
hmuh; e.g. He witnessed the accident = Eksident kha a hmuh.


i thui hnuapmap i um


past tense of wake, hung nun.


past participle of wake, tthangh, i hlauh.


past tense and past participle of win, tei; e.g. Me merits the prize he won = Mintthatnak laksawng a hmuhmi cu a hmuh awkah aa tlak hrim;  e.g. He won the race handily = Tlik zuamnak cu fawi tein a tei.


hngal setsai lo i um; e.g. I wonder what time it is now = Atu hi sumilam zeizat dik a hei si hnga.


ngaknu nupi tthit awk ca i helh


past tense of wear. hruk.


ttuan, rianttuan; e.g. Some seventy men worked here = Hika ah hin minung sawm sarih tluk hrawng rian an ttuan;  e.g. He wears out when working too much = Rian fak tuk a ttuan tikah a tha a di; e.g. I took time off this afternoon, but I must work tomorrow = Nihin chunhnu cu ka rian ka ngolta, asinain thaizing cu ka ttuan hrimhrim lai; e.g. Mrs. Jones is so particular about her house work that no one wanted to work for her = Mrs. Jones cu a inn rian kong ah a ti kherkher tuk caah ahohmanh nih a rian ttuan an duh lo.


past participle of  wear, hruk; wear kha zoh; e.g. He has worn that suit for many years = Khi suit khi kum saupi aa hruk cang.