhpi

congratulation - (n.) lawmhpinak

congratulatory - (adj.) lawmhpinak thil

congregate - (v.) i pumh

congregation - (n.) aa pummi; e.g. There was a sprinkling of young people in the congregation = Aa pummi chungah mino cu tlawmte lawng an si.

congregational - (adj.) aa pummi bu a simi

congress - (n.) 1. hmunkhat i i pumhnak; 2. bu cio nih an rak thlahmi lamkaltu hna pawl pumhnak; 3. U.S.A. cozah chung i upadi sertubu pahnih, Senate le House of Repressentatives an i fonhnak.

congressional - (adj.) congress he aa pehtlaimi thil.

congressman - (n.) congress upa.

conjecture - (v.) a si maw si lo ti hngal set lo i ruah menmi

conjoin - (v.) fonh

conjugal - (adj.) tthitumnak he aa pehtlaimi thil

conjugate - (v.) nu le pa sinak in i pehtlaih

conjugation - (n.) nu le pa sinak in i pehtlaihnak

conjunction - (n.) pehtlaihnak, pehtlaihtertu bia; e.g. 'and' hi conjunction a si.

conjure - (v.) fak piin nawl

connect - (v.) peh; e.g. A network of roads connected the towns and villages = Sur bantukin aa takmi lam hna nih khuapi le khuate kha an pehtlaih dih hna.

connection - (n.) pehnak

connective - (adj.) pehtu a simi

connivance - (n.) thil ttha lo tuahnak ah a thli tein thazang pek i a hngal lo bantukin i umternak

connive - (v.) a ttha lomi thil a hmu lo bantukin um, thil ttha lo a thli in bawmh; e.g. Some people connive at gambling = Mi a cheu nih phekah kha a thli in an bawmh hna.

connotation - (n.) chimmi bia nih sullam a hei ngeih chinmi

connote - (v.) sullam a hei sawhmi

conquer - (v.) tei

conqueror - (n.) teitu

conquest - (n.) teinak

conscience - (n.) chiattha thleidannak lungthin

conscientious - (adj.) chiattha thleidan bu tein tuahmi

conscious - (adj.) mah le mah le pawngkam i a ummi hngalh

consciously - (adv.) i hngal bu tein

consciousness - (n.) mah le mah le pawngkam ummi thil hngalhnak

conscript - (v.) duh zong duh lo zongah ralkap tlakter cozah nih

conscription - (n.) ralkap tlak hneknak

consecrate - (v.) thianter , Pathian sin pek

consecration - (n.) thianternak, Pathian sin peknak

consecutive - (adj.) aa peh thliahmahmi

consecutively - (adv.) aa peh thliahmah in

consensus - (n.) zapi hnatlaknak

consent - (v.) 1. hnatlakpi; 2. onhnak pek

consequence - (n.) 1. thil pakhat a dang thil pakhat hnu zulh in a hung chuakmi; 2. biapipa; e.g. The loss of that old hat was not a matter of consequence = Kha luchin hlun thlau kha biapipa thil a si lo.

consequent - (adj.) a hung chuakmi

consequently - (adv.) a hung chuah bantukin

conservation - (n.) khonnak , retnak

conservatism - (n.) thil hlun tlaihchannak , thlennak duh lo

conserve - (v.) khon , ret

consider - (v.) 1. ruah; 2. zumh; 3. mi dang zawnruah

considerable - (adj.) ruah awk tlak, tam nawnpi; e.g. We have a considerable rain this year = Tukum cu ruah tam nawn a sur.

consign - (v.) 1. pek, chang; e.g. His body was consigned to the grave = A pum cu thlan ah an vui; 2. thil kuat; e.g. We shall consign the goods to him = Thil cu amah kan kuat lai

consignee - (n.) thil kuat mipa

consignment - (n.) thil kuatmi

consignor - (n.) thil kuatu

consist - (v.) a chung i um; e.g. A week consists of seven days = Zarh khat chungah ni sarih a um.

consistence - (n.) mah le mah i al loin um, i theng lengmang loin umnak

consistency - (n.) hmasa ning tein um

consistent - (adj.) hmasa ning tein a ummi, aa thleng lomi, a sining in a ummi

consolation - (n.) hnangamternak

console - (v.) hnemh

consolidate - (v.) 1. fonh; 2. hnengh, fek chin in ser

consolidation - (n.) hnenghnak

consonant - (n.) 1. cafang tung pawl; 2. aa zulmi; e.g. His action is consonant with his belief = A tuahnak le a zumhnak an i zul.

consort - (n.) va asilole nupi

conspicuous - (adj.) a langmi , fawi tein hmuh khawhmi

conspiracy - (n.) thli tein hawi he thil ttha lo tuah i timhnak

conspire - (v.) 1. a thli tein hawi he thil ttha lo tuah i timh; 2. hmun khat i ttuan tti; e.g. All things conspired to make her birthday a happy one = A chuah ni cu lunglawmh ni siter awkah thil vialte rem tein an huni fon dih.

constable - (n.) palik bawi

constabulary - (n.) palik pawl

constancy - (n.) zumhnak tthial lo tein i tlaih peng

constant - (adj.) 1. i thleng loin mah ningte a simi; 2. zumh awk tlakmi

constantly - (adv.) a zungzal in , atu le atu

constellation - (n.) arfi bu

consternation - (n.) thlalaunak , ttihnak , launak

constipation - (n.) ek fer

constituency - (n.) 1. hmun pakhat i me thlatu hna; 2. cuka hmun

constituent - (adj.) a sitertu thil hna, a chung i a ummi thil hna; e.g. Flour, liquid, salt and yeast are constituent parts of bread = Changvut, ti, cite le thilnu cu changreu a sitertu thil an si.

constitute - (v.) siter, umnak; e.g. We constitute him our leader = Amah cu kan haotu ah kan ser; e.g. The government constituted these rules = Cozah nih hi phung cu an ser hna.

constitution - (n.) pumrua umtuning, hruainak ca i sermi phunghrampi

constitutional - (adj.) phunghrampi he aa pehtlaimi

constitutionality - (n.) phunghrampi a sining

constrain - (v.) hnek , thazang in uk

constraint - (n.) thazang in uknak , hneknak

constrict - (v.) rek

constriction - (n.) reknak

construct - (v.) sak , ser

construction - (n.) innsak , lam cawhnak

constructive - (adj.) a sa lei a simi thil , a thet lei a si lomi thil

construe - (v.) sullam rak i lak.  zoh misconstrue.

consular - (adj.) consul rian a ttuanmi, consul rian he aa pehtlaimi.

consulate - (n.) consul umnak inn asiloah a zung.

consule - (n.) cozah pakhat nih ram dang i an va chiahmi bawi.

consult - (v.) ruahnak i cheuh , hal

consultation - (n.) ruahnak i cheuhnak

consumate - (v.) tlinter

consumation - (n.) tlinnak

consume - (v.) hman dih, ei dih, din dih, hrawh, khangh; e.g. Fire consumes his house = Mei nih a inn a kangh dih.

consumer - (n.) thil sermi a rak hmangtu

consumption - (n.) 1. hman awk , ei awk , thil; 2. cuaphmat zawtnak

contact - (v., n.) tongh, thil pakhat le pakhat an i tonghnak.

contagion - (n.) pakhat le pakhat zawtnak i chawnhnak

contagious - (adj.) chawnh khawh a simi zawtnak , thil

contain - (v.) 1. tlum, chung um; e.g. This tin contains apples = Hi pung chungah hin apple an um; 2. sum, tlaih; e.g. She was so angry that she could hardly contain her feelings = A thin a hung tuk i aa sum kho lo dengmang.

container - (n.) thil khumhnak i hmanmi thingkuang, pung, etc.

contaminate - (v.) thurhnawmhter

contamination - (n.) thurhnawmhternak

contemplate - (v.) saupi ruah

contemplative - (adj.) thil a ruat ngaimi

contemporaneous - (adj.) khuktthi, rualkhat

contemporary - (adj.) hmunkhat le can khat i a rak um ttimi hna

contempt - (n.) nauta, nehsawh, serhsat; e.g. Familiarity breeds contempt = I theihhngalh tuknak nih nehsawhnak a chuahter khawh.

contemptible - (adj.) nautat awk tlak

contemptuous - (adj.) nautatnak thil a simi

contend - (v.) doh, ralchanh

content - (n.) a chung i a ummi thil

content - (v.) lungtlin , lungawi

contention - (n.) i siknak, bia i alnak.

contentious - (adj.) i sik a zuammi, bia al a zuammi

contentment - (n.) lungsinak , lung riamhnak , hnangamnak

contest - (n.) zuamnak; e.g. beauty contest = dawh i zuamnak; e.g. oratorial contest = biachim thiam i zuamnak.

contest - (v.) i zuam

contestant - (n.) zuamnak chungah aa telmi

context - (n.) a pawngkam i a rak ummi thil hna

continence - (n.) mah le mah i suum khawhnak

continent - (adj.) kawntinent

contingency - (n.) poipang, herhpang

contingent - (adj.) ruah lo piin thil a hung chuakmi

continual - (adj.) a peh thluahmahmi , cat lo in a ummi

continually - (adv.) aa peh thluahmah in

continuance - (n.) peh thluahmahnak

continuation - (n.) peh thluahmah in ttuannak

continue - (v.) peh , ngol lo

continuity - (n.) peh thluahmahnak

continuous - (adj.) aa peh thluahmahmi

continuously - (adv.) i peh thluahmah in

contour - (n.) a kikam lawng langhtermi vawlei hmanthlak

contraband - (n.) upadi in kham, upadi in khammi thil

contract - (n.) hnatlaknak , ca in ttialmi hnatlaknak

contract - (v.) 1. hnatla tein biakam; 2. con, zor , re; e.g. Iron contracts when it is cold = Thir cu a kih tikah a con, a hme deuh; 3. zawtnak i lak; e.g. He contracted tuberculosis = Cuap zawtnak aa lak.

contractor - (n.) khawntrek a latu

contradict - (v.) i al

contradiction - (n.) i alnak

contradictory - (adj.) aa almi

contrariwise - (adv.) aa ralchanh in

contrary - (adj.) aa ralchanhmi

contrast - (v.) an i dannak langhter

contrast - (n.) dannak

contribute - (v.) 1. pek; 2. tadinca ah maw mekazin ah maw cattial

contribution - (n.) pekmi bawmhnak , pekmi phaisa

contributor - (n.) bawmhnak petu , thil petu

contrite - (adj.) sual i theih i ngaih a chiami

contrition - (n.) ngaihchiatnak

contrive - (v.) ser , a thar ser

control - (n.) uk

control stick - (n.) vanlawng mawnghnak fung

controller - (n.) uktu

controversial - (adj.) i al lengmangmi a simi

controversy - (n.) i alnak

conumdrum - (n.) bia har

convalesce - (v.) zawt dam

convalescence - (n.) zawt in hung damnak

convalescent - (adj.) zawtnak in a hung dam tthanmi

convene - (v.) pumh, pumhnak kawh

convenience - (n.) caan rem

convenient - (adj.) a remmi caan , a remmi thil

convent - (n.) Biaknak lei i aa pemi nu hmun khat i a ummi bu, cu bu umnak inn

convention - (n.) pumhnak

conventional - (adj.) tuah tawnmi ningin tuahmi

converge - (v.) hmun khat ah i ton

convergence - (n.) hmun khat i i tonnak

conversation - (n.) bia i ruah; e.g. His conversation was coarse = A bia chim a hrang; e.g. They were engaged in conversation = Bia an i ruah i an i manh lo; e.g. We heard snatches of their conversation = Bia an i ruahmi kha a tlawm tete kan theih.

conversational - (adj.) biaruahnak i hmanmi

converse - (v.) biaruah

converse - (adj.) aa ralchanhmi thil

conversely - (v.) aa ralchanh in

conversion - (n.) lungthlennak

convert - (v.) lung i thlen

convertible - (adj.) thlen khawh a simi

convex - (adj.) a kuarmi thil , thlalang

convey - (v.) lanhter , lanhpi , kalpi , pek chin

conveyance - (n.) pekchanhnak , chanhchinnak

convict - (v.) sualphawt , na sual , ti

convict - (n.) na sual timi pa

conviction - (n.) 1. sualphawtnak; 2. lung fiannak , zumh fiannak

convince - (v.) lung fiang lakin chimh

convocation - (n.) pumhnak

convoke - (v.) pumh

convoy - (n.) aa zul thluahmah in ral i venpiak pah cio in kal , khual tlawn

convulse - (v.) fak piin ther, i hnih hluahmah

convulsion - (n.) ther thluahmahnak

cook - (v.) rawlchuan

cook - (n.) 1. rawlchuang; 2. rawlchuannak um

cookie (cooky) - (n.) changreu thlum

cool - (adj.) a dai , a linnak in a dai deuhmi

cooler - (n.) daihtertu

coolie - (n.) kuli , thil phortu

coop - (n.) ar inn

cooperate - (v.) hmun khat i ttuan tti

cooperation - (n.) ttuan ttinak , lung i khahnak

cooperative - (adj.) hawi he ttuan tti duhnak a ngeimi

coordinate - (v.) ruanter; e.g. In swimming, you must coordinate the movements of your hands and legs = Ti lioh ah cun na kut cangh le na ke cangh kha na ruanter hna lai.

coordination - (n.) ruanternak

cope - (v.) ti khawh, tuah khawh, tei khawh; e.g. She cannot cope with her work = A rian a tei lo.

Copernicus - (n., prop.) Poland mi arfi thiam (1473-1543).

copious - (adj.) tampi

copper - (n.) dar sen; e.g. the gleam of copper pans = Dar umkheng cer;  e.g. Bronze is made by the fusion of copper and tin = Dar sen cu dar rang le canphio cawh in sermi a si.

copra - (n.) ungthei chung a sa

copy - (n.) 1. aa lomi thil; 2. cauk uk khat;

copy - (v.) khawpi tuah.

copyright - (n.) cauk a sertu nih a zuarnak nawl amah lawng nih a ngeihmi

coral - (adj.) a sen

coral - (n.) rili chung ummi cengkeuh

cord - (n.) hri

cordial - (adj.) dawtmi , hawikom ttha a simi

cordiality - (n.) i dawtnak , hawikom ttha sinak

cordon - (v.) dankanh; e.g. The police cordoned off the playground = Palik nih lentecelhnak hmun kha an dankanh.

core - (n.) a muru; e.g. The apple is rotten to the core = Epal cu a chung muru tiangin a thu.

cork - (n.) thihnathawl chin

corn - (n.) fangvoi; e.g. They grow corn = Fangvoi an cin.

corncob - (n.) fangvoi fo

cornea - (n.) mitmunang

corner - (n.) kil , lam kilkawi

cornerstone - (n.) innkil lung

corola - (n.) pangpar

corona - (n.) luchin bantukin nika le thlapa kulhtu ceunak

coronation - (n.) bawi luchin chinhnak

corporal - (adj.) pumlei he aa peh tlaimi thil; e.g. Corporal punishment = Pum in inmi dantatnak.

corporal - (n.) sen hnih benh ralkap

corporate - (adj.) hmun khat i ttuntti a simi, a bu in.

corporation - (n.) chawtuahnak ca i aa bumi

corps - (n.) ralkap chung bu khat; e.g. Marine Corps, Corps of Engineers; Esprit de Corps = Mah bu ca i teimaknak lungthin, lungkhahnak, bu khat sinak lungthin.

corpse - (n.) miruak

corpuscle - (n.) kan thi chung thil, corpuscle sen nih oxygen kha cuap in kan pum chung hmun dang ah a kalpi, corpuscle rang nih zawtnak rungrul a thah hna.

correct - (adj.) a hmaan a dik

correct - (v.) hmaanter , remh

correction - (n.) hmaanternak , remhnak

correlate - (v.) fonhtonh, pehtlaihter

correlation - (n.) fonhtonhnak, pehtlaihnak

correspond - (v.) ca i kuat

correspondence - (n.) ca i kuatnak

correspondent - (n.) 1. ca aa kua lengmangmi; 2. hmun dang in thawngpang a hun thanhtu

corridor - (n.) inn khat le inn khat a pehtu cungkhuh ngeimi lam

corroborate - (v.) fehter, fianter chin

corroboration - (n.) fehter chinnak.

corrode - (v.) duhsah tein ei; e.g. Rust corrodes iron = Cirik nih thir a ei.

corrosive - (adj.) duhsah tein situ a simi

corrugate - (v.) korhter; e.g. corrugated iron sheets = kuar (zur) a ngeimi canphio tlap

corrupt - (v.) a thu , a rop

corrupt - (adj.) ziknawh ei hmangmi

corruption - (n.) 1. thutnak, ropnak; 2. ziknawh einak

cortex - (n.) a hawng a tuamtu , luthluak tuamtu

cosmetic - (n.) dawhnak ca i thuh boih awk thil

cosmic - (adj.) vawlei le van he aa pehtlaimi thil

cosmogony - (n.) vawlei le van thawhkehnak ruahnak

cosmopolitian - (adj.) vawlei cung dihlak he aa pehtlaimi

cosmos - (n.) vawlei pumpi

cost - (n.) man

costly - (adj.) a man a fak

costume - (n.) mah sining hnipuan; e.g. Lai costume

cosy - (adj.) a lum i a nuammi

cot - (n.) ihkhun hme deuh pawl, ramlak hna i hman deuhmi; e.g. camp cot

cottage - (n.) innte

cotton - (n.) lapar

couch - (n.) tthutdan nem

cough - (v.) khuh; e.g. He coughs = A khuh; e.g. The child has spells of coughing = Ngakchia cu a khuh lengmang.

could - (v.) can zoh; tuah khawh, khawh; e.g. They could persuade him to stay = Um awkah an lem khawh; e.g. I am sorry that you could not come = Na rat khawh lo cu a poi ka ti ngai.

council - (n.) bu , khuakhangtubu

councillor - (n.) khawngsil chung i aa telmi

counsel - (n.) fimchimhnak , ruahnak i cheuhnak

counsellor - (n.) fimchimtu , ruahnak petu

count - (v.) 1. rel; 2. man a ngei, biapi a si; e.g. Everything you do counts = Na tuahmi paoh kha man a ngei. count on = bochan. count up = fonh; e.g. Count up what I gave you = Kan pekmi kha fonh dih.

count - (n.) bawi

countenance - (n.) mithmai;  e.g. She had a sad look on her face = A mithmai ah a ngaih a chia ti a lang.

countenance - (v.) hnatlakpi, thohkhan.

counter - (n.) cabuai sau

counter - (v.) ralchanh, doh

counterfeit - (v.) 1. phaisa deu ser; 2. a deu a simi

countersign - (v.) min thutmi pawng i min rak thut ve

countless - (adj.) relcawklo

country - (n.) 1. ram; e.g. He came from a far country = Ram hlapi in a ra, a hlat deuhnak hmun; e.g. Each of us has a stake in the future of our country = Kan ram limailei umtuning dingah hin kan sungh khawhmi maw kan miak khawhmi maw a um cio; 2. khuate; e.g. Do you prefer to live in the city or the country = Khuapi um maw na duh deuh khuate um?

countryside - (n.) khuatelei

county - (n.) uknak ca i cheumi, myone ti bantuk

coup - (n.) a thli tein ruah lopi i vuk tiah hun tuah; e.g. Coup de tat = Cozah thlen

couple - (n.) tuah khat , nu le va

couplet - (n.) hla i tlang hnih tuah khat a simi

coupling - (n.) fonhnak , nu le pa i fonhnak

coupon - (n.) thil zuartu nih thil cawtu kha thil cawk tikah lehhmah an pek i cu lehhmah cun hmailei ah an thil kha man loin cawk tthan khawh a si, cu lehhmah cu coupon timi cu a si.

courage - (n.) raltthatnak

courageous - (adj.) raltthami

courier - (n.) rian fialmi i zulhtermi

course - (n.) 1. tiva kuang, ti luannak lam; 2. aa pehtlai thliahmah tein thil a ummi; 3. aa pehtlai thliahmah tein cawnmi;

court - (v.) helh; e.g. He courted her for a year before they were married = An i tthit hlanah kum khat a helh.

court - (n.) zung, biaceihnak zung; e.g. He appealed to a higher court = Biaceihnak zung sang deuh ah azu a khan;  e.g. Mr. White was served with a summons to appear in court = Mr. White cu zung i chuah awkah ca pe a si.

court-martial - (n.) ralkap chung i ziaza tthalomi anmah ralkap biaceihtu hna nih bia an ceih hna i an phuah hna khi

courteous - (adj.) ziaza dawn in tuahmi

courtesy - (n.) ziaza dawh tein thil tuahmi; e.g. It is a courtesy to help an old person = Tar bawmh cu ziaza dawhte a si.

courthouse - (n.) biaceihnak zung inn

courtroom - (n.) biaceihtu pawl biaceihnak khan.

courtship - (n.) ngaknu tlangval i helhnak

courtyard - (n.) inntual

cousin - (n.) nule unau fale si hna seh, pale unau fale si hna seh, an dihlak in cousin an si.

covenant - (n.) biakamnak

cover - (v.) khuh, thuh, thawngpang hlat; e.g. The reporter must cover the fire = Thawngthanhtu nih mei kong kha a hlat awk a si lai.

cover - (n.) a chin , phentu

covet - (v.) hngar , mitthit

coveteous - (adj.) mi thil a hngarmi a mit a thimi

coveteousness - (n.) hngarnak, mitthitnak

cow - (n.) caw; e.g. The cow is tethered to a post = Caw cu tung ah an hren; e.g. He milks the cow = Caw hnuk a sur; e.g. The prize winning cows are the pick of the herd = Laksawng a hmumi caw hna cu an run chung i a ttha bik kha an si.

coward - (n.) miralchia

cowardice - (n.) ralchiatnak

cowardly - (adv.) ralchia ngaiin

cowboy - (n.) cawkhal, khaubawi

cowhide - (n.) cawphaw

crab - (n.) cangai

crack - (v.) 1. a tler, aa cheu; 2. khulrang tein a kiakmi

cracker - (n.) changreu a pan a car i a mawh a fawimi

cradle - (n.) 1. nau thlimnak bawm. 2. thawhkehank hmun.

cradle - (v.) nau awih; e.g. She cradles the child = Nau cu aa pom i a awih.

craft - (n.) 1. zungthiamnak; 2. hlennak le zernak

craftiness - (n.) mi hlen thiamnak

craftsman - (n.) zungthiammi

crafty - (adj.) mi hlen a hmangmi

cram - (v.) benh; e.g. He crammed his clothes into a bag = A thilpuan kha zal chungah a behn in a ben hna.

cramp - (v.) thatom (a si lo nain 'tha cah' kan ti).

crane - (n.) va hngawng sau, cu bantukin thil rit pipi cawinak i hmanmi seh

crank - (n.) mawttawka nunternak merhnak thir fung

crank - (v.) mawttawka nunter awk ca i thirfung in merh; e.g. Crank the motorcar = Mawttawka cu hun merh law nung seh.

crash - (v.) kuai, kheng ttuang i a tlak, i a kuai khi, vanlawng vawlei i a tlak i a rawk dih khi

crash - (n.) kheng ttuang i a tlak i a thawng khi

crate - (n.) thingkuang ngan pipi , pit tuk lo i sermi , thil phorhnak ca i hmanmi

crater - (n.) 1. tlangkang chuahnak awngpi; 2. khengkuar bantuk a simi khor

crave - (v.) duh tuk hringhran; e.g. A thirsty man craves water = A ti a halmi cu ti a duh tuk hringhran.

crawl - (v.) lawn; e.g. A snake crawls = Rul a lawn.

crayon - (n.) khedan ngan phun ngakchia nih thil suainak ah an hmanmi

crazy - (adj.) molh , molh lakin duh

creak - (v.) thil pakhat le pakhat an i hnor tik i a thawng khi; e.g. Hinges creak when they need oil = Si thuh an herh tikah kawpza cu an awn.

cream - (n.) cawhnuk kham, a ttha bikmi thil; e.g. He is the cream of the crop = Amah cu an lakah a ttha bik a si.

crease - (n.) tawhrolh bil tik i a tlang aa hngal ziahmahmi khi

create - (v.) ser , umter

creation - (n.) sernak

creative - (adj.) umter , siter khawhnak a ngeimi

creator - (n.) sertu

creature - (n.) sermi

credence - (n.) ahmaan tinak, zumhnak; e.g. Don't give credence to all you hear = Na theihmi paoh a hmaan tiah zumhnak ngei hlah.

credential - (n.) zumh awk tlak a si ti nak ding caah ttialpiakmi ca

credibility - (n.) zumh khawk awk sinak

credible - (adj.) zumh awk tlak a simi

credit - (n.) 1. ahmaan ti i zumh; e.g. He put credit in what they said = An chimmi bia kha ahmaan tiah a zumh; 2. upatnak, thangtthatnak; e.g. The boy received credit for his hard work = Ngakchia nih fak piin aa zuammi rian ah khan thangtthatnak a hmuh; 3. bank i tangka chiahmi a tang rihmi; e.g. His bank balance shows a credit = Bank i a tangka chiahmi a tangmi a um rih. on credit = a ba in.

credit - (v.) 1. a hmaan tiah zumh; e.g. She did not credit the boy's story = Ngakchiapa chimmi kha a zum lo; 2. tangka chiahmi i rak fonhpiak; e.g. The bank credited the deposit to his account = Bank tangka a chiahmi cu a cazin ah khan an fonhpiak; 3. a siter, a canter ti i ruah; e.g. The old man credited his long life to good habits = Tarpa nih saupi ka nun hi ziaza ttha in ka nun caah a si tiah a ruah. credit someone with = upatnak pek.

creditor - (n.) tangka mi a cawihtu

credulity - (n.) mi chimmi fawi tuk in zumh

credulous - (adj.) mi chimmi fawi tuk in a zummi , fawi tein hlen khawh a simi

creed - (n.) zumhnak hrampi

creek - (n.) tivate; e.g. They are panning for gold in the creek = Tivate ah sui kawl in lung tekep an tawl an rilh.

creep - (v.) lawn; e.g. A baby creeps = Ngakchiate cu a lawn.

creeper - (n.) zunhri

cremate - (v.) ruak khangh

cremation - (n.) ruak khanghnak

crept - (v.) Past tense and past participle of creep;  creep zoh.

crescendo - (n., adj., adv.) duhsah tein a thang chin lengmangmi.

crescent - (n.) thlapa samthihkuang

crest - (n.) archuang, tlang a par zik; e.g. The crest of the mountain = tlang a parpahlek

crevice - (n.) a kakmi awng , a tlekmi awng

crew - (n.) 1. tilawng , vanlawng tlanglawng cung i rian a ttuanmi hna; 2. hmun khat i rian a ttuanmi bu

crib - (n.) nau thlimnak bawm

cricket - (n.) khautazik

cricket - (n.) lentecelhnak phun khat

crime - (n.) sualnak; e.g. Murder is a crime = Lainawn cu sual a si.

criminal - (adj.) sualnak tuahnak he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. criminal law = sualnak kong i upadi; e.g. A criminal charge has been made against him = Ziaza tthatlo sualnak kha an puh.

criminal - (n.) sualnak a tuahtu; e.g. The criminal was hanged (zong hung) = Misualpa cu an thah.

crimson - (adj.) a senmi

crimson - (n.) sen

cringe - (v.) ttih tuk i a bawh i bawh

cripple - (n.) mi bei

cripple - (adj.) beitermi

crisis - (n.) can har , ttihphannak can

crisp - (adj.) 1. a hngo, fawi tein a kuai, a kiak; 2. a thar i tlahlirhhlerh tein a ummi.

criterion - (n.) tahnak ca i hmanmi thil; e.g. Money is only one criterion of success = Tangka hi hlawhtlin tahnak ah pakhat lawng a si.

critic - (n.) 1. cauk, hla le thil dangdang i a ttha a ttha lo ti hngal khomi; 2. mi soitu

critical - (adj.) 1. mi dang tuahmi soi a hmangmi; 2. zawt i thi deng in zual caan

criticism - (n.) a ttha a ttha lo tiah chimnak

criticize - (v.) soi

critique - (n.) cauk maw thil pakhatkhat a tthatnak a tthat lonak chimnak

crochet - (v., n.) vok ril phiar bantukin tahmi, phiarmi.

crockery - (n.) vawlei in sermi umkheng

crocodile - (n.) tisartlam

crocodile tears - (n.) tisartlam nih hin a sehmi sa a ei tikah a mitthli a tlak caah, mi nih harnak an ton tik i ngaichia nalo i ngaihchia bantukin um khi, tisartlam mitthli ti cu a si

crony - (n.) hawikom aa daw ngaimi

crook - (n.) a ngawimi thil , mi hrokhrawl

crooked - (adj.) a ngawimi , lam ngawi

crop - (v.) tawi tein riam

crop - (n.) vawlei chungin a chuakmi rawl; e.g. Facang tehna; e.g. This land yields good crops = Hi hmun nih hin rawl ttha a chuahter hna.

cross - (n.) vailamtahnak , vailam tahnak bantukin kalhkeh in ttialmi paoh

cross - (adj.) thinhun

cross - (v.) lam tan, a phei in rin; e.g. Do not forget to cross your 'T' = Na 't' kha a phei in rin philh hlah.

cross-examine - (v.) biahal ciami fiang chin seh ti duhnak ca i hal ve tthan

cross purpose - (n.) tinhmi aa ralchanhmi, i hngalhsualnak

cross-reference - (n.) cauk chung hmun dangdang i a um venak langhternak

cross section - (n.) zei thil paoh in phei in tanmi , cun cu tannak cu kha thil umtuning langhternak ca i hman

crouch - (v.) khuk i bil i ui tthut in tthut i a pet ding set i um

crow - (v.) arkhuan

crow - (n.) langak

crowbar - (n.) thirfung

crowd - (n.) mibu; e.g. The crowd surged through the street = Mibupi cu khuachung lam ah an kal lulhmalh; e.g. He rushed headlong into the crowd = Mibu chungah a lut cutmat.

crowd - (v.) a benh i i benh

crown - (n.) siangpahrang luchin; e.g. The crown was studded with jewels = Siangpahrang luchin cu lungvar tete an benh hna.

crown - (v.) siangpahrang luchin chinh

crucial - (adj.) biapi ngaingai a simi , vailamtahnak pungsan a simi

crucifix - (n.) vailamtahnak a cung i Bawi Jesuh milem a cuangmi.

crucifixion - (n.) vailamtahnak i thahnak

crucify - (v.) vailamtahnak i thah

crude - (adj.) ahran a simi thil; e.g. Crude oil = Hman awk i ser rih lomi zinan, ziaza lei ah tla bulbal in khua a sami

cruel - (adj.) mipuar mi , mi dang cung i zaangfahnak a ngei lomi

cruelty - (n.) mi dang cung i tthat lonak

cruise - (v.) hmun khat in hmun dang i kal lengmang, lawng in kal

crumb - (n.) changreu pelpawi

crumble - (v.) a beuh , tlu , a rawp

crumple - (v.) hmeh; e.g. He crumpled the letter into a ball = Cakuat kha a hmeh.

crusade - (n.) thil ttha tuahnak ca i mi zapi nih lungtho ngaiin ttuan ; thil ttha lo dohnak ca i zapi nih lungtho ngaiin tuah.

crusader - (n.) crusade a tuahmi.

cruse - (n.) tlak um, vawlei bel.

crush - (v.) 1. fak piin nam, denh, rial, manter; e.g. The machine crushed the stone into fine powder = Seh nih lung cu dip tein a rial. 2. cikcek.

crust - (n.) pawnghmuk a lengphaw a hakmi khi

crutch - (n.) thiangthunh.

crux - (n.) a muru , a herhnak bik zawnte

cry - (v.) au , kawh , ttah

cry - (n.) aunak, ttahnak; e.g. We heard a faint cry for help = Ka bawm u ti aunak aw dinte kha kan theih.

crypt - (n.) vawlei tang i cawhmi khaan , biakinn ttuang tang i cawh tawnmi , mithi vuinak thlan zong i hmanmi

cryptic - (adj.) thuhmi ; biathli a simi , hawi hngalh lo awkin bia hleng in chimmi

crystal - (n.) 1. tleng lakin hmuh khawhmi thil, hawhra tlang a lomi; 2. a tlang tete a simi; e.g. The crystals of snow = Hawhra tlang tete

crystal - (adj.) tliangte i sermi, fim dildelte i a ummi

crystalize - (v.) 1. a tlang tete i hun i can; e.g. The melted sugar crystalized on the fruit = A timi thanthling cu thei cungah khan a tlang tete ah a hun i cang; 2. thil ah a hun can; e.g. His plans crystalized into action = A khuakhanmi khatuahmi thil ah an hun i cang; 3. lungchuntg i fiang ngaiin hun hngalh

cub - (n.) vom fano, chiandeih fano

cube - (n.) thil pakhatkhat a hmetngan aa tluk i kap paruk a ngeimi

cubic - (adj.) cube a simi thil he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. Thingtan pakhat, a sau pe khat, a kauh pe khat, a chah pe khat a simi cu 'cubic foot' pakhat a si; e.g. The room has a volume of 400 cubic feet = A khan cu khiubik feet za li a si.

cubit - (n.) dong, minung dong

cucumber - (n.) zil

cudgel - (n.) thingtan hriamnam ca i hmanmi

cuff - (n.) kutkhih

culminate - (v.) a sannak bik phak

culprit - (n.) misual

cult - (n.) biaknak phung

cultivate - (v.) 1. lothlawh; 2. tthatter, tthanter; e.g. He cultivated his mind by reading good books = Cauk tthattha relnak thawngin a ruahnak kha a thatter.

cultivation - (n.) tthatternak, lothlawhnak

culture - (n.) miphun pakhatkhat, caan pakhatkhat lio i an umtuning, an thiammi, thil an ser thiammi, an phung an lam an nuncan, an ziaza vialte komh hi culture timi cu a si, cucaah a tawinak in nunphung ti a si.

cumber - (v.) donh

cumbersome - (adj.) thil hnahnawk a simi , dawntu a simi

cumulative - (adj.) aa chapchin lengmangmi

cuneiform - (n.) cattialning phun khat, a mui khenhfial a lomi. Babylon (Babilon), Assyria (Assiria) le Persia rammi hna nih an rak hmanmi.

cunning - (adj.) a hrokhrawlmi , a zermi , mi hlen a thiammi

cup - (n.) hrai

cupboard - (n.) hrai chiahnak le rawl chiahnak bizu

curb - (v.) kham, donh

curb - (n.) lamtlang il oh.

curd - (n.) cawhnuk khal

cure - (v.) damter

cure - (n.) damnak

curfew - (n.) nan mei hmit cang u hnak ca i darkhing tummi, cun tuchan hmanning ah cun lengah i chokvak hlah u tiah ralkap nih ven

curious - (adj.) 1. thil um bal lo deuh a simi; e.g. We saw some curious birds today = Nihin cu a um bal lomi va tete kan hmuh hna; 2. thiam duh , hngalh duh , mitpurh; 3. mah he aa pehtlai theng lomi thil i vaa thlak len ve

curiousity - (n.) thil hngalh duhnak lungthin

curiously - (adv.) thil hngalh duh ngaiin

curl - (v.) 1. kerter; e.g. Mother curls Helen's hair = Ka nu nih Helen sam a kerter; 2. i ngerh cukmak; e.g. Smoke curls up from the chimney = Meikhu kha meikhu chuahnak awng in i ngerh cukmak in a chuak.

currency - (n.) ram chung hmanmi tangka

current - (adj.) atu lio caan i a simi, a ummi

current - (n.) 1. tiluan, thlihran; 2. elektrik tha thirhri chungin a luangmi

currently - (adv.) atu lio caan ah hin

curriculum - (n.) cawn awk i tuahmi

curry - (n.) tihang kiomi

curry - (v.) e.g. To curry favor = Midang nakin ka daw deuh seh ti i thil na va tthenh khi

curse - (v.) chiatserh , biachim ttha lo

curtail - (v.) tanpiak, tthumhpiak.

curtain - (n.) thlalangawng le innka puanzar; e.g.The window curtain gives the room a subdued light = Thlalangawng zar nih a khan cu zorter deuhmi ceunak kha a pek.

curve - (v.) ngawiter , a ngawi in rin

curve - (n.) lam kuaihnak

cushion - (n.) tthutnak ca i a nemmi chiahmi

custodian - (n.) zohkhenhtu

custody - (n.) zohkhenhnak

custom - (n.) zulh tawnmi phunglam

customer - (n.) thil a cawtu

customs - (n.) ramdang in a lutmi thil cung i cozah nih ngunkhuai an lakmi

cut - (v.) 1. at, tuk; e.g. He cuts himself while shaving = A hmurhmul aa meh lioah aa at; e.g. I cut myself with a knife = Keimah le keimah namte in kaa at; 2. riam, tan; e.g. He cut the grass = Ram a riam; 3. tthumh; e.g. He cut his expenses = A tangka hmanmi a tthumh. Past tense and past participle of cut is cut. cut back = Tawiter, tthumh; cut in = Rak i thlak ve e.g. He cut in on their conversation = An biaruahnak ah a ak i thlak ve i a tan hna; cut short = Dih lo i ngol; e.g. He cut short his trip = A khual tlawn dih loin a ngol. cut teeth = Ha keuh.

cut - (n.) tuksa hma. short cut = Lamphawk.

cute - (adj.) aa dawhmi , a fimmi

cutlery - (n.) Thil tannak, sa cannak thilri; e.g. Nam, cehrep, etc.

cutlet - (n.) a vo tete in kiomi sa, dip tein cikmi

cycle - (n.) 1. can kual khat, kual khat 2. baisikal (bicycle).

cyclist - (n.) baisikal cit thiammi

cyclone - (n.) thlichia , ttotho

cyclopedia - (n.) thil kong lam a phunphun an ttialnak cauk hna;  encyclopedia, zong.

cylinder - (n.) cong , rua cong , thir cong

cymbal - (n.) thengtheng

cynic - (n.) mi tthatnak a hmu kho lomi , tthatnak lei a sum kho lomi

cypress - (n.) saipress thing

czar - (n.) Russia ram siangpahrang (1917 hlan).


dab - (v.) din tein tongh, puanchia nem tein podar hmai i i thuh therhmarh

dad - (n.) pa, ka pa

daffodil - (n.) pangpar phun khat

dagger - (n.) nam

daily - (adj., adv.) nifa tein.

dainty - (adj.) aa dawhmite

dairy - (adj.) cawhnuk lei he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. Dairy farm = Caw zuatnak lo

dairy - (n.) cawhnuk an khon i thawhpat i an sernak inn

dale - (n.) horkuang

dam - (n.) ti khamnak; e.g. The dam checked the flow of water = Tikhamnak nih ti luan kha a donh.

damage - (n.) rawhralnak

damage - (v.) hrawh

damn - (v.) a ttha lo i chiah, hell tla ding i ruah.

damnation - (n.) hell tla ding i ruahnak.

damp - (adj.) a cin; e.g. Damp clothes = Thil cin

damp - (v.) cinter; e.g. The rain dampened our clothes = Ruah nih kan thil a cinter.

damsel - (n.) ngaknu

dance - (v.) lam (laam); e.g. They danced to the accompaniment of music = Aw dawh an tummi zulh in an lam.

dancer - (n.) a lammi

dandruff - (n.) luval

dandy - (n.) hnipuan le muisam dawhnak a ruat tukmi

danger - (n.) ttihnung

dangerous - (adj.) ttih a nungmi thil

dangle - (v.) i thui; e.g. The rope dangles = Hri aa thui.

dapple - (adj.) a dehdeh in a ttialmi; e.g. A dapple horse = A dehdeh in a ttialmi rang.

dare - (v.) ngamh.

daredevil - (n.) i ralring lo i thil ngamh thlorh i a ngamhmi

dark - (adj.) a muimi; e.g. Dark night = A muimi zan

dark - (n.) muihnak; e.g. Do not be afraid of the dark = Zan mui kha ttih hlah.

darken - (v.) muihter

darkness - (n.) muihnak

darling - (n.) dawtmi , duhmi

darn - (v.) a phei lei he a tung lei he cip cikciak in tthit , thil pemmi belh tikah cu bantuk i tthit

dart - (n.) a mei i arhmul an bunhmi thal

dash - (v.) 1. zuan hnawh, nam, khulrang in tlik; e.g. The boy dashed for the bus = Tlangval nih baska kha a hei tlik hnawh; 2. dem; e.g. She dashed the cup on the floor = Hrai kha tuang ah a den.

dash - (n.) cattial tik i hi bantukin rinmi

data - (n.) thil pakhatkhat kong i hngalhmi thil; e.g. Mipa kong a si ah cun, a kum, a min, a muisam, a nak maw a ngo, a ngan maw a hme ti bantuk hna khi

date - (n.) 1. caan, nithla; e.g. 1492 is the date of the discovery of America = 1492 kum kha America an rak hmuh nithla a si; 2. hawikom ngaknu tlangval i len; 3. deih thei.

date - (v.) nithla khenh; e.g. Please date your letters = Na cakuat nithla khenh hna.

datum - (n.) data zoh.

daughter - (n.) fanu; e.g. She is their only daughter = Amah cu an fanu ngeihchunte a si.

daughter in law - (n.) fapa nupi

daunt - (v.) thin phanter, lung donghter; e.g. Danger did not daunt the hero = Miralttha cu thil ttihnung nih a lung a donghter lo.

dauntless - (adj.) thihphaih khawh lomi

dawn - (v.) khuadei

day - (n.) ni, nichuah in nitlak tiang; e.g. A week consists of seven days = Zarh khat chungah ni sarih a um; e.g. A day has twenty-four hours = Ni khat chungah suimilam pakul le pali an um;  e.g. He oils the machine twice a day = Ni khat ah seh cu voi hnih si a thuh. every other day = a ni lak a ni lak in the other day = kan hnulei te ah khan

daybreak - (n.) khuadei kate

daydream - (v., n.) saduhthahnak , saduhthah

daylight - (n.) chun ni ceu

daytime - (n.) chuncaan, ni a ceu chung paoh

daze - (n.) luri, lung fiang lo, tla curcar in um

daze - (v.) lungmih; e.g. A blow on the head dazed him = A lu i an tuknak nih a lung a mihter.

dazzle - (v.) 1. mit ratter; e.g. The sun dazzles my eyes = Nika nih ka mit a ka ratter; 2. lungcawtter

deacon - (n.) Khrihfa upa

dead - (adj.) die zoh; e.g. I was staggered to hear that he was dead = A thi ti ka theih ah ka lau ngai; (N.) e.g. He raised the dead = Mithi a thawhter hna.

dead letter - (n.) 1. zulh ti lomi upadi; 2. a umnak ttialmi ahmaan ti lo ca i kuatmi a phan lomi cakuat, thirhri inn ah a tangmi

deaden - (v.) a tthawnnak derter, tlawmter, daihter; e.g. Some medicines are given to deaden the pain = A fahnak daihter awkah si an pek.

deadline - (n.) cu caan ah rian cu dih awk a si ti in khiahmi caan

deadlock - (n.) bia aa almi bu hnih, i tei kho veve lo i an um ko khi deadlock a si.

deadlock - (v.) i tei kho veve lo i um

deadly - (adj.) thihnak a chuahter khomi thil

deaf - (adj.) 1. hna a chetmi; e.g. He is a deaf boy = Amah cu mi hnachet a si; 2.hna i cheh; e.g. He is deaf to their request = An halmi kha a hna aa cheh.

deafness - (n.) hnachehnak , khua theih lonak

deal - (n.) 1. a tlawm a tamning; e.g. A great deal of his money was spent for food = A tangka a tam deuh cu rawl caah a hman. 2. pakhat le pakhat ca tthathnemnak ding cio i tuahmi le khanmi, chawlehthalnak lei ah siseh, nainganzi lei ah siseh; square deal: You will get a square deal at his shop = Anih dawr ah khin cun thil man a hmaan a za in na hmuh lai.

deal - (v.) 1. i phawtzamh cio; 2. i biakchonh i tita; e.g. It is very difficult to deal with him = Amah he i tita cu a har ngai; 3. phekahnak ca i phawt cio; 4. cawk, zorh; e.g. This shop deals in petrol and kerosine (kerosene) = Hi dawr hi petrol le zinan a caw a zuarmi an si; 5. pakhat le pakhat i pek; e.g. One fighter dealt the other a severe blow = Thongh thiam pakhat nih a dang pakhat kha fak piin a thongh; 6. thingah, pe 6 sau, lehmah 7 kau, lehmah 3 tluk chah pawl.  

dealer - (n.) thil a caw i a zuartu

dealing - (n.) chaw tuahtauning, mi he i pehtlaihning; e.g. He is honoured (honored) for his fair dealing with others = Mi he an i pehtlaihning a tthat caah amah cu an hmaizah.

dealt - (v.) past tense and past participle of deal.  Zoh deal.

dean - (n.) 1. Khrihfabu chung i upa ngaingai a simi; e.g. Biakinn nganpi pakhat chung i a lu bik a si; 2. college siangakchia a zohkhenhtu hna, an ziaza le an cawn ding a tuaktanpitu hna, saya nganpi.

dear - (adj.) 1. dawtmi; 2. a man a sangmi; e.g. The price of this book is very dear = Hi cauk man cu a sang ngaingai.

dear - (interj.) aize, maw ka thin; e.g. Alas, Oh dear! = Aize, Maw ka thin!

dearly - (adv.) 1. dawt ngaiin; 2. man fak ngaiin cawk

dearness - (n.) thil man fahnak; e.g. Dearness allowance = Thil man fah ruang i a hlei in tangka an pekmi hna

death - (n.) thihnak; (Adj.) e.g. Birth, marriage and death certificates are documents = Chuah, nupi tthit le thihnak lehmah cu documents an si.

deathbed - (n.) 1. mithimi a thihnak ihkhun; 2. a nun chung hmanung bik caan

debar - (v.) onh lo , nawl pek lo

debase - (v.) tthumh, i niamter; e.g. You can debase yourself by evil deeds = Thil ttha lo tuahnak thawngin naa tthum, naa niamter kho.

debatable - (adj.) i al khawhmi thil

debate - (v.) ruah tti , ceih tti , i al

debater - (n.) bia al a thiammi

debauch - (n.) pumsa duhning le nuamhning paoh i um cuahmah; e.g. To indulge in a debauch = Pumsa duhnak le nuamhnak chung i i ciah.

debauch - (v.) ziaza tthatnak lei in chiatnak lei i kalpi; pumsa nuamhnak in asiloah eidinnak in ziaza hrawh; e.g. Bad companions had debauched the boy = Tlangval no cu hawikom tthalo nih chiatnak ah an kalpi.

debauchery - (n.) pumsa nuamhnak i a hleihluat in um tuk, din einak lei ah a si khun

debenture - (n.) lei kan bat tinak lehhmah; ram dang in thil a cah i ram dang ah zuar tthantu sinah, cozah nih, ram chung luh man an akmi tangka lehhmah; e.g. England ram in mawttawka tangka thong sawm nga in hei caw ning law, cu mawttawka cu Kawlram i a luh man ah tangka thong kul Kawl cozah nih hei ka la hna sehlaw, cu mawttawka cu India ah hei zuar tthan ning law, cu mawttawka Kawlram luh man i tangka thong kul an ka lakmi kha India i na zuar tthan caah kan in khirh tthan lai tiah bia an ka kamnak lehhmah debenture cu a si.

debit - (n.) cawimi tangka leiba

debit - (v.) leiba lei i chiah , zuh; e.g. Debit my account K.100 = Ka tangka chung khan K. 100/- zuk tuah.

debris - (n.) pelpawi, hnawmtam

debt - (n.) leiba; e.g. I am in debt = Leiba ka ngei; e.g. He stated that he would not be liable for his son’s debts = Ka fapa leiba cu ttuanvo ka la lo, tiah a ti; e.g. outstanding debts = leiba a tang rihmi.

debtor - (n.) leibatu

debut - (n.) (chim tikah dibiu tiin chim a si) mi lak i va chuah hmasa bik, zapi hmai i va chuah hmasa bik, rianttuan hram i thawk.

decade - (n.) kum hra bu; e.g. One decade = Kum hra bu bu khat

decadence - (n.) thutnak , rawhnak

decadent - (adj.) a thumi , a rawkmi

decalogue - (n.) nawlbia pahra.

decamp - (v.) a thli tein khulrang in lo diam i kal

decay - (v.) 1. thut; e.g. Old fruits decay = Thei hlun cu an thu;  (Adj.) e.g. Decaying fish stinks = Nga thu cu a thu; 2. ttumchuk; e.g. Our physical power decays in old age = Tar tikah kan pum thazang a ttumchuk.

decease - (v.) thih

decease - (n.) thihnak

deceit - (n.) hlennak

deceitful - (adj.) mi hlen a hmangmi , lih a chimmi

deceive - (v.) hlen, lihchim; e.g. A dishonest man has no scruples to deceive others = Mihrokhrawl nih cun mi a hlen hna tikah a zeihmanh a poi lo.

deceiver - (n.) hlen hmangmi , lih chimmi

December - (n., prop.) Dezimbar thla; e.g. December is the last month of the year = Dizimbar cu kum khat chung thla hmanung bik a si.

decency - (n.) dawhtlakte i nun , umtu ziaza aa dawhmi

decent - (adj.) hmaizah awk tlak a simi, aa tlakmi, tampi a si lo nain a zami

deception - (n.) hlennak

deceptive - (adj.) mi a hleng khomi thil

decide - (v.) bia i khiah , lung i thleh

deciduous - (adj.) thingkung a hnah a thil phun a simi; e.g. Apple is a deciduous tree = Epal cu hnah thil phun a si.

decimal - (n.) pahra lengmang in tthenmi nambar

decimate - (v.) tampi thah , hrawh; e.g. A plague had decimated the population = Plek rai nih an bu chungin tampi a thah hna.

decipher - (v.) mi dang nih hngal hna hlah seh tiin ttialmi ca a sullam vun langhter, hlanliopi hawi hna i an rak ttialmi ca mi sawsawh nih a sullam hngalh lomi le rel khawh lomi vun fianter

decision - (n.) biakhiahnak

decisive - (adj.) a fiangmi , a donghnak , a simi

deck - (n.) 1. tilawng innleng; 2. phethuk

declare - (v.) thanh , chim

decline - (v.) 1. al, duh lo; e.g. He declined my invitation to dinner = Zanriah ei ka sawmmi cu a ka al; 2. ttumchuk; e.g. His health is in decline = A ngandamnak a ttumchuk; 3. a vung niam zuahmah; e.g. The high hill declines to a valley = Tlang sangpi cu nelrawn ah khan a vung niam zuahmah.

decline - (n.) ttumchuknak; e.g. The decline of the Roman Empire.

decompose - (v.) thut i taksa i tthen dih

decorate - (v.) 1.ttamh; e.g. Inn ttamh 2. mintthat pek; e.g. The king decorated a brave soldier = Siangpahrang nih ralkap kha mintthatnak a pek.

decoration - (n.) ttamhnak, mintthat peknak

decoy - (n.) hlennak i tuahmi thil, lem khawhnak ding ca i tuahmi hlennak; e.g. Wooden decoy for ducks = Compai he aa lo in sermi thing compai.

decrease - (n.) zornak , tlawm deuhnak

decrease - (v.) zor , tlawm deuh

decree - (n.) biaceihtu hna nih bia an chahmi

decree - (v.) biachah

dedicate - (v.) a dang te i chiah , Pathian sin i pek

dedication - (n.) a dangte i chiahnak , Pathian sin i pekchanhnak

deduct - (v.) zuh

deduction - (n.) zuhnak

deed - (n.) 1. tuahmi; e.g. His words and his deeds do not agree = A bia le a tuahmi an i khat lo; 2. ngeitu sinak ca; e.g. After he paid for the house, he was given a deed to it = Inn man a pek dih in ngeitu sinak ca kha an pek.

deem - (v.) zumh , ruah

deep - (adj.) thuk; e.g. The sea is deep = Rili cu a thuk; The box is 3 feet wide and 2 feet deep = Thingkuang cu pe 3 a kau i pe 2 a thuk;  e.g He has a deep voice = A aw a thum ngai.

deep-rooted - (adj.) thuk piin a hram a sihmi

deepen - (v.) thukter

deer - (n.) sakhi; e.g. The lion gave a sudden bound on to the back of the deer = Chiandeih nih sakhi cu a keng ah a hei zuan hnawh.

defamation - (n.) thangchiatnak

defame - (v.) thangchiat

default - (v.) tlolh, biaceihnak zung ah na chuak lai timi chuah lo i tlolh zong khi

defeat - (v.) tei

defeat - (n.) sunghnak hmuhnak

defect - (n.) tlin lonak , tthat lonak

defect - (v.) zam (zaam), mah bu kaltak.

defection - (n.) mah bu kaltak i zamnak, tlin lonak.

defective - (adj.) tlin lonak a ngeimi thil

defence - (n.) ralhau , him tein vennak

defend - (v.) runven , bia in bawmh

defendant - (n.) mi nih taza an cuaimi pa

defensive - (adj.) aa rungvengmi , mi nih taza an cuaimi leikap

defer - (v.) 1. hmailei i caan thawn; 2. mah ruahnak nakin mi ruahnak lak deuh; e.g. Children should defer to their parents' wishes = Ngakchai nih anmah duhnak nakin an nu le pa duhnak kha an lak deuh awk a si.

deference - (n.) 1. mi dang ruahnak tu zulh deuhnak; 2. upatnak

defiance - (n.) zeirel lonak

defiant - (adj.) zeirel loin a ummi

deficiency - (n.) tlin lonak , baunak

deficient - (adj.) a baumi , a tling lomi

deficit - (n.) tangka bau

defile - (v.) thurhhnawmh

defilement - (n.) thurhhnawmhnak

define - (v.) a sullam langhter , fianter

definite - (adj.) a fiang , a tliangmi , ri khiahmi

definition - (n.) fianternak , sullam chimnak

deflate - (v.) a chung thli chauhter

deflation - (n.) a chung thli chauhternak

deflect - (v.) phai, pheo; e.g. The wind deflects the arrow's flight = Thli nih thal cu a phai.

deforest - (v.) ram phonter, thingkung hau dih

deform - (v.) muichiatter , mui hrawh

defraud - (v.) hlen , lih in i lak

defray - (v.) man pek, pek; His travel expenses were defrayed by his father = A pa nih a khual tlawnnak i a dihmi cu a pekpiak.

deft - (adj.) thiam ngai, khulrang ngai, nal dakmak in a tuah khomi

defunct - (adj.) a thi cangmi

defy - (v.) 1. zeihmanh i rel lo; 2. zuam; e.g. I defy you to solve this problem = Hi thil har phi chuah hi kan zuam; 3. chim khawh lo; e.g. Beauty defies description = Dawhnak cu bia in chim khawh a si lo.

degenerate - (v.) a chia chin lengmang panh , ttumchuk

degeneration - (n.) chiat chin lengmangnak , ttumchuknak

degradation - (n.) tthumhnak, niamternak

degrade - (v.) tthumh , niamter , dantatnak ca i tthumh

degree - (n.) 1. tahnak, thil tahnak ca i rinmi; 2. kihlum tahnak ca i rinmi; e.g. Water boils at 120 degrees F = Ti cu dikiri 120 F ah a tlok; 3. a pummi thil kha hmun 360 ah tthen i hmun khat; 4. College singinn nih thiamnak hngalhnak ca i pekmi upatnak.

deification - (n.) thil pakhatkhat kha pathian i sernak

deify - (v.) pathian i ser

deism - (n.) Pathian a um ti cu hei zumh ko, sihmanhsehlaw zeihmanh i rel lem lo

deist - (n.) Pathian a um ti zumh cu a zum ko i sihmanhselaw zeihmanh a rel lomi

deity - (n.) 1. khuazing; 2. khuazing sinak

dejected - (adj.) lungdong ngai i um

dejection - (n.) lungdonghnak

delay - (v.) tlaiter, hnu deuh i thawn; e.g. The roadblock delayed the train for two hours = Lamkhamnak nih tlanglawng cu suimilam pahnih a tlaiter, a hnutter; e.g. I suspect that an accident has delayed him = Accident nih a tlaiter rua tiah ka ruah.

delay - (n.) tlaiternak, hnutternak; e.g. His delay did harm to our plan = A tlai ruangah kan i timhmi a rawk.

delegate - (n.) kuzale , aiawhtu

delegate - (v.) thlah, fial, ttuanvo pek

delegation - (n.) kuzale pawl

delete - (v.) phawi , cattialmi chungin duh lomi hrawh , phawi

deliberate - (v.) tuah hlan in ttha te i ruah hmasa

deliberate - (adj.) timh ciammam tein tuahmi , tuah hramhrammi

deliberately - (adv.) timh ciammam tein

delicacy - (n.) nem hniphnep tein ummi sinak, rawk fawi sinak, rawl thaw

delicate - (adj.) a nem hniphnepmite , aa dawhmite , ralring tein tuaktan a haumite; e.g. The teacher handled the delicate problem with care = Tuaktan ngai a haumi thil har cu saya nih ralring tein a tuaktan.

delicious - (adj.) a thawmi

delight - (n.) lunglawmhnak

delight - (v.) lunglawmhter

delightful - (adj.) lunglawmhtertu a simi

delinquency - (n.) ziaza rawhnak, tthat lonak

delinquent - (adj.) ziaza a rawkmi, ziaza a ttha lomi

delirious - (adj.) molhmeh in a ummi

delirium - (n.) molhmeh in umnak

deliver - (v.) 1. thil mi va pek; 2. biachim; 3. fahrin

deliverance - (n.) luatnak

delivery - (n.) peknak

dell - (n.) tiva zawh i nelrawn tete

delta - (n.) delta, a hram a bi i a par a kaumi kan kut hliahhlok le kan kutbor bantuk; tiva nih rili a hei phak deng tik i hmun rawn a si cang caah a phorhmi vawlei kha a ne ah a tla lengmang i cu vawlei cu an tthan lengmang tikah tiva cu para ah aa tthen dih i cu tiva cu kutte bantuk in a um, cucu delta a si.

delude - (v.) hlen , deh

deluge - (n.) buanchukcho ; ti nih khuh dih

delusion - (n.) a hmaan lomi ruahnak mah le mah i hlennak ruahnak.

delusive - (adj.) hlen a hmangmi thil

deluxe - (adj.) a ttha khunmi thil

delve - (v.) cawh , khor cawh bantukin cawh i thuk chin lengmang ah pil

demagogue - (n.) zapi nih ka duh hna seh tiin mi lung thawhter rumro a uarmi , biachim a thiam ngaimi ; zapi hruaitu

demand - (n.) halnak , herhnak

demand - (v.) hal , herh

demarcation - (n.) ramri , ramri sernak

demeanor - (n.) U.S.  ziaza, umtu ziaza.

demeanour - (n.) British. ziaza, umtu ziaza.

demerit - (n.) tlin lonak

demigod - (n.) a cheu pathian a si i a cheu minung a simi

demise - (n.) thihnak

demobilize - (v.) dinhter , hrawh

democracy - (n.) zapi tthatnak dingah zapi nih anmah uktu dingah an i thimmi uknak cozah

democrat - (n.) democracy uknak a zummi.

demolish - (v.) ttheh , chimh , hrawh

demolition - (n.) hrawhnak

demon - (n.) khuachia

demoniac - (n.) khuachia tuahmi

demoniac - (adj.) khuachia bantuk

demonstrate - (v.) 1. fiang tein hmuhsak; 2. tahchunhnak in fianter; 3. zapi nih langhngan in an duhnak siseh an duhlonak siseh an langhter; sandahpiah.

demonstration - (n.) fiang tein langhternak; sandahpiah; e.g. They staged a demonstration = Sandah an piah.

demonstrator - (n.) langhtertu, thil tuahning tuahnak in a chimtu hna saya

demoralize - (v.) 1. ziaza hrawh; 2. lungdonghter , thachiatter

demote - (v.) tthumh , rian in tthumh

demur - (v.) al, duh lo

den - (n.) kua , bu

denial - (n.) 1. thil pakhatkhat a si lo ti; 2. al; e.g. His denial of our request was made yesterday = Kan halmi a kan al cu nizan ah khan a si; 3. zumh lonak langhter

denominate - (v.) min sak, min pek

denomination - (n.) bu min; e.g. Baptist denomination = Baptist bu

denote - (v.) langhter, hmuhsak; e.g. Fever denotes illness = Taklinh nih zawtnak a langhter.

denounce - (v.) thangchiat , duh lonak chim , hlawt

dense - (adj.) a chahmi; e.g. A dense fog = A chahmi minmei

density - (n.) chahnak

dent - (n.) a kuarhnak; e.g. There is a dent on the brass pot = Marlei ah a kuarhnak a um.

dent - (v.) hem, mawttawka a hem

dental - (adj.) ha lei he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. Dental surgeon = Ha sibawi

dentist - (n.) ha sertu

dentistry - (n.) ha ser rian

denude - (v.) phoih , taklawng in um

denunciation - (n.) duh lonak chim

deny - (v.) a si lo ti , i pheh , halmi pek duh lo

depart - (v.) tthen, kal; e.g. He said goodbye and departed = Dam tein a ti i a kal, pial;  e.g. He departed from his usual way of working = A rian ttuan tawnning khan a pial, thi;  e.g. He departed at 3 P.M. = Zanlei suimilam pathum ah a thi.

department - (n.) 1. bu nganpi chung i bu hme tete a rak ummi hna khi; e.g. Education Department = Fimthiamnaklei bu; 2. thil a phunphun an zuarnak chawdawr nganpi, department store.

departure - (n.) kal , thih

departure - (adj.) kal, chuah; e.g. Departure time = Kal caan chuah caan

depend - (v.) hngatchan

dependable - (adj.) hngatchan awk tlak a simi

dependant - (n.) dependent, mi dang aa hngatchanmi.

dependence - (n.) mi dang i hngatchannak

depict - (v.) hmanthlak suai

deplete - (v.) a dih, a dong; e.g. Because his money was depleted, he went home = A phaisa a dong cang i inn ah a tlung.

depletion - (n.) dihnak, donghnak

deplorable - (adj.) zaangfah awk tlak, ngaihchiatpi awk thil a simi; e.g. Because of his sickness, he is in deplorable condition = A zawt ruangah ngaihchiatpi awk tlak ngaiin a um.

deplore - (v.) ngaihchiatnak langhter , a poi ti ngai

depopulate - (v.) a rak ummi minung hna kha thihnak in siseh , thahnak in siseh tlawmter

depopulation - (n.) minung tlawmternak

deport - (v.) 1. ram dang i tthawl; 2. umtuning; e.g. Deport yourself like a gentleman = Palungfim bantukin um i zuam.

deportation - (n.) ram dang i tthawlnak

deportment - (n.) umtu ziaza

depose - (v.) rian in phuah

deposit - (v.) chiah; e.g. He deposits his money in the bank = A tangka cu bengh ah a chiah.

deposit - (n.) 1. bengh i chiahmi tangka; 2. a man a dihlak in kan pek hrimhrim lai tinak ca i rak pek chungmi tangka; 3. vawlei tang i thil aa khongmi; e.g. Thir, dar, ngun tehna

deposition - (n.) chiahnak

depositor - (n.) chiatu

depot - (n.) a aw chuah ah hin a donghnak "t" aw hi a um lo, "depo" ti a si, thil chiahnak hmun.

deprave - (v.) chiatter

depraved - (adj.) a chiami , a rawkmi ziaza

depravity - (n.) chiatnak , rawknak

depreciate - (v.) man ttumter

depress - (v.) 1. nam, hmeh; e.g. When you play the piano, you depress the keys = Piano na tum tikah a hmehnak tete kha na hmeh hna; 2. ngaihchia, lung nuam lo i umter.

depression - (n.) 1. a kuarmi; e.g. Rain fills the depressions in the road = Lam i a kuarmi ah khan ruahti an khat dih; 2. lungthin nuam loin um; e.g. The man has feelings of depression because of illness = A zawt caah lungthin nuam loin a um; 3. chawlehthalnak a tthat lo caan i mi tampi rian lo i an um caan; e.g. There was a depression in the U.S.A. in 1930 = Kum 1930 hrawngah khan America ram ah depression a um.

deprivation - (n.) lakpiaknak, chuhnak

deprive - (v.) lakpiak , chuh

depth - (n.) thuhnak, tiva ti a thuhning; cun tthutdan a si ahcun hmailei in hnulei karlak khi a si i Lai nih cun thuk kan ti lo i kau kan ti.

deputation - (n.) airawltu fialmi bu , airawltu rian ttuan fialmi ttuan.

depute - (v.) airawltu rian ttuan fial

deputize - (v.) airawltu rian kha lak fial

deputy - (n.) airawltu

derail - (v.) tlanglawng a ping (lam lo) i kalter

derange - (v.) a ping a pang siter, ruahnak a ping a pang i canter;  e.g. He is mentally deranged = A hrut.

derangement - (n.) a ping a pang sinak

deride - (v.) nihsawh , serhsat

derision - (n.) nehsawh , serhsatnak

derivation - (n.) i laknak

derivative - (adj.) a chungin lakmi a simi

derive - (v.) a hram in lak; e.g. He derives pleasure from books = Cauk chungin nuamhnak aa lak.

derogate - (v.) lakpiak , chuh , thangchiat

derogation - (n.) mintthatnak tehna , thangthatnak tehna lakpiak , chuh

derogatory - (adj.) zomhtaihnak thil a simi, thangchiatnak thil a simi; e.g. He made a derogatory remark about his friend = A hawipa kha a thang a chiat, zomhtaihnak bia a chim.

derrick - (n.) thilrit pipi thlirnak ca i hmanmi seh

dervish - (n.) Muslim mihlim pawl

descend - (v.) ttum

descendant - (n.) tefa

descent - (v.) ttumlei, ttum

describe - (v.) kong chim

description - (n.) kong chimnak

descriptive - (adj.) kong chimnak a simi

desecrate - (v.) thurhhnawmh

desecration - (n.) thurhhnawmhnak

desert - (v.) 1.(a aw chuah dizat) zamtak, kaltak, chuahtak; 2. hmuh awk i aa tlakmi thil.

desert - (n.) e.g. The desert is poorly supplied with water = Thetse ram cu ti aa za lo.

deserter - (n.) a zammi , ralkap a zammi

desertion - (n.) zamnak

deserve - (v.) hmuh awkah aa tlak; e.g. Good work deserves good pay = Rian ttha cu lahkhah ttha hmuh awk aa tlak.

deservedly - (adv.) a hmuh awk hnga a si bantuk in

design - (v.) suai, timh; e.g. Her questions were designed to make me angry = A biahalmi cu a thinhung seh tiin a rak ka timh hnawhmi a si; e.g. The girls designed the longyi = Ngaknu pawl nih lungzi kha a muisam cu bantuk siseh tiah an rak suai, an rak timhtuah.

designate - (v.) langhter, sawh, minpek, thim, rianpek, rian thiah.

designated - (adj.) min bunh; e.g. Designated gift = Cu ca kha caah siseh tiin min bunhmi laksawng

designation - (n.) 1. langhternak, sawhnak; e.g. The designation of places on a map should be clear = Map cung i hmun langhternak cu a fian awk a si; 2. rian pek, rian thiah; e.g. The designation of him as a headmaster pleased the teachers = Amah cu headmaster rian an pek kha sayate an i lawm.

designer - (n.) a muisam a suaitu , a pungsan a tuahtu

desirability - (n.) duh awk tlak a sinak

desirable - (adj.) duh awk tlak a simi

desire - (n.) duhnak

desire - (v.) duh

desist - (v.) ngol

desk - (n.) khung sau , cabuai sau

desolate - (adj.) chuahtakmi hmun king , ngaihchia a simi

desolate - (v.) hrawh; e.g. Fire desolated a large part of the town = Khua a cheu nak tam kha mei nih a hrawh, hmun king ah a ser.

desolation - (n.) hrawhnak hmun king i canternak

despair - (v.) ruahchannak ngeih lo

despair - (n.) hnabei donghnak; e.g. In one minute, I ran the gamut of feelings from hope to despair = Minit pakhat chungah ruahchannak in hnabeidonghnak tiang ka phan.

desperate - (adj.) hnabei dongh hnu i zei paoh zong chuak ko cang seh ti lungput

desperation - (n.) hnabei donghnak , zei chim awk hngalh ti lo

despise - (v.) nautat

despite - (prep.) ko nain; e.g. The boys went out despite the rain = Ruah a sur ko nain ngakchia cu an chuak.

despond - (v.) hnabei dongh

despondence - (n.) hnabei donghnak

despondency - (n.) hnabei donghnak

despondent - (adj.) hnabei dong a simi

despot - (n.) uktu , mah duhning lawng in mi a uktu

despotic - (adj.) mah duhning lawngin mi a ukmi bawi

despotism - (n.) pakhat lawng duhnak in uknak

dessert - (n.) rawl ei dih hnu i kamphal i a thlummi ei mi khi

destination - (n.) phak i tinhmi hmun

destine - (v.) phak i tinhmi hmun lei i kal; e.g. The ship was destined for England = Tilawng cu England phak aa timmi a si.

destiny - (n.) phak i tinhmi hmun , donghnak

destitute - (adj.) sifak ngai i khua a sa i hnipuan le rawl a herh ngaimi. destitute of = ngeih rumro lo.

destitution - (n.) ngeih rumro lonak

destroy - (v.) hrawh

destroyer - (n.) hrawktu , raltunak tilawng

destruction - (n.) rawhnak

destructive - (adj.) hrawktu a simi thil

detach - (v.) 1. phoih; 2. ralkap rian ah, ralkapbu pakhatkhat cu rian pakhatkhat ttuan awkah an chiah hna.

detachable - (adj.) phoih khawhmi , tthen khawhmi

detail - (n.) thil hme tete , a nekcok tiangin

detail - (v.) thiah; e.g. The captain detailed three soldiers to watch the bridge = Keptenpa nih ralkap pathum kha hlei congh cu a fial hna.

detain - (v.) tanter , tlaih

detect - (v.) hmuh , hngalh

detection - (n.) hmuhnak , hngalhnak

detective - (n., adj.) a thli tein mi ngiatu a simi, mi ngiatu nih mi an ngiatnak hna kong an ttialmi tuanbia.

detention - (n.) tanternak

deter - (v.) donh , kham

deteriorate - (v.) hrawh , chiatter

deterioration - (n.) rawhnak , chiatnak

determination - (n.) fek tein lung chiahnak.

determine - (v.) bia khiah; e.g. The Judge will determine who is telling the truth = Ahodah biatak a chi ti kha biaceihtu nih a khiah lai. 2. lung i thlek; e.g. I am determined to go = Kal ding ah ka lung kaa thlek i ka kal hrimhrim lai. 3. hmaan tein ser; e.g. We must determine the boundaries of our land = Kan ramri kha hmaan tein kan ser hna lai.

determined - (adj.) lung tthial lomi, lung fekmi.

detest - (v.) duh lo

dethrone - (v.) bawi tthutdan cungin tthumh

detonation - (v.) bomb puah.

detour - (n.) hrialnak lam

detour - (v.) hrial

detract - (v.) lak, chuh; e.g. Her black longyi detracts from her beauty = A hni nak nih aa dawhnak a chuh.

detriment - (n.) dawntu , harnak petu , tthat lonak petu

detrimental - (adj.) dawntu a simi

devastate - (v.) hrawh cikcek

devastation - (n.) hrawhnak

develop - (v.) tthanter , tthatter , tthancho

developer - (n.) hmanthlak sernak si

development - (n.) tthanchonak

deviate - (v.) zulh tawnmi lam chuahtak , pial

deviation - (n.) zulh tawnmi lam chuahtaknak , pialnak

device - (n.) thil pakhatkhat tuahnak ca i hmanmi thil, thiltining

devil - (n.) khuachia , khuachia bantuk a simi

devilish - (adj.) khuachia ziaza a ngeimi mi tthalo ngaingai

devious - (adj.) aa helmi; e.g. We took the devious way home = Aa helnak lam in inn ah kan lawi, mi hlen hmangmi.

devise - (v.) thiltining ser , tuahning ser , timh , ruah

devoid - (adj.) um lo, ngeih lo; e.g. A well devoid of water is useless = Ti a um lomi tikhor cu santlaihnak zeihmanh a ngei lo.

devote - (v.) caan vialte pek , i pumpek

devoted - (adj.) zumh awk tlak ngaingaimi

devotion - (n.) 1. a thuk i a fekmi dawtnak; 2. thlacam pumhnak

devotional - (adj.) i pumpeknak he pehtlaimi

devour - (v.) ei

devout - (adj.) biaknak lei i a felmi

dew - (n.) dap.

dewdrop - (n.) dapti

dexterity - (n.) kut hman thiam , lungthin hmanthiam; e.g. A good surgeon works with dexterity = Sibawi thiam nih cun thiam tein a hlai hna.

dexterous - (adj.) thiammi

diabetes - (n.) zun thlum zawtnak

diabolic - (adj.) khuachia bantuk.

diacritic - (n.) cattial tik i a aw a niam a san hngalhnak ca i a dung i dehmi asiloah rinmi tete hna khi.

diacritical - (adj.) cu bantukin dehmi le rinmi; e.g. diacritical marks = Hmelchunhnak ca i dehmi rinmi

diadem - (n.) siangpahrang luchin

diagnose - (v.) zawtnak kawl , sining kawl

diagnosis - (n.) zawtnak kawlnak, sining kawlnak.

diagonal - (adj.) paisah in, khattelei kil in khattelei kil i rinmi tlang.

diagram - (n.) thil pakhatkhat fianternak ca i suaimi hmanthlak

dial - (v.) telefon chawnh duh tik i a nambar merh

dial - (n.) suimilam a hmai thlalang, cu bantukin a mui a simi a chungah thil a ummi a langhtertu

dialect - (n.) holh , mibu hme deuh nih an bing deuh i an hmanmi holh

dialogue - (n.) minung pahnih (pakhat le pakhat i chawnh) bia i ruah

diameter - (n.) thil a pummi, khattelei kam in khattelei kam tiangin a laifang i ding tein rinmi. diametrically opposed = an i ralchanh bak ko.

diamond - (n.) daimon lungvar; e.g. A diamond glitters = Daimon cu a cer.

diaper - (n.) naupuan

diaphragm - (n.) ttang le paw a tthentu a ham

diarrhea - (n.) chungtlik

diary - (n.) nifate thil a cangmi kong ttialnak cauk

diatribe - (n.) zapi sin i mi dang soinak chimmi bia

dice - (n.) phekahnak i hmanmi thil pum tete

dictate - (v.) 1. ca auh; 2. ca auh uk in uk

dictation - (n.) ca auh

dictator - (n.) mah nawl lawngin mi a uktu

dictatorial - (adj.) mah nawl lawngin mi a uktu bawi a simi

dictatorship - (n.) pakhat duhnak lawngin uknak

diction - (n.) bia chimning, cattialning

dictionary - (n.) holh sullam ttialnak cauk, diksineri;  e.g. A person refers to a dictionary to find the meaning of words = Biafang an sullam zoh/kawl awkah dictionary a zoh; e.g. Pocket dictionary = Zalsanh dictionary.

dictum - (n.) chimmi bia, phungthlukbia

did - (v.) past tense of do, tuah; do zoh.

didactic - (adj.) cawnpiaknak ca i hmanmi; e.g. didactic story = cawnpiaknak tuanbia

didn't - (v., contraction) did not, a tawinak in.

die - (v.) 1. thih; e.g. “Pass away” is a euphemism for “die” = A liam cang ti cu a thi cang tinak ca i hmanmi a si. 2. duh tuk; e.g. I am dying to go with you = Nangmah sin kal ka duh tuk.

die - (n.) thir ttialnak; e.g. The die is cast = Bia cu khiah a si cang i thlen khawh a si ti lo.

died - (v.) past tense of die, thih.  Zoh dead, die;  e.g. The plant died from lack of water = Thingkung cu ti a herhbau caah a thi. pass away = thih; e.g. My mother passed away (died) = Ka nu a thi.

diet - (n.) rawl

dietary - (adj.) rawl he aa pehtlaimi

dietician - (n.) rawl lei i fimnak a ngeimi

differ - (v.) i dan , i lawh lonak

difference - (n.) i dannak , i lawh lonak

different - (adj.) a dangdang

differentiate - (v.) an i dannak langhter , thleidan

differentiation - (n.) dannak langhternak

difficult - (adj.) a harmi

difficulty - (n.) harnak; e.g. Soldiers have to withstand difficulties = Ralkap cu harnak an in awk a herh.

diffidence - (n.) ningzahnak , mi hmai khan lonak , mah le mah i zumh lohnak

diffident - (adj.) mah le mah aa zum lomi

diffuse - (v.) karhter, zamter; e.g. Knowledge can be diffused through books = Hngalhnak cu cauk in karhter khawh a si.

dig - (v.) vawlei i khor cawh, aalu phuk; e.g. Digging Panama Canal was a mammoth work = Panama Canal cawh cu a ngan ngaingaimi rian a si.

digest - (v.) pawpi rawlrial; e.g. We digest our food = Kan pawpi nih rawl a rial, a tawinak in ttialmi tuanbia.

digestible - (adj.) rial khawhmi thil

digestion - (n.) rawlrial

digestive - (adj.) rawlrialtu a simi

digit - (n.) 1. kutdong asiloah kedong; 2. 0 in 10 karlak nambar pakhat paohpaoh

dignified - (adj.) hmaizah awk tlakmi siter

dignitary - (n., adj.) hmaizah awk tlak a simi minung

dignity - (n.) hmaizahnak , upatnak

digress - (v.) pial, lam dang i pial

digression - (n.) pialnak

dike - (n.) ti liam hlah seh tiah khamnak tlang

dilapidated - (adj.) zohkhenh lo ruang i rawk nelnul in a ummi

dilapidation - (n.) rawk nelnul in umnak

dilate - (v.) a ngan deuh ah a cang, a kau deuh; e.g. The pupil of the eye dilates when light gets dim = Ceunak kha a muih deuh tikah mit falai cu a ngan deuh, a kau deuh.

dilation - (n.) ngan deuhnak , kauh deuhnak

dilemma - (n.) thil har pahnih karlak i i thim awk a herhmi , i thim awkah a har ngaimi thil

diligence - (n.) teimaknak

diligent - (adj.) tei a mami

dilly-dally - (v.) zei tuah set lo i vah sawhsawh

dilute - (v.) filh , a tak a simi kha filter

dilution - (n.) filhnak

dim - (adj.) a ceu lo , a fiang lo

dime - (n.) U.S. tangka pia hra; dime pahra ah dollar pakhat a si.

dimension - (n.) thil pakhatkhat, a saulei, a kauhlei a si; e.g. If a house is 10 feet long, 8 feet wide and 6 feet high, those are it's dimensions = Inn pakhat cu a tung pe 10, a vang pe 8, a san pe 6, a si ahcun, cucu a dimension cu a si.

diminish - (v.) tlawm deuh , ttum

diminution - (n.) tlawm deuhnak, ttum deuhnak.

diminutive - (adj.) a hmete

dimple - (n.) biang kuar

dine - (v.) zanriah ei

dingy - (adj.) hnawm tiaptuap in a ummi

dinner - (n.) zanriah; e.g. They invited us to dinner = Zanriah ei an kan sawm; e.g. I have to get the dinner now = Atu cu zanriah ka timh (chumh) a hau; e.g. The dinner was in honor of Mary’s birthday = Zanriah cu Mary chuah lawmhnak caah a si; e.g. dinner party = zanriah hrawmnak nuamhnak; e.g. Dinner is served = Zanriah an kan hunh.

dinosaur - (n.) hlanliopi lawng i a rak ummi saram phun khat , a cheu vui nakin a ngan deuh i a cheu chizawh nakin a hme deuhmi

dint - (n.) hnek hranhram; e.g. By dint of hard work, he became successful = Thazan in a tan hranhram caah a hlawhtling.

diocesan - (adj.) bishop pakhat zohkhenhmi he aa pehtlaimi.

diocese - (n.) bishop pakhat nih a zohkhenhmi.

dioxide - (n.) oxygen atom pahnih le thir atom pakhat aa fonhmi.

dip - (v.) hnim

diphtheria - (n.) hrawm phih zawtnak

diphthong - (n.) cafang aw pahnih aa fonh i aw khat a chuakmi; e.g. noise chungah hin 'oi' cu diphthong a si; e.g. out chungah hin 'ou' cu diphthong a si.

diploma - (n.) awnnak lehhmah

diplomacy - (n.) cozah pakhat le cozah pakhat karlak i i pehtlaihnak tuahmi ; mi chawnhbiak thiam

diplomat - (n.) cozah pakhat nih cozah dang pakhat he an i pehtlaihnak kuzale ; mi chawnhbiak le biachim a thiam ngaimi

diplomatic - (adj.) ram dang le ram dang i pehtlaihnak zung i rian a tuantu hna pawl he aa pehtlaimi thil

dire - (adj.) ttihnung, a herhnak kha a fak tuk i ttih a nung

direct - (adj.) 1. ding teomao tein; e.g. A bee makes a direct flight to the hive = Khuai cu ding teomao tein a bu ah a zuang; 2. a karlak ah ahohmanh um lo; e.g. He is in direct contact with the teacher = Amah cu sayapa he an karlak ah ahohmanh um loin an i tong; 3. piang tein, velhui lo tein; e.g. Please give me a direct answer = Lehnak a piangmi te ka pe. .

direct - (v.) hmuhsak, lam sawhpiak; e.g. The policeman directed the traffic = Palik nih mawttawka aa chokletmi kha lam an hmuhsak hna; 2. nawlpek, fial; e.g. The teacher directed us to sit = Sayapa nih tthut a kan fial.

direction - (n.) lei, khilei, hilei, ti bantuk; e.g. He went in that direction = Khi lei ah khin a kal.

directly - (adv.) ding teomao tein

director - (n.) uktu , hmuhsaktu

directory - (n.) min le umnak aa ttialnak cauk; e.g. telephone directory = Telephone a hmangmi hna min le umnak le namber ttialnak cauk.

dirt - (n.) hnawm, hmunthur; e.g. She whisked the dirt from the floor = Tuang i hmunhnawm kha a phiah hna.

dirtiness - (n.) hnawmhnak, thurnak

dirty - (adj.) a hnawmmi , a thurmi

dis - (pref.) biafang thawknak i chiahmi bia a si i a sullam cu lo tinak a si.

disability - (n.) tuah khawh lonak

disable - (v.) thil ti kho ti loin ser; e.g. War disabled many men = Raltuknak nih mi tampi kha thil ti kho ti loin a ser hna.

disadvantage - (n.) dawntu

disadvantageous - (adj.) dawntu a simi thil

disagree - (v.) lung i khah lo

disagreeable - (adj.) a nuam lomi thil , duh lomi thil

disagreement - (n.) lung i khah lonak

disallow - (v.) onh lo

disappear - (v.) loh, hmuh khawh ti lo i um; e.g. The dog disappeared from the house = Kan inn in kau uico a lo.

disappearance - (n.) lohnak , tlaunak

disappoint - (v.) lungsi lo , lunglawmh lo

disappointment - (n.) lungsi lonak , lunglawmh lonak

disapproval - (n.) hnatlakpi lonak

disapprove - (v.) hnatlakpi lo

disarm - (v.) hriamnam chuh

disarmament - (n.) hriamnam tthumhnak.

disarray - (n.) comcawroi i um dih, lusam lo i um

disarray - (v.) hnipuan i phoih

disaster - (n.) harnak , rawknak , vanchiatnak

disastrous - (adj.) harnak le rawknak a chuahtertu a simi

disavow - (v.) i pheh

disband - (v.) thek, hmunkhat i butter ti lo

disbelief - (n.) zumh lonak

disbelieve - (v.) zumh lo

disburse - (v.) pek , phawtzamh

disbursement - (n.) phawtzamhnak

disc (disk) - (n.) kheng

discard - (v.) hlonh , hlawt

discern - (v.) fiang tein hngalh, hmuh thleidan thiam

discharge - (v.) 1. rian in chuah; e.g. He was discharged from the army = Ralkap rian in an chuah; 2. thil tthumh; e.g. The truck discharged the rice at the store = Mawttawka nih facang kha kudawng ah a tthumh; 3. meithal puah; e.g. The gun discharged with a loud noise = Meithal cu a puak; 4. hren ti lo, chuahter

discharge - (n.) chuahternak, luatternak

disciple - (n.) zultu

discipline - (n.) disiplin, mah le mah i uk khawh, a ttha timi kha tuah i zuam peng i a chia timi kha tuah lo i zuam peng.

disclaim - (v.) ka si lo, ti

disclose - (v.) phuan

disclosure - (n.) phuannak

discolor - (v.) U.S.   azawng rawhter azawng thlen.

discolour - (v.) British.  azawng rawhter azawng thlen.

discoloration - (n.) azawng rawhternak

discomfit - (v.) tei cikcek

discomfort - (n.) nuamh lonak , hnangam lonak

disconnect - (v.) pehtlaihnak chah

discontent - (n.) lungsi lonak, lungtlin lonak; e.g. This country is seething with discontent = Hi ram hi lungsi lonak in a khat.

discontent - (v.) lungsi lo, lungtlin lo

discontinue - (v.) pehzulh lo

discord - (n.) i rem lonak , ruahnak i khah lonak

discount - (n.) thil man tthumhmi; e.g. We get a 10% discount on the books = Cauk man kha 10 % an kan tthumh.

discount - (v.) 1. thil man tthumhpiak; 2. bia a perh ttheo lai ti i rak ruahpiak i a cheuchum hlonhpiak; e.g. Discount half of what he says = A chimmi kha a cheuchum cu hlonh ko.

discourage - (v.) hnabei donghter, lung donghter

discouragement - (n.) hnabei donghnak

discourse - (n.) biachimmi, bia i ruahmi

discover - (v.) 1. hmuh; e.g. Columbus discovered America = Columbus nih America ram a va hmuh; 2. phuan.

discovery - (n.) hmuhnak;  e.g. 1492 is the date of the discovery of America = 1492 kum kha America an rak hmuh nithla a si.

discredit - (v.) mi nih zum hna hlah seh ti i tuah

discreet - (adj.) holh ah siseh, tuahnak ah siseh, ralring tein a ummi

discrepancy - (n.) i dannak , i khah lonak

discretion - (n.) holh ah siseh, tuahnak ah siseh, ralring tein umnak, mah nih a ttha tiin tuahnak nawl ngeih

discriminate - (n.) thleidan

discrimination - (n.) thleidannak; e.g. Racial discrimination = Phun thleidannak.

discus - (n.) cheh i zuamnak ca i hmanmi thir pakan

discuss - (v.) i ceih ti , i ruah ti , chim

discussion - (n.) i ceih ttinak, i ruah ttinak, chimnak; e.g. The subject for our discussion will be health = Kan i ceih lai dingmi kong cu ngandamnak a si lai.

disdain - (n.) nautat , zohchuk

disdainful - (adj.) mi a nautatmi , mi a zohchukmi

disease - (n.) zawtnak; e.g. The man was wasted by disease = Zawtnak ruangah a tlumral cuahmah ko; e.g. Doctors are trying to find ways to prevent disease = Sibawi nih zawtnak khamnak caah zawtnak khamnak caah lam an kawl lengmang; e.g. Leprosy is a communicable disease = Thinghmui zawtnak cu i chonh khawhmi a si; e.g. The onset of this disease was gradual = Hi zawtnak cu duhsah tein a si.

disembark - (v.) tilawng siseh , vanlawng siseh , tlanglawng siseh , mawttawka siseh kalnak leng cung in ttum

disenchant - (v.) deuh; e.g. I was disenchanted by his speech = A biachimmi nih a ka deuh.

disengage - (v.) phoih, phawi

disentangle - (v.) hri phoih

disfavor - (n.) U.S.  duh lo.

disfavour - (n.) British.   duh lo.

disfigure - (v.) mui chiatter

disgrace - (n.) ningzahnak , minchiatnak

disgrace - (v.) ningzahter, ningzahnak pek

disgraceful - (adj.) ningzak a simi thil , aa dawhtlak lomi thil

disguise - (v.) 1. mui i hlen; e.g. He disguised himself as an old man = Tarpa bantukin a mui aa hleng; 2. a si taktakmi lang lo i thuh; e.g. He disguised his greed with sweet words = a duhfahnak kha bia thlumthlum in a thuh.

disguise - (n.) 1. mui i hlennak ca i hmanmi thil; e.g. No one recognized him in his disguise = A mui hlennak thilthuam khan cun ahohmanh nih an hngal kho lo; 2. thil a sining, taktak a thuptu.

disgust - (n.) duhlonak fakmi , fih awk a simi

disgust - (v.) fak piin duh lo, fih

disgusting - (adj.) fih awk a simi

dish - (n.) 1. kheng; e.g. hrai, pakan, khengkuar hna hi kheng an si; e.g. Do not chip the dish when you wash it = Kheng kha na ttawl tikah beuhter hlah. 2. hunhmi rawl

dishearten - (v.) lung derter

dishonest - (adj.) lih a chimmi , biatak a chim lomi

dishonesty - (n.) lihchimnak , biatak chim lonak

dishonor - (v.) U.S.  tangka (check in) pek doh lo; e.g. A bank will dishonor your check if you have no money in the bank = Bank ah tangka na ngeih lo ahcun check i tangka thohnak na ttialmi kha an in pe (hmaizah) duh lai lo.

dishonor - (n.) U.S.  ningzahnak, ningzahtertu.

dishonour - (n.) British.  ningzahnak, ningzahtertu.

disillusion - (v.) a ping i kan rak zumhning a si lo hun hngalh tthan; e.g. They had thought that the new colony would be a paradise, but they were disillusioned = Ram thar cu ram nuam a si lai tiah an rak ruah, sihmanhselaw a sining taktak kha an hun hngalh i paradis a si loning kha an hmuh; deuh

disillusionment - (n.) deuhnak

disinclination - (n.) lungthawh lonak , duh lonak

disincline - (v.) lungthawh lo, duh lo

disinfect - (v.) porso lo

disinfectant - (n.) porsotertu zawtnak rungrul thattu si

disinherit - (v.) rocoter lo, hlawt

disintegrate - (v.) a kek a kuai dih , a thu a man dih

disintegration - (n.) thutmannak

dislike - (v.) duh lo; e.g. She made a wry face to show her dislike = A duh lonak langhternak caah a hmai cu a sisawnter.

dislocate - (v.) a pong; e.g. dislocated collar bone = uikuang ruh a pongmi.

dislocation - (n.) ponghnak

dislodge - (v.) tthial

disloyal - (adj.) zumh awk tlak lo

disloyalty - (n.) zumh awk tlak lomi sinak

dismal - (adj.) lungpanh lo i um

dismantle - (v.) theh, inn theh

dismay - (v.) thin lau tuk i zei tuah awk hngal lo i um

dismay - (n.) khuaruahhar

dismiss - (v.) 1. kalnak nawl pek; 2. phuah; 3. ruah ti lo; e.g. Let us dismiss our troubles = Kan harnak hna kha ruat ti hlah u sih.

dismount - (v.) rang cungin ttum

disobedient - (adj.) nawl a ngai lomi

disobey - (v.) nawl ngaih lo

disorder - (n.) ningcang in a um lomi , ningcang in um lonak

disorganize - (v.) ningcang loin umter

disown - (v.) hlawt

disparage - (v.) zomhtaih, serhsat, cu bantuk zomhtaihnak bia chim

disparagement - (n.) mi soiselnak bia chim

disparity - (n.) i ruan lonak

dispassionate - (adj.) dai tein , lungthin cawl urar loin a ummi , tanh deuh mi ngei lo i um

dispatch - (v.) kuat, thlah

dispatch - (n.) 1. khulrannak; e.g. He did his work with dispatch = A rian kha a rannak in a tuah; 2. kuatmi, bia; e.g. The dispatch contained important news = Kuatmi bia chungah khan thawngpang biapi a simi a um.

dispensary - (n.) si peknak inn , khan

dispense - (v.) pek, phawt; e.g. Dispense with = Hlawt, tuah lo i um

dispepsia - (n.) pawpuarh

disperse - (v.) thek , tio

dispersion - (n.) i theknak , tionak

displace - (v.) chuah, umnak hmun in a dang i chiah

display - (v.) zar , langhter

display - (n.) mi nih hmu hna seh tiin langhtermi, tarmi

displease - (v.) lunglawm loin umter

displeasure - (n.) duh lonak

disposal - (n.) 1. zorh; e.g. The disposal of his house will fetch him plenty of money = A inn a zorhnak man nih tangka tampi a pek lai; 2. thiltining, tuahserning; 3. hlonh; e.g. The disposal of garbage should be made every day = Hnawm hlonh cu nifa tein a si awk a si; 4. e.g. At one's disposal = Mah duhning tein tuahmi.

dispose - (v.) 1. umter; e.g. The ships were disposed in a straight line = Tilawng cu artlang tein an umter hna; 2. duhter; e.g. The good pay disposed him to take the job = Lahkhah ttha nih khan rian ku lak a duhter; 3. duh, hnatlak; e.g. He is disposed to grant your request = Na halmi pek cu an duh ko. dispose of = ti cu hlonh asiloah zuar tinak a si; e.g. Dispose of that rubbish = Khi hnawm khi hei hlonh hna; e.g. He disposed of all his properties = A thil vialte a zuar dihhna.

disposition - (n.) 1. chuahpimi lung thin lungput; e.g. He has a cheerful disposition = Milunglawm phun a si; 2. ningcang tein thil chiah; 3. biachahnak; e.g. What disposition of John's case did you make = John bia kha zeitindah nan chah?; 4. zuar; e.g. He made a disposition of his goods = Athil a zuar hna.

dispossess - (v.) chuh , ngeih loin umter , thil ngeitu sinak chun

disputation - (n.) i siknak, bia i alnak

dispute - (v.) 1. bia i al, taza i cuai; 2. i sik

dispute - (n.) siknak

disqualification - (n.) aa tlak lomi i sernak

disqualify - (v.) aa tlak lomi i ser , ttuanter lo

disregard - (v.) hmaizah lo , zeirel lo

disrepute - (n.) minchiatnak

disrespect - (v.) upat lo

disrupt - (v.) hnahnawhnak pek

disruption - (n.) hnahnawhnak peknak

dissatisfaction - (n.) lungsi lonak , lingtlin lonak

dissatisfy - (v.) lungsi lo, lungtlin lo

dissect - (v.) hlai cikcek , tthen cikcek , cheu cikcek

dissection - (n.) hlai cikceknak

disseminate - (v.) thlaici vorh in vorh , karhter

dissemination - (n.) karhternak

dissension - (n.) lung i khah lonak

dissent - (v.) long i khah lo

dissenter - (n.) a ruahnak aa dangmi

dissertation - (n.) thil pakhatkhat kong ca in saupi i ttial i bia in saupi in chim

dissimilar - (adj.) an i lo lo

dissimilarity - (n.) i lawh lonak

dissociate - (v.) i phuah, i komh lo

dissolution - (n.) i tthennak , donghnak

dissolve - (v.) ti i can

dissuade - (v.) thlauh

distance - (n.) zei can a hlat timi hlatnak khi; e.g. The distance between Hakha and Falam is 40 miles = Hakha le Falam karlak aa hlat cu khan 40 a si; e.g. A light gleamed in the distance = Lam hlatpi ah khan ceunak a ceu.

distant - (adj.) a hlami , hmailei pi ah a si dingmi

distasteful - (adj.) a thaw lo

distill - (v.) 1. a dor tete in chuah; e.g. Flowers distill a sweet nectar = Pangpar nih tizu dor tete an chuah; 2. zureu chuan i a dor tete in tlakter khi

distilled water - (n.) tikhu in tlaktermi ti , sichunhnak ti

distiller - (n.) zureu chuangtu

distillery - (n.) zureu chuannak

distinct - (adj.) aa dangmi , a fiangmi , a tliangmi

distinction - (n.) i dannak, hawi hlei thiam ruang i upatnak hmuhnak

distinctive - (adj.) hawi he dantertu a simi

distinguish - (v.) thleidan , minthan , mi lang a simi

distinguishable - (adj.) thleidan khawh a simi

distort - (v.) 1. mui hrawh; 2. biatak merh

distortion - (n.) hrawhnak , merhnak

distract - (v.) lungvaihter, lungcawtter

distraction - (n.) lungvaihnak, lungcawtnak

detraction - (n.) chuhnak, thangchiatnak.

distress - (n.) 1. pum in siseh lungthin in siseh fahnak inmi; 2. ttihphannak, thil ttihnung

distribute - (v.) phawt

distribution - (n.) phawtnak

distributor - (n.) phawtu

district - (n.) peng khat

distrust - (v.) zumh lo

distrust - (n.) zumh lonak

distrustful - (adj.) mi lunghrinh a hmangmi

disturb - (v.) hnahnawh;  e.g. You must not disturb peace = Ningcang tein a um komi thil kha na hnahnawh lai lo.

disturbance - (n.) hnahnawhnak

disunion - (n.) i komh lonak, i tthennak.

disuse - (v.) hman lo,

disuse - (n.) hman lonak

ditch - (n.) kahcham

ditto - (adv.) kha bantuk tthiamtthiam in

dive - (v.) tichung pil

dive - (n.) tichung i vung pil thiam khi , phekahnak hmun

diver - (n.) tipilhtu

diverge - (v.) lam tthen; e.g. Our paths diverge here = Hika ah hin kan lam aa tthen.

divergence - (n.) tthennak

divergent - (adj.) aa dangmi , aa tthenmi

diverse - (adj.) a dangdang a simi

diversify - (v.) hmun dangdang i tthen , phun dangdang i tthen

diversity - (n.) i dannak

divert - (v.) hmun dang i luanter, kalter

divide - (v.) 1. tthen, cheu; e.g. A brook divides the field = Tivate nih lo kha a tthen; 2. phawt; e.g. Divide among yourselves = Nanmah kha i phaw u; e.g. The stakes were divided up among the winners = A teitu pawl nih khan a miak cu an i phaw.

dividend - (n.) 1. phawtmi nambar; e.g. In '728/16', 728 is the dividend = 728 cu 16 in phawt ah, phawtmi nambar cu 728 kha a si; 2. Kampani pakhat nih tangka a hmuhmi, cu kampani chung rianttuantu hna nih an i phawtmi kha

divider - (n.) phawtu, ca cawnnak i hmanmi thirzum tuah khat a simi

divine - (adj.) Pathian lei thil a simi, biaknak lei thil a simi

divine - (n.) biaknak lei rianttuantu, Pathian kong le phunglam a hngal ngaimi

diviner - (n.) khuavang, hmailei thil a chim khomi

divinity - (n.) Pathian sinak

divinity - (adj.) Pathian lei kong cawnnak

divisible - (adj.) tthen khawh , cheu khawh , phawt khawh a simi

division - (n.) tthennak, cheunak, phawtnak, district nakin a ngan deuhni peng.

divisor - (n.) phawtu; e.g. 728 kha 16 in phawt tikah 16 kha phawtu cu a si

divorce - (v.) 1. nupi mak , va kirtak; 2. tthen

dizziness - (n.) lungmihnak

dizzy - (adj.) lungmit in um; e.g. I am dizzy = Ka lung a mit.

do - (v.) 1. tuah; e.g. Do your work well = Na rian ttha tein tuah; ttuan; e.g. You do what you please = Na duhmi kha va tuah ko; 2. zuam; e.g. Do your best = Fakpi in i zuam; 3. a zat ko lai; e.g. This coat will do for the winter = Hi angki nih hin khuasik cu an zaat ko lai; 4. tthathnem; e.g. A rest will do you good = Dinh nih an tthathnem lai; 5. Zeitindah na um = How do you do? (How are you?);  Do nih ihn sullam set a ngeih lo chel a um;  e.g. Do you like eggs = Arti na duh maw = Fak deuh in chim duh tikah hman a si?;  e.g. I do like potatoes = Aalu ka duh taktak. have to do with = ka tuah awk a si. do away with = hlawt. do away with = ei lo i um make do = tlintlam lo bu zong i tuah peng i zuam; e.g. I shall have to make my old clothes do for this winter = Tutan khuasik chung cu ka thilpuan hlun kha an tlamtlin lo buin ka hman peng hna a hau ko lai.

docile - (adj.) nawl ngaimi, cawnpiak a fawimi

docility - (n.) nawl ngaimi sinak

dock - (n.) tilawng dinhnak i hmun pakhat a si i cuka i tilawng aa din tikah thil chuahnak le chonhnak hmun ah hman a si. Cun tilawng remhnak hmun zongah hman a si fawn i duh ah ti kha luhter khawh, duh ah chuahter i roter khawhmi hmun a si

dock - (v.) dinh; e.g. The ship docked at Yangon port = Tilawng cu Yangon tilawng dinhnak ah aa din.

dockyard - (n.) tilawng sernak hmun , remhnak hmun

doctor - (n.) 1. sibawi; e.g. John had a long wait at the doctor’s = Sibawipa inn ah John nih saupi a hngah; e.g. Doctors are trying to find ways to prevent disease = Sibawi nih zawtnak khamnak caah zawtnak khamnak caah lam an kawl lengmang;  e.g. The doctor attempted to save his life = A nunnak khamh kha sibawipa nih aa zuam; e.g. The doctor operated on my knee = Sibawipa nih ka khuk a ka hlai; e.g. He owes his life to the doctor’s skill = Sibawi a thiam ruangah a nung. 2. cawnnak lei i a sang bik.

doctrinal - (adj.) zumhnak lei kong i cawnpiaknak he aa pehtlaimi

doctrine - (n.) zumhnak lei kong i cawnpiaknak

document - (n.) kut in siseh seh in siseh ttialmi ca , thil pakhatkhat kong ah siseh aa ttialnak; e.g. Birth, marriage and death certificates are documents = Chuah, nupi tthit le thihnak lehmah cu documents an si.

document - (v.) ca ttialmi bia kha a si hrimhrim tinak caah cuka ca ttial chungah a um tiin fianter khawhnak

documentary - (adj.) cattialmi he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. documentary evidence = Ca in aa ttialmi fiantertu tehte

dodge - (v.) hlen, pumpululh chuih i i hlen khi

does - (v.) do zoh;  a 3rd person present indicative of do;  e.g. He does. She does. It does. e.g. Hockey does not interest me = Hockey nih ka mit a ka la lo.

dog - (n.) uico; e.g. Beware of the dog = Uico kha hrial; e.g. The dog escaped through a break in the fence = Hauhruang awng khan uico kha a chuak; e.g. The dogs gnawed the bones = Uico nih saruh an teuh; e.g. Take the dog out = Ui kha hei chuahpi; e.g. He has a pet dog = Lentecelhpi awkah aa chiahmi uico pakhat a ngei; e.g. The dog watches the house = Uico nih inn a congh/hngah.

dogged - (adj.) milungtthawng , ngol duh lo

dogma - (n.) zumhmi thil cawnpiakmi, a hmaan ti i rak zumh ding le cohlan ding

dogmatic - (n.) cawnpiaknak zumhning

dogmatic - (adj.) i al len awk a herh ti lo ti phun in cawnpiakmi, cucaah mah ruaknak lawng a hmaan ti i thlah duh lo i a zulmi

dogmatism - (n.) mah ruahnak lawng i tlaipeng

dole - (v.) misifak thil tthenh

doll - (n.) tunu , lentecelhnak tunu

dollar - (n.) USA tangka.

dolphin - (n.) nga phun khat , a nganpi

domain - (n.) uktu pakhatkhat nih ukmi ram

dome - (n.) inn a cunglei i pum vuai in sakmi khi

domestic - (adj.) 1. inn zuatmi sattil; 2. mah ram kong a simi; e.g. domestic news = mah ram kong tadin

domesticate - (v.) a hrangmi saram kha a ngammi sattil i ser

domestication - (n.) a hrangmi saram a ngammi sattil i sernak

domicile - (n.) khuasaknak hmun, sernak hmun

dominance - (n.) uknak

dominant - (adj.) uktu a simi , biapi bik a simi , a lang bikmi

dominate - (v.) 1. uk; e.g. The boy dominates his friends = Ngakchiapa nih a hawile kha a uk hna; 2. iap; e.g. The town in the valley is dominated by a high mountain = Nelrawn chung khua kha tlang sangpi nih a iap, a khuh.

domination - (n.) uknak, iapnak

domineer - (v.) uk tuk

dominion - (n.) uknak , ukmi ram

don - (v.) hnipuan i hruk aih

don - (n.) college sianginn saya.

donate - (v.) pek , tthenh

donation - (n.) pekmi thil , tthenhmi thil

done - (v.) past participle of do, tuah dih; do zoh.

donkey - (n.) khacer hme phun

donor - (n.) petu , tthentu

don't - (v., contraction) do not, tuah hlah; e.g. Don't point your finger at me = Na kut dong in ka sawh hlah;  e.g. Don’t be mad at me = Ka cungah na thin hung hlah; e.g. Don’t shake your head = Na lu kha thing hlah.

doom - (n.) rawhnak, thihnak, lohnak

doom - (v.) sualphawt, si ding khiahpiak; e.g. The prisoner was doomed to death = Thongtlapa cu thi dingin bia khiah a si cang.

door - (n.) innka khar; e.g. The door swings open = Innka cu phut tiah aa hung; e.g. I heard a knock at the door = Innka kingh thawng ka theih; e.g. He observed a man leaving by the back door = Inncar lei innka in mipa a chuah kha a zoh; e.g. Open the door = Innka kha hung tuah; e.g. They stood outside the door = Innka lenglei ah an dir; e.g. The outside doors have locks = Lenglei innka cu tawh an ngei dih; e.g. They have a light over the door = Innka cunglei ah ceu pakhat an chiah.

doorkeeper - (n.) innka cawngtu

doorstep - (n.) innka luhnak hlei

doorway - (n.) innka a luhnak awng

dope - (v.) hlen

dope - (n.) bing

dormant - (adj.) i hngilh lio caan

dormitory - (n.) bawda inn

dose - (n.) voi khat din awk si , si din khat

dot - (v., n.) deh; e.g. He made a dot on the paper = Caku cungah deh pakhat a tuah.

double - (adj.) a let hnih

double-dealing - (n.) thil pakhat i tuahter riangmang i thil dang tu tuah , hlennak

doubt - (n.) zumh lo; e.g. There is no shadow of doubt about his guilt = A sual lai ti zumh lonak a tlawmte hmanh a um lo; no doubt = zumh lo awk zeihmanh um lo tein.

doubtful - (adj.) lung awtawm i um, a si hnga maw si lo ti i lungawtawm i um

doubtless - (adv.) zumh lonak zei hmanh um loin

dough - (n.) changreu reu awk ca i nawnmi changvut, changcet; e.g. She pinched a piece from the lump of the dough = Changcet kha a sawk.

doughnut - (n.) changreu thlummi phun khat

dove - (n.) tthuro

dovecot - (n.) laileng inn

dovetail - (v.) thing pahnih khuarmi an ha sehter; e.g. My plan dovetailed with his = Kaa tinhmi le aa tinhmi an i kheng.

down - (adv.) 1. a sannak in a niamnak ah; e.g. He was down in the cave = Lungkua chungah a vung lut; 2. ttum; e.g. The price of rice is down this month = Tu thla cu facang man a ttum; 3. phaisa a man pek colh; e.g. You can buy it for five kyats down = Tangka fang nga pek colh (kut humh) in na cawk khawh.

down - (n.) arhmul nemte; down and out = ti cu vanchiat ton ti a si.

downcast - (adj.) ngaihchiat

downfall - (n.) tluknak, purnak

downgrade - (v.) niamter, hmetter, zeirello

downhearted - (adj.) ngaihchiat

downpour - (n.) ruah bawnbok ngaw in a sur

downright - (adj.) a ttha hringhran e.g. It is a downright good work = A tha taktakmi rian a si; e.g. It is a downright lie = Lih fangfak a si.

downstairs - (n.) tangdot

downtown - (n.) khuapi chung chawdawrnak hmunpi

downtrodden - (adj.) lamhchihmi , misifak mi nauta pawl

downward - (adv.) a niamnak lei ah; zong downwards.

dowry - (n.) nupi man

doxology - (n.) Pathian thangtthatnak hla

doze - (v.) ngut , ihhmu kun i ngut

dozen - (n.) hleihnih bu

Dr. - (abbrev.) doctor tinak, a tawinak in.

drab - (adj.) dawh lo, muichia

draft - (n.) milhtlorh rih lomi , chim ding ttialmi bia

draft - (v.) 1. ahran ser; e.g. He drafted his speech three times = A biachim ding kha voi thum ahran a ttial; 2. duh na lo i ralkap i luhter.

draftsman - (n.) inn pungsan suaitu

drag - (v.) a ritmi thil hnuh

drag - (n.) thil rit hnuh tik i a rak dawn i a hnuh a har tertu

dragon - (n.) limkeng

dragonfly - (n.) tisoih

drain - (v.) 1. ti roter , ti zirh; e.g. The wet land was drained of water = Cerh cu an zirh i ti an roter; 2. Din dih hirhiar; e.g. He drains the cup = Hrai khat kha a din dih hirhiar; 3. luanter;

drain - (n.) ti luanternak tilam.

drainage - (n.) ti zirhnak

drake - (n.) compai a pa

drama - (n.) a kong ttialmi thil/mi pakhatkhat, zapi hmaiah tuahnak in cawn i hmuhsaknak, atu ah cun Mirang holh i lak in drama ti a si ve ko.

dramatic - (adj.) 1. drama he aa pehtlaimi; 2. lungtho ngaiin tuahmi; e.g. He spoke in a dramatic way = Lungtho ngaiin bia a chim.

dramatically - (adv.) lungtho ngaiin

dramatist - (n.) nawlcawn awk tuanbia a ttialtu

dramatize - (v.) drama in hmuhsak.

drank - (v.) past tense of drink, din; drink zoh.

drape - (v.) thilpuan in tamh

drapery - (n.) puanzar ca i an hman khunmi puan pawl

drastic - (adj.) a fakmi

draw - (v.) 1. suai; e.g. He draws a picture = Hmanthlak a suai; 2. hnuh; e.g. A horse can draw a cart = Rang nih leng a hnuh khawh; 3. than; e.g. He draws water = Ti a than; 4. tangka chuah; e.g. He draws ten kyats from the bank = Bank in tangka phar hra a chuah.

draw - (n.) i tluk; e.g. A game is a draw when neither side wins = I zuamnak ah an i tei lo ahcun an i tluk a si.

drawback - (n.) tlin lonak

drawer - (n.) thilchiahnak bizu , dal tam a ngeimi , a dal hnuh khawh a simi

drawing - (n.) hmanthlak suaimi; e.g. He shades one side of the drawing of the object = Thil a suaimi kam khat kha a dum deuh in a ser.

drawn - (v.) past participle of draw, suai; draw zoh.

dread - (v.) ttih, thinphan

dreadful - (adj.) ttih a nungmi

dream - (n.) 1. mang; 2. saduhthah

dream - (v.) 1. mang manh; 2. saduhthah

dreary - (adj.) a nuam lomi, king diamduam in a ummi

dredge - (n.) tiva siseh, lawng dinhnak siseh, a hnawm thianhnak le thuhter deuhnak i an hmanmi seh

dredge - (v.) cu bantuk i thuhter deuh le thianh

dregs - (n.) a ne

drench - (v.) cin cikcek

dress - (v.) hnipuan i hruk-aih , hma kha si thuhpiak i menpiak

dress - (n.) hnipuan; e.g. fancy dress = Hawi hlei in a tthami hnipuan.

dressing - (n.) hma tuamnak puanchia meh phun khat

drew - (v.) past tense of draw, suai; draw zoh.

dried - (v.) dry zoh. Past tense and past participle of dry.

drier - (n.) rotertu

drift - (v.) 1. choih, fenh; e.g. The boat drifted toward the shore = Titlang lei ah lawng cu ti nih a kalpi; 2. vah; e.g. He drifted from one town to another = Khua khat hnu khua khat a vak.

drift - (n.) a kalning, a hranning, a luanning

drill - (n.) 1. awng vihnak hriam; 2. ralkap cer an cawnter hna; e.g. The troops had a drill = Ralkap cer an cawng.

drill - (v.) awng vih, cawnpiaknak an thiam hlan lo atu le atu tuah lengmang

drink - (n.) zu din; e.g. Abstain from strong drink = Zudin i sum; e.g. Drink was the bane of his life = Zudin kha a nunnak a hrawktu a si.

drink - (v.) din; e.g. You may tilt the cup when you drink water = Ti na din tikah na hrai kha khattelei kam niamter deuh (na hrai kha ling); e.g. You must drink one cup of water a day at the minimum = A tlawm bik ah ni khat ah ti hrai khat na din awk a si; e.g. He neither drinks nor smokes = Zu zong a ding lo, kuak zong a zu lo; e.g. He drinks two cups of coffee = Kawfi hrai hnih khat a din; (N.) e.g. He abased himself by drinking = Zudin in amah le amah aa niamter.

drinker - (n.) zu ding

drip - (v.) a dor tete in a tla

drip - (n.) a dor tete in a tlami ti

drippings - (n.) sa chuan tik i a ti a chuakmi khi

drive - (v.) 1. kalter; e.g. Drive the dog away = Uico kha kalter; 2. khenh; e.g. Drive the nail in the board = Thing ah thir kha khenh; 3. mongh; e.g. Drive the car = Mawttawka kha mawng; e.g. He was licensed to drive a car = Mawttaw monghnak nawl laisen pek a si; (N.) e.g. He uses extreme care when driving in the rain = Ruah sur i mawttaw a mongh ahcun aa ralring hringhran.

drive - (n.) 1. hnektu tthawnnak; e.g. Hunger is drive to action = Rawlttam hi hnektu tthawng a si; 2. zuam khun mi thil; e.g. Our church made a drive to get one thousand kyats = Kan Khrihfabu nih tangka thong khat hmuhnak ding zuam khunnak an tuah.

driven - past participle of drive, mongh;  drive zoh.

driver - (n.) mawttaw mawngtu; e.g. The driver treats his horses well = Rangleng mawngtu nih a rang kha ttha tein a tuah hna.

driveway - (n.) mawttawka monghnak lam

drizzle - (v.) ruah siamsiam in sur

droop - (v.) thlep; e.g. These flowers will droop = Hi pangpar hna hi an thlep lai.

drop - (n.) 1. dor; e.g. A drop of blood = Thi dor khat; 2. tlaknak; e.g. It was a drop of five feet = A tlaknak cu pe nga a sang.

drop - (v.) 1. a tla; 2. a ttum; e.g. Prices drop sharply = Thil man fak piin a tla drop in = ti cu kan leng te tinak a si. drop out = ti cu awng loin sianginn in a chua tinak a si.

drought - (n.) khuakhen , ruah sur lo i saupi um

drove - (v.) past tense of drive, mongh; drive zoh.

drove - (n.) run khat; e.g. A drove of sheep = Tuu run khat

drown - (v.) ti chung i tlak i thih

drowse - (v.) ngut

drowsiness - (n.) ngutnak

drowsy - (adj.) mitkuh i nam i ngut khi

drudge - (n.) rian har hawi ttuan duh lomi a tuantu

drudgery - (n.) rian har, rian nuam lo

drug - (n.) si tthatnak a chuahtertu a si ahcun si a si, chiatnak a chuahtertu a si ahcun sivai a si

drug - (v.) ritter

druggist - (n.) si zuartu

drum - (n.) khuang, paran;  e.g. He gave the drum a bang = Khuang kha fak piin a tum.

drum - (v.) nolh chih lengmang; e.g. Tom's lessons have to be drummed into him = Tom cu a cawnmi kha nolh chih lengmang a hau.

drummer - (n.) khuangtumtu, paran tumtu

drumstick - (n.) ar pheibom , paran tumnak fung

drunk - (adj.) zu a rimi; e.g. He was cited for drunk driving = Zurit bu mawtaw mongh ruangah zung ah an kawh.

drunk - (v.) past participle of drink, din; drink zoh.

drunkard - (n.) zuripa; e.g. The drunkard lurched forward = Zuripa cu hmailei ah a sawn.

drunken - (adj.) zu a rimi

drunkeness - (n.) zuritnak

dry - (adj.) 1. a ro, a carmi; e.g. The well runs dry in summer = Thal caan ah cun tikhor hi a car; 2. lung a tho lomi, ngaih a nuam lomi; e.g. His sermon is dry = A phungchim mi lung a tho lo, ngaih a nuam lo.

dry - (v.) pho, roter, thil zar; (N.) e.g. Wood is seasoned for building by drying = Thing cu inn saknak ca i ttha khun seh tiah ttha tein an roter.

dry clean - (v.) ti tel loin hnipuan suk

dry measure - (n.) thil romi tahnak; e.g. Facang tehna, fangvoi tehna tahnak

dryer - (n.) puan rotertu seh

dual - (adj.) pahnih; e.g. The airplane has dual controls, one for the teacher and the other for the learner = Vanlawng nih monghnak fung pahnih a ngeih, saya caah pakhat a cawngmi caah pakhat.

dub - (v.) min sak, nihchuahnak lei deuh i min sak

dubious - (adj.) zumh awk tlak set a si lomi

duck - (n.) compai; e.g. Ducks have webbed feet = Compai cu an kedong an i seng; e.g. Wooden decoy for ducks = Compai he aa lo in sermi thing compai.

duck - (v.) lu asiloah pum kun tak; e.g. He ducked when I tried to hit him = Thongh ka zalh ah a ka kun tak.

duckling - (n.) compaifa

duct - (n.) tidong

due - (adj.) 1. pek awk a simi; e.g. When is the rent due? = Zeitikdah inn hlan man pek a cut lai?  A hmuh awk a simi a tuanman kha thaizing ah pek awk a si lai; 2. aa tlakmi , a hmaanmi , a tthami; e.g. In due course = caan ttha caan hmaan a si tikah; 3. a phanh lai can ruah; e.g. When is the plane due = Vanlawng cu zeitikdah phak lai? due to = ti cu ruangah, ti a si

due - (adv.) hmailei ah ding tein; e.g. The ocean is due east of us = Rili cu kanmah in nichuahlei bak ah a si.

duet - (n.) pahnih sakmi tummi hla

dug - (v.) dig zoh.  Past tense and past participle of dig.

duke - (n.) tuavon

dull - (adj.) 1. mi lung a la lomi thil; 2. lung panh lo; e.g. Rainy day is dull day = Khua it cu lung a panh lo; 3. a hnawl; e.g. This knife is dull = Hi nam cu a hnawl 4.milungping; e.g. He is a dull boy = Milungping a si.

dullness - (n.) lung pinnak

dumb - (adj.) a holh kho lomi

dumbfound - (v.) lung-ar, holh awk hngal lo i um

dummy - (n.) minung he aa lo i an sermi thil, a si taktak lomi

dump - (v.) hlonh, thlet

dump - (n.) hnawm hlonhnak hmun, thil hmun khat ah a bupi in chiahnak hmun

dump truck - (n.) hnawm hlonhnak mawttawka

dumpy - (adj.) a thau i a niammi

dune - (n.) thetse tlang

dung - (n.) ek, caw ek , vok ek, etc.

dungeon - (n.) vawlei tang thonginn

dupe - (n.) fawi tein hlen khawhmi

dupe - (v.) hlen deh

duplex - (n.) pahnih thuanh, pahnih peh, chung hnih umnak inn inn khat a si i a lai i danmi

duplicate - (v.) aa khatmi in ser , ttial e.g. Please duplicate this letter = Hi ca hi aa khat tein a dang pakhat in ttial tthan.

duplicate - (adj.) aa khatmi; e.g. We have duplicate keys to the door = Innka tawh aa khatmi pahnih kan ngei.

duplication - (n.) aa khatmi pahnih siternak

duplicator - (n.) carialnak seh

duplicity - (n.) kap hnih har i umnak , mi hmuh i phun dang , a thli i phun dang

durability - (n.) tlonak , saupi nguhnak

durable - (adj.) a tlomi , saupi a nguhmi

duration - (n.) caan chung

duress - (n.) hneknak, duh na loin hneknak

during - (prep.) chung , hrawng

dusk - (n.) khua a muih lai te khi, pa fa hmel palh, a muih nawnnak hmun; e.g. He sits in the dusk of his room = A khan chung i a muih nawnnak hmun ah a tthu.

dust - (n.) e.g. The table is coated with dust = Cabuai cu leidip nih a tuam; e.g. The motorcars raise a dust = Mawttawka nih leidip an thawhter.

duster - (n.) hnawm hnawhnak, phalung hnawhnak puanchia

dusty - (adj.) leidip a khatmi.

Dutch - (adj., prop.) Netherlands (Holland) mi.

duty - (n.) 1. rian; e.g. Pastoral duties = Pastor rian; e.g. Perform your duty = Na rian kha tuah; e.g. Duty calls us = Rian nih a kan kawh, rian hi minung a kan kotu hei si sehlaw cu ko cu a lo; e.g. You have been remiss in your duty = Na rian ah na fel lo. 2. ramdang in luhpimi thil ngunkhuai.

dwarf - (n.) miniam , a niammi

dwell - (v.) um , khuachung um , ruah , chim

dwelling - (n.) umnak inn , umnak hmun

dwindle - (v.) tlawm chin lengmang

dye - (n.) thil burhnak si

dye - (v.) burh

dying - (v.) die zoh.

dynamic - (adj.) thazang ngeimi thil

dynamite - (n.) lungpuahnak

dynamo - (n.) thazang kha elektrik ah a cantertu seh

dynasty - (n.) uktu pawl an i hrinsorning

dyspepsia - (n.) pawpuarh


each - (adj.) cio; e.g. Each dog is given a bone = Uico cu saruh pakhat cio an pek hna; e.g. Each one must do his part = Mah cio nih mah tinvo cio tuah awk a si; e.g. She portioned out the food to each of them = Rawl kha a cheuh cio hna.

each - (pron.) 1. duahmah in; e.g. Each will be asked a question = Pakhat duahmah in bia an hal hna lai. 2. veve; e.g. The man and the woman love each other = Nu le pa cu an i duh veve. each other = veve.

each - (adv.) e.g. They gave the boys an apple each = Ngakchia cu pakhat cio in epal an pek hna;

eager - (adj.) a duh ngaimi , aa hngahhlang ngaimi e.g. He is eager to open the box = Thingkuang hun kha aa hngahhlang ngai.

eagerness - (n.) i hngahhlangnak

eagle - (n.) mupi , mu vanlai

ear - (n.) 1. hnakhaw; e.g. Ear lobe = Hnakhaw tanglei bo; 2. fungvoi fo.

earache - (n.) hnakhaw fah

eardrum - (n.) hnakhaw khuang , hnakhaw chung i khuang bantuk a simi , khuatheitu

earl - (n.) bawi

early - (adv.) tuante ah; e.g. He gets up early in the morning = Zinglei ah tuante in a tho; e.g. It will be well to start early = Tuan i thawk ah a ttha lai.

early - (adj.) a ttuanmi caan e.g. They discovered the disease in its early stage = A zawtnak kha ttuan ah an hmuh.

earmark - (v.) hual; e.g. He is earmarked for the chairmanship = Chairman caah amah cu kan i hual.

earmark - (n.) hmelchunhnak

earn - (v.) hmuh , hlawh; e.g. He earns K 20 a day = Ni khat ah K 20 a hlawh.

earnest - (adj.) thatho , lungthomi

earnest - (n.) A man kan pek dih lai ti biakamnak ca i rak pek chungmi tangka, innkai

earnings - (n.) rianttuan man hmuhmi

earphone - (n.) hna i i benhmi thil theihnak

earring - (n.) hnatonh, tumbul; e.g. Girls have their ears pierced for earrings = Ngaknu nih hnatonh tonhnak caah an hna an i vih.

earshot - (n.) aw nih a phak khawh tiang; e.g. We shouted loud, but he was out of earshot = Fak piin kan au, sihmanhsehlaw kan aw nih a phak khawh lengah a um i a thei kho lo.

Earth - (n., prop.) vawlei pumpi;  e.g. The Earth is surrounded by the atmosphere = Vawlei cu a tuamtu thli nih a zelh e.g. The moon travels in an orbit around the earth = Thlapacu vawlei vel in a kal; e.g. The moon orbits the earth = Thlapa nih vawlei a vel.

earth - (n.) vawlei; e.g. We plant seeds in the earth = Vawlei ah thlaici kan tuh.

earthen - (adj.) vawlei in sermi thil

earthly - (adj.) vawlei cung thilri a simi

earthquake - (n.) lihnin; e.g. The earth quake rocked the houses = Lihnin nih inn a hninh hna.

earthworm - (n.) cangcel

earthy - (adj.) ziaza lei i vawlei mi tuk a simi khi

ease - (n.) 1. rianhrang , harnak , fahnak in luat; e.g. A rich man lives a life of ease = Mirum cu har lo tein nung; 2. fawi tein , zaangdam in; e.g. He speaks English with ease = Mirang holh cu zaangdam tein a chim;

ease - (v.) fahnak damter deuh; e.g. Medicine will ease your pain = Na fahnak cu si nih a damter deuh lai.

easier - (adj.) a fawi deuhmi

easily - (adv.) fawi tein; e.g. He can get sick easily = Fawi tein a zaw kho.

east - (n.) nichuahlei; e.g. The sun rises in the East = Nichuahlei in ni a chuak.

Easter - (n., prop.) Bawi Jesuh Thawh ni.

easterly - (adj., adv.) nichuahlei in / nichuahlei ah; nichuahlei in a rung hrangmi thli / nichuahlei ah a hrangmi thli

eastern - (n.) Asia rammi, nichuahlei rammi

easternmost - (n.) nichuahlei bik a simi

eastward - (adv.) nichuahlei ah

easy - (adj.) a fawimi

easy-going - (adj.) zei thil hmanh , fakpi i ruat setsai lem lo i khua a sami

eat - (v.) ei, rawl ei; e.g. Man must eat to live = Minungnih nunnak ah rawl a ei awk a si; e.g. He can eat a great quantity of food = Rawl tampi a ei khawh; e.g. Eat what is on the table or go without = Cabuai cung i a ummi kha ei, a si lo le ei loin kal ko.

eatable - (adj.) ei khawhmi

eaten - (v.) past participle of eat, ei, rawl ei.

eater - (n.) eitu

eaves - (n.) dithlasap , disaap

eavesdrop - (v.) a thli tein mi bia va ngaih

ebb - (v.) tilet ttum; e.g. The tide ebbed = Tilet a ttum cang.

ebb - (n.) Ttumchuk; e.g. His fortunes are at an ebb = A vantthatnak cu a ttumchuk cang.

ebony - (n.) a hak i a nakmi thing

eccentric - (adj.) a laifang chuah tak , hawi he i lawh lo , sining tawn bantuk i si lo

eccentricity - (n.) hawi ning i um lonak

ecclesiastic - (n.) biaknak lei rianttuantu

ecclesiastical - (adj.) Khrihfabu lei he aa pehtlaimi.

echo - (n.) awtleng

eclipse - (n.) 1. dawpdolh , ni dawpdolh zong thlapa dawpdolh zong; 2. minthatnak thlau

economic - (adj.) chawlehthalnak he aa pehtlaimi

economical - (adj.) semrel tein tangka i hmangmi

economics - (n.) tangka le chawva , a chuahternak le a hmannak le i pahwtzamhnak he aa pehtlaimi fimnak

economist - (n.) thil chuahternak , hmannak le i phawtzamhnak i a thiammi

economize - (v.) i ren deuh

economy - (n.) ram pakhat siseh , mibu pakhat siseh , tangka hmuhmi le thilri a hman thiamnak

ecstasy - (n.) i lawmh tuknak

ecstatic - (adj.) lawmh tuknak he aa pehtlaimi

ecstatically - (adv.) i lawm tuk hringhram in

eczema - (n.) cuar zawtnak a thakmi

Eden - (n., prop.) Eden dum.

edge - (n.) 1. tlang; e.g. Edge of the table = Cabuai tlang; e.g. Lap this edge of the paper over that = Caku hilei tlang hi khilei tlang cungah khin bil; e.g. The car slips and falls off the edge of the road = Mawttawka cu a nal i lam ilthlang in a tla. 2. har e.g. edge of knife = nam har.

edible - (adj.) ei khawhmi thil

edification - (n.) ziaza tthatternak , ziaza hunchonak

edifice - (n.) inn nganpi

edify - (v.) thlarau lei le ziaza lei in tthanter

edit - (v.) tadinca le cauk i chuah awkah mi dang nih an ttialmi ca kha timh

editor - (n.) tadinca le cauk i chuah awkah cattialmi a timlamtu , cun tadinca chung i theihtlei deuh a simi ruahnak le thil umtuning kong a ttialtu

editorial - (adj.) tadinca ah siseh , mekazin ah siseh , a chuahtupa nih a duhnak le a ruahnak a ttialmi khi

educate - (v.) cacawn, cawnpiak e.g. He was educated in Cambridge University = Amah cu Cambridge University ah ca a cawng.

education - (n.) cawnpiaknak, cawnnak;  e.g. It will be to your interest to get more education = Ca tam deuh cawn cu nangmah ca thil tthahnem a si lai.

educational - (adj.) cawnnak lei he aa pehtlaimi

educator - (n.) cawnpiaktu saya

eel - (n.) ngarul

effect - (n.) 1. thil pakhat nih thil dang pakhat a chuahtermi; e.g. Did the medicine have any effect on him = Si a dinmi nih khan a cungah tthatnak zeital a chuahpi maw? 2. Thilri; e.g. personal effects = pumpak thilri.

effect - (v.) tuah, umter, chuahter; e.g. He effected many changes = Thlennak tampi a chuahter.

effective - (adj.) 1. tuah duhmi , tinhmi , tuah khawh; e.g. Water is effective in extinguishing fires = Mei hmihnak ah ti cu san a tlai; 2. ttuan hram i thawk; e.g. An act of parliament is effective as soon as the president signs it = Parliament nih upadi an sermi cu haotu bik nih a min a thut cangka in rianttuan hram aa thawk.

effeminacy - (n.) pa lawh lo i nu lawh i nem hninghniang in umnak

effeminate - (adj.) pa lawh lo i nu a lo i nem hninghniang in a ummi

efficacious - (adj.) chuak seh ti duhmi a chuahter khomi thil

efficacy - (n.) chuak seh ti duhmi chuahter khawhnak

efficiency - (n.) khulrang le fel tein thil tuah khawhnak

efficient - (adj.) khulrang le fel tein thil a ti khomi

efficiently - (adv.) khulrang le fel ngaiin

effigy - (n.) mi pakhatkhat pungsan in capawl le buri in milem ser i cu milem cu huatmi ai kha awhter riangmang i a khangh hna khanghmi khi a si

effort - (n.) thazang chuah , zuamnak

egg - (n.) arti, va ti, ti paohpaoh; e.g. A chicken within an egg is an embryo = Arti chung arfate cu embryo a si; e.g. The ingredients of a cake are flour, sugar and egg = Kekmuk tuahnak i aa telmi cu changvut, cini le arti an si; e.g. A rotten egg = Arti thu (da).

eggplant - (n.) bawnbok

eggshell - (n.) arti hawng

ego - (n.) keimah , mah

egoism - (n.) thil vialte mah duhning le mah ca ttha ding lawng i ruahnak le tuaktannak , mah zawn lawng i ruahnak

egoist - (n.) mah ca tthatnak ding lawng a ruatmi , miruamkai

egoistic - (adj.) mah zawn lawng aa ruatmi , mah le mah aa zum tukmi

eight - (num.) pariat

eighteen - (num.) hleiriat

eighteenth - (num.) hleiriatnak

eighth - (num.) pariatnak

eighty - (num.) sawm riat

either - (adj.) 1. pakhat chingchang; e.g. Take either book = Cauk pakhat chingchang kha i lak; 2. an pahnih in; e.g. On either side of the river lie the cornfields = Tiva a kap hnih in fangvoi lo an um; 3. ve; e.g. If you do not go, I shall not go either = Na kal lo ahcun ka kal ve lai lo.

either or - (conj.) chingchang/asiloah e.g. Either Edith or Mary will go. = Edith asiloah Mary pakhat chingchang an kal lai.

eject - (v.) leng i hlonh

elaborate - (v.) tlamtling tein chim , fianter

elaboration - (n.) tlamtling tein chimnak , tuahnak

elapse - (v.) a lan , caan a lan

elastic - (adj.) aa zam khomi

elasticity - (n.) i zam khawhnak

elbow - (n.) kiu;.e.g. He poked me with his elbow = A kiu in a ka suk; e.g. She sewed patches on the elbow of his coat = A angki kiu ah puanchia a belh hna.

elder - (n.) 1. Khrihfa upa; 2. upa

elder - (adj.) upa deuh a simi

elderly - (adj.) upa nawn a simi

elect - (v.) thim

election - (n.) thimnak; e.g. The election of council members should concern every citizen = Khawngsil rianttuantu pawl thim cu ramchungmi paohpaoh nih biapi ah rel awk a si;  e.g. Presidential election = Haotu bik thimnak.

elective - (adj.) 1. a thim in thimmi; 2. ca cawnnak ah mah duhmi subject a thim in i thimmi.

elective - (n.) thimmi subject.

elector - (n.) thimtu

electorate - (n.) thim khawhnak nawl a ngeimi hna

electric - (adj.) elektrik dah he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. Electric charge is conducted by wire = Elektrik tha cu thirhri in kalpi a si; e.g. Water can be harnessed to produce electric power = Ti cu elektrik tha chuahter khawh a si; e.g. Electric lights were installed in my house last week = Kan hnulei zarh ah kan inn ah elektrik ceunak an kan chiahpiak.

electricity - (n.) elektrik dah; e.g. The electricity is off = Elektrik dah a cat.

electrocute - (v.) elektrik dah nih thah

elegant - (adj.) aa dawhmi , a ttha , a rumra a ummi

element - (n.) 1. scientist pawl nih thil phun hrampi 92 an hmuhmi hna, cheu khawh le tthen khawh a si ti lomi hna hi 'element' cu an si; e.g. Gold, iron, oxygen and tin are elements = Sui, thir, oxygen le canphio cu element an si;   In ancient times, people thought that there were only four elements: Earth, water, air and fire = Hlan lioah cun mi nih element (thil) pali lawng a um tiah an ruah i cu hna cu vawlei, ti, thli le mei an si; 2. thil hrampi; e.g. We learned the elements of arithmetic in the first standard = Kanan a hrampi cu tang khat ah kan cawn.

elemental - (adj.) a hrampi a simi thil, a fawimi thil

elementary - (adj.) a hramthawknak a simi

elephant - (n.) sai, vui; e.g. The mad elephant went on a rampage and killed its keeper = Vui hrut cu a choi a per ciammam i a cawngtu kha a thah.

elephantine - (adj.) vui bantuk a simi

elevate - (v.) thlir , cawi , hler

elevation - (n.) hmun pakhatkhat a sanning

elevator - (n.) innchung i dot tangnung in dot cungnung i kainak seh hlei

eleven - (num.) hleikhat

eleventh - (num.) hleikhatnak

elf - (n.) khuachia

eligibility - (n.) aa tlakmi sinak , a cumi sinak

eligible - (adj.) aa tlakmi , a cumi

eliminate - (v.) hlawt , chuah

elimination - (n.) hlawtnak, chuahnak

elite - (n.) a ttha bikmi thil , a tha bikmi hna

elite - (adj.) a ttha bik a simi

elk - (n.) nengpi

ellipse - (n.) a zawlmi thil , arti pum bantuk

elm - (n.) em thingkung. Innliam thingkung

elope - (v.) nungak le tlangval an zam khi

eloquence - (n.) biachim thiamnak , nalnak

eloquent - (adj.) biachim a thiammi

eloquently - (adv.) thiam ngaiin, nal ngaiin

else - (adj.) 1. amah ai awhtu ah; e.g. He cannot go.  Someone else must go = Amah cu a kal kho lo, mi dang pakhatkhat tu an kal a herh; 2. aho zong, a hlei in, ve; e.g. I am going.  Who else is going = Ka kal lai?

else - (adv.) 1. zeiti hlei in dah, zeidang hlei dah; e.g. What else could I say = Zeidang hlei dah ka chim khawh hnga? 2. a si lo ahcun; e.g. Hurry, or else you will be late = I hnawh, a si lo ahcun na tlai lai.

elsewhere - (adv.) hmun dangah

elucidate - (v.) fianter

elucidation - (n.) fianternak.

elude - (v.) hrial

elusive - (adj.) tlaih awkah a harmi thil, hrial a thiam ngaimi

emanate - (v.) chuak, chuah; e.g. Light and heat emanate from the sun = Ceunak le linhnak cu nika chungin an chuak.

emanation - (n.) chuahnak

emancipate - (v.) luatter

emancipation - (n.) luatnak

emancipator - (n.) luattertu

emasculate - (v.) derter , thazang tlawmter , pa si loter

embalm - (v.) 1. mithi kha thu hlah seh tiin si thuh; 2. rimhmui in khahter; e.g. Roses embalmed the June air = June thla thli cu pangpar rim in a khat.

embankment - (n.) ti liam hlah seh tiah titlang i khamnak tuahmi

embargo - (n.) khamnak, donhnak, thlauhnak.

embargo - (v.) kham, thluah

embark - (v.) lawngcung i kai , cit hram i thawk

embarkation - (n.) lawng cung i cuannak

embarrass - (v.) ningzah, hmaichiat

embarrassment - (n.) ningzahnak , hmaichiatnak

embassy - (n.) 1. cozah pakhat nih cozah dang pakhat sinah aiawhtu a thlahmi; 2. cu thlahmi aiawhtu hna an zung

embattled - (adj.) ral doh awk i timh cia i a ummi

embed - (v.) benh; e.g. Precious stones are embedded (imbedded) in stones = Lungvar cu lung chungah an i benh.

embellish - (v.) 1. tamh, dawhter; 2. tthatter deuh, pehsauh, chap

embellishment - (n.) chapnak

ember - (n.) meittil

embers - (n.) a nungmi vutcam a chung i meittil a um rihmi

embezzle - (v.) rak zohkhenh tiah tialmi tangka rak fir

emblem - (n.) hmelchunhnak

emblematic - (adj.) hmelchunhnak a simi

embody - (v.) 1. pum in hun langhter; e.g. The building embodies the idea of the architect = Inn nih a satu ruahnak kha a pum in a hun langhter; 2. pum chung i umter; e.g. This book embodies information for going to London = Hi cauk chungah hin London kalnak hngalhnak bia a um.

emboss - (v.) tamhnak ca i ker; e.g. The silver cup is embossed with a design of flowers = Ngun hrai cu a tamhnak caah pangpar mui an ker.

embrace - (v.) kuh , pom

embroider - (v.) dawhter , tamh , thawitenh , pangpar suai

embroidery - (n.) dawhternak , ttamhnak , thawitenhnak , pangpar suai

embroil - (v.) a chung i vaa tel ve

embryo - (n.) hrin hlan fate; e.g. A chicken within an egg is an embryo = Arti chung arfate cu embryo a si.

emend - (v.) palhnak remh

emendation - (n.) remhnak

emerald - (n.) lungvar phun khat

emerge - (v.) a hung chuak , a hung lang

emergence - (n.) hung chuahnak , hung langhnak

emergency - (n.) ruah lopi in a hung chuakmi thil.

emergency - (adj.) ruah lopi in a hung chuakmi

emeritus - (n.) hmaizahnak in a rian in aa din cangmi

emigrant - (n.) ramdang i a pemmi

emigrate - (v.) ramdang i pem

emigration - (n.) ramdang i pemnak

eminence - (n.) 1. hmun sang; 2. minthannak.

eminent - (adj.) minthangmi

eminently - (adv.) minthang ngaiin

emissary - (n.) thlahmi , fialmi , mingiatu

emission - (n.) chuahnak

emit - (v.) chuah, chuahter

emolument - (n.) rianttuan man i hmuhmi tangka

emotion - (n.) lungduhnak

emotional - (adj.) lungduhnak he aa pehtlaimi, lungtho ngaiin tuahmi

emperor - (n.) uktu siangpahrang

emphasis - (n.) fak khun in chimhnak , tuahnak , uarnak

emphatic - (adj.) fak khun in chimmi , tuahmi , uarmi

emphatically - (adv.) fak khun in chim in, uar in

empire - (n.) ukmi ram

empirical - (adj.) zohnak le tonghthamnak le hneksaknak in hngalhmi thil

employ - (v.) rianpek  hman; e.g. Employ your time wisely = Na caan ttha tein hmang tuah.

employee - (n.) rianttuan fialmi , rianttuantu

employer - (n.) rianttuan fialtu , rianttuantu uktu

employment - (n.) rian

emporium - (n.) chawdawr nganpi

empower - (v.) nawl pek

empress - (n.) uktu siangpahrang nupi / uktu siangpahrangnu

emptiness - (n.) lawnnak

empty - (adj.) a chungah zeihmanh a um lomi, a lawng a simi; e.g. There is nothing in an empty box = A lawngmi kuang chungah zeihmanh a um lo.

emu - (n.) va nganpi phun khat

emulate - (v.) tluk i zuam, tthatnak lei i lonh i zuam; e.g. The proverb tells us to emulate the ants = phungthluk bia nih hngerhte tluk si i zuam kha a kan chimh.

emulation - (n.) tluk i zuamnak, hleih i zuamnak

emulsion - (n.) cawhnuk bantuk a simi

en route - (adv.) lampi ah , lampi in

enable - (v.) tuahter khawh

enact - (v.) upadi i ser

enactment - (n.) upadi i sernak

enamel - (n.) hol pakan sernak i hmanmi si

enbalm - (v.) mithi kha thu hlah seh tiin si thuh

encase (incase) - (v.) kuang chung i khumh

enchain - (v.) thirhri in khih , hren

enchant - (v.) mawnh, eih in mawn, lawmhter ngai, aidi in mawn

enchanter - (n.) mawnh thiammi

enchantment - (n.) mawnnak, lawmhternak, nuamhnak

encircle - (v.) kulh

enclose (inclose) - (v.) khumh, kulh

enclosure - (n.) kulhnak , kulhmi hmun

encompass - (v.) kulh

encounter - (v.) ton , ruah lopi in i ton khut

encounter - (n.) tonnak

encourage - (v.) thazang pek , lungtthawnnak pek , forh

encouragement - (n.) forhnak

encroach - (v.) ramri en, lonh awk a si lomi lonh

encroachment - (n.) ennak, ramri ennak

encrust - (v.) dakter, a dak (daak); e.g. The inside of the kettle is encrusted with lime = Ketteli a chunglei kha thung in a dak.

encyclopedia - (n.) cauk ngan pipi, hngalhnak tampi an chungah aa ttial i kawl fawi seh tinak ah A B C in aa chang lengmang in an ttialmi

end - (n.) donghnak;  e.g. He lives in the house at the extreme end of the road = Lam a donghnak bik inn ah khan a um.

end - (v.) dongh, dong; e.g. The road ends here = Hika ah lam a dong.

endanger - (v.) ttihnunnak ah a phakter

endear - (v.) dawtter

endearment - (n.) dawtternak

endeavor - (n.) U.S.  zuamnak.

endeavor - (v.) U.S.  zuam.

endeavour - (n.) British.  zuamnak.

endeavour - (v.) British.  zuam.

ending - (n.) donghnak

endless - (adj.) donghnak a ngei lomi

endorse - (v.) 1. minthut; e.g. He has to endorse the check before the bank could cash it = Bank nih check kha tangka i an serpiak khawh hlanah a check ahcun a min a thut a hau; 2. hnatlakpi; e.g. Parents endorsed the plans for the school = Sianginn saknak ding kha hupa hna nih an hnatlakpi hna.

endorsement - (n.) hnatlakpinak

endow - (v.) 1. thil pakhatkhat tuah khawh pengnak ding ca i tangka/thil pek; e.g. A rich man endowed a college = Mirumpa nih college pakhat kha a dir khawh peng nakhnga tangka rianttuannak caah a pek; 2. i chuahkehpi; e.g. She was endowed with beauty = Mui dawh cu aa chuahkehpimi a si.

endowment - (adj.) ttuan khawh pengnak ding ca i pekmi tangka a simi; e.g. Endowment fund = Ttuan khawh pengnak a simi tangka

endowment - (n.) ttuan khawh pengnak ding ca i pekmi laksawng

endurable - (adj.) in khawh a simi

endurance - (n.) in khawhnak , tlonak , saupi nguhnak

endure - (v.) 1. in; 2. nguh; e.g. A gold ring will endure 100 years = Sui kutdonghrolh nih kum 100 a nguh lai.

enemy - (n.) ral, huatu; e.g. The general tried to locate the enemy’s camp = General nih ral pawl umnak hmun kha fiang tein hngalh aa zuam; e.g. The enemies occupied our village = Ral nih kan khua an lak i an um hnawh; e.g. The offense we launched on the enemy was well planned = Ral kan va namhna cu ttha tein timhmi a si; e.g. Enemy troops plundered the town = Ral pawl nih khua cu an lak.

energetic - (adj.) thazang a ngei ngaimi

energetically - (adv.) thazang a ngei ngaiin

energize - (v.) thazang pek

energy - (n.) thazang tthawnnak

enervate - (v.) thazang tlawmter, thathutter; e.g. Hot climate enervates people = Khualin nih mi an tha a thutter hna.

enfeeble - (v.) derter , thazang tlawmter

enfold - (v.) tuam , fun

enforce - (v.) duhmi tuahter khawhnak ca i hnek , thazang in hnek , upadi kha hman ding vun siter

enforcement - (n.) upadi hman ding i vun sernak

enfranchise - (v.) luatter, me thlak khawhnak nawl pek

enfranchisement - (n.) me thlak khawhnak nawl ngeihnak

engage - (v.) 1. rianttuantu ca i lak, rian pek; e.g. They engaged a cook for the summer = Tthal caan caah rawlchuang pakhat an lak; 2. an i seh; e.g. The teeth in one gear engage in those of another = Seh ha cu pakhat le pakhat an i seh.

engaged - (adj.) 1. ham; e.g. Hermes and Mary are engaged = Hermes le Mary cu kan i thi lai tiah an i ham; 2. manh lo, rian ngeih; e.g. They were engaged in conversation = Bia an i ruah i an i manh lo.

engagement - (n.) i hamnak

engender - (v.) hrin , chuahter

engine - (n.) inzin, seh; e.g. The engine of his car stalled = A mawttawcar enzin a thi.

engineer - (n.) sehlei zungthiam

engineering - (n.) zungthiamnak

England - (n., prop.) 1. England ram; 2. England mi holh, Mirang holh.

engrave - (v.) 1. khenh, ttial, ker; e.g. His name was engraved on a stone = A min cu lung cungah an ker, an ttial. 2. lung i cattialmi khenhchih.

engulf - (v.) dolh , khuh , zual

enhance - (v.) tthatter deuh, nganter deuh

enigma - (n.) thil awlokchong , khuaruahhar bia

enigmatic - (adj.) thil awlokchong a simi

enjoin - (v.) forh , fial

enjoy - (v.) lunglawmh , nuamh theih e.g. She enjoyed her vacation = Akhonh a lakmi kha nuam ngaiin a hman.

enjoyable - (adj.) a nuammi

enjoyment - (n.) nuamhnak

enlarge - (v.) nganter

enlargement - (n.) nganternak

enlighten - (v.) ceuter , fianter , hngalhnak le fimnak pek

enlightenment - (n.) ceuternak

enlist - (v.) cazin chung i min khumh, luh; e.g. He was enlisted in the army = Ralkap chungah a lut.

enlistment - (n.) cazin chung i min khumhnak

enmity - (n.) i huatnak , i ralnak

enormous - (adj.) a nganpi

enormously - (adv.) nganpi in

enough - (adj.) a tawkza

enough - (adv.) a tawkza in; e.g. Is the water hot enough for making = Ti kha lakphak sernak caah a tawkza in a sa maw?

enquire, inquire - (v.) dothlat

enquiry, inquiry - (n.) dothlatnak.

enrage - (v.) thinhunter

enrich - (v.) rumter , tthatter

enrichment - (n.) rumternak , tthatternak

enroll - (v.) minthlak , min khumh

enrollment - (n.) minthlaknak , minkhumhnak

enshrine - (v.) hmun thiang i va chiah, hmunthiang i sunglawi ngaiin va chiah bantuk lungchung i chiah

enslave - (v.) sal i canter

ensnare - (v.) rap i foih

ensue - (v.) hun zulh, a hnu deuh i hung um

ensure - (v.) a si hrimhrim ding i siter

entail - (v.) hun zulh

entangle - (v.) i foih , i awh , a hnok

entanglement - (n.) i foihnak, awhnak

enter - (v.) luh

enterprise - (n.) rian , fak piin i timhmi

enterprising - (adj.) rian ngan pipi le rian har pipi aa timmi

entertain - (v.) lawmhter , puai tuahpiak , khualtlung mileng rawl ei sawm , tuammuai

entertainer - (n.) lawmhtertu

entertainment - (n.) lawmhternak

enthral - (v.) lungthin tlaih , sal tlaih i tlaih

enthrone - (v.) bawi tthutdan i tthutter

enthuse - (v.) thanuam, thathawhter, thanuamnak langhter

enthusiasm - (n.) thanuamnak , duhnak

enthusiast - (n.) mithanuam , milungtho

enthusiastic - (adj.) thanuammi

enthusiastically - (adv.) thanuam ngaiin

entice - (v.) lem (leem).

enticement - (n.) lemnak

enticing - (v.) mi lem a simi, orfok a simi rawl

entire - (adj.) a dihlak in , a ningpi

entirely - (adv.) ningpi in

entirety - (n.) a ningpi

entitle - (v.) min bunh , a hmu dingmi siter

entity - (n.) thil a um taktakmi, vawlei cung thil paohpaoh

entomb - (v.) thlan chung vui

entomologist - (n.) buttit khaubawk kong a thiamhngalmi

entomology - (n.) buttit khaubawk kong cawnnak

entrails - (n.) chungthin

entrain - (v.) tlanglawng cit

entrance - (n.) luhnak

entrap - (v.) rap in foih

entreat - (v.) nawl

entrench - (v.) kahcham chung i um in i chan.  Zong intrench.

entrust - (v.) rak zohkhenh tiah zumhnak le bochannak in pek

entry - (n.) luhnak, cazin chung khumhnak

entwine - (v.) zelh; e.g. Roses entwine the little cottage = Pangpar nih thlamte cu an zelh.

enumerate - (v.) min chim tein rel

enumeration - (n.) min chim tein relnak

enunciate - (v.) fiang tein chim

enunciation - (n.) fiang tein chimnak

envelope - (n.) cabawm; e.g. Stick a stamp on the envelope = Cabawm ah milu benh.

envelope - (v.) tuam

environment - (n.) pawngkam thil ummi hna

envoy - (n.) lamkaltu, ambassador a hun changtu.

envy - (v.) nahchuah

envy - (n.) nahchuahnak , hachuahmi thil

enzyme - (n.) cil chung ummi rawl rialtu

epic - (n.) miralttha hna tunbia chimnak ca i hmanmi hla

epidemic - (adj.) khulrang tein hawi chonh khawhmi zawtnak

epigram - (n.) biatawi tein tling ngaiin chimmi bia; e.g. Speech is silver, but silence is golden = Bia chim hi ngun a si, dai tein um hi sui a si.

epigramatic - (adj.) bia tawite ttung tlingte ttung in chimmi

epilepsy - (n.) tluk zawtnak

epileptic - (adj.) tluk zawtnak he a pehtlaimi

epileptic - (n.) tluk zawtnak in zawmi

epilogue - (n.) cauk chung biadonghnak , tlangkawmnak

episode - (n.) minung pakhat nun chung i thil biapi ngai a umnak caan khi

epitaph - (n.) thlan lungttial

epithet - (n.) tawi tein mi pakhat kong phungthluk bantuk chimmi; e.g. Richard the Lion-hearted = Chiandeih thinlung ngei Richard.

epitome - (n.) hlum fonhnak , cauk pakhatkhat a tawinak in ttial tthanmi

epoch - (n.) vawlei cung tuanbia i caan biapi khun a simi , thil phun dangte pakhatkhat a chuah a um caan

epsom salt - (n.) chungtlik si, cite bantuk

equable - (adj.) aa tluk khomi thil

equal - (adj.) 1. aa tlukmi; e.g. One hundred pyas equal one kyat = Pia za khat cu kyat khat he an i tluk; 2. an i khat , dannak a um lo; e.g. All men are equal before the law = Upadi hmaiah cun mi zeihmanh an i khat dih.

equal - (v.) tluk; e.g. One team equaled the other team in score = Team khat nih a dang team khat kha teinak mark hmuhmi ah a tluk ko.

equal - (n.) tluktu; e.g. It is hard to find his equal = Amah tluktu hmuh cu a har ko

equality - (n.) i tluknak

equalization - (n.) aa tlukmi siternak

equalize - (v.) tlukter , aa tluk tein ser , tuah

equalizer - (n.) tluktertu

equally - (adv.) i tluk tein

equator - (n.) vawlei laifang in rinmi tlang, chaklei le thlanglei an i canghnak latitude degree 0.

equilibrium - (n.) rihning aa khat tein tuahmi; e.g. Scales are in equilibrium when weights on each side are equal = Cuai thlainak hna cu khattelei le khattelei i an chiahmi thil hna an i tluk tikah an rihning aa khat.

equinox - (n.) nika nih equator a tan ni a si i chun le zan an i can, tthal caan ah March 21 hrawng a si i khuasik caan ah September 23 hrawng a si.

equip - (v.) a herhmi thil thuam , khual tlawnnak caah siseh , ram vaihnak caah siseh i lak i thuam tling cun um

equipment - (n.) cu bantuk ca hman awk i thilthuam le thilri hna

equatorial - (adj.) equator he aa petlaimi thil.

equivalent - (adj.) aa tlukmi

equivocal - (adj.) sullam pahnih a ngei khomi , a fiang lomi , ruahsual khawhmi

era - (n.) minung tuanbia chung i chan biapi ngai pakhat

eradicate - (v.) phawi , hloh

eradication - (n.) phawinak , hlohnak

erase - (v.) hnawh , phiah

eraser - (n.) hnawhnak, phiatnak

ere - (prep.) a rauh hlanah; e.g. He will come ere long = A rauh hlanah a ra lai.

erect - (adj.) ding tein a dirmi

erect - (v.) sak, bunh, dirter; e.g. They will erect a building = Inn pakhat an sak lai; e.g.They erected a flag post = Alan tung pakhat an bunh.

erection - (n.) saknak, bunhnak

erode - (v.) ei; e.g. Water erodes soil = Ti nih vawlei a ei.

erosion - (n.) ti nih vawlei a einak

err - (v.) palh; e.g. To err is human = Palh cu minung phung a si ko.

errand - (n.) fialmi tuah awk i kal; e.g. He has gone on an errand = An fialmi tuah awkah a kal.

erratic - (adj.) caan hmaan loin a kalmi thil, a caan a hman lomi; e.g. an erratic clock = a caan a hman lomi suimilam.

erratically - (adv.) caanhman lo ngaiin

erroneous - (adj.) aa palhmi

error - (n.) a palhnak; e.g. He is prone to error = Palhnak lei ah khan a sor a tlu (palhnak kha a tuah lengmang, palhnak tuah lengmang, palhnak tuah lei kha a duh).

erudite - (adj.) cathiam ngaimi , a fim ngaimi; e.g. an erudite person = ca a thiam i a fim ngaimi.

erudition - (n.) fimnak , cathiamnak

erupt - (v.) an chuak, an pawt, a kah in an i kap

eruption - (n.) chuahnak , pawtnak

escalator - (n.) elektrik dah in an kaltermi hlei

escape - (v.) 1. luat; e.g. He escaped unscathed = Him tein a luat. 2. duhsah tein chuah

escape - (n.) chuahnak , luatnak

eschew - (v.) hrial

escort - (v.) ralvenh , zulh , thlah

escort - (n.) ralvengtu

Eskimo - (n., prop.) Eskimo mi; e.g. Eskimos are used to cold weather = Eskimos mi cu khuasik an i nek.

esophagus - kaa in pawpi tiang rawl kalnak lam. Zong oesophagus.

especially - (adv.) khun, a ttha khun, a chia khun, a hleikhun in.

Esperanto - (n., prop.) miphun dangdang i chonh khawhnak ding ca i serchommi holh.

espionage - (n.) i ngiatnak , cozah pakhat nih cozah dang pakhat kong theih a duhmi theih khawhnak ding ca i a thli tein hlatnak , ngiatnak

esplanade - (n.) rili kam hrawng hna i i chawhnak lam nganpi

espousal - (n.) i hamnak, i tthitnak

espouse - (v.) i ham, i tthit i vat; i lak; e.g. Late in life, he espoused a new religion = A tar hnuah biaknak phung thar aa lak.

esprit - (n.) French holh a si i lungthin, fimnak, lungthin harnak ti a si; e.g. Esprit de Corps = Mah bu ca i teimaknak lungthin, lungkhahnak, bu khat sinak lungthin.

essay - (n.) thil kong pakhatkhat ttialmi

essayist - (n.) cattial a thiam ngaimi

essence - (n.) thil pakhatkhat chung i biapi bik a simi thil, a muru

essential - (adj.) a herh ngaingaimi , biapi ngai a simi; e.g. Food and water are essential to life = Rawl le ti cu nunnak caah a herh ngaingaimi an si.

essential - (n.) a herhmi thil; e.g. We took only the essentials on the trip = Kan khualtlawnnak ah a herhmi thil taktak lawng kan i phorh.

essentially - (adv.) herh ngaingai in

establish - (v.) 1. fek tein um, fek tein khuasak; 2. sianginn thawk, bu thawk, miphun thawk; 3. fianter, a si hrimhrim ti kha langhter

establishment - (n.) fek tein umnak

estate - (n.) 1. innlo, thilri, ro; e.g. When he died, he left an estate of one thousand kyats = A thih ah khan ro tangka thong khat a roh tak; e.g. Land and buildings are called real estate = Vawlei le inn kha real estate ti an si. 2. vawlei kaupi, innlo ttha pipi umnak.

esteem - (v.) upat

estimate - (v.) tuak

estimate - (n.) tuakmi; e.g. The estimate for this building is one thousand kyats = Hi inn ca dih ding tuakmi cu tangka thong khat a si.

estimation - (n.) ruahnak, tuaknak

estrange - (v.) huatter, tthen, khual i ser

estrangement - (n.) i huatnak, lungthin i tthennak, khual bantukin i ruahnak

estuary - (n.) rili chung i tiva a vung luhnak ka khi

etc. (et cetera) - (abbrev.) a dangdang

eternal - (adj.) zungzal hmunmi; e.g. eternal life = zungzal nunnak.

eternally - (adv.) zungzal in

eternity - (n.) zungzal

ethical - (adj.) ziaza lei he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. It is not ethical to tell lies = Lihchim hi ziaza ttha a si lo.

ethics - (n.) ziaza ttha hi zeidah a si timi kong cawnnak

Ethiopian - (n., prop.) Ethiopia mi.

ethnology - (n.) minung chuahkehnak le umtuning ziaza cawnnak

etiquette - (n.) zapi sin chuahlangh tik i umtuning ziaza

etymology - (n.) biafang an chuakehning

eucalyptus - (n.) zukaliptas thingkung

eulogize - (v.) thangtthat , hlorh

eulogy - (n.) thangtthatnak ca i chimmi bia

eunuch - (n.) tildit mi

euphemism - (n.) ningzak deuh a simi thil chimnak ca i bia dawh deuh hmanmi; e.g. "Pass away" is a euphemism for "die" = A liam cang ti cu a thi cang tinak ca i hmanmi a si.

euphemistic - (adj.) bia dawh deuh hmanmi

European - (n., prop.) Zurup mi; e.g. Europeans populated America = Zurupmi nih America ram an um hnawh.

evacuate - (v.) kaltak , zamtak

evacuation - (n.) zamnak

evacuee - (n.) ralzam

evade - (v.) hrial

evaluate - (v.) a man khiah

evangelical - (adj.) thawngtthabia he aa pehtlaimi

evangelism - (n.) thawngtthabia chimnak.

evangelist - (n.) thawngtthabia chimtu

evaporate - (v.) tikhu ah a cang, tikhu bantukin a lo, a tikhu chuahter; e.g. Evaporated milk = A tikhu chuahtermi cawhnuk

evasion - (n.) hrialnak

evasive - (adj.) hrial aa zuammi , biahal tik i halmi let ngaingai lo i a dang deuh i leh a duhmi

eve - (n.) 1. ni sunglawi lai ni; e.g. Christmas eve = Khrismas lai ni; 2. laite ah; e.g. On the eve of his departure = A kal laite (ni) ah

even - (adj.) 1. a rawnmi; e.g. The country is even with no hills = Ram cu a rawn, tlang a um lo; 2. an i ruang; e.g. The snow is even with the window = Hawhra cu thlalang awng he an i ruang; 3. aa zat ceote; e.g. They had even shares of the money = Tangka cu aa zat ceote cio in an i phaw; 4. pahnih in phawt khawhmi nambar; e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 are even numbers = 2,4,6,8,10 cu even namber an si. get even with = ti cu teirel cham tinak a si.

even - (adv.) 1. bakte ah; e.g. He went away even as you came = Na rat bakte ah khan a kal; 2. hmanh; e.g. Even his brother hated him = A nau hmanh nih a huat; 3. chinchin; e.g. It was even later than we thought = Kan ruahnak nakin a rak tlai chinchin.

even if - (conj.) a si hmanh ah

evening - (n.) zanlei

event - (n.) 1. thil biapi a hung ummi; 2. i zuamnak i thil pakhat khi; e.g. My brother is running in the next event = Ka nau cu atu a hun changtu ah hin a tli ve lai. in any event = zeithilhmanh chuak ai kun; in the event of = thil akhatkhat a chuah sual ahcun.

eventful - (adj.) thil a hung ummi in a khatmi; e.g. An eventful evening = Thil tampi a um, a cangmi, zanlei.

eventual - (adj.) hnu deuhpi ah khin; e.g. They hoped for the eventual success of their plans = An khuakhannak cu hnu deuhpi ahcun a tlam a tling te ko lai, tiah an i ruahchan.

eventuality - (n.) zeilo thil a hung um sual kho ding

eventually - (adv.) a donghnak ah , hngah lengmang hnu ah

ever - (adv.) bal; e.g. Have you ever seen him? = Amah cu na hmu bal maw?

evermore - (adv.) zungzal

every - (adj.) paohpaoh; e.g. Every boy has a coat = Ngakchia paohpaoh nih angkileng pakhat an ngei cio. every now and then = atu le atu; every other = a lak lengmang in; e.g. Every other book in the library is red = Cauk chiahnak inn i cauk hna cu a lak a lak in a senmi an si, an sen.

everybody - (pron.) aho paohpaoh

everyday - (adj.) nifate

everyone - (pron.) ahopaoh, mi dihlak

everything - (pron.) zeizong vialte

everywhere - (adv.) khuazakip ah

evict - (v.) upadi ningin tthawl, chuah

evidence - (n.) langhtertu a simi thil

evident - (adj.) a fiangmi , a langmi

evidently - (adv.) a fiang tein , a leng langin

evil - (n.) thiltthalo

evil - (adj.) a ttha lomi; e.g. The police foiled his evil plans = Thil ttha lo tuah aa timhmi kha palik nih an hrawh.

evildoer - (n.) thil ttha lo a tuahtu

evolution - (n.) duhsah tein thil i hung cannak , thil fawi tete in thil har ngai i hung cannak

evolutionary - (adj.) duhsah tein thil a hung cangmi he aa pehtlaimi

evolve - (v.) duhsah tein thil i hung can; e.g. The boys evolve a plan for earning money = Tlangval pawl nih tangka hmuhnak lam an ser.

ewe - (n.) tuu a pi

ex officio - (adv.) a rian ningin

exact - (adj.) aa dannak um loin aa lo hrimhrimmi

exactly - (adv.) ning tein, bantuk tein; e.g. You have done the work exactly as I wanted it done = Hi rian cu ka duhning tein na tuah.

exaggerate - (v.) perh , biaperh

exaggeration - (n.) biaperh

exalt - (v.) thangtthat , hlorh

exaltation - (n.) thangtthatnak, hlorhnak, cawimawinak

examination - (n.) 1. camipuai; e.g. He failed his exam = A camipuai a sung; e.g. He feels happy because he passed the exam = Camipuai a awn caah a lung aa lawm; e.g. Terminal examination = Term khat a donghnak i tuahmi camipuai; 2. a ttha maw ttha lo tiin ttha tein zoh.

examine - (v.) 1. camipuai tuah; 2. ttha tein zoh

examiner - (n.) camipuaituahtu, zohtu, hneksaktu

example - (n.) tahchunhnak, zohchun awk; for example = tahchunhnak ah.

exasperate - (v.) ingpuanter

exasperation - (n.) ingpuannak

excavate - (v.) cawh , cawh i langhter

excavation - (n.) cawhnak

excavator - (n.) cotu, vawlei cotu

exceed - (v.) lohn , hleih

exceeding - (adj.) ngaingaimi

exceedingly - (adv.) hringhran

excel - (v.) tthatnak lei in hawi lonh

excellence - (n.) tthatnak

excellency - (n.) bawi nganpi chawnhnak ca i hmanmi bia

excellent - (adj.) a ttha ngaingaimi

excelsior - (adj.) a sang deuhmi

except - (prep.) dah lo cu; e.g. He works every day except Saturday = Zarhpi dah ti lo cu, nifate rian a ttuan.

exception - (n.) hawi he i khah lonak

exceptional - (adj.) hawi he aa khat lomi , aa lo lomi

excerpt - (n.) cauk chung in siseh , mi chimmi in siseh lakmi bia

excess - (n.) a hleihluat

excess - (adj.) a tam tuk, a hleihluat a simi

excessive - (adj.) a tam tuk luakchuak

excessively - (adv.) a tam tuk hringhran, tam tuk hringhran in

exchange - (v.) i thlen

exchange - (n.) thlennak, telefon hmun laicer

exchequer - (n.) cozah pakhatkhat i tangka; England ram ah cun Chancellor of Exchequer cu Tangka Vuanzi tinak a si.

excise - (v.) tan, hleh

excise - (n.) mah ram chung chuakmi thil cung i ngunchuai lakmi

excite - (v.) lungthin thawhter, hluah; e.g. The fire excited the animals = Mei nih saram kha a hlauh hna.

excitement - (n.) lungthin thawhnak

exclaim - (v.) au

exclamation - (n.) aunak

exclamatory - (adj.) lau buin chimmi bia

exclude - (v.) pheo , lengchuah

exclusion - (n.) pheonak , leng i chuahnak

exclusive - (adj.) hawi dang tel loin tuah khawhnak nawl a ngeimi; e.g. I have the exclusive right to sell this house= Keimah lawnglawng nih, hawi dang pakhat hmanh tel loin, hi inn zuar khawhnak nawl ka ngei.

exclusively - (adv.) midang tel loin

excommunicate - (v.) Khrihfabu chungin chuah

excommunication - (n.) Khrihfabu chungin chuahnak

excrement - (n.) ek

excrete - (v.) chungin chuah

excretion - (n.) pum chungin chuahternak

excursion - (n.) va nuamh ta awk i khua leng i va chuah.

excuse - (v.) ngaihthiam , leng chuahnak nawl pek

excuse - (n.) sonhtarhnak; e.g. He had a good excuse for being late = A tlai ah khan sonhtarhnak a ngei.

execute - (v.) 1. tuah, tlinter; 2. upadi ningin thah

execution - (n.) thahnak, fialmi tuah, tlinternak

executioner - (n.) mithattu cozah chiahmi

executive - (adj.) a tuahtu, a tuantu; e.g. Executive Committee = Rianttuantu committee

executive - (n.) tiantuannak bu pakhatkhat a kakiak a simi

executor - (n.) ka thih hnu ah ka chawva hi hun tawlrel seh tiah fialmipa

exemplary - (adj.) zohchun awk tlak a simi

exemplification - (n.) tahchunhnak in fianternak

exemplify - (v.) tahchunhnak in langhter

exempt - (v.) luatter e.g. The school exempts sick pupils from examinations = Sianginn nih a zawmi siangngakchia cu camipuai tuah an luatter hna.

exemption - (n.) luatternak , olhnak

exercise - (n.) pum ngandamnak ca i pum in tuahmi , thiamnak ca i cawlcanghnak , tuah lengmangmi

exercise - (v.) pum in tuahmi, eksersais tuah

exert - (v.) chuah, thachuah

exertion - (n.) chuahnak, tha chuahnak

exhalation - (n.) thawchuahnak

exhale - (v.) thawchuah , kuak khu chuahter

exhaustion - (n.) tha donghnak, i hman dihnak.

exhaust - (v.) 1. tha batter; 2. tangka hman dih; e.g. He had exhausted all his money = A tangka a hman dih.

exhaust - (n.) engine nih a chuahtermi tikhu le thli

exhaustive - (adj.) thazang a hmang dihmi

exhibit - (v.) langhter , hmuhsak

exhibit - (n.) langhternak, hmuhsaknak

exhibition - (n.) langhternak tuahmi

exhilarate - (v.) lawmhter

exhilaration - (n.) lawmhternak

exhort - (v.) forh

exhortation - (n.) forhnak

exhume - (v.) miruak vui ciami thlan chungin chuah tthan

exigency - (n.) ruah lo piin thil a hung um i khulrang in tuah a herhmi

exigent - (adj.) poipang a simi thil

exile - (v.) ram dang i tthawl; e.g. John was exiled to Patmos Island = John cu Patmos tikulh ah an ttawl i sal ah a tang.

exile - (n.) mah ram in duh na loin ram dang i umter, cun cu bantukin a ummi hna; sal i va tan

exist - (v.) 1. um; e.g. These mountains have existed for a long time = Hi tlang hna cu saupi an um cang; 2. nun; e.g. We need air and water to exist = Nunnak caah thli te ti kan herh hna.

existence - (n.) umnak , nunnak

existent - (adj.) a nungmi

exit - (n.) 1. chuahnak innka; 2. chuah; e.g. The thief made a quick exit = Mifir cu khulrang in a chuak.

exodus - (n.) chuahnak

exorbitant - (adj.) a tam tuk, a lehpek

exorbitantly - (adv.) tam tuk lehpek in

exorcise - (v.) mi chungin khuachia chuah

exotic - (adj.) 1. ramdang in a ra lutmi thil; 2. aa dawh ngaingaimi

expand - (v.) kauhter , puarter , sauter

expanse - (n.) i hmung duai in ummi

expansion - (n.) sauternak , kauhternak

expansive - (adj.) a kaumi, a saumi

expatriate - (n.) mah ram in ram dang i tthawlmi hna, pawnchuahmi hna.

expatriation - (n.) pawnchuahnak

expect - (v.) thil a si lai ti i ruah

expectant - (adj.) thil a si lai ti i ruatmi, nau ngeih a nai cang la ti aa ruahmi

expectation - (n.) thil a si lai ti i ruahnak

expediency - (n.) mah ca i a tha ding le a rem dingmi thil

expedient - (adj.) a rem a tthahnemmi

expedite - (v.) khulrang in tuah fawiter i ranter, thil pakhatkhat tuah awk i kal; e.g. Hunting expedition = Ramriah; cu bantuk i a kal mibu

expel - (v.) chuah

expend - (v.) hman , tangka hman

expenditure - (n.) hmannak , tangka hmannak

expense - (n.) phaisa hman awk i pekmi; e.g. Allow a margin of twenty kyats for unexpected expenses = Ruah lo in a herh sual ding hman awk caah phar kul cu a hlei in i chiah.

expensive - (adj.) a man a fakmi

experience - (n.) minung nih kan tonmi, a nuam a si ah, a har a si ah; tuah lengmangnak in kan hmuhmi thiamnak le fimnak; e.g. Let his experience serve as a caution to you = Thil a rak tonmi kha na caah ralrin petu si seh; e.g. His experiences are parallels to mine = A hmuhtonmi le ka hmuhtonmi an i khat.

experience - (v.) ton; e.g. He experienced many troubles = Harnak tampi a tong.

experienced - (adj.) eksperians tampi a hmumi

experiment - (n.) hneksaknak

experiment - (v.) hneksak

experimental - (adj.) hneksakmi

experimentation - (n.) hneksaknak

expert - (n.) a thiam ngaingaimi

expert - (adj.) a thiam ngaingaimi; e.g. He is an expert teacher = Cawnpiaktu thiam ngaingai a si.

expiate - (v.) thinhan damter

expiation - (n.) thinhan damternak , remnak

expire - (v.) a dong, a thi, a cat

explain - (v.) fianter

explanation - (n.) fianternak;  e.g. We are none the wiser for his explanation = Fianternak a turhmi thawngin kan hngalhnak aa chap hlei lo.

explanatory - (adj.) fianternak ca i hmanmi

explicable - (adj.) fianter khawhmi

explicit - (adj.) piang tein chimmi

explode - (v.) a puak, bomb a puak.

exploit - (n.) ralttha ngaiin tuahmi thil e.g. A soldier was decorated for his exploits = Ralkap cu ralttha ngaiin a tuahmi thil caah mintthat an pek.

exploit - (v.) 1. hman; e.g. A mine is exploited for its minerals = A chung i thirdar a ummi laknak caah khor cu an hman; 2. ram pakhatkhat nih maw, mi pakhat nih maw amah ca tthathnemnak ca i mi dang ram le phun an hman hna khi exploit a si; e.g. Slaves were exploited by their masters = Sal cu an bawile nih an hman hna.

exploitation - (n.) hmannak

exploration - (n.) kawlnak

explore - (v.) hngalh lomi ram le rili i zeidah a um hnga ti kawl i kal , hngalh duh i ttha tein zoh

explorer - (n.) a kawltu

explosion - (n.) bomb puahnak;  e.g. The explosion of a bomb could be heard within a radius of two miles = Bomb a puah thawng cu khan hnih chung aa thei kho.

explosive - (adj.) a puak khomi ; lungpuahnak

exponent - (n.) sullam langhtertu

export - (v.) ramdang i zuar

export - (n.) ramdang i zuarmi thilri

exportation - (n.) ramdang i thil zuarnak

exporter - (n.) ramdang i thil zuartu

expose - (v.) langhter , phuan , pho

exposition - (n.) zapi sin i langhternak , hmuhsaknak , sullam chimnak

expositor - (n.) sullam langhtertu, sullam chimtu

expository - (adj.) sullam langhternak bia a simi

expostulate - (v.) biatak tein bia in i chimh le i al

expostulation - (n.) biatak tein bia in i chimh le i alnak

exposure - (n.) langhternak, hmanthlaknak film i voi khat hmehmi khi exposure pakhat ti a si.

expound - (v.) fianter

express - (adj.) a fiangmi; e.g. It was his express wish that we should go with him = A duhmi a fiangmi cu amah tel loin kannih kal kha a si, a rangmi; e.g. Express train = A rangmi tlanglawng

express - (v.) langhter lungchung phuan

expression - (n.) langhternak

expressive - (adj.) thil a langhtertu a simi

expressway - (n.) khulrang tein mawttawka in kal khawhnak ding caah lam nganpi

expulsion - (n.) a chungin chuah , sianginn chungin chuah

expunge - (v.) hloh , cauk chung i bia , min , te hna hloh , hnawh

exquisite - (adj.) aa dawh ngaingaimi , a ttha bikmi

extant - (adj.) atu tiang a um rihmi

extemporaneous - (adj.) i timh setsai lomi chimmi, a chung chuak chom i chimmi

extend - (v.) sauter, sauh, pekchanh; e.g. We must extend help to the poor = Sifakmi cu bawmhnak kan pekchanh hna awk a si.

extension - (n.) kauhnak, sauhnak

extensive - (adj.) a kaupi a simi

extent - (n.) a saunak , a kauhnak , a tamnak , a ngannak , a niam a san , a tam tlawm

exterior - (n.) a lenglei

exterminate - (v.) hrawh dih , hloh dih , phawi dih

extermination - (n.) hloh dihnak , phawi dihnak

external - (adj.) a lenglei , ram dang he aa pehtlaimi thil a simi

extinct - (adj.) a um ti lo , a thi cang , a mit cang

extinction - (n.) thihnak, um ti lonak, mihnak

extinguish - (v.) hmih, mei hmih, kuak hmih;  e.g. Water is effective in extinguishing fires = Mei hmihnak ah ti cu san a tlai;

extinguisher - (n.) mei hmittu, mei hmihnak thilri

extol - (v.) thangtthat, cawimawi

extort - (v.) hramhram in tangka chuh

extortion - (n.) hramhram in tangka chuhnak, upadi ning loin chuh

extra - (adj.) a dang , a hlei

extract - (v.) 1. phawi, ha phawi; 2. a chungin lak; e.g. Can you extract the watch from my pocket = Ka zal chungin suimilam na la kho hnga maw? 3. a biapi bikmi lak; e.g. Try to extract the main points = A biapi bikmi lak i zuam.

extract - (n.) cauk chungin chuahmi bia; e.g. She read an extract from my favourite (favorite) poem = Hla ka duh ngaimi chungin a hun lak i a rel.

extraction - (n.) 1. phawinak, lakchuahnak; 2. chuah; e.g. After the extraction of the juice from the orange, only the pulp remains = Theithu cu a hangchuah dih hnuah a lachon lawng a tang.

extradite - (v.) mah i rak humzualmi mi dang sin i pek tthan, cozah pakhat nih ram dang in a hung vakvaimi a rak zohkhenhmi hna an cozah sin i a kuat tthan hna khi.

extradition - (n.) mah cozah sinah kuat tthan

extraordinary - (adj.) hawi hlei in , hawi hlei a simi

extravagance - (n.) phaisa sawksam in hmannak

extravagant - (adj.) phaisa sawksam in a hmangmi

extreme - (adj.) 1. tuk , lehpek , hringhran; e.g. He uses extreme care when driving in the rain = Ruah sur i mawttaw a mongh ahcun aa ralring hringhran; 2. a donghnak bik ah; e.g. He lives in the house at the extreme end of the road = Lam a donghnak bik inn ah khan a um; 3. khattelei donghnak in khattelei donghnak; e.g. The weather went from one extreme to another = Nikhua cu khattelei donghnak in khattelei donghnak tiang a phan; a kih ah kik tuk, a lum ah a lum tuk.

extremely - (adv.) hringhran , lehpek

extremist - (n.) a lehpek a simi

extricate - (v.) phoih; e.g. He extricated the chicken from the net = Ar cu sur chung khan a phoih.

exult - (v.) i lawmh ngai

exultation - (n.) lawmhnak nganpi

eye - (n.) mit; e.g. I have a speck in my eye = Ka mit chungah mithnawm a um; e.g. There was a gleam of laughter in her eyes = A mit chungah hngalh ual hngalh ual loin nihnak a um; e.g. He wore a patch on his eye = A mit puanchia in aa huh;  e.g. Shut your eyes = Na mit chin; e.g. A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the apples = Ngakchia nih epal cu mitthi ngaiin a zoh; an eye for an eye = mit caah mit ve; catch one's eye = zoh lo ih um khawh lo; eye specialist = Mit lei i a thiam khummi. keep an eye on / keep an eye out = ttha tein zoh; see eye to eye = lungthin i khat repte i um.

eye strain - (n.) mit thadit

eyeball - (n.) mitmu

eyebrow - (n.) mittlang hmul

eyeglass - (n.) mit hmaan; zoh glasses.

eyelash - (n.) mithmul

eyeless - (adj.) mit ngei lo

eyelid - (n.) mitcuar

eyesight - (n.) mithmuhnak

eyesore - (n.) mitfah

eyewitness - (n.) mit hrimhrim in a hmutu tehte


fable - (n.) cawnpiaknak ca i hmanmi tuanbia

fabric - (n.) la, puan tahnak la fabricate.

fabrication - (n.) tawnchomnak , lih tawnmi

fabulous - (adj.) khuaruahhar a simi , zumh khawh ding ngaingai a si lomi

facade - (n.) inn a hmailei

face - (n.) hmai; e.g. Her face flushed = A hmai a sen; e.g. His face glowed = A hmai a hung ceu, a hun i panh; e.g. He had a hard face = Mi hmai nuam lo a si; e.g. The face of the sick man is pale = A zaw mipa hmai cu a dang; e.g. His face shows surprise at the news = Thawng an theih i a lau kha a hmai ah a lang; e.g. She made a wry face to show her dislike = A duh lonak langhternak caah a hmai cu a sisawnter.

face - (v.) hoih; e.g. The house faces the street = Inn cu lam lei a hoih.

facet - (n.) lungvar an ahmi a hmai

facetious - (adj.) ni hna seh ti duhnak ca i chimmi capo bia, a caan lopi i capo chimmi

facial - (adj.) hmai he aa pehtlaimi

facile - (adj.) a fawimi

facilitate - (v.) fawiter , bawmh

facility - (n.) hmanmi thil, bawmtu thil

facsimile - (n.) i lote i sermi;  fax zong.

fact - (n.) a si taktakmi thil; e.g. Her statements were grounded on facts = A chimmi cu a si taktakmi i aa bunhmi a si.

faction - (n.) 1. bu pakhat chung i a tam deuh a dohtu a tlawm deuh pawl kha; 2. i cheunak i tthennak; 3. aa cheumi bu

factious - (adj.) i tthen i cheu a duh ngaimi

factitious - (adj.) phuahchommi, hnekchommi

factor - (n.) tuahtu, thil a cantertu thil; e.g. Poor health is one factor for his failure = A sunghtertu pakhat cu ngamdam lonak a si.

factory - (n.) thil sernak seh inn; e.g. There are two shifts of work at the factory = Sehzung ah rianttuan a bu in i thlenmi pahnih an um.

faculty - (n.) 1. kan pum nih a ngeihmi thil ti khawhnak; e.g. Hearing is a faculty = Theihnak hi kan pum nih a ngeihmi thil ti khawhnak pakhat a si; 2. sianginn ah siseh, college ah siseh chimtu saya pawl; 3. university i cawnmi phun; e.g. Faculty of theology = Pathian lei kong cawnnak.

fad - (n.) mi tampi nih caan khatte tawite chung an hun duh ngai tami thil; e.g. Tawhrolh ke tet ngai

fade - (v.) a ziam

faggot - (n.) thinghreu tom = bundle of sticks.

Fahrenheit - (n., prop.) kih lum tahnak, dikiri 32 ah ti a khal, 212 ah ti a tlok.

fail - (v.) 1. sungh; e.g. He failed his exam = A camipuai a sung; 2. tlolh; e.g. She failed to answer the letter = Cakuat leh a tlolh; 3. deuh; e.g. He failed us when we needed him most = Kan herh bik caan ah a kan deuh; 4. a ttumchuk; His health has been failing = A damnak a ttumchuk chin lengmang. without fail = pel lo tein.

failure - (n.) sunghnak; e.g. Poor health is one factor for his failure = A sunghtertu pakhat cu ngamdam lonak a si; e.g. He gloats over my failure = Ka sungh cu a di a riam; e.g. He ascribed his failure to bad luck = A sunghnak kah vanchiat ruangah a si tiah a ruah, vanchiat a puh.

faint - (v.) lungmih i zei hngal loin um

faint - (adj.) a dinmi; e.g. We heard a faint cry for help = Ka bawm u ti aunak aw dinte kha kan theih. feel faint = lungmit dengmang i um.

faint-hearted - (adj.) a ral a chiami

fair - (adj.) 1. a dinning le a phung ningin tuahmi; e.g. It was a fair fight = Boksing an i thongh cu a phungning le a dinning in an i thawng ko; 2. a za ko, a chia lo; e.g. His knowledge of English is fair = Mirang holh a thiamning cu a za ko, a chia lo; 3. ngo; e.g. She has a fair skin = a cuar a ngo, mingo a si; 4. khua a ttha; e.g. The weather is fair today = Nihin cu khua a ttha; 5. palh lo tein ttial thanmi; e.g. Make a fair copy of the letter = Cakuat kha palh lo tein ttial tthan.

fair - (n.) zapi hmuh awk le cawk awk i thil tampi hmunkhat i chuahpimi , dawrpi ni

fairly - (adv.) ttha ngaiin.

fairness - (n.) tthatnak, dawhnak

fairway - (n.) golf tuknak i hmun khat in hmun khat kar, golf ball dawntu um lo i a zuannak.

fairy - (n.) lasi

fairy tale - (n.) lasi tuanbia, a hmaanmi a si lomi tuanbia

faith - (n.) zumhnak, biaknak phung. keep faith = bia kammi zulh; in good faith = lihchim lo tein.

faithful - (adj.) zumh awk tlak a simi

faithfully - (adv.) zumh awk tlak tein

faithfulness - (n.) zumh awk tlakmi sinak

faithless - (adj.) zumhnak a ngei lomi , zumh awk tlak a si lomi, mah biakammi lila a zul lomi

fake - (adj.) a si lomi a si bantukin ser, hlennak; e.g. A fake telegram = hlennak ca i thirhri tukmi.

fake - (n.) a taktak a si lomi; e.g. The beggar's limp was a fake = Rawlhalpa a ke aa beiter kha aa titermi a si, lih a si.

fakir - (n.) Muslim asiloah Hindu phungki

falcon - (n.) mupi phun khat

fall - (v.) 1. tla; e.g. He fell from the roof = Inncung in a tla; 2. tlu; e.g. A baby falls when learning how to walk = Bawhte cu kal a cawn lioah a tlu lengmang; 3. ziaza lei tlu; e.g. He was tempted and fell = Tukforhnak a ing i a tlu; 4. tla, tluk, rawk; e.g. The city fell into the hands of the enemies = Khuapi cu ral kut chungah a tla; e.g. Rome fell = Rom khuapi cu a tlu, a rawk; 5. thi; e.g. Many fell in battle = Raltuknak hmun ah tampi an thi; 6. si; e.g. He fell ill = A zaw; e.g. They fell asleep = An i hngilh; e.g. They fell in love = An i duh; 7. paihsual; e.g. A boy fell among thieves = Ngakchiapa cu mifir lakah aa paihsual; 8. caan a tling; e.g. Christmas falls on Saturday = Khrismas ni cu zarhteni ah a tla; e.g. The interest on the money falls due in May = Tangka karh kha May thla ah a caan a tling lai; 9. cung tlun, tlen hnawh; e.g. The choice falls on you = Nangmah an in thim; 10. a si tikah; e.g. When night falls = Zan a si tikah; 11. man ttum; e.g. The price of oil has fallen = Chiti man a ttum cang; 12. zor; e.g. Water in the river has fallen two feet = Tiva chung ti pe hnih a ttum; 13. cheu, tthen; e.g. His story falls into two parts = A tuanbia cu cheu hnih ah aa tthen; 14. niam zuahmah; e.g. The land falls away here to the river = Vawlei cu hika hin tiva tiang a niam zuahmah; 15. chuak; e.g. Words fell from his lips = A hmurka in bia an chuak; 16. khawn, den; e.g. Where did the blow fall = An i thongh ah khan khuazei ah dah a khen? 17. sur; e.g. The rain falls = Ruah a sur; fall back = hnulei kir; fall back on = bochan tthan, i rinh tthan, i hngatchan tthan; fall behind = hawi phak lo; fall off = a tlinh; fall in love = an i dug kho lo; fall through = a tling kho lo; e.g. Her plan fell through = Aa tinh mi a tling kho lo.

fall - (n.) 1. tlaknak; e.g. The fall from his horse hurt him = Rang cungin a tlaknak nih a khawnden; e.g. He was stunned by the fall = A tlaknak nih zeihmanh hngal loin a tuah. 2. ruah sur; e.g. The fall of the rain was heavy = Ruah a tuk ngai; 3. tiva a kuang a ttum; e.g. The fall of the river begins here = Hika an hin tiva ttum hram aa thawk; 4. tthal le khuasik karlak; e.g. September le October hrawng, sikpar; 5. man tum; e.g. The fall of prices was slow = Thil man ttum a nuar ko. waterfall = tisor. Fall nih sullam dangdang a ngeihmi;

fallacious - (adj.) hlennak a simi , a hmaan lomi thil

fallacy - (n.) lih , dehnak , a hmaan lomi bia

fallen - (adj.) a tlumi, a thimi, a tlami

fallen - (v.) past participle of fall, tla, tlu; fall zoh.

fallible - (adj.) a palh khomi

fallow - (adj.) dinhtermi lo, thlawh lo i umtermi lo

false - (adj.) 1. a hmaan lo, lihchim; 2. a taktak a si lomi; e.g. He has false teeth = A ha khi a taktak a si lomi, ha deu an si.

falsehood - (n.) lihbia , a hmaan lomi sinak

falsely - (adv.) hmaan lo ngaiin

falseness - (n.) hmaan lonak, lih sinak

falsification - (n.) lih siternak, a hmaan lomi siternak

falsify - (v.) lih siter, a hmaan lomi thil siter

falter - (v.) 1. hmailei i dingte i kal kho lo i con; 2. lung aw tawm in um

fame - (n.) thangtthat minthannak

familiar - (adj.) 1. ttha tein hngalh , hngalh ciomi; e.g. His voice is familiar to radio listeners = A aw cu radio a ngai mi nih cun hngalh cio a si; 2. i theihhngalh, hawikom si: e.g. He is familiar with my family = Ka innchungkar he aa theihngalmi an si.

familiarity - (n.) i theihhngalhnak, hawikom sinak; e.g. Familiarity breeds contempt = I theihhngalh tuknak nih nehsawhnak a chuahter khawh.

familiarize - (v.) Ttha tein theihhngalhter

family - (n.) innchungkhar; e.g. He is familiar with my family = Ka innchungkar he aa theihngalmi an si; e.g. Family reunion = Chungkhar i ton tthannak.

famine - (n.) mangtam

famish - (v.) rawltam tuk i thih deng

famous - (adj.) minthangmi

famously - (adv.) minthang ngaiin

fan - (n.) 1. thlanzahnak zahphek; 2. lentecelhnak, pumpululh chuih tehna, volleyball tehna a uar ngaimi.

fan - (v.) zahphek in zah; e.g. He fanned the fire with a fan = Zahphek in mei a zah.

fanatic - (n.) zumhnak siseh biaknak phung siseh aa hruhchihmi, a ttha a chia ti a tuaktan kho ti lomi.

fanatical - (adj.) aa hruhchihmi

fanaticism - (n.) i hruhchihnak

fanciful - (adj.) lungchung saduhthahnak in a khatmi

fancy - (v.) 1. lungchung in ka si ti i ruah; e.g. He fancied himself to be a great king = Siangpahrang nganpi ka si tiin a lungchung in aa ruah.

fancy - (adj.) azawng a phungphun in an tuahmi thil tete; e.g. fancy cakes = Azawng phunphun a ngeimi changreu thlum, hawi hlei in a tthami; e.g. fancy dress = Hawi hlei in a tthami hnipuan.

fancy - (n.) lungchung in hmanthlak suai thiamnak, lungchung lawngin ruah i a si taktak ttung lomi

fang - (n.) hao, uico hao, rul hao

fantastic - (adj.) 1. a taktak a si lomi thil; 2. ruah lengpi a simi, khuaruahhar ngaingai a simi thil

fantasy - (n.) lungchung lawng in ruahmi thil, a si taktak lomi thil.  Phantasy zong.

far - (adv.) a hla; e.g.He lives far from here = Hika hin lamhlapi ah a um, a si deuh ngaingai; e.g. He is a far better writer than his brother = Amah cu a nau nakin cattial a thiam deuh ngaingaimi a si. as far as, so far as = tiangah; e.g. As far as I know = Ka hngalh tiangah; by far, far and away = tampi thlau, suaumau; e.g. He is far and away the better writer = Amah cu cattial a thiam deuh suaumau. so far, thus far = atu tiangah, cu tiangah.

far - (adj.) a nai lomi, a hlami; e.g. He came from a far country = Ram hlapi in a ra, a hlat deuhnak hmun; e.g. He lives on the far side of the mountain = Tlang, khattelei kam, a hlat deuhnak ah khan a um.

far-fetched - (adj.) aa dongkhang lo pipi va khawmh chommi hna khi

far-flung - (adj.) hmun kaupi i aa thekmi

far-off - (adj.) lamhlatpi i a ummi

far-reaching - (adj.) lamhlapi a phan khomi thil, ruahnak.

far-seeing - (adj.) hlapi rak hmuh khaw , hmailei ca khua rak khan khawh

far-sighted - (adj.) hmailei thil a rak hmu khomi

far-sightedness - (n.) hmailei thil rak hmuh khawhnak

faraway - (adj.) lamhlapi

fare - (v.) si; e.g. How did you fare during your journey = Na khualtlawn chungah khan zeitindah na um?

fare - (n.) kal man, vanlawng kal man, tilawng kal man, baska kal man; e.g. We asked the train fare at the Travel Bureau = Tlanglawng kal man kha Khualtlawnak Zung ah kan va hal.

farewell - (interj.) dam tein vaa kal ai law; e.g. His friends came to bid him farewell = A hawile nih dam tein vaa kal ko ti awkah an ra.

farm - (n.) lo; e.g. dairy farm = daw zuatnak lo.

farm - (v.) lo thlawh

farmer - (n.) lothlopa; e.g. The farmer gathered the crops = Lothlopa nih rawl kha a pumh hna;

farmhouse - (n.) lo i sakmi inn

farming - (n.) lo thlawh le sattil zuat in paw i cawmnak

farmstead - (n.) lo le a chung i a ummi inn hna

farther - (adv.) 1. lam hla deuh; e.g. I can swim farther than you = Nangmah nakin hla deuh ti ka leuh khawh. 2. tam deuh; e.g. Do you need farther help = Bawmhnak tam deuh na herh rih maw?

farther - (adj.) a hla deuhmi; e.g. The farther hill is ten miles away = A hla deuhmi tlang khi khan hra a si.

farthermost - (adj.) a hla bikmi

farthest - (adj.) a hla bikmi

fascinate - (v.) 1. aidi nih tlaih; e.g. Her beauty fascinated him = Aa dawhnak nih aidi bang a tlaih ko; 2. camh, hamh; Snakes are said to fascinate birds = Rul nih vate an hamh hna an ti.

fascination - (n.) lung lak khawhnak

fashion - (n.) 1. ning , sining; e.g. He talked in a childish fashion = Ngakchia holhning in a holh; 2. hnipuan le fenh aihning, zapi uarmi

fashion - (v.) ser; e.g. He fashioned a figure out of clay = Tlak in mi mui pakhat a ser.

fashionable - (adj.) thil hruk aihning mi tampi nih an uarmi.

fast - (adj.) 1. khul a rangmi; 2. caan a rangmi; e.g. His watch is fast = A suimilam a rang; 3. a muia chuak lo; e.g. fast color (colour) = Suk zong i a mui a chuak lomi.

fast - (adv.) 1. rianrang tein; e.g. His car will not go fast = A mawttawka khulrang in a kal kho lo; 2. fek tein; e.g. Hold fast to my hand = Ka kut fek tein i tlaih; 3. thinthi in; e.g. He is fast asleep = Thinthi in aa hngilh.

fast - (n.) rawl ulh; e.g. During his fast, he did not eat anything = Rawl a ulh lioah zeihmanh a ei lo.

fastidious - (adj.) miduhce.

fasten - (v.) 1. tom; e.g. He fastened the papers together = Caku kha hmun khat ah a tom hna; 2. hrenh; e.g. Fasten the doors before you go to bed = Na ih hlanah innka kha hrenh hna; 3. ttem

fastener - (n.) ttemtu

fastening - (n.) hrenhnak i hmanmi thil; e.g. Locks and buttons are fastenings = Tawh le kep cu hrenhnak i hmanmi thil an si.

fastness - (n.) a himnak hmun, mi phak khawh lonak hmun; e.g. The bandits hid in their mountain fastness = Mifir pawl cu tlang i an i thuhnak hmun, an ca i hmun him a si i mi phak khawh set lonak a simi ah an i thup.

fat - (n.) thau , sa thau

fat - (adj.) a chahmi; e.g. A fat book = Cauk chah

fatal - (adj.) Thihnak tiang a phaktertu thil; e.g. He was knocked down by a car and received fatal injuries = Mawttawka nih a paw i thihnak tiang a simi hliamnak kha a hmuh.

fatalism - (n.) zeipaoh hi khaukhih cia dih a si ko tiin zumhning

fatality - (n.) thihnak

fatally - (adv.) thihnak tiang phan in

fate - (n.) van, zeizong vialte hi a van nawl a si ko timi van khi , zeizong vialte a uktu van e.g. It was their fate to meet and marry = An i ton i an i tthit cu an van a rak si ko.

father - (n.) pa, ka pa; e.g. He is the image of his father = Amah cu a pa mui hlekhlek a si ko; e.g. The boy modeled himself after his father = Ngakchiapa nih a pa sining zulh kha aa zuam; i zoh chun; e.g. His father’s nature was lovable = A pa cu a minung sining ah miduhnung a si; e.g. The property will pass from father to son = Thilri cu a pa sinin a fapa sinah tthial a si lai.

father-in-law - (n.) nupi pa , pu

fatherhood - (n.) pa sinak

fatherland - (n.) chuahkehnak ram

fatherless - (adj.) pa ngei lomi

fatherly - (adj.) pa bantuk ziaza

fathom - (n.) lam khat, pe ruk

fathom - (v.) a thuklei tah

fathomless - (adj.) donghnak a ngei lomi khor

fatigue - (n.) thabatnak

fatigue - (adj.) thaba; e.g. thaba lakin ttuanmi rian

fatness - (n.) thaunak

fatten - (v.) thauter

faucet - (n.) timerh hmur

fault - (n.) palhnak, tlin lonak; e.g. We should acknowledge our faults = Kan palhnak cu a si tak tiah kan ti awk a si.

fault finding - (n.) sual kawlnak

faultfinder - (n.) sual kawltu

faultless - (adj.) sawisel awk um lo

faulty - (adj.) palhnak a ngeimi , tlinlonak a ngeimi , a tthalomi

fauna - (n.) ram chung pakhat, asiloah caan pakhat chung i a ummi saram hna; Lairam fauna cu Lairam i saram a ummi vialte hi an si ko.

favor - (n.) U.S. 1. duh, duhpiaknak, hnatlakpinak; e.g. He is in favor of your plan = Na khuakhanmi kha an hnatlakpi; 2. bawmhnak , zaangfahnak; e.g. He did me a favor = A ka zaangfah; 3. bawmh khun, zaangfah khun; e.g. The teacher showed favor to younger children = Saya nih ngakchia a no deuh pawl kha a zaangfah khun hna. in his favor = amah ca i a ttha dingmi; in favor of = amah ca i a ttha dingmi.

favor - (v.) U.S.  1. duh, hnatlak; e.g. We favor John's plan = John timhmi kha kan hna a tla; 2. dawt khun, duhdanh ngeih; e.g. The teacher favored the boys = Saya nih pa ngakchia kha a dawt deuh hna, a duhdanh hna.

favorable - (adj.) U.S.  1. hnatla a simi; e.g. He is favorable to our plan = Kan i timhmi kha a hna a tla ve; 2. kan ca i a tthami; e.g. We had favorable weather last week = Kan hnulei zarh cu nikhua nih a kan tthatpiak.

favorably - (adv.) U.S.  hnatlakpi ngaiin.

favorite - (n.) U.S.  dawt khunmi; e.g. She is her father's favorite = Amah cu a pa i a dawt khunmi a si.

favorite - (adj.) U.S.  duh khunmi; e.g. Green is my favorite color = A hringmi azawng hi ka duh khunmi zawng a si.

favoritism - (n.) U.S.  duhdanhnak ngeih.

favour - (n.) British.  1. duh, duhpiaknak, hnatlakpinak; e.g. He is in favor (favour) of your plan = Na khuakhanmi kha an hnatlakpi; 2. bawmhnak , zaangfahnak; e.g. He did me a favor (favour) = A ka zaangfah; 3. bawmh khun, zaangfah khun; e.g. The teacher showed favor (favour) to younger children = Saya nih ngakchia a no deuh pawl kha a zaangfah khun hna. in his favor (favour) = amah ca i a ttha dingmi; in favor (favour) of = amah ca i a ttha dingmi.

favour - (v.) British.  1. duh, hnatlak; e.g. We favor (favour) John’s plan = John timhmi kha kan hna a tla; 2. dawt khun, duhdanh ngeih; e.g. The teacher favored (favoured) the boys = Saya nih pa ngakchia kha a dawt deuh hna, a duhdanh hna.

favourable - (adj.) British.  1. hnatla a simi; e.g. He is favorable (favourable) to our plan = Kan i timhmi kha a hna a tla ve; 2. kan ca i a tthami; e.g. We had favorable (favourable) weather last week = Kan hnulei zarh cu nikhua nih a kan tthatpiak.

favourably - (adv.) British.  hnatlakpi ngaiin.

favourite - (n.) British.  dawt khunmi; e.g. She is her father’s favorite (favourite) = Amah cu a pa i a dawt khunmi a si.

favourite - (adj.) British.  duh khunmi; e.g. Green is my favorite (favourite) color = A hringmi azawng hi ka duh khunmi zawng a si.

favouritism - (n.) British.  duhdanhnak ngeih.

fawn - (n.) sakhi fa

fear - (n.) ttihnak;  e.g. She quakes with fear = A ttih tuk ah a ther; e.g. The captain lulled our fear = Keptenpa nih kan ttihnak (thinphannak) kha a daihter.

fear - (v.) ttih , thinphan

fearful - (adj.) a thin a phangmi, a ning a timi

fearless - (adj.) ttihnak a ngei lomi

feasibility - (n.) tuah khawh a simi thil

feasible - (adj.) tuah khawh a simi thil

feast - (n.) rawldanghnak puai

feast - (v.) rawl danghnak i rawl thawthaw ei

feat - (n.) thil lianngan, ralttha ngai le thiam ngaiin tuahmi; e.g. The first flight into space was a feat = Vanlawng i an zuan hmasa bik kha ralttha ngai le thiam ngaiin tuahmi thil lianngan a si.

feather - (n.) ar hmul, va hmul; e.g. She plumped the feather pillow = Arhmul chantling cu pum nawn lillial in a ser; e.g. She stuffed the pillow with feathers = Chantling chungah arhmul a khumh.

feathery - (adj.) ar hmul bantuk

feature - (n.) 1. hmai chung, thil pakhatkhat; e.g. Your features are your forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, chin, etc. = Na hmai chung thil hna cu na cal, na mit, na hnar, na ka, na khabe, etc. hna hi an si; 2. hmai a dihlak; e.g. He is a man of handsome features = Hi pa cu pa dawh ngai a si; 3. a lang khunmi; e.g. Light is a necessary feature in a house = Ceunak hi inn chungah herhmi a lang khunmi a si; 4. hawi dang / thil dang he i lawh lonak; e.g. the geographical features of the Chin state = Lairam hawi dang ram he khuaram lei in aa dannak; 5. prokarem chung i biapi bik a simi thil, tadinca chung i lang khun in ttialmi bia; e.g. There is an interesting feature about world peace in the newspaper = Tadinca ah vawlei cung daihnak kong a lang khun in an ttialmi a um.

feature - (v.) a hleikhun in langhter; e.g. They featured him as the writer of the year = Tukum chung i cattialtu hna lakah a lang khunmi ah an ser.

featureless - (adj.) muisam zeihmanh a ngei lomi

February - (n., prop.) Febuari thla.

fed - (v.) past tense and past participle of feed, rawl pek, rawl ei.

federal - (adj.) cozah uknak phun khat, state hna nih nawl ngei ngaiin an um khawhnak; U.S.A. uknak bantuk khi.

federation - (n.) i fonhnak

fee - (n.) ttuanman ca i pekmi tangka , eiman ca i liammi tangka

feeble - (adj.) dertthawm , thazang ngei lo

feeble-minded - (adj.) lungthin a tlingtlam deuh lomi

feed - (v.) 1. rawl pek; 2. rawl ei

feed - (n.) rawl , sattil arva ca rawl

feeder - (n.) rawl petu

feel - (v.) 1. takpum in hngalh; e.g. He feels happy because he passed the exam = Camipuai a awn caah a lung aa lawm; 2. ruah, zumh; e.g. He feels you should go = Na kal awk a si tiah a ruah; 3. kut tongh in hngalh; e.g. She felt rain on her cheeks = A biang i ruahti a tlak kha a hngalh; 4. tonghnak in hngalh; e.g. Feel his forehead if he has a fever = A tak a linh linh lo hngalhnak ah a lu kha vun tawng tuah. feel faint = lungmit dengmang i um.

feeling - (n.) 1. lungchung ummi thil; e.g. She saw her diamond earring and had a feeling of jealosy = A diamond hnatonh kha a hmuh i a lungchung ah hngarnak a ngei; e.g. He is open about his feelings = A lungchung kha hlangfang in a chim ko. 2. lungputning, zumhning; e.g. My feeling is that he will make a good teacher = Ka zumhning ah saya ttha a si lai ka ti; 3. tonghnak in hngalh khawhnak; e.g. Since his injury, he has no feeling in his arm = An hliamkhuai hnu in a ban nih zeihmanh a hngal kho lo.

feet - (n.) foot zoh, ke pakhat nak tam, pe khat nak tam; e.g. The sudden pitch of the ship knocked him off his feet = Tilawng duak tiah a ttum a kai caah a ke a phlelh i a tlu; e.g. The boy sprang to his feet = Ngakchia cu a ke in duak tiah a hung dir.

felicitate - (v.) conglawmh , lawmhpi

felicitous - (adj.) conglawmhnak , lawmhpinak i aa tlakmi bia; e.g. A felicitous speech of thanks = Lunglawmhnak bia chimnak i aa tlakmi bia

felicity - (n.) lunglawmhnak

fell - (v.) past tense of fall, tla, tlak; zoh fall; 1. tla; e.g. He fell from the roof = Inncung in a tla; e.g. He fell overboard = Lawng in ti chungah a tla. 2. thlu; e.g. He was felled by one blow = Voi khat thongh nih a thluk; 3. hau; e.g. He will fell the tree = Thingkung kha a hau lai.

fellow - (adj.) si timi hawi; e.g. We are fellow students = Sianginn kai ti kan si.

fellow - (n.) pa hawikom

fellowship - (n.) hawikomhnak, college cacawnnak i bawmhnak tangka pekmi.

felon - (n.) thiltthalo a tuahmi misual

felony - (n.) a fakmi sualnak; e.g. to murder = lainawn.

felt - (n.) ralkap luchin kau pawl an sernak sahmul kha

felt - (v.) past tense and past participle of feel, takpum in hngalhzoh;  feel zoh; kut tongh in hngalh; e.g. She felt rain on her cheeks = A biang i ruahti a tlak kha a hngalh.

female - (adj.) nu , nu phun paohpaoh

feminine - (adj.) nu lei thil

fence - (v.) kulh; e.g. They fenced the field = Lo kha an kulh.

fence - (n.) hau hruang; e.g. The vines were rampant over the fence = Hau cungah zun cu zeihmanh nih donhkhanh loin an i zam tung ko.

fend - (v.) 1. dan kanh; e.g. He fended off the blows with his arm = A kut in a hun thonghnak kha a rak i dan kanh; 2. tthawl; e.g. She fended off the dog with a stick = Fung in uico kha a tthawl. fend for oneself = mahte in i cawm.

fender - (n.) meitihnak kaa khamnak, denkhawn sual dawntu ca i hmanmi thil, mawttawka ke a khuhtu khi

ferment - (v.) a tho , zu an uam i a thawh khi

fermentation - (n.) zu thawhternak

fern - (n.) khangca , khangca bantuk lung i aa benhmi zong khi

ferocious - (adj.) ttih a nungmi

ferocity - (n.) ttihnungmi sinak

ferry - (n.) tiva khattelei kam in khattelei kam ah thil thiarnak i an hmanmi lawng

ferry - (v.) tilawng in siseh mawttawka in siseh vanlawng in siseh hmun khat in hmun khat i i thiar

fertile - (adj.) 1. vawlei a tthami; e.g. His land is fertile = A lo vawlei a ttha; 2. fa tampi a hring khomi

fertility - (n.) vawlei tthatnak , fa tampi ngei kho sinak

fertilize - (v.) vawlei tthatter , non pek

fertilizer - (n.) vawlei tthattertu , non

fervent - (adj.) lungtho ngaiin tuahmi, i biatak ngaiin tuahmi; e.g. fervent prayer = biatak tein thlacam.

fervor - (n.) U.S.  lungthawhnak, i biataknak lungthin.

fervour - (n.) British.  lungthawhnak, i biataknak lungthin.

festal - (adj.) puai , lawmhnak he aa pehtlaimi

fester - (v.) hnai a khuar; e.g. The wound festered and became painful = Hma cu hnai a khuar i a fak.

festival - (n.) puai

festive - (adj.) lawmhnak he aa pehtlaimi, puai he aa pehtlaimi thil

festivity - (n.) i nuamhnak, i lawmhnak.

festoon - (v.) caku dawh le pangpar le thinghnah le a dangdang in khualai lam hna , inn hna tamh

festoon - (n.) cu bantuk tamhnak ca i an thlai lulhmi thil hna

fetch - (v.) 1. va lak; e.g. Please fetch me my eye glasses = Ka mit hmaan va ka lak ta; 2. than, ti than; 3. minung ca zong ah hman khawh; e.g. I want to fetch my son = Ka fapa va lak ka duh.

fetching - (adj.) aa dawhmi, mit a hlangmi; e.g. She wears a fetching hat = Aa dawhmi, mit a hlangmi luchin aa chinh.

fete - (v.) puai tuahpiak, conglawmh; e.g. The bride was feted by her friends = Mo cu a hawile nih puai an tuahpiak.

fete - (n.) puai nganpi

fetish - (n.) siasal , camh a ngei tiah an ruahmi thil

fetlock - (n.) rang ke hnulei kedil hmul

fetter - (n.) hreng

fetter - (v.) hrengkhenh

fetus - (n.) nu paw chung i nau minung a tling rih lomi

feud - (n.) chung dang le chung dang karlak i huatnak saupi a ummi ; i huat in i ralpeng

feudal - (adj.) siangpahrang le bawi nih ram kha an ngeih i michia nih a man in ram cu an i hlan i an hman , cu bantukin umtuning kha a si

fever - (n.) tak linh;e.g. A fever is a symptom of illness = Tak linh hi zawtnak langhnak/hmelchunhnak pakhat a si;  e.g. Feel his forehead if he has a fever = A tak a linh linh lo hngalhnak ah a lu kha vun tawng tuah.

few - (adj.) tlawmte.

few - (n.) mi tlawmte; e.g. The few who came early were friends = Mi tlawmte ttuan i a rami hna kha hawikom an si.

fez - (n.) Arab mi pa nih an i chinhmi luchin.

fiance - (n.) hamtu tlangval

fiancee - (n.) hammi ngaknu

fiasco - (n.) thil tuahnak i hlawhtlin lonak sunghnak

fiber - (n.) U.S.  la, hri; e.g. Hemp fiber (fibre) can be spun into rope = Thahau hri cu hri ah hrual khawh a si.

fibre - (n.) British.  la, hri; e.g. Hemp fibre (fiber) can be spun into rope = Thahau hri cu hri ah hrual khawh a si.

fickle - (adj.) a fek lomi , aa thleng lelekmi

fiction - (n.) a um taktakmi si loin ruah chommi minung kong le thil kong tuanbia

fictional - (adj.) a ngaingai si loin ruahchommi

fictitious - (adj.) phuah chommi , a ngaingai a si lomi

fiddle - (n.) violin tingtang phun khat.

fiddler - (n.) violin tumtu.

fidelity - (n.) zumh awk tlakmi sinak

field - (n.) 1. lo; e.g. Lambs skip in the field = Lo ah tuufa an i hlok; e.g. A brook divides the field = Tivate nih lo kha a tthen; e.g. Cattle are grazing in the field = Caw cu lo lakah an tlong. 2. bualrawn; 3. cawnmi; 4. raldohnak hmun.

field glasses - (n.) hmanbilu

field gun - (n.) miakpi

field marshal - (n.) ralbawi ngan bik changtu

fiend - (n.) khuachia , Satan

fiendish - (adj.) khuachia bantuk

fierce - (adj.) 1. a hrang ngai i ttih a nung ngaimi; e.g. A fierce dog = ui hrang; 2. duhnak a thawng ngaimi

fiercely - (adv.) ttihnung ngaiin

fierceness - (n.) ttihnung ngaimi sinak

fiery - (adj.) mei bantuk

fifteen - (num.) hleinga

fifteenth - (num.) hleinganak

fifth - (num.) panganak

fiftieth - (num.) sawm nganak

fifty - (num.) sawm nga

fig - (n.) theipi

fight - (n.) raldohnak , ral tuknak

fight - (v.) 1. velh, i tongh, taza i cuai; 2. ral doh, ral tuk. fight hand to hand = kut le kut i tawng in i tuk.

figure - (n.) 1. nambar ttialnak ca i hmanmi; e.g. 2 is the figure for two = 2 hi nambar pahnih ttialnak ca hmanmi a si; 2. a man zat; e.g. The cost figure for the coat was ten kyats = Angkileng man a zat cu phar hra a si; 3. muithlam; e.g. He saw the figure of a man = Mipa muithlam a hmuh; 4. mi; e.g. He was one of the great figures in history = Tuanbia ah mi ngan pakhat a si ve; 5. milem, hmanthlak; e.g. In the garden are many stone figures = Dum chungah lung in sermi milem tampi an um.

figure - (v.) 1. tuak; e.g. He figured out the cost of the house = Inn man kha a tuak cang; 2. a ning hmuh khawh; e.g. He figured out a way of doing it = A tuahning lam pakhat a hmuh khawh.

figurehead - (n.) nawl ngei ttung lo i lu a simi bawi

filament - (n.) elektrik bulb chung i hri tete aa zammi khi.

file - (n.) 1. catlap tlemnak ca bawm; 2. i tlang in dir; e.g. A long file of people waited for the bus = I tlang in a dirmi hna mawttawka an hngak; 3. sahrai, hluah tatnak

file - (v.) 1. tlem tein chiah; e.g. The clerk files the papers = Cazi nih tadinca kha tlem tein a chiah hna; 2. i zul diahmah in kal; e.g. The children filed out of the classroom = Ngakchia cu i zul diahmah in a khan chungin an chuak; 3. sahrei in hluah tat, sahrei in thir tan

filibuster - (n.) upadi sernakbu chung i upadi pakhatkhat kha fehter a si sual lai ti phan ca i a donhnak ding caah heh tiah bia tampi a chimmi

fill - (v.) 1. rawn; e.g. Fill the pail with water = Baltin kha ti rawn; 2. a herhmi pek; e.g. They filled the order = An cahmi hna thil kha an kuat hna; 3. rian tlaih; e.g. No one was found to fill that job = Khi rian a tlaitu ding ahohmanh an hmu hna lo; fill in = phih; e.g. Fill in all the blanks = A lawnnak paoh kha phit dih; fill out = thau uahmah; e.g. The good food filled him out = Rawl thaw nih a thauter uahmah ko; fill up = khahter; e.g. Fill up the bottle with water = Thawl kha ti khahter.

fill - (n.) khimnak; e.g. He ate his fill = Khim tein a ei;

filling station - (n.) petrol zuarnak inn.

film - (n.) 1. hmanthlaknak i hmanmi film; 2. baisikup; 3. a pan ngaingaimi thil, arti nang; e.g. There is a film of ice on the water = Ti cungah hawhra pante, arti nang bantuk a um.

film - (v.) baisikup i thlak, ser; e.g. They are filming a famous play = Baisikup minthang an thla lio.

filter - (n.) thianternak , ti zetnak

filter - (v.) thianh, zet; e.g. Charcoal can filter water = Meihol nih ti a thianh, a zet khawh.

filth - (n.) hnawm , hmunthur

filthiness - (n.) thurhhnawmhnak

filthy - (adj.) a hnawmmi , a thur , a thurmi

fin - (n.) nga teh, nga thla

final - (adj.) 1. a donghnak, a hmanung bik; 2. thlen ti lo ding; e.g. The ruling of the highest court is final = Biaceihnak zung sang bik nih an khiahmi cu thlen ti lo ding a si.

finale - (n.) hla a donghnak

finally - (adv.) a donghnak ah

finance - (n.) tangka tawnghthamning.

finance - (v.) tangka pek; e.g. The church financed the Bible School = Krifabu nih Bible Sianginn kha tangka an pek.

finances - (n.) tangka

financial - (adj.) tangka he aa pehtlaimi thil

financier - (n.) tangka tawngthamtu

find - (v.) 1. hmuh; e.g. Did she find the lost book = Cauk a tlaumi kha a hmu maw?; e.g. It is hard to find his equal = Amah tluktu hmuh cu a har ko; 2. biakhiah; e.g. The jury found the thief guilty = Biaceihtubu nih mifir cu a sual tiah bia an khiah.

find - (n.) a man sungmi thil hmuhmi

find out - (v.) va hmuh, va hngalh

finder - (n.) hmutu , mit in hmuh si lo in kawl i hmuh

fine - (adj.) 1. a ttha ngaingaimi; e.g. He goes to a fine school = Sianginn ttha ah a kai; 2. a thia, a hme, a dipmi; e.g. Fine sand = Thetse dip.

fine - (n.) dantat-mi chaw

fine - (v.) dantat; e.g. He was fined ten kyats = Phar hra dan an tat.

finger - (n.) kutdong; e.g. The door pinched his finger = Innka nih a kutdong a rial; e.g. Don’t point your finger at me = Na kut dong in ka sawh hlah; e.g. The tips of fingers = Kutdong.

fingernail - (n.) kut tin.

fingerprint - (n.) kutdong neh

finish - (v.) 1. lim; e.g. She finished the work = Rian a lim; 2. ei dih, hman dih; 3. a hmai a phiah; e.g. He finished the table with red paint = Cabuai cu si sen in a hmai a phiah.

finish - (n.) 1. donghnak; 2. tthutdan cabuai a hmai an milh i si an thuhning; e.g. The table had a brown finish = Cabuai cu a donghnak i a hmai i an thuhmi cu si pawl a si.

finite - (adj.) donghnak a ngeimi , tlinlonak a ngeimi

fir - (n.) mirang far thingkung

fire - (n.) 1. mei; e.g. A charred stump was a vestige of the fire = Mei nih a rak kanghmi thing chumhmui cu mei a rak um ti hmelchunhnak a si; e.g. They were filled with alarm when they saw the fire = Mei an hmuh tikah thinlaunak in an khat; e.g. Fire gutted the house = Mei nih inn cu a hrawh dih cikcek;  e.g. The glow of the fire lighted (lit) the room = Mei a vanmi nih innkhan kha an ceuter. 2. meithal puah thawng; e.g. We could hear the gunfire of the hunters = Ramvai pawl an meithal puahthawng kan theih khawh.

fire - (v.) 1. meithal puah; e.g. He fired a gun = Meithal a puah; 2. rian phuah; e.g. He was fired = A rian in an phuah. on fire = a kang cuahmah lio. open fire = meithal in kah. miss fire = meithal tlolh. set fire to = duah. under fire = meithal in kah chih len.

fire station - (n.) mei thattu pawl umnak

firearms - (n.) meithal hriamnam

firebrand - (n.) mei thingthu

firecracker - (n.) phangphang

fireman - (n.) mei thattu; e.g. The smoke stifled the fireman = Mei hmittupa kha meikhu nih thaw chuah kho loin a tuah.

fireplace - (n.) tappi

fireproof - (adj.) mei kangh khawh lomi thil

firewood - (n.) e.g. He scouts for firewood = Tihthing a hawl; e.g. A stack of firewood = Thing on khat.

fireworks - (n.) phagphang le a ceumi a phun phun puah i ceuter

firm - (adj.) a fek , aa hnin lo. a chawlehnak lo rianttuannak ah hmunkhat i aa fon i a bu in ttuanmi pawl

firmament - (n.) van

first - (adj.) a hmasa bik , apakhatnak

first - (adv.) 1. hawi hlan ah; e.g. He always arrives first = Hawi hlan ah a phan hmasa zungzal; 2. deuh; e.g. I will not pay the money. I will go to jail first = Tangka ka pe lai lo, thong ah tla hmasa deuh lo ning.

first - (pron.) pakhatnak

first aid - (n.) khawnden sual i i thlop hmasa biknak

first born - (n.) hrin hmasa bik , fater

first class - (n.) a ttha bik tang

first fruit - (n.) theitlai hmasa bik hna

first person - (n.) keimah, kanmah

first-rate - (adj.) a ttha bik pawl

firsthand - (adj.) hawi chimh chom si lo i mahte in va hmuh va theihmi

fiscal - (adj.) tangka he aa pehtlaimi thil; e.g. fiscal year = tangka kum

fish - (n.) nga; e.g. How many fish did you catch = Nga zeizatdah na sio?; e.g. Fish inhabit the sea = Nga cu rili ah an um; e.g. There is a shortage of fish = Nga a um lo.

fish - (v.) nga tlaih; (N.) e.g. He interests his friends in fishing = A hawile kha ngasio a duhter hna. e.g. I didn’t want to go fishing, moreover the weather was bad = Nga sio kal ka duh lo, cuhleiah nikhua a chia fawn.

fisher - (n.) nga tlaitu

fisherman - (n.) ngatlaitupa

fishery - (n.) ngatlaih in pawcawmnak , nga kong cawnnak

fishhook - (n.) siao

fishmonger - (n.) nga zuartu

fishy - (adj.) si dawh a si lomi thil, zumh awk tlak lomi thil

fissure - (n.) a kuainak , a kehnak , aa thlernak; e.g. a fissure in the rock = lungpi chung i a tlernak.

fist - (n.) kuttum

fit - (v.) rup; e.g. These shoes fit my feet = Hi kedan hi ka ke he an i rup.

fit - (n.) 1. lungmih in tluk, rilh; 2. thinhan phut; e.g. She had a fit of anger = A thin a hung hang phut kho.

fit - (adj.) 1. aa tlak; e.g. The old house is not fit for habitation = Inn hlunpi kha umnak a tlak ti lo. 2. timh cia tein um; 3. dam; e.g. You are looking fit = Na ngan a dam.

fitting - (adj.) aa tlakmi thil

fitting - (n.) aa rup maw rup lo ti i tahnak

five - (num.) panga

fivefold - (adj.) a let nga

fix - (v.) 1. benh; e.g. He fixed the stamp on the envelope = Milu cu cabawm ah khan a benh; 2. khiak; e.g. Fix the date for the meeting = Pumhnak ding nithla khiak tuah u; 3. remh; e.g. He will fix the broken table = Cabuai a kiakmi kha a remh lai; 4. timh; e.g. She will fix the dinner = Zanriah a timh lai; 5. zoh peng; e.g. Fix your eyes on that sign = Khi hmelchunhnak khi zoh peng.

fizzle - (v.) a hlawhtling lo, pakpalawng ah a cang

flabby - (adj.) a nemmi , titsa nem

flag - (n.) alan; e.g. The flag fluttered in the breeze = Alan cu thli nih a hranh i ther thliahmah in a um; e.g. They lowered the flag = Alan an tthumh.

flag - (v.) alan hmuhsak

flag down - (v.) alan kha hmuhsak i dirter; e.g. He flagged down a passing car = A kal liomi mawttawka kha alan a piah i a dirter.

flagon - (n.) awi-um ti rawnnak thawl

flagrant - (adj.) fiangrang le langhngan in a ttha lomi

flail - (n.) facang tuknak fung

flair - (n.) pahrang; e.g. He had a flair for composing beautiful poems = Hla dawh phuah thiamank pahrang a ngei.

flake - (n.) a tlap tete; e.g. snow flakes = hawhra tlap tete

flake - (v.) a kok; e.g. The paint flaked from the wall = Si cu vampang in a kok.

flaky - (adj.) tlap pan tete a simi

flamboyant - (adj.) meizik bantuk a simi , langh a duh tukmi minung

flame - (n.) 1. meizik; 2. mei bantukin a tthawngmi duhnak

flame - (v.) alh hluahmah; e.g. Fire flamed from the burning house = A kangmi inn in mei a alh hluahmah.

flange - (n.) thil pakhatkhat, kekual maw, a lenglei in a sang hlei in tuahmi

flank - (n.) 1. hnakpang; 2. kehlei kam siseh, orhlei kam siseh; e.g. The enemies attacked both our flanks = Ral nih kan orhlei kam he kan kehlei kam he an kan tuk.

flank - (v.) kulh; e.g. Trees flanked the garden = Thingkung nih dum kha an kulh.

flannel - (n.) flanel puan , puan hmul thipthepte a lum ngaimi

flap - (v.) thla zah; e.g. The birds flap their wings and fly = Va nih an thla an zah i an zuang.

flare - (v.) 1. a alh pup; e.g. lamp flares = Mei inn a alh pup; 2. darkhing pum bantukin pum; e.g. Her skirt flares at the bottom = A hni cu a par ah a pum; 3. thinhan phut; e.g. He flared up at their remarks = An bia ruangaha thin a hang phut ko.

flare - (n.) mei alh

flash - (n.) 1. zuk tiah a hung ceumi; e.g. There is a flash of lightning in the sky = Van ah nimtlau zuk tiah a hung ceu; 2. nimthla bantukin a khul a rangmi; e.g. There is a flash of anger in her eyes = A mit ah a thinhunnak kha khulrang in a hung lang; 3. dahmei; e.g. flashlight = dahmei; e.g. He fumbled in the dark for the flashlight = Mui padap ah dahmei kha a dah.

flash - (v.) 1. Zuk tiah hung ceu; 2. khulrang tein kal; e.g. The car flashed past us = Mawttawka nih duak tiah a ka lonh; 3. a alh in a alh; e.g. His eyes flashed with anger = A mit cu a thin hun in a alh in a alh.

flask - (n.) tisa rawnnak datbu

flat - (adj.) 1. a rawn; e.g. The floor is flat = Tuang cu a rawn; 2. samh; e.g. Put the map flat on the table = Map kha cabuai ah samh; 3. a thaw lo; e.g. The food tastes flat = Rawl cu a da, a thaw lo.

flat - (n.) 1. hmun rawn, rawn, a phengmi thil; 2. inn pakhat chung i a dot a dot hna khi flat ti an si

flatten - (v.) rawnhter, milter, phenter

flatter - (v.) fak, chimthiam.

flatterer - (n.) mi fak thiam.

flattery - (n.) faknak bia;  e.g. A wise man is superior to flattery = Mifim nih cun faknak kha a lonh.

flaunt - (v.) thli nih puan a chem i aa zah len bantuk i i thelh len khi a si; e.g. She flaunts her new dress = A hni thar kha mi nih ka hmu hna seh ti in heh tiah aa thelh len.

flavor - (n.) U.S.  thawtnak.

flavoring - (n.) U.S.  thawtnak pekmi.

flavour - (n.) British.  thawtnak.

flavouring - (n.) British.  thawtnak pekmi.

flaw - (n.) a kuainak, a tlehnak, a tlin lonak

flawless - (adj.) tlin lonak zeihmanh a ngei lomi

flax - (n.) la sernak thil kung phun khat , buri kung bantuk

flay - (v.) phaw hawh

flea - (n.) ui hrik , uihli

fled - (v.) past tense and past participle of flee, zoh.

flee - (v.) zam

fleece - (n.) tuhmul

fleece - (v.) 1. tuhmul meh; e.g. We fleeced the sheep = Tuu kha an hmul kan meh hna; 2. hlen i tangka lakpiak; e.g. He was fleeced of his money by two men = Minung pahnih nih a tangka an hlen i an chuh dih.

fleet - (n.) tilawng bu khat , bawi pakhat ukmi

fleet - (adj.) A khul a rangmi; e.g. Fleet horse = a khul a rangmi rangtum

flesh - (n.) 1. sa , tit; e.g. The flesh of his arm = A ban tit; 2. minung; e.g. All flesh must die = Minung cu an thi dih lai; 3. thingthei a sa; e.g. The flesh of the peach is yellow = Metei a sa cu a eng.

fleshy - (adj.) titsa a ttha ngaimi

fleur-de-lis - (n.) pangpar phun khat a min iris a simi.

flew - (v.) past tense of fly, zuan.  fly zoh;  e.g. The flies flew up = Tho cu cung lei ah an zuang; e.g. We flew above the cloud = Khuadawm cungin kan zuang.

flex - (n.) bil khawhmi, zual khawhmi elektrik hri

flex - (v.) thlep, bil, puan kha vun thlep, puan kha vun bil

flexibility - (n.) kualh khawhmi sinak , kuaih khawhmi sinak

flexible - (adj.) kualh khawhmi , bil khawhmi; e.g. flexible wire = Kualh khawhmi thirhri; lungthin a thleng khomi minung

flicker - (v.) dupdap in alh, dupdap in ceu; e.g. The fire flickered and died = Mei cu a alh dupdap i a mit.

flicker - (n.) 1. dupdap in alhmi; e.g. They saw the flicker of candles = Phazawngdan an ceu depmap kha an hmuh; 2. caan tawite chung a hung um tami thil; e.g. A flicker of hope showed in her eyes = A mit chungah ruahchannak a hung um ta dak.

flier - (n.) a zuangmi

flies - (v.) zuan, zuang

flies - (n.) tho; e.g. Mosquitoes, flies, gnats and bugs are insects = Fikfa, tho, ngalsang le hmaifa, rungrul, thohmuai, cngcel cu thakza an si.

flight - (n.) 1. zuan; e.g. The plane made two flights in one day = Vanlawng cu ni khat ah zuan hnih a zuang; 2. dot; e.g. His room is two flights above ours = A khan cu kan khan cung dot hnih ah a si; 3. zam; e.g. The dog put the thieves to flight = Uico nih mifir cu a zamter hna.

flimsy - (adj.) a pante a simi , a zaangte a simi

flinch - (v.) con, lak tthan zau; e.g. The baby flinched when it touched a hot pot = Un lin a tongh tikah ngakchia cu a kut a lak zau, a con.

fling - (v.) hlonh, cheh;  e.g. Boys fling stones into the river = Ngakchia nih tiva chungah lung an cheh.

fling - (n.) 1. hlirh; e.g. He gave the box a fling into the air = Kuang kha a hlirh; 2. lawm ngai le nuam ngai i um caan; e.g. After his fling, he settled down to study = Aa nuamh ngai hnuah ca a zoh.

flint - (n.) tteklung

flintlock gun - (n.) tteklung tenh meithal

flinty - (adj.) tteklung bantukin a hakmi

flip - (v.) peh; e.g. He flipped a coin = Phaisa a peh.

flirt - (v.) 1. nungak tlangval kong ah, duh dedeng bantukin um pah; e.g. She flirted with several boys but loved only one = Tlangval tam nawm kha duh dedeng bantukin a um hna, sihmansehlaw pakhat lawng a duh taktak; 2. fawite i ruah, zaang te i ruah; e.g. He flirted with the idea of living abroad = Ramdang i va um kha zaang tein a hei ruah men ko.

float - (v.) 1. ti cung i vuanh; e.g. Wood floats on water = Thing cu ti cungah a vuan; 2. duhsah tein tlak; e.g. The falling leaves float to the ground = Thinghnah cu duhsah tein vawlei ah an tla.

float - (n.) ti cungah a vuan khomi thil.

flock - (v.) 1. but khat i tlon; 2. but hnawh; e.g. Children flocked round the Christmas tree = Khrismas thingkung kha ngakchia nih aa but hnawh.

flock - (n.) run; e.g. A flock of sheep = Tuu run khat; e.g. The lamb was ravished by the wolf from the flock = Tuufa cu cenghngia nih tuurun chung khan a se i a kalpi.

flog - (v.) fak piin fungfek in huai , tuk

flood - (v.) 1. ti nih a phum; e.g. The river flooded the town = Tilian nih khua a phum; 2. khahter; e.g.The sunlight flooded the room = A khan ca ni ceu in a khat; e.g. His eyes were flooded with tears = A mit ca a mithli a khat.

flood - (n.) tilian, rili lian, thil tampi; e.g. Five lives were lost in the flood = Tilian ah minung panga an thi; e.g. A flood swept away the bridge = Tilian nih hlei kha a kalpi.

floodgate - (n.) tilian khamnak ca i tuahmi kutka

floor - (n.) 1. zeltuang; e.g. He tapped on the floor with his foot = Zeltuang kha a ke in khawn; (Adj.) e.g. The floor plank has warped = Zel kha a cei; e.g. She whisked the dirt from the floor = Zeltuang i hmunhnawm kha a phiah hna; 2. dot; e.g. He lives in the second floor = Dot hnihnak ah a um; e.g. He lives on the ground floor = Inn tang dot bik ah a um; 3. tawne; e.g Ocean floor = Rilipi tawne.

floor - (v.) 1. zeltuang phah; e.g. He floored the house with pinewood = Zeltuang caah farthing a hma; 2. thongh i thluk; e.g. A single blow floored him = Voi kha thongh ah a ril.

flop - (v.) 1. hlawh; e.g. The fish flopped on the bank = Nga cu titlang ah a hun i hlok; 2. tla; e.g. He flopped down into the chair = Tthutdan ah a vung tla, tlu.

flop - (n.) halwhchamhnak, pamtulnak tlolhnak; e.g. His plan was a flop = Aa timhmi cu a hlawhcham.

flora - (n.) hmun pakhatkhat i a ummi thing le ram hna

floral - (adj.) pangpar; e.g. floral decoration = pangpar in tamhnak

flotilla - (n.) tilawng hmetete rual khat.

flounder - (v.) i sual len; e.g. Horses and men were floundering in the mud beside the road = Lam pawng nawncek chungah mi le rang hna an i sual len ko.

flour - (n.) meida, changvut; e.g. The ingredients of a cake are flour, sugar and egg = Kekmuk tuahnak i aa telmi cu changvut, cini le arti an si.

flourish - (v.) tthan, karhcho, ngandam

flow - (v.) 1. luan; 2. thlai; e.g. Her hair flowed down over her shoulders = A sam cu a liang tiang a vun i thlai.

flow - (n.) luannak

flower - (n.) 1. pangpar; e.g. He trims the flowers = Pangpar kha a riam hna;  e.g. We take the flowers to the church = Pangpar kha biakinn ah kan kalpi hna; e.g. She loved the wild flowers found in nature = A duhmi pangpar cu; e.g. Flowers distill a sweet nectar = Pangpar nih tizu dor tete an chuah; e.g. She pinned a flower on her dress = A angki ah pangpar aa tonh; e.g. Don’t tread on the flower beds = Pangpar cinnak kuang kha lam hna hlah. 2. a par in a par; e.g. His garden was in flowers = A dum cu a par in a par.

flower - (v.) a par; e.g. The roses are flowering = Rose pangpar cu an par.

flown - (v.) past participle of fly, zuan; e.g. The birds have flown away = Vate cu an zuang diam cang;  fly zoh.

fluctuate - (v.) aa thleng lengmang, a chel ah a sang a chel ah a niam

fluency - (n.) nal ziahmah in chim thiamnak

fluent - (adj.) nal; e.g. He is fluent in English = Mirang holh ah a nal.

fluff - (n.) thil buang , lapar te hna bantuk

fluffy - (adj.) a buangmi thil

fluid - (n.) a luang khomi thil paohpaoh, ti, gas, thli.

fluid - (adj.) a fak rih lomi; e.g. Our plans are still fluid = Kan i timhmi cu a fek rih lo, ti bantuk a si ko rih.

fluke - (n.) 1. cantiang a hna; 2. chawlehthalnak i hlawhtlin sual

flung - (v.) past tense and past participle of fling, zoh.

flush - (n.) 1. hmaisen; e.g. A flush of shame colored (coloured) her cheeks = A ning a zah caah a biang (hmai) a sen 2. lungthin chung i dak ti i a hung chuakmi; e.g. She experienced a flush of pleasure when she saw her old friend = A hawikom thing a hmuh tikah a lungchungah dak tiah nuamhnak a hung chuak.

flush - (v.) 1. sen; e.g. Her face flushed = A hmai a sen; 2. tawl, tizik kah in tawl; e.g. Water trucks flushed the streets = Ti mawttawka nih lam kha an tawl hna.

flush - (adj.) a tlang aa ruangte in sermi; e.g. The door is flush with the wall = Innca cu van pang he i ruang tein an ser.

flute - (n.) thonglawi

flutist - (n.) thonglawi tumtu

flutter - (v.) 1. ther thliahmah in um; e.g. The flag fluttered in the breeze = Alan cu thli nih a hranh i ther thliahmah in a um; 2. thla bengh; e.g. The bird fluttered its wings = Vate nih a thla a bengh; 3. ther; e.g. His heart fluttered when he saw the doctor = Sibawipa a hmuh tikah a lung a ther.

flutter - (n.) thlabengh; e.g. They heard a flutter of wings = Thlabengh thawng kha an theih.

fly - (v.) 1. zuan; e.g. Birds fly = Vate an zuang; 2. vanlawng mongh; e.g. He is learning to fly = Vanlawng mongh a cawng; 3. khulrang i a luan; e.g. Time flies = Caan cu a zuan in a zuang; 4. zam; e.g. He had to fly from his house = A inn in a zam a hau.

flyblow - (n.) ttit ek

flying buttress - (n.) tung le inncung dohkalhnak

flying colors - (n.) hlawhtlinnak ttha ngai

flying fox - (n.) papalak a ngan phun

flying squirrel - (n.) sahluk , biang phun paohpaoh

flyleaf - (n.) cauk phaw a chunglei i ttial lomi catlap

flyweight - (n.) boxing thonghnak i pawng 112 in a tanglei pawl

foal - (n.) rangfa , laafa

foam - (n.) ti buanbara

foam - (v.) buanbara i can

focal - (adj.) a laifang bik he aa pehtlaimi

focus - (n.) a laifang bik, ceunak a vaa tonnak hmun, mit aa ton dihnak hmun; e.g. The pretty girl was the focus of all eyes = Ngaknu dawhte cu mit vialte aa ton dihnak a si; note: 'focus' cu plural a si tikah 'foci' a si fawsai ti in chim a si. in focus = a lai khen. out of focus = a lai khen lo, a fiang lo.

focus - (v.) 1. hmuhnak le ngaihnak hei hlum; e.g. Focus your attention on the speaker = Biachimtu cungah khan na theihnak le na hmuhnak hei hlum, a bia kha ttha tein ngai; 2. hmanthlaknak mit a lai khenter, fianter; e.g. Have you focused your camera = Na hmanthlaknak kha a mit cu na thlak dingmi thil kha na khenter maw?

fodder - (n.) sattil rawl , ram

foe - (n.) ral; e.g. The soldiers prevailed on their foes = Ralkap nih an ral kha an tei hna.

fog - (n.) minmei, tichum; e.g. a dense fog = a chahmi minmei.

fog horn - (n.) minmei a tam tiah ralrin peknak muko

foggy - (adj.) minmei nih phenh, huh i a fiang lomi; e.g. During foggy weather the trains are late as often as not = Minmei a tam chel ahcun tlanglawng cu atu le atu tlai lengmang.

fogy (fogey) - (n.) a tar cang i hawi ruahnak a phan ti lomi

foil - (v.) pakpalawng i canter, dawnh, hrawh; e.g. The police foiled his evil plans = Thil ttha lo tuah aa timhmi kha palik nih an hrawh.

foil - (n.) pan tein sermi tlap, sui tlap, ngun tlap, dan tlap.

fold - (n.) 1. tuu run riahnak hmun; 2. a let; e.g. tenfold = let hra.

fold - (v.) 1. bil; e.g. He folds the paper = Caku a bil; 2. kut sih; e.g. She folded her arms = A kut aa sih.

folder - (n.) biltu

foliage - (n.) thinghnah , ramhnah

folio - (n.) voi khat bilmi caku tlap

folk - (n.) minung, hmunkhat i khua a sa deuhmi pawl khi

folkdance - (n.) khuate deuh i a ummi pawl lam (laam).

folksong - (n.) khuate deuh i a ummi pawl hla

follow - (v.) zulh

follower - (n.) zultu

folly - (n.) hruh; e.g. It is folly to eat too much = Rawl tam tuk ei cu hruh a si.

foment - (v.) harnak le hnahnawhnak chuahter

fond - (adj.) duh ngai; e.g. He is fond of horses = Rang a duh ngai hna.

fondle - (v.) duhnak he tonghtham

fondness - (n.) duhnak

font - (n.) tipil innak ca i ti thlerh awk an chiahnak um

food - (n.) rawl; e.g. Their charge for the food was high = An rawl man huahmi a sang; e.g. We digest our food = Kan pawpi nih rawl a rial, a tawinak in ttialmi tuanbia; e.g. The food supply is good for one week = Rawl ca zarh khat caah a za lai; There is hardly any food left = Rawl zeihmanh a tang set ti lo; e.g. She ordered food from the shop = Rawl dawr in rawl a cah; e.g. She portioned out the food to each of them = Rawl kha a cheuh cio hna.

foodstuff - (n.) rawlfang , ei awk

foolhardiness - (n.) ruat setsai lo i tuah cutmat, hruh raltthat in raltthat

foolhardy - (adj.) hruh raltthat in a ral a tthami

foolish - (adj.) a hrutmi

foolproof - (adj.) him tein hman khawh a si i mihrut hmanh nih him tein a hman khawhmi thil , a hmaan lo kho lomi

foolscap - (adj.) catlap a kauh lehmah 13-1/2" a sau lehmah 17" (13-1/2" x 17")

foot - (n.) 1. ke; e.g. He tapped on the floor with his foot = Zeltuang kha a ke in khawn; 2. hram; e.g. the foot of a hill = tlang hram; 3. pe; e.g. 12 inches make 1 foot = Lehmah 12 ah pe khat a si; e.g. A foot is a unit of length, a pound is a unit of weight = A saulei tahnak ah pe khat cu tan khat a si i a rih lei tahnak ah pawng khat cu bu khat a si. on foot = ke in kal/rat.

football - (n.) pumpululh; e.g. They played football = Pumpululh an chuih; e.g. He makes a running commentary on the football match = Pumpululh chuih an i zuamnak kong kha an chuih pah in amah nih a chim thluahmah; e.g. A poll was taken to learn who was the most popular footballer (football player)  = Ahodah pumpululh chuih a thiam bik tiah zapi nih an ruah ti hngalhnak caah ruahnak halnak an tuah.

foothill - (n.) tlang nganpi hram i a ummi tlang hmete

foothold - (n.) ke lamhnak

footnote - (n.) cattial tik i cahmai aa tanglei i a sullam ttial ; hi kong cu cu cauk chungin lakmi a si tiah a cauk min ttial

footpath - (n.) ke kalnak lam

footprint - (n.) keneh

footstep - (n.) kekar kar khat

footstool - (n.) kechiahnak tthutdan; e.g. Our footstool is too low = Kan thing tthutdan a niam tuk.

footwear - (n.) kedan le hmawca

for - (prep.) 1. can ah; e.g. He gave me a new book for the old one = Cauk hlun can ah khan a thar pakhat a ka pek; 2. dirpi; e.g. He stands for good government = Cozah ttha a dirpi; 3. hmaizahnak tuahpiak; e.g. A party was given for him = Rawl danghnak an tuahpiak; 4. lehnak; e.g. We thank him for his kindness = A zaangfahnak ruangah kan lawmh; 5. tinhmi ngeih; e.g. We go for a walk = Lam len ah kan kal; 6. aa tlak; e.g. A book for children = Ngakchia ca i a tlakmi cauk; 7. duhnak lungthin he; e.g. He longs for home = Inn a ngai; 8. caah cun; e.g. The weather is warm for January = January caah cun khuati a lum ko; 9. ruangah; e.g. to shout for joy = lawmhnak ruang i au; e.g. to punish for stealing = fir ruang i dantat; 10. tiang; e.g. We walk for a mile = Khan khat tiang kan kal; 11. chung; e.g. We work for an hour = Suimilam pakhat chung kan ttuan; 12. a si taktak kha; e.g. They know it for a fact = A si taktak kha an hngalh; 13. lei ah; e.g. He is leaving for his village = A khua lei ah a kal. for all intents and purposes = a zeiti lei paoh in, dengmang, tuah ding lei ti paohpaoh ahcun; for as much as = caah; for good = zungza; good for = Nguh; e.g. The food supply is good for one week = Rawl ca zarh khat caah a za lai; for instance = tahchunhnak ah.

for - (conj.) zeicahtiah; e.g. His story of the football game was true, for I saw it myself = Pumpululh chuih kong a chimmi kha a hmaan, zeicahtiah keimah hrimhrim nih ka hmuh;

foray - (n.) ral chim, ramh

forbid - (v.) thlauh

forbidden - (adj.) thlauhmi

force - (n.) 1. tthawnnak , thazang; 2. hranhram in; e.g. He entered the house by force = Hranhram in inn chungah a lut; 3. ralkap lei tthawnnak, ralkapbu; 4. a bu in rian a ttuanmi hna

force - (v.) hnek; e.g. He forced him to go = Kal a hnek.

forceps - (n.) cehrep hmursau

ford - (n.) ti tannak hmun

ford - (v.) ti tan

fore - (n.) hmailei; e.g. A horse has two fore feet = Rang nih hmailei ke pahnih a ngei.

forearm - (n.) kiu in banrek karlak

forebode - (v.) chimchung

foreboding - (n.) vanchiatnak ding rak chimchung

forecast - (n.) rak chimchungnak; e.g. weather forecast = nikhua kong chimchungnak

foredoom - (v.) a hlankan in a rawk lai ti rak hngalh chung

forefather - (n.) pupa

forefinger - (n.) mehtawh

forefront - (n.) hmaisuang bik

foregoing - (adj.) a hlan deuh i a rak ummi; e.g. See the foregoing page for explanation = Fianternak caah a hlan deuh cahmai kha zoh.

foreground - (n.) a hmailei ah; e.g. In the foreground there is a rock = A hmailei hmun ah lungpi a um

forehead - (n.) cal

foreign - (adj.) ramdang , mah ram a si lomi

foreigner - (n.) ramdang mi

foreknow - (v.) rak hngalh chung

foreman - (n.) mibu pakhat haotu

foremost - (adj.) hmaisuang bik ; hmun ah siseh , rian ah siseh , caan ah siseh

forenoon - (n.) chunhlan

forensic - (adj.) biachim thiammi biaceihnak zung le zapi bia alnak kong he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. forensic medicine = criminal law (ziaza ttha lo upadi) le civil law ( zapi taza i cuainak) he aa pehtlaimi si lei thiamnak medical jurisprudence ti zong ah ti a si.

forerunner - (n.) a rak um hmasami , thil a tlung lai tiah a rak chimtu , zualko

foresee - (v.) rak hmuhchung

foreshadow - (v.) rak langhter chung

foresight - (n.) rak hmuhchungnak, meithal hman, thocuan.

foreskin - (n.) cuarpar

forest - (n.) tupi; a stretch of forest = aa pehtlai thluamahmi tupi.

forest preserve - (n.) thingkung sawksam lo dingah khamnak

forestall - (v.) chawhkanh, zuar chin awk i thil khar

forester - (n.) tupi zohkhenhtu

forestry - (n.) thingkung kong cawnnak

foretaste - (n.) rak tehchungnak

foretaste - (v.) rak tehchung

foretell - (v.) chimchung

forethought - (n.) rak ruahchungnak

foretold - (v.) past tense and past participle of foretell, chimchung.

forever - (adv.) zungzal

forewarn - (v.) ralrinnak rak pek chung

foreword - (n.) biahmaithi

forfeit - (v.) sungh; e.g. He forfeited his life by careless driving = Ralring in a mongh lo ruangah a nunnak a sung.

forgave - (v.) past tense of forgive, zoh.

forge - (v.) 1. soser , thlet , soser i ser; e.g. The new settlers forged a new nation = A um tharmi nih khan miphun thar an ser; 2. min fir, mi dang minthut fir;

forge - (n.) sosernak so buk

forger - (n.) 1. thir hriamnam sertu; 2. mi minthut a firtu

forgery - (n.) mi min mah nih thut

forget - (v.) philh; e.g. Once you hear the song, you will never forget it = Hla cu voi khat na theih hnu cun, na philh ti lai lo.

forget-me-not - (n.) ka philh hlah ti a min a simi pangpar

forgetful - (adj.) thil philh a hmangmi

forgetfulness - (n.) thil philh hmannak

forgive - (v.) ngaihthiam

forgiveness - (n.) ngaihthiamnak

forgo - (v.) ngei loin um , kaltak; e.g. You have to forego pleasures in order to study hard = Ca fak piin zohnak dingah nuamhnak cu na kaltak hna a hau.

forgot - (v.) past tense and past participle of forget, zoh.

fork - (n.) fungtte , rawl einak hailengtte

fork - (v.) nge hnih / nge thum ah i tthen; e.g. The river forks a mile north of here = Tiva cu hika hin chaklei khan khat ah aa tthen.

forlorn - (adj.) khinhhramh lomi, lungleng i a ummi

form - (n.) 1. phun; e.g. Ice and snow are forms of water = Tikhal le hawhra cu ti phun an si; 2. mui, pungsam; e.g. the form of a man = mipa pungsan; 3. catlap, a chung i a herhmi ttialnak ca i lawnnak a ngeimi; 4. cafang ttialning; e.g. Broke is the past tense form of break = Broke cu break past tense ttialning a si.

form - (v.) 1. ser , i can; e.g. Ice formed in the pail = Baltin chungah ti kha tikhal ah a cang; 2. i can; e.g. Form a circle and join hands = A kulh pakhat ah i cang u law nan kut i sih u; 3. sersiam; e.g. Teachers help form the minds of children = Sayate nih ngakchia lungthin sersiam kha an bawmh hna.

formal - (adj.) tining tawn zulh in tuahmi , phungning zulh in tuahmi

formalism - (n.) phungning zulh sawsawh in tuahmi thil

formality - (n.) phungning in tuahmi thil

format - (n.) cauk pungsan , a hmet ngan le a sehha tiangin

formation - (n.) sersiamnak

formative - (adj.) sersisam khawhmi

former - (adj.) hlan deuh , pahnih lak i a hmasa deuh

formerly - (adv.) hlan ah cun

formidable - (adj.) ttih awk a simi , huphurh awk a simi

formless - (adj.) ningcang ngei lo pungsan um lo

formula - (n.) 1. thil a sining a simi; e.g. H2o is the formula for water = H2o hi ti a sining a si; 2. thil tining, serning; e.g. A formula for making soap = Chatpiat ser tikah zeitin tuah ding, zeizei cawh ding timi kha a formula cu a si; 3. biaknak lei ah, zumhning fiang tein ca in ttialmi.

formulate - (v.) fiang tein chim / langhter; e.g. Formulate your ideas before you write = Na ruahnak kha na ttial hlan ah nai fian awk a si.

formulation - (n.) zulhmi lam ngei in fianternak

forsake - (v.) hlawt

forsaken - (adj.) hlawtmi. Past participle of forsake.

forsook - (v.) forsake zoh.  Past tense of forsake.

fort - (n.) ralhruang ngeimi hmun

forth - (adv.) hmailei ah

forthcoming - (adj.) a ra lai dingmi

forthright - (adj.) hlangfang

forthwith - (adv.) chikkhatte ah , khulrang tein

fortieth - (adj., num.) a sawm linak

fortification - (n.) kulhnak , ralhau in kulhnak

fortify - (v.) kulh , ralhau in

fortitude - (n.) nganfah in khawhnak

fortnight - (n.) zarh hnih

fortress - (n.) ralhruang

fortuitous - (adj.) a cang sualmi

fortunate - (adj.) van ttha

fortune - (n.) 1. van; 2. chawva tampi

fortune teller - (n.) kuttial zohthiam

forty - (n., adj.) sawmli

forum - (n.) 1. Rom cozah chan i khua chungah zapi pumhnak hmun an tuah i cuka i chawdawrnak le zapi biaceihnak le bia alnak an tuahnak hmun; 2. zapi theih duhmi bia ceih awkah zapi aa pummi.

forward - (adj.) hmailei; e.g. He walked three paces forward = Hmailei ah kar thum a kal.

forward - (v.) lanhter chin

fossil - (n.) saram siseh , thing le ram si hna seh , a thi i an pum neh lung i a tangmi , asiloah , anmah pum a tangmi , hlan liopi thil

foster - (v.) cawmken, zohkhenh

foster - (adj.) mi fa i cawmmi.

fought - (v.) fight zoh.  Past tense and past participle of fight; e.g. They fought for the cause of freedom = Luatnak an i tinhmi ruangah an doh.

foul - (adj.) 1. a thur a hnawm i a rim a chiami; 2. hmunthur a khat i a rim a chiami; e.g. The well was foul with leaves = Tikhor hlun cu hnahchawl a khat dih; 3. lentecelhnak i a phungning zulh lo; e.g. foul play = lentecelhnak ah a phung ningin celh lo, pumpululh chuih ah kut in tongh cu foul a si; sualnak lei ah cun foul play cu lainawn tinak a si; 4. hri ai tawnmi; e.g. foul rope = hri aa tawnmi; fall foul of = I suk, i khawn, i den; 5. nikhua chia; e.g. foul weather = nikhua chia.

found - (v.) 1. past tense and past participle of find, hmuh;  find zoh. 2. a hram thawk.

foundation - (n.) 1. thawk i hmunhter; 2. hram; e.g. The foundation of the house = Inn hram; e.g. They lay the foundation of the church = Biakinn hram an dirh; 3. rian pakhatkhat tuannak ca i tangka khonmi; e.g. Ford Foundation = Ford kampani nih mi bawmhnak rian ttuannak i tangka aa khonmi.

founder - (n.) thawktu

foundry - (n.) ca namnak seh ha an thletnak

fount - (n.) cerh , hram

fountain - (n.) cerh

four - (num.) pali

four footed - (adj.) ke pali a ngeimi

four score - (n., adj.) sawm riat

fourfold - (adj.) a let li

foursquare - (adj.) a kap li in a tung a vang aa can dihmi

fourteen - (num.) hleili

fourteenth - (num.) hleilinak

fourth - (num.) palinak

fowl - (n.) ar, va phun deuh pauh

fox - (n.) cenghngia; e.g. The fox was lured into the trap = Cenghngia cu rap coktarh nih rap chungah a lem i aa foih; e.g. a pack of foxes = cenghngia run khat.

foxhound - (n.) cenghngia dawi a thiammi uico

foxy - (adj.) cenghngia bantukin a hrokhrolmi

fraction - (n.) 1. a cheuchum; e.g. A fraction of his salary = A lahkhah a cheuchumte; 2. a cheuchum; e.g. 1/2 and 1/4 are both fractions = 1/2 le 1/4 cu aa pahnihte in a cheuchum an si veve.

fractional - (adj.) a cheuchum a simi

fracture - (n.) kiak , khuaimi thil

fracture - (v.) khiah khuai

fragile - (adj.) fawi tein a kuai khomi

fragility - (n.) fawi tein a kuai khomi sinak

fragment - (n.) 1. kuai; e.g. She was cut by a fragment of glass = Thlalang kuai nih a ah; 2. a cheuchum; e.g. She read a fragment of the letter = Cakuat kha a cheuchum a rel.

fragmentary - (adj.) aa cheumi , a kuarmi , a kekmi

fragrance - (n.) rimhmui

fragrant - (adj.) rimhmuimi

frail - (adj.) a tthawng lo , a derthawmmi

fraility - (n.) derthawmnak

frame - (n.) 1. tlang kamh; e.g. picture frame = Hmanthlak tarnak tlangkamh, thlalang awng tung; 2. pumrua; e.g. He is a man of large frame = Amah cu mi pumrua nganpi a si; 3. tungtlang; e.g. There is a bevel on the frame for a picture = Hmanthlak tarnak tungtlang kha a chunglei tlang an themh hna. frame of mind = lungput ning.

frame - (v.) 1. a tlangkamh ser; e.g. I am going to frame this picture = Hi hmanthlak hi a tlangkamh ka ser lai; 2. ruah, timhtuah, ser; e.g. They framed the constitution = upadi hram pi kha an ser, an timh tuah, an ruah, (a sullam cu an lim ngaingai rih lo, tinak a si). frame up = lih in mi sual puh.

framework - (n.) tungtlang

franc - (n.) France, Belgium le Switzerland ram i an hmanmi tangka min.

franchise - (n.) thimnak nawl ngeihnak; e.g. The British Parliment gave the franchise to women in 1918 = British parliment nih kum 1918 ah nu kha thimnak nawl ngei ve cang u tiah nawl a pek hna.

frank - (adj.) thuhpheh lo tein chimmi

frankincense - (n.) frankinsens zihmui

frankly - (adv.) phehthuh lo tein

frankness - (n.) phehthuh lonak

frantic - (adj.) lawmhnak ah siseh , ngaihchiatnak ah siseh , thinhunnak ah siseh , nganfah innak ah siseh , i sum kho loin a ummi

frantically - (adv.) i sum kho hrimhrim loin

fraternal - (adj.) unau a simi

fraternity - (n.) unau sinak

fraud - (n.) hlennak , lih

fraudulent - (adj.) hlen hmangmi , lih chim hmangmi

fraught - (adj.) a khah in a khat, tampi a um

fray - (v.) a tet i a tlek dih; e.g. Long wear had frayed his shirt = A angki cu saupi aa hruk caah a tet i a tlek dih.

freak - (n.) 1. a cang bal lo ding a cang sualmi, a si bal lo ding a si sualmi; e.g. An apple tree bearing peach would be a freak of nature = Epal cung nih metei tlai seh law, a cang bal lo ding a cang sualmi, a si bal lo ding a si sualmi, a si hna; 2. lungthin duak ti i hlen, duhning duak ti i thlennak

freakish - (adj.) lungthin ruahlopi i thlen a hmangmi.

freckle - (n.) hmai i phihlik ek a um mi; e.g. His face is speckled with freckles = A hmai cu phihlik ek in a ttial dih.

free - (adj.) 1. luat; 2. kham lo, donh lo; 3. man loin; e.g. These books are free = Hi cauk hna cu man lo in hmuh khawh an si. 4. hren lo; e.g. He took the free end of the rope = Hri kha hren lonak lei a donghnak khan a lak; 5. phih lo; e.g. The road is free from snow = Lam cu hawhra in a luat, hawhra nih a phit lo.

free - (v.) thlah; e.g. I shall free the bird = Vate kha ka thlah lai.

free-hand - (n.) luat tein, donhkhanh loin

free thinker - (n.) mah duhning paoh i biaknak lei i khua a ruatmi

free will - (n.) mah lungtho tein

freed - (v.) past tense and past participle of free, thlah.

freedman - (n.) sal in luattermipa

freedom - (n.) luatnak

freeway - (n.) lam kaupi , khulrang tein mawttaw mongh khawhnak

freeze - (v.) 1. khal; e.g. Water freezes = Ti a khal; 2. khuasik ngaiin um; e.g. I am freezing = Ka khua a sik tuk; 3. ttih tuk lau tuk ruang i thomtur in um

freight - (n.) phorhmi thilri

freighter - (n.) thilri a phormi tilawng

French - (adj., prop.) French mi thilri.

frenzy - (n.) lungchung ummi sum khawh loin langhternak

frequency - (n.) atu le atu kal lengmangnak

frequent - (adj.) atu le atu

frequently - (adv.) atu le atu in

fresh - (adj.) 1. a tharhlammi; 2. rili ti a si lomi; e.g. fresh water = tiva ti; 3. piangpai tein a ummi; e.g. You are fresh this morning = Nithaizing cu na piang ngai.

freshman - (n.) college kum khatnak siangngakchia.

fret - (v.) ingpuan

fretful - (adj.) a ing a puanmi

friar - (n.) Roman Katholik phungki pawl phun khat

friction - (n.) i hnornak

Friday - (n., prop.) cawn ni nga ni; e.g. The accident occurred last Friday = Eksident cu kan hnu Cawnni nga ni ah khan a um.

fried - (v.) fry zoh.  Past tense and past participle of fry.

friend - (n.) hawikom; e.g. I want to see my friend = Ka hawi len ka duh; e.g. She introduced her friend to her mother = A nu sinah a hawi kha aho a si hngalhter; e.g. He has a lot of friends = Hawi tampi a ngei; e.g. We will make up and be friends again = Kan i rem tthan lai i hawikom kan si tthan lai; e.g. He paced the floor waiting for his friend = A hawipa a hngah lioah tuang ah aa chawk lengmang; e.g. A loyal friend stands by his friend in weal or woe = Hawikom ttha nih cun a hawi kha tthatnak zongah chiatnak zongah a dirpi.

Friend - (n., prop.) Quaker pawl.

friendless - (adj.) hawikom a ngei lomi

friendliness - (n.) hawikom duhmi sinak

friendly - (adj.) hawikomh duhmi a simi

friendship - (n.) hawikomhnak

frigate - (n.) hlanlio i an rak hmanmi raltuknak tilawng

fright - (n.) launak , thinphannak

frighten - (v.) thih , lauter

frightful - (adj.) ttih a nungmi thil

frigid - (adj.) a kik ngangaimi thil

fringe - (n.) 1. a tlang; e.g. The fringe of the blanket = Puan a tlang; 2. hriang; 3. ttha tein sersiam rih lomi hmun e.g. They live on the fringe of the town = Khua hriang ah an um.

fringe - (v.) tlangkawm; e.g. I fringed this handkerchief = Hi pawvuah cu a tlang ka kawm.

frisk - (v.) dah; e.g. A policeman frisked me = Palikpa nih a ka dah.

frivolity - (n.) nuncan ziaza lei i i thlahthlamnak

frivolous - (adj., adv.) thil tenau a simi

fro - (adv.) hnulei i i thawn, a let lei i kir. to and fro = hilei khilei, a kenkiplo ah.

frock - (n.) angki fual

frog - (n.) utlak; zoh metamorphosis.

frolic - (n.) caan nuam

frolic - (v.) nuam ngaiin lente i celh; e.g. The children love to frolic on the grass = Ngakchia cu ram cung i nuam ngaiin lente i celh kha an duh.

frolicsome - (adj.) nuam ngaiin tuahmi

from - (prep.) in; e.g. I came from school = Sianginn in ka ra; e.g. It was cold from Christmas until March = Khrismas in March thla tiang khua a sik. from hand to mouth = sifak ngaiin nun.

front - (n.) 1. hmailei; e.g the front of the house = inn hmailei;  e.g. in front of our house = kan inn hmailei ah. 2. hmaisuang.

frontal - (adj.) hmailei in

frontier - (n.) ramri hrawng ram

frost - (n.) tikhal , hawhra

frost - (v.) 1. tikhal nih tlakhnawh; e.g. The windows are frosted = Thlalangawng kha tikhal nih an tlak hnawh; 2. changreu cung i thanthling le thawhpat le arti cawhmi thuh khi.

frostbite - (n.) a kih tuk ca i a kik nih kedong le kutdong tam

frosty - (adj.) a kik tuk i ti a khalmi , a kik ngaingaimi

froth - (n.) buanbara

frown - (v.) 1. hmaisur; 2. duh lo hmai in langhter, zeirel lo.

frown - (n.) cu bantuk langhternak

froze - (v.) freeze zoh.  Past tense of freeze.

frozen - (adj.) a kik in khaltermi thil.  Past participle of freeze.

frugal - (adj.) 1. sawksam lo i thil hman, khuasak a thiammi; e.g. A frugal wife = Khuasak a thiammi nupi; 2. a man a tlawmmi; e.g. frugal meal = rawl mantlawm

frugality - (n.) khuasak thiamnak

fruit - (n.) 1. thingthei;  e.g. Banana is a tropical fruit = Banhla cu ram lum thei a si. 2. rianttuannak theitlai

fruitful - (adj.) theitlai tampi a ngeimi

fruitfulness - (n.) theitlai tampi tlainak

fruition - (n.) a theipar a hung um; thei a hung tlai

fruitless - (adj.) theitlai zeihmanh a tlai lomi

frustrate - (v.) 1. pakpalawng i canter; e.g. He frustrated our plan = Kan i timhmi kha pakpalawng ah a canter; 2. dawnh; e.g. We were frustrated in our efforts to climb the mountain = Tlang kai kan i zuamnak ah khan a kan dawntu thil a um lengmang.

frustration - (n.) awlokchong in umnak

fry - (v.) kiau , chiti in kiau

fatigue - (adj.) e.g. fatigue duty = thaba nakin ttuanmi rian.

fuel - (n.) mei chuahtertu thil , mei tih awk thing

fugitive - (n.) zammi (zaammi).

fulcrum - (n.) taldanh

fulfil - (v.) tling , tlinter

fulfilment - (n.) tlinternak , tlamtlinnak

full - (adj.) 1. a khat; e.g. The glass is full of water = Hrai cu ti a khat 2. thlapa lai; e.g. The moon is full tonight = Tuzan cu thlapa a lai; 3. kheng; e.g. We waited for a full hour = Suimilam pakhat kheng kan hngah.

full - (n.) tling khitkhet; e.g. He enjoyed his vacation to the full = Sianginn khar kha tling khitkhet in aa nuamhpi. in full = a dihlak in.

full dress - (n.) puai caan i a phung ning bantukin i thuamhmi hnipuan

full faced - (adj.) lentecelhnak puai i a zohtu hna lei zoh khi

full-fledged - (adj.) a tlingmi

full-grown - (adj.) a tthan a tlingmi , nutling patling a simi

full stop - (n.) catlang donghnak i dehmi

full time - (adj.) caantling in ttuanmi rian

fullness - (n.) tlinnak

fully - (adv.) tling tein , khat cikcek tein

fumble - (v.) dah; e.g. He fumbled in the dark for the flashlight = Mui padap ah dahmei kha a dah.

fume - (n.) a rim a chiami meikhu; e.g. The gasoline fume makes her sick = Datsi khu nih a ritter.

fume - (v.) meikhu chuahter; e.g. The chimney fumes with smoke = Meikhu chuahnak in meikhu a chuak; e.g. thinhun i zai.

fun - (n.) nuamhnak , nihchuak; e.g. They make fun of his stammering = A holh at kha capo nihchuak ah an saih.

function - (n.) 1. ttuan hnga ding a simi rian; 2. zapi pumhnak; e.g. Wedding function = Nupi tthit pumhnak

function - (v.) rianttuan hnga dingmi ttuan; e.g. My pen does not function well = Ka cafung ttha tein a um lo.

functional - (adj.) rian he aa pehtlaimi thil a simi

functionary - (n.) bawi

fund - (n.) tangkabu

fundamental - (adj.) a hrampi a simi thil

funeral - (n.) ruakvui pumhnak , ruakvuinak

fungus - (n.) bangbuar (plural form = fungi)

funnel - (n.) ti rawnnak i hmanmi cong , a lu lei a kau i a taw lei a bimi

funny - (adj.) nihchuak thil

fur - (n.) hmul , vom hmul ti bantuk

furious - (adj.) thin hun ngaingai

furl - (v.) zual; e.g. Furl the flag = Alan kha zual tuah.

furlong - (n.) farlong, khan khat ah farlong 8 a um

furlough - (n.) akhonh

furnace - (n.) somei, sobuk i mei, meiphu nganpi

furnish - (v.) tthutdan, cabuai le innchung thilri, inn chung i chiah

furnishings - (n.) innchung thilri, tthutdan cabuai, etc.

furniture - (n.) tthutdan cabuai; e.g. He hauls furniture from Mandalay to Monywa = Mandalay in Monywa ah cabuai tthutdan tampi a phorh; e.g. Furniture mart = Thutdan cabuai an zuarnak dawr; e.g. Mr. Brown’s ostensible purpose was borrowing some sugar, but he really wanted to see the furniture = Mr. Brown nih a leng i a langhtermi cu thanthling cawi a si, asinain a duh taktakmi cu tthutdan cabuai ngai kha a si.

furrow - (n.) leithuan i an rinmi kuar

furry - (adj.) hmul a tammi

further - (adj.) hla chinchin, a hlat deuhnak hmun

further - (v.) hla deuh phakter

furthermore - (adv.) cuhleiah

furthermost - (adj.) a hla bik a simi , a hla bikmi

furthest - (adj.) a hla bik

furtive - (adj.) a thli tein

fury - (n.) thinhunnak

fuse - (n.) elektrik dah tha pehnak thirhri fate

fuse - (v.) titter i peh

fuselage - (n.) vanlawng a innpi, minung tthutnak le thil chiahnak hmun khi

fusion - (n.) titter i cawh; e.g. Bronze is made by the fusion of copper and tin = Dar sen cu dar rang le canphio cawh in sermi a si.

fuss - (v.) phunciar

fussy - (adj.) miphunciar, phunciar a duhmi

futile - (adj.) santlai lomi thil , a si kho lomi thil

futility - (n.) santlaih lonak

future - (n.) hmailei caan

future - (adj.) hmailei i a si dingmi

futurity - (n.) hmailei i a si dingmi thil sinak

fuzz - (n.) lunghmul hling, lunghmul. hling bantuk a simi thing pelpawi tete

fy - (suff.) siter; e.g. clear cu clarify a siter; glory cu glorify a siter.


gadget - (n.) seh hmete; khuhsi riamnak seh hei ti bantuk

gain - (v.) 1. miak; e.g. The gains and losses are about on par = Miaknak le sunghnak kha aa tluk fang an si; 2. hmuh

gain - (n.) miakmi thil

gain ground - (v.) hmailei kal

gainsay - (v.) a si lo ti ; al , hlawt

gala - (n.) a nuam ngaimi puai

galaxy - (n.) 1. arfibu a sau i a kauh zong a kaumi , khuasik can i van lai i aa khammi khi; 2. bu ttha ngai, bu dawh ngai ai zul thluahmahmi; e.g. The king was followed by a galaxy of knights = Bawi run nih siangpahrang kha an zulh.

gale - (n.) 1. thlitu fak; 2. thlitu bantuk i thawngpang a hung um urmarmi

gall - (n.) hnitkha

gall bladder - (n.) hnit umnak tutuhlut , thin i a ummi

gallant - (adj.) ralttha

gallantry - (n.) raltthatnak

gallery - (n.) 1. innkhan nganpi; 2. innkhan nganpi cung i donhhlei i cu donhhlei i innkhan cu vun zoh khawhnak; 3. inn asiloah khan nganpi, a chung i hmanthlak le suaimi a phunphun an chiahnak

galley - (n.) canamnak sehha tiannak ca i hmanmi kheng

galley proof - (n.) canamnak seh ha an tianmi, vun nam taktak hlan i remh tthan ding ca i nammi

gallon - (n.) ti tahnak, thihnathawl paruk khat hrawng

gallop - (v.) phawhhnih in tlik

gallows - (n.) mi an thah hna tik i an thlainak hna tung

galvanize - (v.) canphio kha ngen pan tein thuh

gamble - (v.) phekah; (N.) e.g. Some people connive at gambling = Mi a cheu nih phekah kha a thli in an bawmh hna.

gambler - (n.) phe aa kahmi

game - (n.) 1. lentecelhnak; e.g. Games are pastimes = Lentecelh cu nuamh caan a si. 2. ram vaih hnawhmi sa

gamecock - (n.) ttaihciat , cuk a thiammi arhli

gamut - (n.) a ningpi in, a hramthawk in a donghnak tiang; e.g. In one minute, I ran the gamut of feelings from hope to despair = Minit pakhat chungah ruahchannak in hnabeidonghnak tiang ka phan.

gang - (n.) bu

gangplank - (n.) tilawng i va luhnak ca i an donhmi phelpheng hlei

gangster - (n.) mitthalo bu chung i aa telmi

gaol - (n.) British.  thonginn.   U.S. jail.

gaoler - (n.) British.  thongtla uktu.  U.S. jailor.

gap - (n.) vampang pemnak, a awng, a kua, baohnak, tlang le tlang karlak lam, lawnnak

gape - (v.) ka (kaa) kau piin i an.

garage - (n.) mawttaw chiahnak inn , mawttaw remhnak hmun

garb - (n.) hnipuan

garbage - (n.) duh lomi rawl hlonhmi, hmunhnawm, hnawmtam; e.g. The disposal of garbage should be made every day = Hnawm hlonh cu nifa tein a si awk a si; e.g. Dispose of that rubbish (garbage) = Khi hnawm khi hei hlonh hna.

garble - (v.) mi chimmi bia asiloah mi ttialmi bia , mah duhning in rak kuaih i rak chim tthan , a hmaan deuh loning i rak kuaih

garden - (n.) dum; e.g. She has many kinds of plants in her garden = A dum ah thlaiti thlaihnah a phunphun a ngei; e.g. He planted vegetables in his garden = A dum ah tihang a phunphun a cin hna; e.g. Vegetables are the produce of our garden = Kan dum chuahmi cu tihang a si.

garden - (v.) dum tuah; e.g. She likes to garden = Dum tuah a duh.

gardener - (n.) dum tuahtu , dum ngeitu

gargle - (v.) ka chung le hrom hrawng tiin i thuah

garland - (n.) pangpar thi

garlic - (n.) daidim, khachuan, vankhawng; e.g. He reeks of garlic = Daidim rim a nam hut ko.

garment - (n.) hnipuan

garner - (n.) rawl khonnak inn rawlruk

garner - (v.) rawl khon

garnish - (v.) i dawh seh tiah tamh

garniture - (n.) ttamhnak.

garrison - (n.) khuavengtu ah an chiahmi hna ralkap , cu bantuk ralkap umnak hmun

garter - (n.) hmawca ttemnak khairiat

gas - (n.) 1. tikhu, ti zong a si lomi, thli a phunphun; 2. rawl chuannak hna i an hmanmi gas; 3. petrol.

gas mask - (n.) gas khamnak luchin.

gash - (n.) thuk piin i tukmi nam hma

gasoline - (n.) petrol.

gasp - (v.) ka (kaa) i an thli dawp, thaw phahlang lengmang i um.

gastric - (adj.) pawpi he aa pehtlaimi thil

gate - (n.) kutka; e.g. The gate was wrought with great skill = Kutka cu dawh tein an ser.

gateway - (n.) kutka awng , kalnak lam

gather - (v.) 1. i pumh; e.g. We gathered together = Hmunkhat ah kan i pum; 2. rawl pumh; e.g. The farmer gathered the crops = Lothlopa nih rawl kha a pumh hna; 3. ngiatnak le zohnak in hngalh; e.g. I gathered from his words that he did not like my idea = A biachimmi in, ka ruahnak a duh lo ti kha ka hngalh.

gathering - (n.) aa pummi bu

gaudy - (adj.) miphun niam sinak langhterning in i thuamh le thilthuam azawng zong kha a ti tuk deuhmi si

gauge - (n.) tahnak

Gaul - (n., prop.) Hlanlio Europe ram chung i a rak ummi ram, hi ram chungah hin France, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany le Italy an rak um.

gaunt - (adj.) der filfial in a ummi

gauntlet - (n.) thir kuthruk

gauze - (n.) puan pante hma tuamnak i an hmanmi

gave - (v.) past tense of give, pek.  give zoh;  e.g. He gave a good talk to the students = Siangngakchia kha bia ttha ngai i a chimh hna.

gavel - (n.) thing sobul hmete, pumhnak uktu nih ka bia ngai u, tiah a hmanmi

gay - (adj.) lunglawm thanuammi

gaze - (v.) saupi zoh peng , cuanh

gazelle - (n.) sazuk phun khat

gazer - (n.) zohtu, ngiatu cuantu

gazette - (n.) 1. thawngthanhnak ca; 2. acozah thawngthanhnak ca

gazetted - (adj.) acozah thawngthanhnak i thanh/fehter

gazetter - (n.) khua le ram kong ttialnak cauk; Hi cauk chungah hin hmun min, tlang min, tiva min, rili min le a dangdang hna kha a cafang aa dot ning in ttial an si.

gear - (n.) seh ha; e.g. The teeth in one gear engage in those of another = Seh ha cu pakhat le pakhat an i seh.

gecko - (n.) tekral

geese - (n.) plural of goose, compai phun khat, a ngan deuh phun.

geisha - (n.) Japan mi ngaknu hlasak a thiam i lam a thiammi.

gelatine - (n.) saruh tehna , a ki tehna , cuar tik i nem neknukpi an hung um khi

gem - (n.) lungvar man sung

gendarme - (n.) a aw chuah cu zawdaam ti a si; France ralkap an rian palik rian a simi.

gender - (n.) nu le pa thleidannak

genealogy - (n.) chuahkehnak

general - (adj.) 1. a tlangpi in , kha set kha ti awk um loin; 2. hmun khat lawng si loin hmun dihlak in; e.g. General election = Ram chung dihlak i i thimnak; 3. zapi, pumpak si loin; 4. cawn khunmi ngei loin a tlangpi a kaupi in cawn

general - (n.) ralbawi ngan , colonel (karnel) cung.

generality - (n.) a kangzapi in a simi

generalization - (n.) a tlangpi i hei chim duahmah men, a setset in chimmi um lem lo i hei chim duahmah ko

generalize - (v.) a tlangpi in chim

generally - (adv.) a tlangpi in chim ahcun

generate - (v.) chuahter; e.g. Fire generates steam = Mei nih tikhu a chuahter.

generation - (n.) 1. tha chuahternak; 2. chan; e.g. Our generation is the generation of science = Kan chan hi science chan a si;  e.g. He can trace his family to the tenth generation = A chuahkehnak kha chan hra tiang a zawt khawh.

generator - (n.) tha chuahtertu enzin seh

generosity - (n.) siannak

generous - (adj.) misiang a simi

generously - (adv.) siang ngaiin

genesis - (n.) hramthawknak chuahkehnak

genetics - (n.) chuahkehnak kong cawnnak

genial - (adj.) a nuam ngaimi

genius - (n.) hawi hlei in a fim khun, a thiam khun, thil ti kho khunmi

Gentile - (n., prop.) Jentail; Judah mi si lomi.

gentle - (adj.) a nemmi , mi nunnem , mi aw nem , chuk nem , cho nem

gentleman - (n.) hmaizah awk tlak a simi pa , umtu ziaza aa dawhmi pa; e.g. Gentlemen's agreement = Cattial loin pakhat le pakhat i zumhnak lawnglawng in tuahmi biakamnak

gently - (adv.) nem tein

gentry - (n.) hmaizah awk tlak i upat awk tlakmi hna

genuine - (adj.) a deu a si lomi a taktak a simi

genuinely - (adv.) a taktak in

genuineness - (n.) a taktak sinak

genus - (n.) phun , bu

geographer - (n.) khuaram kong thiammi

geographic - (adj.) khuaram kong he aa pehtlaimi

geographically - (adv.) khuaram kong he i pehtlai in

geography - (n.) khuaram kong , miphun a ummi hna le a khuati le thingkung ramkung le thil dangdang kong

geological - (adj.) vawlei le a chung thil umtuning kong he aa pehtlaimi

geologically - (adv.) vawlei umtuning kong in chim ahcun

geologist - (n.) vawlei le a chung thil ummi kong a cawngmi

geology - (n.) vawlei le a chung thil umtuning kong

geometry - (n.) catlang rin in thil tuak thiamnak , thil a sau , a kauh , a chahning tah thiamnak

geopolitics - (n.) vawlei cung umnak hmun le tlonlennak hmun ngeih in minung kan khuasak tintukning kong cawnnak

germ - (n.) 1. zawtnak rungrul a hmet tuk ca i mit lawng in hmuh khawh a si lomi; 2. thil nunnak thawhkehnak, ci.

germicide - (n.) germ rungrul thattu.

germinate - (v.) thlaici an hung kheuh khi

germination - (n.) kheuhnak

gerund - (n.) verb kha noun i thlen tikah gerund a si, study (verb) kha studying (noun) i aa thlen tikah gerund a si.

gesticulate - (v.) kut zao ke zao pah in duhmi chim

gesticulation - (n.) kut zao ke zao kha duhnak chimnak i hmannak

gesture - (n.) 1. ruahnak le lungthin pum cawlcangh ningin langter, tahchunhnak ah kut zao, mit ttheh, cabuai, cumh; 2. zoh rem ding ca men i thau; e.g. His offer of help was only a gesture = Kan bawmh lai a timi cu zoh rem ca men i tuahmi a si.

gesture - (v.) keimah lei zoh hna seh ti i cawlcangh; e.g. She gestured to attract our attention = Ka zoh hna seh ti duh ah a cawlcang len.

get - (v.) 1. hmuh; e.g. I expect to get some money = Tangka tlawmpal ka hmuh lai tiah ka ruah; 2. va la, va caw; e.g. Get some bread at the store = Chawdawr ah changreu va caw tuah; 3. thawn, tthial; e.g. We cannot get the tree out of the way = Thingkung kha lam in kan tthial kho lo; 4. timh, chumh; e.g. I have to get the dinner now = Atu cu zanriah ka timh (chumh) a hau; 5. lim, duh; e.g. When can you get your work done = Zeitik ah dah na rian cu na lim khawh lai?; 6. nawl khawh, tuahter khawh; e.g. I cannot get him to do this work = Hi rian hi ka tuanter kho lo; 7. sican; e.g. He can get sick easily = Fawi tein a zaw kho; 8. phak, phanh; e.g. When will you get to town = Zeitik ah dah khua na phak lai? get along = hawi he i rem; e.g. He gets along with his friends = A hawile he an i rem. get by = tuah khawh fangfang; e.g. I'll get by with your help = Na ka bawmhnak thawngin ka tuah khawh fangfang a si lai. get down to = i biatak, thawk; e.g. After lunch he gets down to work = Chuncaw ei dih in rian cu aa biatak (tawk). get even with = ti cu teirul cham tinak a si. get in = a chung i luh; e.g. He gets into the room = Khan chungah a lut. get off = kal tak, chuah, ttum; e.g. He gets off the plane = Vanlawng in a ttum. get out = chuah, chuak. get over = dam; e.g. He gets over his illness = A zawtnak in a dam. get through = lim; e.g. Hurry and get through with your work = I khulranh law na rian kha lim. get together = hmunkhat ah i pumh. get up = thawh, ihnak in thawh, tthutnak in thawh i dir.

geyser - (n.) tilum cerhtiput

ghastliness - (n.) dang liapluap in umnak

ghastly - (adj.) mithi bantuk, tuksapur , dang (daang) liapluap in a ummi.

ghetto - (n.) khuapi chung i Judah mi umnak sang.

ghost - (n.) mithla; e.g. Ghosts haunt that old house = Khi inn hlun khi mithla nih a veh lengmang; e.g. People and things are substantial, ghosts are not = Minung le thilri cu a si taktakmi an si, mithla cu an si lo.

ghostly - (adj.) mithla bantuk

giant - (n.) mikei , a ngan a tthawngmi

gibber - (v.) sullam ngei loin zawng bantuk i awnh

gibberish - (adj.) sullam ngei lo i zawng bantukin a awnmi holh

gibbet - (n.) misual an thahmi an thlainak tung

gibbon - (n.) huho

gibe - (v.) nihsawh , serhsat

giblet - (n.) arthin

giddiness - (n.) lungmihnak

giddy - (adj.) lungmit

gift - (n.) laksawng; e.g. He did not take the gift = Laksawng kha a cohlang lo; e.g. I want to thank you for the gift = Laksawng na ka pekmi caah lawmh kan duh; e.g. She took a peek at the hidden gift = Laksawng an thuhmi kha a thli tein a va bih.

gifted - (adj.) hawi hlei in thil ti khawhnak a ngeimi , pahrang a ngeimi

gigantic - (adj.) a ngan ngaingaimi thil

giggle - (v.) nih , ngaknu no pawl nih khi

gild - (v.) pan tein nalh, thuh; e.g. Gild a picture frame = Hmanthlak chiahnak tungtlang kha sui in pantein nalh.

gill - (n.) nga samthih

gilt - (n.) sui hutnak sui

gilt - (adj.) sui hutmi thil

gimlet - (n.) awng vihnak thirttial ngerh a saumi

gin - (n.) 1. zureu phun khat; 2. lahat

ginger - (n.) aithing

ginger ale - (n.) aithing paihmi ber (bir).

gingerbread - (n.) aithing paihmi changreu

gingerly - (adv.) ralring ngaingai in

ginseng - (n.) Tuluk nih si caah an hmanmi aikung phun khat

gipsy (gypsy) - (n.) a cuar a nak a mit a nak i hmun khat ah um loin a vak lengmangmi miphun, a thawknak ah cun India ram in a rami an si rua ti i ruahmi gypsy ti zongin ttial a si.

giraffe - (n.) a hngawng a sau ngaingaimi saram

gird - (v.) 1. taisawm i sawmh; 2. i timh, biar tung i leh

girder - (n.) tanghri

girdle - (v.) khimh, kulh; e.g. The city was girdled with villages = Khuapi cu khuate nih an kulh.

girdle - (n.) taisawm; e.g. She puts on a girdle Taisawm aa sawng.

girl - (n.) nu ngakchia , va ngei rih lomi ngaknu

girlhood - (n.) ngaknu si lio

gist - (n.) chimmi tampi chungin a biapi bik a simi a tawinak tein lakmi te kha

give - (v.) 1. pek; e.g. I give him a book = Cauk ka pek; e.g. You must give a month’s notice before you leave = Na kal hlanah thla khat ralrinnak na kan pek lai; 2. chim; e.g. Give me your opinion = Na ruahnak a chim; 3. celh lo; e.g. We pushed until the door began to give = Innkhar nih a celh lo tiangin kan nam; 4. lu hloh. give back = kherh tthan. give ground = hnulei kir. give in = si ko kun seh ti i doh ti lo. give off = chuahter. give out = phuan, biaphuan. give up = ngol. give way = mah kha hnulei ah i tawn i hawi kha lam pek.

given - (adj.) rak i chimh ciami.

given - (v.) past participle of give, pek.  give zoh; e.g. Some medicines are given to deaden the pain = A fahnak daihter awkah si an pek.

given name - (n.) min hmasa bik; e.g. John F. Kennedy's given name is John = John F. Kennedy min hmassa bik cu John a si.

giver - (n.) petu

gizzard - (n.) ar cokcadil

glacial - (adj.) cu bantuk hawhra aa thawnmi he aa pehtlaimi

glacier - (n.) a sannak hmun i hawhra tampi aa khong aa khong i hlum nganpi ah aa cang i a niamnak hmun leiah aa thawnmi

glad - (adj.) lunglawmh

gladden - (v.) lunglawmhter

glade - (n.) tupi chung i phong hmete

gladiator - (n.) Rom cozah chan ah vainam in zapi zoh dawh ah aa tumi hna

gladly - (adv.) linglawm ngaiin

gladness - (n.) lunglawmhnak

gladsome - (adj.) lunglawmh awk pah a simi

glamor - (n.) U.S.  dawhnak, iang.

glamorous - (adj.) iang a ngeimi, aa dawhmi

glamour - British.  dawhnak, iang.

glance - (n.) khulrang in vun zoh; e.g. He gave the book a casual glance, but did not study it = Cauk cu a vun zoh vukvak, sihmanhsehlaw ttha tein a rel lo.

glance - (v.) zoh duak

gland - (n.) kan pum chung i tihang a chuahtertu hna thil santlai ngaingaimi, tahchunhnak ah thin tehna kal tehna thalbere tehna hi 'gland' an si.

glandular - (adj.) gland he aa pehtlaimi thil.

glare - (n.) 1. cer; e.g.The glare of the sun = Ni cer; 2. Thinhung in zoh; e.g. Her glare silenced him = Thinhung in a vun zohnak nih khan a daihter dep ko; 3. a nal ngaingai i thlalang bantuk a si mi; e.g. The road was a glare of ice = Lam cu hawhra nih a khuh dih i a nal ngaingai.

glare - (v.) thinhun in mit sensen in zoh; e.g. She glared at the noisy children = Hna a chetmi ngakchia kha a mit sensen in a zoh hna.

glaring - (adj.) a fiang ngaingaimi, mual a phomi

glass - (n.) 1. thlalang; e.g. Glass is transparent = Thlalang cu lan ko in hmuh khawhmi a si. 2. thlalang hrai

glasses - (n.) mithman; eyeglass zoh; e.g. Please fetch me my eyeglasses = Ka mit hmaan va ka lak ta.

glassful - (n.) hrai a khatmi

glassware - (n.) thlalang in sermi umkheng

glaze - (v.) thlalang bantukin

glaze - (n.) cu bantukin a tleutertu si an thuhmi

glazier - (n.) thlalangawng le hmanthlak chiahnak i thla lang a benhtu

gleam - (n.) 1. ceunak chawn; e.g. A gleam of light shone through the window = Thlalang awng in ceunak chawn a rung cue; 2. cer; e.g. the gleam of copper pans = Dar umkheng cer; 3. hngalh ual hngalh ual lote i a ummi; e.g. There was a gleam of laughter in her eyes = A mit chungah hngalh ual hngalh ual loin nihnak a um.

gleam - (v.) ceuh; e.g. A light gleamed in the distance = Lam hlatpi ah khan ceunak a ceu.

glean - (v.) famua suat

glee - (n.) lunglawmh thanuamnak

gleeful - (adj.) thanuam a simi

glen - (n.) nelrawn hmete

glib - (adj.) nal ngaiin biachim a hmangmi

glibly - (adv.) nal ngaiin

glide - (v.) nal ziahmah in tawlh

glide - (n.) nal ziahmah in tawlhnak

glider - (n.) enzin a ngei lomi vanlawng

glimmer - (v.) depdepdep ti i hung ceu; e.g. The match glimmered and went out = Meilah cu dep tiah a hung ceu i a mit.

glimpse - (n.) vun hmuh ta duak , vun bih ta duaknak , vun hngalh ta duak

glimpse - (v.) vun zoh ta duak, vun hmuh ta duak

glisten - (v.) tleu

glitter - (v.) tleu, cer; e.g. A diamond glitters = Daimon cu a cer.

gloat - (v.) diriam; e.g. He gloats over my failure = Ka sungh cu a di a riam.

globe - (n.) a pummi thil , vawlei pum

globular - (adj.) vawlei pum bantukin a pummi

gloom - (n.) muihnak, ngaihchiatnak

gloomy - (adj.) ngaichiah a simi, mui diamduam in a ummi

glorification - (n.) thangtthatnak , sunparnak

glorify - (v.) thangtthat , sunparnak pek

glorious - (adj.) a sunglawimi

glory - (n.) thangtthatnak, sunparnak, dawhnak

gloss - (n.) tleunak, a cung i nalhmi tleunak

glossary - (n.) a sullam fianternak ca i sau deuh in ttialmi

glossy - (adj.) a nal i a tleumi

glove - (n.) kuthruk

glow - (n.) 1. a van; e.g. The glow of the fire lighted the room = Mei a vanmi nih innkhan kha an ceuter; 2. ceu; e.g. There is a rosy glow in her cheeks = A biang cu rose pangpar ceu in a ceu; 3. thlam; e.g. There is a glow of happiness in her eyes = A mit chungah lawmhnak thlam a um.

glow - (v.) a vam, a ceu; e.g. His face glowed = A hmai a hung ceu, a hun i panh.

glucose - (n.) kulukut , thanthling phun khat

glue - (n.) kaw

glue - (v.) kaw benh , sengh

glut - (v.) i serh; e.g. The boys glutted themselves with cakes = Ngakchia kha changreu thlum an i serh.

glut - (n.) khim tuknak

glum - (adj.) hmaichia in a ummi.

glutton - (n.) mi pawkau

gluttonous - (adj.) rawl le sa tampi a ei khomi

gluttony - (n.) tam tuk in einak

glycerin - (n.) kilisirin , si bang a thlummi

gnarl - (n.) thing i a mit bo

gnash - (v.) hacang rial

gnat - (n.) fikfa, hmaisem; e.g. Mosquitoes, flies, gnats and bugs are insects = Fikfa, tho, ngalsang le hmaifa, rungrul, thohmuai, cngcel cu thakza an si.

gnaw - (v.) tam, teuh e.g. The dogs gnawed the bones = Uico nih saruh an teuh.

go - (v.) 1. kal; e.g. We go to church = Biakinn ah kan kal; e.g. We need to go today = Nihin cu kan kal awk a si; e.g. Please permit him to go = Kal ong ko tuah; He does not know whether to go or not = Ka kal hnga maw kal lo ti kha aa hngal khl lo; 2. thawh; e.g. You should go now = A tu cu naa thawh awk a si; 3. chawh; e.g. It is too cold to go without a coat = Angkileng loin i chawh awkah a kik tuk; 4. an umning i umter; e.g. She let the children go hungry = Ngakchia kha rawltam in a umter ko hna; 5. hmailei caan ah tuah ding; e.g. She is going to come here tomorrow = Thaizing ah hika ah a ra lai; 6. ah a cang; e.g. He goes mad = Mihrut ah a cang; 7. nunter, kalter, tuanter; e.g. Can you make this clock go = Hi suimilam hi na nunter kho maw? 8. an i tlak; e.g. These colors (colours) go well together = Hi azawng hna hi an i rem ngai. go by = pawng i kal; e.g. We go by the house = Inn pawng in kan kal. go on = peh, kal chin ko. go out = mit; e.g. The fire will go out = Mei cu a mit lai; Are you going out tonight = Tuzan rawlhrawn ah na kal lai maw? go over = tha tein zoh. go through = va in; e.g. I will not go through that trouble again = Kha harnak kha ka ing duh ti lo. go without = I sum. let oneself go = sining i langhter.

go-between - (n.) bu hnih karlak i lamkaltu

go off - (v.) 1. kal; 2. puak, puah; e.g. Did you hear the gun go off = Meithal a puah kha na thei maw?

goad - (n.) rang tuknak fung zum

goad - (v.) fung zum in sawh

goal - (n.) 1. tinhmi;  e.g. His object (goal) in life is to become a doctor = Aa tinhmi cu sibawi si a si. 2. khual tlawn i phak tinhmi 3. kawl

goat - (n.) meheh; e.g. The goat butted a boy = Meheh nih ngakchia a suk.

goatherd - (n.) mehehkhal

goatskin - (n.) mehehphaw

gobble - (v.) ei duahmah dolh duahmah

goblet - (n.) thlalang hrai

God - (n., prop.) Pathian; e.g. Incline your heart to obey God’s law = Pathian nawlbia zulh ding kha na lung cu hoihter, duhter, a sor tlukter; e.g. The works of God are wonderful = Pathian thil tuahmi hi khuaruahhar an si ko.

goddess - (n.) khuazingnu

godfather - (n.) ngakchia a cawmtu pa

godhead - (n.) Pathian sinak

godless - (adj.) Pathian zei i a rel lomi

godly - (adj.) Pathian a upatmi

godmother - (n.) ngakchia a cawmtu nu

godparent - (n.) ngakchia a cawmtu nu maw pa maw

godsend - (n.) Pathian tthumhthlakmi thil

goes - (v.) go zoh; e.g. He goes with him = Amah he a kal.

going - (n.) kal; e.g. His going was very sudden = A kal cu ruah lopi ah a si; e.g. He is going to England from Burma via Suez Canal = Kawlram in England ah Suez Canal lam in a kal lai.

goiter - (n.) hrompuar

gold - (n.) sui; e.g. nugget of gold = sui tlang; e.g. They were mining for gold = Sui an co; e.g. An alloy of gold and copper is harder than pure gold = Sui le dar cawhmi cu sui thiang nakin a hak deuh;  e.g. They are panning for gold in the creek = Tivate ah sui kawl in lung tekep an tawl an rilh; e.g. These cups are plated with gold = Hi hrai cu sui in pan tein an tuam hna; sui an hut.

gold - (adj.) sui in sermi

gold leaf - (n.) pan tete in an denmi sui tlap

golden - (adj.) 1. sui mui a kengmi thil.

golden age - (n.) sui chan

golden rule - (n.) sui phung; Mi nih ka cungah tuah hna seh ti na duhmi kha mi cungah va tuah ve

goldfish - (n.) sui nga.

goldsmith - (n.) sui soser

golf - (n.) kawlf , lentecelhnak phun khat

gondola - (n.) vokkuanglawng

gone - (v.) past participle of go, kal.  go zoh; e.g. A friend of mine has gone home = Ka hawipa cu inn ah a tlung.

gong - (n.) bongmong

good - (adj.) 1. a tthami; 2. aa tlakmi; e.g. He is a good man for the job = Hi rian he hin an i tlak; 3. nuamh; e.g. We had a good time = Kan i nuam; 4. a tam ial; e.g. He read a good many books = Cauk tam ialte a rel.

good - (n.) a ttha; e.g. He is old enough to know good from bad = A ttha le a chia thleidan khawhnak dingah a upa ve ko cang; e.g. (N.) His goodness is all a sham = A tthatnak khi a ngaingai a si lo, a deu men a si; as good as = A dih tluk a si ko, aa lim dengmang. for good = Zungzal. good for = Nguh; e.g. The food supply is good for one week = Rawl ca zarh khat caah a za lai. make good = hlawhtlin; e.g. He made good in business = A chawdawr a hlawh tling.

Good Friday - (n., prop.) Easter hlan Cawn Ni Nga ni.

good-looking - (adj.) aa dawh

goodbye - (interj.) dam tein; e.g. He said goodbye and departed = Dam tein a ti i a kal, pial.

goods - (n.) thilri

goodwill - (n.) lungthin ttha

goody - (n.) changreu thlum

goose - (n.) compai phun khat , a ngan deuh phun

gopher - (n.) zu phun khat, dinmi zu si loin

gore - (n.) thisen

gore - (v.) suk, caw nih a suk ti bantuk khi

gorge - (n.) hor thukpi

gorge - (v.) khim tuk in rawl ei

gorgeous - (adj.) aa dawh ngaingaimi

gorilla - (n.) zawng nganpi phun khat , Afrikaram i a ummi

gosling - (n.) compai fa

gospel - (n.) thawngttha

gossip - (v.) congoih

gossip - (n.) mi congoih a hmangmi

got - (v.) past tense of get, hmuh.  get zoh.

Goth - (n., prop.) Goth miphun, Rom cozah a rak teitu miphun hna lak i pakhat.

gothic - (adj.) Goth mi nih inn an sakning.

gotten - (v.) past participle of get, hmuh.  get zoh.

gouge - (n.) cop a har a kuarmi

gourd - (n.) umruang

gout - (n.) hliahcang fah zawtnak

gouty - (adj.) gout zawtnak a ingmi

govern - (v.) uk , hruai

governable - (adj.) uk khawhmi

governance - (n.) uknak

government - (n.) cozah; e.g. He is in government service = Amah cu cozah rian a ttuan; e.g. In some countries tobacco is a government monopoly = Ram khat khat ahcun sahdah hi cozah lawng nih an tongthammi a si; e.g. England has parliamentary form of government = England cu parliament ukning cozah a ngeimi a si.

governmental - (adj.) cozah he aa pehtlaimi thil

governor - (n.) uktu , mangkibawi

governorship - (n.) uktu bawi sinak

gown - (n.) 1. nu thuam; 2. dikiri an lak ni i an i hrukmi angkifual

grab - (v.) lak zau , char zau , a cuh in i cuh

grace - (n.) 1. Pathian vel; 2. aa dawhmi cawlcanghning; 3. dawhnak

graceful - (adj.) umtu ningcang aa dawh ngaimi

graceless - (adj.) a ttha tthalo ti ruat khak lo i a ummi

gracious - (adj.) nuam ngai le ttha ngaiin a ummi

grade - (n.) 1. dot; 2. tang; e.g. First grade = tang khat; 3. camipuai tuah tik i a thiamnak thleidannak; e.g. A grade = A sang bik; 4. chen le rawnh; e.g. The road has a steep grade = Lam cu a chuk, cheng.

grade - (v.) 1. a bubu in a hmetpuam ning in chiah; 2. camipuai tuahnak zoh tik i hmakpek

grade school - (n.) kum ruk in kum riat tiang hrawng cawnnak sianginn

gradual - (adj.) duhsah tein aa thlengmi

gradually - (adv.) duhsah tein

graduate - (v.) 1. sianginn in awn; 2. a tthen tete in tthen; e.g. The ruler is graduated in inches = Pedan cu lehmah tete ah tthen a si.

graduate - (adj.) cawnnak a sang cangmi; e.g. Graduate School = B.A. awn hnu cawnnak

graduate - (n.) sianginn in a awng; e.g. He is a college graduate = College awngmi a si.

graduation - (n.) cacawnmi awnnak

graft - (n.) 1. thing nge i thing nge dang pehmi; 2. ziknawh

graft - (v.) peh, benh

grain - (n.) 1. rawl fang, facang fang, fatun fang, etc.; e.g. The barns were bursting with grains = Rawl inn cu rawl an khat cikcek. 2. thing ning; 3. tlawmte; e.g. There is not a grain of truth in what he says = A chimmi ah khan biatak tlawmte hmanh a um lo.

grammar - (n.) 1. bia an umtuning zeitindah hman an sining, zeitindah ttial an sining, cawnnak; e.g. He is studying English grammar = English grammar a cawng; 2. holh umtuning ttialnak cauk; 3. holh a ning zulh in holh le ttial.

grammatical - (adj.) grammar ning in chimmi, ttialmi.

grammatically - (adv.) grammar ning in.

gramophone - (n.) thingkuang holh thiam

granary - (n.) rawl chiahnak inn , buk le han

grand - (adj.) 1. a nganpi, a man a fak ngaimi; 2. upat awk tlak ngaimi

grand jury - (n.) thil sual pakhatkhat a um tikah, cu thil cu biaceihnak zung ah chuahpi awk a tlak maw tlak lo ti a ceih hmasatu bu, cu bu chungah cun mi 12 in 23 tiang an um kho

grandchild - (n.) tu

granddaughter - (n.) fanu i fanu , tu nu

grandfather - (n.) pu, hringtu pa i a pa; e.g. He is my grandfather on the paternal side = Amah hi palei kamah ka pu a si.

grandly - (adv.) ngan ngaiin, upat tlak ngaiin

grandmother - (n.) pi , nu/pa i a nu

grandness - (n.) ngannak

grandparent - (n.) pi/pu

grandson - (n.) fanu i fapa , fapa i fapa , tu pa

grandstand - (n.) lentecelh zohnak i tthutnak hmun ttha bik

granite - (n.) teklung

granny - (n.) pi

grant - (v.) 1. pek, nawl pek; 2. biatak a si ti i ruah; e.g. I grant that he attended the class = Sianginn a kai tiah ka ruah. take for granted = a si tawn ningin a si ko ti i ruah.

grant - (n.) pekmi thil, laksawng, bawmhnak

grape - (n.) mitsur

grapefruit - (n.) theithu phun khat

grapevine - (n.) mitsur ruang

graph - (n.) graf; catlang rinmi in kihlum zong a si ah, ruah tlawmtam zong a si ah, a san a niam zong a si ah, hmuhsaknak

graphic - (adj.) fiang tein chimmi

grapple - (v.) tlaih, fek tein i tlaihpeng

grasp - (v.) tlaih , thil a sullam tlaih , hngalh

grasp - (n.) fek tein i tlaihnak

grasping - (adj.) mihakkau , miduhfak

grass - (n.) ram; e.g. Cows eat grass = Caw nih ram an ei; e.g. He cut the grass = Ram a riam; e.g. The children love to frolic on the grass = Ngakchia cu ram cung i nuam ngaiin lente i celh kha an duh; e.g. He lies down on the grass = Ram cungah a it; e.g. Lush grass grows along the river banks = Tiva kamah ram hring detdut in an um; e.g. Wheat is a species of grass = Changvut hi ram phun khat a si.

grasshopper - (n.) khaubawk

grassland - (n.) phong

grassy - (adj.) ram tamnak hmun a simi

grate - (n.) meitil laknak thir fingrilh

grateful - (adj.) lunglawmh

gratefully - (adv.) lunglawm ngaiin

grater - (n.) a bingbomi thil milhnak

gratification - (n.) lawmhternak

gratify - (v.) 1. lawmhter; 2. duhnak riamhter

grating - (n.) thir tung tete , a tung a phei in tahmi

gratis - (adj.) man loin , a lakin

gratitude - (n.) lunglawmhnak

gratuitous - (adj.) man loin hmuhmi laksawng

gratuity - (n.) rianttuan man hmuhmi laksawng tangka

grave - (adj.) 1. khua fak piin a ruatmi; 2. biapi ngai a simi; 3. thinphang ttihnung a simi

grave - (n.) thlan, mithi vuinak thlan;  e.g. His body was consigned to the grave = A pum cu thlan ah an vui; e.g. We saw them lay the body in the grave = Thlan chung i a ruak an vui kha kan hmuh.

grave - (v.) cattial khenhchih

gravel - (n.) lungtekep

graven - (adj.) suaimi

graveness - (n.) biapi a sinak

gravestone - (n.) thlanlung

graveyard - (n.) thlan , thlanhmun

gravitate - (v.) vawlei dah nih hnuh

gravitation - (n.) vawlei dah nih hnuhnak

gravity - (n.) vawlei dah

gravy - (n.) mehhnawt

gray - (adj.) grey ti zongin ttial a si; a nak le a rang fonh ah a zawng a chuakmi, a pawl ti bik a si lai; asinain.

gray hair - (n.) cu sam par ti a si

graze - (v.) 1. ram tam , tlon; e.g. Cattle are grazing in the field = Caw cu lo lakah an tlong. 2. hnor vak; e.g. The bullet grazed his shoulder = Kuan nih a liang a hnor vak.

grease - (n.) 1. sathau; 2. sathau bantukin a tlormi thil

grease - (v.) tlorter

greasy - (adj.) a tlormi

great - (adj.) ngan , minthang , lianngan

great-aunt - (n.) pa/nu i a ni

great grandchild/ grandchildren - (n.) tu chin

great grandmother - (n.) pi chin

greathearted - (adj.) mi lungthin ttha

greatly - (v.) ngan piin, tam piin

greatness - (n.) ngannak , lianhngannak

greave - (n.) ngal tuamnak phaw

greed - (n.) hakkauhnak , duhfahnak

greedily - (adv.) hakkau ngaiin, duhfak ngaiin

greediness - (n.) hakkauhnak

greedy - (adj.) duh a fakmi , hak a kaumi

Greek - (n., prop.) Grik mi.

green - (adj.) 1. a hringmi , thinghnah hring azawng; 2. a hmin rih lomi; e.g. Green apples = Epal a hmin rih lomi; 3. rian a thiam rih lomi

green - (n.) a hring zawng

greenback - (n.) U.S.A. tangka ca.

greenhorn - (n.) thil theihhngalhmi a ngei rih lo i hlen a fawimi

greenhouse - (n.) thlaici erhnak thlalang inn

greenish - (adj.) a hring zawng bantuk a simi

greenness - (n.) hrinnak

greens - (n.) an hringso

greet - (v.) biakchawnh , rak chawnh

greeting - (n.) biakchawnhnak

gregarious - (adj.) hawi he a bu in um a duhmi saram pawl

grenade - (n.) kirnet bom

grenadier - (n.) kirnet bom a hmangmi pawl ralkap

grievously - (adv.) fak ngaiin.

grew - (v.) past tense of grow; grow zoh.

grey - (adj.) gray ti zongin ttial a si; a nak le a rang fonh ah a zawng a chuakmi, a pawl ti bik a si lai.

greyhound - (n.) uico phun khat , a khan a sang ngai i a tai aa rek ngaimi

grid - (n.) thir fingrilh

grief - (n.) ngaihchiatnak nganpi;  e.g. She was overwhelmed with grief = Ngiahchiatnak nih a tei.

grievance - (n.) thinhunnak , ingpuannak

grieve - (v.) fak piin ngaichiat

grill - (n.) sa emnak thir fingrilh

grim - (adj.) 1. a hmai a hakmi , nih thlam leng lo , zaangfahnak ngei lomi; 2. ttihnung, tuksapur

grimace - (n.) hmaichiat, hmai in nehsawhnak, zomhtaihnak langhter; e.g. Only rude children make grimaces = Ngakchia hrut lawng nih an hmai in mi serhsatnak an langhter.

grime - (n.) hnawm

grimy - (adj.) a hnawmmi

grin - (n.) nihnak, merhnak

grin - (v.) nih i merh

grind - (v.) 1. rial; 2. tat; e.g. We grind the scissors = Cehrep kan tat hna; 3. hacang rial

grinder - (n.) rialtu

grindstone - (n.) lungtat

grip - (v.) fek tein tlaih

grip - (n.) 1. fek tein tlaihnak;  e.g. He has a grip of iron = A kuttlaih cu thir bantukin a fek. 2. khual tlawnnak thingkuang hmete

gripes - (n.) paw fah

grisly - (adj.) ttihnung a simi

grit - (v.) a ha a khawn; e.g. He grits his teeth = A ha a khawn.

groan - (v.) hrum ruangmang

groan - (n.) hrumai thawng

grocer - (n.) eidin thil a zuartu

groceries - (n.) eidin awk thilri

grocery - (n.) eidin awk thil an zuarnak chawdawr

groggy - (adj.) derthawm , feh lo , thazang um lo

groin - (n.) pang, paw le pang

groom - (n.) 1. rangcawng; e.g. The groom brushes the horse = Rangcawng nih a rang kha a hmul a muai; 2. nupi ngei dengmangmi maw asiloah ngei kate tlangval

groom - (v.) 1. thianghlim tein um, sam hna ttha tein i hriah; 2. si ding i timhtuah; e.g. He was groomed for mayor = Khuabawi caah an timhtuah.

groove - (n.) meithal kua chung ttial , khuarmi

grope - (v.) mui lak i i dah, mui lakah kal

gross - (n.) dozen 12, cucu 144.

gross - (adj.) a thap a hratmi, rawi lei zongah biachim lei zongah, ziaza lei zongah, a dihlak, a fiang tukmi

grotesque - (adj.) muichiapi , nihchuak a simi muisam pipi a kengmi

ground - (n.) vawlei; e.g. We saw traces of rabbits on the ground = Vawlei ah saveh keneh tete kan hmuh hna.

ground - (v.) 1. tthutter ko; e.g. The plane was grounded by bad weather = Vanlawng cu nikhua chia nih a tthutter ko; 2. hram bunh; e.g. Her statements were grounded on facts = A chimmi cu a si taktakmi i aa bunhmi a si; 3. vawlei ah a tang; e.g. The boat was grounded on the sand = Thetse cungah tilawng cu a tang; 4. simple past tense and past participle grind; grind zoh.

ground - (adj.) vawlei naih; e.g. He lives on the ground floor = Inn tang dot bik ah a um.

ground plan - (n.) inn sak tik i a tuang umnak ding tuaktanmi

groundless - (adj.) sullam ngei lo , hram ngei lo

grounds - (n.) tual le dum inn pawngkam i a ummi

groundwork - (n.) a hrampi

group - (n.) bu

group - (v.) hmun khat i i but

grove - (n.) thingkung a bu in ummi; e.g. Orange grove = Theithu kung a bu in a ummi

grow - (v.) 1. tthan; 2. duhsah te i hung si; e.g. They are growing tired = Duhsah tein an tha a hung di; 3. cin; e.g. They grow corn = Fangvoi an cin.

grower - (n.) thil cingtu

growl - (v.) uico ngur

grown - (v.) grow zoh; past participle of grow.

grown-up - (n.) nutling patling a simi

growth - (n.) tthannak; e.g. Weeds choke the growth of the tree = Belh nih thingkung tthan a donh.

grub - (v.) coih; e.g. Pigs grub for food = Vok nih thinghram kha an coih hna.

grudge - (n.) lungthli in uam, thinhun peng

grudge - (v.) 1. lunglawm lo ngaiin pek; e.g. He grudged his landlord the rent = Vawlei ngeitupa kha lawm lo ngaiin a man a pek; 2. nahchuah.

grudgingly - (adv.) siang lo thluahmah in

gruel - (n.) fanghang

grueling - (adj.) tha a ditter ngaingaimi rian

gruesome - (adj.) tuksapur a simi

gruff - (adj.) biachim , holhrel , umtu ziaza i tla bulbal in a ummi

grumble - (v.) phunzai

grumbler - (n.) phunzai huammi

grunt - (v.) vok nguk

guarantee - (v.) biakam

guarantee - (n.) biakamnak , aamahkhan

guarantor - (n.) aamah khangtu , biakamtu

guard - (v.) ven , congh , runven

guard - (n.) vengtu;  e.g. The guard cannot leave his post = Ralvengtu nih a umnak kha a kaltak kho lo.

guardhouse - (n.) ralvennak inn

guardian - (n.) zohkhentu

guardianship - (n.) zohkhenhtu sinak

gubernatorial - (adj.) governor (mangki bawi) he aa pehtlaimi thil; e.g. Gubernatorial election = Governor thimnak.

guerilla - (n.) ral fir

guerrilla war - (n.) ralfir. (zong guerilla war).

guess - (v.) hngalh setsai lo i ruah

guess - (n.) hngalh setsai lo i ruahnak

guest - (n.) hawileng , khualtlung

guidance - (n.) hruainak , lam hmuhsaknak

guide - (v.) lam hmuhsak , hruai

guide - (n.) lam hruaitu , lam chimtu

guidebook - (n.) lam chimhnak cauk

guidepost - (n.) lam chimtu tung

guild - (n.) bu

guild hall - (n.) hi bantuk bu an i pumhnak khan

guile - (n.) hrokhrawlnak , lihchimnak

guileless - (adj.) lih a chim lomi, a hrokhrol lomi

guillotine - (n.) lu tannak thing, caku tannak seh

guilt - (n.) sualnak

guiltily - (adv.) sual ngaiin

guiltiness - (n.) sualnak, misual sinak

guiltless - (adj.) a sual lomi

guilty - (adj.) a sualmi, biaceihtu bawi nih na sual ti, i phuhrun; e.g. The accused pleaded not guilty = Sual an puhmi pa nih ka sual lo tiah a ti.

guinea hen - (n.) vari haw

guinea pig - (n.) zu phun khat, si hneksaknak i an hman ngaimi

guise - (n.) thuam

guitar - (n.) kitar , tingtang

gulf - (n.) rili fonghlei

Gulf Stream - (n., prop.) rili chung i ti lum tiva bantukin a luangmi.

gull - (n.) vate phun khat

gullet - (n.) 1. late, kaa in pawpi tiang rawl a kalnak late; 2. hrom

gully - (n.) tilu zir

gulp - (n.) dolh khat

gulp - (v.) dolh

gum - (n.) 1. kaw; 2. khaimi a tlummi kaw; 3. hani

gum tree - (n.) kaw kung

gun - (n.) meithal, sikahnak; e.g. Did you hear the gun go off = Meithal a puah kha na thei maw?; e.g. He loaded the gun = Meithal ah zen/ zenthong a rawn; e.g. Don’t point the gun at me = Meithal cu ka tinh hlah; e.g. A gun recoils when fired = Meithal cu puah tikah mi a su; e.g. Pull the trigger of the gun = Meithal zang kha phelh.

gun boat - (n.) ral dohnak tilawng a hmemi , ti puan i hmanmi

gunlock - (n.) meithal cengbawm

gunner - (n.) meithal kah thiamnak cawnpiakmi

gunny - (n.) buri songkhoi

gunpowder - (n.) zen

gunshot - (n.) meithal kah

gunstock - (n.) meithal tanglam

gurgle - (v.) a tlok hliahmahmi thawng a ngei; e.g. Water gurgles when it is poured out of a bottle = Thawl chungin ti cu thlet a si tikah, a awn hliahmah.

gush - (v.) pawt hluahmah , luang hluahmah

gush - (n.) cu bantukin a luang hluahmahmi

gusher - (n.) zinan khor seh hau loin zinan a chuak hluahmahmi

gust - (n.) thli vuk ti i a hran khi

gusto - (n.) thaw ngai i ei; e.g. He ate with gusto = Thaw ngaiin a ei.

gusty - (adj.) thlitu a hrang ngaimi

gut - (v.) hrawh dih cikcek; e.g. Fire gutted the house = Mei nih inn cu a hrawh dih cikcek.

gut - (n.) rilte

guts - (n.) raltthatnak

gutter - (n.) 1. tiluannak tilu hor; 2. disathlap tidong

guttural - (adj.) hrom he aa pehtlaimi aw thawng

guy - (n.) mipa

gymnasium (gym) - (n.) lentecelhnak hmun, lentecelhnak inn

gymnastics - (n.) lentecelhnak

gyrate - (v.) i hel , i mer lengmang

gyroscope - (n.) aa hel aa mer lengmangmi thil in zohnak


habit - (n.) tuah lengmang i zia i a cang cangmi zia

habitable - (adj.) um khawhnak a simi ; inn zong a si ah , hmun zong a si ah

habitat - (n.) bu, umnak hmun, kua

habitation - (n.) umnak; e.g. The old house is not fit for habitation = Inn hlunpi kha umnak a tlak ti lo.

habitual - (adj.) a zia a simi; e.g. A habitual reader reads and reads = Carel a zia aa ngeihmi nih cun ca cu a rel lengmang ko.

habitually - (v.) a zia ning in

habituate - (v.) zia ah a tla

hack - (v.) tan , cheu

hackneyed - (adj.) hman tuk cang i zei i rel set ti lomi

hacksaw - (n.) thir tannak hluah hmete

had - (v.) past tense and past participle of have; have zoh.

Hades - (n., prop.) mithi khua, hell.

haemoglobin - (n.) British  thi chung i a senmi.

haft - (n.) nam hlok

hag - (n.) tarnu

haggard - (adj.) mui tlafiamfuam in um , mit kuak tla

haggle - (v.) thil man i det

hail - (n.) rial

hail - (v.) 1. rial tlak in tlak; 2. rak lawmh, rak thangtthat

hailstone - (n.) rial.

hair - (n.) sam; e.g. Mother curls Helen’s hair = Ka nu nih Helen sam a kerter; e.g. His hair is too short to part = A muiri tteh awkah a sam a tawi tuk; e.g. Do not pull my hair = Ka sam ka hnuk hlah; e.g. Mary is wearing her hair in a new way = Mary cu a sam pungsan thar in aa tom.

hairbreath - (n.) samfang ngawte lawng a simi, a bi ngaingaimi, dengmangte; a hairbreadth escape = a luatnak cu samfang ngaw te lawng a si.

hairless - (adj.) sam ngei lo , hmul ngei lo

hair's breadth - (adj.) samfang ngaw

hairsplitting - (adj.) samfang cheu bantukin cheu a harmi

hairspring - (n.) suimilam chung i samfang tia tete a simi spring hme tete hna.

hairy - (adj.) hmul a tammi

hale - (adj.) ngan a dam i a tthawngmi

half - (adj.) hnarcheu

half - (adv.) a cheuchum in; e.g. The meat is only half-cooked = Sa cu a cheuchum lawng a hmin.

half-breed - (n.) an pa aa khat i nu aa dangmi asiloah nu aa khat i pa aa dangmi

half-caste - (n.) kahpia

half-hearted - (adj.) lungcheu bangin

half hour - (n.) suimilam cheu

half-mast - (n.) alan a tung a canceo i thlai khi, mithi zunngaihnak ca tuahmi

half note - (n.) hlasaknak lei i vuak cheu

half-sister - (n.) pa aa khat i nu aa dangmi , nu aa khat i pa aa dangmi

half way - (n.) lam canceo

half-witted - (adj.) ruahnak a tlawm ngaimi

hall - (n.) inn khaan nganpi

hallelujah - (interj.) Bawipa cu thangtthat u

hallmark - (n.) hmelchunhnak, thil a tthami hmelchunhnak, thil a hmaanmi hmelchunhnak.

hallow - (v.) thianter

Hallowe'en - (n., prop.) October 31 zan.

hallucination - (n.) a um ttung lomi thil hna hmuh , a um tung lomi aw hna theih , molh thil theih le hmuh

halo - (n.) chuncha bantuk a simi ceunak , ni siseh , thlapa siseh a kulhtu khi , chum

halt - (n.) dirnak , ngolnak , dinhnak

halt - (v.) dir, ngol, dinh awk i khua i cam

halter - (n.) sattil hrennak hruainak hri

halve - (v.) cheu , hnarcheu i cheu

ham - (n.) voksa a el tit

hamlet - (n.) khuate hmete

hammer - (n.) sobul; e.g. He drove in the nail with one stroke of the hammer = Sobul voi khat den in thir cu pil lakin a khenh ko.

hammer - (v.) sobul in khenh, den, hammer away = a dih tiangin tuah; e.g. He hammered away at the problem = Thil har kha a liim hlan lo a tuah peng.

hammock - (n.) ngakchia ihnak thlaimi, nau oihnak kuang

hamper - (v.) donh

hamper - (n.) donhnak, dawntu

hamstring - (v.) thapheh

hamstring - (n.) thaphet thapi

hand - (n.) 1. kut; e.g. He held her hand = A kut a tlaih;  e.g. She clapped her hand over her mouth = Khulrang tein a ka kha a kut in aa huh; e.g. In swimming, you must coordinate the movements of your hands and legs = Ti lioh ah cun na kut cangh le na ke cangh kha na ruanter hna lai; 2. minung kut bantuk; e.g. The hands of the clock = Suimilam kut; 3. zohkhenhnak, uknak; e.g. The child is in the hands of the parents = Ngakchia cu a nu le a pa zohkhenhnak tangah a um. at hand = pawngte i um peng; by hand = kut in ser, put, tuah; change hands = ngeitu i thlen; fight hand to hand = kut le kut i tawng in i tuk; from hand to mouth = i pek chin, i chanh chin vima; hand in hand = i naih tein, kut i tlai in; hands off = tawng hlah. hand's up = na kut hler hna, tei na si cnag ti langhternak. on hand = naite ah, vun lak zau awk i um; upper hand = tei deuh; e.g. They have the upper hand in the fight = An i paihnak ah khan anmah nih an tei deuh hna. wash one's hands = kei kai tel lo tiin kul i ttawl.

hand - (v.) kut in pek; e.g. He handed me a pencil = Khedan a ka pek. hand down = i pek chin, i chanh chin vima.

handbag - (n.) kutput zal

handbill - (n.) mi zapi phawt awk i sermi ca

handbook - (n.) kutput cauk.

handcuff - (n.) kut ttemnak thir cikcin

handful - (n.) zapei khat , tlawmte

handicap - (n.) dawntu; e.g. Lack of education is a handicap for many people = Cathiam lo hi mi tampi caah dawntu a si; i zuamnak ah a der deuhmi zong nih khan teinak caan hawi he aa zat in an hmuh khawh ve nakhnga caah ti in a tthawng deuhmi cung i dawntu an chiahmi.

handicap - (v.) dohn; e.g. His illness handicaps him = A zawtnak nih a donh.

handicraft - (n.) kut zungthiamnak

handily - (adv.) fawi tein; e.g. He won the race handily = Tlik zuamnak cu fawi tein a tei.

handiness - (n.) kut zungthiamnak

handiwork - (n.) kut in tuahmi thil, kutneh

handkerchief - (n.) pawvuah (pavuah)

handle - (n.) seh kut, thil kut; e.g. the handle of a spoon = darkeu kut.

handle - (v.) 1. kut in tongh; e.g. Handle the books carefully = Cauk kha ralring tein tawng hna; 2. tonghthamning; e.g. She knows how to handle the children = Ngakchia tonghthamning kha a thiam hna.

handmade - (adj.) kut in sermi

handmaid / handmaiden - (n.) sinum nu

handout - (n.) laksawng misifak man lo in pekmi thil

handshake - (n.) kuttlaih

handsome - (adj.) 1. dawh; 2. tampi; e.g. A handsome salary = lahkhah tampi

handwriting - (n.) kutttial; e.g. His handwriting is intelligible = A kutttial rel khawn a si ko; e.g. His handwriting is poor = A kutttial a chia; e.g. Most handwriting slants to the right = Kutttial tam bik cu orhlei ah a tlu/ngawi.

handy - (adj.) 1. banh khaw , phak khawh , lam naite i a ummi; e.g. The store is handy = Chawdawr cu a naite; 2. a tthahnem ngaingaimi, hmanlek ngai a simi; e.g. His car is very handy = A mawttawka cu an hmanlek ngai a si.

hang - (v.) 1. thlai, bat; e.g. Hang your coat on that hook = Na angkileng cu khi bahnak ah khin hei bat; e.g. The flag hangs on the staff = Tung ah alan an thlai; 2. thah; e.g. The criminal was hanged (zong hung) = Misualpa cu an thah. hang back = hnu ah i thlai. hang on = i tlaihpeng; e.g. Hang on to this rope = Hi hri hi i tlaihpeng. hang out = fon; e.g. The boy is hanging out of the window = Ngakchiapa cu thlalangawng in a fong. hang together = hmunkhatte i um tti, i but. hang up = telefon in i chawnh i i chawnhnak chiahkanh khi; e.g. They hang up before I finished talking = Bia ka chim dih manh hlanah an ka ngol kanh.

hangar - (n.) vanlawng chiahnak inn

hanger - (n.) thil thlainak fung

hangnail - (n.) tin hram cuar

haphazard - (adj.) ruah set loin tuah chimmi; e.g. Haphazard answers are usually wrong = Ruah setsai loin lehnak cu a hmaan tawn lo.

hapless - (adj.) vanchia

haply - (adv.) a si kho men

happen - (v.) 1. thil a hung um , a hung can; e.g. They told us all that happened on their trip = An khual tlawnnak i thil a cangmi vialte an kan chimh; 2. timh ciammam si loin a um sualmi; e.g They happened to meet on the street = Lampi ah an i tong sual.

happening - (n.) thil a cang/ummi

happily - (adv.) lunglawm ngaiin

happiness - (n.) lunglawmhnak

happy - (adj.) lunglawm; e.g. He appears to be happy = Lunglawm in a mithmai a lang; e.g. He is in a happy mood = A lung aa lawm.

happy-go-lucky - (adj.) zeipaoh a fawinak in a ruatmi pawl

harangue - (n.) thangpi le fak piin au chih len / chimh chih len

harass - (v.) tuaitam , awlokchonh

harbinger - (n.) chimchungtu, thil pakhatkhat a ra lio tiin thawng a rak thanh chungtu

harbor - (n.) U.S.  tilawng dinhnak.

harbor - (v.) U.S.  a thlite in umter; e.g. They harbor a thief = Mifir a thli tein an umter.

harbour - (v.) British.  a thlite in umter; e.g. They harbour a thief = Mifir a thli tein an umter.

harbour - (n.) British.  tilawng dinhnak.

hard - (adj.) 1. a hak; e.g. The rock is hard = Lung cu a hak; 2. a har; e.g. This work is hard = Hi rian cu a har; e.g. It is hard to find his equal = Amah tluktu hmuh cu a har ko; e.g. His pennmanship is hard to read = A kut ttial rel a har; 3. mi teima; e.g. He is a hard worker = Mi teima a si; 4. mi hmai nuam lo; e.g. He had a hard face = Mi hmai nuam lo a si.

hard - (adv.) fak piin; e.g. He works hard = Fakpi in a ttuan.

hard and fast - (adv.) a fek taktakmi, thlen khawh lo a simi

hard of hearing - (adj.) a hna chet, khua theih aa harh

harden - (v.) hahter

hardheaded - (adj.) mi lungthawng

hardhearted - (adj.) zaangfahnak ngei lomi

hardihood - (n.) raltthatnak

hardily - (adv.) ralttha ngaiin

hardiness - (n.) 1. thazang; 2. in khawhnak

hardly - (adv.) 1. tlawmte lawnglawng, menmen; e.g. I hardly know her = Amah cu tlawmte lawnglawng ka hngalh, chim duhmi cu, ka hngal lo dengmang; e.g. I am so tired that I can hardly walk = Ka ba tuk i ka kal kho menmen; 2. a si cu a si kho, asinain si taktak dawh a si lo; e.g. His story is hardly true = A chimmi cu a si ngaingai lo; 3. He can hardly have arrived yet = A phan kho rih taktak lai lo; 4. There is hardly any food left = Rawl zeihmanh a tang set ti lo.

hardness - (n.) hahnak

hardship - (n.) hahnak

hardware - (n.) thir in sermi thilri , sobul tehna , kapza tehna, etc.

hardwood - (n.) thinghak

hardy - (adj.) a tthawng i harnak a ing khomi

hare - (n.) saveh

harelip - (n.) a hmur cunglei a ttemi , hmurte

harem - (n.) Muslim pa nih nupi tampi an i chiahnak inn

hark - (v.) ngai hmanh

harlot - (n.) hlawhhlangnu

harm - (n.) 1. hrawhnak; e.g. His delay did harm to our plan = A tlai ruangah kan i timhmi a rawk; 2. tthat lonak; e.g. He meant no harm = Tthat lonak zeihmanh aa timhmi a si lo.

harm - (v.) rawk, harnak pek; e.g. This medicine will not harm you = Hi si nih an rawk lai lo.

harmful - (adj.) hrawk khotu a simi thil

harmless - (adj.) hrawk khotu a si lomi

harmonious - (adj.) aa remmi

harmonize - (v.) remter , an i rem

harmony - (n.) i remnak , i tlaknak

harness - (n.) rang thil phorhnak thilthuam, a kengdan, a chak a hri, etc.; e.g. There is a raw spot on the horse where the harness rubbed = Rang cu a kengdan nih a hnornak zawn ah khan a cuar kawhnak a um.

harness - (v.) 1. rang cu a thil phorhnak thilthuam kha banh; e.g. Harness the horse = Rang cu a thil phorhnak thilthuam kha khinh, banh, danh; 2. Thazang, tthawnnak chuahter; e.g. Water can be harnessed to produce electric power = Ti cu elektrik tha chuahter khawh a si.

harp - (n.) tingtang phun khat

harpoon - (n.) hri thlaihmi fei , rili chung nga khawhnak i an hmanmi

harrow - (n.) lei thuannak tthe

harsh - (adj.) aw hrang, zaangfahnak ngei lo, aw nem lo

harshly - (adv.) aw hrang ngaiin, fak ngaiin

harshness - (n.) aw hrannak

hart - (n.) sazuk

harvest - (n.) rawl ttuan , rawl ttuanmi rawl

harvest - (v.) rawl ttuan; e.g. The farmer harvested his rice = Lothlopa nih a facang a ttuan.

harvester - (n.) rawlttuantu , rawlttuannak seh

has - (v.) 1. ngeih; e.g. He has a coat = Angkileng pakhat a ngei. 2. have zoh.

hasp - (n.) tawh thlaihnak thir kuai a vun kilhtu

haste - (n.) khulrannak in, khulrang in; e.g. They left in haste = Khulrang in an chuak.

hasten - (v.) khulrang in kal

hastily - (adv.) khulrang ngaiin

hasty - (adj.) khulrang in thil a timi

hat - (n.) luchin; e.g. I notice that you are wearing a new hat = Luchin thar naa chinh ti kan hmuh; e.g. He pays five kyats for his hat = A lu khuh fang nga in a cawk.

hatch - (v.) arti keuh

hatch - (n.) tilawng chung i a kua pakhat

hatchery - (n.) arder, arti keuhnak hmun

hatchet - (n.) hachek, zungthiam (lehtama) hmanmi hreitlung hmete

hate - (v.) 1. huat; 2. duh lo; e.g. I hate to part with my friends = Ka hawile he (sinin) i tthen ka duh lo.

hate - (n.) huatnak lungthin; e.g. War breeds hate, and hate leads to war again = Ral nih huatnak a chuahter i huatnak nih ral a chuahter tthan; e.g. Love, hate, anger are abstract qualities = Dawtnak, huatnak, thinhunnak cu tongh, hmuh, theih khawh lomi thil an si.

hateful - (adj.) huat awk a simi , huatmi

hatred - (n.) huatnak

haughtily - (adv.) ruamkai ngaiin

haughtiness - (n.) ruamkainak

haughty - (adj.) ruam a kaimi

haul - (v.) 1. hnuh; e.g. They hauled the boat to the shore = Tikam ah lawng cu an hnuh; 2. tampi in phorh; e.g. He hauls furniture from Mandalay to Monywa = Mandalay in Monywa ah cabuai tthutdan tampi a phorh.

haunch - (n.) tawcor

haunt - (v.) 1. veh lengmang; e.g. Ghosts haunt that old house = Khi inn hlun khi mithla nih a veh lengmang; 2. Lungchung i hung chuah lengmang

haunt - (n.) veh lengmangmi hmun

have - (v.) 1. ngeih; e.g. I have a house = Inn ka ngei. 2. chung um; e.g. A day has twenty-four hours = Ni khat chungah suimilam pakul le pali an um. 3. ei; e.g. Will you have dinner now = Atu ah zanriah na ei lai maw? 4. hmuh/ton; e.g. They have trouble with this car = Hi mawttawka he hin harnak an tong lengmang. have on = hruk, aih; e.g. I have on my coat = Ka angkileng kaa hruk.

haven - (n.) tilawng dinhnak, himnak hmun

haversack - (n.) ralkap zal

havoc - (n.) rawhnak nganpi

hawk - (n.) mupi

hay - (n.) sattil ei awkah chiahmi ramro

haycock - (n.) ramro pon hmete

hayfever - (n.) hathiau lengmang zawtnak

haystack - (n.) ramro/capawl pon nganpi

hazard - (n.) ttih awk thil, thil ttihnung; e.g. The mud on the road is a hazard to driving = Lam i nawncek cu mawttaw mongh ah thil ttihnung a si.

hazardous - (adj.) ttih awk a simi thil

haze - (n.) 1. khuadi; 2. fian lonak

hazy - (adj.) fiang lo i um

he - (pron.) amah pa , nu si loin

head - (n.) 1. lu; e.g. A blow on the head dazed him = A lu i an tuknak nih a lung a mihter; e.g. There is a lump on his head = A lu ah bo a um; e.g. His head is swollen = A lu a phing; e.g. He had a luxuriant head of hair = A lu ah sa tampi a um; e.g. Don’t stick your head out of the window = Thlalangawng in na lu chuah hlah; 2. hruaitu bik; 3. a sang bik, fimnak; e.g. She has a good head (brain) for science = Science cawnnak caah a thluak a tha; keep one's head = biachimnak le thil tinak i i sum; lose one's head = 1. thinhun i tuahmi zei a si ti hngalh ti lo; 2. a lung a caw; over one's head = a thluak phak leng a si; put heads together = hmunkhat i ttuan tti; turned one's head = luarpar kai; e.g. Their praise turned her head = An thangtthatnak nih a luarpar a kaiter.

head - (v.) hruihruai; e.g. He heads the city government = Khuachung uknak kha amah nih a hruihruai hna.

head on - (adj., adv.) lu i khawn; e.g. The cars hit each other head on = Mawttawka cu an i khawng.

headache - (n.) lufah; e.g. She was sleeping off a headache = A lufah kha lo lan seh tin a hngilhchih; e.g. Aspirin will relieve your headache = Asprin nih na lufah cu a daihter lai.

headdress - (n.) luchin, lutamhnak

headgear - (n.) luchin

headlight - (n.) mawttaw a hmailei

headline - (n.) ca chung i biatlangpi a nganpipi in ttialmi

headlong - (adv.) lu lei hmasatter i tuah cutmat; e.g. He plunged headlong into the sea = A lu lei in rili chungah a tla vurmar; e.g. He rushed headlong into the crowd = Mibu chungah a lut cutmat.

headman - (n.) khuabawi

headmaster - (n.) sianginn sayaci

headquarters - (n.) hmunpi

headstrong - (adj.) mi dang ruahnak lak duh loin mah ruahnak le duhnak lawng a zulmi

headwaters - (n.) tiva chuahnak

headway - (n.) hmailei kal; e.g. We made headway despite the storm = Thlichia a hrang nain hmailei ah kan kal kho.

heal - (v.) dam , damter

health - (n.) ngandamnak; e.g. It is a truism that health is a blessing = Ngandamnak hi thluachuah a si ti cu ahopaoh nih hngalh ciomi a si ko; e.g. He is anxious about his health = A ngandamnak kong ah lung rethei in a um; e.g. A mother has care for her baby’s health = Nu nih a fa ngandamnak ding zawnruahnak a ngei.

healthiness - (n.) ngandamnak

healthy - (adj.) ngan a dammi

heap - (n.) pon; e.g. A heap of stones = Lung pon

heap - (v.) 1. pumh, pon; e.g. She heaped the stones = Lung a pon hna; 2. khatpi in chiah; e.g. She heaped food in his plate = A pakan ah a khat tein rawl a chiah.

hear - (v.) hna in theih; e.g. Don’t give credence to all you hear = Na theihmi paoh a hmaan tiah zumhnak ngei hlah; e.g. Once you hear the song, you will never forget it = Hla cu voi khat na theih hnu cun, na philh ti lai lo; e.g. He made a passing comment which I could not hear = Kalpah in a chim i ka thei kho lo.

heard - (v.) hear zoh; past tense and past participle of hear, hna in theih; e.g. We heard a peculiar sound = Zahan ah thawng dangte pakhat kan theih; e.g. I heard two shots = Meithal puah voi hnih ka theih.

hearing - (n.) e.g. Hearing is a faculty = Theihnak hi kan pum nih a ngeihmi thil ti khawhnak pakhat a si.

hearsay - (n.) a theih in theihmi

heart - (n.) 1. lung; e.g. Incline your heart to obey God’s law = Pathian nawlbia zulh ding kha na lung cu hoihter, duhter, a sor tlukter; e.g. The heart is the organ that pumps blood = Kan lung hi thi kaltertu a si; 2. awdawh tumnak thingkuang bantuk. 2. lungthin; e.g. She spoke from the heart = A lungthin taktak a chim; 3. laifang; e.g. The heart of the town = Khua laifang; 4. biapi bikmi; e.g. Your words go to the heart of the matter = Na bia cu kha thil kong ah khan a biapi bikmi a si. at heart = lungchung ah; by heart = lungchung in, zoh loin. change of heart = lungthlen. take heart = lung a ttha tthan, a tthawng tthan.

heart-felt - (adj.) lungthin takte a simi

hearth - (n.) tappi , mei kaunak

hearthstone - (n.) lungthu

heartily - (adv.) lungtho thintho ngaiin

heartless - (adj.) zaangfahnak a ngei lomi

hearty - (adj.) lunglawm ngai a simi.

heat - (n.) linhnak, khua lin, a linhsat liopi, lumternak; e.g. Pipes conduct heat through the building = Pipes nih lumnak kha inn chungah an luanter; e.g. Great heat is very oppressive = A linh tuk tikah i awk a har ko; e.g. The sun radiates light and heat = Ni nih ceunak le lumnak a chuah. prickly heat = khua linhsat ruang i tak bo.

heat - (v.) a sa; e.g. The water heated rapidly = Ti a sa zau.

heater - (n.) lumnak petu, lumtertu

heathen - (n.) Khrihfa a si lomi, lawkih mi

heave - (v.) 1. har ngaiin cawi i sanh; e.g. He heaved the heavy box into the car = Thingkuang ritpi cu a cawi i mawttawka chungah a sanh. 2. cawi i hlonh; e.g. The sailors heaved the box overboard = Tilawng cawng pawl nih thing kuang cu an cawi i lengah an hlonh. 3. hnuh; e.g. They heaved on the rope = Hri kha an hnuh. 4. a ttum a kai lengmang; e.g. Waves heave in storm = Thlichia a hran ahcun tilet cu an ttum an kai lengmang.

heaven - (n.) vancung khua, vanram. the heavens = van.

heavenly - (adj.) vancung bantuk a simi , a nuam ngaingaimi

heavily - (adv.) rit ngaiin

heaviness - (n.) rihnak

heavy - (adj.) 1. a rit; e.g. He heaved the heavy box into the car = Thingkuang ritpi cu a cawi i mawttawka chungah a sanh; e.g. The load of work was heavy = Rian a rihnak cu a rit ko. 2. tampi; e.g. a heavy rain = ruah tampi; 3. phorh rit; 4. ngaihchia; e.g. His heart was heavy = A ngaih a chia.

heavyweight - (n.) thonghthiammi pawl pawng 175 in a cunglei a simi hna

Hebrew - (n., prop.) Judah mi.

heckle - (v.) biachimtu kha a ing puang seh ti in heh tiah bia rak hal chih len, rak al chih len.

hectic - (adj.) hnahnawk luri ngai a simi , cuaphmat zawtnak a ngei i a tak a lin lelekmi

hedge - (n.) pangpar hau , hlingbur hau zong a si kho

hedge - (v.) hrial; e.g. She hedged when I asked her age = A kum ka hal ah a ka hrial.

hedgehog - (n.) sahniar , satleng

hedgerow - (n.) pangpar kung in kulhnak hau

heed - (v.) ttha tein ngaih, biapi i rel

heed - (n.) ttha tein zohkhenhnak; e.g. She pays heed to her clothes = A thilthuam ttha tein a zohkhenh hna.

heedful - (adj.) ralring tein a ummi

heedless - (adj.) aa ralring lomi

heedlessness - (n.) i ralrin lonak

heel - (n.) kedil

height - (n.) 1. sannak; e.g. He is of medium height = A san a zafang a si; 2. hmun sang; 3. a san bik lio caan; e.g. He died at the height of his career = A rian ttuanmi ah a sannak bik i a um lioah a thi.

heighten - (v.) santer

heinous - (adj.) a ttha lo ngaingaimi

heir - (n.) rocotu

heir apparent - (n.) rocotu ding a simi

heiress - (n.) rocotu, nu a simi

heirloom - (n.) chan khat hnu chan khat an i roh chin lengmangmi thil

held - (v.) 1. hold zoh; past tense and past participle of hold; 2. tlaih; e.g. He held her hand = A kut a tlaih; e.g. He held the baby = Ngakchia kha a pom.

helicopter - (n.) helikoptar

heliograph - (n.) thlalang hmanleknak

helium - (n.) gas phun khat, a zaang ngaingaimi.

hell - (n.) mithi khua , misual thlarau umnak ding

hello - (interj.) i biakchawnhnak

helm - (n.) tilawng mawnghnak cangpa kual

helmet - (n.) thir luchin

helmsman - (n.) tilawng mawngtu

help - (v.) 1. bawmh; e.g. An employment agency helps people find jobs = Rian kawlpiaktu i ciahmi bu nih rian hmuh an bawmh hna; e.g. He might be able to help you = An bawmh khawh hmanh maw; 2. a si lo kho lo; e.g. He cannot help going to sleep = Ngu loin a um kho lo.

help - (n.) bawmhnak; e.g. Do you need further help = Bawmhnak tam deuh na herh rih maw?; e.g. I am very much obliged for your help = Na ka bawmhnak caah ka lung aa lawm ngaingai; e.g. We were pleased with his offer of help = Bawmhnak kan pek hna lai, a timi cu kan i lawm; e.g. It was an outrage for him to ignore their call for help = Kan bawm tuah ti i an auh i zei i a rak relpiak hna lo cu thinhung ngaingai a si.

helper - (n.) bawmtu

helpful - (adj.) mi bawmtu a simi , a tthahnemmi

helping - (n.) rawl voi khat suahmi khi

helpless - (adj.) bawmtu ngei lo , zeihmanh i tuah khawh lo

helplessness - (n.) bawmtu ngei lomi sinak , mah le mah zeihmanh i tuah khawh lonak

helter-skelter - (adv.) a biling a balang in , i comcawroi loin , a beibang loin; e.g. The children ran helter-skelter when the dog rushed at them = Uico nih a zuan hnawh hna tikah khan, ngakchia cu a beibahlang loin an tli.

hem - (v.) 1. puantlang bil tthit; e.g. The dress was hemmed by hand = A angki tlang cu kut in a tthit; 2. a kam kip in kulh, dan, donh; e.g. He was hemmed in by the enemies = Ral nih an hren.

hem - (n.) puantlang

hemisphere - (n.) a pummi a cheu , vawlei pum a cheu

hemoglobin - (n.) U.S.  thi chung i a senmi.

hemorrhage - (n.) thi a chuah khi

hemp - (n.) hrikung phun khat

hen - (n.) arpi; e.g. Our hens lay many eggs = Kan arpi nih arti tampi an tit; e.g. A hen sits on its eggs = Arpi nih a ti a tlumh hna.

hen coop - (n.) ar bawm

hence - (adv.) 1. hika thawk hin, atu thawk in; 2. cucaah

henceforth - (adv.) atu caan thawk in

henchman - (n.) bawi nawl paoh zeizei ti lo i a zul a tuahmi

henpeck - (v.) uk; e.g. He is henpecked by his wife = A nupi nih a uk.

her - (pron.) 1. amah nu; e.g. Nu Sui is not here. Have you seen her? = Nu Sui hika ah a um lo. Na hmu maw? 2. amah ta; e.g. This is her book = Hi cauk hi amah ta a si; Her cu nu tinak lawng a si.

herald - (n.) tlang autu

herald - (v.) thawng thanh; e.g. The newspaper heralded the coming of the troops = Ralkap an rat lai kha tadinca nih a rak thanh.

herb - (n.) anhring

herd - (n.) run; e.g. A herd of cattle = Caw run khat; e.g. The prize winning cows are the pick of the herd = Laksawng a hmumi caw hna cu an run chung i a ttha bik kha an si.

herd - (v.) 1. a bu in kalter; e.g. He herds his sheep from one place to another = Atu cu hmun khat in hmun dang ah an bu in a kalpi hna; 2. i but; e.g. They herded together = Hmunkhat ah an i bu.

here - (n.) hi hmun; e.g. It is hot in here = Hika hmun cu a lin ko.

here - (adv.) hika ah

hereabout - (adv.) hika hrawngah hin

hereafter - (adv.) hi hnu cu

hereby - (adv.) hi ca hin , hi bia hin

hereditary - (adj.) ci i thlahnak he aa pehtlai in

heredity - (n.) pakhat hnu pakhat ci i thlahnak

hereof - (adv.) hi kong hi; e.g. We will speak further hereof = Hi kong cu kan chim tthan te lai.

hereon - (adv.) hi hnu tlawmpalte ah hin

heresy - (n.) a hmaan lomi zumhning , hawi zumhning in a zum lomi

heretic - (n.) zumhning hmaan lo a ngeimi , hawi zumh ningin a zum lomi

heretical - (adj.) zumhning lo a simi , hawi zumhning in a zum lomi

heretofore - (adv.) hi hlan ah , atu hlan ah , atu tiangah cun

herewith - (adv.) hi ca he hin

heritable - (adj.) co khawhmi

heritage - (n.) ro

hermit - (n.) phungki ramlak i amah lawngin a ummi; e.g. A hermit lives a recluse life = Phungki cu ramlak ah amahte lawngin a va um.

hero - (n.) 1. a ral a ttha ngaingaimi; 2. mi nih an uar ngaimi; 3. tuanbia pakhatkhat chung i a biapi bik a simipa

heroic - (adj.) ralttha ngaiin tuahmi

heroical - (adj.) ralttha ngaiin tuahmi.

heroin - (n.) bing

heroine - (n.) a ral a ttha ngaimi minu

heroism - (n.) raltthatnak

heron - (n.) va phun khat , a hngawng le a hmur a sau ngaimi

herring - (n.) nga phun khat

hers - (pron.) amah nu ta; e.g. This bag is hers = Hi zal cu amah zal a si.

herself, himself - (pron.) 1. amah le amah; e.g. She hurts herself = Amah le amah aa tu; 2. amahte nih; e.g. Mary did it by herself = Mary nih amahte in a tuah; 3. amah hrimhrim nih; e.g. Mary herself brought the book = Mary hrimhrim nih cauk kha a rak put; 4. amah kel a si; e.g. She is behaving strangely, she is not herself = A umtuning aa dang, amah kel a si lo.

hesitant - (adj.) i cawngor i um

hesitate - (adj.) cawngor

hesitation - (n.) cawngornak

heterodox - (adj.) zumh tawn ning in a zum lomi

heterodoxy - (n.) zumh tawn ning in zumh lonak

heterogeneous - (adj.) phun dangdang aa cawhmi , aa lo lomi

hew - (v.) thing ceh, saih

hewer - (n.) thing hlamtu, thing cektu

hexa - (pref.) paruk

hexagon - (n.) kap ruk , hmai ruk a ngeimi thil

hexagonal - (adj.) kap ruk ngei a simi

heyday - (n.) chan lailing

hic-cough - (n.) chik ik

hiccup - (n.) chik ik

hickory - (n.) thing phun khat a hakmi

hid - (v.) past tense and past participle of hide, thuh, phenh.  hide zoh.

hidden - (v.) hide zoh; past participle of hide, thuh; e.g. She took a peep at the hidden gift = Laksawng an thuhmi kha a thli tein a va bih.

hide - (v.) 1. thuh; e.g. Hide your book = Na cauk va thup. 2. phenh; e.g. Clouds hide the sun = Khuadawm nih nika a phenh.

hide - (n.) saphaw

hideous - (adj.) mui chia , tuksapur , fihnung

hideously - (adv.) fihnung ngaiin

hideousness - (n.) tuksapur sinak, fihnunnak

hierarchy - (n.) 1. tlangbawi pawl uknak; 2. uknak i a hme deuh le a ngan deuh aa dot thliahmah i um

hieroglyphic - (n.) hmanthlak in ca ttialmi, thil pakhat hmanthlak cu bia pakhat caah a si

high - (adj.) 1. a sang; e.g. This is a high building = Hi inn cu a sang; 2. aw thia; e.g. She speaks in a high voice = Aw thia in a holh; 3. ngan; e.g. He is a high official = Bawi ngan a si; 4. ngaingai; e.g. The child has a high fever = Ngakchia cu a tak a lin ngaingai; e.g. The Jeep goes at a high speed = Jeep cu khulrang ngaingai in a kal. 5. man tampi; e.g. He paid a high price for the house = Inn cu man tam piin a cawk.

high - (adv.) pinpi, cungpi; e.g. The plane flew high above the clouds = Vanlawng cu khaudawm cungpi ah khin a zuang.

high jump - (n.) tlengper

high school - (n.) tang hra sianginn

high seas - (n.) ahohmanh nih uk lomi rili

high spirits - (n.) lunglawm thanuam ngaiin umnak

high strung - (adj.) a tha a thermi

high tide - (n.) tilet thawh caan

high time - (n.) a tlai tuk hlan deuh te caan khi

high words - (n.) thinhunnak bia

highhanded - (adj.) mi dang cung i zaangfahnak ngei lo i tuahmi

highlight - (v.) 1. mi nih hmu hna seh ti i tuah khunmi; e.g. He highlighted the picture by placing it in the window =Hmanthlak kha mi nih hmu hna seh ti a duh khun caah thlalang awng ah a chiah; 2. a herh biknak, a biapit biknak

highly - (adv.) 1. hrimhrim , ngaingai; e.g. What he said is highly unlikely = A chimmi cu si dawh a si hrimhrim lo; 2. thangtthat ngaingai; e.g. They spoke highly of him = An thangtthat ngaingai; 3. tampi pek; e.g. He is paid highly for his work = A rian caah tangka tampi an pek.

highway - (n.) lam nganpi

highwayman - (n.) lam mifir

hike - (v.) ke in kal

hiker - (n.) ke in a kalmi

hiking - (v.) ke in kal

hilarious - (adj.) lunglawm thanuam ngaiin a ummi

hilarity - (n.) lunglawmh thanuamnak

hill - (n.) tlang; e.g. The garden is on the southward slope of the hill = Dum cu tlang thlanglei kap ah a um; e.g. He went up the hill = Tlang ah a kai; e.g. The country is even with no hills = Ram cu a rawn, tlang a um lo; e.g. She puffed as she climbed the hill = Tlang i a kai ah khan a thaw a ha; e.g. The little cottage was tucked away under the hill = Inn hmete cu tlang tang i a kente ah an va sak.

hillock - (n.) tlangbo

hillside - (n.) tlangpar, tlangsir; e.g. A woody hillside = Thing tampi umnak tlangpang.

hilly - (adj.) tlang tamnak hmun

hilt - (n.) namhlok i kut khimhnak

him - (pron.) amah pa; e.g. I want to meet him = Amah ton ka duh; e.g. He goes with him = Amah he a kal.

himself - (pron.) herself zoh; 'herself' bantuk kha a si.

hind - (adj.) hnulei; e.g. hind legs = hnulei ke

hinder - (v.) dawnh , kham

hindrance - (n.) dawntu

hindsight - (n.) vun hngalh tthan, hruh hmasat fim hmanung ti bantuk

Hindu - (n., prop.) Hindu biaknak a zulmi.

hinge - (v.) kapza bantukin a biapi a si, aa khing, aa bunh; e.g. The success of our picnic hinges on the kind of weather we shall have = Kan hnianghrawm a tthat lai le tthat lai lo cu nikhua nawl a si lai, nikhua ah aa khing.

hinge - (n.) kapza

hint - (n.) 1. biathli pek; e.g. He gave him a hint that he should leave = Na kal awk a si tiah biathli a pek (a pekning cu mittheh zongin a si kho); 2. hmelchunhnak; e.g. A small black cloud gave a hint of coming storm = Khuadawmnak hmete nih totho rat lai hmelchunhnak kha a langhter.

hint - (v.) hmelchunhnak pek; e.g. Ni Ni hinted that she wanted to go to bed = Ni Ni nih ih ka duh cang tiah hmelchunhnak a langhter (mittheh zongin a si kho, Ih a cu cang, ti zongin a si kho).

hinterland - (n.) ram a chungril lei , khuate lei

hip - (n.) tai

hippopotamus - (n.) cham (chaam).

hire - (v.) rianttuantu lak

hireling - (n.) rianttuan man hmuh ding lawng i a ttuanmi

his - (pron.) amah ta (pa); e.g. This is his turban = Hihi amah lupawng a si.

hiss - (n.) biachimtu biachim ngaih duh set ti lo i si rak timi thawng khi

historian - (n.) tuanbia ttialtu , tuanbia a hngal ngaingaimi

historic - (adj.) tuanbia he aa pehtlaimi thil; e.g. Pagan is a historic place = Pagan cu tuanbia i hmun minthang a si.

historical - (adj.) tuanbia he aa pehtlaimi thil; e.g. Historical books = Tuanbia ttialnak cauk

historically - (adv.) tuanbia ningin

history - (n.) tuanbia, ram kong minung kong; e.g. He was one of the great figures in history = Tuanbia ah mi ngan pakhat a si ve.

hit - (v.) 1. thongh; e.g. They hit each other = Pakhat le pakhat an i thawng; e.g. He ducked when I tried to hit him = Thongh ka zalh ah a ka kun tak; 2. cumh; e.g He hit his little brother = A naute kha a cumh; 3. tuk; e.g. He hit the ball with a stick = Pumpululh kha fung in a tuk; 4. khawn; e.g. He hit his head against the wall = A lu vampang ah aa khawn; 5. ton, hmuh; e.g. We hit the right road in the dark = Mui padap ah lam kha kan va hmuh, kan va khen. past tense and past participle of hit = hit.

hit - (n.) mi uar ngaingaimi a simi; e.g. The new song was a hit of the season = Hla thar kha atu hrawng mi nih an uar ngaingaimi a si.

hitch - (v.) hren; e.g. He hitched the horse to a post = Rang cu tung ah a hren.

hither - (adv.) hika, hika ah hin; e.g. hither and thither = hika khika.

hitherto - (adv.) atu tiang

hive - (n.) khuaibu, khuaikua, aa bumi khuai; e.g. A bee makes a direct flight to the hive = Khuai cu ding teomao tein a bu ah a zuang.

hoard - (n.) a thli in i khonmi

hoard - (v.) a thli in i khon

hoarfrost - (n.) hawhra rang

hoarse - (adj.) a aw a phar

hoarsely - (adv.) aw phar ngaiin

hoarseness - (n.) aw pharnak

hoary - (adj.) a rang, sampar

hoax - (n.) hlennak , dehnak

hobble - (v.) bai thalhmalh i kal

hobby - (n.) mah rian hlei i mah duhmi te rian va tuahmi

hobnail - (n.) kedan tanglei thirkhenh

hock - (n.) saram an hnulei khuk

hockey - (n.) hokki lentecelhnak

hocus-pocus - (n.) hlennak ca i pakpalawng bia chimmi

hodge-podge - (n.) ningcang lo i i cawh nul in a ummi, 'hotchpotch' ti zongin ttial a si.

hoe - (n.) tuhmui; e.g. We left our hoes in the hut = Kan tuhmui thlam chungah kan chiahtak hna.

hog - (n.) vokthau

hoggish - (adj.) vok bantukin a hnawmtammi

hoist - (v.) thlir , cawi

hoist - (n.) thlirtu , cawitu seh

hold - (v.) 1. put , pu; e.g. Please hold this book = Hi cauk hi rak pu ta; 2. tlaih; e.g. Hold the door open = Innka kha tlai law i hung peng seh; 3. tlum; e.g. This pot can hold ten cups of water = Hi um nih hin ti hrai hra a tlum; 4. ngeih; e.g. He holds the rank of a captain = Amah cu kepten a si; 5. tuah; e.g. They are holding a meeting = Meeting an tuah lio; 6.ruah; e.g. People once held that the world was flat = Hlan ah cun mi nih vawlei hi a per tiah an rak ruah. hold forth = a thiam ngai bantuk i chim. hold off = i naihter lo i umter peng khawh. hold on = fek tein i tlaihpeng.  

hold - (n.) 1. tlaihnak; e.g. Take a good hold of this rope = Hi hri hi fek tein i tlaih; 2. tilawng chung i a niam bikmi khan; thil chiahnak i an hmanmi.

hold up - (v.) 1. tlakter lo; 2. ramh; e.g. The robber held us up with guns = Mifir nih meithal he an kan ramh; 3. peh khawh peng, tuah khawh peng

holder - (n.) tlaitu; e.g. Electric bulb holder = Elektrik bawl tlaitu, bel dan, a sami cawinak i hmanmi

holding - (n.) ngeihmi thilri

hole - (n.) 1. kua, zu kua, khor; e.g. He stopped the rat holes = Zu kua kha a phih hna; e.g. The mouse whisked into its hole = Zu cu a khor ah diak tiah a lut; 2. kuar, lam kuar; 3. pem; e.g. A hole in your shirt = Na angki pemnak; e.g. Walking wears a hole in my shoe = Ke in ka kal lengmang caah ka kedan hmun khat in pem/a tet.

holiday - (n.) zungkhar ni, akhonh; e.g. Mr. Jones took a holiday = Mr. Jones cu a khonh a la.

holiday - (adj.) lunglawm ngai i um; e.g. People are in a holiday mood = Mi cu lunglawm ngaiin an um.

holiness - (n.) thiannak

hollow - (adj.) 1. a chung a kuami; 2. a kuarmi, lam i a kuarmi

hollow - (v.) chung khorh; e.g. He hollowed out a log to make a drum = khuang ser dingah thingtum a chung a khorh.

holly - (n.) thingkung phun khat

holocaust - (v.) mei in khangh dih cikcek

holster - (n.) pistol thlaihnak a saphaw bawm.

holy - (adj.) 1. a thiang; e.g. The Bible is Holy Writ = Baibal cu a thiangmi Cattial a si; 2. zarh; e.g. The sabbath is a holy day for the Jews = Sabbath ni cu Judah mi caah ni zarh a si; 3. lungthiang

Holy Communion - (n., prop.) a thiangmi hawikomhnak, Bawipa Zanriah.

Holy Land - (n., prop.) Palestine ram Judah mi an umnak.

Holy of Holies - (n., prop.) Judah mi biakinn chung i a thiang bik hmun.

Holy See - (n., prop.) Pope uknak hmun.

Holy Spirit - (n., prop.) Thiang Thlarau.

Holy Week - (n., prop.) Easter hlan zarh chung.

Holy Writ - (n., prop.) Ca Thiang, Baibal

homage - (n.) upatnak

home - (n.) 1. umnak inn; 2. innchungkhar; e.g. He came from a happy home = Aa lawmmi innchungkhar in a rami a si; 3. chuahkehnak ram; e.g. His home is Burma = Kawlram cu a chuahkehnak ram a si.

home - (adj.) Inn he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. Write me all the home events = Inn i thil umtuning ca in ka kua tuah.

home - (adv.) inn i um; e.g. He will be home all evening = Zanlei cu inn ah a um ko lai.

home village - (n.) chuahkehnak khuate

homeliness - (n.) i dawh set lonak, a sawsawh sinak;  e.g. Notwithstanding her homeliness, I love my daughter = Ka fanu cu aa dawh lo nain ka dawt ko.

homely - (adj.) 1. aa dawh lomi; e.g. She is a homely girl = Aa dawh setsai lomi a si. 2. a sawsawhte a si ko; e.g. The food was homely but filling = Rawl cu a sawsawhte a si ko, asinain paw a khim ngai.

homemade - (adj.) inn i sermi

homesick - (adj.) inn ngaih

homesickness - (n.) inn ngaihnak

homespun - (adj.) inn i khermi la in tahmi puan;  e.g. Homespun cloth has a loose texture = Inn i tahmi puan cu a hmang a var.

homestead - (n.) inn, a vawlei le a inn dangdang hna he

hometown - (n.) chuahkehnak khua

homework - (n.) inn i tuahmi rian , inn i ca zoh ding

homicide - (n.) mi thah; e.g. Intentional homicide is murder = Timh ciammam tein mi thah cu lainawn a si.

homily - (n.) Baibal chungin phungchim, sermon.

homing pigeon - (n.) khuazei ka hmanh i thlah i inn lei tthiamtthiam i a zuangmi laileng

homogeneous - (adj.) a phun aa khatmi

homonym - (n.) aw aa khat i sullam aa dangmi; e.g. Meat and meet are homonyms = Meat le meet cu an awchuah aa khat, asinain sullam an i dang.

homosexual - (n., adj.) mah pa hawi / mah nu hawi he sualnak a tuahmi

humourist - (n.) British.  nihchuak biachim a thiammi.

hone - (n.) lungtat

honest - (adj.) mi hmaan a simi , zumh awk tlakmi , lih chim lomi

honestly - (adv.) hmaan tein, lihchim lo tein.

honey - (n.) khuaihliti

honey bee - (n.) hliti a sermi khuai

honeycomb - (n.) khuaithlar

honeydew - (n.) thinghnah ramhnah cung i a thlummi tete a ummi

honeymoon - (n.) aa tthi-um kate , anmah lawng tein nuam ngaiin an va um khi

honk - (n.) pawtpawt ti i mawttawka onhter

honor - (n.) U.S.  1. upatnak , hmaizahnak , thangtthatnak; 2. Upatnak petu; e.g. She was an honor to the school = Amah cu sianginn thangtthattu a si; 3. Upatnak min pekmi; e.g. His Honor, the Judge, is entering the courtroom = Upat awk tlak, Biaceihtu Bawipa, cu zung chung ah a lut lio; 4. mah le mah i upatnak ruang i thiltthalo tuah duh lo.

honor - (v.) U.S.  upat; e.g. We should honor our parents = Kan nu le kan pa cu kan upat hna awk a si.

honour - (v.) British.  upat; e.g. We should honor our parents = Kan nu le kan pa cu kan upat hna awk a si.

honorable - (adj.) U.S.  upat awk tlakmi.

honorary - (adj.) 1. hmaizahnak le upatnak in pekmi, tuantermi; 2. lahkhah pek loin ttuan fialmi

honour - (n.) British  1. upatnak, hmaizahnak, thangtthatnak; 2. Upatnak petu; e.g. She was an honor to the school = Amah cu sianginn thangtthattu a si; 3. Upatnak min pekmi; e.g. His Honor, the Judge, is entering the courtroom = Upat awk tlak, Biaceihtu Bawipa, cu zung chung ah a lut lio; 4. mah le mah i upatnak ruang i thiltthalo tuah duh lo.

honourable - (adj.) British.  upat awk tlakmi.

hood - (n.) luchin

hoof - (n.) tin , sattil tin

hoofed - (adj.) 1. tin, sattil tin; 2. tin ngeimi saram

hook - (n.) siau , siau bantuk in aa kuaimi thil

hook - (v.) siau in siau; e.g. by hook or by crook = siau in asiloah fung in, a sullam cu dinnak in hmuh khawh le dinnak in tuah ding, dinnak in hmuh khawh lo le din lonak in tuah ding

hookworm - (n.) khukrul phun khat

hooligan - (n.) khuachung i hnahnawhnak a tuahtu

hooliganism - (n.) khuachung i hnahnawhnak tuah

hoop - (n.) thirhri kual/tlahkual/thingkual/thil a pumtertu

hoot - (v.) 1. chimbu awnh; 2. biachimtu pa a bia duh lo ruang i rak au hnawh

hop - (v.) 1. ke khat in i hlawh i peh; 2. ke hnih in i hlawh i peh; e.g. Birds hop = Vate cu an pet diatmat.

hope - (n.) 1. ruahchannak;  e.g. A flicker of hope showed in her eyes = A mit chungah ruahchannak a hung um ta dak;  e.g. In one minute, I ran the gamut of feelings from hope to despair = Minit pakhat chungah ruahchannak in hnabeidonghnak tiang ka phan; e.g. Hope supports us in time of trouble = Harnak caan ah ruahchannak nih thazang a kan pek; 2. saduhthah; e.g. His hope is to go to college = A saduhthahmi cu college kal a si; 3. ruahchan.

hopeful - (adj.) ruahchannak a ngeimi

hopeless - (adj.) ruahchannak a ngei lomi

horde - (n.) bu nganpi; e.g. Hordes of grasshoppers = Khaubawk bu nganpi

horizon - (n.) 1. vankil , van le vawlei an i tonnak khi, vanhramdeng; 2. fimnak donghnak ramri; e.g. Young people seek new horizons = Mino nih fimnak ramri thar an hawl.

horizontal - (adj.) a phei in , a tung in a si lomi

horizontally - (adv.) a phei in

horn - (n.) 1. ki; 2. miuzik tumnak muko; 3. aw thangpi. powder horn = zen rawnnak fungki.

hornet - (n.) vanriang khuai

horny - (adj.) ki bantukin a thapmi, a hratmi

horoscope - (n.) chuah lio i thlapa le arfi an umtuning nih a ngeih tiin hmailei an sining ding kutttial zohpiaknak

horrible - (adj.) ttihnung , tuksapur

horrid - (adj.) ttihnung a simi

horrify - (v.) ttih tuk i a ther i ther

horror - (n.) thil ttihnung, kan tuksa a kan purmi thil, thlingza a simi thil; e.g. Little girls have a horror of snakes = Nu ngakchia tete nih cun rul cu an ttih tuk hna i an thling a za.

horse - (n.) rang; e.g. A dapple horse = A dehdeh in a ttialmi rang; e.g. The groom brushes the horse = Rangcawng nih a rang kha a hmul a muai; e.g. Harness the horse = Rang cu a thil phorhnak thilthuam kha khinh, banh, danh; e.g. The horse is loose = Rang cu hren loin a um; e.g. He mounted the horse = A rang aa cit; e.g. Is that his own horse = Khikhi amah rang a si maw?

horseback - (n.) rangkeng

horseback - (adv.) rangkeng cung i i cit; e.g. It is pleasant to ride horseback = Rangcit cu a nuam ngai.

horsefly - (n.) tlep

horseman - (n.) rang cit a thiammi

horsepower - (n.) rang tha , seh a tthawnnak hi rang tha in rel a si , enzin rang tha pakhat simi nih minit pakhat ah thil pawng 33 ,000 a ritmi kha lehmah pakhat a cawi khawh

horseshoe - (n.) rang tin kedan

horticultural - (adj.) thingthei kung cin he aa pehtlaimi

horticulture - (n.) thingthei kung cin

horticulturist - (n.) thingthei kung cinning a thiammi

hosanna - (interj.) Pathian thangtthat i aunak, Hebru holh a si i a sullam taktak cu, atu ah khamh ko, ti a si

hose - (n.) 1. khairiat tipep , kualh khawhmi; 2. nu hmawca

hose - (v.) ti toih; e.g. He hosed the garden = Dum ti a toih.

hosiery - (n.) kehrolh

hospice - (n.) riahnak inn, buk

hospitable - (adj.) khualtlung a dawmi

hospitably - (adv.) khual daw ngaiin

hospital - (n.) mizaw umnak , siin

hospitality - (n.) khual dawtnak

hospitalize - (v.) siinn i um

host - (n.) 1. tlun inn pa, inntekpa; 2. hotel zohkhenhtu; 3. rawl hrawn sawm i mi a bultawl cem tu; 4. Katholik pawl nih mass an tuah tik i Bawipa Zanriah changreu; 5. bu nganpi.

hostage - (n.) 1. biakamnak ca i ral nih minung an tlaih i an hrenmi; 2. cu bantukin hrennak

hostel - (n.) bawda

hostess - (n.) innteknu

hostile - (adj.) 1. ral a simi; 2. huat; e.g. A hostile look = Huat zoh

hostilities - (n.) i tuk i dohnak , ral i dohnak

hostility - (n.) i tuk i dohnak , ral i dohnak

hot - (adj.) 1. a sa; e.g. Boiling water is hot = Titlok cu a sa; 2. a lin; e.g. The sun is hot = Ni cu a lin; e.g. It is hot in here = Hika hmun cu a lin ko; 3. a thak; e.g. Pepper is hot = Makphak a thak; 4. thin tawi; e.g. He has a hot temper = A thin a tawi.

hotbed - (n.) hnawmtam hlonhnak hmun, thil ci cinnak i a ttha ngaimi, rai chia karh thawknak hmun, khulrang in thil a tthannak hmun; e.g. Areas of poor housing are hotbeds of crime = Inn thittha um lonak hmun cu sualnak kheuhnak hmun ttha a si.

hotel - (n.) hawttel , riahnak inn

hothead - (n.) mithinrang

hotheaded - (adj.) mithinrang , khua tthate i a ruat hmasa lomi

hothouse - (n.) thlalang in an sakmi inn , thlaici cinnak i an hmanmi

hound - (n.) ramvaihnak uico

hour - (n.) 1. suimilam; e.g. There are sixty minutes in one hour = Suimilam pakhat ah minit sawm ruk a um; e.g. He spent an idle hour watching the river = Zeihmanh tuah loin suimilam pakhat chung tiva kha a zoh sawhsawh ko; e.g. We waited for a full hour = Suimilam pakhat kheng kan hngah; 2. caan; e.g. The hour was late when he returned = A kir ah khan khua a tlai ngaicang.

hourly - (adv.) suimilam pakhat lengmang ah

house - (n.) inn;  e.g. the foundation of the house = inn hram; e.g. luxurious house = inn ttha, inn nuam; e.g. Tim holds a one thousand kyat mortgage on Jim’s house = Tim nih Jim cu tangka thong khat a cawih i cu tangka cun inn a sak i cu tangka a cawimi cu Jim nih khan a inn khan aamah a khan; e.g. The school is close to my house = Sianginn cu kan inn naih ah a um; e.g. Who is the occupant of this house = Hi inn chung i a ummi hi ahodah a si?

house - (v.) innchung i umter; e.g. The horses are housed in a new stable = Rang cu ranginn thar ah an khumh hna.

House of Representatives - (n., prop.) America ram an Congress i upadi sertu bu a niam deuh i a tam deuh a simi, minung tamtlawm ning in thimmi, England ram i House of Commons timi bantuk khi a si; e.g. the United States has two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives = United States nih phunglam sertu bu pahnih a ngeih hna, Senate le House of Representatives an si.

housebreaker - (n.) inn baohtu

housebreaking - (n.) inn baoh

housefly - (n.) tho

household - (n.) innchungkhar

household - (adj.) innchungkhar thil; e.g. Household goods = Innchungkhar thil

householder - (n.) innngeitu

housekeeper - (n.) inn zohkhenhtu

housemaid - (n.) sinum (nu)

housetop - (n.) inncung

housewarming - (n.) inn thar luh

housewife - (n.) innchungkhar chung nu bik

housework - (n.) innchung rian

housing - (n.) umnak pek; e.g. The housing of such a large group will not be easy = Cu tluk bu ngan umnak innpek cu a fawi lai lo.

hovel - (n.) vawlei inn , inn chiate

hover - (v.) cunglei i i hel lengmang; e.g. Birds hover over their nests = Vate cu an bu cungah an i hel lengmang.

how - (adv.) 1. zeitindah; e.g. How did you come to Yangon = Yangon ah zeitindah na rat? 2. zeizat dah; e.g. How many people are living in your town = Nan khua ah mi zeizat dah a um hna? 3. zeizat dah; e.g. How much time do we have = A caan zeizat dah kan ngeih? 4. zeitindah na um; e.g. How are you = Zeitindah na um?

howbeit - (adv.) asinain

howdah - (n.) sai kengdan

however - (conj.) sihmanhselaw , a si nain

however - (adv.) zeitindah, zei in dah; e.g. However can I repay you = Zeitindah (zei in dah) kan cham tthan khawh lai?

howitzer - (n.) miakpi tawi

howl - (v.) uico bao a si lo in uico a onh thluahmah khi

howl - (n.) cu bantuk ; aw cu

hub - (n.) lengke kual a laifang

huddle - (v.) i tet thup i um; e.g. Four people huddled under one umbrella = Minung pali nithawng pakhat tangah i tetthup in an um.

huddle - (n.) a sulthong loin aa cawhnukmi bu

hue - (n.) azawng; e.g. Your books have different hues = Na cauk cu zawng dangdang an ngei.

hue and cry - (n.) aukhuan, tlerhhawt; e.g. They raise a hue and cry when the criminal runs away = Misualpa a zam tikah an au an khuang.

hug - (v.) pom , kuh , ttang i i rehchih

huge - (adj.) nganpi

hulk - (n.) tilawng a ttet cangmi a innpi

hull - (n.) tilawng a innpi asiloah a tungtlangpi

hum - (v.) 1. awnh vuaimai; 2. hmur cip i hlasak

hum - (n.) biafang theih lomi aw thawng, seh aw thawng

human - (adj.) minung a simi; e.g. human body = minung pum; e.g. human race = minung phun; e.g. human physiology = minung pum umtuning kong cawnnak.

human being - (n.) minung; e.g. To err is human = Palh cu minung phung a si ko.

humance - (adj.) zaangfahnak a ngeimi, minung a simi

humanist - (n.) 1. minung sining kong biatak tein a ruat a cawngmi; 2. Grik le Latin fimthiamnak a cawngmi

humanitarian - (adj.) minung cung i zaangfahnak a ngeimi , minung kan si cio cu ta ti lungput a ngeimi

Humanities - (n., prop.) The Humanities; Grik le Latin holh in ttialmi cauk hna le ca tinak a si.

humanity - (n.) minung sinak

humanize - (v.) minung siter

humankind - (n.) minung

humanly - (adv.) minung sining in tuahmi; e.g. We will do all that is humanly possible = Minung tuahning in a si kho ding paoh cu kan tuah ko lai.

humble - (adj.) 1. nauta; e.g. Our home is a humble cottage = Kan inn cu innnautate a si; 2. mi toidawr

humble - (v.) mi toi i i dawr

humbleness - (n.) toidawrnak

humbly - (adv.) toidawr tein

humbug - (n.) hlennak

humbug - (v.) hlen

humdrum - (adj.) amah bon le kel a si lengmangmi thil, aa thleng lomi

humid - (adj.) a sa i a cin zong a cin fawnmi; e.g. The air is humid near the sea = Rili pawngah thli cu a sa i a cin zong a cin.

humidity - (n.) thli chungah ti a ummi

humiliate - (v.) ningzahter

humiliation - (n.) ningzahternak

humility - (n.) mi tangdornak lungthin

hummock - (n.) tlang bote

humor - (n.) U.S. 1. nihchuak a si ttung i a nuam ngaimi; e.g. This story is full of humor = Hi tuanbia cu nih nuamhnak in a khat. 2. umtuning; e.g. He is in a bad humor today = Nihin cu lung nuam loin a um.

humor - (v.) U.S.  nihchuak chimpiak i nihter.

humorist - (n.) U.S. nihchuak biachim a thiammi.

humorous - (adj.) U.S.  nihchuak a simi.

humour - (n.) British.  1. nihchuak a si ttung i a nuam ngaimi; e.g. This story is full of humour = Hi tuanbia cu nih nuamhnak in a khat; 2. umtuning; e.g. He is in a bad humour today = Nihin cu lung nuam loin a um.

humour - (v.) British. nihchuak chimpiak i nihter.

humourous - (adj.) British.  nihchuak a simi.

hump - (v.) kengkoih

hump - (n.) lenthang

humus - (n.) thinghnah non

hunch - (n.) tuah setsai lem lo i lungchung i a hung chuakmi khi; e.g. I have a hunch that my friend will arrive today = Ka hawipa nihin a tlung lai tiah ka lung ah a chuak.

hunch - (v.) kengkoih; e.g. He sat hunched up with his chin on his knees = A khuk ah a khabe chuan in kengkuai in a thu.

hunchback - (n.) kengkul; e.g. Hunchback is a malformation = Kengkul hi pungsan ttha lo a si.

hunchbacked - (adj.) a keng a kulmi

hundred - (num.) za khat

hundredth - (n., adj.) za khatnak

hundredweight - (n., adj.) England ah pawng 112, America ah pawng 100.

hung - (v.) past tense and past participle of hang, thlai, thah.  hang zoh.

hunger - (n.) rawltam; e.g. The campers ate bird’s eggs to stave off hunger = Rawltam khamnak ah ramriak pawl nih vate ti an ei;  e.g. Under the stress of hunger he stole food = A rawltam nih a hnek ruangah rawl cu a fir.

hunger - (v.) rawltam bantuk i duh

hungrily - (adv.) rawltam ngaiin

hungry - (adj.) a rawl a tammi, rawltam rawl duh tluk in duh; e.g. They are hungry for knowledge = Hngalhnak cu an duh ngaingai; e.g. The hungry man ate with zest = Ka thaw ngaiin a rawl a tammi pa nih a ei; e.g. She let the children go hungry = Ngakchia kha rawltam in a umter ko hna.

hunk - (n.) tan nganpi

hunt - (v.) 1.ramvaih, sapel; e.g. People are not allowed to hunt on the preserves = Sakah khamnak hmun an cun ramvaih onh a si lo. 2. kawl; e.g. They hunted for the lost child = Ngakchia a tlaumi kha an kawl.

hunter - (n.) ramvaipa; e.g. The hunter sets his traps = Ramvaipa nih a rap a chiah hna; e.g. Hunters stalk deer = Ramvai nih sakhi an pel hna.

hunting - (n.) ramvaih , sapel

hurdle - (n.) tlik zuamnak i lam i dawntu perpah awk an chiahmi

hurl - (v.) 1. cheh; e.g. A rock was hurled at the car = Mawttawka kha lung in an cheh; 2. bia in lung bantukin cheh; e.g. She hurled insults at him = A hauh len.

hurrah - (interj.) lawmhnak in au

hurricane - (n.) thlichia, ttotho; e.g. The imminence of a storm is shown by thick clouds = Ttotho a nai ti cu khuadawm nak nih an langhter.

hurried - (adj.) khulrang in , tim manh loin tuahmi

hurriedly - (adv.) rianrang in

hurry - (v.) 1. khulrang in kal; e.g. They hurried home = Inn ah khulrang in an kal; e.g. Hurry and get through with your work = I khulranh law na rian kha lim. 2. khulranter; e.g. We hurry them = Kan hnawh hna.

hurry - (n.) khulranh duh; e.g. Don't bother me, I am in a hurry = Han ka hnawh hlah, khulrang in kal ka duh.

hurt - (v.) fahnak pek , fahter

hurt - (n.) tuksa hma

hurtful - (adj.) fahter khotu a simi

hurtle - (v.) khulrang in choi cutmat i thawng zong than pah, fak piin tuk, fak piin i khawn, fak piin khawh, cheh

husband - (n.) va , pasal

husbandman - (n.) lothlopa

husbandry - (n.) lothlawh le sattil zuat

hush - (n.) thawng daihnak

hush - (v.) thawng daih; e.g. The wind has hushed = Thlitu a dai.

husk - (n.) fangvoi kawk, facang hawng (favai)

husky - (adj.) a ngan i a thawngmi

hustle - (n.) i tuai ur i um

hustle - (v.) 1. i nam cutmat i i tenh; e.g. The crowd hustled into the train = tlanglawng chungah mibu cu i nam cutmat in an lut; 2. namchih

hut - (n.) thlam; e.g. We left our hoes in the hut = Kan tuhmui thlam chungah kan chiahtak hna.

hybrid - (n.) thlaici phun hnih cawh i phun ttha deuh chuahtermi

hybridization - (n.) thlaici ttha deuh phun ttha deuh chuahternak

hybridize - (v.) thlaici phun ttha deuh chuahter

hydrant - (n.) mei ti toihnak ca i hmanmi timerh pep nganpi

hydraulic - (adj.) tiin hmanmi thil paohpaoh e.g. hydraulic pump = Ti in kaltermi ti dawpnak seh

hydroelectric - (adj.) electric kha ti in chuahter a simi.

hydrogen - (n.) rim zong a ngei lo i zawng zong a ngei lomi gas phun khat, khulrang tein a alh khomi; e.g. Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water = Hydrogen le oxygen an i cawh ah ti a chuak.

hydrometer - (n.) batteri chung ti tahnak peng

hydrophobia - (n.) ti ttih zawtnak, uihrut nih a sehmi hna cu hi zawtnak hin an thi

hyena - (n.) sa-ui phun khat

hygiene - (n.) ngandamnak

Hymen - (n., prop.) Greek god of marriage.  Nu le va i tthitumhnak uktu i a ruahmi Grik pathian.

hymn - (n.) Pathian thangtthatnak hla

hymnal - (n.) hla cauk; e.g. I was looking for my hymn book / hymnal = Ka hla cauk ka kawl.

hyperbole - (n.) fak piin bia perhmi; e.g. Waves mountain high = Tlang tluk in a nganmi tilet, ti cu hyperbole ti cu a si.

hyphen - (n.) cafang pahnih pehnak ca i a rinmite   " - "  

hyphenate - (v.) haifen in peh.

hypnotic - (adj.) mah i hngal loin hngilhter khawhmi

hypnotism - (n.) mah hngal loin umter khawh ttung i duhmi paoh tuahter khawh ttungmi thiamnak.

hypnotize - (v.) mah hngal loin hngilhter i duhmi fial i tuahter /chimter

hypocrisy - (n.) chungthu lengnal sinak

hypocrite - (n.) chungthu lengnal a simi

hypocritical - (adj.) chungthu lengnal a simi

hypodermic - (adj.) cuar chung chunhmi; e.g. Hypodermic syringe = Cuar chunhnak saring

hypothesis - (n.) va si seh law ti in ruah , a tlangpi kawl; e.g. Let us act on the hypothesis that he is honest = Miding a si ti in ruat in cu ning cun ttuan phawt ko hnik u si law.

hypothetical - (adj.) a um taktak lomi , um seh law , si seh law tiin ruahmi thil; e.g. Kalaba is a hypothetical language = Kalaba cu a um taktakmi holh a si lo, va um seh law tiin hei ruahmi holh a si.

hyssop - (n.) ramhring phun khat a rim a thaw ngaimi

hysteria - (n.) lungchung zawtnak phun khat , a nih hawi hna heh ti in nih i cu dih in a tah zong tah ko , cu bantukin lungthin i tlaih khawh lo le i sum khawh lo paoh ; hlim rit


I - (pron.) keimah

i.e. - (adv.)  = that is, cucu.

I.O.U. - (n., abbrev.) 'I owe you' a tawinak in ttial, 'kan bat' tinak.

ice - (n.) tikhal; e.g. Ice helps preserve food = Tikhal nih rawl cu thu loin um a bawmh; e.g. Ice and water are the same substance in different forms = Tikhal le ti cu an sining aa khat ko, an langhning lawng aa dang.

ice cream - (n.) tikhal he an sermi cawhnuk khal a thaw ngaimi , aiskhrim

iceberg - (n.) rili nih a fenhmi tikhal nganpi , a cheuchum lawng ti leng i a langmi

icebox - (n.) tikhal he rawl an chiahtinak thingkuang

icicle - (n.) tidor a tlami a khal i a tung tete in a ummi

icily - (adv.) kik ngaiin, chawn duh set loin

icon - (n.) Bawi Jesuh hmantlak milem

iconoclast - (n.) siasal a hrawk dihtu

icy - (adj.) tikhal bantukin a kikmi

I'd - (contraction) I would;  I had (would, had zoh).

idea - (n.) ruahnak, lungchung in suaimi hmanthlak; e.g. Formulate your ideas before you write = Na ruahnak kha na ttial hlan ah nai fian awk a si; e.g. I gathered from his words that he did not like my idea = A biachimmi in, ka ruahnak a duh lo ti kha ka hngalh; e.g. They have parallel ideas about what to do = Zeidah tuah awk timi ah khan an ruahnak aa khat;  e.g. His ideas are good but not practical = A ruahnak cu a ttha asinain tuah khawn an si lo.

ideal - (n.) 1. tthat a tlingmi thil; e.g. Peace and justice are ideals = Daihnak le dinnak cu tthat tlingmi thil an si; 2. tthat a tling tiah ruahmi minung /thil; e.g. Ruth's ideal is her mother = Ruth i tthat a tling tiah a ruahmi minung cu a nu a si.

ideal - (adj.) tthat a tlingmi thil, mah duhningte a simi thil; e.g. A clear day is ideal for a picnic = Khuatthat ni cu hnianghrawmnak ah duhtling a si ko.

idealism - (n.) 1. mah nih a ttha bik tiin ruahning in thil tuahmi, mi dang nih zeitindah an ruah ve ti lo i mah ruahning lawngin tuahmi; 2. ruahnak lawng hi a taktak a si, thil hi cu a taktak a si lo, ti ruahnak philosophy phun khat.

idealist - (n.) a ttha bik thil a duhmi , ruahnak ttha lawng kha biapi in a la i tuahnak kha biapi i a chia set lomi

idealistic - (adj.) ruahnak tthattha le sangsang ngeih i a tuah zia biapi i chiah theng ttung lo.

idealize - (v.) a ttha bik le a tling bik i ruah; e.g. Mary idealized her brother and thought everything he did was right = Mary nih a ta cu a ttha bik le a tling bik in a ruah i a tuahmi paoh kha a hmaan tiah a ruah.

ideally - (adv.) tling tein , ttha tein

identical - (adj.) an i lo , aa lomi , aa khatmi

identification - (n.) aho a si ti hngalhnak

identify - (v.) 1. aho / zei a si ti hngalh; e.g. Charles identified the bag as his by telling what it contained = Charles nih zal kha keimah ta a si ti kha a chung i a ummi thil a chim khawh caah a hngalh ti kha a lang; 2. mi dang sining i um khawh ve; 3. aa khat in ruah; e.g. She identified wealth with gold = Rumnak cu sui he aa khat in a ruah.

identity - (n.) mah siningte

idiom - (n.) mah holhning; e.g. I have caught cold = Kihnak ka tlaih, ti cu Mirang holhning a si i, 'Cumpi nih a ka tlunh', tinak a si.

idiomatic - (adj.) idiom in chimmi.

idiomatically - (adv.) idiom ngaiin chimmi.

idiosyncrasy - (n.) hawi he i lawh lonak

idiot - (n.) mihrut; e.g. An idiot cannot reason = Mihrut nih cun khua a ruat kho lo.

idiotic - (adj.) mihrut bantuk a simi

idiotically - (adv.) hrut ngaiin

idle - (adj.) 1. zeihmanh tuah lo i a ummi; e.g. He spent an idle hour watching the river = Zeihmanh tuah loin suimilam pakhat chung tiva kha a zoh sawhsawh ko; 2. a tha a thumi

idle - (v.) 1. zeihmanh tuah lo; e.g. They were just idling = zeihmanh tuah loin an um sawhsawh ko; 2. mawttawka enzin kha nunter ttung i kal loin umter

idleness - (n.) thathutnak

idly - (adv.) thathu ngaiin

idol - (n.) 1. siasal , milem; 2. duh tukmi, upat tukmi

idolater - (n.) milem biami

idolatress - (n.) milem biami (nu)

idolize - (v.) 1. milem biak in biak; 2. duh tuk , dawt tuk

idyll (idyl) - (n.) khuate lei nuncan a nuamhning hla in hloimi

if - (conj.) 1. ahcun; e.g. Come if you can = Na rat khawh ahcun ra tuah. 2. rua; e.g. We wondered if you were ill = Na zaw rua tiah kan khuaruah a har. even if = a si hmanh ah.

ignite - (v.) mei chuahter

ignition - (n.) mei chuahternak

ignoble - (adj.) a ttha lomi, nehsawh awk a simi thil, a niammi thil

ignobly - (adv.) nehsawh awk tlak ngaiin

ignominious - (adj.) ningzak a simi thil

ignominy - (n.) zapi hmai i ningzahnak hmuhmi

ignorance - (n.) hruhnak , hngalh lonak

ignorant - (adj.) tlawmte lawng a hngalmi

ignore - (v.) a hmu lo bantukin i umter, a hngal lo bantukin i umter

il- - (pref.) biafang thawhnak i hmanmi a si, a sullam cu lo tinak a si, 'legal' cu 'illegal' ah a cang.

I'll - (contraction) I will.

ill - (adj.) 1. dam lo; e.g. He is ill today = Nihin cu a zaw; 2. a ttha lo; e.g. Her ill manners lost her many friends = A ziaza ttha lo ruangah hawi tampi a sung.

ill - (n.) zawtnak, harnak, tthat lonak; e.g. She substituted for Miss Brown who was ill = Miss Brown a zawt caah a ai a va awh; e.g. His absence from school was caused by illness = Sianginn a kai lo cu zawt ruangah a si.

ill bred - (adj.) ttha tein zohkhenh lomi

ill-mannered - (adj.) umtuning dawh lo

ill-natured - (adj.) a ing a chiami

ill-tempered - (adj.) thintawi

ill-treat - (v.) ttha tein zoh khenh lo hrem

ill-treatment - (n.) hremnak

ill-will - (n.) huatnak lungthin

illegal - (adj.) upadi , ningin a si lomi

illegible - (adj.) a fiang lomi; e.g. Illegible writing = Cattial fiang lo

illegitimate - (adj.) phungning a si lomi; e.g. Illegitimate child = Lakfa; e.g. He is stigmatized as an illegitimate child = Lakfa na si ti in an serhsat/ an thangchiat.

illicit - (adj.) phung nih a onh lomi

illiterate - (adj.) cathiam lomi

illness - (n.) zawtnak; e.g. There are many illnesses which afflict old people = Tar pawl nganfah a petuzawtnak tampi a um; e.g. Two students were out today because of illness = Nihin cu siangngakchia pahnih cu an zawt caah an um lo; e.g. Owing to (because of) illness he cannot come to school = Zawt ruangah sianginn ah a ra kho lo.

illogical - (adj.) sullam aa pehtlai lomi

illuminate - (v.) 1. ceuter; 2. fianter, a sullam fianter

illumination - (n.) ceuternak, fianternak

illumine - (v.) ceuter, panhter, hmai panhter

illusion - (n.) a um i hmuh i a um ttung lomi

illusive - (adj.) hlen hmangmi

illusory - (adj.) hlen hmangmi

illustrate - (v.) tahchunhnak in siseh , hmanthlak in siseh fianter

illustration - (n.) fianternak ca i hmanmi ; hmanthlak tehna , tahchunhnak tehna , tuanbia tawi tete hna

illustrative - (adj.) fianternak ca i hmanmi

illustrator - (n.) cauk chung i hmanthlak a suaitu , thachunhnak in a fiantertu

illustrious - (adj.) minthang , hmaizah awk tlak a simi

I'm - (contraction) I am.  e.g. I am in the house = Inn chungah ka um; e.g. I am a student = Siangngakchia ka si.

im- - (pref.) biafang hramthawknak ca i hmanmi, a sullam cu lo tinak a si; 'mature' cu 'immature' ah a cang.

image - (n.) 1. minung/thil he aa lomi mui, milem, siasal; 2. thlalang kan i bih i thlalang chung i a langmi kan thla khi; 3. ruahnak chung hmanthlak; 4. aa lo ngaimi; e.g. He is the image of his father = Amah cu a pa mui hlekhlek a si ko.

imaginable - (adj.) lungchung in ruah khawhmi

imaginary - (adj.) lungchung lawngin ruah i a si taktak lomi , mitthlam lawngin hmuhmi

imagination - (n.) lungchung lawngin ruahnak , hmanthlak suai khawhnak

imaginative - (adj.) lungchung in thil tuaktan le hmanthlak suai a tthawngmi

imagine - (v.) 1. lungchung i hmanthlak suai; 2. ruah, zumh, mitthlam in hmuh

imbecile - (adj.) ruahnak a tlawm ngaimi

imbecile - (n.) mihrut dengmang a simi

imbecility - (n.) ruahnak tlawmnak hruhnak

imbed - (v.) 1. kuang chung i sanh; 2. benh; e.g. Precious stones are imbedded (embedded) in rocks = Lungvar cu lung ah an i benh.

imbibe - (v.) din , dawp

imbue - (v.) rawn, ciah, lungchung i rawnh

imitable - (adj.) nawl cawn khawh a simi

imitate - (v.) 1. nawl cawn; 2. aa lo in ser; e.g. The wood was painted to imitate marble = Thing cu lungrang lo dingin si an thuh.

imitation - (n.) 1. nawlcawnnak; 2. adeu; e.g. You may buy imitation pearls = Rili lungvar pale adeu kha na cawk men hna lai.

imitative - (adj.) nawl cawn a duh ngaimi; e.g. Monkeys are imitative = Zawng cu mi dang nawl rawn an duh ngai.

imitator - (n.) mi dang nawl a cawngmi

immaculate - (adj.) thurhnawmhnak a pelpawite hmanh a ngei lomi , sualnak ngei lomi

immanence - (n.) a chung khah i khahnak

immanent - (adj.) a chung i khah

immaterial - (adj.) 1. biapi a si lomi; 2. thil a si lomi, thlarau lawng a simi

immature - (adj.) nutling patling a si lomi

immeasurable - (adj.) a tah in tah khawh lomi

immeasurably - (adv.) a tah in tah cauk loin

immediate - (adj.) 1. rau loin; 2. naihtu bik a simi; e.g. My immediate neighbour (neighbor) = Ka innpa a ka naih bikmi.

immediately - (adv.) khulrang tein , rau lo tein

immemorial - (adj.) hlanpi , ruahnak hmanh nih a hei phak khawh ti lomi

immense - (adj.) a ngan ngaingaimi , a kau ngaingaimi

immensely - (adv.) tampi in, kaupi in

immensity - (n.) kauhnak, ngannak

immerse - (v.) hnim , pil lakin hnim

immersion - (n.) hnimnak

immigrant - (n.) mipem sathai

immigrate - (v.) pem

immigration - (n.) pemnak

imminence - (n.) i chin dul in umnak, naihnak, a si dengmangmi thil; e.g. The imminence of a storm is shown by thick clouds = Ttotho a nai ti cu khuadawm nak nih an langhter.

imminent - (adj.) a si dengmang

immoderate - (adj.) a tawkza a si lo , a luan , a tam tuk

immodest - (adj.) aa dawhtlak lomi , ningzak a simi , zah hngal lomi

immodestly - (adv.) zahhngal lo ngaiin, dawhtlak lo ngaiin

immodesty - (n.) dawhtlak loin umnak

immolation - (n.) raithawinak

immoral - (adj.) ziaza ttha lomi , nu le pa lei ziaza ttha lomi

immorality - (n.) nu le pa lei ziaza tthat lonak

immortal - (adj.) a thi kho lomi

immortal - (n.) a minthannak a thi kho lomi pa; e.g. Shakespeare is one of the immortals = Shakespeare cu a minthannak a thi kho lomi hna lak i pakhat a si ve.

immortality - (n.) thih khawh lonak

immovability - (n.) thawn khawh lonak

immovable - (adj.) thawn khawh lomi

immovably - (adv.) thawn khawh loin

immune - (adj.) zawtnak in a khamh khomi

immunity - (n.) zawtnak in khamhnak , zawt khawh lonak

immunize - (v.) zawtnak in i kham; e.g. Vaccination immunizes people against smallpox = Raise khan chunhmi nih raise zawtnak in mi kha a khamh khawh hna.

immutable - (adj.) zeitikhmanh ah aa thleng kho lomi

imp - (n.) khuachia fate

impact - (n.) pakhat le pakhat i khawn i den , cu bantuk i khawnnak in a chuakmi tha

impair - (v.) chiatter , zorter , rawkter

impale - (v.) thil; e.g. The butterflies are impaled on small pins = Pelep cu thim hme tete in an thil hna i an tar hna.

impalpable - (adj.) tak tongh in hngalh khawh a si lomi

impart - (v.) pek , hrawm

impartial - (adj.) duhdanh ngei lomi

impartiality - (n.) duhdanh ngeih lonak

impartially - (adv.) dundanh ngei loin

impassable - (adj.) tan khawh a si lomi

impassible - (adj.) intuarnak nih a lungthin a fahter khawh lomi

impassioned - (adj.) lungtho ngaingai in, thinlung a dih umnak in tuahmi; e.g. He made an impassioned appeal = Lungtho ngaingai in a nawl hna.

impassive - (adj.) lungthin cawlcang hrimhrim loin a um khomi

impatience - (n.) lungsau lonak

impatient - (adj.) a ngang kho lomi

impeach - (v.) sual puh , thangchiat

impeachment - (n.) sual puhnak

impeccable - (adj.) palhnak zeihmanh a ngei lomi , thil sual a tuah kho lomi

impede - (v.) dawn

impedement - (n.) dawnnak

impel - (v.) hnek

impend - (v.) a phan dengmangmi, a tla dengmangmi

impenetrability - (n.) pemh khawh lonak

impenetrable - (adj.) pemh khawh lomi

impenitent - (adj.) i ngaihchih lo , aa ngaichih lomi

imperative - (adj.) a herh hrimhrimmi , a si lo kho lomi

imperative - (n.) nawlbia; e.g. The great imperative is 'Love your neighbor' (neighbour) = Nawlbia ngan cu "Na innpa kha va daw" ti a si.

imperceptible - (adj.) hmuh khawh lomi , hngalh khawn lomi

imperfect - (adj.) a tthatnak a tling lomi

imperfection - (n.) tlin lonak

imperial - (adj.) ram ukmi maw asiloah ram uktu he maw aa pehtlaimi thil

imperialism - (n.) ramdang va uknak

imperialist - (n.) ramdang a va uktu

imperialistic - (adj.) ramdang va uk a duhmi

imperil - (v.) harnak tlunter, phakter, ttihnunnak phakter

imperious - (adj.) aa porhlawmi , a ruam a kaimi

imperishable - (adj.) a rawk kho lomi , a hmun khomi thil

impersonal - (adj.) pumpak a si lomi thil; e.g. "First come, first serve" is an impersonal remark = A ra hmasa paoh ei hmasa, ti hi pumpak a sawh lomi bia a si.

impersonally - (adv.) pumpak i tinak zeihmanh um loin

impersonate - (v.) mi nawl cawn , si lomi ka si i ti; e.g. Maung Maung impersonated Maung Khin = Maung Maung nih Maung Khin a si lo nain Maung Khin ka si, a ti.

impersonation - (n.) si lomi ka si tiah i tinnak

impertinence - (n.) mi hmaizah lonak , ninghngalnak

impertinent - (adj.) ningzah hngal lo in a ummi , mi a hmaizah lomi , a ning a hngalmi

imperturbable - (adj.) fawite i thin cawlcanghter khawh lomi , dai tein a ummi

impetuosity - (n.) lungrannak

impetuous - (adj.) milungtho kho ngaimi , thinhun zong a fawimi , lunglawmh zong a fawimi , tla cutmat i khua a sami , lungthin zong vut ti i aa letmi

impetus - (n.) lungthin thawhtertu thil

impiety - (adj.) Pathian zeirel lonak

impinge - (v.) 1. khen, tuk; e.g. Rays of light impinge on the eye = Ni ceu nih mit kha a khen; 2. ri en; e.g. Do not impinge on my boundary = Ka ramri ka eng hlah; * 'impinge' cu 'on' asiloah 'upon' he hman kemh a si.

impious - (adj.) Pathian a hmaizah lomi, a upat lomi

implacability - (n.) rem khawh lomi sinak

implacable - (adj.) thin damter khawh lomi , rem khawh lomi

implacably - (adv.) rem khawh loin

implant - (v.) tuh

implement - (v.) tuah , tlinter

implement - (n.) thilri, hriamnam

implicate - (v.) telh chih , i tel ve

implication - (n.) telhchihnak, i telvenak

implicit - (adj.) fiangte chim ttung lo i a sullam hngal hna seh tiin tuahmi , bia am in chimmi; e.g. He gave us implicit consent to take the apples, for he smiled when he saw us take them = Epal kha i lak hna seh ti a bia am in a kan duh ko, zeicahtiah kan lakah khan a merh.

implicitly - (adv.) lung um lo tein; e.g. I trust him implicitly = Lung um lo tein ka zuhm.

implore - (v.) fak piin nawl

imploring - (adj.) fak piin a nawlmi

imply - (v.) ding tein si lo in a vel in hngalhter; e.g. Your manner implies that you are not pleased with me = Na umtuning nih ka cungah naa lawm lo ti kha a vel in a ka hngalhter.

impolite - (adj.) mi hmai a zah lomi

impoliteness - (n.) mi hmaizah lonak

import - (v.) ramdang in phiar

import - (n.) 1. ramdang in phiarmi thilri; 2. chim hnawhchan duhmi sullam

importance - (n.) biapi sinak

important - (adj.) biapi a simi; e.g. The dispatch contained important news = Kuatmi bia chungah khan thawngpang biapi a simi a um.

importation - (n.) ramdang in thil phiarnak

importer - (n.) ramdang in thil a cawtu

impose - (v.) 1. khinh, chonh; 2. rak duh set na lo i va helhhum peng

imposing - (adj.) a lang bik, a ngan bik a simi

imposition - (n.) mi dang cung i thilrit bantuk i vaa khinh pengnak.

impossibility - (n.) si khawh lonak

impossible - (adj.) a si kho lomi

impossibly - (adv.) a si kho hrimhrim

impost - (n.) ramdang in a lutmi thil cung i ngunkhuai lakmi

impostor - (n.) mihlennak ding ca i mi min i lak, anih kha ka si i ti.

imposture - (n.) mihlennak ca i si lomi anih kha ka si i tinak

impotence - (n.) thil ti khawhnak ngeih lonak , nutnak

impotent - (adj.) thil ti khawhnak a ngei lomi , pa a numi

impotently - (adv.) zeihmanh tuah kho loin

impoverish - (v.) ngeih loter , sifahter

impoverishment - (n.) ngeih loternak , sifahternak

impracticable - (adj.) tuah taktak tikah a si kho lomi

impractical - (adj.) tuah knawh a si lo , san a tlai lomi

imprecate - (v.) chiatserh

imprecation - (n.) chiatserhnak

impregnable - (adj.) pemh khawh lo , tei khawh lomi

impregnate - (v.) fa pawiter

impregnation - (n.) fa pawi ternak

impress - (v.) 1. nam, cakhenh; e.g. We can impress wax with a seal = Khuaiseng cu tazeih in kan nam khawh; 2. lungchung ah fek tein tuh, lunghmuih; e.g. I was impressed with what he preached = A phungchimmi kha kaa lunghmuih.

impression - (n.) 1. lunghmuihnak; 2. a tlangpi in ruahnak , fiang setsai loin zumh; e.g. It is my impression that they met before = Hlan ah an rak i tong cang lai tiah ka zumh ko; 3. cakhenhnak in nam i tazeih mui ca cung i a cuangmi khi; e.g. The impression of the seal on the wax was very clear = Khuaiseng cung i tazeih mui a cuangmi cu a fiang ngai.

impressionable - (adj.) lungthin fawi tein lak khawhmi

impressive - (adj.) lunghmui ngai a simi

imprint - (v.) tazeih khenh

imprint - (n.) neh; e.g. I saw an imprint of a bear's foot in the mud = Nawncek ah vom keneh ka hmuh.

imprison - (v.) thong i thlak

imprisonment - (n.) thong thlaknak

improbability - (n.) si dawh si lonak

improbable - (adj.) si dawh a si lomi

impromptu - (adj.) timhechungnak ngei lo i lakhruak in tuahmi thil.

improper - (adj.) aa tlak lomi

impropriety - (n.) i tlak lonak

improve - (v.) 1. a ttha deuh; 2. tthatter deuh

improvement - (n.) tthatter deuhnak

improvise - (v.) i timhechungnak um lo i bia vun chim , hla vun phuah chom i vun sak.

imprudence - (n.) ruat hmasa ciammam lo i thil tuahnak

imprudent - (adj.) fim lo ruang i tlabulbal i um , ttha tein ruat hmasa lo i tuah

impudence - (n.) zah hngal lomi raltthatnak

impudent - (adj.) zah hngal lomi , zah hngalh loin ral a tthami

impugn - (v.) bia in heh ti i al, bia in tuk

impulse - (n.) 1. duak tiah lungthin chung i a hung chuakmi duhnak; 2. tuahnak a umtertu tthawnnak

impulsion - (n.) i forh i thazang thawhnak

impulsive - (adj.) ruat suksak loin thil ti a hmangmi

impunity - (n.) hremnak in luatnak , nganfah innak le sunghnak in luatnak

impure - (adj.) a thiang lomi

impurity - (n.) thian lonak

imputation - (n.) puhnak

impute - (v.) puh , sual puh

in - (prep.) 1. chungah; e.g. We live in a house = Inn chungah kan um; 2. in; e.g. She is dressed in white = Thilthuam rang in aa thuam; 3. caah; e.g. The dinner was in honor of Mary's birthday = Zanriah cu Mary chuah lawmhnak caah a si; 4. ah; e.g. The board broke in two = Thingphel kha tan hnih ah aa tan; 5. lakah; e.g. They walked home in the rain = Ruahpi lakah inn ah an tin; 6. rian a ttuan; e.g. He is in government service = Amah cu cozah rian a ttuan; in any case = A zeiti lei hmanh in; e.g. In any case, you will have to go = A zeiti lei hmanh in na kal a herh ko lai. in any event = zei thil hmanh chuak ai kun; in case, in case of = A si sual ahcun; e.g. Bring your umbrella in case it rains = Ruah a sur sual lai, na nithawng i put; in custody = thong chung um. in earnest = i biatak tein; in favor (favour) of = amah ca i a ttha dingmi; in focus = a lai khen; in full = a dihlak in; in good faith = lihchim lo tein; in his favor (favour) = amah ca i a ttha dingmi; in order to = khawh nakhnga; e.g. He lighted (lit) the candle in order to lighten the room = Innkhan cu a ceu khawh nakhnga phazawngdan a van; in order that = nakhnga; e.g. I must earn money in order that I may go to college = Khawleih i ka kai khawh nakhnga, tanka ka hmun a herh; in part = sawk; e.g. Na hmaan sawk; in passing = ruat setsai lem loin biatlang chuak i vun chim; e.g. He said it only in passing = Biatlanga a vung chuah i a vun chim pah menmi a si; in place of = amah can ah, amah hmun ah; in reality = a ngaingai ti ahcun; in short = a tawinak in; in spite of = nain; e.g. The children went to school in spite of the rain = Ruah a sur nain ngakchia cu sianginn an kai ko; in the event of = thil pakhatkhat a chuah sual ahcun; in the first instance = hmasa bik ah; in the long run = a donghnak ahcunn; in the presence of = hmaika ah; e.g. He signed his name in the presence of two witnesses = Tette pahnih hna hmaika ah min a thut; in time = tlawmpal hnu deuh ah; e.g. I shall be in time for dinner = Zanriah ei ah cun ka ra manh ko lai.

in - (pref.) biafang thawknak i a um tikah lo tinak a si, 'correct / incorrect.'

in - (adv.) chunglei ah; e.g. Bring your friend in = Na hawipa cu a chunglei ah run luhpi.

in-law - (n.) rualchan, nupi pa, nupi nu, vale pa, vale nu, farle u farle nau, tale nau tlae u

inability - (n.) tuah khawh lonak

inaccessible - (adj.) phak khawh lomi

inaccuracy - (n.) hmaan lonak

inaccurate - (adj.) a hmaan lomi , palhnak a ummi

inaction - (n.) tuah lonak , um sawsawhnak

inactive - (adj.) a cawlcang huam lomi , a tthawng lomi

inactivity - (n.) ttuan lonak

inadequacy - (n.) zat lonak

inadequate - (adj.) a za lomi , i that lomi

inadmittable - (adj.) luhter khawh a si lomi

inadvertence - (n.) timhtuahnak um loin tuahnak/chimnak

inadvertent - (adj.) ttha tein rak zohkhenh lomi , ralrin loin a rak simi, timh loin tuah /chimmi; e.g. Inadvertent remark = Timh hmasatnak zeihmanh um lo i chim phutmi bia.

inadvisable - (adj.) ruahnak cheuh awk ttha a si lomi

inalienable - (adj.) chuh khawh a si lomi.  zong unalienable.

inanimate - (adj.) nunnak ngei lo , hlawptlo lo

inapplicable - (adj.) aa rem lomi , aa tlak lomi , hman khawh a si lomi

inappreciable - (adj.) hmuh tlak theih tlak a si lomi , a hme tukmi

inappropriate - (adj.) aa tlak lo

inapt - (adj.) a thiam lomi, aa tlaklomi

inarticulate - (adj.) bia fiang tein a chim lomi , a holh kho lomi

inartistic - (adj.) aa dawh lomi, dawhnak a hngal kho lomi

inasmuch as - (conj.) 1. tiangah cun; 2. caah

inattention - (n.) chimmi bia rak ngaih lonak , zei i rel lonak

inattentive - (adj.) chimmi bia a rak ngai lomi

inaudible - (adj.) hna in theih khawh lomi

inaugural - (adj.) rian thawknak he aa pehtlaimi

inaugurate - (v.) 1. thawk; e.g. Several new courses were inaugurated in the school this year = Tukum cu siangin ah cawn awk thar tam nawn an thawk; 2. rian nganpi ttuan ding i fehter, rian thawk; e.g. The President of the United States of America is usually inaugurated in January = America ram President cu January thla ah rian thawk dingin an fehter tawn.

inauguration - (n.) sunglawi ngaiin rianttuan thawknak tuah

inauspicious - (adj.) vanchia, a ttha lomi

inborn - (adj.) chuahpimi

inbred - (adj.) chuahpimi

incalculable - (adj.) tuak khawh lomi

incandescent - (adj.) a linh tuk ah a vamh in a vammi: e.g. incandescent mantle = gaslight mantle

incantation - (n.) camh , camhnak i bia an chimmi

incapable - (adj.) tuah khawn lomi

incapacitate - (v.) tuah kho loin umter, tuah kho loin ser

incapacity - (n.) tuah khawh lonak

incarnate - (v.) Pathian minung i i can

incarnation - (n.) Pathian minung i i cannak

incase (encase) - (v.) khumh, a chung i khumh

incautious - (adj.) aa ralring lomi

incendiary - (adj.) mei a chauter khotu thil a simi

incense - (n.) khanghmi zihmui

incense - (v.) thinphawh, fak piin thinhunter

incentive - (n.) lungthawhnak

incentive - (adj.) lung a thawhter khomi

incessant - (adj.) ngol lomi

incessantly - (adv.) ngol lo tein

incest - (n.) innchungkhar aa naihmi he sual , pa le fa , nu le fa , u le nau

inch - (n.) lehhmah; e.g. The ruler is graduated in inches = Pedan cu lehmah tete ah tthen a si; e.g. An inch of rainfall is the amount of water that would cover a surface to the depth of one inch = Ruahpi lehhmah pakhat a sur ti cu ruah nih kha surnak hmun khat lehhmah pakhat in a khuh khawh tinak a si.  

incidence - (n.) thil a cang lengmangmi

incident - (n.) thil pakhatkhat a hung ummi

incidental - (adj.) thil tete a hung um lengmangmi

incidentally - (adv.) a cang sual , a si sual , a karlak ah hun tenhta in

incinerate - (v.) khangh, duah

incineration - (n.) khanghnak, duahnak

incinerator - (n.) khanghnak meiphu

incise - (v.) namte in ah

incision - (n.) ahnak

incisive - (adj.) a ah in mi a atmi, a hlai in mi a hlaimi bia

incisor - (n.) ha , kaohnak ha

incite - (v.) lungthawhter , raltthatter

incitement - (n.) lungthawhternak , ral tthatternak

inclination - (n.) duh deuhnak, sortluk deuhnak

incline - (v.) 1. duh; 2. duhter, hoihter, sor tlukter; e.g. Incline your heart to obey God's law = Pathian nawlbia zulh ding kha na lung cu hoihter, duhter, a sor tlukter; 3. duh deuh, sor tluk deuh, ot dehu; e.g. He inclines to carelessness = Ralrin lo lei ah a sor a tlu deuh.

incline - (n.) cheng , tlangpang a chengmi

inclined - (adj.) a chengin chiahmi; e.g. An inclined plane = A cheng in chiahmi thingtlap.

inclose (enclose) - (v.) khumh, kulh

inclosure (enclosure) - (n.) kulhnak, khumhnak, kawm kulhmi

include - (v.) telh chih , sanh chih

inclusion - (n.) telh chihnak

inclusive - (adj.) telh chihmi

incognito - (adj.) hngalh lomi , hngalh lo awkin tuahmi

incoherence - (n.) i pehtlaih thliahmah lonak

incoherent - (adj.) aa pehtlai thliahmah lomi

incombustible - (adj.) a kang kho lomi

income - (n.) hmuhmi tangka

incoming - (adj.) a lut lei a simi , a lut liomi

incommensurate - (adj.) aa rup lomi

incommunicable - (adj.) biakchawnh khawh lomi

incomparable - (adj.) tahchunh khawh lomi

incompatible - (adj.) ziaza aa tlak kho lomi

incompetence - (n.) tuah khawhnak ngeih lo

incompetent - (adj.) tuah khawnnak a ngei lomi , a thiam lomi aa tlak lomi

incomplete - (adj.) a tling lomi

incomprehensible - (adj.) hngalh khawh lomi

incompressible - (adj.) hmetter khawh lomi, hnengh khawh lomi

inconceivable - (adj.) a ruah in ruah khawh lomi

inconclusive - (adj.) fel tein ceih lomi, a tlang kawm lomi, a dongh tiangin ceih lomi

incongruity - (n.) i ruplonak, i tlak lonak.

incongruous - (adj.) aa rup lomi , aa tlak lomi

inconsiderable - (adj.) ruah khawh a si lomi , ruah awk a tlak lomi

inconsiderate - (adj.) mi dang zawn ruahnak a ngei lomi

inconsistence - (n.) i peh thliahmah lonak

inconsistent - (adj.) aa peh thliahmah lomi

inconsolable - (adj.) hnemh khawh lomi

inconspicuous - (adj.) a langsar lomi

inconstancy - (n.) feh lonak , thlenfawinak , thlen fawimi sinak

inconstant - (adj.) a fek lomi aa thleng lelekmi

inconvenience - (n.) caan rem lonak , harnak peknak

inconvenient - (adj.) a caan a rem lomi , harnak pekmi

incorporate - (v.) 1. a chung i telter , fonh; 2. rianttuantubu i can

incorporation - (n.) a bu ah i fonhnak , rianttuantubu i cannak

incorrect - (adj.) a hmaan lo

incorrigible - (adj.) a remh in remh khawh lomi

incorruptible - (adj.) 1. a thu a man kho lomi; 2. ziknawh khawh lomi

increase - (v.) tamter , karhter

increase - (n.) tam deuh , karhnak

increasing - (adj.) a karhmi , a tam chin lengmangmi

increasingly - (adv.) tam deuh in, chin lengmang

incredibility - (n.) zumh khawh si lonak

incredible - (adj.) zumh khawh a si lomi zumh tlak a si lomi

incredibly - (adv.) zumh awk tlak loin

incredulity - (n.) zumh lonak

incredulous - (adj.) zumh lomi , a hmaan lo ti i ruahmi

increment - (n.) karhnak , lahkhah karhnak

incriminate - (v.) sual puh , sualnak ah aa tel ve ti langhter

incubate - (v.) tlumh , arti keuh seh ti tlumh

incubation - (n.) keuhternak , tlumhnak

incubator - (n.) arti keuhternak thingkuang , seh

inculcate - (v.) cawnpiak chih lengmang, an chung lut lakin cawnpiak

incumbent - (n.) Rian a ttuan liomi; e.g. incumbent pastor = Rian a ttuan liomi pastor

incumbent - (adj.) ka cungah aa khing ti in ruahmi; e.g. She felt it incumbent on her to answer the letter at once = Cakuat cu leh zau awk a si ti kha ka cungah aa khingmi a si tiin a ruah.

incur - (v.) 1. hman, tangka hman; 2. mah cung i tlunter

incurable - (adj.) damter khawh lomi

incursion - (n.) ralchim, ramri chung i ral an luh

indebted - (adj.) leiba ngeih, leiba bat

indecent - (adj.) ziaza dawh lo , dawhcah lo khuasak

indecision - (n.) lung i chat kho lo i um

indeclinable - (adj.) a cafang ttialning thlen khawh a si lomi bia

indeed - (adv.) ngaingai , taktak

indefatigable - (adj.) a tha a ba kho lomi

indefensible - (adj.) khamh khawh a si lomi , chanh khawh a si lomi

indefinable - (adj.) a sullam fianter khawh a si lomi

indefinite - (adj.) 1. a fiang set lo, sawhmi theng a ngei lo; e.g. He gave me an indefinite answer = A ka lehnak a fiang set lo; 2. caan tuk, caan khiah a um lomi; e.g. We have an indefinite time to finish the work = Hi rian limnak dingah caan tukmi kan ngei lo; 3. sawhmi set a ngei lomi; e.g. The indefinite articles are 'a' and 'an' = 'a' le 'an' cu pakhat tinak an si i sawhmi theng an ngei lo.

indelible - (adj.) hloh khawh lomi , hnawh khawh lomi

indemnify - (v.) cham , tthat lonak le sunghnak tuahpiakmi cham

indemnity - (n.) chamnak

indent - (v.) 1. khuar, rek; e.g. The boys indent the stick = Ngakchia nih tthiangtthunh kha an khuar, an rek; 2. chunglei i pilter; e.g. When you type, indent five spaces to begin a paragraph = Seh in ca na ttial tikah, paragraph thawknak ah deh nga a chunglei ah na pilter lai; 3. thil cah, thil ca in cah

indentation - (n.) thilcahnak, khuarnak, reknak, pilternak

independence - (n.) mahte in i uknak

independent - (adj.) 1. mahte in aa ukmi ram; 2. mahte in a um i hawi a bochan lomi

indescribable - (adj.) fiang tein chim khawh lomi , a kong chim khawh a si lomi

indestructible - (adj.) hrawh khawh lomi

indeterminate - (adj.) ri khiahmi set a um lomi , cu set a si ti awk a um lomi

index - (n.) cauk chung ummi bia a kawl fawinak ca i abc tiin z tiang aa chang lengmang in tuahmi

index finger - (n.) laibawi (kutdong).

indicate - (v.) hmuhsak

indication - (n.) hmuhsaknak

indicative - (adj.) hmuhsaktu a simi, langhtertu a simi

indicator - (n.) hmuhsaktu , langhtertu

indices - (n.) index i a plural;  'index' a zoh.

indict - (v.) taza cuai awkah aa tlak ti in a sualnak hmuh

indictment - (n.) tazacuai awk ah a sualnak a tlak tiin hmuhnak

indifference - (n.) zei poi lonak

indifferent - (adj.) zei i rel lo , kik lo lum lo i um , zei poi lo

indifferently - (adv.) 1. zei poi loin; 2. thleidan loin; 3. a tawkzawn in; 4. ttha lo ngaiin

indigence - (n.) sifahnak , pamnak

indigenous - (adj.) mah ram chung i a rak um hmasa bikmi hna , minung zong saram zong

indigent - (adj.) sifakmi , a pammi

indigestible - (adj.) pawpi nih a rial khawh lomi

indigestion - (n.) pawpi nih rial khawh lo i chungtlik

indignation - (n.) thinhunnak

indignity - (n.) a sual lo na i a mualphohnak , nehsawhnak , serhsatnak

indigo - (n.) lating burhnak si

indirect - (adj.) dingte si loin a vel in velmi

indiscreet - (adj.) aa ralring lomi , a remning a hngal lomi

indiscretion - (n.) ralrin lonak , a remning hngalh lonak

indiscriminate - (adj.) thleidang lo , chiattha hnong lo

indispensable - (adj.) um lo khawh a si lomi

indispose - (v.) 1. i lap lo, duh tuk lo; 2. zawt nawn

indisposition - (n.) i lap lonak , zawt nawnnak

indisputable - (adj.) al khawh a si lomi

indissoluble - (adj.) hrawh khawh lomi, ti i a cang kho lomi

indistinct - (adj.) a fiang lomi

indistinguishable - (adj.) thleidan khawh a si lomi

individual - (n.) 1. mi pakhat; 2. pumpak

individualism - (n.) mah pumpak cio in nun ding ti ruahnak

individualist - (n.) mah pumpak cio in a nungmi

individuality - (n.) minung pakhat le pahkat a dang cio kan si a langhnak

individualize - (v.) pumpak cio caah tuah, pumpak cio in ruahpiak

individually - (adv.) pumpak cio in

indivisibility - (n.) cheu khawh lo sinak

indivisible - (adj.) tthen khawh lomi , cheu khawh lomi

indolence - (n.) thathutnak , rianttuan huam lonak

indolent - (adj.) a tha a thumi , rianttuan a huam lomi

indomitable - (adj.) tei khawh lomi

indoor - (adj.) innchung thil a simi

indoors - (adv.) innchung ah; e.g. Let us play badminton indoors = Badminton innchungah i cehl u sih.

indorse (endorse) - (v.) hnatlakpinak minthut

induce - (v.) 1. lem khawh i tuahter khawh; 2. chuahter; e.g. His poor health was induced by poor food = Rawlchia nih a zawtnak cu a chuahter.

inducement - (n.) mi a lemtu, lungthlenternak

induct - (v.) umter, a chung i chiah, chiah; e.g. Mr. George was inducted into the office of the president of the corporation = Mr. George cu corporation president rian ah an chiah.

induction - (n.) ruahning phun khat; thil pakhat a si caah thil dang zong cu bantuk cu an si ti ruahning; e.g. Aristotle puts on a hat. Aristotle is a human being. All the people are human beings. Therefore, all people are human beings. Therefore, all people put on hats = Aristotle nih luchin aa chinh. Aristotle cu minung a si. Mi vialte cu minung an si. Cucaah mi vialte nih luchin an i chinh.

indulge - (v.) 1. duhnak thlahthlam; 2. duhmi paoh pek, duhnak paoh zulh; e.g. Those parents indulge their children = Khi nu le pa hna nih an fale kha an duhnak an zulh tuk hna.

indulgence - (n.) thlahthlamnak

indulgent - (adj.) aa thlahthlammi

indulgently - (adv.) i thlahthlam ngaiin

industrial - (adj.) seh in thil an sernak; e.g. industrial city = seh in thil an sernak khua

industrialist - (n.) seh thil a sertu sehzung rianttuannak ngeitu

industrialize - (v.) seh in thil ser

industrious - (adj.) miteima , rianttuan a zuammi , aa hne khomi

industriously - (adv.) teima ngaiin

industriousness - (n.) teimaknak

industry - (n.) 1. seh in rianttuannak; e.g. The private sector of the industry = Sehzung rianttuannak ah; 2. teimaknak.

inedible - (adj.) ei khawh lomi

ineffable - (adj.) bia in chim khawh lomi

ineffective - (adj.) tthahnem lo , santlai lo , thil a canter kho lomi

ineffectual - (adj.) thil zeihmanh a chuahter kho lomi

inefficient - (adj.) rian a thiam lomi, ttuanmi a tlam a tling kho lomi

inelegant - (adj.) aa dawh lomi

ineligible - (adj.) aa tlak lo, upadi nih a awnh lo

inept - (adj.) aa tlak lo

inequality - (n.) i ruan lonak, i tluk lonak

inert - (adj.) nunnak a ngei lomi thawn khawhnak thazang a ngei lomi

inertia - (n.) 1. mah umnak i um ko i i thlennak thawk lo; 2. van le vawlei i a ummi thil vialte, cawlcang lo i um ahcun cuti i um ko, sihmanhsehlaw cawlcangh cang hnuah cun dawntu zeihmah a rak um lo ahcun kalnak lei hmun i hmailei i kal pengnak

inestimable - (adj.) relcawklo , tuaktan cawk lo , a man a sung /tam tukmi

inevitable - (adj.) hrial khawh loin

inexcusable - (adj.) ngaihthiam khawh lomi

inexhaustible - (adj.) a dong kho lomi

inexpedient - (adj.) aa tlak lomi , aa dawhtlak lomi

inexpensive - (adj.) a man a fak lomi

inexperienced - (adj.) rak hmuhtonmi le cu hmuhtonnak thawngin hngalhnak hmuhmi a ngei lomi

inexpiable - (adj.) rem khawh lomi

inexplicable - (adj.) a sullam fianter khawh lomi

inexpressible - (adj.) a sullam langhter khawh lomi

inextinguishable - (adj.) hmih khawh lomi

inextricable - (adj.) i hlihphuah khawh lomi

infallibility - (n.) palh khawh lonak

infallible - (adj.) a palh kho lomi

infamous - (adj.) thangchia a simi

infamy - (n.) thangchiatnak

infancy - (n.) bawhte sinak

infant - (n.) bawhte

infant - (adj.) 1. ngakchia thil; e.g. infant clothes = ngakchia thilthuam; 2. ngakchia bantuk a simi, thawkkate lawng a simi; e.g. infant industries = Thawkkate lawng a si rihmi sehzung rianttuannak.

infantile - (adj.) ngakchia he aa pehtlaimi thil , nganchia bantuk in ruahnak ngeih rih lo

infantry - (n.) ke ralkap

infantryman - (n.) ke in ral a tumi ralkap

infatuate - (v.) ngakchia dawt in i dawt, ngaknu tlangval an i duh sawsawh khi

infatuation - (n.) ngaknu tlangval i duhnak

infect - (v.) porter

infection - (n.) pornak; e.g. The infection seemed to be localized in the foot = Hma pornak a umnak kha a ke lawng ah a si.

infectious - (adj.) hawi chonh khawhmi zawtnak

infer - (v.) hei ruah hei ruah i a phi chuahter , hei langhter

inference - (n.) ruah lengmang i a phi chuahternak , hei langhternak

inferior - (adj.) a niam deuh , a nauta deuh , a ttha set lomi

inferiority - (n.) niam deuhnak , nauta deuh sinak

inferiority complex - (n.) hawi ka tluk hna lo ti lungthin put

infest - (v.) tampi um i hnahnawhnak le harnak pek

infidel - (n.) biaknak lei i zumhnak a ngei lomi , Pathian a zum lomi , Khrihfa a si lomi

infidelity - (n.) zumh awk tlak lomi sinak

infiltrate - (v.) a thli in a chung i luhhnawh

infiltration - (n.) luhhnawhnak

infinite - (adj.) 1. donghnak ngei lo , dongh hngal lo; 2. a ngan ngaingaimi; e.g. The Infinite = Pathian

infinitely - (adv.) donghnak ngei loin , dongh hngal loin , tuk hringhran

infinitesimal - (adj.) a hme tuk hringhranmi

infinity - (n.) dongh hngal lomi sinak

infirm - (adj.) a fek lo , a ngan a dam set lomi , fehfuan lo

infirmary - (n.) sianginn i mizaw zohkhenh chungnak siinn

infirmity - (n.) fehfuan lonak

inflame - (v.) mei alh in alh

inflammable - (adj.) khulrang in a alh khomi

inflammation - (n.) kan pum chung hmun khatkhat a zawt i a sen i a phin i a fahnak khi

inflammatory - (adj.) mei bantukin alhter khotu a simi, lung a cawlcanghter khotu

inflate - (v.) 1. a chung i thli rawn , um , pumpululh tum; 2. puarpup in um; 3. tangka a puar i a man a tlawm

inflation - (n.) tangka a tam tuk i a man a tlawm khi

inflect - (v.) aw hun santer deuh

inflection - (n.) aw hun santer deuhnak

inflexible - (adj.) mersan khawh lomi

inflict - (v.) harnak pek

infliction - (n.) harnak peknak

inflow - (v.) a chung i a lutmi hna

influence - (n.) 1. mi dang cungah ruahter khawhnak le tuanter khawhnak ngeihmi; 2. mi dang cung i ruahter khotu le tuanter khotu a simi, huham a ngeimi; 3. tangka ngeimi le huham ngeimi nih an ngeihmi thilti khawhnak

influence - (v.) siter, umter

influential - (adj.) thil a ti kho ngaimi

influenza - (n.) tlangrai cumpi khuhpah; flu zong.

influx - (n.) a chung i luan

inform - (v.) 1. chimh; 2. midang kong chiatnak lei chim; hihi 'inform on' ti a si.

informal - (adj.) phungphai um theng loin tuahmi

informality - (n.) phungphai zul theng lo i umnak

informant - (n.) chimtu , phuangtu

information - (n.) 1. hngalhnak, theihnak; e.g. He has inside information about their plan = An i timhmi kha a chunglei biathli hngalhnak a ngei; 2. chimhnak hngalhternak

informative - (adj.) hngalhnak mi a pe ngaimi

informer - (n.) midang kong a chimtu

infraction - (n.) nawlbuarnak

infringe - (v.) nawlbuar

infringement - (n.) nawlbuarnak

infuriate - (v.) thinphawh

infuse - (v.) rawn, sanh

infusion - (n.) rawnnak, sanhnak

-ing - (suff.) biafang donghnak lei i pehmi, tuah liomi langhternak;  'eat' cu 'eating' ah a cang, 'go' cu 'going' ah a cang.

ingenious - (adj.) a fim ngaingaimi , thil a thiam kho ngaimi

ingeniously - (adv.) fim ngaiin

ingenuity - (n.) fim ngaingainak , thil ser thiamnak , mi nakin fim deuhnak

ingot - (n.) suitlang , nguntlang , thirtlang

ingrain - (v.) a chungah fek tein pilter

ingratitude - (n.) i lawmh lonak

ingredient - (n.) cawhla, thil cawh tik i a rak i tel vemi; e.g. The ingredients of a cake are flour, sugar and egg = Kekmuk tuahnak i aa telmi cu changvut, cini le arti an si.

inhabit - (v.) um, khuasak; e.g. Fish inhabit the sea = Nga cu rili ah an um.

inhabitable - (adj.) um khawhnak a simi

inhabitant - (n.) a ummi

inhabited - (adj.) umnak hmun a simi

inhalation - (n.) chung i lut lak i dawp

inhale - (v.) thli dawp

inharmonious - (adj.) aa rem lomi , lung aa khat lomi , aa nge lomi

inherent - (adj.) i chuahpimi thil a simi

inherently - (adv.) i chuahpimi thil ning in

inherit - (v.) roco

inheritance - (n.) roconak, comi thil; e.g. Good health is a fine inheritance = Ngandam hi ro ttha a si.

inheritor - (n.) rocotu

inhibit - (v.) donh

inhibition - (n.) donhnak

inhospitable - (adj.) khualtlung a daw lomi

inhospitality - (n.) khualtlung zei rel lonak

inhuman - (adj.) zaangfahnak lungthin ngeih lo

inhumanity - (n.) zaangfahnak lungthin ngeih lonak

inimitable - (adj.) nawlcawn khawh lomi

iniquitous - (adj.) a ttha lo ngaingaimi

iniquity - (n.) tthat lonak

initial - (adj.) a hmasa bik a simi , a hramthawknak a simi

initial - (v., n.) min hram cafang in minthut, David Stanley Jones cu DSJ a si lai.

initially - (adv.) a hramthawk ah

initiate - (v.) 1. hramthawk; 2. luhter; e.g. He is initiated into their society = Amah cu an bu chungah an luhter.

initiate - (n.) bu chung i luhtermi pa

initiation - (n.) bu chung i luhternak

initiative - (n.) rianttuan tik i phuhri sattu sinak , a thawktu sinak lungthin

inject - (v.) a chung i ronh

injection - (n.) ronhmi

injudicious - (adj.) fim lo , thil fiang tein thleh khawh lo

injunction - (n.) nawlbia.

injure - (v.) hliam , hma putter , fahter

injurious - (adj.) mi a hliam khomi , mi dam lonak a pe khomi

injury - (n.) hliamnak , hma putnak

injustice - (n.) din lonak; e.g. His soul had been seared by injustice = A cungah ding lo tuk in an tuah caah a lungthin kha a khong cang.

ink - (n.) cahang; e.g. There is a blot of ink on his shirt = A angki ah cahang nehnak pakhat a um.

inkhorn - (n.) hlanlio i cahang chiahnak i an rak hmanmi saram ki

inkling - (n.) ruahnak pelte

inky - (adj.) cahang bantuk a simi

inlaid - (adj.) tamhmi , tenhmi

inlay - (v.) tamh , tenh

inlet - (n.) ti fonghlei hmete

inmate - (n.) 1. a chung i khua a sami , a ummi; 2. thongtla

inmost - (adj.) a chung bik

inn - (n.) riahnak inn , khualbuk

innate - (adj.) i chuahpimi

inner - (adj.) a chung deuh

innermost - (adj.) a chung bik

innkeeper - (n.) riahnak inn zohkhenhtu

innocence - (n.) sual lonak

innocent - (adj.) 1. sualnak a tuah lomi, a sual lomi; 2. sualnak zeihmanh a chuahter lomi thil; 3. chia ttha a hngal lomi

innocently - (adv.) sual lo tein

innovate - (v.) thlen , a thar in thlen

innovation - (n.) a thar in thlennak

innovator - (n.) thlennak thar a tuahtu

innuendo - (n.) bia am; e.g. The gossipy woman spread scandal by innuendo = Nu hmursau nih bia am in thangchiatnak a kenkip ah a chim.

innumerable - (adj.) relcawklo

inoculate - (v.) zawtnak khamnak si i chunh

inoculation - (n.) zawtnak khamnak si i chunhnak; zoh vaccination.

inopportune - (adj.) caan rem lo.

inordinate - (adj.) uakhluak tuk deuh in a simi

inordinately - (adv.) uakhluak tuk deuh in

inorganic - (adj.) thingram le saram sinak a ngei lomi thil , tahchunhnak ah lung , thir

inquest - (n.) biaceihtu hna hmai ah upadi ningin biahalnak tuahmi

inquire - (v.) a si maw si lo ti hngalhnak caah biahal

inquirer - (n.) biahaltu

inquiry - (n.) biahalnak

inquisition - (n.) biahal, biahlat

Inquisition, The - (n., prop.) 'The Inquisition' a sullam cu Roman Catholic Church nih 'zumhnak hman lo i an ruahmi hna thattu ah an rak tuahmi bu' a si.

inquisitive - (adj.) thil hngalh a duh ngaimi

inquisitor - (n.) bia haltu

inroad - (n.) mi hau kulh chung i va luh, luhhnawh

insane - (adj.) a hrutmi

insanitary - (adj.) a thianghlim lomi , ngandam a si lomi

insanity - (n.) hruhnak

insatiable - (adj.) duhnak a riam kho lomi , a hak a kau ngaimi

insatiate - (adj.) a duhnak a riam kho bal lomi

inscribe - (v.) ttial; e.g. His tombstone was inscribed with his name = A thlanlung ah a min aa ttial.

inscription - (n.) zungzal hmun dingin ttialmi

inscrutable - (adj.) hngalh khawh lomi

insect - (n.) thakza; e.g. Mosquitoes, flies, gnats and bugs are insects = Fikfa, tho, ngalsang le hmaifa, rungrul, thohmuai, cngcel cu thakza an si.

insecticide - (n.) thakza thahnak si

insecure - (adj.) a him lomi

insecurity - (n.) him lonak

inseminate - (v.) thlaici tuh , fa pawiter

insemination - (n.) thlaici tuahnak, fapawiternak. artificial insemination = nu le pa cannak tuah lo i pa ci nu chung i chiah i fapawiter.

insensibility - (n.) hngalh lonak

insensible - (adj.) hngalhnak a ngei lomi , a hngal kho lomi

insensitive - (adj.) thil a hngal kho zau lomi

inseparable - (adj.) tthen khawh lomi

insert - (v.) a chung i sawh , a chung i telh; e.g. Please insert this advertisement in your newspaper = Na tadinca chungah hi hmuhsaknak hi rak ka telhpiak.

insertion - (n.) a chung i sawhnak, a chung i telhnak

inside - (n.) a chung;

inside - (prep.) a chungah; e.g. Have you been inside the church = Biakinn chungah na lut cang maw?

inside - (adv.) chungah; e.g. Please step inside = A chungah rung lut.

inside - (adj.) a chunglei thil a simi, a chunglei bia a simi; e.g. He has inside information about their plan = An i timhmi kha a chunglei biathli hngalhnak a ngei; e.g. The inside of the jewel box was padded with cotton = Lungvar chiahnak kuangte a chunglei kha lachon in a benh.

insider - (n.) a chung i a ummi , biathli a hngalmi

insidious - (adj.) a thli tein rian a ttuanmi

insight - (n.) a chunglei hmuh khawhnak , hngalh khawhnak

insignia - (n.) medal, tangbenh, sining langhtertu

insignificance - (n.) tenau ngai sinak , biapi si lonak

insignificant - (adj.) thil tenau ngai i simi

insincere - (adj.) hrokhrawl

insincerity - (n.) hrokhrawlnak

insinuate - (v.) bia am in sawhter

insinuation - (n.) bia am in sawhternak

insipid - (adj.) thawtnak a ngei lomi , a dami

insist - (v.) 1. fak piin fial; e.g. I insist that you go = Na kal hrimhrim lai kan ti; 2. fek tein i tlaih peng

insistence - (n.) fek tein i tlaih pengnak; at the insistence of = nawl ruangah; e.g. At the insistence of the boy I accompanied him to his home = Ngakchiapa nih a ka nawl ruangah a inn tiang ka hei kalpi.

insistent - (adj.) fek tein aa tlaih pengmi

insofar as - (conj.) tiangah cun; e.g. Insofar as I know, he has gone home = Ka hngalh tiangah cun, inn ah a tin cang.

insolence - (n.) ruru hranghrang in umnak

insolent - (adj.) ruru hranghrang in a ummi

insoluble - (adj.) a zop kho lomi , ti ah a cang kho lomi , aphi chuah khawh lomi

insolvency - (n.) leiba cham kho lo in umnak , tangka ngeih lo

insolvent - (adj.) leiba a cham kho lomi , tangka a ngei lomi

insomnia - (n.) i hngilh khawh lo

inspect - (v.) ttha tein zoh

inspection - (n.) ttha tein va zohnak

inspector - (n.) zohtu

inspiration - (n.) thazang peknak , lungthawhnak peknak , thaw chuahhnawhnak

inspirational - (adj.) thazang a pe ngaimi a simi

inspire - (v.) 1. thazang pek , lungthawhter; 2. a chung i thaw chuahhnawh

instability - (n.) feh lonak

install - (v.) 1. rianttuantu ding kha a rian ah rumra um ngaiin chiahnak tuah; e.g. The president of the college was installed yesterday = College President cu nizan ah khan a rian ah chiah a si cang; 2. chiah; e.g. Electric lights were installed in my house last week = Kan hnulei zarh ah kan inn ah elektrik ceunak an kan chiahpiak.

installation - (n.) rian i chiahnak , chiahnak

installment - (n.) a cheuchum; e.g. You may pay me back by installments = A cheuchum a cheuchum in na ka cham ko lai. .

instance - (n.) tahchunhnak, bianabia; for instance = tahchunhnak ah. in the first instance = a hmasa bik ah.

instant - (adj.) 1. hmakhatte ah a si khomi; e.g. Instant coffee = Vun paih i hmakhatte i a zop khomi kawfi; 2. atu thla; e.g. The tenth instant = Atu thla ni hra ni

instantaneous - (adj.) khulrang tein a si khomi, chikkhatte ah a cang khomi

instantaneously - (adv.) khulrang tein, chikkatte ah

instead - (adv.) mi dang hmun ah , mi dang can ah

instep - (n.) kepha cunglei

instigate - (v.) tuksawh

instigation - (n.) tuksawh

instill - (v.) lungchung i tlawm tete i ronh lengmang

instinct - (n.) chuahkehpimi duhnak , thiamnak , hngalhnak etc.

instinctive - (adj.) chuahkehpimi a simi

instinctively - (adv.) i chuahkehpimi ningin, cawn lo zei lo in

institute - (n.) 1. fimthiamnak cawmnak ca i bu in aa sermi hna bu; 2. thil cawnnak hmun, sianginn an zung hna le an inn hna zong

institute - (v.) dirh ser, umter; e.g. They instituted new laws = Upadi thar an ser hna.

institution - (n.) 1. fehternak, umternak; 2. saupi hman cangmi phunglam, upadi, tuahning; 3. kum saupi rianttuantu rak si cang ca i mikip nih an theih an hngalhmi; 4. sifak rethei cawmnak hmun, tahchunhnak ah ngaktah sianginn, tar umnak inn

institutional - (adj.) sifak rethei cawmnak he aa pehtlaimi

instruct - (v.) 1. cawnpiak , chimh; 2. hmuhsak , fial

instruction - (n.) cawnpiaknak , chimhnak , hmuhsaknak

instructive - (adj.) mi cawnpiak khotu a simi

instructor - (n.) cawnpiaktu , hmuhsaktu

instrument - (n.) 1. hriamnam; 2. tumnak thilri; e.g. Musical instruments = Awdawh tumnak thilri hna, guitar, thonglawi, etc. optical instrument = mit zohnak thilri.

instrumental - (adj.) hriamnam ttha a simi, bawmtu a simi

insubordinate - (adj.) mi tang um a duh lomi , nawl a ngai lomi

insubstantial - (adj.) 1. a taktak a si lomi , hmuh khawh tongh khawh a si lomi; e.g. Ghosts are insubstantial = Mithla cu a ngaingai a simi an si lo; 2. a derthawm ngaimi; e.g. Cobwebs are insubstantial = Maimomh bu cu a derthawm ngaingaimi an si.

insufferable - (adj.) in khawh lomi

insufficiency - (n.) i zat lonak

insufficient - (adj.) i zat lomi, i that lomi

insular - (adj.) tikulh bantuk a simi , ti nih a kulhmi , ruahnak bimi , tikulh khuati

insulate - (v.) a dangte i va chiah , elektrik tha kha thirhri lengah chuak kho hlah seh tiin khairiat in tuam

insulation - (n.) chuak kho hlah seh ti in tuamnak

insulator - (n.) elektrik thazang chuak kho hlah seh tiah tuamnak khairiat

insulin - (n.) zunthlum zawt damnak si

insult - (v.) zeirel lonak langhter, nihsawh, serhsat; e.g. He will rue the day he insulted his mother = A nu zeirel lo in a ti ni kha aa hgaihchih te lai.

insuperable - (adj.) lonh khawh lomi , tei khawh lomi

insurance - (n.) aamah khannak, firpiak sual, thih sual, kangh sual, tlau sual, etc. ca i biakamnak tuahmi. Cu bantuk biakamnak ca i tangka pekmi zong cu 'insurance' ti a si ve ko i 'premium' ti zongah ti a si; e.g. My fire insurance policy states that I shall receive two thousand kyats if my house is burnt down (burned down asiloah burns down)  = Ka mei aamah-khan biakamnak ca chungah, ka inn a kangh ahcun, tangka thong hnih ka hmuh lai, tiah aa ttial.

insure - (v.) 1. um hrimhrim seh , si hrimhrim seh tinak ca i tuahmi; e.g. They sent a car for him to insure his presence in the meeting = Meeting ah um hrimhrim seh tinak caah mawttawka pakhat an kuat; 2. him hrimhrim seh

insured - (adj.) aamahkhanmi thil a simi

insurgent - (n.) tapung , cozah a domi pawl

insurmountable - (adj.) tei khawh lo a simi , lonh khawh lo a simi

insurrection - (n.) tapung thawh , mah ram chung ral thawh

intact - (adj.) kekkuai hleng lo tein , rawkcat lo tein a simi

intake - (n.) chung i luhtermi thil

intangible - (adj.) tongh khawh lomi thil

integer - (n.) nambar tling , nambar cheu a si lomi , 1 , 2 , 9 , 10 , cu nambar tling an si

integral - (adj.) pum pakhat tlinnak caah a a herhmi thil

integrate - (v.) pum tling i ser

integration - (n.) pum tling i sernak

integrity - (n.) ziaza ding , lihchim lo

integument - (n.) hawng , phaw , cuar

intellect - (n.) 1. lungchung in hngalh khawhnak thazang, fimnak; 2. a fim ngaingaimi

intellectual - (adj.) a fim ngangaimi

intelligence - (n.) 1. fimnak , ruah khawhnak , hngalh khawhnak; 2. thawngpang theihmi

intelligible - (adj.) hngalh khawh a simi, rel khawh a simi; e.g. His handwriting is intelligible = A kutttial rel khawn a si ko.

intelligibly - (adv.) hngalh khawh awk ngaiin

intemperance - (n.) i sum lonak

intemperate - (adj.) aa sum lomi , a hlei a hluat in a tuahmi

intend - (v.) timh

intense - (adj.) 1. tampi, nganpi, thawngpi a simi; e.g. intense light = A ceu ngaingaimi ceunak; 2. fak tuk in thil a ruatmipa.

intensely - (adv.) fak ngaiin

intensification - (n.) a fakmi i canternak

intensify - (v.) fahter , zualter

intensive - (adj.) a thuk i fel tein tuahmi

intent - (n.) tinhmi;  e.g. His object (intent) in life is to become a doctor = Aa tinhmi cu sibawi si a si. To all intents and purposes = a zeiti lei paoh in, dengmang, tuah ding lei ti paohpaoh ahcun.

intention - (n.) timhnak

intentional - (adj.) timh ciammam tein tuahmi

intentionally - (adv.) timh ciammam tein

interact - (v.) pakhat le pakhat i tuah tonh

interaction - (n.) pakhat le pakhat i tuahtonhnak

interbreed - (v.) sattil phun dangdang fa ngeih tonhter ; caw le sia ti bantuk

intercede - (v.) nawlpiak

intercept - (v.) a karlak i rak ton , rak tan , rak tlaih

intercession - (n.) nawlpiaknak

intercessor - (n.) nawlpiaktu

interchange - (v.) i thlen tonh

interchangeable - (adj.) i thlen tonh khawhmi

intercollegiate - (adj.) college le college i ttuan tonh.

intercommunicate - (v.) pakhat le pakhat i chawnh

intercommunication - (n.) pakhat le pakhat i chawnhnak

intercourse - (n.) i pehtlaihnak , pakhat le pakhat i komhnak , i theih hngalhnak

interdependence - (n.) pakhat le pakhat i bochannak

interdependent - (adj.) pakhat le pakhat aa bochanmi

interdict - (v.) kham , tuah hlah ti i kham

interdiction - (n.) tuah hlah ti i khamnak

interest - (n.) 1. duhnak lungthin; 2. tthathnemnak; e.g. It will be to your interest to get more education = Ca tam deuh cawn cu nangmah ca thil tthahnem a si lai; 3. tangka cawih man i a karh pekmi

interest - (v.) 1. duh; 2. mitlak; e.g. Hockey does not interest me = Hockey nih ka mit a ka la lo; 3. duhter; e.g. He interests his friends in fishing = A hawile kha ngasio a duhter hna.

interest - (adj.) duhnak ngeimi; e.g. He is interested in reading = Amah cu carel duh ngaimi a si.

interesting - (adj.) duh awk a simi

interfere - (v.) 1. an i kalh; 2. hnahnawh, hnahnawhnak pek; interfere with = donh; e.g. Do not interfere with my work = Ka rian ka dawn hlah.

interference - (n.) dawnhnak, hnahnawh peknak

interim - (adj.) can karlak

interior - (n.) a chunglei

interior - (adj.) ram chung thil a simi; e.g.Interior minister = mah ram chung thil tlaitu vuanzi.

interject - (v.) a karlak i vun thlak pah; e.g. The speaker interjected a joke now and then in his speech = A biachimmi a karlak ah nihchuak a thlak pah.

interjection - (n.) uarnak, rak i lunghmuihnak; Oh! Ah! Hurrah! ti tehna hi uarnak bia cu an si.

interlace - (v.) pakkalh in tah, a tung le a phei in tah

interlock - (v.) pakhat le pakhat an i peh

interlude - (n.) thil pahnih karlak i a hung ummi khi

intermarriage - (n.) phun khat le phun khat i tthitum tonnak

intermarry - (v.) phun khat le phun khat i tthit

intermediary - (n.) pakhat le pakhat karlak i lamkaltu , remnak sertu

intermediate - (adj.) a karlak i a ummi thil

interment - (n.) mithi vui

intermingle - (v.) i cawh

intermission - (n.) a karlak i i dinh ta

intermit - (v.) tlawmpalte ngol ta

intermittent - (adj.) ngol can ngeimi, thawk i ngol, thawk i ngol tthan ti bantuk

intermix - (v.) pakhat le pakhat i cawh

intermixture - (n.) i cawhnak

intern - (v.) hmunkhat khat i zam hna hlah seh ti i chiah, thong thlak bantuk; e.g. He was interned for three years = Kum thum himnak ah an chiah.

intern - (n.) American sibawi a awngkami, si inn pakhatkhat i bawmtu i chiahmi.

internal - (adj.) chunglei a ngeimi

internally - (adv.) chunglei in, chunglei ah

international - (adj.) ram dang le ram dang i pehtlainak he aa pehtlaimi

internationalize - (v.) cozah pakhat lawng nih uk loin cozah tam nawm nih ukmi i ser

internationally - (adv.) ram dang le ram dang i pehtlainak he aa pehtlaimi

internship - (n.) cu bantuk rian

interpolate - (v.) cauk pakhat chung i bia maw biatlang maw lak i a hmun ah cun a thar khumh

interpolation - (n.) laknak hmun i thar khumhnak

interpose - (v.) a karlak i hun chiahta, hun chimta

interposition - (n.) a karlak i hun chiah tanak hun chimtanak

interpret - (v.) holh leh , a sullam leh

interpretation - (n.) holhlehnak a sullam lehnak

interpreter - (n.) holhlettu , sullam chimtu

interregnum - (n.) siangpahrang pakhat uknak a donghnak le a uknak changtupa bawi i a hung can a karlak khi

interrelated - (adj.) pakhat le pakhat a pehtlaimi

interrogate - (v.) biahal , biakher

interrogation - (n.) biahalnak , biakhernak

interrogation mark - (n.) biahalnak hmelchunhnak "?"

interrogative - (adj.) biahalnak i hmanmi

interrupt - (v.) a karlak i hnahnawhnak hun tuah

interruption - (n.) hnahnawhnak , donhnak

intersect - (v.) tan; e.g. A path intersects the field = Lam nih lo kha a tan.

intersection - (n.) lam pakhat le pakhat an i tannak, an i tonnak

intersperse - (v.) a karlak i telhchih pah lengmang

intertwine - (v.) pakhat le pakhat i ngerh

interval - (n.) 1. a karlak caan; e.g. There is an interval of six days between Christmas and New Year = Khrismas le Kumthar karlak ah ni ruk a um; 2. karlak hmun; e.g. There are trees at intervals of twenty feet = Pe kul dan (karlak) lengmang ah thingkung an um. at intervals = atu le atu, hika, khika ah.

intervene - (v.) a karlak i thlak , a karlak i vai sawh

intervention - (n.) a karlak i vai hrolhnak

interview - (n.) 1. a tlawm bik ah minung pahnih i ton i thil pakhatkhat ceih ti; 2. tadinca ttialtu hna le mi dang an i ton i tadin chuah ding an i ceih an i halmi bia; 3. rian soktu bia an hal hna khi

interviewer - (n.) biahaltu

interweave - (v.) tahchih , tenhchih

interwoven - (adv., prep.) tahchih, cawhchih

intestate - (v.) rovui ta manh lo i thih

intestinal - (adj.) ril he aa pehtlaimi

intestine - (n.) ril

intimate - (adj.) 1. hawikom theihngalh ngaingaimi; 2. pumpak thil, mah chung thil a simi; 3. a chunglei in hngalhnak thukpi rak ngeimi

intimate - (v.) mittheh kutzauh hmanh in hngalhter khawh

intimately - (adv.) I kom ngaiin, thuk ngaiin

intimation - (n.) hngalhternak

intimidate - (v.) thihphaihnak

into - (prep.) 1. leng in chungah luh; 2. phun khat in phun khat ah i thlen

intolerable - (adj.) in khawh a si lomi

intolerance - (n.) midang in khawhnak ngeih lonak

intolerant - (adj.) mi dang a ing kho lomi

intonate - (v.) biafang vun chim tik i aw phun dang deuh i vun chim , carel tik i hla bantuk i sak

intonation - (n.) bia chim tik i hlasak bantukin sak, biachim tik i aw sang aw niam tuah tik i sullam dangdang chuahternak

intone - (v.) intonate kha zoh; biachim le carel i hlasak bantuk i sak.

intoxicant - (n.) rit khawhmi thil , zu

intoxicate - (v.) rit , rit

intoxicated - (adj.) ritnak a simi

intoxicating - (adj.) rittertu a simi

intoxication - (n.) ritnak

intramural - (adj.) vampang kulh chung , a chungah; e.g. intramural burial = biakinn chung i vuinak

intransigence - (n.) dirhmun tthial duh lo i um

intransigent - (adj.) dirhmun tthial a duh lomi

intransitive - (adj.) 'direct object' a ngei lomi 'verb' hna, belong, go, seem, etc.

intrench - (v.) entrench kha zoh.

intrepid - (adj.) ttih ngei lo , ralttha ngai

intrepidity - (n.) raltthatnak

intricacy - (n.) hnok cikcek in um

intricate - (adj.) a hnok ngaimi thil , hngalh a har ngaimi

intrigue - (v.) 1. a thli tein khuakhan; 2. a thli tein rak i duh; 3. duhnak lungthin hun ngeihter , hlauh; e.g. The story of your adventure intrigues us = Na khualtlawnnak kong nih kan lung a kan hlauh ngai.

intrigue - (n.) cozah dohnak ding khua a thli tein khannak

intriguing - (adj.) mi lungthin hlau ngai a simi

intrinsic - (adj.) thil pakhatkhat nih a chunglei i a rak ngeihmi man, aa chuahpimi man, sining

intrinsically - (adv.) a chunglei, a sining man in tuak ahcun

introduce - (v.) 1. hngalhter; e.g. She introduced her friend to her mother = A nu sinah a hawi kha aho a si hngalhter; 2. hman awkah chuah; e.g. New electrical products are introduced = Elektrik thil thar an chuah; 3. ruah awk i meeting chung i chuah.

introduction - (n.) hngalhternak , bia hmaithi

introductory - (adj.) hngalhternak i chimmi, biahmaithi i ttialmi

introspect - (v.) mah le mah lungthin vun i purh

introspection - (n.) mah le mah lungthin vun i purhnak

introvert - (n.) hawi sinah ruahnak a chim zunzan lem lomi, mahte in khuaruah a duh deuhmi

intrude - (v.) vun luhchih cutmat, vun i tenh ttualmal, sawm lo i luh

intruder - (n.) rak duh nalo i a luhchihmi

intrusion - (n.) rak duh nalo i luhchihnak

intrusive - (adj.) a vun i tenh lenmi

intrust (entrust) - (v.) kenter, zohkhenhter

intuition - (n.) i chuahkeh pimi lungthin in thil umtuning hngalh khawhnak, hnahnawk ngaiin ruah lem lo i hngalh khawhnak i chuahkehpimi

intuitive - (adj.) cu bantuk hngalh khawhnak a ngeimi

inundate - (v.) ti nih khuh

inundation - (n.) ti nih khuhnak

invade - (n.) ral nih chim

invader - (n.) chimtu ral, ral

invalid - (adj.) a dam lomi, a hmaan lomi, man a ngei lomi; e.g. Unless a check is signed, it is invalid = Check cu minthut lo ahcun man a ngei lo.

invalidate - (v.) man ngeih loter, pakpalawng i canter

invaluable - (adj.) a man a sung tukmi , a man relcawklo a simi

invariable - (adj.) aa thleng kho lomi

invariably - (adv.) i thleng lo tein

invasion - (n.) ral chimnak

invective - (n.) holh chiakha

inveigh - (v.) bia in fak piin al

invent - (v.) ahohmanh nih an ser bal lomi thil ser

invention - (n.) a um bal lomi thil sernak , sermi

inventive - (adj.) thil ser thiamnak lungthin a ngeimi

inventor - (n.) thil a um bal lomi ser a thiammi

inventory - (n.) thil zeizat dah a um ti i chek i cazin i khumh

inventory - (v.) cu bantukin chek le tuah kha

inverse - (n., adj.) a lettalam in chiahnak, DCBA cu ABCD a lettalam a si.

inversion - (n.) a lettalam in chiahnak

invert - (v.) a lettalam in chiah

invertebrate - (n.) keng ruh a ngei lomi saram

invest - (v.) 1. a miak hmuh nak ding ca i phaisi hman; 2. tthathnemnak hmuhnak ding ca i caan siseh thil siseh hman; 3. nawl pek; e.g. He invested his lawyer with power to act for him = A sihni cu amah ca ttuan kho dingin nawl a pek.

investigate - (v.) dothlat

investigation - (n.) dothlatnak

investigator - (n.) dothlattu

investment - (n.) rianttuannak ding ca i chiahmi; tangka siseh , fimnak , thil , siseh

investor - (n.) rianttuannak ding ca i tangka i chiatu

inveterate - (adj.) saupi thukpi a si cangmi; e.g. An inveterate smoker = Saupi kuak a zu i a thlah kho ti lomi.

invigorate - (v.) thazang umter

invincible - (adj.) tei khawh lomi

inviolable - (adj.) buar awk a si lomi , zulh lo awk a si lomi

invisible - (adj.) hmuh khawh a si lomi

invisibly - (adv.) hmuh khawh loin

invitation - (n.) sawmnak; e.g. He declined my invitation to dinner = Zanriah ei ka sawmmi cu a ka al.

invite - (v.) sawm; e.g. They invited us to dinner = Zanriah ei an kan sawm.

inviting - (adj.) mi a lem ngaimi thil

invocation - (n.) Pathian sin nawlnak thlacam

invoice - (n.) thil cawknak cazin a cawtu sin i kuatmi

invoke - (v.) zaangfah hal

involuntarily - (adv.) duh nalo tein

involuntary - (adj.) mah duhnak tel loin tuah

involve - (v.) 1. a chung i rak i tel ve; 2. a chung i luhpi; 3. a hnok tuk, hngalh awkah a har tuk; 4. rian chung i luh tuk, duh tuk

involvement - (n.) a chung i i telnak

invulnerable - (adj.) hma inter khawh a si lomi , fahnak pek khawh a si lomi

inward - (adj.) a chunglei a simi

inwardly - (adv.) a chunglei in

inwards - (n.) chungril

iodine - (n.) aidin si

ipso facto - (adv.) cu ruang thengte ahcun, Latin hohl a si.

iris - (n.) mitmu dum

iron - (n.) 1. thir; e.g. Rust corrodes iron = Cirik nih thir a ei; e.g. Iron is a mineral = Thir hi mineral a si; e.g. He plundged the hot iron into the water = Thirlin kha ti chungah a hnim; 2. a hak a thawng, thlah fawi lomi; e.g. He has a grip of iron = A kuttlaih cu thir bantukin a fek; 3. thil hnornak darlin.

iron - (adj.) 1. thir in sermi thil; 2. thir bantukin a hakmi.

iron - (v.) darlin in thil hnor

ironical - (adj.) bia-eng in chimmi

ironing board - (n.) thil hnornak cabuai

irony - (n.) bia-eng, a sullam a bingtalet a simi; e.g. The boys called the very thin man 'fatty' in irony = Ngakchia nih a der ngaingaimipa kha bia-eng in "Pa Thau" an ti.

irrational - (adj.) a sullam a um lo , zumh awk tlak a si lomi

irreconcilable - (adj.) remter khawh lomi

irrecoverable - (adj.) hmuh tthan khawh lomi

irredeemable - (adj.) tlanh tthan khawh lomi

irreducible - (adj.) tlawmter deuh khawh ti lomi

irrefutable - (adj.) al khawh a si lomi

irregular - (adj.) a caan a hman lomi.

irrelevant - (adj.) aa dongkhang lomi , aa tlak lomi

irreligious - (adj.) biaknak zei i a rel lomi

irremediable - (adj.) damh khawh ti lomi

irreparable - (adj.) remh khawh ti lomi

irrepressible - (adj.) tlaih khawh lomi , kham khawh lomi

irreproachable - (adj.) soisel khawh lomi

irresistible - (adj.) donh khawh lomi

irresolute - (adj.) lung aa thlek kho lomi

irresolution - (n.) lung i thleh khawh setsai lo , fek tein um khawh lonak

irrespective - (adj.) aho aho ti loin , thleidannak zeihmanh um loin

irresponsible - (adj.) ttuanvo la lo i duh paoh in a ummi

irretrievable - (adj.) lak tthan , hmuh tthan khawh lomi

irreverence - (n.) hmaizah lonak

irreversible - (adj.) let tthan khawh ti lomi , hnulei i khirh tthan khawh ti lomi

irrevocable - (adj.) let tthan khawh ti lomi

irrigate - (v.) kahcham tilak in lo tipek

irrigation - (n.) kahcham tilak in lo tipeknak

irritability - (n.) thintawinak , ingchiatnak

irritable - (adj.) a thin a tawimi , a ing a chiami

irritant - (n.) thinhuntertu, ingpuantertu

irritate - (v.) 1. thinhunter, ingpuanter; 2. thakzatter, thahter zatter

irritation - (n.) thahter i bo i sennak; e.g. The rough cloth caused irritation on the child's tender skin = Puanchia hrat nih ngakchia vun nemte kha a thahter senter i boter.

irruption - (n.) luhhnawhnak

is - (v.) a si, a um; e.g. The Earth is round = Vawlei cu a pum;  e.g. He is in Yangon = Yangon ah a um.

Islam - (n., prop.) Muslim biaknak phung

island - (n.) tikulh, tikulh bantuk a simi thil; e.g. John was exiled to Patmos Island = John cu Patmos tikulh ah an ttawl i sal ah a tang.

islander - (n.) tikul i a ummi minung

isle - (n.) tikulh, tikulh hme deuh

-ism - (suff.) cafang donghnak ah chap tawnmi; tahchunhnak ah; e.g. 'baptize' cu 'baptism', 'criticize' cu 'criticism.'

isn't - (v., contraction) 'is not', a si lo, a um lo.

isolate - (v.) a dangte i chiah , a dangte i umter , a dangte i umnak

isolation - (n.) a dangte i chiahnak

isolationist - (n.) hawi rem lo i mahte lawng i a ummi

issue - (v.) 1. chuah; e.g. The magazine is issued once a month = Mekkazin cu thla khat ah voi khat an chuah; 2. pek; e.g. Food and clothing are issued to the soldiers = Ralkap cu rawl le hnipuan an chuah hna.

issue - (n.) 1. ca chuahmi; e.g. The last issue of the newspaper contains the story of his accident = Tadinca an chuahmi a hmanung bik ah eksident a tonnak kong kha a um; 2. zapi nih an ceih lulhmi; e.g. Football is a current issue = Atu lio i zapi nih an ceih lulhmi cu pumpululh a si, i ceih lengmangmi.

-ist - (suff.) biafang donghnak lei i chapmi; e.g. 'tour' cu 'tourist', 'piano' cu 'pianist.'

isthmus - (n.) vawlei nganpipi pahnih a pehtu vawlei rawrek; Panama Isthmus = Panama vawlei rawrek.

it - (pron.) thil, hmun, thil ummi, ruahnak, a um ciami chim tthan tik i hmanmi bia; a tawinak bik cu 'a', ti a si ko; e.g. He saw a house and bought it = Inn pakhat a hmuh i a cawk; e.g. It is rainy = Ruah a sur; e.g. This book is good.  It is worth reading = Hi cauk hi a ttha, rel tlak a si.

italic - (n.) cafang ngawi

italic - (adj.) a ngawimi cafang hna; e.g. These words are in italic type = Hi cafang hna cu cafang a ngawi in ttialmi an si.

italicize - (v.) cafang ngawi in ttial

itch - (n.) thakpherh zawtnak , a thakmi

item - (n.) 1. a bu chung i thil pakhatkhat , cazin chung i ttialmi thil pakhatkhat; e.g. The first item on the programme (U.S. program) is reading names of the members of the committee = Prokarem chung i thil hmasa bik cu komiti member hna min rel kha a si; 2. thawngpang pelpawi tadinca i chuahmi.

itemize - (v.) pakhat hnu pakhat in ttial

iterate - (v.) chim i nolh tthan lengmang

itinerant - (n.) hmun khat in hmun khat ah khual a tlawng lengmangmi

itinerary - (n.) khualtlawnnak lam le a can timhmi

it's - (v., contraction) 'it is' ;  vanlawng na tahn lo cu a poi ngangai ko;  e.g. It's a pity = Ngaihchiat awk a simi.

its - (adj., pron.) a ta, a ngeihmi; e.g. The cat plays with its kittens = Chizawh cu a fale he lente an i celh.

itself - (pron.) 1. fek deuh in chim duh tik i hmanmi a si; e.g. The land itself is worth the money, without the house = A vawlei lawng-lawng hmanh kha tangka pekmi cu a man ko, a inn chim loin; 2. amah can ah khan hman a si; e.g. The baby hurt itself =Ngakchia cu amah le amah aa tu; 3. mah le mah; e.g. The dog saw itself in the glass = Uico nih thlalang chungah amah le amah aa hmu.

-ity - (suff.) holh fang donghnak ah chapmi; e.g. 'active' cu 'activity' ah a cang, 'sincere' cu 'sincerity' ah a cang

I've - (contraction) I have.

ivory - (n.) vui hao

ivy - (n.) vampang ah an kaiter tawnmi zunhri aa dawhmi phun

ize - (suff.) -ize:  biafang dinghnak ah hmanmi; e.g. 'public' cu 'publicize' ah a cang, 'author' cu 'authorize' ah a cang, 'memory' cu 'memorize' ah a cang.


jab - (v.) chunh, nam in chunh

jabber - (n.) khulrang ngai i sullam ngei set lo i a holh lengmangmi

jack - (v.) thilrit kha cawi doh

jack - (n.) 1. pa paoh min auhnak ca i hman sawhsawhmi; 2. John a tawinak in chim; 3. Jack of all trades = Rian zeipaoh aa ot duahmahmi, thiam ngaimi a ngei ttung lomi; 4. thilrit cawinak seh.

jack fruit - (n.) hnuhnun

jack-o-lantern - (n.) mai a chung kuatter i minung hmai a lomi i tuah

jackal - (n.) cenghngia phun khat , mi tuancia lawng ei a duhmi

jackass - (n.) 1. khacer a pa; 2. a hrut ngaimi pa

jackboot - (n.) kedan a cawng khuk tiang dengmang a saumi

jacket - (n.) angki jeket

jade - (n.) lungvar hring

jag - (v.) a tlang i rual loin thleh

jag - (n.) e.g. A jag of rock = lung fonghlei

jagged - (adj.) a zumharmi

jaguar - (n.) cakei , pawlai nakin a ngan deuhmi

jail - (n.) thonginn

jailer - (n.) thonginn uktu bawi.  Zong jailor.

jailor - (n.) Zong jailer.

jam - (n.) 1. thingthei le thanthling chuan i a bang i a thlum ngaimi khi; 2. tam tuk hmunkhat ah um in i donhkhanh dih; e.g. There is a traffic jam on Sule Pagoda Road every morning = Sule Pagoda lam ah zing fate mawttaw an i hronh khanh dih tawn.

jam - (v.) 1. thil pakhatkhat chungah a benh in i benh; e.g. Many people jammed into the house = Mi tampi inn chungaha benh in an i benh; 2. thil pahnih karlak ah i tenh i tan; e.g. The key is jammed in the lock = Tawhfang cu tawhinn chungah aa tenh i a tang.

jamb - (n.) innka tung , thlalangawng tung

janitor - (n.) durwan , inn zohtu

January - (n., prop.) Januari thla.

Japan - (n., prop.) Japan.

Japanese - (n., adj., prop.) Japan mi, Japan holh.

jar - (v.) hlauh, hninh

jar - (n.) thawl bial nawn a sang tuk lomi

jargon - (n.) hngalh khawh set lomi holh, mi a cheu khat nih anmah pawl ca lawng i an hmanmi holh, tahchunhnak ah, mawttawka sertu pawl nih cun mawttaw sernak i an hmanmi thilri min, mi dang i an hngalh lomi kha, heh tiah an hman, cucu an 'jargon' cu a si.

jasmine - (n.) pangpar buk pakhat , a par aa dawh ngaimi

jasper - (n.) lungvar phun khat a man a sung ngaimi

jaundice - (n.) tak aihre zawtnak

javelin - (n.) fei , khawh zuamnak i an hmanmi

jaw - (n.) khabe, luhnak kua bite; e.g. The tenacious jaws of a dog = Fek tein a seh khotu unico khabe ruh.

jaw bone - (n.) khabe ruh

jazz - (n.) hla phun khat, 'jess' an timi aw.

jealous - (adj.) nahchuakmi

jealously - (adv.) nahchuak ngaiin

jealousy - (n.) nahchuahnak

jean - (n.) jin tawhrolh, pakkalh le bawhtah aa cawh in tahmi puan; e.g. Blue jeans are in vogue now = Atu hi zapi nih an duh salingmi cu blue jeans (tawhrolh) a si.

Jeep - (n., prop.) Jeep mawttawka; e.g. He knows how to drive a Jeep = Jeep mongh a thiam; e.g. The jeep was stuck in the mud = Jeep cu nawncek ah a tang.

jeer - (v.) nihsawh

jelly - (n.) thanthling le thingthei chuan i a thlum ngaimi a bangmi khi

jenny - (n.) 1. lakhernak seh; 2. khuate ngaknu

jeopardize - (v.) ttihnung chung i umter, ttih awk i ser, hlohlak, rawk

jeopardy - (n.) thinphannak , thinhunnak

jerkin - (n.) angkileng tawi, i tet ngaimi

jerky - (adv.) i hnin deldul in a ummi

Jerry - (n., prop.) 1. German ralkap, German vanlawng; 2. German mi.

jersey - (n.) ziarsi angki lum.

Jersey - (n., prop.) caw phun khat, a hnuk a ttha ngaimi.

jest - (v.) nihchuah saih

jester - (n.) nihchuak saitu

Jesus - (n., prop.) Jesuh

jet - (n.) ticik a hun i kapmi khi.

jettison - (v.) lawng zanternak ca i a chung thil a leng i hlonh

jetty - (n.) 1. tisuar khamnak ca i chonmi vampang; 2. tilawng dinhnak hmun i tilawng cung kainak ca i ticung i donhhlei an tuahmi

Jew - (n., prop.) Judah mi.

jewel - (n.) lungvar man sung, thil sunglawi paohpaoh; e.g. The crown was studded with jewels = Siangpahrang luchin cu lungvar tete an benh hna; (Adj.) e.g. The inside of the jewel box was padded with cotton = Lungvar chiahnak kuangte a chunglei kha lachon in a benh.

jeweller - (n.) lungvar in hlawn a ser i a zuartu

jewelry - (n.) hlawn

Jewess - (n., prop.) Judah minu.

jew's harp - (n.) congoih

jibe - (n.) nihsawhnak serhsatnak

jibe - (v.) 'gibe' zoh, nihsawh, serhsat.

jimmy - (n.) mifir pawl nih thil kalhnak ca i an hmanmi thirfung

jingle - (n.) darkhing hme tete , khing tete an rin i an aw khi

job - (n.) rian; e.g. An employment agency helps people find jobs = Rian kawlpiaktu i ciahmi bu nih rian hmuh an bawmh hna; e.g. He is a good man for the job = Hi rian he hin an i tlak; e.g. He does not qualify for the job = Rian caah aa tlak lo; e.g. He resigned his job = A rian kha a ngol, a rian khan aa phuak.

jockey - (n.) rangcit thiam , rangcit in a paw aa cawmmi

jocular - (adj.) nihchuak a simi thil

join - (v.) 1. peh, fonh; 2. a chung i luh; e.g. He joined the army = Ralkap chungah a lut.

joiner - (n.) pehtu, fonhtu

joint - (adj.) thil aa hrawmmi

joint - (n.) thil pahnih an i pehnak hmun

joist - (adj.) kalper , pom

joke - (n.) nihchuak; e.g. The speaker interjected a joke now and then in his speech = A biachimmi a karlak ah nihchuak a thlak pah.

joker - (n.) nihchuak saihthiam

jollity - (n.) lungthanuamnak

jolly - (adj.) lungthanuam in a ummi

jolt - (v.) hlawh

jolt - (n.) hlawhnak

jostle - (v.) heh tiah i en

jot - (v.) khulrangin tawite in ttial

jot - (n.) a pelte, a hmete

journal - (n.) 1. nifate hmuh ton lengmangmi ttialnak cauk; 2. tadinca

journalism - (n.) cattial thiamnak , tadinca ttial thiamnak

journalist - (n.) tadinca i ca a ttialmi

journey - (n.) khualtlawn; e.g. How did you fare during your journey = Na khualtlawn chungah khan zeitindah na um?; e.g. A miserable journey = Khualtlawn nuam lo ngaimi; e.g. He set on his journey yesterday = Nizan ah a khualtlawn aa thawh.

jovial - (adj.) lungthanuammi

joy - (n.) lunglawmhnak; e.g. to shout for joy = lawmhnak ruang i au; e.g. The bells pealed forth Christmas joy = Khrismas lunglawmhnak kha darkhing nih an thanter.

joyful - (adj.) lung aa lawmmi

joyless - (adj.) lung aa lawm lomi

joyous - (adj.) lunglawmhnak in a khatmi

jubilant - (adj.) lunglawmh awk a simi

jubilation - (n.) lunglawmhnak

jubilee - (n.) lunglawmh caan, kum 25, 50, 75 dan i tuahmi.

judge - (n.) biaceihtu bawi; e.g. The prisoner scowled at the judge = Biaceihtu kha thongtla nih a meet; e.g. The judge decided the case = Biaceihtu nih bia a khiah; e.g. The judge will determine who is telling the truth = Ahodah biatak a chi ti kha biaceihtu nih a khiah lai.

judge - (v.) biakhiah

judgement - (n.) biakhiahnak; e.g. The judge stayed judgement until he could hear both sides = An kap hnih in an bia a theih hlantiang biakhiah kha thawn/a tlaiter.

judicial - (adj.) biaceihnak lei he aa pehtlaimi

judiciary - (n.) biaceihtu hna an dihlak komh in a bu an simi khi

judicious - (adj.) khuaruah a thiammi , a fimmi , a chia a ttha a thleidang khomi

jug - (n.) ngiang ngei hraitung

juice - (n.) hang; e.g. Orange juice = Theithu hang

juicy - (adj.) a hang a tammi

July - (n., prop.) Julai thla.

jumble - (v.) cawh dih i hnok ngaiin tuah

jumbo - (n.) vui kawhnak , vui

jump - (v.) pet, per, peh, i hlawh;  e.g. The boy jumped over the wall = Vampang lonh in ngakchiapa cu a pet.

jump - (n.) pernak, i hlawhnak. high jump = tlengper; long jump = vawlei i a sau lei in per i zuammi.

jumper - (n.) pertu , angki phun khat

jumpy - (adj.) thather

junction - (n.) tonnak, fonhnak; tiva pahnih an i fonhnak, tlanglawng lam tonnak

juncture - (n.) tonnak hmun

June - (n., prop.) June thla.

jungle - (n.) ramlak;  e.g. He appeared from the jungle = Ramlak in a hung chuak; e.g. Green leaves are used for camouflage in jungle warfare = Ramlak raltuknak ah thinghnah hring kha phengtu ah an hman hna.

junior - (adj.) 1. a ngakchia deuhmi, a fa a si tinak ca i hmanmi, ttial tikah 'Jr.' tiin ttial a si; e.g. 'Thomas Smith, Junior' ti cu ttial tikah 'Thomas Smith Jr.' tiin ttial a si i a sullam cu Thomas Smith, Jr. cu Thomas Smith i fapa a si tinak a si; 2. a niam deuhmi rian, rianttuannak i a niam deuhmi.

junior - (n.) kum a no deuhmi; e.g. He is my junior by two years = amah cu keimah nakin kum hnih in a no deuh.

junior college - (n.) college kum hnih tiang lawng cawnnak.

junk - (n.) duh ti lomi thil, hmun hnawm, tuluk tilawng phun khat.

jurisdiction - (n.) nawlngeihnak chung

jurisprudence - (n.) upadi umtu ningcang lei fimnak

jurist - (n.) upadi thiam

juror - (n.) jury chung i aa telmi.

jury - (n.) biaceihnak i bia ngeimi hna kha an thiam an sual kong ah bia ding tein kan ceih lai ti in bia aa kammi biaceihtubu, (America le England ah cun 12 an si tawn).

just - (adj.) 1. a dingmi; e.g. He is a just man = Amah cu mi ding a si; 2. a hmaanmi; e.g. That is a just scale = Khi khing khi a hmaanmi a si.

just - (adv.) 1. lawnglawng , menmen; e.g. He is just an ordinary man = Amah cu mi sawsawh memen a si; 2. a dih kate a simi; e.g. He just left here = Atu te ah khan a chuak; 3. manh ceote; e.g. I just caught the train = Tlanglawng ka tanh manh ceote a si. just now = atute ah khan.

justice - (n.) 1. dinnak; e.g. Peace and justice are ideals = Daihnak le dinnak cu tthat tlingmi thil an si; 2. biaceihtu bawi.

justifiable - (adj.) thiamcoter khawh a simi

justification - (n.) thiamcoternak

justify - (v.) thiamcoter

jut - (v.) a fong; e.g. The pier juts into the sea = Tilawng cung kainak donhlei an tuahmi cu rili chungah a va fong.

jute - (n.) buri hri , buri hri kung

juvenile - (adj.) mino , tlangval he aa pehtlaimi

juxtapose - (v.) artlang in chiah

juxtaposition - (n.) artlang in chiahnak


kaleidoscope - (n.) thalang kua pakhat chung i mer tik i a mui i a phun phun a chuakmi

kangaroo - (n.) kangkaru saram ; hnulei ke saupi , hmailei ke tawite

kapok - (n.) tumpang

karat - (n.) 'carat' zoh; sui le lungvar a rihning thlai i tahnak, karat pakhat timi cu, cheu kul le cheu li chung i cheu khat tinak a si; karat 14 ti tawnmi hi cheu 24 chungah 14 hi a taktak a si i 10 hi thil dang he cawh chihmi a si tinak a si.

kayak - (n.) Eskimo mi tilawng, saphaw in sermi.

keen - (adj.) 1. tilawng a tanglei bik tlang; 2. a har; e.g. Keen blade = Nam a har a chuakmi; keen mind = khulrangte le hmaan tein thil a tuah khomi lungthin.

keenness - (n.) harnak

keep - (v.) 1. mah ta; e.g. This book is yours to keep = Hi cauk hi naa chiah awk na ta a si; 2. tlinter; e.g. He keeps his promise = A biakam a tlinter; 3. donh, kham; e.g. They could not keep him from going = Kal an dawn /kham kho lo; 4. rawk loin um peng; e.g. Cold milk can keep quite long = Cawhnuk kik cu sau nawnpi rawk loin a um kho; 5. ret (reet); e.g. Keep the cake until tomorrow = Kehmuk kha thaizing tiangin chia/ i ret; 6. chiah, zohkhenh, zuat; e.g. He keeps chickens = Ar a zua hna; 7. si; e.g. Do you keep warm? keep company = hawikomh, i komh; keep faith = bia i kammi zulh; keep one's head = biachimnak le thil tinak i i sum; keepsake = philhklonak caah i chiahmi; keep step = hawi nih orhlei ke an cawi i cawi ve , kehlei ke an cawi i cawi ve; keep to oneself = mah lawngin um. keep tractthil kong hngal peng in um; e.g. I kept tract of what they were doing = An tuahmi kha ka hngalh peng. keep up with = amah tluk si, amah pawng i kal peng hngalh peng.

keeper - (n.) zohkhenhtu

keepsake - (n.) philhlonak caah i chiahmi.

kept - (v.) keep zoh; past tense and past participle of keep, zohkhenh.

kerchief - (n.) lu mennak puan; e.g. Handkerchief = paunah.

kernel - (n.) a muru.

kerosene - (n.) zinan

ketchup - (n.) catsup ti zong ah ttial a si, men phun khat.

kettle - (n.) ketli; e.g. Do not upset the kettle = Ketli kha thlu hlah.

key - (n.) 1. tawhfung; 2. a phi a chuahtertu; e.g. The key to success is hard work = Hlawhtlinnak a chuahtertu cu teimak a si; 3. piano tumnak ha, cattialnak seh ha.

key - (adj.) a biapi bik vemi hmun

keyhole - (n.) tawhfung sawhnak awng

keynote - (n.) chimmi ah siseh , ttialmi ah siseh , a biapi bik mi ruahnak

khaki - (n.) khaki zawng a simi puanthan.

kick - (v.) chuih , perh , suk

kicker - (n.) chuihtu

kid - (n.) meheh fanote, ngakchia

kidnap - (v.) minung fir

kidney - (n.) kal

kill - (v.) thah

killer - (n.) thattu

kiln - (n.) tlakrawh rawhnak meiphu inn

kilocycle - (n.) voi thong khat mer

kilogram - (n.) gram thong khat, pawng 2.2460.

kilometer - (n.) meter thong khat, furlong 5 tluk.

kilowatt - (n.) watt thong khat.

kilt - (n.) Scotland mi pa nih an i fenhmi hni.

kimono - (n.) Japan nu hni.

kin - (n.) rualchan

kind - (n.) phun; e.g. What kind of dog is that = Khi ui khi zei phun dah a si?

kind - (adj.) 1. zaangfahnak a ngeimi; e.g. You are so kind to him = A cungah zaangfahnak na ngei ngaingai; 2. zaangfahnak langhtertu thil a simi.

kindly - (adv.) zaangfahnak tein

kindness - (n.) zaangfahnak; e.g. We thank him for his kindness = A zaangfahnak ruangah kan lawmh.

kindred - (n.) sahlawh rualchan

kine - (n.) mother cow;  cawpi.

kinfolk - (n.) sahlawh rualchan

king - (n.) siangpahrang; e.g. His Majesty the king = Siangpahrang Bawipa; e.g. The king was followed by a galaxy of knights = Bawi run nih siangpahrang kha an zulh; e.g. The king abdicated his throne = Siangpahrang nih a bawi tthutdan a chuahtak.

kingdom - (n.) ukmi ram

kingfisher - (n.) va hmur saupi

kingly - (adj.) a liannganmi thil

kink - (n.) samker

kinship - (n.) i rualchannak

kinsman - (n.) sahlawh (pa)

kinswoman - (n.) sahlawh (nu)

kirk - (n.) biakinn, Scotland mi holh.

kiss - (v.) hnamh

kit - (n.) 1. ralkap nih thilri an i phorhmi; 2. khualtlawnnak ah i phorhmi thilri; 3. thilri bawm; e.g. travel kit = khualtlawnnak thilri bawm

kitchen - (n.) rawlchuan inn; e.g. Our regular eating place is in the kitchen = Rawl kan ei tawnnak hmun cu rawlchuan inn chungah a si.

kitchenette - (n.) rawlchuan inn hmete

kitchenware - (n.) raw chuannak thilri

kite - (n.) 1. kaite; e.g. The kite hung poised in the sky = Kaite cu van ah a dir ko; 2. ca zuanthiam.

kith - (n.) hawikom; kith and kin = hawikom le sahlawh rualchan.

kitten - (n.) chizawh fa; e.g. The cat regarded me when I picked up her kitten = A fa ka lak ah khan chizawh nih a ka zoh;  e.g. Don’t squeeze the kitten = Chizawh fa ha hmet hlah; e.g. The cat suckles her kittens = Chizawh nih a fale kha hnuk a dinh hna.

knack - (n.) thiam ningte

knapsack - (n.) ruksai

knave - (n.) mihrokhrol

knavery - (n.) hrokhrolnak , lihchimnak

knavish - (adj.) lihchimmi, hrokhrolmi

knead - (v.) chang nawn

knee - (n.) khuk; e.g. The doctor operated on my knee = Sibawipa nih ka khuk a ka hlai.

knell - (n.) mithidar tummi darkhing aw khi, thilnak theihtertu aw; e.g. Their refusal rang the knell of our hope = An duh lonak nih khan kan i ruahchannak mithidar an tum.

knelt - (v.) kneel zoh; past tense and past participle of kneel, khukbil.

knew - (v.) know zoh; past tense of know, hngalh; e.g. After one look, I knew him = Voi khat zoh in ka hngalh;  e.g. I knew what he would need, so I made preparations beforehand = Zeidah a herh lai ti kha ka hngalh, cucaah timhtuahnak a hlankan in ka rak ser chung.

knife - (n.) namte; e.g. We use a knife to cut meat = Sa cannak ah nam kan hman; e.g. I cut myself with a knife = Keimah le keimah namte in kaa at; e.g. blunt knife = nam hnawl.

knight - (n.) hlanlio chan i miralttha hna, upatnak an pekmi hna

knit - (v.) hmawca tah , suaiter tah

knitter - (n.) suaitar taktu

knives - (n.) nam, pakhat nak tam deuh

knob - (n.) innka hunnak bo

knock - (v.) 1. kingh; e.g. He knocked at the door = Innkhar a kingh; 2. pah; e.g. Bill ran against another boy and knocked him down = Bill nih ngakchiapa a pah i a tlu; 3. khawn; e.g. He knocked his head against the wall = A lu vampang ah aa khawn; 4. thongh; e.g. He knocked his teeth out = A ha beu lakin a thongh.

knock - (n.) 1. thongh; e.g. The hard knock made her cry = Fakpi in a thongh caah a ttap; 2. kingh thawng; e.g. I heard a knock at the door = Innka kingh thawng ka theih. knock out = lungmit lakin thongh; knock kneed = khuk khawm.

knot - (n.) 1. hri beo , hri val; e.g. The knots on your package must be tied tightly = Na thilfun temnak hri beo cu fek tein na beo hna lai; 2. thingmit; e.g. This board has many knots = Hi thingphel nih mit tampi a ngei; 3. samtom, sambeo; 4. cang, fu cang, rua cang; 5. rili cung khan tahning, 'knot' khat cu pe 6080,27 a si.

knotty - (adj.) 1. a mit a tammi thing; 2. a beo a tammi hri; 3. a beo a tammi hri a phoih a har bantukin a hnoksak ngaingaimi thil

know - (v.) 1. hngalh; e.g. as far as I know = Ka hngalh tiangah; e.g. I hardly know her = Amah cu tlawmte lawnglawng ka hngalh, chim duhmi cu, ka hngal lo dengmang; e.g. An orderly person knows where he puts his things = Ai repmi hin cun khuazei ka ah dah ka thil kha ka chiah hna ti kha a hngalh. 2. thiam; e.g. He knows how to drive a Jeep = Jeep mongh a thiam. know the ropes = ningcang hngalh;

know-how - (n.) thil tining hngalh, tuanning hngalh; e.g. He has a business know-how = Chawleh ning a thiam, a hngalh.

knowing - (adj.) a hngalmi, a fimmi

knowingly - (adv.) hngalh bu tein

knowledge - (n.) hngalhnak , fimnak

known - past participle of know, hngalh.  know zoh .

knuckle - (n.) kutcang

Kodak - (n., prop.) hmanthlaknak min pakhat.

Koran - (n., prop.) Muslim pawl Baibal.


label - (n.) a chungah a ummi zeidah a si ti hngalhnak ca i a lengah benhmi ca

label - (v.) cabenh

labial - (adj.) hmur in chimmi; B, P, M, cafang hna cu labials, hmur in chimmi an si.

labor - (n.) U.S.  rian.

laboratory - (n.) science lei thil an hneksaknak hmun, inn siseh, hmun siseh.

labored - (v., adj.) U.S.  har ngaiin ttuanmi.

laborer - (n.) U.S.  rianttuantu.

laborious - (adj.) 1. a teima mi 2. rian har a simi

labour - (n.) British.  rian.

laboured - (adj.) British.  har ngaiin ttuanmi.

labourer - (n.) British.  rianttuantu.

labyrinth - (n.) lam i cawhnuk i an um i a zeitu hi dah ka zulh lai ti hngalh awk lo in umnak hmun

labyrinthine - (adj.) i cawhnuk a um i kalnak hngalhnak a harmi hmun

lac - (n.) thalrit

lace - (n.) thil tlang kawmnak i hmanmi puantlangkamh

lacerate - (v.) thleh , baoh

lack - (v.) ngeih lo , bau

lack - (n.) baunak , ngeih lonak

lackadaisical - (adj.) a lung a lengmi , a ci a haimi , zun in a zawmi

lackey - (n.) sinum , tuah timi paoh a tuahmi

lacking - (v.) bau, ngei lo

lackluster - (adj.) a muisam a dulmi a vervar lomi

laconic - (adj.) bia chim tik i bia tampi a hmang lomi , mi hmurka tlawm

lacquer - (n.) thalrit , thil tleuternak si

lacteal - (adj.) cawhnuk lei he aa pehtlaimi thil, cawnhuk bantuk

lactic - (adj.) cawhnuk chungin chuakmi, lactic acid cu cawhnuk thor chungin a chuakme a si.

lad - (n.) tlangval

ladder - (n.) kainak hlei; e.g. Stand the ladder against the wall = Vampang ah khan arhlei kha hei tung; e.g. Steady the ladder = Arhlei kha fek tein tlai.

ladies - (n.) nu, pakhat nak tam deuh

lading - (n.) phorhmi thil , thil tom

lady - (n.) nu pakhat

lag - (v.) hawi hnu denh

lag - (n.) hnulei ah i thlainak

lagoon - (n.) zur , tibual

laid - (v.) past tense and past participle of lay;  1. tthumh, thil tthumh; 2. ti tit.

lain - (v.) past participle of lie; ih, zau; e.g. He had lain on the bed = Ihkhun ah a zau cang.

lair - (n.) bu, kua, vom bu, ngal bu

laissez-faire - (n.) cozah nih donh khanh loin pumpak nih luat tein chawtuahnak

laity - (n.) mi sawhsawh

lake - (n.) tibual nganmi

lakh - (n.) thong za khat

lama - (n.) Tibet ram Buddhist phungki.

lamb - (n.) tuu fate; e.g. Lambs skip in the field = Lo ah tuufa an i hlok; e.g. The lamb typifies = Tuufa nih hin Khrih thihnak kha tahchunhnak in a hun langhtermi a si.

lame - (adj.) a ke a beimi

lamely - (adv.) bei lengmang in

lameness - (n.) kebeinak

lament - (v.) ngaihchiat i ttah

lament - (n.) zunngaihnak hla , ttah thawng

lamentable - (adj.) ngaihchiat awk tlak a simi , ttah awk tlak a simi

lamentation - (n.) ttahnak , zun ngaihnak

lamp - (n.) meiinn

lance - (n.) fei

lancer - (n.) rangcung ralkap fei aa putmi

lancet - (n.) sibawi nih hma hlainak i an hmanmi namte

land - (n.) 1. vawlei; e.g. His land is fertile = A lo vawlei a ttha; e.g. parched land = a rocarmi vawlei; 2. ti nih a khuh lomi vawlei; e.g. Some travel by land, some by sea = A cheu tlang in khual an tlawng, a cheu rili in. 3. ram; e.g. They visited many lands = Ram tampi an tlawn; e.g. Chin State is my native land = Lairam cu ka chuahkehnak ram a si.

land - (v.) phak , phanh , vawlei i tum

landlady - (n.) vawlei (ram) ngeitu bawinu

landlocked - (adj.) vawlei nih a kulh dihmi ram/hmun

landlord - (n.) ram/vawlei ngeitu bawipa; e.g. He grudged his landlord the rent = Vawlei ngeitupa kha lawm lo ngaiin a man a pek.

landmark - (n.) 1. ramri hmelchunhnak 2. lam hmunhsaknak hmelchunhnak 3. tuanbia chung i thil biapi ngai a simi pakhatkhat

landowner - (n.) ram ngeitu

landscape - (n.) ram muisam , ram pungsan , voi khat hei zoh i a lang khomi vial

landslide - (n.) mincim

lane - (n.) hau le hau karlak/inn le inn karlak lam

language - (n.) holh; e.g. She mastered seven languages = Holh pasarih a thiam.

languid - (adj.) thatho lo i um, tla hniamhuam in a ummi.

languish - (v.) lungder ngai i um , harnak le lunglawmh lonak chungah um i pum ngain zong dam set ti lo i um , zun ngai i um; e.g. He was languishing in prison = Thong chungah zun ngaiin a um ko.

lank - (n.) a sang i a der ttungmi; mithia, mihreu

lanky - (adj.) a thiami , a hreumi

lantern - (n.) meiinn

lap - (v.) 1. bil; e.g. Lap this edge of the paper over that = Caku hilei tlang hi khilei tlang cungah khin bil. 2. i sulhthuanh in i thuanh; e.g. The pieces lap over each other = Pakhat le pakhat an i sulhthuanh. 3. unico ti liah in liah.

lap - (n.) phei.

lapel - (n.) angkileng hmailei a hngawng tang deuh i bilmi

lapidary - (adj.) lungvar a at cheu i a milhtu lapidarian/lapidarist ti zongah ti a si

lapis lazuli - (n.) lungvar phun khat a man a sung ngaimi

lapse - (v.) 1. a tlu; e.g. The house lapsed into ruin = Inn cu a tlu i rawk. 2. tt hathnemnak dih; e.g. The check lapses within six months from date of issue = Check cu thoh ni in thla ruk chung i hman lo ahcun a tthathnemnak kha a dih.

larceny - (n.) thilfir

lard - (n.) thau, vok thau

larder - (n.) rawl chiahnak bizu

large - (adj.) a nganmi; e.g. Some dogs are large = Uico a cheu cu an ngan; e.g. Their house is big, but ours is small = Annih inn cu a ngan, sihmanhsehlaw kannih inn cu a hme. at large = a va ko, a umnak set hngalh a si lo.

largely - (adv.) a biapi bik in

largeness - (n.) ngannak

largess - (n.) laksawng nganpi

larva - (n.) tholung tho i an can hlan khi larva an si.

larynx - (n.) dangfir tanglei i a ummi aw hri umnak , aw bawm

lascivious - (adj.) pumsa nuamhnak duhmi , a hurmi

lash - (n.) 1. mi tuknak, a hri khi, a tlaihnak fung si loin 2. tuk; e.g. He got ten lashes = Voi hra tuk aa huah. 3. mithmul, mit cuar cung hmul.

lash - (v.) tuk; e.g. He lashed the horse = Ran kha a tuk.

lass - (n.) ngaknu

lassie - (n.) ngaknu

lasso - (n.) hri saupi caw rang themnak i hmanmi

last - (n.) kedan sernak ca i kedan bantukin kedan i rup in an sermi dolung

last - (v.) nguh; e.g. Your coat will last a year = Na angkileng cu kum khat an nguh lai.

last - (adj.) 1. a hmanung bik; e.g. December is the last month of the year = Dizimbar cu kum khat chung thla hmanung bik a si. 2. tunai bik; e.g. The last few days have been rainy = Tunai bik ni hnih tlum cu ruah a sur.

lastly - (adv.) a dongnak bik ah

latch - (n.) innka hrenh

late - (adj.) 1. a hnu, a tlai; e.g. We had a late supper = Kan zanriah ei a hnu / tlai;  e.g. Hurry, or else you will be late = I hnawh, a si lo ahcun na tlai lai; e.g. It is now pretty late = Atu cu a tlai ial cang; e.g. It was even later than we thought = Kan ruahnak nakin a rak tlai chinchin; 2. a dongh denglei ah khin; 3. thi cangmi; e.g. Your late father = A thi cangmi na pa.

lately - (adv.) tunaite ah; e.g. I did not hear from him lately = Tunai cu a thawngpang ka thei lo.

latent - (adj.) aa thupmi , a lang lomi

lateral - (adj.) a sirlei, a panglei; e.g. Lateral branches = A sir/a pang in khomi nge

latex - (n.) thingthling (khairiat kung chungin a si khun) cawhnuk bantukin a rangmi

lathe - (n.) thir den awk tlaihnak thir seh

lather - (n.) chatpiat buan

Latin - (n., prop.) hlanlio Rom holh.

latitude - (n.) 1. ekuaitor in chaklei le thlanglei ah a phei in rinmi tlang, zei can dah a hlat ti tahnak, latitude dikiri pakhat cu khan 70 tluk a si. 2. aa tetmi upadi in luat, ttemttawn tuk lonak; e.g. You are allowed much latitude in this work = Hi rianttuannak ah hin luatnak kaupi na negi ko.

latrine - (n.) ek-inn

latter - (adj.) 1. thil pahnih lak i a hmanung deuh 2. a donghnak lei; e.g. The latter part of the week = Zarh khat chung a donghnak lei.

lattice - (n.) zawng dai kalh , thing kharvar

laud - (v.) thangtthat

laud - (n.) thangtthatnak

laudable - (adj.) thangtthat awk tlak

laudation - (n.) thangtthatnak

laugh - (v.) 1. nih; e.g. A ni duh lo = He does not like to laugh. 2. nihsaw

laugh - (n.) nih (nihnak)

laughable - (adj.) nihchuak a simi

laughingstock - (n.) mi nihsawhmi

laughter - (n.) nih, nihthawng; e.g. There was a gleam of laughter in her eyes = A mit chungah hngalh ual hngalh ual loin nihnak a um; e.g. This is not an occasion for laughter = Atu hi nih caan a si lo.

launch - (n.) tilawngpi le tikam karlak i thil thiarnak lawng hmete

launch - (v.) 1. ti cung i vun kalter; e.g. The new ship was launched yesterday = Tilawng thar cu nizan a khan ti cungah an kalter. 2. vanleng i zuanter; e.g. A new spaceship was launched yesterday = Nizan ah vanleng vanlawng an zuanter. 3. thawk; e.g. The attack was launched at midnight = Zanttim ah ral nam cu an thawk.

launder - (v.) thil kha suk i darlin in taih / hnor.

laundry - (n.) 1. thil suknak hmun 2. thil sukmi

laundryman - (n.) thilsutu

laureate - (n.) laurel thinghnah in an sermi luchin in upat peknak caah chinhmi; Alfred Tennyson was a poet laureate of England = Alfred Tennyson cu England ram hlaphuahtiam laurel hnah luchin cinhmi a si.

laurel - (n.) thingkung phun khat a hnah a hring i a milmi a si i Rom mi le Grik mi nih an upatmi hna chinh awk luchin tahnak i an hmanmi a si

laurels - (n.) 1. teinak 2. upatnak a sang ngaingaimi

lava - (n.) meitlang in a luangmi lung ti a lin ngaingaimi

lavatory - (n.) hmai le kut i tawlnak khaan , ekinn

lavender - (n.) ramkung phun khat a rim a hmuimi

lavish - (v.) siang tuk i tangka hman , tam tuk i hman

law - (n.) 1. cozah nih zapi zulh awk i an sermi phung 2. phunglam 3. upadi; e.g. Parliament is vested with power to make laws = Parliament cu upadi sernak nawl pek a si; e.g. Every person has civic duties, such as obeying the laws and paying taxes = Mi kip nih khua le ram he aa pehtlaimi rian ngeih cio a si: upadi zulh tehna, ngunkhuai pek tehna; e.g. All men are equal before the law = Upadi hmaiah cun mi zeihmanh an i khat dih.

lawbreaker - (n.) phung a zul lomi , upadi a buarmi

lawful - (adj.) phungning in tuahmi

lawgiver - (n.) phung (nawl) petu

lawless - (adj.) upadi zulh lo , nawlbia buar

lawmaker - (n.) upadi sertu, ram pakhat nih nawlbia sertu i an thimmi bu chung i aa telmi

lawn - (n.) ram dawh tein cinnak tual

lawyer - (n.) biachimpiaktu sihni;  e.g. The lawyer cleared the accused = Sihni nih sual puhmi leha a luatter; e.g. He invested his lawyer with power to act for him = A sihni cu amah ca ttuan kho dingin nawl a pek.

lax - (adj.) dor , hri dor , ziaza dor

laxative - (n.) chungthlet si

laxity - (n.) dorhnak

lay - (v.) 1. chiah; e.g. Lay the book on the table = Cabuai cungah cauk kha chia. 2. vui; e.g. We saw them lay the body in the grave = Thlan chung i a ruak an vui kha kan hmuh. 3. tit; e.g. Our hens lay many eggs = Kan arpi nih arti tampi an tit. 4. hram dirh; e.g. They lay the foundation of the church = Biakinn hram an dirh. lay aside, lay away = hmailei ca i chiah, i khon lay off = rian ngolter; e.g. He was laid off for one month = Thla khat chung a rian an ngolter. lay out = hmuh khawhnak hmun i chiah lay out = cauk pungsan lay over = cam

lay - (n.) mi sawhsawh, biaknak/sibawi/thiam khun in cawnmi rianttuan a si lomi

lay - (v.) past tense of lie; e.g. He lay down and slept = A it i aa hngilh.

layer - (n.) 1. thapthap; e.g. The cake has three layers = Kekhmuk cu thap thum a ngei; 2. a khuhtu a pan mite; e.g. There was a layer of dust on the table = Cabuai cungah leidip pante a um.

lazily - (adv.) thathu ngaiin, duhsah huamsam tein

laziness - (n.) thathutnak

lazy - (adj.) a tha a thumi; e.g. Hot weather makes people lazy = Khualin nih mi an tha a thutter hna.

lead - (v.) 1. lam hmuhsak , lam hruai; 2. nunnak, hman; e.g. He leads an idle life = Um sawsawh in a um ko;  He leads a busy life = Aa manh lo ngai;  He leads a quiet life in the village = Khuate ah dai tein a um ko.

lead - (n.) 1. suan; e.g. Melted lead is poured into the mold (mould) = Tittermi suan kha thletnak kua ah an toih; 2. khedan chung chiahmi suan

leaden - (adj.) suan in sermi, suan bantukin a ritmi

leader - (n.) hruaitu , hruitu

leadership - (n.) hruaitu sinak

leaf - (n.) thinghnah, cahnah; e.g. Green leaves are used for camouflage in jungle warfare = Ramlak raltuknak ah thinghnah hring kha phengtu ah an hman hna.

leafless - (adj.) hnah ngei lomi

leaflet - (n.) catlap tlawm tein thawngthanhnak ttialmi

leafy - (adj.) hnah tampi a ngeimi , a hnah a tthami

league - (n.) 1. bu , aa kommi bu 2. a saulei tahnak, khan thum hrawng

leak - (n.) a zuhnak, a pemnak, a kuainak; e.g. They plugged the leak in the boat = Tilawng a zuhnak kha an phih.

leak - (v.) zut

leakage - (n.) zuhnak.

leaky - (adj.) a zutmi

leal - (adj.) Scotland mi holh a si i, zumhtlakmi, tinak a si.

lean - (v.) 1. hngauh 2. tai cung lawng awngka in chuah

lean - (adj.) a thau lomi; e.g. Lean boy = Ngakchia der; e.g. Lean meat = A thau aa tel lomi satit

leanness - (n.) dernak

leap - (v.) peh , per

leap year - (n.) ni 366 a ngeimi kum, February thla ni 29 a simi kum, kum li dan ah voi khat lengmang.

learn - (v.) 1. cawn , thiam 2. hngalh; e.g. We learned that he had gone home = Inn ah a tin cang ti kha kan hngalh.

learned - (adj.) fimnak tampi a ngeimi

learning - (n.) fimnak, hngalhnak, thiamnak

lease - (n.) hlanhnak hnatlaknak ca in ttialmi

lease - (v.) cattial in hlanh

leash - (n.) uico hngawng hri.

least - (adj.) a hme bik

least - (adv.) a tlawm bik in; e.g. He liked the book least of all = Cauk kha a tlawm bik in a duh.

leather - (n.) saphaw

leather - (adj.) saphaw in sermi thil

leave - (v.) 1. kal; e.g. Did you see him leave = A kal kha na hmu maw?; e.g. You must give a month’s notice before you leave = Na kal hlanah thla khat ralrinnak na kan pek lai; 2. thawh; e.g. He leaves home early in the morning = Zingkate in inn in aa thawh; 3. chiahtak, kaltak; e.g. You may leave your books here = Hika ah hin na cauk kha na chiahtak khawh hna; 4. a sining in chiate; e.g. Leave the windows open at night = Zan ah thlalang-awng kha khar loin chiata ko hna. leave in the lurch = harnak ton lio i bawmh duh lio i cuka hmun i kal tak.

leave - (n.) a khonh; e.g. He is on leave = A khonh in a um.

leaven - (n.) thilnu

leaven - (v.) thilnu phulh

leaves - (n.) plural of leaf: thinghnah;  e.g. Green leaves are used for camouflage in jungle warfare = Ramlak raltuknak ah thinghnah hring kha phengtu ah an hman hna.

lecture - (n.) biachim; e.g. He gives a lecture on water = Ti kong a chim.

lecture - (v.) biachim; e.g. He lectured on water = Ti kong a chim

lecturer - (n.) biachimtu, college sianginn i saya.

led - (v.) past tense and past participle of lead, hruai kalpi.

ledge - (n.) 1. tlang; e.g. Window ledge = Thlalangawng tlang; 2. lungpi par, lungpi tlang.

ledger - (n.) tangka cazin

lee - (n.) thli phenhnak lei; e.g. The wind was so strong that we ran to the lee of the house = Thli a fah tuk caah inn thil phenhnak lei ah kan tli.

leech - (n.) cangvat

leek - (n.) khachuan phun khat

leeward - (n.) thliphen lei kap

leeway - (n.) 1. i mersan khawhnak 2. herhmi nakin a hlei deuh hngaih

left - (adj.) kehlei; e.g. Walk on the left side of the road = Lam kehlei kap in kal.

left - (v.) past tense and past participle of leave; kaltak, chiahtak; e.g. We left our hoes in the hut = Kan tuhmui thlam chungah kan chiahtak hna.

left hand - (n.) kehlei kut

leftist - (adj.) politik ah kommunist phung lei a hoih deuhmi

leg - (n.) ke; e.g. He was maimed in his right leg = A orhlei ke a bei; e.g. He lost all sensation in his leg = A ke kha a hit i zehmanh a hngal ti lo; e.g. In swimming, you must coordinate the movements of your hands and legs = Ti lioh ah cun na kut cangh le na ke cangh kha na ruanter hna lai.

legacy - (n.) ro

legal - (adj.) upadi ning a simi , a phung ning a simi

legality - (n.) phungning in tuahnak

legalize - (v.) phungning in tuah

legally - (adv.) phungning tein

legation - (n.) ram ai awhtubu , thlahmi , cu hna an umnak inn

legend - (n.) 1. minung tuanbia a hmaan set lomi 2. thir tangka cungah siseh, medal cungah siseh, aa ttialmi ca; hmanthlak tang i aa ttialmi ca zong.

legendary - (adj.) tuanbia sawhsawh a simi

leghorn - (n.) ar phun khat, a sen duk pawl

legibility - (n.) fiannak , fiang tein ttialmi ca

legible - (adj.) a fiangmi , a rel fawimi

legibly - (adv.) fiang tein

legislation - (n.) upadi sernak

legislative - (adj.) upadi sertu; e.g. Legislative assembly = Upadi sertu bu

legislator - (n.) upadi sertu (mi)

legislature - (n.) upadi a tuahmi bu.

legitimacy - (n.) phung ningin sinak

legitimate - (adj.) phung ningin a simi

legume - (n.) kawng chung i mu a ngeimi pawl , be , ra , pe

leisure - (n.) caan lawng

leisurely - (adj.) duhsah tein , caan tampi hmang in

lemon - (n.) raite , ser

lemonade - (n.) raite hang le thanthling cawhmi

lend - (v.) 1. hlanh; e.g. Lend me your book = Na cauk ka hlan. 2. cawih; e.g. He lends me ten kyats = Tangka phar hra a ka cawih. lend a hand = bawmh hal. lend itself to = san a tlai; e.g. The chair lends itself to use in many rooms = Khi tthutdan khi khan tampi hman awkah san a tlai.

lender - (n.) cawihtu , tangka cawihtu

length - (n.) 1. a saunak;  e.g. She measured the length of the house = Inn a saulei kha a tah; 2. caan saunak; at length = a donghnak ah keep a person at arm's length = ka naih sual hlah seh tiin ser, hawikom i ser duh lo.

lengthen - (v.) sauter

lengthwise - (adv.) a tunglei in

lengthy - (adj.) a saumi

leniency - (n.) nemnak , fak loin tuahnak

lenient - (adj.) zaangfahnak a ngeimi , nemnak a ngeimi

lens - (n.) 1. khua hmuhnak ca i sermi thlalang 2. mit chung i khua a hmutu

Lent - (n., prop.) Easter hlan ni 40 chung.

lent - (v.) past tense and past participle of lend; cawih, hlanh.

Leo - (n., prop.) chiandeih kawhnak min.

leopard - (n.) pawlai

leper - (n.) thinghmuimi

leprosy - (n.) thinghmui zawtnak; e.g. Leprosy is a communicable disease = Thinghmui zawtnak cu i chonh khawhmi a si.

leprous - (adj.) thinghmui zawtnak ngemi

lesbian - (adj.) nu le nu aa duhmi

less - (adj.) tlawm deuh , hme deuh

less - (adv.) tlawm deuh; e.g. Tom is less clever than his brother = Tom cu a nau nakin a fim lo deuh.

lessen - (v.) tlawmter

lesser - (adj.) a hme deuh pahnih lak i a hme deuh chinmi

lesson - (n.) 1. cawnnak , cawn awk i chiahmi 2. mah ca ttha dingin cawnpiaktu a simi thil

lest - (conj.) a si sual nakhnga lo; e.g. Be careful lest you fall from the tree = I ralring, cu lo ahcun, thingkung cung khan na tla sual lai.

let - (v.) 1. ter, ngeihter, siter; e.g. Let the dog eat the bone = Uico kha saruh kha eiter. 2. u sih; e.g. Let us go to church = Biakinn ah kal u shi. let alone: chim loin; e.g. There were seven people in the car, let alone a pile of luggage and three dogs = Mawttaka chungah mi pasarih an um, thil tom pipi le uico pathum kha chim hna hlah.   Let him alone, he is reading = Amahte in umter ko, hnahnawh hlah, ca a rel khah. let down = deuh; e.g. She let us down by not coming = A ra lo i a kan deuh. let off = chuahter; e.g. We were let off early today at school = Nihin cu sianginn in tuan ah an kan chuahter. let oneself go = sining i langhter. past tense and past participle of let = let.

lethal - (adj.) mi a that khomi; e.g. Lethal weapons = Mi a that khomi hriamnam.

lethargic - (adj.) thazang a ngei lomi , mizaangthu

lethargy - (n.) zaangthutnak , mitkuh i ngut lengmang

let's - (v., contraction) let us = u sih.

letter - (n.) 1. cafang 2. cakuat; e.g. Please date your letters = Na cakuat nithla khenh hna; e.g. She felt it incumbent on her to answer the letter at once = Cakuat cu leh zau awk a si ti kha ka cungah aa khingmi a si tiin a ruah; e.g. personal letter = pumpak cakuat.

letter-perfect - (adj.) a tling khitkhetmi, tling khitkhet tein a tthami

letterhead - (n.) min le umnak khenhmi ca

lettuce - (n.) salat anttam; a hring eimi

levee - (n.) ti liam hlah seh tiah tikam i an sermi ti khamnak

level - (adj.) rawnmi; e.g. The floor is level = Tuang a rawn.

level - (n.) sannak; e.g. The flood water rose to a level of six feet = Tilian cu pe ruk tiang a kai.

level - (v.) rawnhter; e.g. He leveled the ground = Vawlei kha a rawnhter.

lever - (n.) tal (taal)

leverage - (n.) tal in phawh khawhnak

leviathan - (n.) rulhreu, nganpi.

levy - (v.) ngunkhuai khuai

levy - (n.) ngunkhuai pekmi tangka

lewd - (adj.) hurmi

lewdness - (n.) hurnak

lexicographer - (n.) biafang tete sullam a ttialtu, dictionary a tuahtu.

lexicon - (n.) biafang tete sullam ttialnak , Hebru, Grik le Latin holh hna dictionary kha lexicon tiah ti an si khun.

liability - (n.) 1. a si kho 2. leiba pek ding hrumhrim a simi, a bami, hi bia he aa ralchanhmi cu assets a si.

liable - (adj.) 1. ttuanvo lak, upadi nih fial; e.g. He stated that he would not be liable for his son's debts = Ka fapa leiba cu ttuanvo ka la lo, tiah a ti. 2. a si kho, duh naloin; e.g. You are liable to get wet if you go out in the rain = Ruahpi sur i naa chawh ahcun na cin kho ko.

liaison - (n.) bu hnih karlak i pehtlaihnak

liar - (n.) milihchim

libel - (n.) cattial in thangchiatnak

libellous - (adj.) mi thangchiatnak ca i ttialmi ca.

liberal - (adj.) 1. mi nunsiang 2. ruahnak thar a la duhmi ; hmailei huncho le thlen a duhmi

liberalism - (n.) ruahnak thar le kau ngeih duhnak

liberalize - (v.) ruahnak thar le kau ngeihter

liberate - (v.) luatter , chuahter

liberation - (n.) luatternak

liberator - (n.) luattertu

libertine - (n.) ziaza lei i duh paoh i luat ngaiin a ummi

liberty - (n.) luatnak

liberty - (adj.) luatnak a simi; e.g. Liberty bell = Luatnak darkhing

librarian - (n.) library zohkhenhtu.

library - (n.) cauk hmun khat i chiahmi , cauk chiahnak inn/khan

lice - (n.) thah, plural of louse.

license - (n.) laisen , thil tuah khawhnak nawl peknak ca

license - (v.) nawlpek; e.g. He was licensed to drive a car = Mawttaw monghnak nawl laisen pek a si.

licentious - (adj.) mah duhduh in ummi , aa sum set lomi

lichen - (n.) lungcung khomi bangba

lick - (v.) liah

lid - (n.) 1. a chin; e.g. Bring the box that has the lid = Chin a ngeimi thingkuang kha rak pu; e.g. Take the lid off = A chin kha phong; 2. mitcuar.

lie - (v.) 1. ih, bawh, zau; e.g. He lies down on the grass = Ram cungah a it; 2. um; e.g. The book lies on the table = Cauk cu cabuai cungan a um; 3. vawlei cung i umnak; e.g. Europe lies north of Africa = Europe cu Afarika chaklei ah a um.

lie - (n.) lih; e.g. He told us a lie = Lih a kan chimh; e.g. Do not lie = Lihchim hlah; e.g. It is not ethical to tell lies = Lihchim hi ziaza ttha a si lo.

lie - (v.) lihchim;  e.g. Do not lie = Lihchim hlah.

lied - (v.) past tense and past participle of lie, lihchim.

lieu - (n.) in lieu of = amah can ah, aman hmun ah

lieutenant - (n.) 1. ralbawi bo hnih 2. ai rawltu; e.g. Lieutenant Governor = Governor Airawltu

lieutenant general - (n.) general taktak tang major general nak cung.

life - (n.) 1. nunnak; e.g. eternal life = zungzal nunnak; e.g. In philosophy we try to understand the meaning of life = Philosofi ah cun nunnak sullam hi zeidah a si ti hngalh hi kan i zuammi cu a si; 2. nunchung; 3. minung; e.g. Five lives were lost in the flood = Tilian ah minung panga an thi; 4. nunning, khuasakning; e.g. City life is more pleasant than village life = Khuapi nunning cu khuate nunning nakin a nuam deuh; 5. mi pakhatkhat an konglam; e.g. He enjoyed reading the life of Churchill = Churchill kong rel a nuam ngaiin a thei.

life belt - (n.) nunnak khamhnak ca i hmanmi taisawm

life boat - (n.) nunnak khamhnak lawng

life insurance - (n.) nunnak aamahkhan , kampani pakhatkhat sin i tangka khon i thih tik i a karh he lakmi ; cucu biakam in tuahmi a si

lifeless - (adj.) nunnak a ngei lomi

lifelike - (adj.) a nungmi a lomi

lifelong - (adj.) nunchung a simi

lifesize - (adj.) nun lio pum ngaw.

lifetime - (n.) nunchung

lift - (v.) 1. cawi, hler 2. ttian; e.g. When the fog lifts, we shall (will) go = Minmei a ttian in kan kal lai.

light - (n.) ceunak; e.g. A gleam of light shone through the window = Thlalang awng in ceunak chawn a rung cue; e.g. intense light = A ceu ngaingaimi ceunak; e.g. The lights are out = Mei an mit cang, ceunak an pe ti lo; e.g. In the dim light I could see only the outline of man’s figure = Ceu huaphap ah cun mipa cu a pumrua tungtlang lawng ka hmuh khawh; in light of = hngalh ningin, chimmi nih ceunak a pek ningin; e.g. In the light of weather report, it will be rainy today = Khuati kong an chim ningin, nihin cu ruahpi a sur lai.

light - (adj.) a ceu ; a zaang (zaang)

light - (v.) 1. mei kau; 2. ceunak pek, ceuter; e.g. The glow of the fire lighted the room = Mei a vanmi nih innkhan kha an ceuter.

lighter - (n.) meitek

lightheaded - (adj.) 1. ruahnak a tlawmmi. 2. lung a mitmi.

lighthearted - (adj.) lunglawm thanuam in a ummi

lighthouse - (n.) tilawng ca i mei vannak inn

lightning - (n.) nimtlau, tek; e.g. A bolt of lightning struck the tree = Tek nih thingkung a tlak; e.g. Streaks of lightning = Nimtlau a lekmi hri bantukin a saumi.

ligntning rod - (n.) tek tlak khamnak ca i inncung i an bunhmi thirfung

likable - (adj.) duh awk a simi

like - (adj.) 1. an i lo; 2. bantuk; e.g. She can sing like a bird = Vate bantuk in a sak khawh; 3. hrawng; e.g. Something like one hundred kyats = Tangka za khat hrawng; 4. a si hrimhrim lai ti khawh dengmang a si; e.g. It looks like rain today = Nihin cu ruah sur nih a dawh ko; 5. duh; e.g. I feel like going to the movies = Baisikup zoh ka duh bang a ti.

like - (v.) duh; e.g. She likes chocolate particularly = Choclate kha a duh khun.

likely - (adj., adv.) si dawh a simi; e.g. A rise in price is likely = Thil man kai dawn a si.

likely - (adv.) theu hmanh maw; e.g. I shall (will) very likely be here again next month = Hmai thla ah cun ka ra theu hmanh maw.

likeness - (n.) i lawhnak

likewise - (adv.) cu bantukin

liking - (n.) duhnak

lily - (n.) lili pangpar

limb - (n.) 1. kutke 2. thing nge

limber - (adj.) a aimi; e.g. Willow is a limber wood = Inhliam cu thing aimi a si.

limbo - (n.) tipilnak a ing lomi hna thlarau umnak ding hremhmun tlang

lime - (n.) thungrang, raite, theithu

limelight - (n.) a ceu khunnak hmun , a langh khunnak hmun

limestone - (n.) thungrang lung

limit - (n.) 1. ri; e.g. They lived beyond the city limit = Khuapi ri lengah an um; 2. a si khawhnak; e.g. They stretched the rope to its limit = Hri kha aa zam khawhnak a donghnak tiang an rengh.

limit - (v.) ri serpiak

limitation - (n.) ri chiahpiaknak

limitless - (adj.) ri ngei lo , dongh negi lo

limousine - (n.) mawttawka ttha ngai phun

limp - (v.) bei , bei lengmangin kal

limp - (n.) bei; e.g. He walked with a limp = A bei.

limpid - (adj.) a thiang a tliangmi; e.g. Limpid water = Ti fim

line - (n.) 1. tlang; e.g. A line of people = Mi artlang in a dirmi hna; 2. catlang ri in;  e.g. These two lines are parallel = Hi catlang pahnih hi parallel an si; 3. ri tthennak rin; e.g. He crossed the line into the neighbouring (neighboring) country = Ram dang ramri rin chungah a hei lut; 4. lam; e.g. railway line = tlanglawng lam; 5. chungnawh; read between the lines = catlang karlak rel; a sullam cu a biafang sullam si loin a chunglei sullam hngalh i zuam, tinak a si.

line - (v.) 1. rin.  2. artlang in um chiah. 3. a chung i nawh; e.g. She lined her coat with silk = A angkileng kha a chungah pupuan a nwah.

lineage - (n.) chuahkehnak

linear - (adj.) a tlang ning zulh in tuahmi

lineman - (n.) telephone le elektrik hri a ser a zohtu.

linen - (n., adj.) la , puan tahnak la

linens - (n.) la, in tahmi thilpuan, cabuai khuh tehna, ihphah khuh tehna

liner - (n.) vanlawng/tilawng; e.g. Ocean liner = Rili tilawng nganpi

linesman - (n.) pumpululh chuih tik i a out out lo zohtu, an tongh tongh lo zohtu

linger - (v.) a tang, kal duh theng lo i umpah

lingo - (n.) holh

lingua franca - (n.) tlangholh

lingual - (n.) lei he aa pehtlaimi thil; e.g. Bi-lingual = Holh pahnih a hmangmi.

linguist - (n.) holh thiam ngaimi , man holh leng i mi dang holh a thiammi

liniment - (n.) malitsi

link - (n.) i pehnak, i pehnak kual; e.g. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link = Cikcin cu aa pehnak kual a fek lo bik tluk lawngin a tthawng.

link - (v.) peh

links - (n.) golf tuknak hmun kaupi.

linotype - (n.) cafang bunh tikah a pak tete in si loin a tlang a tlang in bunhmi pawl

linseed - (n.) ramkung phun khat

linseed oil - (n.) linseed thei in a chuakmi chiti, inn si thuhmi he cawhmi.

lintel - (n.) innkaba , a cunglei

lion - (n.) chiandeih;  e.g. The lion almost had him in its clutches = Chiandeih nih a hum dengmang.

lioness - (n.) chiandeihpi

lip - (n.) hmur; lip reading = hmur cangh mi kha a sullam zeidah a si ti i hngalh khawhnak lip service = Hmur lawng i ee ti i lungthin taktak si ttung lo.

lip - (adj.) hmur cangh in chim duhmi sullam hngalh khawh

liquate - (v.) ti i cang lak i chuan

liquefy - (v.) ti i canter

liquid - (n.) ti; e.g. Water and milk are liquids = Ti le cawhnuk cu ti an si.

liquid - (adj.) ti a simi; e.g. Liquid food = Ti tampi cawhmi rawl, cencerh, fanghang

liquidate - (v.) hrawh , hloh

liquidation - (n.) hrawhnak , hlohnak

liquor - (n.) zureu

lira - (n.) Itali ram i hmanmi phaisa

list - (n.) cazin

list - (v.) cazin chung i ttial

listen - (v.) ngaih

lit - (v.) past tense and past participle of light, mei kau; ceunak pek, ceuter.  Zong lighted.

liter - (n.) pawng hrawng

literacy - (n.) ca rel khawhnak le ttial khawhnak

literal - (adj.) a biafang in

literally - (adv.) a biafangning tein.

literary - (adj.) cathiamnak lei he aa pehtlaimi

literature - (n.) cattialmi , hla siseh bia siseh

lithe - (adj.) a aimi , a hngo lomi

lithograph - (n.) lung canamningin in canammi.

lithography - (n.) canamning phun khat , a cahang kha lung chung i nalh i cu ti i nam

litigant - (n.) taza aa cuaimi

litigate - (v.) taza i cuai

litigation - (n.) taza i cuainak.

litigious - (adj.) tazacuai a duh ngaimi

litter - (n.) 1. hmunhnawm 2. vok nih siseh saram dang nih siseh voi khat hrin i an hrinmi hna fale khi

litter - (v.) a kenkiplo i thil thek dih; e.g. You have littered the room with papers = Innkhan chungah caku na thek dih.

little - (adj.) 1. a hme 2. a tlawmte

little - (adv.) tlawmte; e.g. She slept very little = Zahan cu tlawmte lawng a it.

liturgy - (n.) biakinn chung i zapi Pathian biakning

livable - (adj.) umnak ah a tthami

live - (v.) 1. um; e.g. He lives with his parents = A nu le a pa sinah a um; e.g. He lived in a modest home = Inn zafang ah a um; He lives nearby = Kan pawngah, kan naih ah a um; 2. nun; His father lived forty years = A pa cu kum sawm li a nung.

live - (adj.) a nungmi; e.g. Live animals = A nungmi saram

livelihood - (n.) nuncannak , khuasaknak

liveliness - (n.) mithatho sinak

lively - (adj.) a tlo ngaimi , mi zuanzang , mithatho ngai

liver - (n.) thin

livestock - (n.) sattil zuatmi

living - (adj.) a nungmi

living - (n.) nunnak pawcawmnak.

living room - (n.) lennak khan

lizard - (n.) laiking

load - (n.) 1. phorhmi thil. 2. rihnak; e.g. The load of work was heavy = Rian a rihnak cu a rit ko.

load - (v.) 1. thil chonh, thil khumh 2. zen rawn, zenthong hrolh; e.g. He loaded the gun = Meithal ah zen/ zenthong a rawn.

loaf - (n.) hlum, changreu hlum; meat loaf = sadip hlum.

loaf - (v.) pakpalawng , i vah sawsawh

loafer - (n.) pakpalawng i a vak sawhsawhmi

loam - (n.) vawlei ttha, chuntlung vawlei, cangtual vawlei

loan - (n.) cawihmi tangka; e.g. He got a loan from his friend = A hawipa nih tangka a cawih.

loan - (v.) cawih, hlanh; e.g. He loans me a pen = Cafung a ka hlanh; e.g. I loan him money = Tangka ka cawih.

loath - (adj.) duh lo , fih

loathe - (v.) fih

loathsome - (adj.) fihnung a simi

loaves - (n.) plural of loaf, pakpalawng, i vah sawsawh.

lobby - (n.) innchung vung luhnak khan , mileng khan; e.g. The lobby of a hotel = Hotel i mileng khan

lobby - (v.) upadi sertubu kha duhnak va chimh i an lungthin lak khawh vai zuam

lobe - (n.) bo; e.g. Ear lobe = Hnakhaw tanglei bo

lobster - (n.) ngaikuang a ngan phun

local - (adj.) 1. mah umnak hmun; e.g. Local newspaper = Mah umnak hmun i chuahmi tadinca; 2. dinhnak hmun kip, khua kip ah aa dinmi tlanglawng; e.g. Local train = Dinhnak hmun kip i aa dinmi tlanglawng; 3. mah umnak zawn cio in caan relning; e.g. Local time = Mah umnak hmun zawn cio in relmi caan.

locality - (n.) a hmun a ram , a umnak

localize - (v.) hmunkhat lawng i umter, hmunkhat lawng i um; e.g. The infection seemed to be localized in the foot = Hma pornak a umnak kha a ke lawng ah a si.

locally - (adv.) a umnak hmun lawngah; e.g. The paper was made locally = Caku cu amah a umnak hmun i an sermi a si ko.

locate - (v.) 1. a umnak hmun kha kawl i fiang tein hngalh; e.g. The general tried to locate the enemy's camp = General nih ral pawl umnak hmun kha fiang tein hngalh aa zuam. 2. chiah; e.g. He located his shop on Church Road = Biakinn lam ah a dawr kha a chiah.

location - (n.) umnak hmun

loch - (n.) tili, rili fonghlei zong; e.g. Loch Lomon = Lomon Tili

lock - (n.) 1. samtom. 2. tawh inn, hrenhnak; e.g. Locks and buttons are fastenings = Tawh le kep cu hrenhnak i hmanmi thil an si; e.g. The key is jammed in the lock = Tawhfang cu tawhinn chungah aa tenh i a tang; e.g. The outside doors have locks = Lenglei innka cu tawh an ngei dih;  e.g. She picked the lock with a pin = Thir zumte in tawh kha a hun.

lock - (v.) hrenh; e.g. Lock the door = Innka hrenh.

lock jaw - (n.) rang ek in a chuakmi zawtnak, kha cih zawtnak

lock-up - (n.) thonginn

locker - (n.) thingkuang

locomotive - (n.) tlanglawng inzin

locust - (n.) khaubawk

locution - (n.) holhning , biakam phawh-ning

lode - (n.) thir, dar sui, ngun, etc. thahri, vawlei karlak i aa zammi

lodestar - (n.) lam hmuhsaktu arfi, Chaklei Arfi

lodestone - (n.) lam hmuhsaktu lung , dah a ngeimi

lodge - (n.) riahnak inn

lodge - (v.) 1. cam 2. tap (taap)

lodger - (v.) a riakmi , inn hlan in a ummi

lodging - (n.) um chungnak

lodgings - (n.) hlanmi inn, khan, umchungnak

loftiness - (n.) sannak

lofty - (adj.) sang ngaimi

log - (n.) thingtan, thingtum; e.g. A hollowed log was the prototype of modern ships =Thingtum dao kha tuchan tilawng hna an thawhkehnak a rak si ko, tuchan tilawng han hi an rak si hmasa bikmi cu thingtum dao a si.

log - (adj.) thingtan in sakmi; Log cabin = Thingtan in sakmi inn.

logarithm - (n.) kanan phun khat

logbook - (n.) tilawng cawngtu nih nifate an kalnak i an hmuhtonmi le nikhua kong an ttialnak cauk

loggerhead - (n.) michupchap; at loggerheads = bia i al lengmang, i huat, i kalh.

logging - (n.) thinghau /tan /ah , hi rian hi

logic - (n.) 1. bia alning, ning zulh in chim thiamnak; 2. ning a zulmi, sullam a ngeimi; e.g. His argument showed logic = A biachimmi cu sul le lam zulhmi a ngei.

logical - (adj.) a ning a zul thliahmahmi , ning zul tein chimmi bia

logician - (n.) bia al a thiammi

logistics - (n.) kal umnak , inn le rawl ralkap pawl pek thiamning

logos - (n.) Grik holh a si i bia tinak a si

loin - (n.) tai

loiter - (v.) a sawhsawh i caan hman i umkal men , mah duhsahlam i um le kal

loiterer - (n.) mah duhsahlam i a um a kal menmi

loll - (v.) thathu ngaiin ihkhun cung hawi hna i zau i i leh huar.

lollipop - (n.) hmawmmi muthai tlaihnak fungte a ngeimi

Lombard Street - (n., prop.) London khua i phaisa lei chaw lehnak hmunpi.

Londoner - (n., prop.) London khuami.

lone - (adj.) pak , pakhat lawng

loneliness - (n.) umharnak , lunglennak

lonely - (adj.) a um a harmi , a lung a lengmi

lonesome - (adj.) lungleng a simi

long - (adv.) 1. caan saupi; e.g. I have long thought about him = Amah kong kha caan saupi ka ruat cang. 2. a hramthawk in a dongh tiang; e.g. He was away at school all winter long = Khuasik chung vialte sianginn ah a um. all day long = chun nitlak. as long as = caah lai caah; e.g. As long as you are going please take this letter to him = Na kal lai caah hi ca hi hei pe pah. before long a rauh hlanah; e.g. Summer will come before long = A rauh hlanah thal a chuak lai.

long - (adj.) a saumi

long - (v.) 1. ngaih; e.g. He longed for his mother = A nu a ngai; 2. duh; e.g. She longed to come home = Inn tlun a duh.

long jump - (n.) vawlei i a sau lei in per i zuammi

longevity - (n.) nun saunak

longevous - (adj.) a nun a saumi

longhand - (n.) kut in ttialmi ca

longing - (n.) ngaihnak , duhnak

longitude - (n.) vawlei pum hi a tunglei in tahnak rinmi , England ram Greenwich khua in aa thawk.

longshoreman - (n.) tilawng chung thil cuah le tthumh rian a tuanta

longsuffering - (adj.) mi a ing khomi, a lung a sau i a thin a fualmi

loofah - (n.) umpawng

look - (v.) 1. zoh; e.g. Look this way = Hi lei hi zoh tuah; e.g. A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the apples = Ngakchia nih epal cu mitthi ngaiin a zoh; 2. kawl; e.g. I was looking for my hymn book = Ka hla cauk ka kawl; 3. si dawh a si; e.g. You looked tired = Thadit dawh na si; look after = zohkhenh. look down on = zohchuk. look forward to = i ngaih ngai; e.g. I look forward to seeing you = Nangman hmuh lai kaa ngaih nagai. look over = ttha tein zoh. look on = bantukin zoh. look out = i ralring. look to = i bochan. look up = cauk chung i kawl. look up to =zohcho, i bochan.

look - (n.) 1. zoh; e.g. After one look, I knew him = Voi khat zoh in ka hngalh; 2. mithmai ah a lang; e.g. She had a sad look on her face = A mithmai ah a ngaih a chia ti a lang.

looking glass - (n.) hmai bihnak thlalang

lookout - (n.) khuacuantu, khuacuanhnak

lookout - (adj.) khuacuantu a simi

loom - (n.) thiam, thilpuan tahnak thiam, fiang tein hung langh; e.g. A large rock loomed above the water = Ti cungah lung nganpi a lang.

loop - (n.) 1. hri vel 2. tili

loop - (v.) vel; The road looped around the loop = Lam cu tili vel in a kal.

loophole - (n.) vampang awng

loose - (adj.) 1. hren lomi; e.g. The horse is loose = Rang cu hren loin a um; 2. a fek lomi, aa longmi; 3. aa tet lomi, a reng lomi; 4. a dormi; e.g. Loose soil = Vawlei dor; loose bowels = chungtlik; break loose = zam, luat; e.g. He broke loose from prison = Thonginn in a zam. set loose = thlah; e.g. He set the chickens loose in the field = Lo ah ar a thlah hna.

loose - (v.) 1. thlah, thlahdorh, hri dorh 2. zunram kal

loosely - (adv.) dor ngaiin, reng loin

loosen - (v.) phoih , dorh , hri dorh

looseness - (n.) dorhnak, feh lonak, rengh lonak

loot - (n.) fir , ramh

lop - (v.) cik , tan

lopsided - (adj.) kam khattelei lawng a rit tukmi

lord - (n.) bawipa

Lord - (n., prop.) Pathian

lore - (n.) tuanbia

lorn - (v.) forlorn = hlawt cangmi

lorry - (n.) thil phorhnak mawttawka

lose - (v.) 1. ngeih ti lo, thlau, sungh; 2. i sum khawh lo; e.g. He loses his temper = A thinhun aa sum kho lo; 3. sungh; e.g. The army lost heavily yesterday = Nizan ah ralkap pawl tthalo tein an sung; 4. thlau; e.g. I may lose my book = Ka cauk ka thlau sual lai; lose face = hmaithlau, a sullam cu ningzah ton; lose one's head = 1. thinhun i tuahmi zei a si ti hngalh ti lo; 2. a lung a caw; lose oneself = tuahmi thil cung i lungthin chiah tuk i a dang zeihmanh hngalh ti lo; lose track of = thawngpang i theih ti lo.

loser - (n.) thil thlautu , a sungtu

loss - (n.) thlaunak sunghnak; e.g. The money he got partly offset his losses = Tangka a hmuhmi nih a sunghmi kha a cheuchum cu a rulh; e.g. The gains and losses are about on par = Miaknak le sunghnak kha aa tluk fang an si; at a loss: zei tuah awk hngal loin um

lost - (v.) past tense and participle of lose, thlau, sungh; e.g. He lost his way = Lam a tlau.

lot - (n.) 1. tampi, e.g. He has a lot of friends = Hawi tampi a ngei; 2. vawlei, ram, cheumi; e.g. He has a small lot = Vawlei bite a ngei.

lot - (adv.) deuh ngaingai; e.g. He feels a lot better = A ttha deuh ngangai.

lotion - (n.) tak i thuhmi si

lottery - (n.) awngbali

lotus - (n.) lili pangpar phun khat

loud - (adj.) thawng a thangmi; e.g. Loud noise = A thawng a thangmi thawng; e.g. The sound swells louder and louder = Aw cu a thawng a thang chin lengmang.

loudly - (adv.) thawng thang ngaiin

loudness - (n.) thawngthannak

loudspeaker - (n.) thang piin biachimnak seh

lounge - (n.) nuam tein umnak khan

lounge - (v.) a nuamhning in um, kal, tthut, ih; e.g. They lounged on the beach = Rili kam ah an i nuam.

louse - (n.) thah pakhat. lice = thah pakhatnak tam.

lousy - (adj.) thah tammi, a hnawmmi, nehsawh awk a simi

lovable - (adj.) dawt awk a simi

love - (n.) 1. dawtnak; e.g. There is no love lost between them = An i hua; e.g. Love, hate, anger are abstract qualities = Dawtnak, huatnak, thinhunnak cu tongh, hmuh, theih khawh lomi thil an si; e.g. Love is God’s attribute = Dawtnak hi Pathian sining pakhat a si. 2. lentecelh (tennis) i zeihmanh hmuh lo khi love a si.

love - (v.) 1. dawt; e.g. For God so loved the world = Pathian nih vawlei a dawt hringhran caah. 2. duh; Fall in love = I duh; e.g. They fell in love = An i duh; e.g. They fall in love = An i duh; Make love = hmanh, pom.

loveless - (adj.) dawtnak um lomi

loveliness - (n.) dawhnak

lovelorn - (adj.) dawt til lo ruang i lungleng ngai i a ummi

lovely - (adj.) aa dawh ngaimi

lover - (n.) dawtu , duhtu

loving - (adj.) dawtu a simi , duhtu a simi

lovingly - (adv.) dawtnak in

low - (adj.) 1. a niam; e.g. Our footstool is too low = Kan thing tthutdan a niam tuk. 2. a tlawm; e.g. Our supply of rice is low = Kan facang ngeihmi a tlawm. 3. minauta a simi.

low-spirited - (adj.) a lung a dongmi

lower - (adj.) a niam deuhmi

lower - (v.) 1. man tthumh 2. tthumh; e.g. They lowered the flag = Alan an tthumh.

lowermost - (adj.) a niam bikmi

lowland - (n.) ram niam

lowliness - (n.) toidornak.

lowly - (adj.) toi i aa dor ngaimi

lowly - (adv.) toidor ngaiin

loyal - (adj.) zumh awk tlak a simi

loyalist - (n.) zumh awk tlak in a ummi.

loyalty - (n.) zumh awk tlakmi sinak

lubricant - (n.) a naltertu si

lubricate - (v.) nal seh ti i si thuh

lubrication - (n.) nalternak

lubricator - (n.) a naltertu, minung a si zongah thil a si zongah.

lucid - (adj.) a tleu , a fiang

lucidity - (n.) fiannak , thiannak

luck - (n.) van; van ttha van chia;  e.g. He ascribed his failure to bad luck = A sunghnak kah vanchiat ruangah a si tiah a ruah, vanchiat a puh.

luckily - (adv.) vantthat ah

luckless - (adj.) van ngei lomi.

lucky - (adj.) van tthami.

lucrative - (adj.) tangka tampi a chuahpi khomi thil

lucre - (n.) tangka in siseh, thil in siseh, miakmi.

ludicrous - (adj.) nihchuak a simi thil

lug - (v.) rit ngaiin hnuh, put.

luggage - (n.) khualtlawnnak i i phorhmi thil

lukewarm - (adj.) lum hrot lo kik hrot lo , a laklawh a simi

lull - (v.) 1. thil, hngilhter. 2. daihter; e.g. The captain lulled our fear = Keptenpa nih kan ttihnak (thinphannak) kha a daihter.

lull - (n.) thil le ruah a hung cah i dai tein a hung um khi.

lullaby - (n.) nau oihnak hla.

lumber - (n.) thingah

lumberman - (n.) thingattu

lumberyard - (n.) thingah zuarnak hmun

luminary - (n.) van i ceunak petu thil hna khi

luminous - (adj.) a ceumi thil

lump - (n.) 1. thil tlang, hlum, pakhatkhat, zei ngaw ti awk set a um lomi. 2. bo, phing; e.g. There is a lump on his head = A lu ah bo a um.

lump - (v.) hlum, i hlum; e.g. The sugar lumped (became lumpy) when it became wet = A cin tikah thanthling cu aa hlum.

lunacy - (n.) hruhnak

lunar - (adj.) thlapa he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. Lunar eclipse = Thlapa dawpdolh.

lunatic - (n.) mihrut

lunch - (n.) chuncaw; e.g. Please wrap a lunch for me = Chuncaw ka funpiak tuah; e.g. After lunch he gets down to work = Chuncaw ei dih in rian cu aa biatak (tawk); e.g. They packaged their lunch in small packages = An chuncaw kha fun hme tete in an fun hna.

luncheon - (n.) chuncaw, hihi cu phungphai ngei deuh a si.

lung - (n.) cuap

lurch - (n.) aa lei; e.g. The ship gave a lurch = Tilawng kha aa lei.

lurch - (v.) sawn; e.g. The drunkard lurched forward = Zuripa cu hmailei ah a sawn; leave in the lurch = harnak ton lio i bawmh duh lio i cuka hmun i kal tak.

lure - (n.) lemnak , coktarh

lure - (v.) lem; e.g. The fox was lured into the trap = Cenghngia cu rap coktarh nih rap chungah a lem i aa foih.

lurid - (adj.) a senmi, mei nih a sentermi mui.

lurk - (v.) a thli tein bawh ziar , rak bawh

luscious - (adj.) a thawmi, a hang a tampi.

lush - (adj.) a tammi, a hringmi; e.g. Lush grass grows along the river banks = Tiva kamah ram hring detdut in an um.

lust - (n.) pumsa duhnak , duhnak tthawng

luster - (n.) tleunak, ceunak, minthannak.

lustful - (adj.) pumsa duhnak aa sum lomi

lustily - (adv.) pumsa duhnak ngaiin thil a tuahmi.

lustrous - (adj.) tleunak a ngeimi; e.g. Lustrous pearls = A tleumi pale lungvar.

lusty - (adj.) a ngan a dam i a taksa a tthami

luxuriant - (adj.) tampi; e.g. He had a luxuriant head of hair = A lu ah sa tampi a um.

luxurious - (adj.) a ttha i a man a fak i a nuami thil; e.g. Luxurious house = Inn ttha, inn nuam.

luxury - (n.) 1. rum ngai le nuam ngaiin nun; 2. thil man sung a tlawm i a har ngaimi kan i cawk khawh set lomi khi; e.g. Meat is a luxury = Sa cu kannih caah cun thil man-sung, kan i cawk khawh set lomi a si.

lye - (n.) cangal

lying - (v.) lihchim; (N.) e.g. The witness perjured himself by lying about what he saw on the night of the murder = Lai an i nawn zan i a hmuhmi kong ah khan, tehtepa nih lih a chim caah, amah le amah kha lihchim sual aa phaw; (N.) e.g. The police suspected the thief of lying = Palikpa nih mifir kha lih a chim tiah a lunghrinh.

lying - (adj.) lih a chimmi, "lie" kha zoh.

lymph - (n.) taksa chungin a chuakmi ti, a sen lomi, zawtnak vennak.

lynch - (v.) a bia ceih set lo i thah men

lyre - (n.) tingtang phung khat

lyric - (n.) hla, dawtnak hla, a tam bik cu a phuahtu nih a lung chung i a ummi a langhternak.

lyrical - (adj.) lyre tingtang he thuanhmi phun hla.


macadam - (n.) lungdenmi

macadamize - (v.) lungdenmi kha lam i toih i cuticun lam kha fek tein ser

macaroni - (n.) khauhsuai bantuk a simi rawl

mach number - (n.) thil kal a ranning tahning, mach khat cu suimilam pakhat ah khan 760 hrawng a rang tinak a si

machination - (n.) seh in ttuannak

machine - (n.) seh, thiltthitnak seh; e.g. The machine crushed the stone into fine powder = Seh nih lung cu dip tein a rial;  e.g. He oils the machine twice a day = Ni khat ah seh cu voi hnih si a thuh; e.g. The machine is on = Seh cu a ttha ko; e.g. The machine operated very well = Seh cu ttha tein rian a ttuan; e.g. Do you understand the working of this machine = He seh rianttuanning hi na hngal maw?

machinery - (n.) seh thilri

machinist - (n.) seh lei a thiammi

mad - (adj.) 1. a hrutmi; 2. lau i molh den; 3. thinhun ngaingai; e.g. Don't be mad at me = Ka cungah na thin hung hlah. 4. hruhchih.

mad house - (n.) mihrut an chiahnak hna inn

madam - (n.) nu chawnhnak i hmanmi bia , bia dawh ngai , bawinu , tinak a si

madden - (v.) hruhter

made - (v.) past tense and past participle of make, ser.  Zoh make; e.g. I knew what he would need, so I made preparations beforehand = Zeidah a herh lai ti kha ka hngalh, cucaah timhtuahnak a hlankan in ka rak ser chung.

made-up - (adj.) phuahchommi , a taktak a si lomi

madly - (adv.) hrut ngaiin

madness - (n.) hruhnak

maelstrom - (n.) tikherh , tikherh bantuk a simi hnahnawhnak hrial khawh lomi

magazine - (n.) 1. tadin an ttialnak ca, mekazin;  e.g. The magazine is issued once a month = Mekazin cu thla khat ah voi khat an chuah; 2. zenthawng an khumhnak bawm; 3. zenthong an chiahnak inn.

maggot - (n.) tholung

magic - (n.) mitleh

magician - (n.) mitleh thiam

magistrate - (n.) biaceihtu bawi

Magna Charta - (n., prop.) Magna Carta, A.D. 1215 ah England mi nih an Siangpahrang John sinin zalonnak an hmuhnak ca.

magnaminous - (adj.) zaangfahnak lungthin a ngeimi

magnanimity - (n.) lungthin ttha, zaangfahnak lungthin, ngaihthiamnak lungthin

magnate - (n.) mirum tuk lehpek , biapi ngai a simipa

magnesia - (n.) chungthletsi , cite bantuk

magnesium - (n.) meknisiam

magnet - (n.) thir dah , dah ngeimi thil

magnetic - (adj.) dah ngeimi

magnetism - (n.) hnuh khawhnak dah

magnetize - (v.) magnet i canter, magnet bantukin hnuh

magnificence - (n.) rumra , dawh

magnificent - (adj.) aa dawh ngaingaimi , a ttha ngaingaimi

magnify - (v.) 1. nganter 2. thangtthat

magnitude - (n.) a nganning , a biapitning

magnolia - (n.) thingkung phun khat a par aa dawh ngaimi

mahaut - (n.) saicawng, vuicawng

mahogany - (n.) thingkung phun khat a ttha ngai i a man a fak ngaimi

maid - (n.) va ngei rih lomi ngaknu

maid servant - (n.) sinum nu

maiden - (n.) va ngei rih lomi ngknu. maiden speech = Parliament chung i ahopaoh an si ah an biachim hmasa bik.

mail - (n.) 1. cakuat 2. thir angki; e.g. Coat of mail = Thir angki

mail - (v.) thirhri inn in cakuat

mail box - (n.) ca sanhnak thingkuang

mail order - (n.) thil cawk thil zuar carek cakuatmi in tuahmi

mailman - (n.) capetu

maim - (v.) hmaput i bei; e.g. He was maimed in his right leg = A orhlei ke a bei.

main - (adj.) a biapi bikmi.

mainland - (n.) ram pakhat chung i biapi bik le a ngan bik a simi hmun

mainly - (adv.) a biapi bik in

mainspring - (n.) spring lak i a ngan bik.

maintain - (v.) 1. tuah peng, ngeih peng; e.g. He maintains a steady speed = A kal ranning in a kal peng ko; 2. zohkhenh; e.g. It is hard to maintain a family with a low salary = Lahkhah tlawmte cun innchungkhar zoh a har ko. 3. ti peng, chim peng; e.g. They maintain that they are innocent = Kan sual lo an ti peng ko.

maintenance - (n.) zohkhenhnak, remhnak

maize - (n.) fangvoi

majestic - (adj.) rumra ngeimi

majesty - (n.) 1. rumra, lianhngannak 2. siangpahrang chonhnak i hmanmi bia; e.g. His Majesty the king = Siangpahrang Bawipa

major - (adj.) a ngan deuhmi, a tam deuhmi, a biapi deuhmi.

major - (v.) cawn khun; He majored in Math = Math kha a cawn khun.

major - (n.) 1. ralkap bawi, captain cung, colonel tang. 2. siangngakchia nih college i an cawn khunmi cio.

major general - (n.) ralbawi, bregadier general cung, lieutenant general tang.

majority - (n.) a tam deuh , hnarcheu nak tam deuh

make - (v.) 1. ser; e.g. Men make tables = Mi nih cabuai an ser hna. 2. siter; e.g. Hot weather makes people lazy = Khualin nih mi an tha a thutter hna. 3. kal; e.g. He will make a trip to town = Khuapi ah a kal lai. 4. timh; e.g. He is making plans to build a house = Inn sak aa tim. 5. chuak; e.g. Two and two make four = Pahnih le pahnih fonh ah pali a chuak. make believe = i zumhter; e.g. Make believe I am not here = Hika ah hin a um lo ti in i zumhter. make out = hngalh; e.g. I cannot make out what he said = A chimmi a lutaw ka hngal kho lo. make over = thlen; e.g. The new owner made over the house = Inn ngeitu a thar nih inn cu a thlen dih. make up = 1. serchom; e.g. He made up the story = Amah nih bia cu a phuahchom. 2. rulh; e.g. I will make up for your losses = Na sunghmi cu kan rulh lai. 3. i rem tthan i hawikom si tthan; e.g. We will make up and be friends again = Kan i rem tthan lai i hawikom kan si tthan lai. 4. lung i thleh; e.g. He made up his mind to go = Kal dingin a lung aa thlek cang. 5. hmai i podar i thuh; e.g. She made up her face = A hmai ah podar aa thuh. make do = tlintlam lo bu zong i tuah peng i zuam; e.g I shall have to make my old clothes do for this winter = Tutan khuasik chung cu ka thilpuan hlun kha an tlamtlin lo buin ka hman peng hna a hau ko lai. make good = hlawhtlin; e.g. He made good in business = A chawdawr a hlawh a tling. make haste = i khulranh. make way for = lam kenh; e.g. Bullock carts must make way for Jeeps = Cawleng nih Jeep cu an kenh han awk a si.

malady - (v.) zawtfahnak

malaise - (n.) i nuam setsi loin umnak

malaria - (n.) raifanh zawtnak

malcontent - (adj.) lungsi lo

male - (adj.) pa

malefactor - (n.) thil ttha lo tuahtu, misual.

malevolent - (adj.) mi tthat lonak a kawlmi , mi nahchuak

malformation - (n.) pungsan tthalo; e.g. Hunchback is a malformation = Kengkul hi pungsan ttha lo a si.

malice - (n.) lungthin ttha lo , mi cung i tthat lonak tuah duhnak lungthin , nahchuahnak

malicious - (adj.) mi cung i tthat lonak tuah a duhmi

malign - (v.) thangchiat

malignant - (adj.) a ttha lo ngaimi, thihnak tiang a chuahter khomi; e.g. malignant cancer = thihnak tiang a chuahtertu khensar.

mallet - (n.) thing sobul

malnutrition - (n.) rawl i zat lo ruang i a chuakmi zawtnak

malpractice - (n.) rian ttha lo tuah, thil ttha lo tuah, mizaw hna ttha tein sibawi nih zohklenh lo, rianttuan ding hna ttha tein tuah lo, hihi malpractice cu a si

malt - (n.) facang uh i roter tthanmi

maltreat - (v.) ttha loin tuah , dinhdorh loin tuah

maltreatment - (n.) ttha loin tuahnak , dinhdorh loin tuahnak

mammal - (n.) fale hnuk a dinhmi saram.

mammon - (n.) khuachia, tangka.

mammoth - (n.) a ngan ngaingaimi thil; e.g. Digging Panama Canal was a mammoth work = Panama Canal cawh cu a ngan ngaingaimi rian a si.

man - (n.) minung , patling

manage - (v.) 1. zohkhenh 2. uk, hruai; e.g. He cannot manage the horse = Rang cu a hruai kho lo; 3. i siter khawh; e.g. I can manage to keep warm = Ka khua kaa lumter khawh ko.

manageable - (adj.) uk khawhmi

management - (n.) zohkhenhnak, kilkawinak, hruihaonak, khuakhan lairelnak

manager - (n.) meneizer, khuakhang laireltu kilkhawitu, zohkhenhtu

managerial - (adj.) khuakhang laireltu lei he aa pehtlaimi thil

Mandarin - (n., prop.) Tulukmi bawi ngan.

mandate - (n.) 1. cunglei in vun pekmi nawl 2. thimtu pawl nih an kuzale ca i an thimmi sinah nawlngeihnak an pekmi

mandatory - (adj.) hei pekmi nawlngeihnak, tuah tiah fialmi; e.g. Mandatory power = Hei pekmi nawlngeihnak

mandoline - (n.) tingtang phun khat

mandrake - (n.) ai phun khat

mane - (n.) tuang , rang tuang

maneuver - (v.) U.S.   1. timh ciammam tein ralkap an umkalter hna khi, ral i doh i an i hlen khi , tan hmun siam thiam. 2. fim ngaiin cu thil le cu thil cu i tong seh ti tuak thiam le tuah thiam.

manful - (adj.) pa bantukin a ral a tthami

manganese - (n.) thir phun khat

manger - (n.) caw rawl einak kuang

mango - (n.) hai; e.g. mango pickle = hai thor ciahmi.

mangrove - (n.) hri thlai ngeimi thing , bungkung

manhandle - (v.) fak piin tonghtham, tha loin tongh

manhole - (n.) miluhnak kua

manhood - (n.) minung sinak

mania - (n.) hruhchihnak

maniac - (n.) thil aa hruhchihmi

manifest - (adj.) a fiangmi , a langmi

manifestation - (n.) langhnak

manifesto - (n.) cozah pakhatkhat nih cu bantukin kan tuah lai tiah an thanhmi

manifold - (n., adj.) thap tampi a ngeimi.

manipulate - (v.) hman , tonghtham

manipulation - (n.) tonghthamnak

manipulator - (n.) a tawngthamtu

mankind - (n.) minung , mi vialte

manlike - (adj.) pa bantukin a tuahmi

manliness - (n.) pa sinak

manly - (adj.) pa bantukin a ral a tthami

manna - (n.) manna changreu

manner - (n.) ziaza, thiltining, ningcang

mannerism - (n.) mahle thil tiningte

mannerly - (adj.) ziaza dawh in a ummi, mi umthiammi

manoeuvre - (n.) British.  1. timh ciammam tein ralkap an umkalter hna khi, ral i doh i an i hlen khi , tan hmun siam thiam. 2. fim ngaiin cu thil le cu thil cu i tong seh ti tuak thiam le tuah thiam.  

manse - (n.) inn nganpi

manslaughter - (n.) mithah , lainawn a si lomi

mantel - (n.) meicung

mantis - (n.) uitawntawk

mantle - (n.) puan

manual - (n.) kutken cauk

manual - (adj.) kut in tuahmi

manufacture - (n.) seh in thil sertu

manufacture - (v.) seh in thil ser; e.g. Automobiles are manufactured in the plant = Sehzung ah mawttaka cu an ser hna.

manure - (n.) ek , caw ek

manuscript - (n.) kun in ttialmi ca

many - (adj.) tampi; e.g. In many ways he is like his father = Ning tampi in amah cu a pa bantuk a si (a pa he an i lawhnak a tampi).

map - (n.) khuaram hmanthlak; e.g. He pored over the map for hours = Suimilam saupi chung vawlei hmanthlak kha a zoh i a tuaktan; e.g. A relief map shows hills, valleys, etc. = Hmunbo le hmunkuar langhternak vawlei hmanthlak ah cun tlangte hna, horkuang tehna le a dangdang a bomi paoh kha an lang.

maple - (n.) meipal thing , a thei a thlummi

mar - (v.) hrawh, a mui hrawh

marathon - (n.) tlik zuam khan 26.2

marauder - (n.) mi thil fir ah zan i a vakmi

marble - (n.) lungrang marbal lunk

march - (v.) ralkap cer i an kal bantuk i kal; e.g. The soldiers marched past = Ralkap cu an lan thluahmah.

march - (n.) cu bantuk kalnak ca i tummi awdawh

March - (n., prop.) March thla.

mare - (n.) rangpi

margarine - (n.) thingthei in sermi tlawhpat

margin - (n.) 1. a kam; e.g. The margin of the lake = Tidil kam. 2. catlam a kam , cattial lonak khi. 3. a hlei , herhmi leng i ngeihmi; e.g. Allow a margin of twenty kyats for unexpected expenses = Ruah lo in a herh sual ding hman awk caah phar kul cu a hlei in i chiah.

marginal - (adj.) 1. a kam i a ummi, a kam a simi, a herh tuk lomi, a hmetemi 2. a miak tlawmte lawng a simi, a miak menmen a simi

marine - (adj.) rili he aa pehtlaimi thil

mariner - (n.) tilawng in khual a tlawngmi

marines - (n.) tilawng ralkap hna

marionette - (n.) hri in cawlcanghtermi tunu

maritime - (adj.) rili cung chawlehnak, rili pawng i a ummi, rili he aa pehtlaimi thil

mark - (n.) 1. hmelchunhnak; 2. mak; e.g. He received a high mark in Geography = Khuaram ah mak sang a hmuh; 3. hmuhsaktu hmelchunhnak; 4. tinhmi hmuichon.

mark - (v.) 1. hmelchunhnak ser 2. makpek, sayate nih siangngakchia mak an pek

market - (n.) chawdawrnak hmun

market place - (n.) market hmun.

marketable - (adj.) zuar khawhmi thil

marksman - (n.) hmuithiam

marksmanship - (n.) hmuithiamnak

marmalade - (n.) marmaleih , theithu hawng he sermi zem

maroon - (v.) mi kha rili kamah chiahtak i kaltak

marriage - (n.) tthitumnak; e.g. The marriage ceremony was performed in the church = Tthitumhnak phungphai cu biakinn chungah an tuah; (Adj.) e.g. Birth, marriage and death certificates are documents = Chuah, nupi tthit le thihnak lehmah cu documents an si.

marriageable - (adj.) nupi pasal a ngei khomi a simi

married - (adj.) aa tthi-ummi; e.g. Married life = Nupi pasal ngei in khunsaknak.

married - (v.) Past tense and past participle of marry, nupi tthit, va ngeih; e.g. He married the girl of his choice = Amah nih aa thimmi ngaknute kha aa tthit.

marrow - (n.) thlek

marry - (v.) zoh, nupi tthit, va ngeih; e.g. He pledged to marry her = Kan tthit lai tiah bia a kam.

Mars - (n., prop.) Mars arfi.

marsh - (n.) cerh

marshal - (n.) ralbawi ngan bik

marshal - (v.) 1. thil aa dot tete le a ningcang tein khawmh i tian; e.g. He won the argument because he marshalled his facts well = Bia alnak ah teitu a sinak cu, a thil theihmi kha aa dot tete le ningcang tein a tian khawh hna caa a si 2. hruai, kalpi, lamtthit; e.g. He marshalled the troops to safety = Ralkap kha himnak ah a tthit hna

marshy - (adj.) cerh umnak hmun a simi

mart - (n.) dawr; e.g. Furniture mart = Thutdan cabuai an zuarnak dawr

martial law - (n.) ralkap uknak upadi

martyr - (n.) martar in a thimi

martyrdom - (n.) martar in thihnak

marvel - (v.) khuaruahhar; e.g. He marvels at the speed of the train = Tlanglawng a ranning kha a khuaruah a har.

marvel - (n.) khuaruahharmi thil

marvellous - (adj.) khuaruahhar a simi

masculine - (adj.) pa a simi

masculine - (n.) pa, nu si loin

mask - (n.) hmaikhuhnak

mask - (v.) thuh , pheh

mason - (n.) tlakrawh le lung in inn a satu

masonary - (n.) tlakrawh le lung in inn saknak rian

mass - (n.) 1. thil hlum thil aa fon aa komhmi; 2. tampi; e.g. A mass of people = Mi tampi aa pummii; 3. a ngannak; e.g. The mass of the load = Thil a nannak; 4. Roman Catholic nih an tuahmi Bawipa Zanriah.

mass - (v.) hmunkhat i pumhter; e.g. The troops are massed in one place = Ralkap cu hmunkhat ah an pumh hna.

mass meeting - (n.) zapi pumh

mass production - (n.) tampi in khulrang in ser i chuah

massacre - (n.) tampi thah

massage - (v.) malit , hmeh

masses - (n.) zapi

massive - (adj.) tampi , nganpi , ritpi

mast - (n.) tinbaw i alan thlainak tung

master - (v.) 1. tei, uk 2. thiam; e.g. She mastered seven languages = Holh pasarih a thiam.

master - (n.) 1. thil siseh minung siseh, a uktu hna, a haotu hna 2. sayapa 3. rian a thiam ngaingaimi

master key - (n.) innchung pakhat chung tawh vialte a hung khotu tawh

masterful - (adj.) a thiam ngaimi

masterly - (adj.) thiam ngaiin

mastermind - (v.) thil pakhatkhat tuah tikah cu tuah ding a rak ruat hmasatu, cu tuahding ruah hmasat cu

masterpiece - (n.) mi pakhatkhat nih thil a tuahmi lak i a ttha bikmi

mastery - (n.) tei khawhnak, uk khawhnak

mastiff - (n.) uico sadawithiam

masturbate - (v.) mah le mah nu/pa duhnak i riamhter

mat - (n.) pher

mat - (v.) i sengh dih.

match - (n.) 1. zuamnak; e.g. Football match = Pumpululh chuih i zuamnak. 2. tluk, zuam khotu; e.g. A boy is not a match for a man = Ngakchia cu upa zuam khotu (tluk) a si kho lo. 3. aa tlak; e.g. His suit and tie are a good match = A suit le a nektai an i tlak ngai. 4. meilah; e.g. The match glimmered and went out = Meilah cu dep tiah a hung ceu i a mit.

match - (v.) i tlak; e.g. Her dress matches the colour (color) of her hair = A angki le a muisam kha an i tlak ngai.

matchless - (adj.) tluk khawh lomi

mate - (n.) 1. tuah khat chung i pakhat; e.g. He could not find the mate to his shoe = A kedan pakhat a hmu kho lo; 2. hawikom; e.g. The were schoolmates = Sianginn kai lio hawikom an rak si.

mate - (v.) tuah khat i can; e.g. Birds mate in the spring = Vate cu thal ah tuah khat ah an cang (nu le va an si).

material - (n.) thil

materialism - (n.) thil pinah hin zeihmanh a um ti lo , thil lawng hi a biapi bik a si ko ti zumhnak

materialist - (n.) thil lawng hi biapi a si tiin a zummi

materialistic - (adj.) thil lawng hi biapi a si ti zumhnak a ngeimi

materialize - (v.) thil i can, ruahnak kha a taktak i hun canter

materially - (adv.) pumsa in , thil in

maternal - (adj.) hringtu nu lei a simi thil

maternity - (n.) hringtu nu sinak

mathematical - (adj.) kanan lei thil a simi

mathematically - (adv.) kanan in tuak in

mathematician - (n.) kanan a thiammi

mathematics - (n.) kanan phun paohpaoh

mating season - (n.) sattil an phol caan

matriarchal - (adj.) nu lei he aa pehtlaimi.

matriarch - (n.) innchungkhar/phun chung i lu a simi nu.

matriarchy - (n.) nu nih innchungkhar /phun chung i a lu tlai , nu roco phun

matrices - (n.) matrix in plural form, matrix zoh.

matriculate - (v.) luh, college i luh, tang hra awn i college i luh; e.g. He was matriculated into college = College ah a lut.

matriculation - (n.) college luhnak; e.g. matriculation examination = college luhnak ca i tualmi camipuai.

matrimonial - (adj.) tthitumhnak he aa pehtlaimi thil

matrimony - (n.) tthitumhnak

matrix - (n.) ca namnak seh ha an thletnak bawm, cu bantukin thil thletnak i hmanmi bawm

matron - (n.) nu bawda le si inn i zohkhenhtu i chiahmi nu upa

matted - (adj.) aa sengh dihmi

matter - (n.) 1. thil; e.g. Your words go to the heart of the matter = Na bia cu kha thil kong ah khan a biapi bikmi a si; 2. thil pakhatkhat a hung ummi; e.g. An important matter kept him from going to his village = Thilbiapi pakhat nih an khua kal kha a thlauh; 3. cauk chung i ummi thil/ruahnak; e.g. The matter in your book is good but the style is bad = Na cauk chung i ruahnak a ummi cu a ttha, sihmanhselaw na ttialning cu a ttha lo; 4. harnak; e.g. What is the matter with the sick child = A zawmi ngakchia kha zeidah a harnak a si?; e.g. What is the matter = Zeidah harnak/palhnak a um? Zeidah a si?; 5. e.g. What is the matter with you = Na zeidah a ti?; 6. tongh khawh hmuh khawhmi thil; e.g. Wood and stone are matter = Thing le lung cu tongh khawhmi thil an si. as a matter of fact = a ngaingai ti ahcun; or that matter = cu kong ah cun; matter of = e.g. The distance between Mangnu and Hakha is a matter of six miles = Mangnu le Hakha kar cu khan ruk hrawng a si ko; matter of course = a si lai ti komi thil; matter of fact = thil a sining bak in chimmi/tuahmi.

matter - (v.) biapi a si; e.g. What people say matters to him = Mi nih a chimmi kha biapi ngaiin a ruah.

matting - (n.) phertah

mattock - (n.) hmuizum

mattress - (n.) ihphah a chahmi

mature - (adj.) 1. patling/nutling a simi; e.g. He is a mature man = Patling a si; 2. ttha tein, tleng lakin ruahmi; e.g. He gives a mature opinion = Ruahnak tleng a chuahpi.

mature - (v.) 1. hmin; e.g. Pears mature quickly = Piar cu khulrangin an hmin. 2. nutling/patling si; e.g. He matures faster than his brother = A unau nakin khulrang deuh in a patling.

maturely - (adj.) nutling/patling ngaiin

maturity - (n.) nutling/patling sinak

maul - (v.) tthalo in, cei cikcek in tthuat (seh); e.g. He was mauled by the bear = Vom nih a seh.

maul - (n.) tanbo

mausoleum - (n.) thlan nganpi

maxim - (n.) phungthlukbia

maximum - (adj.) a tam bik , a sang bik

may - (v.) 1. i chawnh tik i holh ttha i hmanmi, mah lei a si ahcun 'ning' tinak, mi lei a si ahcun, nem tein tuah fial; e.g. May I come in = Rung lut ning?; e.g. May you be happy = Lunglawm tein na um nakhnga. 2. a si kho; e.g. It may rain today = Nihin ruah a sur kho men. 3. tuah ahcun a ttha ko lai, a ttha lo ko lai; e.g. You may as well stay where you are = Na umnak ah khan um law i ttha ko lai. 4. ko seh; e.g. May they live long = Saupi nung ko hna seh. 5. nakhnga; e.g. I will write to him so that he may know when we will arrive = Zeitik ah dah kan phak lai kha a hngalh nakhnga ca ka kuat lai. 6. sual ko hnga; e.g. I'm afraid the news may be true = Tadin cu a hmaan sual ko hnga ti ka phang. 7. lai, ko hnga; e.g. He may arrive today = Nihin a phan ko hnga.

May - (n., prop.) Mei thla

May apple - (n., prop.) bawnbawk.

maybe - (adv.) a si kho ko, a si men lai; e.g. Maybe we will go tomorrow = Thaizing cu kan kal men lai, kan kal kho men.

mayor - (n.) khuapi uktu bawi; e.g. He was groomed for mayor = Khuabawi caah an timhtuah.

maze - (n.) 1. lam i kalh nuk i a umnak hmun khi, cucaah tlau a fawi i lam zulh awk hngalh a harnak hmun. 2. lungchung i tuai ngai i um i zeidah ka tuah lai ti i hngal kho set lo i um khi.

me - (pron.) keimah, biatlang a donghnak lei ah hmanmi; e.g. He helps me = A ka bawmh. Biatlang a thawknak ah cun 'I' hman a si; e.g. I help him = Ka bawmh; e.g. Don’t be mad at me = Ka cungah na thin hung hlah.

meadow - (n.) ramhring khawhnak hmun

meager - (adj.) U.S.  tlawmte.

meagre - (adj.) British. tlawmte.

meal - (n.) 1. rawl; e.g. Breakfast is the first meal of the day = Thaithawh hi ni khat chung rawl hmasa bik a si;  e.g. He picked at his meal = Ka thaw set loin rawl a ei; 2. dip lakin phomhmi rawl;; e.g. Corn is ground into meal = Fangvoi cu dip lakin an phomh.

mealtime - (n.) rawl ei can.

mean - (v.) 1. sullam; e.g. What does this word mean = Hi biafang hi a sullam zeidah a si?; e.g. I have no notion of what he means = A chimmi kha a sullam zei a si a ruah awk ka hngal lo; 2. sawh, langhter, hngalhter; e.g. The dark clouds mean it will rain = Khua-dawm nak nih ruah a sur lai ti kha an langhter. 3. timh, tinh; e.g. He did not mean to hurt her feelings = A lun fahter kha aa tim/tinh lo.

mean - (adj.) 1. zaangfahnak ngei lo, ziaza ttha lomi 2. khiar, hnem; e.g. He is too mean to pay his workers well = A khiar tuk i a rianttuantu pawl kha ttha tein an hlawh a pe duh hna lo.

mean - (n.) a laivuang; e.g. The mean salary of the workers is three hundred kyats per month = Rianttuantu cu thla khat i za thum hi a si.

meander - (v.) tiva i ngerh len in a luan khi

meaning - (n.) sullam; e.g. A person refers to a dictionary to find the meaning of words = Biafang an sullam zoh/kawl awkah dictionary a zoh; e.g. You wrest my words from their real meaning = Ka bia an sullam na ka merhpiak.

means - (n.) 1. thil hmuh khawhnak/tuah khawhnak ca i hmanmi thil; e.g. He will use any means to win = Teinak a si paoh ahcun zei thil paoh a hman ko lai. 2. rumnak, chawva tangka; e.g. He has means to buy a house = Inn cawknak tangka a ngei ko. by all means = zeitilei paoh hmanh in tuah ko by no means =  zeitilei paoh hmanh in tuah hlah

meant - (v.) past tense & participle of mean, a sullam a si ti; e.g. He meant what he said = A chimmi kha a sullam a chim duhmi a si ko.

meantime - (n.) a karlak caan; e.g. He left at four and returned at seven, and she wrote two letters in the meantime = Pali ah a kal i pasarih ah a ra kir tthan, a karlakah cakuat pahnih a ttial.

meantime - (adv.) 1. cu caan chungah; e.g. Her husband was away six months, meantime she looked after the cows = A va cu thla ruk khual a tlawng, cu chung cu amah nih caw kha a zoh hna. 2. a caan aa khat in, pah in; e.g. She set the table, meantime she cooked lunch = Cabuai ah khan rawl a ser pah, cu pah cun/cu lioah cun, chuncaw a chuanpah.

meanwhile - (n., adv.) meantime he aa khat.

measles - (n.) hmaihu zawtnak; e.g. James was quarantined when he had measles = James cu hmaihu in a zawt ah khan a dang ah an chiah.

measure - (n.) 1. tahnak, tlangrel 2. timhmi tlinnak ca i tuahmi rian; e.g. The city has taken measures to improve the roads = Lam kha ttha deuh in tuah awkah khuapi nih rian an ttuan cang.

measure - (v.) 1. tah; e.g. She measured the length of the house = Inn a saulei kha a tah; 2. a sau / a tawi a si; e.g. The table measured 9 feet by 3 feet = Cabuai cu pe 9 a sau i pe 3 a kau.

measurement - (n.) tahnak, a sau, a kauh, a san; e.g. The measurement of the table is 3 feet long, 2 feet wide and 3 feet high = Cabuai cu pe 3 a sau, pe 2 a kau i pe 3 a sang.

meat - (n.) sa; e.g. He was choking on a piece of meat = Sa a hak; e.g. The meat is only half-cooked = Sa cu a cheuchum lawng a hmin; e.g. Meat, milk, eggs, etc. contain protein = Sa, cawhnuk, arti hna chungah hin sadah a um; e.g. The man cut the meat with a knife = Mipa nih sa cu nam in a can; e.g. Raw meat = Sa hring.

meat loaf - (n.) sadip hlum

meaty - (adj.) a sa a tammi

mechanic - (n.) mekhanik , zungthiam , thilremh a thiammi

mechanical - (adj.) seh lei thil he aa pehtlaimi

mechanism - (n.) seh a cawl a cangning

mechanize - (v.) seh in ttuan , seh in ser

medal - (n.) upatnak ca i pekmi thil , a cung i cattialmi a ummi

meddle - (v.) mi dang rian le thil i vaa thlak len le hnahnawhnak va tuah

meddler - (n.) mi dang rian i aa telhvaihmi

meddlesome - (adj.) mi dang kong le rian i aa thelhvaihmi

media - (n.) plural of medium, thil tuahnak i hmanmi thil; e.g. Mass Media = Zapi theihternak ca i hmanmi thil, tahchunhnak ah radio, cauk, television.

mediate - (v.) mi karlak i remnak ser

mediation - (n.) mi karlak i remnak sernak

mediator - (n.) remnak sertu

medical - (adj.) si lei thil a simi; e.g. Medical school = Si cawnnak sianginn

medicine - (n.) 1. damnak si; e.g. He will soon mend if he takes medicine = Si a din ahcun tuan ah a dam deuh lai; e.g. He does not like to take medicine = Si din a duh lo; 2. si lei cawnnak. oral medicine = ka in dinmi si.

medieval - (adj.) caan karlak chan , A.D. 500 in 1450 tiang hrawng

mediocre - (adj.) a laivuang sawhsawh , a ttha tuk lo a chia tuk lo

mediocrity - (n.) a laivuang sawsawh sinak

meditate - (v.) dai tein khuaruah

meditation - (n.) dai tein khuaruahnak

meditative - (adj.) dai tein khua a ruatmi

medium - (n.) 1. a laivuang thil; 2. thil tuahnak i hmanmi thil; e.g. Radio is a medium of communication = Radio cu i chawnhnak ca i hmanmi thil a si; 3. thil pakhatkhat, thil dang pakhtakhat nih umnak ah hmanmi; e.g. Water is the only medium in which fish can live = Ti lawng hi nga an um khawhnak a si; 4. khuavang; mangit pawl khi an si khun.

medium - (adj.) a tam tuk lo a tlawm tuk lo , a za fang; e.g. He is of medium height = A san a zafang a si.

meek - (adj.) mi toidor , lungnemmi

meekness - (n.) lungnemnak

meet - (v.) 1. ton; e.g They happened to meet on the street = Lampi ah an i tong sual; e.g. It is a pleasure to meet you = Nangmah ton cu lunglawmhnak ngaingai a si; 2. don; make both ends meet: tangka hmuhmi le hmanmi kha aa tluk siter

meeting - (n.) i tonnak, i pumhnak; e.g. The meeting is open to all = Hi pumhnak cu ahohmanh i tel khawh a si;  e.g. The meeting was opened with a prayer = Pumhnak cu thlacamnak in an thawk; e.g. He will represent us at the meeting = Pumhnak ah kan ai a kan awh lai.

meeting house - (n.) i tonnak inn , i pumhnak inn

megaphone - (n.) thangpi in chimnak seh

melancholy - (n.) ngaichiatnak , umharnak , lilennak lunglennak

melee - (n.) i hel hulh le hnahnok ngaiin i thuat i den

mellow - (v.) hmin i thlum, kum le khua a upatning in fin le nem

mellow - (adj.) 1. a hlunh le a hmin i a thawmi; e.g. That old wine is mellow = Kha zu hlun kha a thaw. 2. kumkhua a sau i nunnem le nunttha i um; 3. aw thlum le aw dawh a simi.

melodious - (adj.) aw dawh a ngeimi , aw dawh a simi

melody - (n.) awdawh

melon - (n.) dawnzuk, phazeti. e.g. musk melon = hmazil.  Zong cantaloupe.

melt - (v.) 1. ti i canter; e.g. The sun melted the snow = Ni nih hawhra kha ti ah a canter. 2. nemter.

melting point - (n.) a lin nih thil a titternak dikiri

member - (n.) chungtel

membership - (n.) chungtel sinak

membrane - (n.) nang, arti nang

memoir - (n.) 1. mi pakhatkhat kong ttialmi 2. mah nih mah kong i ttialmi

memorable - (adj.) i cinken awk a tlakmi thil

memorandum - (n.) philh lo awk i i ttialmi

memorial - (n.) philh lonak thil; e.g. Memorial stone = Philh lonak lungphun

memorize - (v.) zoh loin chim , lung chungin hngalh

memory - (n.) 1. lungchung ah i cinken khawhnak; 2. hlanlio thil hngalh pengmi; e.g. He has happy memories of his childhood = A ngakchiat lio thil nuam tampi a hngalhpeng hna.

men - (n.) plural of man, minung, mi pa; e.g. Some seventy men worked here = Hika ah hin minung sawm sarih tluk hrawng rian an ttuan.

menace - (n.) harnak tluntertu thil ; ttihnung

menace - (v.) thil ttha lo tlunter dingin thinphanter

mend - (v.) 1. remh; 2. a ttha deuh; e.g. He will soon mend if he takes medicine = Si a din ahcun tuan ah a dam deuh lai. on the mend = tthat lam a tlai.

mendelism - (n.) ar rang le ar nak an i kaih ahcun ar pawl a chuak ti bantukin, thil a chuahning dothlatnak fimnak

mendicant - (n.) rawl hal i a vakmi awkhlawh

menial - (n.) rian niam bik a tuantu sinum

menial - (adj.) sinum a simi, sinum rian a simi

meningitis - (n.) thluak tuamtu nang phin zawtnak

menses - (n.) nu thi ngeihmi

mental - (adj.) lungthin lei.

mentality - (n.) ruahnak, lungput, lungthin;  e.g. He has a great mentality = Lungthin lei thil ti khawhnak a ngei.

mentally - (adv.) lungtuak in, lungthin lei in

menthol - (n.) si phun khat

mention - (n.) hun chim duakmi; e.g. Mention was made of the flood = Tilian kong an hun chim duak.

mention - (v.) chim; e.g. He mentioned your name = Na min a chim.

mentor - (n.) a fim i zumhmi lungthin cheutu

menu - (n.) rawl zeizei dah a um tiah an ttialnak ca

mercantile - (adj.) chawlehnak lei he aa pehtlaimi

mercenary - (n.) tangka duh ah ramdang i ralkap rian a ttuanmi

mercer - (n.) thilpuan lei , pu lei chawdawr

mercerize - (v.) masalaih la i ser, si phun khat in la kha fek deuh le dawh deuh in ser

merchandise - (n.) cawk/zuarhmi thil

merchant - (n.) chawdawrpa

merchant - (adj.) chawdawrnak a simi; Merchant ship = chawdawrnak tilawng

merciful - (adj.) zaangfahnak a ngeimi

merciless - (adj.) zaangfahnak a ngei lomi

mercury - (n.) merkuri, kih-lum tahnak thermometer chung i an rawnmi, a lum tik i cunglei i a kai i a kih tik i tanglei i a ttummi.

mercy - (n.) zaangfahnak; e.g. God shows us mercy = Pathian nih zaangfahnak a kan pek.

mere - (adj.) menmen, lawnglawng; e.g. She is a mere child = Ngakchia men a si ko.

merely - (adv.) menmen caah; e.g. I said it merely as a joke = Capo caah ka chim menmi a si.

merge - (v.) fonh

meridian - (n.) ni nih van i a sannak bik hmun a phak caan , chunlaicer

merit - (n.) 1. tthatnak; e.g. His work has some merit = A rian cu tthatnak a ngei ve; 2. a sining taktak in; e.g. The court will judge the case on its own merits = Biaceihtu nih bia cu a si ningte khan an ceih ko lai.

merit - (v.) hmuh awk i i tlak; e.g. Me merits the prize he won = Mintthatnak laksawng a hmuhmi cu a hmuh awkah aa tlak hrim.

meritorious - (adj.) laksawng hmuh awk i aa tlakmi tuahnak / thil

merrily - (adv.) lunglawm ngaiin

merriment - (n.) lunglawmhnak tuahnak make merry = i nuamh, i nuamhnak tuah.

merry - (adj.) lunglawm thanuam a simi

mesh - (n.) sur vang; e.g. This net has half inch meshes = Hi sur hi vang lehmah cheu a si.

mesmerise - (v.) British.  camh, hamh.

mesmerism - (n.) camh in minung pakhat nih a dang pakhat cung i a lungthin le tuahnak tei khawhnak a ngeihmi, i hngilh bantukin a umter khawhmi

mesmerist - (n.) cu bantuk camh a thiammi

mesmerize - U.S.  camh, hamh.

mess - (n.) 1. hnokcur in um; e.g. Her room was a mess = A khan cu hnokcur in a um; 2. ningcang loin um; e.g. His business was in a mess = A chawleh aa ningcang lo; 3. hmunkhat i rawl cinak.

mess - (v.) hnawhter, thurter; e.g. The children messed their room = Ngakchia nih an khan kha an hnawhter.

message - (n.) biacahmi bia

messenger - (n.) bia phortu

Messr. - (adj., abbrev.) plural of Mr.

met - (v.) past tense and past participle of meet, ton;  e.g. It is my impression that they met before = Hlan ah an rak i tong cang lai tiah ka zumh ko.

metabolism - (n.) kan pum chung i rawl kha thi i a can i pum nih a hman ti lomi pum leng i a chuahning

metal - (n.) a hakmi thil , thir , dar , sui , ngun , suan , dan , etc.

metal - (adj.) a hakmi thil in sermi

metallic - (adj.) a hakmi thil a lomi

metamorphose - (v.) pum le mui i thlen; e.g. Tadpoles metamorphose into frogs = Buluk cu sawngpate ah an i thleng.

metamorphosis - (n.) pum le mui i thlennak; e.g. Tadpoles become frogs by metamorphosis = Buluk kna sawngpate i an cannak cu pum le mui i thlennak in a si.

metaphor - (n.) tahchuhnak; e.g. He has a heart of stone = Lung bantukin a hakmi lungthin a ngei.

metaphorical - (adj.) tahchunhnak a simi

metaphorically - (adv.) tahchunhnak in

metaphysics - (n.) thil a sining taktak hngalh i zuamnak cawnnak

mete - (v.) tah, mah hmuh ding cio kha tahpiak i pek, inter

meteor - (n.) arfi zuang

meteorite - (n.) arfi zuang , vawlei a phanmi

meteorological - (adj.) nikhua tahnak he aa pehtlaimi

meteorology - (n.) nikhua a chia lai maw a ttha lai ti hngalh khawhnak fimnak

meter - (n.) 1. lehhmah 39.37 a saumi 2. tahnak; e.g. Water meter = Ti a tlawmtam tahnak

method - (n.) 1. thil ttining , rianttuan ning 2. ningcang zulhmi lam

methodical - (adj.) ningcang tein tuahmi

methodically - (adv.) ningcang tein

metronome - (n.) hla veinak seh

metropolis - (n.) ram khat chung khuapi bik

metropolitan - (adj.) khuapi chung i a ummi; e.g. Metropolitan police = Khuapi chung palik

mew - (v.) chizawh ngeu

mice - (n.) plural of mouse, zu

micro - (adj.) a hmemi

microbe - (n.) mit in hmuh khawh lomi rungrul

microphone - (n.) aw thanternak bia vun chimnak kuate khi

microscope - (n.) thil hme ngaingaimi a nganter i mit in hmuh khawh awkin tuahnak seh , a bih in bihmi

mid - (n., adj.) a laifang

midday - (n.) chunlai

middle - (adj.) laifang a simi

middle-aged - (adj.) tar tuk lo , no tuk lo , kum 45-65 hrawngmi

Middle Ages - (n., prop.) Caan Karlak Chan, A.D. 500 in 1450 tiang hrawng.

middle class - (n.) zapi zaran pawl

midland - (n.) ram laifang

midmost - (adj.) a laifang bik

midnight - (n.) zantim; e.g. The attack was launched at midnight = Zanttim ah ral nam cu an thawk.

midst - (n.) lakah , chungah; e.g. In our midst = Kan lakah, kan chungah

midstream - (adj.) tiva laifang

midsummer - (n.) tthal laifang

midwife - (n.) nau chuahtertu sayama

might - (n.) tthawnnak

might - (v.) hmanh maw, men lai, sual lai; e.g. He might be able to help you = An bawmh khawh hmanh maw.

mighty - (adj.) a tthawngmi

migraine - (n.) lufah ttha lo

migrate - (v.) pem (peem), ram dang i pem

migration - (n.) pemnak

migratory - (adj.) a pem lengmangmi

milch - (adj.) hnuksurmi

mild - (adj.) 1. nem; e.g. Mild cigarette = Sikarik a nemmi; 2, a kik tuk lo, a lin tuklo; e.g. The climate is mild = Khuati a nem.

mildew - (n.) bangbuar

mildly - (adv.) nem ngaiin

mildness - (n.) nemnak

mile - (n.) khan, meng; e.g. One mile = Khan khat; e.g. The farther hill is ten miles away = A hla deuhmi tlang khi khan hra a si.

mileage - (n.) kalmi khan

milestone - (n.) khan tung

militant - (adj.) mi ralhraat

military - (n.) ralkapbu

military - (adj.) ralkap lei a simi; e.g. Military training = Ralkap si ding cawnpiaknak

militia - (n.) khuavengtu ca i vengtu pawl , ralkap bantukin cawpiaknak a ngei vemi

milk - (n.) hnuk, cawhnuk, nu hnuk, khainiat hang cawhnuk a lomi; e.g. There is no use crying over the spilt (spilled) milk = Thletmi cawhnuk tah cu zeihmanh tthathnemnak a um lo; e.g. Babies need milk = Ngakchia nih hnuk an herh; e.g. Cold milk can keep quite long = Cawhnuk kik cu sau nawnpi rawk loin a um kho; e.g. Meat, milk, eggs, etc. contain protein = Sa, cawhnuk, arti hna chungah hin sadah a um. evaporated milk = A tikhu chuahtermi cawhnuk;

milk - (v.) hnuksur; e.g. He milks the cow = Caw hnuk a sur.

milky - (adj.) cawhnuk bantuk a simi

mill - (n.) sehzung

millennium - (n.) kum thong khat

miller - (n.) sehzung ah seh in facang a rialtu

millet - (n.) fatun; e.g. I do not like millet = Fatun ka duh lo.

millimeter - (n.) a saulei tahnak , meter cheu thong khat i cheu khat

million - (num.) milian 1,000,000 nuai khat.

millionaire - (n.) tangka nuai khat a ngaimi , a rum ngaingaimi

millstone - (n.) pe rialak lung

mimeograph - (v.) stencil cungah ttialmi ca ca rialnak seh i i rial i chuah.

mimic - (v.) nihchuak saihnak ca i nawlcawn

minaret - (n.) Muslim pawl biakinn i innsang an sakmi, thlacam cang u tiah aunak i an hmanmi

mince - (v.) 1. dipte i can.   2. tawite i kar i kal.

mind - (n.) 1. lungthin, ruahnak; 2. ruahmi; e.g. He speaks his mind = A ruahmi a chim; 3. khuaruah khawhnak; e.g. He has lost his mind = A lungthin a tlau cang; 4. mifim ngaingai; e.g. He is one of our great minds = Amah cu kan mifim hna lak i pakhat a si. presence of mind = thil har pakhatkhat a chuah tik i khulrangte i ruahnak ngeih khawhnak; absence of mind = mah tuahmi kha zei a si ti hngalh khawh lo; bear in mind = pilh hlah; have a mind to = cuhnak keen mind = khulrangte le hmaan tein thil a tuah khomi lungthin. ngeih; Keep your mind on what you are doing = Na tuahmi kha ruat peng ko. have in mind = lungchung in i timh; make up one's mind = lung i tlek; e.g. He made up his mind to go = Kal dingin a lung aa thlek cang. of one mind = lungthin khat; out of one's mind = Hruh, molh; e.g. He acts as if he is out of his mind = A hrut bantukin a tuah.

mind - (v.) 1. duh lo , al , poi; e.g. Do you mind if I smoke = Kuak zu ning law, ha al hnga maw, a poi na ti hnga maw? 2. i ralring; e.g. Mind what you are doing = Na tuahmi kha i ralring; 3. nawlngaih; e.g. The child will not mind his mother = Ngakchia nih a nu nawlngaih a duh lo. never mind = a poi lo, na lungrethei hlah.

mine - (pron.) keimah ta; e.g. This house is mine =  Hi inn cu keimah ta a si.

mine - (n.) 1. vawlei chung i cawhmi khor; e.g. Coal mine = Lung meihol khor; 2. vawlei tang i phummi bom; e.g. To spring a mine = Mine bomb hmanhmi phelh i puahter.

mine - (v.) 1. vawlei cawh; e.g. They were mining for gold = Sui an co; 2. bom phum; e.g. The place was mined during the war = Ral lioah kha hmun ah khan bom an phum.

miner - (n.) vawlei chung thil kawl i a khor cotu; e.g. The coal miners strike to demand more pay = Lung-meihol cotu pawl kha lahkhah kan tthanh deuh u tiin an nuar.

mineral - (n.) vawlei chung thilri; thir, dar, sur, ngun, etc.; e.g. Iron is a mineral = Thir hi mineral a si.

mineral - (adj.) mineral a ummi; e.g. Mineral water = Mineral a ummi ti

mineralogy - (n.) vawlei chung thilri kong cawnnak

mingle - (v.) i cawh, hmunkhat i umti; e.g. He is very shy and does not mingle with others = Mi ningzah thiam ngai a si i mi dang he an i cawh lo.

miniature - (n.) a hmete

miniature - (adj.) a hmete

minimize - (v.) hmetter, tlawmter

minimum - (n.) a tlawm bik, a niam bik; e.g. You must drink one cup of water a day at the minimum = A tlawm bik ah ni khat ah ti hrai khat na din awk a si.

minimum - (adj.) a tlawn bik, a niam bik a simi.

mining - (n.) vawlei chung thil chuahnak rian

minister - (n.) 1. fehternak (ordination) a hmumi pastor. 2. vuanci; e.g. A soldier was posted at the door of the minister’s office = Vunazi zung innka congh ah ralkap pakhat an thiah.

minister - (v.) rianttuan; e.g. The nurse ministered to the needs of the sick = Si sayama nih mizaw cu an herhnak kha a tuahpiak /tuanpiak hna.

ministerial - (adj.) vuanci rian a simi, pastor rian a simi.

ministry - (n.) 1. Cozah rianttuannak bu; e.g. Ministry of Finance = Tangka lei rianttuannak bu; 2. Pathian lei rianttuannak; e.g. He entered the ministry = Pathian rian ah a lut; e.g. He is ordained to the Christian ministry = Khrihfa rianttuantu caah fehter a si.

mink - (n.) saram phun khat , a phaw angki lum ca i a ttha ngaimi

minor - (adj.) a hme deuhmi

minor - (n.) kum tling lo

minority - (n.) mi tlawm deuh pawl

minster - (n.) Khrihfa phungki pawl umnak i an biakinn, biakinn nganpi.

mint - (n.) 1. tangka sernak hmun; 2. tampi; e.g. He has a mint of ideas = Ruahnak tampi a ngei.

mint - (v.) tangka ser; e.g. They minted a new coin = Tangka thar an ser.

mint - (adj.) a thar tluk; e.g. The car is in mint condition = Mawttaka cu a thar tluk a si ko.

minus - (prep.) zuh; e.g. Six minus two is four = Paruk ah pahnih zuh cu pali a si.

minute - (n.) 1. minit; e.g. There are sixty minutes in one hour =Suimilam pakhat ah minit sawm ruk a um; 2. caan tawite; 3. cangka in; e.g. Please give him the book, the minute you see him = Na hmuh cangka tein cauk hi pe te.

minute - (adj.) mainiuh tiah a awchuah a si, a hmete; e.g. A minute particle of sand = Thetse fang hmete.

minutely - (adv.) mainiuhly, hme tein

minuteness - (n.) mainiuhness, hmetnak.

minutes - (n.) minits ti in awchuah a si, biakhiahmi ttialmi.

miracle - (n.) khuaruahhar thil

miraculous - (adj.) khuaruahhar a simi

mirage - (n.) a si taktak lomi a si bantukin a langmi, thetse ram i khualtlawngmi hna nih ti um lopi kha tilipi bantuk in an hmuh tawn i cucu 'mirage' cu a si.

mire - (n.) nawncek; e.g. He slumped in the mire = Nawncek ah a tlu.

mirror - (n.) bihnak thlalang; e.g. The mirror reflects my face = Bihmi thlalang nih ka hmai (mui) kha a kirter tthan.

mirror - (v.) mui langh; e.g. The stars are mirrored in the still water = Arfi cu a cawlcang lomi ti chungah an lang.

mirth - (n.) lunglawmhnak, thanuamnak

mirthful - (adj.) lunglawm thanuammi

miry - (adj.) nawncek ummak hmun

misadventure - (n.) vanchiatnak , a sualpang ton sualmi

misappropriate - (v.) mah tangka a si lomi a ningcang lo i hman, tangka a thli i rak ei

misappropriation - (n.) tangka a ningcang loin hmannak, a thli in rak einak

misbehave - (v.) ziaza ttha loin um

misbehavior - (n.) U.S.  ziaza ttha loin umnak.

misbehaviour - (n.) British.  ziaza ttha loin umnak.

miscalculate - (v.) tuak palh

miscalculation - (n.) tuak palhnak.

miscarriage - (n.) 1. tuahmi thluachuah lonak 2. nau rawknak

miscarry - (v.) 1. thlua a chuak lo; e.g. His plan miscarried = A khua khanmi thlua a chuak lo; 2. nau rawk; e.g. She miscarried because of her illness = A zawt ruangah a nau ai rawk.

miscellaneous - (adj.) thil dangdang aa cawh dihmi

miscellany - (n.) thil dangdang aa cawhmi

mischief - (n.) 1. rawhnak/tthat lonak tuahmi 2. ziaza lei caah a tthalomi rawhnak tuahmi 3. luakchuahnak, minennak

mischievous - (adj.) luak a chuakmi, mi a nengmi

misconceive - (v.) ruahpalh

misconception - (n.) ruahpalhnak

misconduct - (n.) ziaza ttha lo

misconstrue - (v.) a pingin a sullam rak i lak , a pingin a sullam sawhter

miscount - (v.) relpalh

miscreant - (n.) misual

misdate - (v.) a pingin a nithla khen

misdeed - (n.) tuahnak ttha lo

misdemeanor - U.S.  upadi buar, ziaza ttha lo; e.g. Stealing is a misdemeanor = Fir hi ziaza tthatlo.

misdemeanour - (n.) British.  upadi buar, ziaza ttha lo; e.g. Stealing is a misdemeanour = Fir hi ziaza tthatlo upadi buar a si.

misdirect - (v.) lam a ping i chimh.

miser - (n.) mikhiar , mihnem

miserable - (adj.) a nuam lo ngaimi; e.g. A miserable journey = Khualtlawn nuam lo ngaimi.

miserably - (adv.) nuam lo ngaiin

miserly - (adj.) khiar ngaiin

misery - (n.) nuam lo ngaiin umnak, fahnak innak; e.g. Poverty is the cause of their misery = Harnak an innak a chuahtertu cu sifahnak a si.

misfire - (v.) tlolh, meithal tlolh

misfit - (n.) aa rup lomi, aa tlak lomi; e.g. These shoes are misfits = Hi kedan cu kaa rum lomi an si.

misfortune - (n.) vanchiatnak

misgiving - (n.) lungretheihnak, lung awtawmnak, lung si deuh lonak

misguide - (v.) hruai sual , a ping i hruai

mishap - (n.) vanchiatnak a um sualmi

misinform - (v.) a ping chimh , a hmaan lomi chimh

misinformation - (n.) a hmaan lomi chimhnak

misinterpret - (v.) a pingin leh

misinterpretation - (n.) a ping in lehnak

misjudge - (v.) a hmaan loin biachah , a ping in ruah sual

mislay - (v.) kaa khatkhat i chiah i philh , a ping i chiah

mislead - (v.) a ping i hruai

misleading - (adj.) a ping i kalpitu a simi, a hmaan lomi a hmaan lomi tuahtertu a simi

misled - (v.) past tense and past participle of mislead, a ping i kalpi.

mismanage - (v.) a ping i tuah , pakpalawng i canter , hlohlak

mismanagement - (n.) a ping i tuahnak, holhlaknak, pakpalawng i canternak

misplace - (adj.) a ping i chiah, a um lonak ding hmun i chiah

misprint - (v.) canam tikah palh sual

misprint - (n.) canam palhmi

mispronounce - (v.) a ping in awchuah chim

mispronounciation - (n.) a ping i a awchuah chimnak

misquote - (v.) mi bia a ping in chim tthan

misread - (v.) a ping in rel, a hmaan loin hngalh sual, a hmaan loin leh

misrepresent - (v.) a kong a hmaan loin chim; e.g. He misrepresented this car when he said that it was in good running order = Hi mawttaka hi a ttha ko tiah a ti tikah a hmaan loin a kong a chim a si.

misrepresentation - (n.) a hmaan loin a kong chimnak

misrule - (v.) ttha loin uk

miss - (v.) 1. nganh; e.g. He fired at a tiger, but missed it = Cakei cu a kah, asinain a nganh; 2. ngaih; e.g. The child misses her mother = Ngakchia cu a nu a ngai; 3. tanh lo; e.g. We missed the train = Tlanglawng kan tanhmanh lo.

Miss - (prop., abbrev.) ngaknu;  e.g. Miss Sara Martin;  e.g. Miss Smith, may I present Mr. Brown = Miss Smith, hi pa hi Mr. Brown a si.

misfire (miss fire) - (n.) meithal tlolh.

missile - (n.) chehnak thil , lung a si ah , thing a si ah , hriamnam a si ah ; ral hriamnam mizil , khan tampi a zuang khomi

missing - (adj.) a tlaumi; e.g. My book is missing = Ka cauk a tlau.

mission - (n.) 1. rian pakhatkhat tuan awkah minung bu khat an thlahmi 2. cu an va ttuanmi rian

missionary - (n.) thlahmi siangbawi; e.g. The centenary celebrations of the coming of Christian missionaries to the Chin Hills will be in 1999 = Laitlang siangbawi an kai kum za khatnak puai cu 1999 ah a si lai.

misspell - (v.) cafang komh palh.

misspelling - (n.) palh in cafang komh

mist - (n.) minmei; e.g. The mist blotted out the view = Minmei nih a phenh i khualanghnak a hloh dih.

mistake - (n.) palhnak; e.g. He admitted his mistake = Ka palh ko a ti;

mistake - (v.) palh

mistaken - (adj.) palh a simi.  Past participle of mistake.

mistakenly - (adv.) palh ngaiin

mister - (n.) pa, upatnak in kawhnak, a tawikan ttial in Mr.

mistletoe - (n.) tektek bawm; e.g. Mistletoe is a parasite on oak trees = Tektekbawm cu kuhthing cungah hawi rinh in a nungmi a si.

mistook - (v.) past tense of mistake, palh.

mistreat - (v.) hrem, ttha loin tuah

mistress - (n.) chunghkar lak nu upa bik, tthit lomi nupi.

mistrial - (n.) a ping in, hmaan loin biaceihnak

mistrust - (n.) zumh lo , zumh lonak

misunderstand - (v.) hngalhsual

misunderstanding - (n.) hngalh sualnak

misunderstood - (v.) past tense and past participle of misunderstand, hngalhsual.

misuse - (v.) a ningcang lo i hmam , a ping i hman

mite - (n.) thil hmete, phaisa a ngei bik

miter - U.S.  bishop luchin.

mitigate - (v.) nemter; e.g. We may mitigate his anger = A thinhun kan nemter lai.

mitigation - (n.) nemternak

mitre - (n.) British.  bishop luchin.

mitten - (n.) kuthruk, kutpi hrolhnak lawng a ngeimi

mix - (v.) 1. cawh, fonh; e.g. They will mix with the crowd = Zapi lakah, an i cawh lai; 2. komh; e.g. He likes to mix with others = Hawi he i komh a duh. mix up = lung hnahnok, buai; mixed company = nu le pa i cawh in um.

mixer - (n.) thil cawhnak fung

mixture - (n.) cawhmi

moan - (v.) hram, hrum thawng, thuro onh; e.g. The girl moaned in pain = Ngakchianu cu nganfah in a hrum len ko.

moan - (n.) hramnak , hrumnak

moaning - (adj.) a hrammi

moaning - (n.) hramnak

moat - (n.) siangpahrang inn kulhnak ti; Mandalay i bantuk khi.

mob - (n.) mi bu nganpi, uk khawh set loin a um lulhmi; e.g. a biosterous mob =  aw thang ngaiin a au lulhmi mibu.

mob - (v.) a but in but hnawh

mobile - (adj.) fawi tein tthial khawhmi , fawi tein mer khawhmi

mobility - (n.) fawi tein i tthial khawhnak , i mer khawhnak

mobilization - (n.) raltuk i tim in umnak

mobilize - (v.) raltuknak caah i timhtuah , hmun kip ka kip i i chiah i phurh

mock - (adj.) a si taktak lomi, cawn chommi; e.g. The soldiers staged a mock battle = Ralkap nih cawnnak raltuknak kha an tuah.

mock - (v.) 1. nihsawh 2. nawlcawn in nihchuak saih

mockery - (n.) capo i saihnak

mockingly - (adv.) nihsawh serhsat ngaiin

mode - (n.) zia; e.g. His mode of walking is different from mine = A kal zia cu ka kal zia he aa dang.

model - (n.) 1. zohchunmi, i cawn awk a tlakmi; 2. thil ser ding a lem sermi; e.g. He made first a model of the church he wanted to build = Sak a duhmi biakinn kha a lem a ser hmasa; 3. pungsan; e.g. His car is the latest model = A mawttaka cu tunai bik pungsan a si; 4. thil cawk duh hna seh ti in an thil zuarmi an hrukter hna i mi hmai ah an chuahmi hna.

model - (adj.) zohchun awk tlak a simi

model - (v.) sining zulh; e.g. The boy modeled himself after his father = Ngakchiapa nih a pa sining zulh kha aa zuam; i zoh chun.

moderate - (adj.) 1. tam tuk lo , tlawm tuk lo , a zafang 2. a laivuang a simi

moderate - (n.) a liafang i um khomi.

moderation - (n.) a zafang siternak

moderator - (n.) bia alnak le biaceihnak hmun i hruaitu

modern - (adj.) tuchan thil a simi

modernize - (v.) tuchan he aa tlak in siter , umter , ser

modest - (adj.) 1. aa porhlaw lomi, aa namhmi, aa khiammi. 2. ttha tuk nuam tuk a si theng lomi; e.g. He lived in a modest home = Inn zafang ah a um.

modestly - (adv.) a zafang in

modesty - (n.) porhlawtnak lungthin ngeih lo , toidornak

modification - (n.) thlennak

modifier - (n.) thlengtu

modify - (v.) 1. thlen 2. tthumh deuh , nemter deuh

modulate - (v.) aw nemter , aw noter

modulation - (n.) aw noternak

Mohammedan - (n., prop.) Muslim.

Mohammedanism - (n., prop.) Muslim biaknak phung.

moist - (adj.) a cinmi , a hnawngmi , a ro lomi

moisten - (v.) hnawter

moisture - (n.) thlitu lak i a ummi ti

molar - (n.) rawl khainak hapi

molasses - (n.) thantling hang a khuaitidai

mold - (n.) U.S.  a timi thil thletnak ca i sermi kua; e.g. Melted lead is poured into the mold = Tittermi suan kha thletnak kua ah an toih. British.  mould. 

mold - (v.) U.S.  mui ser; e.g. Children mold figures out of clay = Ngakchia nih nawncek in tunu tete an ser hna.

mole - (n.) 1. tawte, buikelet. 2. khuazing hmelchunh cuar cung i a ummi.

molecule - (n.) thil chung i a ummi thil hme bik

molest - (v.) tuaitam

molestation - (n.) tuaitamnak

mollify - (v.) nemter, damter, ngamter.

Moloch - (n., prop.) Molok khuazing, mei khuazing a si i a biaknak caah ngakchia kha mei in an khangh hna.

molt - (v.)  U.S.  hmul thlongh; e.g. Birds and snakes moult = Vate nih an hmul an thlongh i rul nih an i zirh.

molten - (adj.) titmi; e.g. Molten image = Thir/dar titmi in an sermi milem

moment - (n.) 1. caan tawite; 2. atu ah; e.g. The doctor is not here at the moment = Atu ah cun sibawipa a um lo.

momentarily - (adv.) caan tawite chung lawngah

momentary - (adj.) caan tawite chung a simi

momentum - (n.) thil aa thawnmi nih aa thawn i thazang a ngeihmi

monarch - (n.) siangpahrang

monarchy - (n.) siangpahrang nih ukmi cozah

monastery - (n.) phungki pawl umnak

monastic - (adj.) phungki pawl umtuning i a ummi

monasticism - (n.) phungki pawl nunning

Monday - (n., prop.) Cawnni khat ni.

monetary - (adj.) tangka lei he aa pehtlaimi

money - (n.) tangka; e.g. He has a tidy sum of money = Tangka a za nawn a ngei ko; e.g. He acquired a lot of money = Tangka tampi a ngei; e.g. I must earn money in order that I may go to college = Khawleih i ka kai khawh nakhnga, tanka ka hmun a herh; e.g. I loan him money = Tangka ka cawih; e.g. The money he got partly offset his losses = Tangka a hmuhmi nih a sunghmi kha a cheuchum cu a rulh; e.g. He owes me ten kyats = Tangka phar hra a ka bat.

money order - (n.) thirhri inn in kuatmi tangka

monger - (n.) zuartu; e.g. Fish monger = Nga zuartu

Mongol - (n., prop.) Mongolia miphun.

mongrel - (n.) kahpia, phun hnih cawhni

monism - (n.) a nungmi thil pakhat lawng a um i sermi thil dihlak hi cu a nungmi pakhat chung lawng cun sermi kan si dih, ti zumhnak

monitor - (n.) 1. siangngakchia a hawi siangngakchia dang zohkhenhtu i chiahmi 2. ram dang radio nih zeidah a chim tiah a ngaitu le a chimmi a chimtthantu ding i mi an fialmi, zohtu, ngaitu

monitor - (v.) zoh, ngaih

monitory - (adj.) ralrin peknak a simi

monk - (n.) phungki

monkey - (n.) zawng; e.g. Monkeys are imitative = Zawng cu mi dang nawl rawn an duh ngai.

monkey wrench - (n.) thir cehnak

mono - (n.) pakhat

monocle - (n.) mit khat lawng benhmi tarmit

monogamy - (n.) nupi/va pakhat lawng ngeihnak

monogram - (n.) cafang dangdang hmun khat i cawh i ttial , min ttialnak ah hin hman khun a si tawn , tahchunhnak ah , Sang Hnin cu (S le H) in fohn in ttial a si hnga

monograph - (n.) thil pakhatkhat kong felfai tein ttialnak cauk

monolith - (n.) lung pakhat in sermi tung

monologue - (n.) pakhat lawng biachim

monopolist - (n.) thil pakhatkhat uktu khun a simi

monopolize - (v.) thil pakhatkhat va uk khun

monopoly - (n.) thil pakhatkhat kha pakhat nih maw bu khat nih maw an uk an hman i mi dang an tonghter duh hna lo khi; e.g. In some countries tobacco is a government monopoly = Ram khat khat ahcun sahdah hi cozah lawng nih an tongthammi a si.

monosyllable - (n.) biafang pakhat awfang pakhat a ngeimi biafang (holh), tahchunhnak ah E ti cu biafang pakhat awfang pakhat a ngeimi a si i sullam zong a ngei, A ti cu biafang pakhat awfang pakhat a ngeimi a si i sullam zong a ngei

monotheism - (n.) Pathian pakhat lawng a um ti zumhnak

monotone - (n.) thleng lo i aw khat lawng a si lengmangmi

monotonous - (adj.) thleng loin aa khat lengmangmi

monotony - (n.) thlen um lo, mah bon lengmang si

monotype - (n.) cafang ha pakhat tete in bunhmi pawl canamnak seh

monsoon - (n.) faruahthawh

monster - (n.) 1. thil ttihnungpi , lu hna pahnih a ngei ti i ruahmi 2. mitthalo ngaingai

monstrosity - (n.) tthat lonak.

monstrous - (adj.) a tthaa lo ngaimi.

month - (n.) thla; e.g. There are twelve months in one year = Kum khat ah thla 12 an um; e.g. You must give a month’s notice before you leave = Na kal hlanah thla khat ralrinnak na kan pek lai; e.g. His pay is thirty kyats a month = A lahkhah cu thla khat ah sawm thum a si.

monthly - (adj.) thla fate

monument - (n.) philp lonak lungphun

monumental - (adj.) philh khawh lomi

mood - (n.) lungthin umtuning; e.g. He is in a happy mood = A lung aa lawm.

moon - (n.) thlapa; e.g. The new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter are four phases of the moon = Thla det, cirin, thlapa lai le vunchuk cirin hna hi thlapa hmai hmai li an si; e.g. The moon waxes till it becomes full and then wanes = Thlapa cu a lai tiang a hungcho i cun a ttumchuk; e.g. The moon travels in an orbit around the earth = Thlapacu vawlei vel in a kal; e.g. The moon orbits the earth = Thlapa nih vawlei a vel.

moonlight - (n.) thlapa vang

moonlit - (adj.) thlapa nih a ceuhmi

moonshine - (v.) a herh lomi bia chim sawhsawh i um men

moor - (v.) tikam i hri i hren

moorings - (n.) lawng hrennak hri

moose - (n.) sazuk ngan phun

moot - (adj.) i al len khawh a simi, a i rua lo ti zumhnak a um deuhmi.

mop - (n.) la in sermi hmunphiah

mop - (v.) hmunphiah in phiah

moral - (adj.) ziaza ; ziaza ttha

moral - (n.) hmuhtonmi nih a kan cawnpiakmi

morale - (n.) lungthin chung raltthatnak , lungtthawnnak

moralist - (n.) phungning te i khua a sami , ziaza tthami

morality - (n.) ziaza tthatnak

morally - (adv.) ziaza ttha ningin

morals - (n.) ziaza

morass - (n.) cerh , zur

moratorium - (n.) leiba cham ding hnu deuh cham ding i upadi ning tein tuahpiakmi caan, cu a caan pekmi chung cu.

morbid - (adj.) a ngan a dam lomi thil , a ngan a dam lomi ruahnak lungthin

more - (adj.) 1. tam deuh, ngan deuh 2. a hlei; e.g. We need two more men = Minung pahnih a hlei kan herh; 3. a dang; e.g. You can get more information tomorrow = Thaizing ah tadin dang na hmuh khawh lai.

more - (n.) tam deuh; e.g. Give him some more = Tam deuh in pe rih.

more - (adv.) 1. deuh in; e.g. A plane travels more rapidly than a train = Vanlawng cu tlanglawng nakin khulrang deuhin a kal. 2. tthan; e.g. Tell me the story once more = Tuanbia cu voi khat in ka chim tthan. more or less = an si dih ngawt ko; e.g. Most people are more or less selfish = Mi tam bik cu mah zawn ruat an si dih ngawt ko.

moreover - (adv.) hlei ah; e.g. I didn't want to go fishing, moreover the weather was bad = Nga sio kal ka duh lo, cuhleiah nikhua a chia fawn.

mores - (n.) phunglam , phungphai

morning - (n.) zingka, zinglei; e.g. He leaves home early in the morning = Zingkate in inn in aa thawh.

morning star - (n.) deirel arfi

morocco - (n.) saphaw ttha phun, cauk phaw i a ttha ngainaimi, meheh phaw in sermi a si;  e.g. leather

moron - (n.) lungthin a tlamtling lomi

morose - (adj.) lungthin nuam lo ngaiin a ummi

morphia - (n.) bing

morphine - (n.) mitkuh si

morphology - (n.) biafang umtuning

morsel - (adj.) tlawmte, ka khat lawng

mortal - (adj.) thihpi awk tlak ; a thi dingmi a thi khomi

mortality - (n.) 1. a thi khomi sinak; 2. thih zat; e.g. The mortality rate is high = A thimi zat an tam ko.

mortally - (adv.) thi dingin.

mortar - (n.) 1. thung, thetse le ti cawh i senghnak ca i hmanmi; e.g. Bricks and mortar cohere = Tlakrawh le thung cu an i seng; 2. miakpi hmete; 3. sum suknak sum.

mortgage - (n.) tangka cawimi aamahkhannak ca thil; e.g. Tim holds a one thousand kyat mortgage on Jim's house = Tim nih Jim cu tangka thong khat a cawih i cu tangka cun inn a sak i cu tangka a cawimi cu Jim nih khan a inn khan aamah a khan.

mortification - (n.) takpum i hremnak

mortify - (v.) takpum i hrem, biaknak ruang i takpum i hrem

mortise, mortice - (n.) thing pehnak chung i thing pehmi a va luhnak awng khi mortise ti a si i a va lutmi bo khi tenon ti a si.

mortuary - (n.) mithi chiahnak inn

mosaic - (n.) thawi tehn bantukin lung in siseh thlalang in siseh tamh i tenh.

Moslem - (n., prop.) Muslim biaknak a zulmi.

mosque - (n.) Muslim biakinn

mosquito - (n.) fikfa; e.g. Mosquitoes, flies, gnats and bugs are insects = Fikfa, tho, ngalsang le hmaifa, rungrul, thohmuai, cngcel cu thakza an si; e.g. The swamp teemed with mosquitoes = Cerh cu fikfa in a khat.

moss - (n.) lung bangbuar

most - (n., adj.) 1. bik;  e.g. She is the most pretty girl = Amah cu aa dawh bikmi ngaknu a si. 2. tam bik, a dihlak nawn; e.g. Most schools open in June = Sianginn a tam bik cu June ah an hun. at most, at the most = a tam bik ah; e.g. At most five of us will go = A tam bik ah panga kan kal lai. make the most of = a tthatnak bik in hman; e.g. While we wait let us make the most of our time by reading = Kan hngan lioah, kan caan cu relnak ah kan hman ahcun a tthahnem bik lai.

mostly - (adv.) a tam bik cu; e.g. The students are mostly bright = Siangngakchia a tam bik cu an lung a var.

moth - (n.) pelep

mother - (n.) hringtu nu; e.g. This is my mother = Hihi ka nu a si; e.g. Mother rears her children = Ka nu nih a fale a kan zohkenh.

mother-in-law - (n.) nupi nu/pasal nu.

motif - (n.) pithlur , ruahnak biapi bik

motion - (n.) cawlcanghnak

motion picture - (n.) a cawlcangmi hmanthlak , baisikup

motionless - (adj.) a cawl cang lomi.

motivation - (n.) lungthawhternak

motive - (n.) thil a kan tuahtertu lungthin

motor - (n.) seh a mertertu enzin

motor - (adj.) seh in a kalmi leng, mawttaka

motorist - (n.) mawttaw in khual a tlawngmi

motto - (n.) hruaitu ca i hmanmi biatlang tawite; e.g. Think before you speak is a good motto = Na chim hlan ah ruat hmasa ti hi hruaitu ca i hmanmi biatlang ttha a si.

mould - (n.) British.  a timi thil thletnak ca i sermi kua; e.g. Melted lead is poured into the mould = Tittermi suan kha thletnak kua ah an toih.  U.S. mold.

mould - (v.) British.  mui ser; e.g. Children mould figures out of clay = Ngakchia nih nawncek in tunu tete an ser hna. U.S. mold. 

moult - (v.) British.  hmul thlongh; e.g. Birds and snakes moult = Vate nih an hmul an thlongh i rul nih an i zirh.  U.S. molt.

mound - (n.) bo , vawlei bo , lung ponmi bo

mount - (n.) tlang

mount - (v.) 1. She mounted the steps = Hlei ah a kai; 2. cit; e.g. He mounted the horse = A rang aa cit; 3. kai; e.g. Prices are mounting = Thil man a kai; 4. benh; e.g. The photograph was mounted on a white paper = Hmanthlak cu caku raang ah an benh.

mountable - (adj.) cit khawhmi

mountain - (n.) tlang; e.g. He lives on the far side of the mountain = Tlang, khattelei kam, a hlat deuhnak ah khan a um; e.g. The pass is between two mountains = Kot cu tlang pahnih karlak ah a si; e.g. A range of mountains = Artlang i a ummi tlang hna; (Adj.e.g. The mountain peaks are bleak = Tlangpar cu a kawng, an kik i thli nih a chem hna.

mountainous - (adj.) tlang tamnak a simi

mourn - (v.) ttah , ngaihchiatnak ttah in langhter , zunngaih

mourner - (n.) mithi ngai , mithi ttahtu

mournful - (adj.) ttah awk a simi , ngaihchiat awk a simi

mourning - (n.) ngaihchiatnak

mouse trap - (n.) zu rap

moustache - (n.) hmurhmul

mouth - (n.) 1, ka (kaa); e.g. She clapped her hand over her mouth = Khulrang tein a ka kha a kut in aa huh; 2. tiva rili i a vung luhnak ka.

mouthful - (n.) ka khat a simi , ka nih a tlum khawhmi zat

mouthpiece - (n.) 1. awdawh tumnak thil vun hmawmnak kate khi. 2. mi dang aiawh in bia a chimmi.

move - (v.) 1. tthial; 2. pem; e.g. He moved to another village = Khua dang ah aa tthial; 3. hninh; e.g. The wind moves the leaves = Thli nih thinghnah a hnih hna; 4. kal; e.g. The train moved slowly = Tlanglawng cu duhsah tein a kal; 5. lungtongh, i lunghmui; e.g. She was moved by his speech = A bia chimmi nih a lung a tongh ngai.

move - (n.) 1. thawnnak; e.g. He made a move toward the window = Thlalangawng leiah aa thawn. 2. tthialnak; The move to their new home was made yesterday = An inn thar i an i tthial cu nizan ah a si.

move - (n.) tthialnak

movement - (n.) 1. cawlcanghnak. 2. thil pakhat tinhmi ruang tuahmi; e.g. A movement was begun to stop smoking = Kuakzuk ngolnak ding caah cawlcanghnak an tuah.

movie - (n.) baisikup; e.g. I feel like going to the movies = Baisikup zoh ka duh bang a ti.

mow - (v.) tual i a khomi ram tan

Mr. - (prop., abbrev.) mister, Pu; e.g. Mr. Martin = Pu Martin;  e.g. Miss Smith, may I present Mr. Brown = Miss Smith, hi pa hi Mr. Brown a si.

Mrs. - (prop., abbrev.) misis (abbrev. Mistress); nupi; e.g. Mrs. Martin = Pi Martin.  Zoh Miss le Ms.

Ms. - (prop., abbrev.) miz; nupi le ngaknu;  e.g. Ms. Sara Martin

much - (adj.) tampi. too much = a tam tuk. very much = ngaingai.

much - (adv.) ngaingai; e.g. He is much taller than his sister = A far nakin a sang deuh ngaingai; e.g. I am very much obliged for your help = Na ka bawmhnak caah ka lung aa lawm ngaingai.

much - (n.) a tampi; e.g. Much of this story is not true = Hi tuanbia chung thil tampi cu a dih lomi a si.

mucus - (n.) khak (khaak).

mud - (n.) nawncek; e.g. I saw an imprint of a bear’s foot in the mud = Nawncek ah vom keneh ka hmuh; e.g. The mud on the road is a hazard to driving = Lam i nawncek cu mawttaw mongh ah thil ttihnung a si; e.g. The jeep was stuck in the mud = Jeep cu nawncek ah a tang.

muddle - (v.) cawhhnok; e.g. You have muddled the plan = Kan i tinhmi cu na cawhhnok dih; nawiter, ti nawiter.

muddy - (adj.) nawi , ti nawi

muffin - (n.) changreu thlum phun khat

muffle - (v.) tuam, lum seh ti in puan in tuam

muffler - (n.) hngawngngerh, mawttaka meikhu chuahnak aw a nemtertu bawm

mufti - (n.) thuam sawhsawh

mug - (n.) hrai

muggy - (adj.) nikhua a cin i a linh khi

mulberry - (n.) pu rungrul eimi thingkung

mulch - (v.) thinghnah le hmunhnawm thingkung hram i pon hnawh

mule - (n.) khacer; e.g. A mule is a pack animal = Khacer cu thilphor-tu i hmani saram a si.

muleteer - (n.) khacercawng

multifarious - (adj.) kap tampi , phun tampi , phun dangdang a simi

multiform - (n.) muisam tampi a ngeimi.

multilateral - (adj.) sir/hmai tampi a ngeimi

multiple - (adj.) tampi , a phunphun

multiplicand - (n.) nambar pakhat nih a dang pakhat a karhmi, 10 cu 5 in karh tikah karhmi nambar cu 10 a si, cucaah 'multiplicand' cu 10 kha a si.

multiplication - (n.) karhnak

multiplier - (n.) karhtu, 8 cu 5 in karh tikah 5 cu 'multiplier' a si.

multiply - (v.) karh

multitude - (n.) tampi , mibupi.

mumble - (v.) fiangfai lo i kam kau ser lo in biachim

mummify - (v.) mithi hlunhter

mumps - (n.) biangpawr zawtnak

mummy - (n.) hlanlio Iziptmi hna nih mithi an hlunhtermi hna khi 'mummies' n si; e.g. Egyptian mummies lasted more than 3000 years = Izipt mithi hlun hna cu kum 3000 leng an si.

munch - (v.) tam rupmap

mundane - (adj.) hi vawlei cung thil a simi

municipal - (adj.) khuachung uknak le zohkhenhnak lei he aa pehtlaimi

munition - (n.) hriamnam le kuan

mural - (adj.) vampang cungah tuahmi; e.g. A mural painting = Vampang cung i an suai colhmi hmanthlak

murder - (n.) lainawn;  e.g. Murder is a capital offense = Lainawn cu thih dan pek khawhmi sualnak a si; e.g. They charged him with murder = Lainawn an puh; e.g. The witness perjured himself by lying about what he saw on the night of the murder = Lai an i nawn zan i a hmuhmi kong ah khan, tehtepa nih lih a chim caah, amah le amah kha lihchim sual aa phaw.

murderer - (n.) lainawngtu

murderous - (adj.) lainawnnak/harnak nganpi chuahtertu thil

murk - (n.) muihnak

murky - (adj.) a mui i a nuam lo ngaimi

murmur - (n.) 1. tiva a luan hliahman thawng khi 2. phunzai; e.g. The children went to bed without a murmur = Ngakchia cu phunzai lo tein an it.

murmur - (v.) phunzai

muscle - (n.) tha; e.g. The muscle of his arm = A ban tha.

muscular - (adj.) a tha a tthawng ngaimi

muse - (v.) ruah , khuaruah

museum - (n.) thil hlun chiahnak inn

mushroom - (n.) pa , eimi pa

music - (n.) awdawh, miuzik; e.g. They danced to the accompaniment of music = Aw dawh an tummi zulh in an lam; e.g. He sang to the music = Awdawh tummi zulh in hla a sak.

musical - (adj.) awdawh he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. Musical instruments = Awdaw tumnak thilri

musician - (n.) hlasakthiam , awdawh tumthiam

musk melon - (n.) hmazil. Zong cantaloupe.

musket - (n.) tenglam meithal

musketeer - (n.) tenglam meithal hmangmi

muslin - (n.) la puan, a ttha ngaimi phun

Mussulman - (n., prop.) Muslim biaknak a zulmi.

must - (v.) 1. awk a si; e.g. Man must eat to live = Minungnih nunnak ah rawl a ei awk a si; 2. a si theu lai; e.g. I must have fallen asleep while you were out = Leng i na chuah karah khan ka rak i hngilh i a si theu lei; 3. cang theu lai; e.g. He must have arrived there by now = Atu cu khika ah a phan cang ttheu lai.

must - (n.) tuah hrimhrim awk a simi; e.g. It is a must that you should sleep six hours = Nazi paruk chung cu na ih hrimhrim awk a si.

mustache - (n.) hmurhmul

mustang - (n.) American rami a ummi ram rang phun khat.

mustard - (n.) antam

muster - (v.) hmunkhat i pumh

mutability - (n.) i thlen lengmang khawhnak

mutable - (adj.) aa thleng lengmang khomi

mutation - (n.) i thlen lengmangnak

mute - (n.) a holh kho lomi

mute - (v.) holh lo i um

mutilate - (v.) keh, kek, kuai, tan, kutke hna tan; e.g. The victims of the accident were mutilated, some lost arms, some lost legs = Eksident a tongmi hna kha an bultan dih, a cheu cu an kut a um lo, a cheu cu an ke a um lo.

mutilation - (n.) bultannak

mutineer - (n.) uktu cozah dohtu ralkap

mutiny - (n.) uktu cozah doh awkah ralkap nih ralthawh.

mutter - (v.) fiang setsai lo i ka ang set lo i chim

mutton - (n.) tuu sa; e.g. The cook seethes the mutton = Rawlchuang nih tuu sa a chuan.

mutual - (adj.) pahnih hnatla a simi , i hrawmtonhmi

mutuality - (n.) i hrawmhtonhnak

mutually - (adv.) pahnih ca ttha ding a simi, i hrawmtonh

muzzle - (n.) 1. saram i a kaa , a hnar le a khabe 2. rang/caw hmur temnak 3. meithal kua, a parlei kua khi

my - (pron.) keimah ta; e.g. My book = Keimah cauk

myriad - (adj.) tampi, a rel rel cawk lo

myrrh - (n.) mura zihmui

myrtle - (n.) martal thingkung

myself - (pron.) 1. keimah le kaimah; e.g. I cut myself with a knife = Keimah le keimah namte in kaa at; e.g. Yourself is you = Nangmah i mah cu nangmah na si.  Myself is I = Keimah i mah cu keimah ka si; 2. mi dang si lo in keimah nih; e.g. I myself will tell him = Keimah hrimhrim nih ka chimh lai; 3. mah sining tawn; e.g. I do not feel like myself today = Nihin cu ka sining tawn ka si loin kaa hngal.

mysterious - (adj.) a thuk ngaingaimi thil , hngalh awkah a har ngaingaimi

mystery - (n.) hngalh awk le fianter awkah a har ngaingaimi thil , thil thukmi

mystic - (adj.) mystic symbols = hawi dang nih hngalh khawh lomi hmelchunhnak

mystic - (n.) thlarau le khuavang chimhnak thawngin hawi theih lomi ka thei ti in aa ruatmi.

mystically - (adv.) a thuk ngaimi thil theih khawhnak thawngin

mysticism - (n.) ruahnak tel loin Pathian biatak cu thlarau chimhnak lawngin hngalh khawn a si ti zumhnak

mystification - (n.) khuaruahhar ruah awk hngal loin umnak

mystify - (v.) khuaruahhar ruah awk hngal loin um

myth - (n.) 1. thil hram thawhkehnak fianternak ca i tuanbia hlanpi in an rak hmanmi hna 2. phuah chommi tuanbia, a si taktak lomi, myth ti tikah hin pathian kong tuanbia deuh a si khun

mythical - (adj.) ruah sawhsawhmi, a si taktak lomi a hmaan taktak lomi

mythological - (adj.) tuanbia , pathian hna kong i an rak phuahmi tuanbia

mythology - (n.) tuanbia , pathian hna kong i an rak phuahmi tuanbia


N.B. - (v., abbrev.) Latin: nota bene = ttha tein i chingchiah.

nadir - (n.) a niamnak bik hmun, van a sannak bik hmun cu zenith a si, a niamnak bik hmun cu nadir a si; cu bantukin kan nunning zong i kan niamnak bik kha nadir a si; e.g. I am at the nadir of my hopes = Kaa ruahchanmi a niamnak bik hmun ah ka um.

nag - (v.) phunciar, phunzai

nail - (n.) 1. thirkenh; e.g. Drive the nail in the board = Thing ah thir kha khenh; e.g. Straighten the nail = Thir kha ding tuah; e.g. He drove in the nail with one stroke of the hammer = Sobul voi khat den in thir cu pil lakin a khenh ko; 2. tin.

nail - (v.) thir in khenh; (Adj.) e.g. The chair is pegged, instead of nailed = Thutdan cu rawfim an khenh, thir tu khenh loin.

naive - (adj.) a fim lomi , a nal lomi

naivete - (n.) thil a hngal tuk lomi

naked - (adj.) taklawng fangkarao i a ummi

nakedness - (n.) taklawng in umnak

name - (n.) min; e.g. His name was engraved on a stone = A min cu lung cungah an ker, an ttial; e.g. John F. Kennedy’s given name is John = John F. Kennedy min hmassa bik cu John a si; e.g. He mentioned your name = Na min a chim.

name - (v.) 1. minsak 2. minchim; e.g. Name what you want to buy = Cawk na duhmi kha an minchim tuah.

nameless - (adj.) min ngeilomi

namely - (adv.) minchimin; e.g. Only two pupils got 100 marks in the test, namely Tommy and Susie = Siangngakchia pahnih lawng nih camipuai ah mak 100 an hmuh, cu hna cu an min in chim in Tommy le Susie an si.

namesake - (n.) min aa khatmi, upatnak caah sakmi; e.g. My son Kenneth is the namesake of my friend Kenneth = Ka fapa Kenneth cu ka hawipa Kenneth upatnak in sakmi a si.

nap - (n.) caan tawite vun i hngilh

nap - (v.) can tawite vun i hngilh

napkin - (n.) rawl ei tik i kut hnawhnak pawvuah

narcotic - (n.) ritnak thil ttha lo; e.g. Opium is a narcotic = Bing cu ritnak thil a si.

narrate - (v.) chim , konglam chim

narration - (n.) konglam chimnak

narrative - (n.) kong, chimmi konglam

narrator - (n.) chimtu , konglam chimtu

narrow - (adj.) a bimi

narrowly - (adv.) bi ngaiin, a si kho lo dengmang in

narrowminded - (adj.) ruahnak a bimi

narrowness - (n.) bitnak.

nasal - (adj.) hnar he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. M and N are nasal sounds = M le N cu chim tikah hnar in aw cuhah a si.

nastiness - (n.) duhhlawptlai knak.

nastly - (adv.) duhhlawptlai loin

nasty - (adj.) fihnung a simi , duhhlawptlai lomi

nation - (n.) miphun; e.g. The new settlers forged a new nation = A um tharmi nih khan miphun thar an ser.

nationalism - (n.) phun tanhnak lungthin

nationality - (n.) miphun sinak

nationalize - (v.) pumpak thil cozah nih chuh i ngeih

nationally - (adv.) phunlei in ti ahcun

native - (n.) chuahkehnak ram/hmun i khua a simi; e.g. Peter was a native of Palestine = Peter cu Palestine ram mi a rak si.

native - (adj.) 1. chuahkehnak a simi; e.g. Chin State is my native land = Lairam cu ka chuahkehnak ram a si; 2. kokek in um; e.g. Pine trees are native to cold climate = Farthing cu a kihnak ah kokek in a um.

nativity - (n.) chuahnak, hrinnak, Bawi Jesuh hrinnak kha ti khummi a si; e.g. The Nativity ti ahcun Bawi Jesuh Hrinnak ti a si

natural - (adj.) cawnchommi si loin, ser chommile tuahchommi si loin, koketein ngeihmi le simi; e.g. It is natural for parents to love their children = Nu le pa nih fale dawt cu an kokek in an i ngeihmi a si.

naturalist - (n.) thil an kokek sining le umtuning a hngal ngaimi

naturalize - (v.) 1. thil pakhatkhat a sining i siter, asiloah, a pawngkam thil he aa tlak aa rem in umter; 2. ram dang mi rammi i canter; e.g. John was born in Brazil and naturalized in India = John cu Brazil ram ah a chuak i India ram ah India rammi canter a si.

naturally - (adv.) sining tein

nature - (n.) 1. vawlei le a cung le a chung i a ummi thil vialte. 2. vawlei cung a uktu sining; e.g. The weather is governed by nature = Khuati cu sining nih a uk. 3. sining; e.g. It is the nature of birds to fly = Vate cu zuan hi an sining a si. 4. minung a serchommi le thlenchommi a si lomi thil; e.g. She loved the wild flowers found in nature = A duhmi pangpar cu minung nih serchommi si loin amah khohdtein a khomi pangpar kkha an si. 5. minung sining; e.g. His father's nature was lovable = A pa cu a minung sining ah miduhnung a si.

naught - (n.) nothing, pakpalawng, zeihmanhlo

naughtily - (adv.) luakchuahnak, mineng ngaiin.

naughtiness - (n.) luakchuahnak, minennak.

naughty - (adj.) 1. luak a chuakmi, mi a nengmi, mi bia ngaih a duh lomi 2. mi huatthlala, mi mineng a simi; e.g. His naughty joke angered his friends = A capomi mineng a simi nih a hawile kha an thin a hunter hna.

nausea - (n.) luakchuahnak , chungnonak

nauseate - (v.) luakluak

nauseous - (adj.) a luak a chuahkmi

nautical - (adj.) tilawng lei thil a simi

nautical mile - (n.) rili cung khan , pe 6080

nautilus - (n.) rili cengkeuh phun khat

naval - (adj.) tilawng lei thil; e.g. Naval officer = Tilawng ralbawi

nave - (n.) biakinn chung tuangpi, pulpit hrawng.

navel - (n.) lai

navel cord - (n.) laihri.  Zong umbilical cord.

navigable - (adj.) tilawng in kal khawhnak a simi

navigate - (v.) tilawng kalter

navigation - (n.) tilawng kalternak

navigator - (n.) lawng kaltertu

navy - (n.) tilawng ralkap

navy blue - (adj.) a dummi zawng, tilawng ralkap nih an i hrukmi angki zawng

Neanderthal - (n., prop.) minung nih lung kha hriamhrei ah an rak hman lio chan thil a simi.

near - (adj.) aa naihmi; e.g. Peter is my near relation = Peter cu ka sahlawh a naimi a si.

near - (adv.) 1. naih, nai; e.g. Coming near we saw the flowers = Kan hei naih i pangpar kha kan hmuh hna. 2. a nai; e.g. Vacation is near = Sianginn khar a nai.

nearly - (adv.) dengmang; e.g. He nearly missed the train = Tlanglawng a tanh lo dengmang.

nearby - (adj., adv.) He lives nearby = Kan pawngah, kan naih ah a um.

nearness - (n.) naihnak , nainak

nearsighted - (adj.) lamnai lawng a hmu khomi; nearsighted ti cu a mit a tthat lo ca i lamhlapi a hmu kho lomi khi a si; short sighted ti cu khua fak piin hlapi tiang a ruat kho lomi khi a si, a mit cu a ttha ko nain.

neat - (adj.) thiangte le ningcangte i a ummi

neatly - (adv.) thiang hirhiar tein.

necessarily - (adv.) a herh ningin

necessary - (adj.) a herhmi

necessitate - (v.) herhter

necessity - (n.) herhmi thil

neck - (n.) hngawng; e.g. The stiff collar chafes my neck = Angki hngawng tthawng nih ka hngawnga ka lah;  e.g. My neck is stiff = Ka hngawng a thom.

necklace - (n.) thi

necktie - (n.) nekttai, hngawngoih; e.g. His suit and tie are a good match = A suit le a nektai an i tlak ngai.

necromancer - (n.) thitlawn a thiammi , khuavang , hmailei thil kong a chimtu

necromancy - (n.) thitlawnnak , hmailei kong chimnak

nectar - (n.) hliti, tizu, pangpar hliti; e.g. Flowers distill a sweet nectar = Pangpar nih tizu dor tete an chuah.

nectarine - (n.) metei phun khat

need - (v.) 1. herh; e.g. Babies need milk = Ngakchia nih hnuk an herh;  e.g. He needs our support = Kan bawmhnak a herh; e.g. The motorcar needs many parts = Mawttaka nih thil hmetete tampi a herh; e.g. I knew what he would need, so I made preparations beforehand = Zeidah a herh lai ti kha ka hngalh, cucaah timhtuahnak a hlankan in ka rak ser chung; 2. awk a si; e.g. We need to go today = Nihin cu kan kal awk a si.

need - (n.) 1. herhnak 2. herhmi thil 3. herh lio can

needle - (n.) 1. thim; e.g. She threaded a thread through the eye of the needle = Thim ka in la a thil; e.g. the point of a needle = thim par zum; 2. thim bantuk a simi far hnah.

needlework - (n.) thim in tuahmi rian , thiltthit , thiltamh , thilsuai

needs - (adv.) a herh hrimhrim; e.g. A soldier must needs go where duty calls = A herhnak hmun ah ralkap cu an kal hrimhrim awk a si ko.

needy - (adj.) a si a fakmi , herhbaunak a ngeimi

ne'er - (adv., contraction) never, bal lo; e.g. I never went to town = Khuapi ah ka kal bal lo.

nefarious - (adj.) a sual tuk hringhranmi , sual cerlet

negate - (v.) al , duh lo , a si lo i canter

negation - (n.) alnak , duh lonak

negative - (adj.) 1. duh lonak langhter 2. a si lo

negative - (n.) 1. a si lo/a si kho lo tiah chimnak 2. hmanthlak nekatif, hmanthlak a thlam lawng a langmi kkhi

negatively - (adv.) a si lo lei in

neglect - (v.) 1. daithlanh 2. khihramh lo

neglect - (n.) daithlan

neglectful - (adj.) daithlanhgmi

negligence - (n.) daithlannak , zohkhenh lonak

negligent - (adj.) midaithlang mi

negligible - (adj.) zeirel awk tlak a si lomi

negotiable - (adj.) i remhchun khawhmi

negotiate - (v.) remhchunnak ruah ti le khanti

negotiation - (n.) remhchunhnak khua khan tinak

negotiator - (n.) remtu , remnak khuakhangtu

Negro - (n., prop.) mi nak, Africa mi.  Zong Blacks le African-Americans.

neigh - (v.) rang onh

neighbor - (n.) U.S.  innpa chakthlang; e.g. My immediate neighbour (neighbor) = Ka innpa a ka naih bikmi; e.g. The great imperative is ‘Love your neighbor’ (neighbour) = Nawlbia ngan cu “Na innpa kha va daw” ti a si.

neighborhood - (n.) U.S.  Innpa chakthlang sinak, i naihnak.

neighboring - (adj.) U.S.  aa innpami.

neighborly - (adj.) U.S   aa dawhrimi, aa tlak ngamhmi si i dawhria ngaiin um.

neighbour - (n.) British.  innpa chakthlang; e.g. My immediate neighbour (neighbor) = Ka innpa a ka naih bikmi; e.g. The great imperative is ‘Love your neighbor’ (neighbour) = Nawlbia ngan cu “Na innpa kha va daw” ti a si.

neighbourhood - (n.) British.  innpa chakthlang sinak, i naihnak.

neighbouring - (adj.) British.  aa innpami.

neighbourly - (adj.) British.  aa dawhriami, aa tlak ngamhmi si i dawhria ngaiin um.

neither - (conj.) tuah lo lei lenghternak; e.g. He neither drinks nor smokes = Zu zong a ding lo, kuak zong a zu lo.

neither - (adj.) pahnih lak i pakhat zong kha a si lo; e.g. Neither statement is true = A chimmi kha an hmaan veve lo.

neither - (pron.) veve lo; e.g. Neither of the boys would go = Ngakchia pahnih hna lakah khan, ahohmanh nih kal a duh veve lo.

nemesis - (n.) teirul chamtu khuazingnu , teirul chamnak

neolithic - (adj.) hriamhrei ca i lung an hman chan a donghlei

neon - (n.) dah pakhat

neophyte - (n.) bu chung i a lut thar, tipil ing ka

nephew - (n.) unau fa asiloah far fa , pa a simi

nepotism - (n.) uknak nawl ngeimi hna nih an chungle lawng an zawn an ruah hna khi

Neptune - (n., prop.) arfi pakhat min.

nerve - (n.) thahri; e.g. optic nerve = mit thahri.

nerveless - (adj.) thazang ngei lomi

nervous - (adj.) thather derhdorh in a ummi

nervousness - (n.) thather derhdorh in umnak

nest - (n.) vate bu

nestling - (n.) va fanote

net - (n.) sur

net - (n.) hmanmi vialte zuh dih hnu i a tangmi

nether - (adj.) a niammi; e.g. Netherlands = Ramniam, Holland ram

nettle - (n.) thahau

network - (n.) sur bantukin aa takmi; e.g. A network of roads connected the towns and villages = Sur bantukin aa takmi lam hna nih khuapi le khuate kha an pehtlaih dih hna.

neuritis - (n.) thahri phin zawtnak

neurotic - (n.) thahri zawtnak in a zaw i thiinphang derhdorh in a ummi

neuter - (n.) nu zong a si lomi , pa zong a si lomi

neutral - (adj.) khattelei khattelei i a tanglomi

neutrality - (n.) khattelei khattelei i tanlonak

neutralize - (v.) khuazeilei khuazeilei hmanh i tang lo i tuah , si a si tikah a tthawnnak hloh kha a si

never - (adv.) bal lo; zong ne'er; e.g. He never came to church = Biakinn ah a ra bal lo; e.g. I never went to town = Khuapi ah ka kal bal lo.

nevermore - (adv.) bal tthan lo

nevertheless - (adv.) nain , sihmanhsehlaw

new - (adj.) thar, a tharmi; e.g. I notice that you are wearing a new hat = Luchin thar naa chinh ti kan hmuh; e.g. Mary is wearing her hair in a new way = Mary cu a sam pungsan thar in aa tom.

New Testament - (n., prop.) Biakam Thar, Khrihfami Cathiang.

newborn - (n., adj.) a chuaktharmi, ngakchia chuakthar

newcomer - (n.) a ra tharmi ; mipem

news - (n.) thawngpang, tadin; e.g. The news circulates rapidly = Thawngpang cu chikkhatte ah a lan lengmang; e.g. The dispatch contained important news = Kuatmi bia chungah khan thawngpang biapi a simi a um; e.g. Where did you pick up that news = Khuazei in dah cu thawng cu na theih?

newsboy - (n.) tadinca phawtu

newspaper - (n.) tadinca;  e.g. A newspaper keeps one in touch with the world = Tadinca nih vawlei cung thil umtuning a kan hngalhter peng; e.g. The newspaper heralded the coming of the troops = Ralkap an rat lai kha tadinca nih a rak thanh. e.g. Newsstand = Tadinca zuarnak hrawl.

newsreel - (n.) baisikup in chuahmi tadin

next - (adj.) a hun changtu

nib - (n.) a hmurpar; e.g. Fountain pen nib = Fountain pen hmurpar.

nibble - (v.) teuh; e.g. Rabbits nibble carrots = Saveh nih kazer an teuh.

nice - (adj.) a tthami

nicely - (adv.) ttha tein

nickle - (n.) suan bantuk a simi thil, US tangka dollar pakhat cheu kul cheu kha.

nickname - (n.) min ngaingai a si lomi , caponak i i kawhnak min

nicotine - (n.) khuhsi chung ummi , tikor

niece - (n.) ta fa , far fa , nu a simi

niggard - (n.) mikhiar

nigger - (n.) Negro, serhsatnak i hmanmi auhnak.  (vulgar word = bia thiang lo, bia dawh lo, offensive =a namtu lei si).

nigh - (adv.) dengmang, naite

night - (n.) zan; e.g. A calm night = A daimi zan; e.g. Dark night = A muimi zan; e.g. The fire burnt (burned) out the house during the night = Mei nih inn cu zan ah a kangh dih; (Adj.) e.g. He is on the night shift = Anih cu zan ttuan bu ah aa tel.

nightcap - (n.) zan ih tik i hmanmi luchin

nightfall - (n.) khuamuih

nightgown - (n.) ih lai i i hrukmi angki

nightingale - (n.) vate phun khat min

nightly - (adv.) zanfate in

nightmare - (n.) mangchia

nil - (n.) zeihmanh lo

nimble - (adj.) khulrang in a kal khomi, a zuan a zangmi

nimbly - (adv.) khulrang tein, rianrang tein

Nimrod - (n., prop.) sakahthiam, moksu.

nine - (num.) pakua

ninefold - (adv.) a let kua

nineteen - (num.) hleikua

nineteenth - (num.) hleikuanak

ninetieth - (num.) sawmkuanak

ninety - (num.) sawmkua

ninth - (num.) pakuanak

nip - (v.) ceh , cik

nipple - (n.) hnukpar bo

Nippon - (n., prop.) Japan.

nirvana - (n.) neihban , Buddhist pawl vancungkhua

niter - (n.) U.S.  zencing.

nitrate - (n.) naihtreih non

nitre - (n.) British.  zencing.

nitrogen - (n.) naitrozen dah

no - (adv.) 1. asilo; 2. hlei lo; e.g. She is no better today = Nihin aa hlei lo; 3. pakhat hmanh lo; e.g. He has no friends = Hawikom pakhat hmanh a ngei lo; 4. ti hlah, e.g. Eat rice no more = Facang buh ei ti hlah. no doubt = zumh lo awk zeihmanh um lo tein.

no man's land - (n.) ral an i tuk i ahohmanh nih an uk veve lomi an karlak i a ummi ram khi.

nob - (n.) lu

nobility - (n.) mihrinfa sinak , tuavon sinak

noble - (adj.) upat awk tlak , mi numsiang , ziaza ttha a simi

noble - (n.) mihrinfa, tuavon.

nobleness - (n.) upat awk tlak sinak, tthatnak

nobly - (adv.) ttha ngaiin, tuavon ngaiin

nobody - (pron.) zeihmanh a si lo mi

nocturnal - (adj.) zan thil a simi; e.g. The owl is a nocturnal bird = Chimbu cu zan va a si.

nocturnally - (adv.) zan fate in

nod - (n.) hnatlak langhternak lusuk

nod - (v.) 1. lu suk , hnatlaknak langhternak 2. ngut i lu suk

node - (n.) a cang, a hnah a chuahnak cang, fircang, rua cang.

Noel - (n., prop.) Christmas.

noise - (n.) thawng, thawri; e.g. Loud noise = A thawng a thangmi thawng

noisily - (adv.) thawngthang ngaiin , thawri ngei ngaiin

noisiness - (n.) hnacheh thawng

noisome - (adj.) rimchia a simi

nomad - (n.) hmun khat hnu hmun khat ah aa tthial lengmangmi

nomadic - (adj.) aa tthial lengmangmi

nominal - (adj.) min lawng a simi

nominally - (adv.) min menmen in

nominate - (v.) rian pakhatkhat tuantu ding ca i thim awk ca min pek

nomination - (n.) min peknak

nominee - (n.) min pekmi

non - (pref.) biafang thawknak i hmanni, a sullam cu 'lo' (a si lo) tinak a si.

non-commissioned - (n.) ralkap sen thum in sen khat tiang

non-conductor - (n.) a phittu , a luanter lotu

non-conformist - (n.) Khrihfabu kalning tawn duh lo i a thar in kal a duhmi pawl.

non-essential - (adj.) a herh lomi thil

non-partisan - (adj.) party pahkatkhat chung i aa tel lomi.

nonchalance - (n.) zeirello; e.g. Eleanor received the prize with pretended nonchalance = Eleanor nih laksawng a lakah khan zeirello bantukin aa umter.

nonchalant - (adj.) zeirello in a ummi

noncombatant - (n.) raltu lo pawl

noncommittal - (adj.) ee zong ti lo ai zong ti lomi ; ka vaa ruat rih lai a timi khi

none - (pron.) 1. ahohmanh lo; e.g. None would want to help him = Ahohmanh nih an bawm duh lo; 2. a si lo; e.g. None of her work is done = A rian pakhat hmanh aa ttuan lo.

nonplussed - (adj.) lung ar i um, zei chim awk hngal lo i um.

nonsence - (n.) pakpalawng , zeihmanh a si lomi

noodle - (n.) khohsuai

nook - (n.) kiken

noon - (n.) chunlai; e.g. It is past noon = Atu cu chun hnu a si.

noose - (n.) hrival

nor - (conj.) 'neither' he lawng hman khawh a si i lo tinak a si; e.g. He has neither father nor mother = Nu zong a ngei lo, pa zong a ngei lo.

norm - (n.) vantlang tahnak tlangrel

normal - (adj.) a si tawnmi

normal - (n.) si tawnnak.

normal school - (n.) sianginn saya cawnpiaknak sianginn.

normally - (adv.) a si tawn ningin

north - (n.) chaklei; e.g. The road trends to the north = Lam cu Chaklei ah a kal.

north-east - (n.) nichuah-chak

North Pole - (n., prop.) Cunglei Pol.

North Star - (n., prop.) Chaklei Arfi.

north-west - (n.) nitlak-chak

northern - (adj.) chaklei a simi; e.g. Northern part of Burma = Kawl ram chaklei kam.

northward - (adv.) chaklei kam; e.g. The garden is on the northward slope of the hill = Dum cu tlang pang chaklei kan ah khan a um.

northwestern - (adj.) nitlakchak a simi

Norwegian - (n., prop.) Norway mi.

nose - (n.) hnar; e.g. He came home with a bloody nose = Hnar thi chuak in inn ah a rak tin.

nose bleeding - (n.) hnar thichuah

nose-dive - (n.) biktaling in tlak

nostril - (n.) hnarkua

not - (adv.) lo, hlah; e.g. I do not like millet = Fatun ka duh lo; e.g. Do not lie = Lihchim hlah.

notable - (adj.) minthangmi , i chingchiah awk a tlakmi

notably - (adv.) i chingchiah awk tlak ngaiin

notary - (n.) rianttuannak biakamnak a tuahtu bawi, pakhatkhat nih chiatser in bia hmaan ka chim tiah a timi bia a ttialtu le a khumhtu bawi

notation - (n.) 1. chinchiahnak he ttialmi, tonic solfa notation = d r m f in a aw ttialmi khi. 2. philhlonak ding ca i cattialmi.

notch - (n.) khuar; e.g. He cut notches on a stick = Fung ahkhan khuarmi a tuah.

note - (v.) 1. ttha tein zoh. 2. philh lo awkah i ttial.

note - (n.) 1. philhlonak ding ah i ttialmi ca; 2. ttha tein i chingchiahmi; 3. cakuat tawite; 4. hla aw hmelchunhnak d r m f ti bantuk; 5. langhternak am; e.g. A note of triumph was in his voice = Teinak am a aw chungah khan a um.

noted - (adj.) minthangmi

noteworthy - (adj.) cinken awk a tlakmi

nothing - (n.) zeihmanhlo; e.g. There is nothing in an empty box = A lawngmi kuang chungah zeihmanh a um lo.

nothing - (adv.) naisai lo; e.g. This coat is nothing like your old coat = Hi angkileng hi cu na angkileng hlun tluk kha a si naisai lo.

notice - (v.) hmuh; e.g. I notice that you are wearing a new hat = Luchin thar naa chinh ti kan hmuh.

notice - (n.) 1. zoh; e.g. Bring the letter to his notice = Cakuat kha amah zoh awkah rak pu; 2. hngalhternak; e.g. The notice on the wall said "For Sale" = Vampang cung i hngalhternak, an tarmi nih, "Zuar Awk" tiah a ti; 3. ralrinnak pek; e.g. You must give a month's notice before you leave = Na kal hlanah thla khat ralrinnak na kan pek lai; serve notice = a hlankan in ralrinnak pek.

noticeable - (adj.) hngalh awk tlak a simi, hmuh khawh a simi, a lang khomi

noticeably - (adv.) lang ngaiin, hmuh khawh awkin

notification - (n.) theihter chungnak

notify - (v.) theihter

notion - (n.) 1. ruahning, hngalhning, ruahnak; e.g. I have no notion of what he means = A chimmi kha a sullam zei a si a ruah awk ka hngal lo; 2. zumhning; e.g. It was her notion that planes were safer than trains = Vanlawng kha tlanglawng nakin a him deuh ti cu amah zumhning a si.

notoriety - (n.) tthat lo lei minthannak

notorious - (adj.) tthat lo lei i a min a thangmi

notoriously - (adv.) tthat lo lei i min thang ngaiin

notwithstanding - (prep.) nain; e.g. Notwithstanding her homeliness, I love my daughter = Ka fanu cu aa dawh lo nain ka dawt ko.

nought - (n.) pakpalawng , zero , 0

noun - (n.) thil min; e.g. Words like John, table and cow are nouns = Biafang a simi John, cabuai le caw hna hi noun an si.

nourish - (v.) rawlpek , cawm

nourishment - (n.) rawl peknak , cawmnak

novel - (n.) ruahnak in phan chommi tuanbia

novel - (adj.) a tharmi.

novelist - (n.) ruahnak in tuanbia a phanchom thiammi

novelty - (n.) 1. thil thar.  2. tharnak.

November - (n., prop.) November thla.

novice - (n.) aa thawkka a simi , phungki a cawng liomi

now - (adv.) atu; e.g. I wonder what time it is now = Atu hi sumilam zeizat dik a hei si hnga; just now = atute ah khan; now and then / now and again = pah lengmang; e.g. I saw him now and then = Amah cu ka hmuh pah lengmang; nowadays = atu hrwng.

nowhere - (adv.) khuazeihmanh lo; e.g. This road leads nowhere = Hi lam cu khuazeihmanh a phan lo.

nowise - (adv.) azeitihmanh in; e.g. I will in nowise cast them away = Azeitihmanh in ka hlonh hna lai lo.

nozzle - (n.) hmurparte

nuclear - (adj.) a muru he aa pehtlaimi thil; e.g. Nuclear bomb = A muru in a puakmi bom.

nucleus - (n.) a muru

nude - (adj.) hnipuan loin

nudge - (v.) din nawn tein en , sawh

nugget - (n.) a tlang; e.g. Nugget of gold = Sui tlang

nuisance - (n.) hnahnok luri

null - (adj.) zeihmanh a si lomi. null and void = zeihmanh lo, pakpalawng.

nullification - (n.) pakpalawng i sernak , zeihmanh lo i tuahnak

nullify - (v.) pakpalawng i ser

nullity - (n.) zeihmanh lo sinak, pakpalawng sinak

numb - (adj.) hit , tak nih zeihmanh theih lo

number - (n.) nambar

numbness - (n.) hihnak

numeral - (n.) nambar; e.g. 1,2,3,9,100 are numbers = 1,2,3,9,100 cu nambar an si

numerator - (n.) nambar cheu i al cunglei i a ummi khi; e.g. In ½, 1 is the numerator =  ½  ah hin 1 hi nambar cheu cunglei um ci a si.

numerical - (adj.) nambar he aa pehtlaimi

numerically - (adv.) a nambar relnak in

numerous - (adj.) tampi

nun - (n.) phungkinu

nuncio - (n.) Pope aiawhtu.

nunnery - (n.) phungkinu pawl umnak inn, convent he aa khat.

nuptial - (adj.) i thirtumnak he aa pehtlaimi

nurse - (n.) 1. siinn sayama; e.g. The nurse administers the medicine = Sayama nih si a pek hna; e.g. She is attended by a nurse = Si sayama nih a zohkhenh; 2. ngakchia zuhkhenhtu

nurse - (v.) mizaw congh

nursery - (n.) 1. ngakchia zohkhenhnak inn 2. sianginn taktak kai a cu rih lomi ngakchia ca sianginn 3. thingkung thlaici erhnak hmun

nursery rhyme - (n.) nau hla

nurseryman - (n.) thingkung thlaici zuartu

nurture - (n.) cawmnak

nurture - (v.) cawm

nut - (n.) 1. thingthei 2. ttial a ngeimi thirkhenh ngan nawnmi le a lu; e.g. bolt and nut = Thirkhenh ngannawnmi bawl le a lu

nutcracker - (n.) thingthei khuainak

nutmeg - (n.) hangtamnak thingthei

nutrient - (adj.) thazang a pe khomi rawl

nutrition - (n.) rawl

nutritious - (adj.) rawl ttha a simi

nutshell - (n.) thingthei hawng; in a nutshell = tawite ttung tling tein chim, a tawi khawhnak bik in

nylon - (n.) nailon

nymph - (n.) tiva le rili le tupi chung hawi hna i a ummi khuazingnu; ngaknu mui dawh


O - (interj.) Aw

O.K. - (interj.) a ttha

O.K. - (adj.) a ttha

O.K. - (v.) ka hna a tla

oak - (n.) kuhthing

oar - (n.) lawng zahnak fung

oarsman - (n.) lawng zaptu

oasis - (n.) thetse ram i cerh

oat - (n.) oat, facang bantuk a simi rawl phun khat

oath - (n.) 1. chiatsernak. 2. biakamnak.

oatmeal - (n.) oat changvut.

obduracy - (n.) lunghahnak

obdurate - (adj.) a lung a hakmi, ai ngaichin duh lomi

obedience - (n.) nawlngaihnak

obedient - (adj.) nawl a ngaimi

obeisance - (n.) upatnak le hmaizahnak i kun

obelisk - (n.) lungphun sangpi

obese - (adj.) a thau tukmi

obesity - (n.) thau tuknak

obey - (v.) nawlngaih.

obituary - (adj.) mithimi kong chimnak a simi

object - (n.) 1. thil 2. tinhmi; e.g. His object in life is to become a doctor = Aa tinhmi cu sibawi si a si.

objective - (n.) tinhmi

oblate - (adj.) a par le a par a zum i a lai a puarmi

oblation - (n.) din awk thil Pathian sinah raithawinak i pekmi

obligate - (v.) upadi in tuah hrimhrim awk timi

obligation - (n.) tuah awk a simi rian, lawmhnak bia chim i batmi

obligatory - (adj.) tuah awk rian a simi

oblige - (v.) 1. tuah awk a simi; 2. lunglawmhnak langhter awk a si ti i kan lungchung i a um khi; e.g. I am very much obliged for your help = Na ka bawmhnak caah ka lung aa lawm ngaingai.

obliging - (adj.) mi dang bawmh a duhmi

oblique - (adj.) paisah, dinglo, a ngawi

obliquity - (n.) ziaza ding lo

obliterate - (v.) hnawh, hloh; e.g. The rain obliterated the footprints = Ruah nih neh kha a hloh din hna.

oblivion - (n.) lohnak , philhnak

oblivious - (adj.) philhmi , hngalh lomi

oblong - (adj.) a vang nakin a tung a sau deuhmi thil

obnoxious - (adj.) a ttha lo , aa dawh lo , huat awk tlak , duh lomi a simi

obscene - (adj.) thurhnawmmi , hni lo hna i hmanthlakmi

obscenity - (n.) thurhnawmhnak

obscure - (adj.) a fiang lomi

obscure - (v.) fian loter

obscurity - (n.) fian lonak

observance - (n.) zulhnak , nawlngaihnak , ulhnak

observation - (n.) zohnak , ngiatnak

observe - (v.) 1. zoh; e.g. He observed a man leaving by the back door = Inncar lei innka in mipa a chuah kha a zoh. 2. ulh; e.g. We observe Sunday = Zarhpini kan ulh. 3. zulh, nawl, ngaih; e.g. He observes the law = Upadi kha a zulh.

observer - (n.) bia ngaitu, komiti cung i bia ngaitu kutthlirnak nawl a ngei lomi

obsess - (v.) lungthin chung i a khah in khah , helhkam ngai

obsession - (n.) lungthin helhkamnak

obsolescent - (adj.) hman ti lomi, caan nih a kaltak cangmi

obsolete - (adj.) hman ti lomi , caan nih kal tak cangmi , a hlun cangmi

obstacle - (n.) dawntu

obstinacy - (n.) lunghahnak , mah ruahning lawng a hmaan i relnak

obstinate - (adj.) a lung a hakmi

obstruct - (v.) donh , kham

obstruction - (n.) donhnak , khamnak

obstructive - (adj.) dawntu a simi

obtain - (v.) hmuh, co, e.g. He obtained two kyats for two eggs = Arti pahnih caah fang hnih a hmuh.

obtainable - (adj.) hmuh khawhmi

obtrude - (v.) mah le mah siseh , mah ruahnak siseh , mi nih an duh lo na i heh ti i hmailei i fon

obtrusive - (adj.) hmaifon le langh aa cuhmi

obtuse - (adj.) a hriam lomi , a fim lomi , a lung a pingmi

obviate - (v.) hlawt , harnak le ttihnung kha thianh , tthial

obvious - (adj.) a fiang komi

occasion - (n.) 1. tan; e.g. I am very pleased that on this occasion I have the privilege to preach = Tutan cu phungchimnak caan ka hmuh caah kaa lawm. 2. caan; e.g. This is not an occasion for laughter = Atu hi nih caan a si lo. 3. herh; e.g. You have no occasion to be angry = Na thinhun a herh lo, na thin a hun awk a si lo. 4. thil a hun umtertu; e.g. The dog, which was the occasion of the quarrel, had run away = I siknak a umtertu uico kha a tli diam cang.

occasion - (v.) umter; e.g. The boy's behaviour (U.S. behavior) occasioned his parents much anxiety = Ngakchiapa a umtuzia nih khan a nu le a pa cu lungretheihnak a pek hna.

occasional - (adj.) a caan caan ah a simi

occasionally - (adv.) a caan caan tete ah.

Occident - (n., prop.) Nitlaklei ram, Europe le America.

occult - (n., adj.) vawlei cung thil umtuning zulh in hngalh khawh a si lomi thil; e.g. Astrology is an occult science = Arfi zoh thiamnak in thil um lai ding chim khawh timi fimnak hi occult fimnak cu a si.

occupancy - (n.) inn siseh vawlei siseh a ngeitu va si, a chung i a ummi va sinak

occupant - (n.) a chung i a va ummi; e.g. Who is the occupant of this house = Hi inn chung i a ummi hi ahodah a si?

occupation - (n.) 1. rian; e.g. What is your occupation  = Na rian zeidah a si? 2. a chung i umnak; e.g. Our occupation of this house began on May 1 = Hi inn chung i kan umnak cu May 1 khan aa thawk.

occupy - (v.) 1. a khat; e.g. The building occupies a large area = Inn nih hmun kaupi a khat (a huh); 2. lungchung i khah; e.g. Sports occupy Jim's thought = Lentecelh kha Jim lungchung ah a khat; 3. teinak in co; e.g. The enemies occupied our village = Ral nih kan khua an lak i an um hnawh; 4. um; e.g. We occupy the house = Inn ah kanmah kan um.

occur - (v.) a hung um; e.g. The accident occurred last Friday = Eksident cu kan hnu Cawnni nga ni ah khan a um;  e.g. It did not uccur to her to be afraid = Ttih awk a hngal lo.

occurrence - (n.) hung umnak; e.g. The occurrence of storm delayed our trip = Tothe a hung um caah kan khualtlawn kan tlainak a si.

ocean - (n.) rilipi; e.g. It was our first view of the ocean = Rilipi kan himuh hmasa bik a si; e.g ocean floor = rilipi tawne.

oceanic - (adj.) rilpi he aa pehtlaimi

o'clock - (n.) suimilam; e.g. It's now seven o'clock = Atu cu suimilam pasarih a si.

octagon - (n.) kap riat a ngeimi thil, kap riat a ngeimi inn.

octave - (n.) aw ; d r m f s l t d = do re mi fa so la ti do.

October - (n., prop.) Octobar thla.

octopus - (n.) rili chung saram phun khat, kut pariat a ngeimi.

ocular - (n.) mit he aa pehtlaimi thil

oculist - (n.) mit sibawi

odd - (adj.) 1. a pak; e.g. One, three and five are odd numbers = Pakhat, pathum le panga hi a pak an si; 2. hawi he aa lo lomi.

oddity - (n.) hawi he i lawh lonak

oddly - (adv.) hawi he i lo lo ngaiin

oddness - (n.) hawi he i lawh lonak

odds - (n.) i rem lonak; e.g. They are at odds with each other = Pakhat le pakhat an i rem lo; The odds are in his favour (U.S. favor) = Teinak ding caan ttha cu amah lei ah a um; odds and ends = a bultan tuktak.

ode - (n.) hla

odious - (adj.) rimchia , duh lo awk ngai a simi

odor - (n.) rim

oesophagus - (n.) kaa in pawpi tiang rawl kalnak lam. Zong esophagus.

of - (prep.) 1. in; e.g. The chair is made of wood = Thutdan cu thing in an ser. 2. ta; e.g. A friend of mine has gone home = Ka hawipa cu inn ah a tlung. 3. khat; e.g. He drinks two cups of coffee = Kawfi hrai hnih khat a din. 4. hla; e.g. Our house is within three miles of the city = Kan inn cu khuapi chungin khan thum a hla. 5. kong; e.g. He likes to tell of his trip = A khualtlawnnak kong chim a duh ngai. 6. chungmi, lakmi; e.g. This book is one of the books which he wrote = Hi cauk hi a ttialmi cauk hna chung i pakhat a si. 7. ngeih; e.g. He is a man of great strength = Thazang ngeimi pa a si.

off - (prep.) 1. a pial; e.g. The train is off the tracks = Tlanglawng cu a lam a pial. 2. rianttuannak in i dinh; e.g. The soldiers are off duty after three = Ralkap pawl cu zanlei pathum hnu cun an rian in an i din.

off - (adv.) 1. diam; e.g. The bird flew off = Vate kha a zuang diam. 2. phongh; e.g. Take the lid off = A chin kha phong. 3. phoih; e.g. Take your shoes off = Na kedan i phoih. 4. hmailei caan ah a si lai, a duh rih; e.g. Our holidays are still a month off = Kan sianginn khar cu thla khat a duh rih. 5. phih, hmih; e.g. He turned off the lights = Elektrik ceu kha a hmih hna. 6. rian ngolta; e.g. I took time off this afternoon, but I must work tomorrow = Nihin chunhnu cu ka rian ka ngolta, asinain thaizing cu ka ttuan hrimhrim lai. be off = e.g. I must be off now = Atu cu ka kal awk a si, ka kal cang lai. better off = umtu khusak lei i i nincan deuh. off and on = a zeimaw caan ah; e.g. He is not a regular visitor, but comes here off and on = A kan leng zungzal mi a si lo, a si nain a zeimaw caan ah a ra tawn. take off = 1. kal; e.g. I must take off for home = Inn ah ka kal lai;  2. van i zuan;  e.g. I watched the planes take off and land = Vanlawng an kai le an ttum kha ka zoh hna;  (N.) e.g. The take off will be at seven = Vanlawng zuan caan cu suimilam pasarih ah a si lai.

off - (adj.) 1. phoih; e.g. His coat was off = A angki aa phoih. 2. cat; e.g. The electricity is off = Elektrik dah a cat. 3. kal; e.g. They were off to the cinema = Baisikup zoh ah an kal.

off-shore - (adj.) rili kam in rili chunglei ah a hlatnak hmun

offend - (v.) thinhunter; e.g. His plain remarks sometimes offend people = A sining bak i a chimmi hna nih an thin a hunter tawn hna.

offender - (n.) thinhuntertu

offense - (n.) 1. tthat lonak, palhnak, sualnak, nawlbuarnak; e.g. He was arrested for the offense of stealing = Fir sualnak ruangah an tlaih; e.g. Murder is a capital offense = Lainawn cu thih dan pek khawhmi sualnak a si; 2. ral doh tik i a namtu lei si; e.g. The offense we launched on the enemy was well planned = Ral kan va namhna cu ttha tein timhmi a si.

offensive - (adj.) a namtu lei si

offer - (v.) 1. pek; e.g. He offered her his watch = A suimilam a thianh (pek). 2. bawmh duhnak , tuah duhnak langhter; e.g. The boy offered to carry my books =Ngakchiapa nih, na cauk kan putpiak lai, a ti. 3. a man ah pek; e.g. He offered ten kyats for the box = Thingkuang cu fang hra in kan cawk lai, a ti.

offer - (n.) pek laimi thil; e.g. We were pleased with his offer of help = Bawmhnak kan pek hna lai, a timi cu kan i lawm.

offering - (n.) pekmi thil , thawhlawm , Pathian sin pekmi thil

offertory - (adj.) pekchanhmi thil he aa pehtlaimi

offhand - (adv.) ruah ciammam loin; e.g. I do not know offhand, how many people live in this town = Hi khua chungah hin minung zeizat dah a um hna ti kha ruah ciammam lo cun ka hngal lo.

offhand - (adj.) ruat setsai loin chimmi; e.g. His was an offhand remark = A chimmi cu ruah setsai loin chimmi a si.

office - (n.) 1. zung; e.g. The office opens at nine = Zung cu pakua ah an hun (an thawk); e.g. The plans for the new building are in my office = Inn thar pungsan kha ka zung ah an um; 2. rian.

office boy - (n.) zung chung i hmanmi tlangval

officer - (n.) bawi

official - (adj.) zung he aa pehtlaimi thil; e.g. Official duty = Zung rian

official - (n.) nawl ngeitu.

officially - (adv.) zung he i pehtlai ngaiin

officiate - (v.) 1. rak ttuan chung 2. tlangbawi/biaknak lei rianttuantu nih biakinn chung hawi hna i an rian an ttuan khi

officious - (adj.) aa bawiter ngaimi ; mi dang thil kong i aa thlak tukmi

offset - (v.) rulh; e.g. The money he got partly offset his losses = Tangka a hmuhmi nih a sunghmi kha a cheuchum cu a rulh.

offshoot - (n.) thing tengnge

offspring - (n.) hrinsor tefa

often - (adv.) lengmang; e.g. I often see him at church = Biakinn ah ka hmuh lengmang. as often as not = atu le atu; e.g. During foggy weather the trains are late as often as not = Minmei a tam chel ahcun tlanglawng cu atu le atu tlai lengmang; more often than not = atu le atu.

oh - (interj.) aw! ah!

oil - (n.) 1. sathau; 2. datsi; 3. chiti; e.g. The price of oil has fallen = Chiti man a ttum cang.

oil - (v.) sathau thuh, si thuh i nalter; e.g. He oils the machine twice a day = Ni khat ah seh cu voi hnih si a thuh.

oily - (adj.) si thuh ca i a nalmi

old - (adj.) 1. a tarmi, a hlunmi; e.g. It is a courtesy to help an old person = Tar bawmh cu ziaza dawhte a si; 2. kum ... a si; e.g. He is twenty years old = Amah cu kum kul a si; 3. hlun; e.g. This house is very old = Hi inn cu a hlun ngaingai; 4. a tet cangmi; e.g. My shoes are old = Ka kedan cu an tet cang.

old - (n.) hlanlio chan; days of old = hlanlio chan.

old fashioned - (adj.) hlan thil tining le ruahning a duhmi

Old Testament - (n., prop.) Biakam Hlun.

old time - (adj.) hlanlio

old timer - (n.) rian pakhat saupi a ttuan i a hngalh zong a hngal ngai cangmi

oligarch - (n.) ram pakhat mibu hmete nih uknak chung i aa telmi

oligarchy - (n.) ram pakhat mibu hmete nih uknak

olive - (n.) oliv thingkung , oliv thei

olive branch - (n.) oliv thinghnah a lomi thinghnah tom, daihnak hmelchunhnak ca i ruahmi

Olympus - (n., prop.) Grik ram tlang pakhat min, an pathian Zeus umnak i an ruahmi; hi tlang min hin Olympic Games hi chuankhan a si.

omega - (n.) Grik cafang i a donghnak bik, Roman cafang i 'z' bantuk, cucaah donghnak ti sulla a ngei.

omelette - (n.) arti cawh dih hnu i reumi

omen - (n.) hmelchunhnak

ominous - (adj.) thil ttha lo tlung ding hmelchunhnak a simi; e.g. The clouds look ominous for our picnic = Khi khuadawm hna khi kan piknik rawktu si dawh an si ko.

omission - (n.) hrelhnak , telh lonak , thlaunak

omit - (v.) telh lo , thlau , hrelh

omnibus - (n.) baska , zapi citmi

omnibus - (n.) baska , zapi citmi

omnipotence - (n.) zeizong vialte a tuah khawhnak

omnipotent - (adj.) zeizong vialte a tuah khotu a simi

omnipresence - (n.) khuazei ka hmanh i um dihnak

omnipresent - (adj.) khuazei ka hmanh i a um dih khomi

omniscience - (n.) zeizong vialte hngalh dihnak

omniscient - (adj.) zeizong vialte hngal dihtu a simi

on - (prep.) 1. cungah; e.g. The book is on the table = Cauk cu cabuai cungah a um; (Lai holh ah hin on zong cung, above zong cung a si caah, on cu cungah a si, above cunglei a si). 2. ah; e.g. He goes to church on Sunday = Zarhpini ah biakinn ah a kal tawn. 3. The house is on fire = Inn a kang. on fire = a kang cuahmah lio; on foot = ke in kal /rat; on hand = naite ah, vun lak zau awk i um; on purpose = timh ciammam tein; on the fence = khauzeilei hmanh ah i tom lo i um; on the mend = tthat lam a tlai; on the spot = cu hmun bak ah cun. on time = tinhmi caan te ah; e.g. He came on time = Tinhmi can te ah a phan; on time = a caan hmaante ah; e.g. You must be here on time = A caan bak ah hika hi na phan hrimhrim lai;

on - (adv.) 1. aih, hruk; e.g. He puts on his shirt = A angki aa hruk; 2. ceuter; e.g. She turns the lights on = Elektrik mei kha a vun hmeh i a ceuter; on and on = lengmang; He talked on and on = A holh lengmang.

on - (adj.) a ttha ko, hman khawh a simi; e.g. The machine is on = Seh cu a ttha ko.

once - (adv.) 1. hlanah, hlan lio ah; e.g. I once attended that school = Khi sianginn ah khin hlanah ka rak kai bal. 2. voi khat; e.g. January 1 occurs once a year; e.g. January thla ni khat cu kum khat ah voi khat lawng a um. once upon a time = Hlanliopi ah hin.

once - (conj.) cangka in, hnu cun; e.g. Once you hear the song, you will never forget it = Hla cu voi khat na theih hnu cun, na philh ti lai lo.

once - (n.) voi khat; e.g. Once is enough = Voi khat cu a za ko. all at once = 1. a dihlak in voi khat ah; e.g. They came all at once = An dihlak in voi khat ah an ra; 2. khulrang tein; e.g. He turned off the lights and all at once it was dark = Mei kha a hmih i chikkhatte ah a mui dup ko. at once = Khulrang tein ra tuah.

one - (num.) pakhat, khat

one-sided - (adj.) kam khattelei lawng

oneness - (n.) pakhat sinak

oneself - (pron.) mah le mah; e.g. One must do the work oneself = Mah le mahte nih rian cu ttuan ding a si ko.

onion - (n.) khachuan sen , piat

onlooker - (n.) a cuanh in a cuantu

only - (adv.) lawnglawng; e.g. He brought only two books = Cauk pahnih lawnglawng a rak put.

only - (adj.) chunte; e.g. She is their only daughter = Amah cu an fanu ngeihchunte a si.

onrush - (n.) hmailei i a kal lulhmalhmi; e.g. He was caught in the onrush of the traffic = Hmailei i a kal lulhmalhmi mawttaw zasen lakah khan aa paih ve.

onset - (n.) 1. tuk , chim; e.g. The onset of the enemy took us by surprise = Ral nih an hung kan chim/tuk cu ruah lopi ah a si. 2. thawknak; e.g. The onset of this disease was gradual = Hi zawtnak cu duhsah tein a si.

onslaught - (n.) fak piin tuk chim; e.g. The Indians made an onslaught on the settlers' fort = Indianmi hna nih ram i a ummi an ralhau kha fak piin an tuk.

onward - (adv.) hmailei i kal; e.g. The soldiers marched onward = Ralkap cu hmailei ah an kal.

onward - (adj.) hmailei i a kalmi; onward march = hmailei i kalnak

onyx - (n.) oniks lungvar

ooze - (v.) duhsah tein chuah thliahmah, pawt; e.g. Blood oozes from his wound = A hma in thi a pawt thluahmah.

opal - (n.) lungvar phun khat a mui aa thleng khomi

opalescent - (adj.) opal lungvar bantukin a mui a thleng khomi

opaque - (adj.) ceunak nih a hleah khawh lomi , a thlam a lang lomi

open - (adj.) 1. aa hungmi; e.g. An open door = Aa hungmi innka. 2. hlangfang; e.g. He is open about his feelings = A lungchung kha hlangfang in a chim ko. 3. zapi hman khawh, zapi in i tel khawh; e.g. The meeting is open to all = Hi pumhnak cu ahohmanh i tel khawh a si. 4. a lawng; e.g. One post is open for an English teacher = Mirang holh cawnpiaktu ding saya caah rian pakhat a lawng.

open - (v.) 1. hun; e.g. Open the door = Innka kha hung tuah; 2. rian thawk; e.g. The new store will open today = Chawdawr thar kha nihin an hun (thawk) lai; 3. kau; e.g. Open your book = Na cauk kau tuah; 4. thawk; e.g. The meeting was opened with a prayer = Pumhnak cu thlacamnak in an thawk; 5. rianttuan hramthawk; e.g. The office opens at nine = Zung cu pakua ah an hun (an thawk); open fire = meithal in kah.

open air - (adj.) khualeng i tuahmi.

opener - (n.) thawl chin phonghnak.

openhanded - (adj.) mi nunsiang

openly - (adv.) hlangfang in , lenglang in

openminded - (adj.) midang ruahnak lak a duhmi

openness - (n.) thuhpheh lonak

opera - (n.) piahzat hla in an sakmi

operate - (v.) 1. rianttuan; e.g. The machine operated very well = Seh cu ttha tein rian a ttuan. 2. hman; e.g. She can operate a sewing machine = Thiltthitnak seh a hman khawh. 3. minung pum hlai; e.g. The doctor operated on my knee = Sibawipa nih ka khuk a ka hlai.

operation - (n.) rianttuannak, ral tuknak i kal i ral tuknak, pum hlainak

operator - (n.) ttuantu; e.g. Radio operator = Radio in bia a thanh i bia a latu.

ophthalmia - (n.) mit phin zawtnak

opiate - (n.) bing rit

opine - (v.) ruah; e.g. Mr. Jones opined that it will rain today = Mr. Jones nih nihin cu ruah a sur lai tiah a ruah.

opinion - (n.) ruahnak; e.g. Their opinions always clash = An ruahning aa ralchanh zungzal; e.g. Give me your opinion = Na ruahnak a chim.

opium - (n.) bing; e.g. Opium is a narcotic = Bing cu ritnak thil a si.

opponent - (n.) dohtu, aa paimi lak i pakhat paoh khi, aa domi; e.g. He could not win (beat) his opponent = Amah a dohtu (a paitu) kha a tei kho lo.

opportunity - (n.) caan remcaang, caan ttha, vantthat caan.

oppose - (v.) doh, al ralchanh. diametrically opposed = an i ralchanh bak ko.

opposite - (adj.) 1. aa ralchanhmi 2. hmaitonh i um; e.g. My house is opposite his house = Ka inn cu a inn he hmaitonh in an um. 3. rian aa tlukmi; e.g. The British Foreign Minister is in Washington discussing problems with his opposite number = British Ramdang Vuanzi cu Washington ah amah a rian he aa tlukmi America Ramdang Vuanzi he khuakhannak an ngei.

opposite - (prep.) hmaitonh; e.g. We sat opposite each other = Hmaitonh in kan thu.

opposite - (n.) aa ralchanhmi; e.g. Black and white are opposites = Nak le rang cu aa ralchanhmi bia an si.

oppress - (v.) hrem , namchih , tang i namchih

oppression - (n.) hremnak , tang i namchihnak

oppressive - (adj.) mi tang i a namchihtu a simi , in awk a harmi; e.g. Great heat is very oppressive = A linh tuk tikah i awk a har ko.

oppressor - (n.) hremtu , tang i mi a namchihtu

optic - (adj.) mit he aa pehtlaimi thil: e.g. Optic nerve = Mit thahri

optical - (adj.) mit he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. Optical instrument = Mit zohnak thilri

optician - (n.) mit thlalang a ser i a zuartu

optimism - (n.) a ttha lei in thil ruahning

optimist - (n.) zei thilpaoh a tthalei in a ruatmi

optimistic - (adj.) hnabeseinak a ngeimi

optimistically - (adv.) hnabeisei ngaiin

option - (n.) duhmi i thim khawhnak

optional - (adj.) duhmi i thimmi

or - (conj.) asiloah; e.g. Edith or Mary will go = Edith asiloah Mary a kal lai. either or = chingchang/asiloah; e.g. Either Edith or Mary will go = Edith asiloah Mary pakhat chingchang an kal lai.

oracle - (n.) Pathian nih a ka chimhmi bia a si ti in ruahmi bia

oracular - (adj.) Pathian nih a ka chimhmi bia a si ti in ruahmi.

oral - (adj.) ka in chimmi bia, ka in dinmi; e.g. oral medicine = ka in dinmi si.

orally - (adv.) ka chim in

orange - (n.) theithu; e.g. Orange grove = Theithu kung a bu in a ummi; e.g. Orange juice = Theithu hang; e.g. She squeezed oranges = Theithu kha an hang a sur hna.

oration - (n.) zapi hmai i biachim

orator - (n.) zapi hmai i biachim a thiammi

oratorial - (adj.) biachim lei he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. Oratorial contest = Biachim thiam i zuamnak

oratorio - (n.) biaknak lei hla , Baibal ca chung ummi kong he chuankhanmi

oratory - (n.) zapi hmai biachim thiamnak

orbit - (n.) a vel in kalnak lam; e.g. The moon travels in an orbit around the earth = Thlapacu vawlei vel in a kal.

orbit - (v.) vel; e.g. The moon orbits the earth = Thlapa nih vawlei a vel.

orchard - (n.) thingkung cinnak dum

orchestra - (n.) awdawh tummi pawl

orchestral - (adj.) awdawh tummi pawl nih an tuahmi

orchestrate - (v.) awdawh tum pawl nih awdawh tum

orchestration - (n.) awdawh tum pawl nih awdawh an tumnak

orchid - (n.) thingkep par , dingdi

ordain - (v.) fehter, rianttuannak i fehter; e.g. He is ordained to the Christian ministry = Khrihfa rianttuantu caah fehter a si.

ordeal - (n.) hlanliopi ah hin, mi pakhatkhat cu a sual tiah an lunghrinh tikah, a sual sual lo hngalhnak caah khan pum hneksak an tuah tawn i cu hneksaknak cu thchunhnak ah ti tlok chung i kut hnim hawi hna khi a si; a kut kha dorh lo tein a chuah khawh ahcun a sual lo, a sual lo caah khuazing nih a luatter ti in an ruah, cu bantuk pum hneksaknak cu ordeal timi cu a si; cucaah ziaza siseh in khawhnak siseh hneksaknak ca i inmi paoh cu ordeal a si; hneksaknak a fakmi, tinak a si

order - (n.) 1. nawlbia; 2. cah, thil cah; e.g. He gave the company an order for books = Kampani kha cauk a cah hna; 3. thil cahmi; e.g. Your order should reach you soon = Na thil cahmi nih tuan ah an phak lai; 4. aa chang aa changin chiah, a ningcang tein chiah; e.g. Put these things in order = Hi thil hi aa chang aa chang tein chia hna; 5. ningcang; e.g. Order of the service = Biaknak tuahnak i tuah dingmi a ningcang; in order =  ningcang tein um; out of order = ningcang loin um; in order that = nakhnga; e.g. I must earn money in order that I may go to college = Khawleih i ka kai khawh nakhnga, tangka ka hmuh a herh; in order to = khawh nakhnga; e.g. He lighted (lit) the candle in order to lighten the room = Innkhan cu a ceu khawh nakhnga phazawngdan a van; in short order = khulrang in; e.g. You will reach home in short order if you go by plane = Vanlawng in na kal ahcun khulrang in inn na phan lai.

order - (v.) 1. nawlpek 2. ka pe tiah hal; e.g. She ordered food from the shop = Rawl dawr in rawl a cah. 3. zulh, ning zulh; e.g. He ordered his life according to rules = A nunning kha phunglam ning zulh in a nung.

orderliness - (n.) ningcang tein umnak

orderly - (adj.) 1. ai repmi; e.g. An orderly person knows where he puts his things = Ai repmi hin cun khuazei ka ah dah ka thil kha ka chiah hna ti kha a hngalh. 2. ningcang tein a ummi.

ordinance - (n.) nawlbia

ordinarily - (adv.) a si tawnning in, a sawsawh in, a menmen in

ordinary - (adj.) zapi cio, sawshawh. ordinary man =  mi sawhsawh, zapi cio.

ordination - (n.) fehternak

ordnance - (n.) miakpi; raltuknak hriamnam paohpaoh

ordure - (n.) hmunthur , ek

ore - (n.) vawlei lak i aa cawhmi thirdar

organ - (n.) 1. kan pum chung i rianttuantu thil pakhatkhat; e.g. The heart is the organ that pumps blood = Kan lung hi thi kaltertu a si. 2. awdawh tumnak thingkuang bantuk.

organic - (adj.) pum chung rianttantu thil he aa pehtlaimi

organically - (adv.) pum chung rianttuantu thil he i pehtlaihning in

organism - (n.) organ tampi a bu in rianttuannak

organist - (n.) organ tumtu

organization - (n.) 1. mi tampi bu khat ah aa fon i rian a ttuanmi 2. rianttuan awk ca i a bu ah i ser

organize - (v.) 1. rianttuan tti ding i bu ser; 2. ningcang ngei i chiah; e.g. The book of poems is organized according to authors = Hi hla bu hi hla a phuahtu hna min zulh in a ningcang tein dot tete in ser a si.

organized - (adj.) aa repmi , thil a ningcang tein a chia zungzalmi

orgy - (n.) zu he sa he nu he nuam ngai i ningcang lo i um. orgy hi plural in hman deuh a si orgies; Grikmi le Rom mi nih a thli tein an khuazing biaknak ah an rak hmanmi phung a si; hi khuazing hna lakah hin Bacchus timi biaknak i an rak hmanmi a si khun i cu biaknak ah cun heh tiah an lam zu an ding, hla an sa, zu an ri i nu le pa kha ningcang zeihmanh um ti loin duhduh in an um, cucu orgies timi cu a si

orient - (n.) Meditaranean Rili (Mediterranean Sea) in nichuahlei rampaoh.

orient oneself - (v.) i theihhngalhnak tuah

oriental - (adj.) nichuahlei mi

orientalist - (n.) nichuahlei miphun holh le phung le lam a hngalmi

orientate - (v.) nichuahlei hoihter

orientation - (n.) theihhngalhnak pek , ngeihter

orifice - (n.) a ka , awngka

origin - (n.) hram , hramthawknak

original - (adj.) 1. a hmasa bik a simi 2. mi ta i lak chommi a si lomi 3. ttial hmasa bikmi ca

originality - (n.) mahte in thil thar tuah khawhnak

originally - (adv.) a hramthawk tein , hramthawk te ah cun

originate - (v.) aa thawk , a hram aa thawk

origination - (n.) a hram aa thawknak

originator - (n.) a hram a thawktu

oriole - (n.) thlizil va; e.g. The oriole builds a pendulous nest = Thlizil va nih aa thui lengmangmi bu a sak.

ornament - (n.) hlawn , ttamhnak

ornamental - (adj.) ttamhnak a simi thil

ornamentation - (n.) ttamhnak

ornate - (adj.) ttamh ngaimi thil

ornithologist - (n.) vate kong a hngal ngaimi

ornithology - (n.) vate kong cawnnak

orphan - (n.) ngakttah

orphanage - (n.) ngakttah cawmnak inn

orthodox - (n.) Khrifami a tam bik nih an zumh tawnmi zumhnak

orthodoxy - (n.) zumh tawnning zumhning in zumhnak

orthography - (n.) cafang komhning a hmaanmi

oscillate - (v.) i chawhpade, khattelei kam in khattelei kam ah i tthial lengmang

oscillation - (n.) i chawhpadenak

ossification - (n.) ruh i cannak , ruh bantukin a hakmi i cannak

ossify - (v.) ruh i can , ruh bantukin hah , a hakmi thil ah i can

ostensible - (adj.) helnnak ca i a leng i langhtermi; e.g. Mr. Brown's ostensible purpose was borrowing some sugar, but he really wanted to see the furniture = Mr. Brown nih a leng i a langhtermi cu thanthling cawi a si, asinain a duh taktakmi cu tthutdan cabuai ngai kha a si.

ostensibly - (adv.) leng lang ah cun , a leng langhnak ah cun

ostentation - (n.) aa langhternak.

ostentatious - (adj.) langh a duh ngaimi, mi nih ka hmu hna seh ti a duh ngaimi.

ostracize - (v.) kawpcheu, thawl, dawi

ostrich - (n.) ostrik va , va nganpi

other - (adj.) 1. a dang 2. a dang pakhat every other day = a ni lak a ni lak in the other day = kan hnulei te ah khan

other - (adv.) a dang in; e.g. I cannot do other than agree with you = Hnatlakpi loin kan um kho lo.

other - (pron.) pakhat le pakhat; e.g. Each blames the other = Pakhat le pakhat an i mawhchiat. each other = veve.

otherwise - (adv.) a dang in; e.g. He had no choice and could not do otherwise = Thim awk a ngei ti lo i a dangin zeihmanh a tuah kho lo;  e.g. He is slow but otherwise he is a good worker = A khul cu a nuar, asinain, a dangin ti ahcun rianttuantu ttha a si ko.

otherwise - (adj.) aa dang; e.g. I was there and knew that the facts were otherwise = Cuka ah cun ka rak um ve i thil a simi taktak kha a dang ti kha ka hngalh.

otter - (n.) saihrem

Ottoman - (n., prop.) Turki miphun.

ouch - (v.) paw hna vun bengh i a fai i "a!" ti khi

ought - (v.) awk a si; e.g. Children ought to obey their parents = Ngakchia nih an nu le an pa bia an ngaih awk a si.

ounce - (n.) pawng khat cheu hleiruk cheu khat, 1/16

our - (pron.) kanmah ta; e.g. We left our hoes in the hut = Kan tuhmui thlam chungah kan chiahtak hna.

ours - (pron.) kanmah ta; e.g. Their house is big, but ours is small = Annih inn cu a ngan, sihmanhsehlaw kannih inn cu a hme.

ourselves - (pron.) 1. kanmah caah; e.g. We bought ourselves a new car = Kanmah caah mawttawka thar kan i cawk. 2. kanmahte nih; e.g. We ourselves painted the house = Kanmahte nih inn cu si kan thuh.

oust - (v.) tthawl , chuah

out - (adv.) 1. chuahpi; e.g. Take the dog out = Ui kha hei chuahpi; 2. chunglei in lenglei ah; e.g. He looks out of the window = Thlalang awng in lenglei a zoh; 3. lengah a chuak cang; 4. kangh dih; e.g. The fire burnt (burned) out the house during the night = Mei nih inn cu zan ah a kangh dih; 5. a si lo leng tiang i hei fon; e.g. The shop sign extends out over the side walk = Chawdawr mintarnak thingphel cu a herh lo tiangin lam cung tiangin a fong; out of focus = a lai khen lo, a fiang lo; out of order = ningcang loin um; out of step = hawi kehlan he i ruan lo.

out - (adj.) 1. a um lo; e.g. Two students were out today because of illness = Nihin cu siangngakchia pahnih cu an zawt caah an um lo. 2. rian an ttuan lo; e.g. The lights are out = Mei an mit cang, ceunak an pe ti lo.

out-of-date - (adj.) tu chan he a tlak ti lomi

outbreak - (n.) hung chuahphut; e.g. an outbreak of cholera = ngaleu zawtnak hung chuahphut.

outburst - (n.) a kek phut

outcast - (n.) a leng i hlonhmi

outcome - (n.) a hung chuakmi thil

outdoors - (n.) lengah , innchung si loin lengah

outer - (adj.) lenglei deuh; e.g. Outer wall = Lenglei deuh vampang

outfit - (n.) 1. hriamnam thilri 2. thilthuam

outgoing - (adj.) aa phuakmi , a chuakmi; e.g. Outgoing teacher = A chuakmi saya

outlaw - (n.) upadi huhphenhnak tang i a um lomi

outlet - (n.) chuahnak awng

outline - (n.) 1. a tungtlang; e.g. In the dim light I could see only the outline of man's figure = Ceu huaphap ah cun mipa cu a pumrua tungtlang lawng ka hmuh khawh. 2. a tungtlang lawng rinmi; e.g. He drew an outline of the child's head = Ngakchia lu a tungtlang lawng a rin. 3. bia chim i a tlangpi a tlangpi lawng; e.g. He gave me an outline of his speech = A biachimmi a tlangpi a tlangpi a ka pek.

outline - (v.) a tlangpi in chim; e.g. He outlined his plans to his friends = Aa timhmi kha a tlangpi in a hawile a chimh hna.

outlook - (n.) mi nih thil kan hmuhning , kan ruahning le kan chuanhning cio

outpost - (n.) ralkap nih ral vennak i an va hmanmi hmun

outpour - (v.) bungh, thlet, toih

output - (n.) thilri sermi, chuahmi.

outrage - (n.) 1. a ttha lo hringhranmi thil; e.g. Many outrages were committed during the war = Ral lioah thil ttha lo tampi an tuah. 2. thinhung ngai a simi thil; e.g. It was an outrage for him to ignore their call for help = Kan bawm tuah ti i an auh i zei i a rak relpiak hna lo cu thinhung ngaingai a si.

outrage - (v.) thinhunter; e.g. They were outraged by his stealing = A fir nih an thin a phawh hna.

outrageous - (adj.) mi thinphawk a simi thil

outrageously - (adv.) mi thinphawk ngaiin

outrun - (v.) tlik i tei, tlik kanh

outset - (n.) a thawkterte ah

outshine - (v.) ceunak in tei , ceu deuh

outside - (n.) a lenglei

outside - (adv.) lengah; e.g. Go outside = Lengah chuak thah, prep a lenglei ah.

outside - (prep.) a lenglei ah; e.g. They stood outside the door = Innka lenglei ah an dir.

outside - (adj.) 1. a lenglei thil a simi; e.g. The outside doors have locks = Lenglei innka cu tawh an ngei dih. 2. lenglei thil; e.g. Outside influence = Lenglei in a rami lungthin laknak.

outsider - (n.) a lenglei mi

outskirts - (n.) pawngri , lo pawngri

outspoken - (adj.) lungchung ummi paoh a chimmi

outstanding - (adj.) 1. minthangmi, mi zapi hngalhmi, hawi hlei in thil a ti khomi; 2. leiba cham rih lomi; e.g. Outstanding debts = Leiba a tang rihmi.

outstretched - (adj.) kut samh

outward - (n.) a lenglei

outwardly - (adv.) a lenglei ah cun

outweigh - (v.) rih lei ah a tei , a rit deuh

outwit - (v.) a fimnak , fimnak in a tei

oval - (adj.) arti pungsan , a zawl

ovary - (n.) nu chung i ti a semnak

ovation - (n.) zapi nih conglawmh , thangtthatnak pek

oven - (n.) changreu rawhnak kua

over - (adv.) tthan; e.g. He had to do the work over = Rian kha a tuah tthan a hau. all over = a ningpi in; e.g. The work has to be done all over again = Rian cu a ningpi in tuah tthan a hau. over and over = tuah chih lengmang, nolh chih lengmang over and above = cu pin ah

over - (prep.) 1. cunglei ah; e.g. They have a light over the door = Innka cunglei ah ceu pakhat an chiah. 2. lonh in; e.g. The boy jumped over the wall = Vampang lonh in ngakchiapa cu a pet. over one's head = a thluak phak leng a si over all = khattelei deng in khattelei deng tiang, a dihjlakpi in

over- - (pref.) cafang thawknak i chapmi; look cu overlook ah a cang; see cu oversee ah a cang; overlook ti cu zoh lonh ti a si, oversee ti cu zohkhenh ti a si.

overboard - (adv.) lawng in ti chung i tlak; e.g. He fell overboard = Lawng in ti chungah a tla.

overcast - (adj.) minmei nih zelh

overcast - (n.) minmei aa zelmi

overcoat - (n.) angkileng fual.

overcome - (v.) tei

overconfident - (adj.) i zumh tuk

overcrowd - (v.) minung an khat tuk

overdo - (v.) tam tuk in tuah

overdose - (n.) si tam tuk in pekmi

overdraft - (n.) mah nih phaisa khonmi nak tam deuh in phaisa chuahnak

overdraw - (v.) mah nih khonmi tangka nakin tam deuh chuah, bank in.

overdress - (v.) i thuamh tuk

overdue - (adj.) cham lo, rulh lo, a caante i cham lo, a caan luan

overestimate - (v.) tam tuk in tuak

overestimate - (n.) tam tuk in tuaknak

overflow - (v.) ti nih luan hnawh i khuh dih , ti nih ti tlang in liam

overflowing - (adj.) a khah in khatmi, a liam in a liammi.

overgrow - (v.) tthan deuh

overhang - (v.) i thlai, i zaar

overhaul - (v.) enzin ttha tein remh cikcek tthan

overhead - (adv.) lu cunglei i a ummi; e.g. The stars are overhead = Arfi cu kan lu cunglei ah an um.

overhead - (adj.) tangka hmannak tlangpi: inn hlan man, mei man, ei man, ngunkhuai, inn remhnak, rianttuantu hna lahkhah, thawngthanh man, sermi thil sernak ca i hman lomi paohpaoh

overhear - (v.) theih awk a si lomi theih

overjoy - (v.) i lawmh tuk

overland - (adj., adv.) tlanglam in

overlap - (v.) i sulhthonh

overlay - (v.) khuh, a cungin khuh

overleaf - (adv.) khattelei hmai

overload - (v.) tam tuk in chil chonh

overlook - (v.) 1. hrelh sual 2. hmu loin i umter

overnight - (n.) zan khat

overpay - (v.) tam tuk in pek

overpower - (v.) tei

overprint - (v.) canam tikah a cung i nam chih

override - (v.) mi dang tuahmi namhnulpiak , hlawtpiak

overrule - (v.) nawl ngeihnak niam deuh nih tuahmi nawl ngeihnak sang deuh ngeimi nih an rawk tawnmi

overrun - (v.) cil; e.g. He was overrun by a car = Matttawka nih a cil.

overseas - (n.) rili leng ram dang

oversee - (v.) zohkhenh

overshadow - (v.) phenh

overshoot - (v.) kah lonh

oversight - (n.) hmuh lo sual

overspread - (v.) phah chih, a cung i vorh

overstep - (v.) kar (kaar)

overt - (adj.) langhngan in tuahmi

overtake - (v.) phak

overthrow - (v.) tei

overtime - (n.) a hlei in ttuanmi caan

overturn - (v.) let; e.g. The boat overturned = Tilawng aa let.

overweight - (n.) a rit tuk

overwhelm - (v.) tei; e.g. She was overwhelmed with grief = Ngiahchiatnak nih a tei.

overwork - (v.) tam tuk in rianttuan.

overwrought - (adj.) i hnek tukmi, tam tuk i ttamhmi

ovum - (n.) nu thlaici

owe - (v.) 1. bat; e.g. He owes me ten kyats = Tangka phar hra a ka bat. 2. ruangah; e.g. He owes his life to the doctor's skill = Sibawi a thiam ruangah a nung. owing to = cucaah, cu ruangah; e.g. Owing to illness he cannot come to school = Zawt ruangah sianginn ah a ra kho lo.

owl - (n.) chimbu; e.g. The owl is a nocturnal bird = Chimbu cu zan va a si.

owlet - (n.) chimbu fa.

own - (v.) hold one's own: harnak tei khawh, mah dir hmun hum khawh; e.g. The soldiers held their own against the attacks = An ral nih an tuk len hna nain ralkap nih kha na umnak kha an hum peng khawh ko.

own - (v.) ngeih; e.g. He owns a house = Inn pakhat a ngei; e.g. We own the house and the land pertaining to it = Inn le inn ngehmi a simi a vawlei kha kanmah ta an si.

own - (adj.) mah ta; e.g. Is that his own horse = Khikhi amah rang a si maw?

owner - (n.) ngeitu.

ox - (n.) cawtum

oxen - (n.) cawtum hna

Oxonian - (adj., prop.) Oxford University in a awngmi.

oxygen - (n.) oksizen dah

oxyidize - (v.) oksizen dah he i cawh; kangh le cirek kai hi 'oxidize' a si.

oyster - (n.) cengkeuh , cicua , cengkol

oz. - (n., abbrev.) ounce pakhat, pawng khat cheu hleiruk cheu khat.


P.M. - (n., abbrev.) chunhnu

P.S. post script - (n., abbrev.) cakuat ttial dih hnu i bia tawite vun chapmi khi

pa - (n.) pa, hringtu pa

pace - (n.) 1. kar khat; e.g. He walked three paces forward = Hmailei ah kar thum a kal; 2. khul; e.g. He walked at a slow pace = Khul nuar in a kal.

pace - (v.) i chawh lengmang; e.g. He paced the floor waiting for his friend = A hawipa a hngah lioah tuang ah aa chawk lengmang.

pacific - (adj.) daihnak a duhmi

pacifier - (n.) daihtertu

pacifism - (n.) raldoh hi a zei ti lei hmanh in a ttha lo tiin a zummi pawl zumhning

pacifist - (n.) raldoh a ttha lo tiah a tangmi

pack - (v.) 1. sanh; e.g. He packed his clothes in a suitcase = A thilthuam cu a suitcase chungah a sanh hna; 2. a khat in sanh, a khah in khah; e.g. The church was packed on Christmas day = Khrismas ni ah biakinn cu a khah in an khat.

pack - (n.) 1. ruksai; e.g. He had the pots in his pack = A ruksai ah um cu a sanh hna. 2. bu; e.g. A pack of foxes = cenghngia run khat.

pack - (adj.) thil phortu i hmanmi; e.g. A mule is a pack animal = Khacer cu thilphor-tu i hmani saram a si.

pack up - (v.) timh, fun, zual; e.g. You may pack up your bed-roll = Na ihphah i zual tuah.

package - (n.) thilfun; e.g. The knots on your package must be tied tightly = Na thilfun temnak hri beo cu fek tein na beo hna lai.

package - (v.) fun; e.g. They packaged their lunch in small packages = An chuncaw kha fun hme tete in an fun hna.

packer - (n.) thil funtu, thil sanhtu, thil timtu

packet - (n.) thilfun

pact - (n.) ram pakhat le pakhat karlak i hnatlaknak tuahmi

pad - (n.) 1. chantling bantuk in nem tein tuahmi; e.g. There is a pad on the seat of the chair = Thutdan a tthutnak ah a nemmite an chiah. 2. cakuat ttialnak catlap pawl, khatlei kam lawng an senghchihmi hna. writing pad = cakuat ttialmak catlap.

pad - (v.) lachon i maw puan in maw nem seh ti i benh; e.g. The inside of the jewel box was padded with cotton = Lungvar chiahnak kuangte a chunglei kha lachon in a benh.

padding - (n.) benhnak i hmanmi thil nem

paddle - (v.) 1. vokkuanglawng zah; e.g. He paddled down the river = Va sum lei ah a lawng cu a zah; 2. hngerhlei in tuk; e.g. He paddled the bad child = Ngakchia tthalo cu hngerhlei in a tuk.

paddle - (n.) vokkuang lawng zahnak fung

paddock - (n.) 1. rang tlik zuamtermi pawl an hneksak hmasatnak hna hmun, hmun hmemi 2. rang tlik an zuamter hna hlan i an pumh chungnak hna hmun, ram a tamnak hmun

paddy - (n.) facang hum

padlock - (n.) tawhinn

padre - (n.) pastor

paen - (n.) thangtthatnak le lawmhnak hla

pagan - (n.) Khrihfa a si lomi.

paganism - (n.) Khrihfa biaknak a si lomi

page - (n.) 1. cahmai; e.g. One page = Cahmai pakhat;  e.g. He can read fifty pages in one sitting = Voi khat tthut ah cahmai sawm nga a rel khawh; 2. capetu nganchiapa, sinum.

page - (v.) min in auh i kawl; e.g. A messenger paged a doctor in the hotel dining room = Hotel i rawl cinak khan ah lamkaltu pa nih, sibawipa a um maw, tiah a au i a kawl.

pageant - (n.) thuam dawh ngaiin i thuamh i a bupi in zoh nuam an tuahmi

pagoda - (n.) pura

paid - (v.) past tense and past participle of pay, phaisa pek, lahkhah pek; e.g. Do you have a paper to show that you have paid the tax = Ngunkhuai na pek cang nak ttialmi ca na ngei maw?

pail - (n.) baltin;  e.g. Fill the pail with water = Baltin kha ti rawn.

pain - (n.) 1. fahnak; e.g. Some medicines are given to deaden the pain = A fahnak daihter awkah si an pek. 2. lungfahnak. take pains: zuam, teimak tein tuah; e.g. He took pains to please his teacher = A sayapa lunglawmhter awkah fak piin aa zuam.

pain - (v.) fahter; e.g. Does your wound pain you = Na hma nih an fahter maw?

painful - (adj.) a fakmi; e.g. The wound festered and became painful = Hma cu hnai a khuar i a fak.

painfully - (adv.) fak ti ngaiin.

painstaking - (adj.) ralring tein , felfai tein , ttuanmi rian

paint - (n.) tinbawsi

paint - (v.) 1. tinbawsi thuh; e.g. The wood was painted to imitate marble = Thing cu lungrang lo dingin si an thuh. 2. hmanthlak tinbawsi in suai.

painter - (n.) hmanthlak suaitu

painting - (n.) hmanthlak suaimi; e.g. a Mural painting = Vampang cung i an suai colhmi hmanthlak.

pair - (n.) tuah khat , khuah khat , nu le va tuah khat

pair off - (v.) a tuah a tuah in an i tthen

pajamas - (n.) zan ihnak tawhrolh le angki

pal - (n.) hawikom

palace - (n.) sinangpahrang inn , uktu bawi inn , inn ttha inn ngan inn nuam

palatable - (adj.) a thawmi

palate - (n.) cunglei dang

palatial - (adj.) siangpahrang inn bantuk a simi

pale - (adj.) a dang; e.g. The face of the sick man is pale = A zaw mipa hmai cu a dang.

pale - (n.) ramri; e.g. They are outside the pale of civilization = Annih cu fimnak ramri lengah an um.

paleness - (n.) hmai danghnak

palisade - (n.) tung a par a zummi

pall - (n.) ruakkuang khuhnak puan nak.

pallbearer - (n.) ruakkuang putu

palm - (n.) 1. zapei 2. ungkung

Palm Sunday - (n., prop.) Bawipa Thawhtthan Zarhpi hlan Zarhpi Ni

palmist - (n.) kutttial zohthiam.

palmy - (adj.) 1. ungkung tampi umnak a simi; 2. neihnun lio caan a simi; e.g. In my palmy days = Ka rak neihnun lioah khan.

palpable - (adj.) khulrangte in hmuh theih khawhmi , tongh in theih khawhmi

palpitate - (v.) lungtur in tur

palpitation - (n.) lungtur , i hninh

palsy - (n.) zen zawtnak

palter - (v.) hlen deh, lihchim, sullam pahnih ngei i chim.

pamphlet - (n.) cauk pantete a phaw a ngei setsai lomi

pamphleteer - pamflet tuahtu.

pan - (v.) ti lak i sui an kawl i lung lekep an tawl khi; e.g. They are panning for gold in the creek = Tivate ah sui kawl in lung tekep an tawl an rilh.

pan - (n.) uhkang , thirhum

panacea - (n.) zawtnak vialte damnak si

panama - (n.) tlah luchin

pancake - (n.) changreu tlap pan tete a thlummi

pancreas - (n.) pawpi pawng i a ummi rawl rialnak ti a chuahtertu

pander - (n.) hlawhhlangnu a kawh piaktu

pander - (v.) hlawhhlang nu auh

pane - (n.) thlalang tlap; e.g. Window pane = Thlalang awng i hmanmi thlalang tlap

panel - (n.) 1. thing phel pakhatkhat i dawh seh tiah thing dang in a tlang an kawmmi 2. vanlawng ah siseh mawttaka ah siseh thil hmuhsaknak an chiahmi 3. bia pakhatkhat siseh thil pakhatkhat siseh ceihtu dingah an thimmi hna bu

pang - (n.) fahnak

panic - (n.) lau , thlakawkbar

panicky - (adj.) lau awk a simi , thlakawkbar a simi

panicstricken - (adj.) launak in a khatmi minung hna

panoplied - (adj.) ralthuam in aa thuammi.

panorama - (n.) voi khat khua cuanh in ram kaupi hmuh khawhmi, zeihmanh nih donh loin a langmi ; cu a langmi cu aa thleng lengmangmi a si kho; e.g. The panorama of London life = London khua chung umtuning a langhning aa thleng lengmangmi.

pant - (v.) thaw ha lengmang in chuah , uico thaw chuah in chuah

pantheism - (n.) zeizong vialte hi pathian a si dih ti in zumhning

panther - (n.) keite

pantry - (n.) umkheng chiahnak khan

pants - (n.) tawhrolh

papa - (n.) ka pa

papacy - (n.) pop uknak

papal - (adj.) pop he aa pehtlaimi

paper - (n.) 1. caku; e.g. He folds the paper = Caku a bil;  e.g. Lap this edge of the paper over that = Caku hilei tlang hi khilei tlang cungah khin bil; e.g. You have littered the room with papers = Innkhan chungah caku na thek dih; e.g. A sheet of paper = Ca tlap khat; e.g. A strip of paper = Caku sau nawn in thlehmi; 2. tadinca; 3. ttialmi ca; e.g. Do you have a paper to show that you have paid the tax = Ngunkhuai na pek cang nak ttialmi ca na ngei maw?

paper - (adj.) caku in sermi; e.g. Paper flower = Caku pangpar

paperback - (n.) caku in a phaw an sermi cauk

paperboy - (n.) tadinca phawtu ngakchia

papermoney - (n.) tangka ca

papist - (n.) Roman Katholik a simi

papyrus - (n.) paper ti biafang hi payprus in a rami a si; rua kung bantuk a si i an tham i a tlah kha an tah i cu cungah cun ca an rak ttial.

par - (n.) i thluknak; e.g. The gains and losses are about on par = Miaknak le sunghnak kha aa tluk fang an si;  e.g. Tom is on par with Andrew in intelligence = Tom cu fimnak ah Andrew he aa tluk an si.

par excellence - (n.) a cungnung bik; a ttha bik

parable - (n.) tahchunhnak

parachute - (n.) parasut

parade - (n.) 1. a bupi in kal 2. ralkap cer; e.g. The parade passed down the street = Ralkap aa cermi kha thlanglei ah an vung kal duahmah.

paradise - (n.) 1. vancung khua , pialral 2. nuamhnak hmun

paradox - (n.) amah le amah aa almi bia

paradoxical - (adj.) aa almi , aa kalhmi

paraffin - (n.) zinan rang, American pawl nih kerosene an ti.

paragon - (n.) zohchun awk tlak in a tthami

paragraph - (n.) catlang bu

parakeet - (n.) vanzuang hmemi phun , ritte bantuk

parallel - (adj.) 1. catlang rin a ding vevemi a thluanchuak in a kauhlei aa khatmi; 2. artlang in a kalmi hna; e.g. These two lines are parallel = Hi catlang pahnih hi parallel an si; 3. aa lomi; e.g. They have parallel ideas about what to do = Zeidah tuah awk timi ah khan an ruahnak aa khat.

parallel - (n.) pakhat le pahkat aa khatmi; e.g. His experiences are parallels to mine = A hmuhtonmi le ka hmuhtonmi an i khat.

parallelism - (n.) i lawhnak, artlang in umnak

paralyse - (v.) British. a zeng, cawlcang kho loin um.

paralysis - (n.) zennak; e.g. He got a stroke of paralysis = Zen zawtnak ruah lopi ah a cungah a tlung ko.

paralytic - (n.) a zengmi

paralyze - U.S.  a zeng, cawlcang kho loin um.

paramount - (adj.) biapi bik a simi

paranoia - (n.) hruhnak phun khat , vawlei cungah hin keimah hi a ngan bik ka si i keimah hi rawi an ka timh zungzal tiin ruahnak a ngeimi

parapet - (n.) ral i tuknak i phenhnak vawlei pawng vampang bantuk

paraphernalia - (n.) 1. thil nekcok 2. pumpak thilri 3. thilri; e.g. Camp paraphernalia = Ramlak riahnak i hmanmi thilri

paraphrase - (v.) a sullam bia dangin chim

paraphrase - (n.) a sullam biadang in chimmi

parasite - (n.) mi dang thilri i rinh in a nungmi; e.g. Mistletoe is a parasite on oak trees = Tektekbawm cu kuhthing cungah hawi rinh in a nungmi a si.

parasitic - (adj.) hawi thil i rinhin a numgni

parasol - (n.) nithawng phun khat

paratroop - (n.) parasut in an thlakmi ralkap

parcel - (n.) parsel thilfun

parcel out - (v.) cheu

parch - (adj.) 1. a romi , a carmi; e.g. Parched land = A rocarmi vawlei; 2. tihal; e.g. I am parched with heat = Khualin nih ka ti ka hal her.

parchment - (n.) cattialnak ca i an rak hmanmi saphaw

pardon - (n.) ngaihthiamnak

pardon - (v.) 1. ngaihthiam 2. dantatnak in luatter

pardonable - (adj.) ngaihthiam khawhmi

pardoner - (n.) ngaithiamtu

pare - (v.) met; e.g. He pared an apple = Epal a met.

parent - (n.) hringtu nu/pa; e.g. She cherished the memory of her parents = A nu le a pa a lung chung in a hngalh peng hna; e.g. The child is in the hands of the parents = Ngakchia cu a nu le a pa zohkhenhnak tangah a um; e.g. He lives with his parents = A nu le a pa sinah a um; e.g. It is natural for parents to love their children = Nu le pa nih fale dawt cu an kokek in an i ngeihmi a si.

parentage - (n.) chuahkechnak.

parental - (adj.) nu le pa he aa pehtlaimi thil; e.g. parental authority = nu le pa nawlngeihnak.

parenthesis - (n.) biatlang chungah a sullam fianternak caah kulhmi bia: ( - )

parenthetic - (adj.) kulhmi

parenthetical - (adj.) kulhmi

pariah - (adj.) miphun mauta, uico vak

paring - (n.) mehmi hawng

parish - (n.) pastor peng khat.

parishoner - (n.) pastor peng chung i a ummi.

parity - (n.) tluknak

park - (n.) 1. dihnak hmun i sermi pangpar le thingkung hawi hna an phunnak hmun 2. mawttawka dinhnak hmun

park - (v.) mawttaka dinhter

parking lot - (n.) mawttaka dinhnak hmun

parkway - (n.) lam dawh

parlance - (n.) holhning , biachimning

parley - (n.) khawnferen , aa ralmi bu pahnih i pumhnak

parliament - (n.) mi zapi nih an aiawhtu an thimmi hna bu cozah a tlaitu

parliamentarian - (n.) parliament chung ummi.

parliamentary - (adj.) parliament he aa pehtlaimi thil; e.g. England has parliamentary form of government = England cu parliament ukning cozah a ngeimi a si.

parlor - U.S.  hawikomhnak ca i dawhtein an tuahmi khaan.

parlour - (n.) British.  hawikomhnak ca i dawhtein an tuahmi khaan.

parochial - (adj.) biaknak lei kulhchung lawng i a ummi; e.g. Parochial school = Biaknak bu nih an tuahmi sianginn

parody - (n.) a nihchuak ning lei in mi chimmi nawlcawn i nihchuak saih

parole - (n.) aamahkhan in um

parrot - (n.) vangzuang

parry - (v.) hrial

parse - (v.) catlang chung biafang hna kha zeidah an si, noun maw verb maw ti bantuk, kha bantuk an sining chim.

parsimonious - (adj.) a khiarmi , mi khiar

parsimony - (n.) khiarnak

parsnip - (n.) tawba ngei phun rawl , ba tehna

parson - (n.) pastor

parsonage - (n.) pastor umnak inn.

part - (n.) 1. a cheu; e.g. He ate a part of the bread = Changreu a cheu kha a ei. 2. thil nganpi pakhat chung i aa telmi thil hmete; e.g. The motorcar needs many parts = Mawttaka nih thil hmetete tampi a herh. 3. mah tinvo cio; e.g. Each one must do his part = Mah cio nih mah tinvo cio tuah awk a si. 4. tuanbia chung i pakhatkhat ummi nawl vacawn; e.g. He played the part of Romeo = Romeo nawl kha a cawn. for the most part = a tam deuh cu; e.g. For the most part what he said was true = A tam deuh cu a chimmi kha a hmaan ko. in part = sawk; e.g. You are right in part = Na hmaan sawk. part with = i tthen; e.g. It is hard to part with friends = Hawile he i tthen cu a har ko. take part e.g. He took part in the singing = Hlasak ah khan aa tel ve.

part - (v.) 1. tthen cheu. 2. hawi he i tthen. 3. muri tthen;  e.g. His hair is too short to part = A muiri tteh awkah a sam a tawi tuk.

part - (adj.) a cheuchum; e.g. He made a part payment on the book = Cauk man kha a cheuchum a pek.

part of speech - (n.) holh tthenning.

partake - (v.) i tel ve, ei.

partial - (adj.) 1. a cheuchum; e.g. He made a part payment (partial payment) on the book = Cauk man kha a cheuchum a pek; 2. duhdanh a ngeimi; e.g. He was partial to his son = A fapa kha a duhdanh.

partiality - (n.) duhdanhnak

partially - (adv.) a cheuchum in

participant - (n.) aa telmi

participate - (v.) i tel

participation - (n.) i tel venak

participle - (n.) participle Mirang holh ah verb timi biafang kha adjective timi biafang sullam i hman tikah participle a si; e.g. After we parted, I watched him through the parted curtain = Kan i tthen hnu ah aa tthenmi (cheumi) thlalang awng zar chungin ka bih, parted hmasa hi verb a si i a hmanung hi adjective sullam a si caah participle a si past participle a dih ciami caan; e.g. He has gone = A kal cang, cang hi past participle a sitertu a si.

particle - (n.) thil hmete

particular - (adj.) 1. minung pakhat /thil pakhat ta , thengte; e.g. That particular chair belonged to my father = Khi tthutdan thengte khi ka pa ta a si; e.g. A particular characteristic of a skunk is its smell = Sachia a sining thengte a langhtertu cu a rim a si. 2. kherkher; e.g. Mrs. Jones is so particular about her house work that no one wanted to work for her = Mrs. Jones cu a inn rian kong ah a ti kherkher tuk caah ahohmanh nih a rian ttuan an duh lo.

particular - (n.) thil hmete, a hmete, a hmete tiangin; e.g. The report agrees with yours in every particular = A chimmi cu na chimmi he a hmete tiangin an i khat.

particularly - (adv.) khun; e.g. She likes chocolate particularly = Choclate kha a duh khun.

parting - (n.) i tthennak

partisan - (n.) zultu, mah lei tangmi

partisanship - (n.) zultu sinak, mah party fak piin tanhnak.

partition - (n.) 1. i cheunak 2. vanpang

partition - (v.) cheu, vampang in dan

partly - (adv.) a cheuchummi

partner - (n.) 1. rian aa hrawmmi; 2. a tang timi.

partnership - (n.) 1. i hrawm in tuannak 2. i hrawmmi rian; e.g. The partnership sells clothing = An i hrawmmi dawr ah hnipuan an zuar.

partook - (v.) past tense of partake, i tei, ei.

partridge - (n.) mimte (va) , nimte

party - (n.) 1. nuamhnak ca i aa pummi; e.g. Dinner party = Zanriah hrawmnak nuamhnak; 2. politik tuahnak i bu sermi; e.g. Democratic party = Democratic bu; 3. thil pakhatkhat tuahnak ca i sermi bu.

pass - (v.) 1. awn; e.g. He passed his examination = A camipuai a awng. 2. lonh; e.g. We passed his car on the way = Lam ah a mawttaka kan lonh. 3. chanh; e.g. Pass the sugar to me = Thanthling kha rak ka chan. 4. upadi i ser; e.g. Parliament passed an education bill = Parliament nih cawnnak upadi an ser. 5. kal; e.g. The parade passed down the street = Ralkap aa cermi kha thlanglei ah an vung kal duahmah. 6. liam, kal; e.g. The storm passed and the sun is shining = Thlichia cu a liam (dih) i ni a tlang. 7. pakhat sinin pakhat sin i tthial; e.g. The property will pass from father to son = Thilri cu a pa sinin a fapa sinah tthial a si lai. 8. chanh, hlonh hnawh; e.g. He passed the ball to me = Pumpululh kha a ka chanh (hlonh hnawh). pass away = thih; e.g. My mother passed away = Ka nu a thi; e.g. “Pass away” is a euphemism for “die” = A liam cang ti cu a thi cang tinak ca i hmanmi a si. pass over = lanhtak; e.g. He was passed over when they chose the players = Pumpululh chuihtu an thim hna ah khan anih cu an lanh tak.

pass - (n.) lam bi, kot; e.g. The pass is between two mountains = Kot cu tlang pahnih karlak ah a si.

passable - (adj.) tan khawhmi , lam tan

passage - (n.) 1. cauk chung i hmun khat khat; e.g. He read a passage from the Bible = Baibal cauk chungin hmun knat a rel. 2. a lanh; e.g. We did not notice the passage of time = Caan a lanh kha kan hngal lo. 3. lam; e.g. The passage between two houses was blocked = Inn pahnih karlak lam kha a pit. 4. rili ah siseh, van ah siseh, khualtlawnnak; e.g. He was given passage on a morning plane = Zinglei vanlawng in a kal lai.

passenger - (n.) khualtlawngmi

passer - (n.) a kalmi

passer-by - (n.) a pawng in a kalmi

passing - (adj.) kalpah i chimmi; e.g. He made a passing comment which I could not hear = Kalpah in a chim i ka thei kho lo.

passing - (n.) pumpululh i chanh.  in passing = ruat setsai lem loin biatlang chuan i vun chim; e.g. He said it only in passing = Biatlanga a vung chuah i a vun chim pah menmi a si.

passion - (n.) 1. duhnak a tthawngmi; 2. duh hringhran; e.g. He has a passion for music = Hla a duh hring hran; The Passion = Bawi Jesuh nih vailamtah a innak.

passionate - (adj.) duhnak tthawng a ngeimi

passionately - (adv.) duhnak tthawng ngai ngei in

passive - (adj.) rak leh ve loin i in

Passover - (n., prop.) Lanhtak Puai

passport - (n.) ram dang kalnak lehhmah

password - (n.) biaruk i pekmi

past - (adj.) 1. a dih; e.g. Day is past when the sun sets = Ni a tlakin ni a dih; 2. hnulei, a liam cangmi caan; e.g. He was sick for the past few days = Kan nhulei ni tlawmte chung cu a zaw. 3. hlan deuh caan; He was the past Chairman of Hakha Baptist Association = Amah cu HBA i hlandeuh Chairman a si.

past - (n.) a dih cangmi caan; e.g. We cannot change the past = A dih cangmi can cu kan thleng kho lo.

past - (adv.) lanh, kal; e.g. The soldiers marched past = Ralkap cu an lan thluahmah.

past - (prep.) 1. hnu, hnu ah; e.g. It is past noon = Atu cu chun hnu a si; 2. pin; e.g. My house is past the church = Ka inn cu biakinn pin ah a si.

past tense - (n.) a dih cangmi caan; e.g. He went to school = Sianginn ah a rak kal, rak hi past tense a sitertu a si.

paste - (n.) 1. kaw , ca senghnak kaw 2. ti in nawnmi changvut a bangmi

pastern - (n.) rang ke a tin le a kedil karlak aa reknakte khi

pasteurization - (n.) uih kho lo le thu kho lo dingin cawnnuk kha tuah, chuan.

pasteurize - (v.) cawhnuk chung rungrul thil hna seh ti in chuan

pastime - (n.) nuamhnak in hmanmi caan; e.g. Games are pastimes = Lentecelh cu nuamh caan a si.

pastor - (n.) tukhal

pastoral - (adj.) pastor he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. pastoral duties = pastor rian.

pastry - (n.) changreu thlum ngai le thaw ngaiin sermi

pasture - (v.) sattil tlonter; e.g. He pastured the cows on the hill = Tlang cungah caw kha a tlonter hna.

pasture - (n.) sattil tlawnnak ram , phong

pasty - (adj.) kaw bantukin a bangmi

pat - (v.) din tein bengh

pat - (n.) din tein benghnak

patch - (n.) 1. belhnak i hmanmi thil; e.g. She sewed patches on the elbow of his coat = A angki kiu ah puanchia a belh hna; 2. hulhnak i hmanmi thil; e.g. He wore a patch on his eye = A mit puanchia in aa huh; 3. hmun bite; e.g. A vegetable patch = Tihang cinnak hmun bite.

patch - (v.) belh; e.g. My mother patches my trousers = Ka nu nih ka tawhrolh a belh.

patella - (n.) khukkep

paten - (n.) Bawipa Zanriah tuah tik i changreu phawtnak kheng

patent - (n.) 1. mi pakhatkhat nih thiamnak thar a chuahpi tikah, cozah nih cu pa cu a thiamnak kha amah lawng nih hmannak nawl kum cu zat chung ca ti in an pekmi; e.g. He applied for a patent of his invention = Thiamnak thar a chuahpimi hmannak nawl kha a sawk; 2. cu hmannak nawl an peknak ca; patent leather = a nal ngaimi saphaw nak patent medicine = zuarnak nawl a ngeimi kampani nih an ser an zuarmi si

patent - (v.) thiamnak thar hmannak nawl hmuh; e.g. He patented a new process for making fresh water from salt water = Cite ti in ti thiang semak ningcang thar a thiammi hmannak nawl a hmu.

pater - (n.) pa

paternal - (adj.) pa lei; e.g. He is my grandfather on the paternal side = Amah hi palei kamah ka pu a si.

paternalism - (n.) pa can cannak

paternity - (n.) hringtu pa sinak

paternoster - (n.) Bawipa Thlacamnak, Latin holh in.

path - (n.) lam bite; e.g. The path twists and turns = Lam cu aa ngerh aa nguai;  e.g. the beaten path = pal lengmangmi lam; e.g. Our paths diverge here = Hika ah hin kan lam aa tthen.

pathetic - (v.) zaangfah awk a simi

pathetically - (adv.) zaangfak ngaiin

pathless - (adj.) lam um lonak hmun a simi

pathogenesis - (n.) zawtnak aa thawkning

pathological - (adj.) zawtnak umtuning cawnnak he aa pehtlaimi thil

pathology - (n.) zawtnak umtuning cawnnak

pathos - (n.) zaangfahnak lungthin a chuahter khotu cattialmi le biachimmi

pathway - (n.) lam

patience - (n.) lungsaunak

patient - (adj.) 1. a lung a saumi 2. mi a ing khomi 3. lung a sau i ngol duh loin a ttuan pengmi

patient - (n.) mi zaw; e.g. The doctor treats the patients = Sibawi mizaw kha dam hna seh ti in a tuah hna, si a pek hna; e.g. Is the patient any better = Mizaw cu a ttha deuh hlei maw?

patio - (n.) inn kulh chung i a ummi tual

patriarch - (n.) 1. phun khat chung i haotu bik a simi 2. Grik Orthodox Khrihfabu chung i lu bik a simi, Roman Katholik Pop bantuk

patrician - (n.) Rom mi lak bawi phun

patricide - (n.) mah pale thahnak

patrimonial - (adj.) pale sinin hmuhmi ro a simi.

patrimony - (n.) pa lei kap in comi ro

patriot - (n.) mah ram a dawmi

patriotic - (adj.) ram dawtnak lungthin i ngeimi

patriotism - (n.) ram dawtnak lungthin.

patrol - (n.) ralvengtu

patrol - (v.) ven i chawhhnawh lengmang

patrolman - (n.) palik

patron - (n.) 1. dirkamhtu 2. chawhdawr i thil a cawmi 3. khualtlawn i vengtu

patronage - (n.) 1. dirkamhtu nih bawmhnak pekmi 2. chaw cawk zungzal

patroness - (n.) dirkamhtu a simi nu

patronize - (v.) chawcawk; e.g. She patronizes this shop = Hi chawdawr ah hin thil a caw zungal.

patter - (v.) 1. khulrangte le nal nagiin holh; 2. khulrang tein bengh; e.g. The rain patters on the window pane = Ruah nih thlalangawng thlalang a theh.

pattern - (n.) zohchunh awk ca i a tthami thil; namuna; e.g. Mary used a pattern in cutting out her new dress = Mary nih a angki thar a ah ah khan caku namuna a hman.

patty - (n.) changreu tlang a chung i sa khumhchihmi

paunch - (n.) paw

pauper - (n.) misifak ngaingai

pause - (n.) tlawmte i dinhnak

pause - (v.) tlawmte i dinh

pave - (v.) 1. lung le mirang vawlei in lam ser; 2. lam serpiak; e.g. He paves the way for us = Lam a kan serpiak.

pavement - (n.) mi kalnak ca i mawttawka lam a kam i sermi lam

pavilion - (n.) 1. lentecelhnak hmun i aa celhtu le a zohtu hna nih hman awk i an sakmi inn nganpi 2. drama hoi hna piahnak ca i an sakmi inn, khuhzarhnak inn.

paw - (n.) saram tin , chizawh tin

pawn - (v.) phaisa cawimi aamahkhannak ca i pekmi thil; e.g. She pawned her watch to buy food = Rawl cawknak caah a suimilam kha a pawn. in pawn = aamahkhannak; e.g. Her watch is in pawn = A suimilam cu aarmahkhannak caah an tlaihpiak.

pawnbroker - (n.) thil pawnnak a tuahtu

pawnshop - (n.) thil pawnnak dawr

pay - (v.) 1. cawk; e.g. He pays five kyats for his hat = A lu khuh fang nga in a cawk; 2. pek; e.g. He pays him five kyats = Tangka fang nga a pek.

pay - (n.) lahkhah; e.g. His pay is thirty kyats a month = A lahkhah cu thla khat ah sawm thum a si.

payable - (adj.) pek awk a simi; e.g. The bill for electricity is payable today = Elektrik man pek awk a simi cu nihin ah pek awk a si.

payment - (n.) peknak; e.g. He made a part payment (partial payment) on the book = Cauk man kha a cheuchum a pek.

payroll - (n.) rianttuantu hna an min le an hmuh hnga dingzat ttialnak cazin

pea - (n.) sataw pe

peace - (n.) 1. daihnak; e.g. We advocate peace = Daihnak kan tanh; e.g. Peace and justice are ideals = Daihnak le dinnak cu tthat tlingmi thil an si. 2. remnak; 3. ningcang tein umnak; e.g. You must not disturb peace = Ningcang tein a um komi thil kha na hnahnawh lai lo.

peaceable - (adj.) a dai khomi , aa si lengmangmi a si lomi

peaceful - (adj.) a daimi

peacefully - (adv.) dai tein

peacemaker - (n.) daihnak tuahtu

peach - (n.) metei; e.g. The flesh of the peach is yellow = Metei a sa cu a eng;  e.g. They picked all the peaches on the tree = A kung i a ummi metie kha an lawh din.

peacock - (n.) awtaw

peak - (n.) 1. a zik 2. a parpahlek

peaked - (adj.) a zummi

peal - (n.) thawng ring ngaimi; e.g. A peal of thunder = Khuari thawng

peal - (v.) thanh, thanter; e.g. The bells pealed forth Christmas joy = Khrismas lunglawmhnak kha darkhing nih an thanter.

peanut - (n.) mipe

pear - (n.) piar thei; e.g. Pears mature quickly = Piar cu khulrangin an hmin.

pearl - (n.) rili lungvar, cengkeuh nih a sermi, pale lungvar; e.g. Lustrous pearls = A tleumi pale lungvar; e.g. You may buy imitation pearls = Rili lungvar pale adeu kha na cawk men hna lai.

pearly - (adj.) pale lungvar bantuk a simi

peasant - (n.) lothlo pawl

pebble - (n.) lungtekep

pebbly - (adj.) lungtekep a khatmi

pecan - (n.) hru thei bantuk a simi thing thei phun knat

peccable - (adj.) a sual khomi

peck - (v.) cuk

peculiar - (adj.) voi dang i a um tawn lomi, hawi he aa lo lomi; e.g. We heard a peculiar sound = Zahan ah thawng dangte pakhat kan theih.

peculiarity - (n.) phun dangte sinak

peculiarly - (adv.) phun dang tein

pedagogue - (n.) 1. cawnpiaktu saya 2. a thiam ngai i aa ruatmi lung abi ngaimi saya

pedagogy - (n.) cawnpiaknak

pedal - (n.) seh mawnghnak kui , baisikal mawnghnak a lamhnak khi

pedal - (v.) ke in mawngh; e.g. He pedaled his bicycle = A saikal a ke in a mawngh.

pedant - (n.) cathiamnak aa uangmi , pung cu cu bantuk kha bantuk a si a ti i cu ning cun ti a herh lo tiangin i timi

pedantic - (adj.) hngalhnak a porhmi

pedantry - (n.) hngalhnak i porhnak

peddle - (v.) thil tlawm tete aa phorh i hmun kip ah a zuar lengmangmi

peddler - (n.) thil tlawm tete aa phorh i hmun kip i a zuarmi

pedestal - (n.) a hram , tung nganpi hram

pedestrian - (n.) ke in a kalmi

pedigree - (n.) chuahkehnak cazin , hringsortu hna min cazin

peek - (v.) bih , hei zoh vak

peel - (n.) hawng , theithu hawng

peel - (v.) 1. hawng kheh, hawng meh; e.g. She peeled potatoes = Aalu a meh hna; 2. kok; e.g. The paint was peeling from the wall = Vampang si thuhmi kha a kok.

peep - (v.) 1. aw thia tein awnh, va fa awnh, arfa ciap. 2. awng in bih. 3. a cheuchum i hung langh; e.g. A flower peeps through the grass = Ram lakin pangpar kha a hung lang.

peep - (n.) thli tein bihnak, zohnak; e.g. She took a peep at the hidden gift = Laksawng an thuhmi kha a thli tein a va bih.

peer - (n.) 1. aa tlukmi; e.g. As a lawyer, he has no peer = Sihni ah cun, ahohmanh a tluktu an um lo; 2. tuavon, bawi upa.

peer - (v.) nai tein bih; e.g. The old lady peers at the needle = Tarnu nih thim kha naih tein a bih in a bih

peerless - (adj.) ahohmanh nih tluk lomi

peevish - (adj.) nuar a duh ngaimi; e.g. a peevish child = a nuar lengmangmi ngakchia.

peevishness - (n.) nuar lengmangnak, ingchiatnak

peg - (n.) 1. thil bahnak ca i vampang i khenhmi fung 2. sattil hrennak ca i khenhmi fung 3. thing le thing i tthen hlah seh tinak ca i khenhnak fung

peg - (v.) khenhnak fung zum in khenh; e.g. The chair is pegged, instead of nailed = Thutdan cu rawfim an khenh, thir tu khenh loin.

pelican - (n.) va hmursau rili kam i a ummi

pell-mell - (adv.) a choi in an choi cukmak; e.g. The children dashed pell-mell down the beach and into the waves = Ngakchia pawl cu rili kam ah khan an vung choi cutmat i tilet chungah khan an i lioh colh.

pell-mell - (adj.) lulam loin a rak choi cukmak ciomi

pellet - (n.) tolhtang

pelt - (v.) lung in cheh

pelvis - (n.) tawttawk ruh le pang ruh

pen - (n.) 1. cafung; e.g. This pen belongs to me = Hi cafung cu ka ta a si. 2. kiam, caw kiam, naa kiam, sattil khumhnak kulhmi.

penal - (adj.) dantatnak he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. penal code = dantatnak upadibu.

penalize - (v.) dantatnak pek

penalty - (n.) 1. dantatnak 2. bia i kammi let ruang i dantatnak, a si lo ah lente i celhnak i zuamnak i phung buar ruang i dantatnak

pencil - (n.) khedan; e.g. The tip of the pencil = Khedan hmur.

pencil - (v.) khedan in ttial

pendent - (adj.) a kuimi , thingnge a kuimi

pending - (adj.) hmailei i tuah te dingah chiahmi.

pendulous - (adj.) aa thui lengmangmi; e.g. The oriole builds a pendulous nest = Thlizil va nih aa thui lengmangmi bu a sak.

pendulum - (n.) suimilam chung i aa thui lengmangmi khi

penetrate - (v.) pemh i a chung i luhhnawh

penetrating - (adj.) thil a pem khomi

penetration - (n.) pemh i luhhnawhnak

penguin - (n.) va phun khat

peninsula - (n.) vawlei fonghlei

peninsular - (adj.) vawlei fonghlei bantuk

penis - (n.) zang

penitence - (n.) sual i ngaihchihnak

penitent - (adj.) sual aa ngaihchihmi

penitential - (adj.) sual ngaihchihnak he aa pehtlaimi; e.g. penitential songs = sual ngaihchihnak kong a simi hla.

penitentiary - (n.) ziaza remhnak thong

penknife - (n.) namte hmete

penman - (n.) cattial thiammi

penmanship - (n.) kut in ttialmi ca, kut ttial; e.g. His pennmanship is hard to read = A kut ttial rel a har.

penname - (n.) cattialtu nih a min ngaingai si loin min aa bunhmi

pennant - (n.) alan a saumi, tilawng cung i an hman bikmi

penniless - (adj.) phaisa zeihmanh a ngei lomi

penny - (n.) England tangka a neo bik.

pennyweight - (n.) grain 24, asiloah, ounce cheu kul cheu khat.

penny wise - (adj.) thil hme tete tu i a fimmi; e.g. Penny wise and pound foolish = Penny i fim i pound i hruh = Thil hme tete i fim i thil ngan i hruh ttung.

pennyworth - (n.) penny pakhat man.

pension - (n.) pension

pensioner - (n.) pension pekmi, pension a hmumi.

pensive - (adj.) thil fak piin a ruatmi

penstock - (n.) ti khamnak

pent - (adj.) chung i i khon i a hung irhmi; e.g. Pent up feelings = Thin i ben lengmang i i ben khawh ti lo i a hung chuakmi thinhunnak khi

pentagon - (n.) kap nga/kil nga a ngeimi inn

Pentateuch - (n., prop.) Moses cauk panga, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers le Deuteronomy; a sullam cu cauk panga fonh.

Pentecost - (n., prop.) Easter in Zarhpi pasarihnak; Easter ni in a ni sawm nganak; Whitesunday ti zong ah ti a si.

penthouse - (n.) innpi i pehchinmi innte

penult - (n.) awfang hmannung bik a hei changtu

penultimate - (adj.) a hmanung bik a changtu

penurious - (adj.) mi khiar

penury - (n.) sifahnak

peon - (n.) cape

people - (n.) 1. minung; e.g. I do not know offhand, how many people live in this town = Hi khua chungah hin minung zeizat dah a um hna ti kha ruah ciammam lo cun ka hngal lo. 2. ram khat chungmi; e.g. the people of Japan = Japan ram mi.

people - (v.) mi umter; e.g. The town was peopled with farmers = Khua cu lothlo pawl an um.

pepper - (n.) thing makphek , makphek

peppery - (adj.) a thak

per - (prep.) 1. pakhat caah pakhat; e.g. A pound of sugar per man = Mi pakhat caah thanthling pawng khat; 2. in; e.g. I will send the book by parcel post = Cauk cu carek parsel in kan kuat lai; e.g. I will send the book per Lian Lung = Lian Lung sinin cauk kha kan kuat lai. per annum = kum khat ah; per capita = minung pakhat caah.

perceive - (v.) thil hngalh khawhnak phun nga kan ngeihmi in hngalh ; a sullam hngalh

percent - (n.) zakhat chungah, percent cu % tiin ttial a si; zakhat chungah kul ti cu 20% tiin ttial a si; e.g. We get a 10% discount on the books = Cauk man kha 10 % an kan tthumh.

percentage - (n.) zakhat chungah zeizat

perceptibility - (n.) hngalh khawhnak

perceptible - (adj.) hngalh khawh a simi

perception - (n.) hngalhnak

perch - (n.) vate an i futnak thingnge

perch - (v.) vate thingnge i an fut; e.g. The sparrows perched on the ridge of the house = Pithlung cu innthlung ah an i fu.

perchance - (adv.) a si kho; e.g. I may go to India perchance = India ah ka kal kho men.

percolate - (v.) 1. awng hme tete chungin zuh; e.g. Water percolates through sand = Thetse chungin ti kha a zut; 2. ciah; e.g. Has the water percolated through the coffee yet = Ti nih kawfi kha a ciah cang maw?  A sullam cu ti nih khan kawfi kha a ciah cangin kawfi hang cu ti nih khan a chuahpi cang maw tinak a si.

percolator - (n.) kawfi sonak um

perennial - (adj.) a luang zungzalmi , a dong lomi

perfect - (adj.) 1. a tlingmi, baunak zeihmanh a ngei lomi; e.g. He lives a perfect life = A nunning ziaza ah mitling a si; 2. a hmaan dih; e.g. His accounts are perfect = A tangka hmannak cazin a hmaan dih.

perfect - (v.) tlinter, a tthat khawh chung in tthatter

perfection - (n.) tthat tlinnak. Practice makes perfect = Tuah lengmangnak nih thiamnak a chuahter.

perfectly - (adv.) ttha hringhran in , tthatling in

perfectness - (n.) baunak / tlin lonak zeihmanh um lonak

perfidious - (adj.) zumh awk tlak lomi

perfidy - (n.) zumh awk tlak lomi sinak

perforate - (v.) 1. pemh; e.g. The target was perforated by bullets = Kuanfang nih hmuichon cu an pemh dih. 2. artlang in awng tete ser; e.g. Sheets of postage stamps are perforated = Milu benh tlap cu awng tete in an ser hna.

perforation - (n.) awng tete sernak

perforce - (adv.) a herhning tein

perform - (v.) tuah; e.g. Perform your duty = Na rian kha tuah.

performance - (n.) tuahnak

performer - (n.) tuahtu

perfume - (n.) zihmui

perfumery - (n.) zihmui tuahnak

perfunctory - (adj.) duhnak ngei taktak lo i tlangrian ttuan i ttuan; e.g. The new teacher was perfunctory; he did not really care about his work = Saya tharpa cu tlangrian ttuan in a rian a ttuan, a rian kha zei ah a rel taktak lo.

perhaps - (adj.) a si kho men, a si men lai; e.g. Perhaps he may arrive today = Nihin a phan kho men.

peril - (n.) thil ttihnung a simi; e.g. The burning ship is in peril = A kangmi tinbaw cu thil ttihnung chungah a um.

perilous - (adj.) ttihnung a simi

perilously - (adv.) ttihnung ngaiin

perimeter - (n.) a lenglei kap a vel chum

period - (n.) 1. catlang donghnak i deh ( . ) 2. caan; e.g. During the period of war = Ral lio caan chungah; 3. caan pakhatkhat; e.g. He visited us for a short period = Caan tawite chung a kan leng.

periodic - (adj.) a zei maw can a zei maw caan ah tuahmi

periodical - (adj.) a caan tete i a chuakmi

periodical - (n.) caan ngei tadinca , a can hmaan tein chuahmi thawngtheihnak ca

periphery - (n.) phihlik khengtlang vel in biachimnak

periscope - (n.) hmantleng saupi , khor chungin asiloah rili chungin a lenglei thil hmuh khawnak

perish - (v.) rawk , thih , kehkuai

perishable - (adj.) a rawk khomi , a kekkuai khomi

perjure - (v.) lihchim, lih in chiatser; e.g. The witness perjured himself by lying about what he saw on the night of the murder = Lai an i nawn zan i a hmuhmi kong ah khan, tehtepa nih lih a chim caah, amah le amah kha lihchim sual aa phaw.

perjury - (n.) a hmaan lo ti hngal ko na in a hmaan ko tiin chiatsernak ; lihchimnak

permanence - (n.) saupi a nguhmi thil sinak

permanent - (adj.) a hmun zungzalmi , saupi a nguhmi permanent wave (N.) = elektrik in sam i kirter i saupi a nguhmi.

permanently - (adv.) zungzal in; e.g. He will stay here permanently = Hika ah hin a um zungzal ko lai.

permeable - (adj.) ciah knawhmi hlanh khawhmi

permeate - (v.) a hlanh dih, a ciah dih, a khat dih; e.g. The smoke permeates the room = Meikhu cu innchung kha a khat dih;  e.g. Water permeates cotton cloth easily = Ti nih la puan kha fawi tein a ciah hlanh khawh.

permissible - (adj.) onh khawh a simi

permission - (n.) hnatlaknak onhnak; e.g. He sanctioned permission to the students to go home = Siangngakchia kha inn i tlun khawhnak nawl a pek hna.

permissive - (adj.) onh lengmangtu a simi

permit - (v.) 1. onh; e.g. Please permit him to go = Kal ong ko tuah; 2. siter khawh, ter; e.g. Windows permit light to enter the room = Thlalang-awng nih ceunak cu innchung ah an luhter.

permit - (n.) onhnak lehhmah; e.g. He must have a permit to drive a car = Mawttaw mawnghnak ah a mawngh onhnak lehhmah a ngeih a hau.

pernicious - (adj.) thil a hrawk khotu a simi

perpendicular - (adj.) ding tein a dirmi

perpetrate - (v.) sualnak tuah

perpetrator - (n.) sualnak a tuahtu

perpetual - (adj.) zungzal , aa hmun zungzalmi , tuah zungzalmi

perpetually - (adv.) zungzal in

perpetuate - (v.) tuahmi peh lengmang

perpetuation - (n.) peh zungzalnak

perpetuity - (n.) zungzal in tuahmi

perplex - (v.) lungtuai , at ruah awk hngal lo i um

perplexity - (n.) lungtuainak

perquisite - (n.) lahkhah leng in hmuhmi thil laksawng bantuk si loin hmuh awk a si hrim timi

persecute - (v.) hrem

persecution - (n.) hremnak

persecutor - (n.) hremtu

perseverance - (n.) teimaknak , rian ttuan tik i lungdong lo te i ttuan pengnak lungthin

persevere - (v.) teimak tein ttuan peng

persist - (v.) teimak tein ttuan peng

persistence - (n.) teimak tein ttuan pengnak

persistent - (adj.) thlah duh loin a tuah pengmi

persistently - (adv.) thlah duh lo tein

person - (n.) 1. mi; e.g. Four persons saw her leave = A kal kha mi pali nih an hmuh; 2. a pum; e.g. There is no money on his person = A pum cungah phaisa a um lo.

personable - (adj.) pumrua a tthami; e.g. She is a personable young woman = Amah cu mi pumrua ttha ngaknu a si.

personage - (n.) mi herhsen

personal - (adj.) 1. pumpak ta a simi; e.g. Personal letter = Pumpak cakuat; 2. mah lawngin, ahohmanh bawmh loin tuahmi; e.g. He made a personal effort to reconcile them = Amah lawngin remh aa zuam hna.

personality - (n.) mah sining te cio

personate - (v.) hlennak caah anih ka si i titer

personification - (n.) thil kha minung bantuk ah canter i cu bantukk in holhter; e.g. Duty calls us = Rian nih a kan kawh, rian hi minung a kan kotu hei si sehlaw cu ko cu a lo.

personify - (v.) minung bantuk i canter; e.g. We personify the sun and moon calling the sun our mother and the moon our father = Ni kan nu thla kan pa kan ti hna tikah hin ni le thla hi minung bantuk i kan canter hna a si.

personnel - (n.) rianttuantu minung hna

perspective - (n.) 1. lamhlat deuh in thil cuanh tik i fiang deuh le hmaan deuh in hmuh khawhnak khi; e.g. Many happenings of last year seem less important when viewed in perspective = Nikum til ummi tampi kha hlat deuh in vun cuanh hna tikah hiapi tuk an rak si lo ti kha a hung lang. 2. thil zohning, thil hmuhning thil cuanhning.

perspicacious - (adj.) thil zohning le hmuhning i a fim ngaimi thil; a hmu thiammi

perspicauity - (n.) biachim i fiang ngaiin chimthiamnak

perspire - (v.) thlan chuah

persuade - (v.) 1. lem, fial; e.g. They could persuade him to stay = Um awkah an lem khawh; 2. zum lakin chimh khawh; e.g. He persuaded me he was right = Amah cu a ding ko tiah zum lakin a ka chimh khawh.

persuasion - (n.) lemnak, chimhnak

persuasive - (adj.) mi lem khawhnak a ngeimi , mi a tei kho mi (bia le ruahnak in)

pertain - (v.) 1. ngeih; e.g. We own the house and the land pertaining to it = Inn le inn ngehmi a simi a vawlei kha kanmah ta an si; 2. a pehtlaimi, kong ah cun; e.g. Pertaining to school = Sianginn he aa pehtlaimi ah cun; 3. aa tlakmi; e.g. Everything that pertains to Christmas = Khrismas he aa tlakmi thil paohpaoh.

pertinence - (n.) i tlaknak

pertinent - (adj.) aa tlakmi

perturb - (v.) lung retheihter

perturbation - (n.) lungretheihnak

perusal - (n.) ca relnak; e.g. I finished the perusal of your letter = Na cakuat rel ka dih cang.

peruse - (v.) ttha tein rel

pervade - (v.) a khah in khah, ciah, hlanh dih

pervasive - (adj.) hlanh dih khawhnak a ngeimi

pervasiveness - (n.) hlanhnak, ciahnak

perverse - (adj.) ningcang loin a ummi , tthat lonak a tuah pengmi

perverseness - (n.) tthat lonak

perversion - (n.) ningcang loin umnak, tthat lonak

perversity - (n.) tthat lonak in umnak

pervert - (v.) a ping i kalpi

pessimism - (n.) zei thilpaoh a harnak lei kap le a chiatnak lei kap i hmuhnak

pessimist - (n.) zei thilpaoh a harnak lei kap le a chiatnak lei kap a hmumi

pessimistic - (adj.) thil a harnak lei le a si khawh lonak lei kap in a zohmi

pest - (n.) awlokchonnak , hnahnawhnak , harnak petu thil , zuva , rawl a hrawktu

pester - (v.) hnahnawhnak pek

pesticide - (n.) zuva , rungrul , khaubawk thahnak si

pestiferous - (adj.) zawtnak kartertu a simi

pestilence - (n.) rai; e.g. Smallpox and cholera are pestilences = Raise le ngaleo cu rai an si.

pestilent - (adj.) thihnak tluntertu a simi

pestle - (n.) sumkhal

pet - (n.) 1. lentecelhpi awk ca i i chiahmi; e.g. The children wanted a rabbit as a pet = Ngakchia nih saveh cu lentecelh pi awk i i chiah awkah an duh; 2. dawt khunmi; e.g. The baby was the pet of the family = Bawhte cu an innchungkhar ah an dawt khummi a si.

pet - (adj.) 1. lentecelhpi awkah i chiahmi; e.g. He has a pet dog = Lentecelhpi awkah aa chiahmi uico pakhat a ngei; 2. duh khunmi; e.g. Politics is his pet subject = Politiks cu a duh khunmi subject a si.

petal - (n.) pangpar a par chung tlap tete khi

petiole - (n.) thinghnah ngiang

petite - (adj.) a hmete a simi

petition - (n.) ttha tein ruah , ttial i minthutmi nawlnak sohluah

petition - (v.) nawl

petitioner - (n.) nawltu

petrify - (v.) lung in i can

petrol - (n.) petrol, datsi.

petroleum - (n.) petrol; zinan le zinan phun paohpaoh an sernak thil.

pettiness - (n.) hmetnak, man tlawmnak

petty - (adj.) hmete , man tlawmte a simi

petulance - (n.) ingchiatnak

petulant - (adj.) ingchiami

pew - (n.) biakinn chung tthutdan sau

phalanx - (n.) raltukning phun khat hlanlio i an rak hmanmi

phantasm - (n.) mitthlam i hmuh, a um taktak lomi mah ruahnak i hmuhmi

phantasy - (n.) mitthlam i hmuh, a um taktak lomi mah ruahnak i hmuhmi.  zong fantasy.

phantom - (n.) mithla

pharmacist - (n.) si sertu

pharmacy - (n.) si sernak

pharynx - (n.) dang , hnar lei i a kalmi kua , cuap lei i a kalmi kua le pawip lei i a kal mi kua an i thawknak

phase - (n.) 1. thlapa hmai; e.g. The new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter are four phases of the moon = Thla det, cirin, thlapa lai le vunchuk cirin hna hi thlapa hmai hmai li an si. 2. kap; khattelei kap, hilei kap, kap khat. 3. dot; e.g. Dick's voice is changing; this is a phase all boys go through = Dick aw cu aa thleng lio; hihi tlangvai paohpaoh nih an pal pahmi dot a si ko.

pheasant - (n.) va rit

phenomenal - (adj.) lenglang sawhsawh a simi

phenomenon - (n.) 1. thil a hung langmi hmuh khawh tongh khawh a simi; e.g. Fever us a phenomenon of disease = Taklinh hi zawtnak langhnak pakhat a si; 2. hawi dang nakin a lang khummi thil.

philanthropic - (adj.) mi dang thil ttha tuahmi a simi

philanthropist - (n.) mi dang ca i thil ttha a tuahtu

philantrophy - (n.) mi dang ca i thil ttha tuahmi

philharmonic - (adj.) aw duh a nung ngaimi

philologist - (n.) holh lei fimthiamnak a ngeimi

philology - (n.) holh lei fimthiamnak cawnnak

philosopher - (n.) mifim , fimnak a duhmi

philosophical - (adj.) fim duhnak he aa pehtlaimi thil paohpaoh

philosophically - (adv.) fimnak lei in

philosophize - (v.) ruah

philosophy - (n.) 1. fimnak, a biafang sullam hi cu fimnak duhnak ti a si; 2. harnak le nuamh lonak le tihnak chung hmanh ah dai tein umnak; 3. thil zohning, thil hmuhning; Minung kan ruahnak hrampi, nunnak hi a sullam zeidah a si ti tehna, lungthin le thilri hi zeitindah an i pehtlaih ti te hna, zei hi dah a hmaan a hmaan lo ti tehna hngalh i zuamnak hi philosophy timi cu a si; e.g. In philosophy we try to understand the meaning of life = Philosofi ah cun nunnak sullam hi zeidah a si ti hngalh hi kan i zuammi cu a si.

phlegm - (n.) khan (khaak)

phlegmatic - (adj.) dai tein um , zei thil paoh hmanh i lungtho cutmat i a um lomi

phoenix - (n.) vate phun khat

phone - (n.) telephone, telifawn.

phone - (v.) telephone in i chawnh.

phonetic - (adj.) holh fang a awning in ttial, cucaah phonetic hi a phonetic ning in ttial ahcun fawnetik ti a si hnga.

phonetics - (n.) holh aw a umtuning cawnnak

phonics - (n.) aw lei cawnnak

phonograph - (n.) thingkuang holh thiam

phonology - (n.) holh a aw chuahning cawnnak

phosphate - (n.) non phun khat ; a tlai ca i a tthami

phosphorescence - (n.) kang loin ceu

phosphorescent - (adj.) kang loin a ceumi

phosphorus - (n.) amah tein a ceumi thil

photo - (n.) hmanthlak

photograph - (v.) hmanthlak; e.g. He photographed the building = Inn kha hman a thlak.

photograph - (n.) hmanthlak; e.g. The photograph was mounted on a white paper = Hmanthlak cu caku raang ah an benh; e.g. We admire quaint photographs = Hmanthlak hlun kha an hlunh cang ruangah kan tlaihchan hna.

photographer - (n.) hmanthlatu; e.g. The photographer told him to hold the pose = Hmanthlatupa nih ttha tein dir a ti.

photographic - (adj.) hmanthlak he aa pehtlaimi thil

photography - (n.) hmanthlaknak.

phrase -