
still – Example: He was hungry, still he would not eat = A rawl a tam ko, asinain a ei duh hlei lo


whereas – Example: Some children like school whereas others don’t = Ngakchia a cheu cu siangin kai an duh nain a cheu cu an uh lo


while – Example: While I like the colour of the coat, I do not like its shape = Angkileng kha azawng cu ka duh ko nain, a pungsan ka duh lo


in spite of – Example: Ruah a sur nain ngakchia cu sianginn an kai ko


verily (usually used with negatives hlah/lo) – Example: Are they ready to go? Far from it. – I dislike it very strongly (verily) = Kal an i manh deng ma? Naisai hlah. – Ka duh naisai lo