
keimah, biatlang a donghnak lei ah hmanmi; e.g. He helps me = A ka bawmh. Biatlang a thawknak ah cun ‘I‘ hman a si; e.g. I help him = Ka bawmh; e.g. Don’t be mad at me = Ka cungah na thin hung hlah.


keimah ta; e.g. This house is mine =  Hi inn cu keimah ta a si.


keimah ta; e.g. My book = Keimah cauk


1. keimah le kaimah; e.g. I cut myself with a knife = Keimah le keimah namte in kaa at; e.g. Yourself is you = Nangmah i mah cu nangmah na si.  Myself is I = Keimah i mah cu keimah ka si;
2. mi dang si lo in keimah nih; e.g. I myself will tell him = Keimah hrimhrim nih ka chimh lai;
3. mah sining tawn; e.g. I do not feel like myself today = Nihin cu ka sining tawn ka si loin kaa hngal.


veve lo; e.g. Neither of the boys would go = Ngakchia pahnih hna lakah khan, ahohmanh nih kal a duh veve lo.


zeihmanh a si lo mi


1. ahohmanh lo; e.g. None would want to help him = Ahohmanh nih an bawm duh lo;
2. a si lo; e.g. None of her work is done = A rian pakhat hmanh aa ttuan lo.


mah le mah; e.g. One must do the work oneself = Mah le mahte nih rian cu ttuan ding a si ko.


pakhat le pakhat; e.g. Each blames the other = Pakhat le pakhat an i mawhchiat.
each other = veve.


kanmah ta; e.g. We left our hoes in the hut = Kan tuhmui thlam chungah kan chiahtak hna.