Johannes Lind’s list of Hakha (Lai) resources & grammar explanation.
Johannes Lind’s wonderful explanation of pronunciation of Chin Hakha (Lai).
Chin Hakha Bible can be useful.
This message may not be legitimate but it may be helpful to someone so use good judgment:
Hello, I am Maja from YYZ Translations agency. We need a team of Falam Chin linguists ASAP as I have a project of 6000 words. Please reply to if you are available or might help me find the translators.
Thanks in advance
Are there any online language courses for Hakha? (or possible audio/video courses)
Thank you!
Not that I know of.
Hello, I am trying to buy a Chin English dictionary. I love this website but I also need to buy a dictionary……thank you for any help.
A complete 2 large volume English/Chin Hakha dictionary can be ordered from Mary Martin Booksellers, Singapore. Total cost about $70 to US. Lai Holh Dictionary by Hu Bawi. This more recent and thorough dictionary is their language standard as I understand it.
Thank you for offering to help translate. If you read any Chin Hakha messages on this site, please translate them for us because we do not read/translate the Chin languages. We only type them and put them on line to help teachers and students.
Would anyone know of any translators that could translated English to Hakha Chin? We have an immediate need for translation in this language. If anyone would be interested, or know of anyone that provides this service, please email me at
Hi.. I’m Hram. I wonder if you’ve found the person who could translated them for you. I’m not that good at English, however if you really need it, I can try or I might ask someone to help me.
Ka si vang
I want to teach hakha language
I need to learn. .
I would like to learn Hakha Chin
Roland Siang Nawl who has written a comprehensive Lai grammar has generously permitted me to transcribe some of his articles to the html format so that they can be seen on the web. I have made links to them from my article language.htm. – This article is now to be found at just like the article about pronunciation also has been moved. – Roland’s articles can help us to a more profound understanding of the Lai language.
Where do we get the full grammar by Nawl which you mention? Please!
Is this resource link URL what you were referring to? Contact Johs. Lind at for more information about the author. Roland Siang Nawl is also on Facebook.
This resource has been requested by those who want to learn Chin words for communicating with them. It is “wonderful” in that this is the only useful explanation we have found anywhere on the Net. So many needs; so few resources…
This URL links to Johannes Lind’s article about his understanding of the Chin Hakha language grammar and an extensive list of linguists’ research papers available on the Internet. Many thanks to Mr. Lind for his tremendous efforts helping the Chin Hakha learn Danish and English, for assisting educators teaching English and for helping us learn more about the Chin Hakha language.