duhter , or fawhter
v.whet – Example: The smell of food whetted my appetite = Rawl rim nih ka or a ka fawhter
whet – Example: The smell of food whetted my appetite = Rawl rim nih ka or a ka fawhter
incline – Example: Incline your heart to obey God’s law = Pathian nawlbia zulh ding kha na lung cu hoihter, duhter, a sor tlukter
punch with fist – Example: He punched him at his forehead = Han slog ham på panden.
well-ripened fruit – Example: Our pears are all well-ripened = Kan pear an duk dih cang
bloodshot – Example: His eyes are bloodshot = A mit a duk dih
black and blue – Example: His back is all black and blue from their fight = An i velhnak ah a keng a duk dih
tarnish – Example: The mirror has been tarnished with age. – The sun is hidden behind the cloud = Thlalang kha a hlun cang i a dul cang. – Ni a dul