n.cotton – Example: We get pelnty of cotton this year = Tu kum cu la tampi kan par
cotton – Example: We get pelnty of cotton this year = Tu kum cu la tampi kan par
spleen – Example: He has been suffering from malaria and his spleen is enlarged = Raifanh in a ngor i a la a phing
anmial which reaches maturity recently and until it has young of its own – Example: A young cow which does not yet have af calf = Caw la
accept – Example: Are you going to accept the post? = Rian cu na la lai maw?
to take or convey from one place to another by means of channel, canal or pipe-line
pitch a tune – Example: We use Master Key for pitching a tune = Master Key in hla kan la
start a song – Example: Please start the song = Hla cu vun la tuah
fibre – Example: Hemp fibre can be spun into rope = Thahau hri cu hri ah hrual khawh a si
take – Example: Mr. Jones took a holiday = Mr. Johes cu a khonh a la